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Typpicull Whigger Nutsionalist Reaction Over On Phorafags/feebs

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  • Typpicull Whigger Nutsionalist Reaction Over On Phorafags/feebs

    The fat is in the fire, the jew alphabet soup gang of ADL/SPLC/JDL and ZOG dog agencies FBI/NSA/BATF/ZOGland Defense are snooping on phorafags/feebs, VNNF/TGMNNF/GFRTCNNF, $permFront. And the whigger nutsionalists are taking cover, hiding they'se heads, and in general showing less class than a steer in a chute heading for the packing plant. The jews are yapping and the whiggers are not clapping. The jews and niggers and ZOGlings are whining about having 'hate speech' legistreason and the whiggers are telling theysselfs that it is jewst a matter of time before they are eating baloney sandwiches in a camp thanks to some old White CreaTard with balls shooting a nigger security guard dead.

    Look. Back in the old days, the Army and terrorism experts knew that terrorists seek to use terror in order to provoke the authoritarian regime into cracking down and losing the support of the general population. Thus the preventive to terrorism practiced as a political activity designed to destroy an authoritarian regime is to allow freedom to take place and keep the population on the side of 'their' government. Cracking down puts the population on the side of the dissidents.

    But that was back when there was a Soviet jewnion and regimes which were client states of the Soviets. Now that Khazar capitalism is triumphant, and its ZOG/Babylon regime in power, dissent is no longer tolerated to the point where people can and have been imprisoned for years without trial, habeas corpus, doped up in NutHouses, and silenced. I know of this first hand.

    James Van Brunn was an 88 year old man. Probably not in the best of health who probably decided to go out as a Viking. We exchanged e-mails after I got out in Oct. 2008. The e-mail exchanges petered out because as Pastor 6Killer said, "James Van Brunn is the world's oldest CreaTard" and us CI people don't get along well with CreaTards. But James was a nice old guy and we were always polite. And I'll pray for James.

    So why spy on phorafags/feebs? Well, because it is a place of whiggers, jews and mamzers in which I'm jewlagged but able to post in certain places -- still. VNNF is run by Alex Linder and Linder always pisses down his leg and runs for the tall grass, as does $permFront. I might get to them later.

    But for now, as I watch the yapping jews on the jewsmedia on the TalmudVision, it doesn't really matter what the jews say. What matters more is what whiggers in the bowel Movement say, and most of them are cowardly.

    Originally posted by Starr

    Yes and not only will he be a terrorist, but all people who share certain views will be potential terrorists who need to be watched.

    In addition to him being called a "white supremacist" they have already mentioned about 10 times on the news for instance that he is a "holocaust denier."

    I don't really feel any less sympathy for him. Like everyone else he grew up hearing all about the holocaust and therefore likely has all of the views he is supposed to have. A job came up as a guard at the museum, maybe even at a time when jobs are becoming more scarce, and he took it. He is not responsible for the fact that museum is there nor is he responsible for the ways in which the holocaust is used politically.

    Of course they will but the idea that society needs to be protected from certain people and certain views becomes an easier sell when a person with those certain views goes on a shooting spree or commits some kind of other violent act.

    It disturbed me recently after the abortion doctor shooting to see all kinds of comments on news sites that seemed supportive of hate speech laws. Before this act occured most comments I had seen from people on the same ideas were very much opposed. People are much too easily led into being supportive of giving up their rights when a little violence or fear is thrown into the mix. These kinds of incidents are the perfect propaganda for people who seek further restrictions on certain rights. This is why they love these incidents more than being fearful of them.
    Starr is one of the female hobbyists within the bowel Movement looking for a White man to do more than pork her. One should not expect too much from females as they are born weak. But you can count on Starr to always want some White man to do the heavy work of killing the muds and jews so that she can squeeze out some whiglet, and then never supporting those men who do. Starr will probably end up being the disposable love-doll of some mud male like the wife of the Grand Mufti in Camp of the Saints. Well, give her 20 years and she will be meaner than a cut chihuahua like Susan. But for now, Starr wanders like a mad-cow deranged to where she goes, shit-encrusted tail-in-teef around worrying that ZOG will take away her rights to bitch on phorafags/feebs and the ZOG-supported VNNF. Silly female, you are the result of Whites who survived to spread their genes by ruthlessly slaughtering any other Whites, muds and jews who got in their way. Refusal to support any new White champion means that they will soon enough to be gone, and then who will keep the nigger rapists at bay then?

    Originally posted by Bamser the Sorta Mamzer Kryger

    Nothing like playing into the hands of those who seek to outlaw basic rights of the Constitution. Stupid...stupid...stupid. The White Race needs a serious cleansing of it's idiots. They are bringing about the demise of the White Race more surely and swiftly than even the most intent of enemies would or ever could.

    Ole Abe is chortling with glee and rubbing his hands together over this one, for sure. A surge of positive press, and not a single dime spent on it.

    Idiots. White idiots.

    Originally posted by Jake Featherston

    Of course. If he'd actually accomplished something noteworthy (like if he'd seen the war criminal Bill Cohen standing there), then perhaps this would be a more ambiguous event, but to generate so much bad publicity, and general fodder for the enthusiasts of implementing a police state, just to kill one off-duty cop, is the very height of counterproductive futility.


    Assuming I agree with that, then he should have recruited some assistance. What he did was damage our cause, without providing any tangible benefits in return.

    On the other hand, Dr. Pierce once noted, in regard to the late Robert J. Matthews, that the struggle between our people and the Jews is not a political contest between gentlemen, but rather a war to the death, and it is occasionally valuable for people to be reminded of this fact. I don't think this was a very opportune time for that lesson to be implemented, however; our enemies our slavering at this event. This is giving them exactly what they want. Someone in Manhattan has ordered their servant to open a $300 bottle of champagne over this event, and he ain't on our side.
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    Originally posted by Anknaten

    We need to question why the rights and interests of the majority ought to be made contingent on a tiny crazed minority behaving themselves. I'm not going to fall over myself to condemn this man's actions because firstly that ought to go without saying and secondly doing so only concedes that there is some obligation on my part to apologize for the actions of individuals who have some (minimal) overlap of their politics with mine and ritualistically "distance" myself from them - or else be judged guilty by association. That's simply a bullshit premise, and we ought to be trying to remove it from public discourse instead of playing withing the rigged rules of the status quo.

    If the respectability of White Nationalism is dependent on violent nutcases behaving themselves then we are never going to get anywhere, because there will ALWAYS be guys like this. Why should the right of White people to collectively decide who to admit into nations where they are a majority be forfeited by "White Supremacist" terrorists? Why should the entire anti-abortion movement stand condemned because of Dr Tiller's killer, for example? Did anyone condemn the entire the anti-racist movement when Pim Fortuyn was killed by one of its own? Would the crime of one immigrant render immoral any and all pro-immigration policies? Apparently not even thousands of rapes and murders do. Does anyone act like the environmental movement is suddenly discredited when some "eco-terrorist" plants a bomb on a mining truck? How much violence has been carried out by militant animal rights activists? We need to stop playing along with this charade and just ignore this kind of stuff. Frenzied denunciations and "distancing" only make us look guilty.


    Depends what you mean by "outsmart". Over and over again I have seen "White Nationalists", "race realists", "pro-White conservatives" and other ideological off-brands engage the opposition and offer cogent, logically sound arguments only to be either shouted down, condemned with self-righteous fury, ostracized and branded as idiots without their arguments ever being answered. It just doesn't work. The only way to "outsmart" our opponents is to be better than them at manipulating peoples emotions, catering to their "psychological needs", threatening people with social and professional ruin, and making dishonest and self-serving appeals to morality. In other words, to have smarter PR.

    We could go down that route but personally I think the iconoclast who speaks the truth without sugar coating it for anyone even though it pushes him to the fringe, then responds with violence once his inalienable rights are tampled on has the moral high ground over the savvy political player, even if the latter may achieve his aims "non-violently" (I'm using scare quotes around "non-violently" because frequently state violence IS used to back up their politics). There's nothing niggerish about principled political violence.

    Simply winning in the "marketplace of ideas" does no confer moral legitimacy to a political ideology. As the founders of the US recognized, some rights are inalienable, and it doesn't matter a damn if some fork-tongued PR shyster can convince a majority of suckers to vote against them or bribe enough politicos to ignore their votes in the case that they won't. That's the difference between a constitutional republic and a democracy, and the fact that the USA is the former while most other Western nations are the latter is why Americans have free speech while the rest of us don't.
    Originally posted by Angler

    Well, I look at it this way. It's not as if the Jews and their shabbos goy government were going to leave us and our rights alone if only we all behaved ourselves and limited our protests against their creeping tyranny to Internet postings. They are going to continue to lead the charge toward more hate crimes legislation, gun control, and all the rest whether or not incidents like this happen. So why be bothered by these events?

    I say let the Jews keep turning the screws on our rights. If they manage to outlaw pro-white and anti-Semitic speech, then we will all have a darn good excuse to let actions speak louder than words.

    They've been saying that it's only one step from words to guns. If they so choose, let them figure out what happens if they implement tyrannical legislation that takes away the first step.


    Originally posted by The Monitor

    So much for that opposition to cruelty. You are a bundle of contradictions, old boy.
    And that's a nice strawman you just tackled, since never in my life have I ever said I was opposed to all violence. I think that people who victimize the weak and helpless, and those who support such bullies, deserve retaliation in proportion to their crimes. For example, I've long been an advocate of vigilante retaliation against police who brutally victimize citizens. Along those same lines, I have no problem seeing Jews -- most of whom support Israel's merciless brutality against the Palestinians and Lebanese -- get a tiny taste of their own medicine.

    Still, in the absence of further knowledge about who this guard was and what he was like, I don't necessarily think he deserved to be shot. But as I said earlier, I don't mind the publicity this incident will bring.

    Originally posted by The Moniturd
    If anything shows that doctorates are overrated, Pierce having one sure does it.
    His doctorate was in physics. Are you familiar enough with his scientific work to criticize it?

    All in all, Pierce was certainly an intelligent person, though he wasn't much of a fiction writer. I didn't agree with a number of his views, but I have to give him his due.

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