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What is a Christian Nationalist and How Do I Join?

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  • What is a Christian Nationalist and How Do I Join?

    What is a Christian Nationalist and How Do I Join?


    I'm a "fairly" long time poster on stormfront forum, but I am not a national socialist and I don't quite fit in so I find myself compromising my comments. I do share many views with national socialists, but not all. I was wondering if your forum my be more in line with my beliefs?

    I'm not a young man anymore, and I am looking to retire and pass to the beyond amongst my own people. I'm talking both physically and spiritually. So I am looking for a venue where I may find "my people" and learn from like minded individuals.

    I have no idea whether Christian Nationalism is what I am looking for, but I'll never know if I don't try. I honestly don't really know what Christian Nationalism is. I'm hoping you'll give me the opportunity to have a look.


    "In a Time of Universal Deceit, Telling the Truth Is a Revolutionary Act"
    - George Orwell

    Paul the Seeker

  • #2
    Defining Christian Nationalism and Welcome to this Forum

    Defining Christian Nationalism and Welcome to this Forum

    Originally posted by Paul The Seeker View Post
    What is a Christian Nationalist and How Do I Join?


    I'm a "fairly" long time poster on stormfront forum, but I am not a national socialist and I don't quite fit in so I find myself compromising my comments. I do share many views with national socialists, but not all. I was wondering if your forum my be more in line with my beliefs?

    I'm not a young man anymore, and I am looking to retire and pass to the beyond amongst my own people. I'm talking both physically and spiritually. So I am looking for a venue where I may find "my people" and learn from like minded individuals.

    I have no idea whether Christian Nationalism is what I am looking for, but I'll never know if I don't try. I honestly don't really know what Christian Nationalism is. I'm hoping you'll give me the opportunity to have a look.


    "In a Time of Universal Deceit, Telling the Truth Is a Revolutionary Act"
    - George Orwell

    First of all what exactly is "Christian Nationalism". After all as someone using the term and calling this forum the "Christian Nationalist Forum" I should be able to define what Christian Nationalism is and why this forum represents "Christian Nationalism."

    "Christian Nationalism" is a religious/political term representing that Aryan Christian Israelites recognize no god but YHWH and YHWH's Firstborn Son Jesus Christ as the Head of the Church and of the Aryan Christian Israelite State over none but the Body of Christ i.e. Aryan Christian Israelites. Likewise the Aryan Christian Israelite has nothing but contempt and hatred over the current Satanic Mighty Evil Empire of ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final.

    Thus this term is one first advanced by Christian Identity believers, specifically Pastor Wesley Swift who first used the term to describe his Ministry and Swift's co-pastor Bertrand Comparet who first defined "Christian Identity" from the parent British Israelite belief system during their cassette-tape ministry from the late 1950s until Swift's decline and death in 1970. Thus the term is originated in the Dual-Seedline Christian Identity / Aryan Nations racial religious Movement as congruent with the tribal councils of Ancient Israel for the 500 years from the Exodus from Hyksos Canaanite Egypt circa 1550 BC until the very first king Saul circa 1050 BC.

    Thus the "nationalism" involved is not one of kingship but rather direct tribal-based democracy by consensus and discussion in which like the 13 colonies like the 13 tribes all worked together as one upon a clear and present danger in which non-Israelites had no say or voice in what would be done for the common Israelite good.

    I myself was part of the post 1987-88 Ft. Smith Sedition Trial rebuilding and came to the fore as part of the Militia Movement post Waco in 1993. Every generation of Christian Israelites has had its torch-bearers and activists since Adam, created by YHWH circa 5500 BC. Some good, some indifferent, but an unbroken line of the Sons of YHWH.

    Thus my background and mentors had very little or nothing to do with National Socialism as practiced by Hitler and the Germans but rather congruent with the deep-woods Christian Identity of the 1866-1890s Ku Klux Klan which was a political as well as deeply religious American organization designed at the county and local states to overturn the results of the First Civil War. By means of coercive persuasion, targeted domestic terrorism the free niggers, Carpetbaggers and worst of all the traitorous Scalawags were either r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t. or made to behave or in some cases eliminated without a trace until such time as the local Southern Democrats could regain power over the counties and states and less than a dozen years later with the aid of Northern Democrats actually elect Samuel Tildon and then in return for coronating Rutherfraud B. Hayes end the military occupation of the Southern States and Reconstruction to where the niggers were put in theys' place for the next 90 years.

    My Movement Mentors were Christian Identity and Klansmen. I have some relationship with The Order men even though most of them are dead.

    Thus the way of the "Christian Nationalist" is one of the Aryan Christian Israelite at war with the Satanic State -- owned in Jesus Christ's Day by Satan and today far far more evil. Just as we Men of YHWH do not recognize that the Under Satan's Administration / Mighty Evil ZOG/Babylonian Empire has any legitimacy or valid dominion over us thus we have the duty to not only resist but an affirmative obligation to form a limited government of our fellows who are of our own kind with none other. Thus the limitations of our tribes means that the limitations of government is over ourselves only acting according to YHWH's Law and Covenant over our own YHWH's Servant Nation.

    So how do we get there from here? Do we engage in civil war or terrorism against this Satanic criminal regime? Or do we do nothing whatsoever, content in living through this life in order to gain treasures in the next life?

    And the answer depends upon the situation and circumstances.

    For example since 13 June 2016 I have advocated "chernobyling" the North Perry Nuclear Power Plant due to the State of Ohio allowing their pet delusional crazed homosexual mongrel agent provacateur Bryan Reo and the rest of the bowel Movement ZOGbots of the "white supremacist lawfare" organization known as "The Foundation For The MarketPlace of Ideas" (FMI) / ZOGbot Poverty [F]Law Center which was responsible for Charlottesville 1.0 and has all manner of known ZOGbots both old and new like James Edwards and Thom Robb's lawyer spawn as well as Dickie Spencer and Mike 'the kike' Enoch. Since the ZOG criminal regime wants to engage in civil warfare against myself and my Aryan Nations Church under color of their corrupt "lawfare" then it is morally and lawfully acceptable to fight such a total racial and religious Second Civil War with no quarter asked or given.

    So rather than yawp about "seccession" it is far better to make such decentralization possible by means of going along with the flow of History given this current Collapse into an end state of 20-30 million ex-whiggers ruled over by local theocratic military dictatorships living with limited 1890s style agriculture. This is what I call "The Ten-Thousand Warlords" program. Rather than like Alt-kike Whigger Nutsionalism pussazoid whining for "an ethnostate" reached by a "slow cleanse" which is nothing more than "Mighty Evil Empire Civic Nutsionalism Lite" the end result will be local regimes run according to something in our past history, sort of like 1910 Ar-kansas run by Klansmen. Thus "Christian Nationalism" is far far different than "Civic ZOG-Nutsionalism."

    And this is the forum in which this is discussed.

    I shall approve your limited membership and approve your messages in a place on this forum and we shall work on your Christian Nationalist Warlord Training Program.

    This is NOT $permfart or jewboy Linder's VNN/TGMNN Forum. This is Christian Nationalist Forum. This is NOT the place for hundreds of ZOGling whigger & mamzer muh-dikkkery posts.

    Hail Victory !!!

    Pastor Martin Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri


    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 08-10-2021, 02:09 AM.

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