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TraitorGlenn Miller on Truth Militia Radio on Blogtalk

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  • TraitorGlenn Miller on Truth Militia Radio on Blogtalk

    TraitorGlenn Miller on Truth Militia Radio on Blogtalk

    Call of the Ancestors with Siegfried - Dec 19,2012

    The Mass Madness: White Flight or White Might? On this 12/18/2012 show, Siegfried will be joined by Glenn Miller ( to discuss a plethora of topics. Phone lines will be open! Be sure to call in and have your voice heard!


    podcast feed



    My Side of The Story

    The Whigger Fuktard Party

    My FBI Ghostwritten Book - "A Whigger Mamzer Rat Sqeaks Out"

  • #2
    We discussed lots of topics, jews mainly, but also race, my involvement with [betraying] the Order, . . . mainly self-serving lies

    We discussed lots of topics, jews mainly, but also race, my involvement with [betraying] the Order, . . . mainly self-serving lies

    We discussed lots of topics, jews mainly, but also me being an anglo-mestizo mongrel out to sell out the White race, my involvement with collecting money from and then betraying the Order, and my encouragement to the two, young, highly intelligent and jew-wise hosts, to jump in with both feet and found and lead an active, WN political party which they can betray and put a pack of whiggers and anglo-mestizos in prison.

    Scroll past the first 10 minutes to where I came on the show. Itz all about me.



    My Side of The Story

    The Whigger Fuktard Party

    My FBI Ghostwritten Book - "A Whigger Mamzer Rat Sqeaks Out"


    • #3
      Us pathetic faggots on VNNF . . . spews nothing but low-brow "fUcKiNG nIGgGAZZ!!!!!!!"-posts all day behind screen-names like "High-speed nazi".

      Us pathetic faggots on VNNF . . . spews nothing but low-brow "fUcKiNG nIGgGAZZ!!!!!!!"-posts all day behind screen-names like "High-speed nazi".

      Originally posted by Eire

      Yeah, this is just an infantile pathetic straw man from them (Rich&Keith from the main truth-militia show). Apparantly there was no beef with the VNN-clientele, nor Alex, when they were here promoting their show on here in the beginning, and were getting many words of encouragement. That changed however when Alex gave a simple "No thanks." to an invitation to their show, and it triggered some sort of a meltdown where they spazzed out and they have since referred to "pathetic internet faggots" over at VNN" (and mentioning VNN in the same breath as Stormfront), who, supposedly, spews nothing but low-brow "fUcKiNG nIGgGAZZ!!!!!!!"-posts all day behind screen-names like "High-speed nazi". I sure hope that they don't figure out that we are really nothing more than whigger and mamzer meercats licking that gut-sick kikenweasel with jew ass-GAIDS' kosher colostomy bags here on VNNF/TGMNNF/GFRTC&CBNNF.

      The contention that this is in any way a fair description of VNN is just laughable, albeit true and hardly even our paymasters over at the SPLC deliver such totally off the mark characterizations. And since they're not idiots, and seem to have a pretty good idea of what's going on, you're left with the impression that this is just a petty fucking grudge that they hold after having been declined. Uppity meercat fuktards. The more experienced one of the two (Rich), has several times stressed that he's been into the WN-scene for "over 10 years", and is well familiar with most of the significant actors; and the irony here is that his, to be fair, often bold and intelligent approach on many topics actually feels VERY VNN-like. There can be no doubt that the straightforward, not beating-around-the-bush stances he takes on a lot of the main issues is directly or indirectly heavily influenced by Alex's work with VNN throughout this decade. He really ought to show some appreciation. Or, if he's going to attack and disavow VNN and Alex, at least do it on actual grounds like a real manly-man that he (they) portray himself to be; and base it on real disagrement instead of dishonest, weak cheap-shotting at straw mans.

      With that said, their show is OK and it can be quite funny. And Siegfried and John Friend are doing some good work over there too; producing some decent shows and conducting some interesting interviews.

      . . . and again: great work by Glenn, as usual. Sergeant Snitch really knows how to try to sleeze whiggers into doing something stupid so that they will be sent to prison.


      Tell Me What To Do, O, Fearless/Dickless/Mindless Leader!!!!
      I Need A Zero!!!!!!


      • #4
        I tried to coonvince these young jewboys and whiggers to set up another ZOG false-front organization

        I tried to coonvince these young jewboys and whiggers to set up another ZOG false-front organization

        Originally posted by Hugo Böse

        Siegfried did a good interview and Rounder was in top form.

        Siegried is only 22 and just finishing college, as I understand it. I think the other fellow is around that same age. The latter said he was playing devils advocate with those seemingly hostile questions and statements.

        It takes guts to do what they're doing. They're young, energetic, jew-wise already, and most likely have the necessary stamina to do great work for our Cause, and for many decades to come. I tried to convince them to form an activist, political organization and of course, to go public and commit themselves totally.

        I don't think they will, but who knows ??



        My Side of The Story

        The Whigger Fuktard Party

        My FBI Ghostwritten Book - "A Whigger Mamzer Rat Sqeaks Out"


        • #5
          Damned! Martin, I don't understand why you don't like the Greater Free Range Tard Corral's favorite Anglo-Mestizo. Just spin him up add some liquid courage and he's good for a lot of laughs. Perhaps he hits to close to home seeing how you live in the Anglo-Mestizo Capitol of Missouri. Sides he's good at fellating Siggy, I mean interviewing.

          Last edited by 6KILLER; 12-27-2012, 12:00 AM.
          I'm Not Nearly Ass Clever ass I Think I Am.

          I'm Proud 2 B a Britton-Okie from Muskogee!!!.

          Listen to my "Cherokee" mamzer-faggot son call in about how I abandoned my mongrel sons:

          Drunken Tonto Death Threats:



          • #6
            Not sure whether he was DRUNKER than usual, or just getting DUMBER than usual...

            Well, let's see: He admitted to snitching out The Order, although he claims they snitched him out first.

            He admitted to having a non-White wife and siring mongrel children.

            He mentioned Steve Miller, several times, although he conveniently left out the part about getting him sent to prison.

            Hell, at the end, he even pretty much admitted to bankrolling VNNF.

            Not too surprising, then, that the Jew, whigger, and anglo-mestizo fucktards at VNNF love him so much. After all, TURDS OF A FEATHER FLOAT TOGETHER.

            What I don't understand, though, to save the life of me, is why The Order had anything to do with the dirty litle anglo-mestizo rat in the first place, let alone giving him any money. I mean, shit, the guy looks like Vincente Fox's uglier older brother. I could believe he was a beaner, an Arab, even an Eastern European Jewboy like ol' Jewsef Stalin. But a White man? NO FUCKING WAY!!!

            The only conclusion I can come to is that either they were all near-sighted, or, otherwise, ZOG must've been spiking their water with MK-ULTRA drugs of some sort.

            "Lay down your silver and your gold
            I am a man who won't be sold
            And even when my heart grows cold
            I'll curse your evil stranglehold."---Horslips, from "Trouble With A Capital 'T'", 1977.

