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Saturday Afternoon Fucked up the Ass With Ol' Finckelsheenieite Pickle-Cunt -- Aug 4, 2012

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  • Saturday Afternoon Fucked up the Ass With Ol' Finckelsheenieite Pickle-Cunt -- Aug 4, 2012

    Saturday Afternoon Fucked up the Ass With Ol' Finckelsheenieite Pickle-Cunt -- Aug 4, 2012

    by Carolyn Yaeger/Ol' Finckelsheenieite Pickle-Cunt
    Published on August 4, 2012 by Carolyn in Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn Yeager


    Rodney/Codney Fartin/Martin of World View Foundations, another tedious meercat of the kind willing to be screetched at by Ol' Finckelsheenieite Pickle-Cunt is Carolyn’s guest for a discussion that begins with the beautiful Nadja Drygalla (pictured above That's some pretty good looking whigger pussy. Wonder if she knows if I'm hung like Janet Reno?), the German Olympic rower who was sent home from London like a bad child when it was publicized that her boyfriend was “a member of the ‘Rostock National Socialists’” who had run in a state election on the NPD (National Party) ticket. Martin also reported on Greek triple jumper Voula Papachristou, said to be a supporter of Golden Dawn, who was expelled from the games for a “racist tweet.” We are going to whine up us a real shitstorm about this crap even though nobody gives a shit as to what we are bitching about. But talk, especially Internut talk, is cheap. Not to mention fuktarded.

    In the second hour, Rodney and Carolyn turn to the subject of that goofy faggot Greg Johnson and Mark Weber — the former’s confusing Old Right-New Right formalization, and how the latter’s bad management and laziness and kicking muh Finckelsheenieite skank ass offn' Voice of ReTards has turned the once prestigious IHR into a failing and continually broke & limp-dicked organization . The question then asked, imputed really, was whether these two are working together for some purpose. Are they going ass-to-mouth, the faggot and the jewboy? I sure think so. Screetch!!! Greggie sez that Whigger Nutsionalists don't need Revisionists or to whine about the Holohoax. Screetch!!!

    From amongst those listening to the live broadcast, several good comments were sent in and read on air. Apologies for those that were missed. None whatsoever to that ass-hole Mad Dog, whose comments were, of course, censored. Fucking maniac. Download and Listening Link

  • #2
    Making fun of Carolyn Finckahiser, jewrsey shitty murderous piglice Puerto Rican Holohoax Denier

    Making fun of Carolyn Finckahiser, jewrsey shitty murderous piglice Puerto Rican Holohoax Denier

    August 4, 2012 at 2:22 pm

    What I find hilarious is the hypocrisy of the Finckelsaheenieites and sundry allied ZOGbot clowns in whining about ‘censorship’ by jews when they connived with one of their mamzers, Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren to take down no fewer than nine of my web pages, forums, blogs and those of allied web pages for ‘Terms of Service’ violations.

    Carolyn Yeager is a Finckelsheenieite Holohoax denier. She censored information about Bill Finck’s murderous past as a Jersey City pig when she was back on Voice of ReTards.

    White Nationalist thinking needs to be free. Not censored by ZOGbots of dubious non-white lineage who just showed up telling us what we need to think.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri




    August 4, 2012 at 3:41 pm

    Why do we even need Holohoax Revisionists in the first place?

    And what difference between the IHR and the Finckelsheenieite Holohoax deniers? What are the edjewmacational credentials of Yaeger, Hadding, and this Codney critter yapping on? WTF difference does it make anyway? Rabbi MildSwill Finckelsheenie claims to be a Greek skrewler and everyone able to speak Greek laughs at Finckelsheenie’s pathetic efforts. To show how little ‘credentials’ matter, I myself gradjewmacated at the bottom of my class of 22 at the Crowder College truck driving skrule and yet, a year later. only three of us were still driving a truck and I was one of them.

    Insofar as getting a degree Piled Higher & Deeper, consider: Today I’m a certified MD (Mad Dog) specializing in 1635 Swedish Homeopathy for Sud-Deutch Catlicks. I even have the tools of the trade, namely a tin bucket and a funnel, to prove it. O Glory Day!!!

    Muzack Break: Time for some Pink Floyd parody . . .

    We don’t need no Holohoax edjewmacation.
    We don’t need no Finckelsheenieite thought cuntrol.
    No whigger meercats in the podcast.
    Carolyn, leave dem New Right faggots alone . . .
    Hey, Carol, leave dem Greggie faggots alone!!!

    All in all itz jewst-a nother . . . Puerto Rican in the crawl.
    All in all itz jewst-a nother . . . Puerto Rican in the crawl.

    OK, that was fun.

    I think that since none of us can get along together that we all do whatever the hell we please, and that means we don’t need Finckelsheenieite Holohoax Puerto Rican piglice beatdown deniers yapping about how much we need them.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 08-06-2012, 10:33 PM.

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