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Listen to Carolyn Yenta screetch at Bruce Campbell - 18 May 13

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  • Listen to Carolyn Yenta screetch at Bruce Campbell - 18 May 13

    Listen to Carolyn Yenta screetch at Bruce Campbell - 18 May 13

    Listen to Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn 'Yenta' Yeager

    Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn Yeager, Live, May 18th, 2-4PM Eastern (11AM -1PM Pacific) on The White Network. "Interview with J. Bruce Campbell, American Revolutionary"


    Bruce Campbell is an anti-government, anti-Constitutionalist, anti-Founding Fathers, anti-Globalist kind of guy who wants to start all over again building a free White America. At least, that's my impression. I think my panties are getting wettt. I haven't ovulated as much since going ass-to-mouth with Rabbi Finckelsheenie. We'll explore his history in the 1980's militia movement up to the OKC bombing and hopefoolly my barren internal expanses; talk about who he knew and who knew him; and get his revolutionary views in general. Expect the unexpected. Expect to drink at least a gallon or two of yenta-skank urine able to etch glass from this yenta-skank. Bruce's latest article. I sure hope that Bruce isn't as unruly as Terrible Tommy Metzger turned out to be. If necessary, I'll have muh little guido married to a kikess with jew-devil spawn Tanstaafl take over if the interviewee uses big words and detailed concepts unable to be understood by this, ye ol' yenta-skank. I simply cain't ovulate if the maniac has a pallet slat with a rusty nail in it applied betwixt the pancake tits of a skank.

    Phone calls will be taken only in the 2nd hour after the break at 1-830-443-4911 and only if you are a friendly jew or mud and NOT that fucking maniac Pastor Lindstedt or send an email question to

    See you then,
    Cum-cum, cum-cum,

    Carolyn 'Yenta' Yeager

  • #2
    About Carolyn Yeager/Yenta and her past history of going ass-to-mouth with murderous jew piglice

    About Carolyn Yeager/Yenta and her past history of going ass-to-mouth with murderous jew piglice

    Mr. Campbell:

    You are scheduled to do a show with this evil yenta-skank Carolyn Yeager. I would suggest that you decline and actually do a show with say, Doctor Greg Johnson or even myself. Carolyn Yeager has a history of being worse than Alex Jones.

    She deliberately promotes a known jew pig from Jersey City who murdered a Puerto Rican sneak thief as a Jersey City pig. Finck pled guilty to the crime and got a 15-year sentence. Now Finck pretends to be a Christian Identity "Pastor" but doesn't actually believe real Dual-Seedline Christian Identity doctrine. Rather, Finck does nothing other than to maintain some web pages in which his gang of fellow jews and mamzers run wild.

    For your reference:

    Carolyn Yenta knew Finck's criminal history but censors all and any callers daring to bring it up. As do others in the pretend paytriot movement.

    Last weekend she interviewed TraitorGlenn Miller, who accepted $250,000 from the Order and then testilied against them at the Ft. Smith Sedition trial. TraitorGlenn Miller also testilied against Pastor Butler, Robert Miles and Louis Beam. From 1996 to 2003 I used to work with Louis Beam and Katya Lane and with their permission pretended to be a 'friend' of TraitorGlenn Miller while I was telling the local jewsmedia and militia activists about TraitorGlenn Miller's history. I used to be a local 'militia leader' in SouthWest Missouri and the adjoining areas of SE Kansas, NW Arkansas, NE Oklahoma. And yes, Bob Millar was a ZOGbot and OKC a ZOG false flag. That was how I came to the notice of Louis Beam and he introduced me to Katja Lane and David Lane. TraitorGlenn Miller ran out of my office in August 2000 because he thought I'd kill the drunken rat.

    Katya Lane left the Movement in 2003. I was locked up in a NutHouse over bogus child molestation charges, doped and tortured for three and a half years. The case fell apart because it was bogus. That's why I favor skinning the spawn of regime criminals and making sure that the DSM-6 will only contain "PigliceTesticle-Eating Syndrome" as the sole mental illness. Yes, there are a bunch of nuts in the Nuthouse and I favor keeping them locked up or executed for their crimes, but forced doping is torture. For two years I was forcibly doped up because I insisted on being my own lawyer and facing my 'accuser' -- my retarded grandson, and from what I gather he was doped up and mistreated even worse than I was. The case fell apart once I finally got non-force doped, was able to make affordable bail, to be my own attorney, and the case had to be dismissed when my grandson refused to lie against me. I agree that nothing other than a policy of extermination against ZOGling whigger ass-clowns and regime criminals needs to be pursued in Civil War II. The only salvation of YHWH's Servant Nation will be the Great Tribulation in which none-tenths of whiggers die and all of the jew muds and cruds. I am a devout Dual-Seedline Christian Identity pastor and teacher.

    Anyway, Louis Beam had a policy that nobody collaborates with anyone who associates with TraitorGlenn Miller. That is why Alex Linder, a jewboy with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS is pariah with the Old Resistance. I don't think Louis would be pleased with you associating with a known lying idiot skank who is going ass-to-mouth with jews, piglice, and rats.

    Let me suggest something better. Ditch the bitch and do an interview with Counter-currents editor Dr. Greg Johnson. Dr. Johnson is an intellectual, but he is on our side. He had a number of pretty good articles that I read, especially:

    If you listen to the Monday night interview with Tom Metzger, this idiot skank simply couldn't understand anything other than her standard yapping about being a 'blight-wing' ding a ling. Her associate, some guido married to a kikess with jew-devil spawn, at least understood Metzger better than this screetching idiot yenta-skank

    Of course if you have given the yenta-skank your word, then you ought to keep it, even though quite a few people have stood her up once they figured her out. You do a show with Carolyn Yenta, well, better be ready to drink a few quarts of sonic-blast urine that will etch glass.

    I'll of course send a copy of this e-mail to both Doctor Greg Johnson, the Yenta-skank, and others. I'm sure that Doctor Johnson would be more than happy to do a podcast with you, and I'd be more than happy to have you as a guest on my own podcast, "The Movement Turd" in which I discuss the sundry goings on in the bowel Movement.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

    Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
    Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


    • #3
      Interview with J. Bruce Campbell, American Revolutionary

      Interview with J. Bruce Campbell, American Revolutionary

      May 18, 2013

      Bruce Campbell tells about his long career as an anti-government “freedom fighter,” beginning with fighting for White Rhodesians in the early 1970′s. He wrote and published a book in the 1980′s, The New American Man: A Call to Arms (advertisement for the book pictured at right ), now out of print, which started the “militia movement.” He also met Louis Beam at this time, with whom he has remained close friends. Campbell believes the White freedom “movement” has been heavily infiltrated and is basically government-run. Bruce, at age 66 works for a living and says he always will. Some highlights of his beliefs as expressed on this fascinating program:

      The Klan, Aryan Nations, Christian Identity and the entire “Right” is all basically a CIA operation;

      Oklahoma City bombing and later “terrorism events” up to the Boston Marathon bombing were Mossad-CIA directed;

      Feds don’t want to draw attention to Campbell – who is the only person saying what he says - is why they leave him alone;

      The only legitimate function of government is to provide a debt-free currency;

      Free men and their guns make police forces unnecessary – it’s all about tough men who are capable of fighting back;

      The word to describe the present fight against government tyranny is “resistance,” not militia;

      Bruce’s latest article.

      Download Link:

      Published on May 18, 2013 by Carolyn in Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn Yeager


      • #4
        I'm all butthurt over what Bruce Campbell said about me. If I has Pierce's ZOGbux and MoDees' help, I'd sue him blind like Tubby.

        I'm all butthurt over what Bruce Campbell said about me. If I has Pierce's ZOGbux and MoDees' help, I'd sue him blind like Tubby.

        Bruce is quite the revolutionary, the only patriot who isn’t a Fed to listen to him. No government, no pro-White organizations, only guns — that’s all it will take to set this nation right. I haven’t heard anyone lately who is into so many convoluted conspiracies as is Bruce. If only somebody would do away with the Council on Foreign Relations. Uh huh.

        Hadding is right that Bruce put out a lot of gossip mixed in with the conspiracy talk. He is not much of a race-thinker beyond being anti-Jew. He is anti-government, all right — all government! It was surprising to hear him admit to being married to an Indian. Everyone is a Fed, even “punk professor” William Pierce. Sheesh!

        And I’m CIA because I was a Special Forces captain. That’s rich.

        The National Alliance meeting I organized in Los Angeles in 1993 was no “shambles,” as Bruce described it. He had joined our Alliance and I worked with him to put together a usual organizational meeting I’d been spearheading all over the country as NA Membership Coordinator — that was my job. He found a nice venue, a private room in a nice restaurant, and put me up at his aunt’s $3-million home (next door to actor Patrick Swayze’s house) with his wife and two small children while I was in town. He drove me around, got me to the airport, etc. Bruced bought five or six of his Christian Identity friends to the function to mix in with the 30 or so Alliance members and supporters, book buyers, etc. from southern California that I had personally talked to and invited. Some invitees brought wives and guests, seven of whom joined NA on the spot, if memory serves, including the lawyer who runs A3P with Dr. McDonald — I forget his name. Bruce’s memory on the matter is selective and quite faulty.

        Bruce was always a gentleman and good host and never called me an SOB, or anything of the sort, either at the meeting or afterwards. What happened was his CI friends kept insisting that we discuss the Bible and Yahweh and Yashua and all that, rather than what I was there to discuss with them, the National Alliance. I tried to be courteous to these disruptors but finally had had enough of their repeated attempts to discuss their Christian ideology, which, BTW, which was opposed to that of our National Alliance. Every member there, except Bruce, perhaps, knew this because it was clearly stated in their NA Membership Handbooks. I’m sure I pointed that out to them.

        I told the True Israelites that they were welcome to leave, that, “This is not a goddamned Sunday School class. This is a private National Alliance gathering where we will enjoy a meal together, then discuss the serious prospect of organizing a Los Angeles Local Unit.”

        Bruce’s friends were apparently offended by that, but our members weren’t. Nor was Dr. Pierce. He liked that I took control and stood up to the disruptors. To his credit I understand Bruce eventually ditched his old CI friends, calling them insane. Imagine that.

        I’d like to see the old Membership BULLETIN in which Dr. Pierce gave an account of the meeting and that Bruce had accepted the position of Los Angeles Local Unit Coordinator (on my recommendation). There most certainly was an offer to Bruce to fill the position and he accepted. There was even a later report in the BULLETIN about some stunt Bruce and crew pulled off at some big football game out there, flying a banner over the stadium with an Alliance message on it, or something like that. The fact is, Bruce soon went incommunicado on us and simply petered out on with no notice or explanation. All that potential for organizing southern California activists had to wait a couple of years after that setback. From that point forward Dr. Pierce set down a strict policy that no one would henceforth be named an Alliance Local Unit Coordinator without submitting to a careful, eye-to-eye evaluation by him, the Chairman.

        It’s also absolute nonsense for Bruce to claim that Dr. Pierce told him I was his “business partner.” I was a paid employee while working for two years at the WV National Office as Membership Coordinator. That was sort of an XO (Executive Officer) role. I was an unpaid volunteer for the next eight years, serving as Regional Coordinator, the Carolinas and contiguous states. I served the entire decade at Dr. Pierce’s pleasure and was happy to do so. He was a great teacher. To call him a “punk, a nothing,” well . . .


        Will Williams
        May 18, 2013 at 10:15 pm

        Did you know, Cunterre, that while us red niggers didn't invent drunkenness -- merely improved on it -- we did invent syphilis???

        Us solipsistic anglo-mestizos would morph into a jew or a nigger if that meant that we could get rid of Christianity!!!

        Cosmotology -- Nature's Eternal way of straightening and lightening up kinky black hair!!!

