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Lawsuit against the $PLC

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  • Lawsuit against the $PLC

    Lawsuit Against the $PLC

    An 82-page lawsuit by Attorney Glen K. Allen v. Heidi Beirich, Mark Potok and the Southern Poverty Law Center, 1:18-CV-03781-CCB

    Last edited by Librarian; 12-31-2018, 02:38 AM.
    I am The Librarian

  • #2
    Lawsuit Claims SPLC Abetted Theft, Spread Lies to Destroy Lawyer for ‘Thought Crime’

    Lawsuit Claims SPLC Abetted Theft, Spread Lies to Destroy Lawyer for ‘Thought Crime’


    In December 2018, a Baltimore lawyer filed a devastating lawsuit against the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and two of its employees. The SPLC targeted Glen Keith Allen over his former ties to the National Alliance (NA), a white nationalist group. In doing so, the liberal group allegedly violated laws and legal codes of conduct by receiving and then paying for stolen documents in violation of confidentiality agreements. The group went after Allen with the intent of getting him fired by the city of Baltimore and permanently destroying his future prospects.

    Allen's suit claims that the SPLC should have its 501c3 tax-exempt status revoked, that it owes him restitution for racketeering, and that it should pay $6.5 million in damages. It also references Allen's pro bono work on behalf of African-Americans and his mentorship of an African-American teen, powerfully rebutting claims that he is a racist. Allen told PJ Media he now regrets his NA support, and an African-American friend of his laughed at the idea of this lawyer being branded a racist.

    Perhaps most importantly, the suit attacks the liberal group for undermining America's tradition of free expression. In an August 2016 interview with The Washington Post cited in the lawsuit, SPLC Intelligence Project Director Heidi Beirich (a defendant in the case) claimed to have watched Allen "like a hawk" because he had "the worst ideas ever created."

    "This East Europe Communist thought-crime surveillance mentality is antithetical to fundamental American cultural and Constitutional principles protecting freedom of expression and association," Allen wrote in the suit, which can be found on his website. His lawsuit uses concrete claims of lawbreaking and defamation to expose the SPLC's Orwellian strategy of branding its opponents "hate groups" and orchestrating campaigns against them.

    In August 2016, the SPLC published an article branding Allen a "neo-Nazi lawyer" and insinuating that this lawyer's work for the city of Baltimore was racist. Beirich, the article's author, smeared a small political party as racist and then published allegedly stolen documents protected by confidentiality agreements connecting Allen to the National Alliance.

    Allen, a longtime litigator at the Of Counsel rank (between senior associate and partner) at the international law firm DLA Piper, had left the firm in February 2016 to work for the Baltimore city solicitor, taking a pay cut for the opportunity to become chief city solicitor in charge of appeals in about a year. As part of his job, he filed one specific motion to help the city in a lawsuit filed by a black man who was wrongly accused of murder. Beirich painted this work as malicious to African-Americans.

    This article led Baltimore's law department to fire Allen immediately, costing him at least 10 years of employment at a salary of $90,000 or more. The article also destroyed his reputation, making it extremely difficult for him to obtain a job, create a good relationship with clients, or argue before judges and jurors who would immediately judge him a "neo-Nazi lawyer." Furthermore, a year after Allen's firing, Baltimore badly lost the case, losing $15 million in damages.

    Beirich's article claimed that Allen was a "well-known neo-Nazi," but cited one obscure comment thread as the only public connection between the lawyer and the NA. Beirich also slammed the American Eagle Party as racist, which the lawsuit denounces as a "fraudulent characterization."

    The SPLC could not keep its story straight. In Beirich's article, Allen is a "well-known neo-Nazi," but on the 2016 Hate Map, the SPLC and its Intelligence Project featured a photo of Allen with this caption: "When the City of Baltimore recently hired Glen Keith Allen, a neo-Nazi, nobody knew of his involvement with white supremacist groups, except for us. Because of our investigation and exposé, he was swiftly fired" (emphasis added).

    In order to brand this lawyer a "neo-Nazi," Beirich publicized documents the SPLC allegedly obtained illegally.

    The National Alliance spreads anti-Semitism and advocates for white identity politics. Americans will rightly view its ideas as disgusting, and its founder wrote a book that may have inspired Timothy McVeigh in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing (the author, now dead, disputed this connection). Even so, the rights of free association extend to all Americans, even those who wish to affiliate with such groups. The law should protect NA's property and enforce its contracts.

    Will Williams took over as NA's third chairman in October 2014. He knew the organization was in financial and organizational disarray and hired accountant Randolph Dilloway to help restore the organization. Williams had Dilloway sign confidentiality agreements as a condition of his employment.

    According to the lawsuit, Williams went to confront Dilloway for his shoddy work on May 3, 2015. Both men called the police, and Dilloway fled with a laptop and thumb drives with allegedly stolen documents. On May 20, the SPLC published an article called "Chaos at the Compound," revealing documents Beirich admitted to receiving from Dilloway on May 6, three days after the confrontation. She later used these documents in the article destroying Allen's reputation.

    On Wednesday, Williams confirmed Allen's story to PJ Media. "I drew up an eight-page employment agreement with Dilloway, trying to be professional, and I think three of those pages were about non-disclosure," he said. "Dilloway admitted on our forum that he was compensated, that he got consideration — money in kind."

    "He's a paid informant of the SPLC," Williams said.

    According to the lawsuit, the SPLC's receipt of stolen documents and the payment for them violated not only the law but also the canons of legal ethics in Alabama, where both Beirich and the other defendant, Mark Potok, are registered as lawyers. The SPLC is a 501c3 public interest law firm, so its involvement in this activity disqualifies its tax-exempt status.

    The SPLC should also lose its tax-exempt status for mail and wire fraud, false statements on its tax forms, and campaigns of destruction and defamation against its perceived enemies, the lawsuit claims.

    Allen notes that the SPLC and the Intelligence Project publish "hate maps" and "hate groups," artificially inflating the tallies by listing multiple chapters of an organization as separate "hate groups," and by using a malleable definition of "hate group" in order to "completely destroy these groups."

    The SPLC defines "hate group" expansively, listing mainstream conservative and Christian groups like Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) and the Family Research Council (FRC) along with the Ku Klux Klan. Yet it constantly emphasizes the link between "hate groups" and violence. On the top of its 2016 "hate map," it states, "Hate and antigovernment extremist groups continue to operate at alarming levels in the U.S. — fomenting racist violence, seeking to poison our democracy, and, in some instances, plotting domestic terrorist attacks."

    "It is, accordingly, false — and outrageous — for the SPLC to smear as 'hate groups' conservative Christian groups that on no fair and objective interpretation could so properly be stigmatized," Allen writes in the lawsuit.

    He references falsely attacked groups like the Ruth Institute, D. James Kennedy Ministries, and Maajid Nawaz. The SPLC paid $3.375 million to settle a defamation lawsuit involving Nawaz, a Muslim reformer the SPLC branded an "anti-Islamic extremist." This settlement encouraged about 60 organizations to consider separate defamation lawsuits.

    Allen also argues that the SPLC violated the IRS's requirement that 501c3 tax-exempt organizations refrain from participating in "any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office." Between October 2015 and November 2016, the smear group slammed Republican (and only Republican) candidates for president. Yet in its 2017 Form 990, the SPLC claimed under penalties of perjury that it did not engage in political campaign activities.

    For these and other reasons, the SPLC should lose its tax-exempt status, the suit claims. Allen's suit also demands $1.5 million from the group under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act. The SPLC and its Intelligence Project allegedly collaborated to engage in illegal activity affecting interstate commerce and damaging Allen specifically.

    Allen also claims that the SPLC, Beirich, and Potok caused intentional harm to his career and profited from his loss, defamed him, and aided and abetted Dilloway's breach of contract. In yet another count against the defendants, the lawsuit claims the SPLC negligently trained and supervised Beirich and Potok. In addition to the compensatory damages of $1.5 million, the suit demands punitive damages of $5 million.

    The lawsuit includes no fewer than nine counts against the defendants, so even if one or more fail, it would be very difficult for the SPLC to convince the court to dismiss the case.

    When reached by this author, Glen Allen did not deny the SPLC's charges that he paid for NA literature and was a dues-paying member of the National Alliance. He firmly disavowed the group, however, and directed PJ Media to a longtime African-American friend of his who laughed at the idea that Allen could be considered a racist.

    "My affiliation with the National Alliance was a mistake, one of the greatest of my life," Allen told PJ Media. "I would like to believe we live in a society where people can learn from their mistakes and move on."

    "My present outlook, which I have held for many years, is a mixture of Ron Paul Libertarianism, First Amendment advocacy and civil debate, and a strong opposition to the violent behavior we've seen carried out on the left for several years," he added. "I also support a mutually respectful pride and dignity for people of all heritages, including white people."

    While he firmly disavowed the National Alliance, Allen also defended the group's legal rights. "I do believe the NA, consistently with our American traditions of free expression, freedom of association, and the rule of law, is entitled to legal representation, like other unpopular groups, and should be encouraged to seek it," he said.

    As for racism charges, Allen did pro bono work for Arthur Lloyd, an incarcerated African-American law officer who had shot and killed a white Navy seaman. He also wrote a brief against overturning the decision Unger v. State, which would have had dire implications for hundreds of African-Americans sentenced to life in prison in prior decades. He actively fought to help African-Americans victimized by race discrimination.

    As for charges of anti-Semitism, Allen told PJ Media he also volunteered for a pro bono project to help Holocaust victims obtain compensation. Unfortunately, too many lawyers volunteered, so he could not work on the case.

    He also mentored D'Andre Johnson, an African-American teen. Remus Medley, an African-American track coach in Baltimore, vouched for Allen's mentorship of Johnson and laughed at the idea that Allen, his friend for 18 years, could be considered a racist.

    "They've been a wonderful family, that's all I know about him. He has never told me 'No,' always been supportive, in 18 years of knowing him," Medley told PJ Media. "There's nothing that I can say bad about him."

    Medley recalled giving track lessons to Allen, his son, and his daughter. He also said the lawyer introduced Medley's adopted son to representatives for different colleges. Allen has invited his family over for dinner and has given them Christmas presents. The lawyer also runs with the heavily black Baltimore city track team.

    "Racist, to be that way you've got to have hate and anger. He couldn't even qualify for that," Medley told PJ Media. "A racist wouldn't let me around his house, with his kids, give me hugs. You can't hide racism."

    "Mr. Allen the racist? That's a joke," he said, laughing. "This guy does not have one drop of racism, he's not racist at all."

    This lawsuit is serious, and the SPLC cannot just brush it off as the ravings of some racist bigot with a grudge. Allen was a top litigator at one of the largest law firms in the world. His claims are strong and comprehensive.

    The SPLC's "hate map" has inspired at least one terrorist attack, and the far-Left smear group has constituently pressured Big Tech companies to censor conservative speech in the name of banishing "hate" from the internet.

    The SPLC did not respond to multiple requests for comment from PJ Media. Perhaps they will be more willing to speak after more outlets pick up this important story.

    I am The Librarian


    • #3
      White Nationalist Says His Relationship with SPLC Is 'Symbiotic'

      White Nationalist Says His Relationship with SPLC Is 'Symbiotic'

      Muh worthless drunken doped-up violent anglo-mestizo nephew Will "Whiggerswill Welass" Williams has been going ass-2-mouf as a ZOGbot with Meerkike Markkk Potok and Fat Heidi Beirich of the $PLC since its nuts descended in Vietnam to get sum gookess coontang


      On Wednesday, PJ Media's Tyler O'Neil broke the story about an explosive new lawsuit against the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). While researching the claims in that lawsuit, he spoke with Will Williams, the current chairman of the white nationalist group the National Alliance (NA). Williams argued that the SPLC "needs" organizations like his, so they can profit off of demonizing them.

      "It's kind of symbiotic. The SPLC needs us and we kind of need them," Williams told PJ Media on Wednesday. He noted that the far-Left group consistently reports on his organization's every move in an attempt to destroy its reputation — and boost the SPLC's profile as a "hate group" watchdog.

      The SPLC earned its reputation by taking the Ku Klux Klan to court, but its mission has expanded in recent decades. The organization claims to monitor the "radical Right," along with racist groups. To its credit, the SPLC has included liberal anti-Semitic groups like Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam on its "hate group" list, but it also attacks mainstream conservative and Christian groups on that list, ranking them along with the KKK.

      As for the National Alliance, Williams' group traffics in conspiracy theories about secret Jewish control and advocates for white identity politics. NA's late founder, William Pierce, wrote a book that may have inspired Timothy McVeigh in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing (although Pierce denied the connection). When Williams took over in 2014, the organization was in shambles, and it is constantly struggling, thanks in part to the SPLC's attacks.

      "People support us, but they're scared spit-less that they'll be on the list, that they'll be doxxed," Williams confided to PJ Media. He told a horror story about a young woman connected with NA whom the SPLC mercilessly attacked.

      "They called the parents, asking if they knew who their daughter was having a relationship with. Then they call her employee, and then they call her grandmother," Williams said.

      "They want to get rid of us, where we don't have jobs, where we don't have careers, where we don't even have family," he said. "They want to destroy any organizations like ours."

      "We call it 'lawfare,' where they file civil suits, where they tie you up, cost you a lot of money, and try to wear you down," Williams explained. "It cost me over $50,000."

      He said former employees who had been turned by the SPLC falsely accused him of murder, rape, embezzling, assault, and more. He was convicted of assault in August.

      The SPLC has good reasons to attack Williams and the NA. In defending his ideas to PJ Media, the chairman favorably quoted Louis Farrakhan.

      "You cannot have any connection to anything pro-white, that's Nazi, that's what they say," he insisted. He rejected the idea that "we're haters and Nazis and anti-Semites," but then added, "I'm not anti-Semite. I'm like Farrakhan, I'm anti-termite."

      While the National Alliance has truly disgusting views, the SPLC's business model relies upon suggesting that white nationalist groups like this one are somehow mainstream.

      Williams recalled the SPLC reporting that an NA member was arrested while distributing white nationalist flyers. Glen Keith Allen, a Baltimore lawyer, is suing the SPLC for allegedly publishing and paying for confidential documents stolen from the NA.

      Screeching headlines about "hate group" activities allow the SPLC to justify its existence, making the far-Left group oddly reliant on the existence of the very "hate" it aims to stamp out.

      Should NA and other white nationalist groups fold, however, the SPLC has already expanded its "hate group" list to include: Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), the Family Research Council (FRC), the Ruth Institute, D. James Kennedy Ministries, and many more. The far-Left group paid $3.375 million to settle a defamation lawsuit involving Maajid Nawaz, a Muslim reformer the SPLC branded an "anti-Islamic extremist." This settlement encouraged about 60 organizations to consider separate defamation lawsuits.

      The smear group has also artificially inflated "hate group" numbers, choosing to list each chapter of ACT for America (an organization dedicated to fighting the excesses of Sharia, Islamic law) separately and claim that "anti-Muslim hate groups" have expanded in the wake of Trump's election.

      The SPLC's strategy has proven remarkably successful in the wake of the white nationalist riots in Charlottesville, Va. CNN published the group's "hate map" — a document that inspired a terrorist attack in 2012 — Apple teamed up with the group, and Amazon exiled ADF and D. James Kennedy Ministries from its charity program Amazon Smile.

      The "poverty" law center also has a tremendous amount of money. According to Charity Navigator, its net assets come to nearly $450 million. This does not include its Cayman Islands accounts, to which it transferred more than $4 million in 2015, the Washington Free Beacon reported.

      The SPLC racks up its money and influence by salaciously reporting on white nationalist groups like the National Alliance (insinuating that these groups endorse violence, which many of them do not) and demonizing mainstream groups as if they were equally "hateful."

      Ironically, the far-Left smear group needs disgusting organizations like the National Alliance, as they provide the SPLC a reason for existence, and a basis with which to falsely smear more mainstream groups as hateful.

      An 82-page lawsuit by Attorney Glen K. Allen v. Heidi Beirich, Mark Potok and the Southern Poverty Law Center, 1:18-CV-03781-CCB

      Last edited by Auntie WhiggerSwill; 01-04-2019, 08:25 AM.
      Hello ! I'm Auntie WhiggerSwill (nee- Welass Williams)

      Me, Baby Effe Mae Whiggerswill Jr., Girl who runnt-oft, Young Whiggerswill Jr. (showing off itz 1-inch pecker),
      Paw-Paw WhggerSwill Sr., Maw-Maw Pokerhotttass Two-Possums-Humping Whiggerswill circa 1953

      My nephew Will "WhiggerSwill" Williams is a crazy-check collecting
      ZOGbot snitching piece of drunken anglo-mestizo garbage -- let me count the ways !!!


      • #4
        Court tosses lawsuit over articles on lawyer’s neo-Nazi ties

        Court tosses lawsuit over articles on lawyer’s neo-Nazi ties

        COLLEGE PARK, Md. (AP) — A federal appeals court on Monday upheld the dismissal of a lawsuit in which a Baltimore attorney accused the Southern Poverty Law Center of defaming him in articles highlighting his ties to a neo-Nazi group.

        A three-judge panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously rejected Glen K. Allen’s claim that his membership in the National Alliance, once the nation’s largest neo-Nazi group, wasn’t a matter of public concern.

        The panel noted that Allen was involved in a white supremacist organization while he was defending the city of Baltimore against a lawsuit brought by a Black man who claimed he was wrongfully convicted of murder and spent 19 years in prison.

        The city fired him as an attorney for its law department after the Alabama-based SPLC published an August 2016 article that described Allen as a “well-known neo-Nazi lawyer” and noted his work on the Black man’s lawsuit. The article also included copies of receipts for Allen’s National Alliance dues payments and presented evidence of his attendance at a “Holocaust Revisionist Conference.”

        In 2017, the law center published a “hate map” that included a photograph of Allen bearing the caption, “Exposing Racists Who Infiltrate Public Institutions.”

        Allen sued the law center and two of its former employees, Heidi Beirich and Mark Potok, in 2018. He appealed after U.S. District Judge Catherine Blake in Maryland threw out the case in 2019.

        The 4th Circuit judges concluded that the First Amendment protected the law center’s publication of information about Allen from documents that it obtained from a former National Alliance accountant who secretly scanned the records.

        Allen claimed the accountant sold the documents to the SPLC for more than $5,000 and that the law center knew the documents were stolen when it bought them. The appeals court rejected his claim that the SPLC illegally interfered with a confidentiality agreement between the accountant and the National Alliance.

        The appeals court panel agreed with Blake that Allen could not challenge the SPLC’s tax-exempt status in the Maryland district court. His lawsuit against the SPLC also included racketeering claims that the 4th Circuit rejected.

        The panel also rejected Allen’s claim that the SPLC misused its tax-exempt status to raise money and reach a wide audiences for its publications, including the articles about him.

        “This proposed causal link between Allen’s injury and the SPLC’s tax burden is tenuous at best,” 4th Circuit Judge Barbara Milano Keenan wrote.

        Allen said in an email Monday that he is disappointed in the decision. He said the issues raised in his lawsuit “are important ones, especially in our increasingly polarized society, and merited more than a superficial unpublished opinion.”

        In his appeal, Allen said his defamation claim does not depend on the SPLC’s description of him as a “neo-Nazi” or a “racist.” But he argued that the SPLC falsely accused him of being unethical and incompetent as an attorney by describing him as “infiltrat(ing)” the city’s law department. The appeals court panel concluded that the challenged statement was “non-actionable hyperbole.”

        Allen said he and his attorney haven’t decided whether to petition the U.S. Supreme Court to review the case.

        Other organizations and individuals have sued the SPLC over its articles about far-right extremism and its “hate group” labels.

        In 2019, a federal judge in Washington, D.C., dismissed a lawsuit that accused law center leaders of trying to financially destroy the Center for Immigration Studies by labeling it as a hate group. In 2018, a federal judge in Virginia ruled that the First Amendment protected a charity tracking website’s use of the law center’s hate group labels.

        The founder of the far-right Proud Boys sued the law center in February 2019 for labeling the organization as a hate group. That federal case is still pending in Alabama and has remained dormant since November 2019.

        In 2018, the law center apologized to a London-based group, Quilliam, and its founder, Maajid Nawaz, and agreed to pay $3.4 million in an out-of-court settlement after labeling them as anti-Muslim extremists.


        Die judenpresse

