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Why Vanguardists Can't Win

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  • Why Vanguardists Can't Win

    Why Vanguardists Can't Win

    William Pierce combined penetrating insights with the wrong approach

    The Vanguard

    It is time to call out the vanguard.

    In 1971, William Pierce wrote an infamous article in Attack! called Why Conservatives Can’t Win. This destructive mantra has been mindlessly repeated so many times over the past forty years (even years after the swift collapse of the National Alliance) that it has become an article of faith to alienated vanguardists.

    I want to know if vanguardists can win. If conservatives are losers, does that mean vanguardists are winners? I don’t think they can win and intend to show you why.

    Defining Vanguardism

    The vanguardist is a peculiar species of White Nationalist with a range that extends across cyberspace. This political animal has a number of discernible, trademark characteristics. Specifically, a “vanguardist” is someone who believes:
    (1) Conservatives are worthless.

    (2) Ordinary people are lemmings.

    (3) Worse is better.

    (4) The system is broken.

    (5) A collapse is coming.

    (6) They will benefit from this collapse.

    (7) A massive Jewish conspiracy is responsible for their plight.

    (8) Revolution is the only solution.

    Instead of engaging the cultural and political mainstream, a vanguardist is someone who favors withdrawing from the system, sealing themselves off in enclaves, and organizing around a dynamic leader.

    Vanguardists with the financial means to do so like to hide out in bunkers in places like Washington, Idaho, or West Virginia. The majority of vanguardists though are tied down by their jobs and just log on to the internet under an anonymous pseudonym to entertain themselves and vent their frustrations.

    It’s really an angrier version of sitting down in a La-Z-Boy with a six pack (or if you are Will Williams, a bottle of Jack Daniels) after work to watch Monday Night Football. The lemmings spend their leisure time trying to enjoy themselves. The vanguardists woad up their faces and streak through the internet for a few hours every night.

    Some people continue to say that “vanguardists” don’t exist. Well, I strongly disagree. Having interacted with vanguardists for years, I know them quite well, and can describe their way of life in elaborate detail.

    Vanguardists are easy to recognize. They are more ubiquitous in cyberspace than whitetail deer in the backwoods of Alabama at midnight. That’s saying something given the shape of my bumper.

    So why can’t vanguardists win?

    (1) Alienation – The single most important thing to understand about vanguardists is that they are radically alienated. I’m not talking about being merely disappointed, demoralized, or disillusioned with the status quo. Vanguardists travel well beyond that stage into waters where they are ultimately transformed into aliens within their own society.

    The vanguardists express their sense of alienation in all sorts of ways. It is the impulse behind everything from their tendency to withdraw from society, their hostility to their own culture, their belief that White people must be punished for their sins, creating their own religion, dressing up in uniforms, creating their own flags, advocating alliances with despotic foreign regimes like Iran and North Korea, hiding out in a bunker, their demonization of their peers, the lavish praise they heap on Europe, etc.


    The key to understanding vanguardists is that they are aliens within their own society. They are like Jews living among the Gentiles. The vanguardists are strangers in a strange land . . . America.

    The saddest part of this radical sense of alienation is the estrangement of so many vanguardists from their own families.

    (2) Unnecessary Barriers – Vanguardists are a tribe of radically alienated people going through a type of ethnogenesis.

    From the outside, it looks at first like they are creating unnecessary barriers between themselves and their target audience. From the inside, they are going through a tumultuous personal identity crisis. They are trying to draw new ethnic markers that separate “us” from “them.”

    It is a mistake to write off the vanguardists as political retards. Why do they insist on insulting their audience, dressing up in ridiculous costumes, creating their own religion, heaping praise upon hostile foreign regimes?


    Isn’t that counterproductive? How are these things in any way essential to White Nationalism?

    The vanguardists are not engaged in a political project in any true sense of the word. They are not trying to convince anyone to become a White Nationalist or to score victories in a political struggle. The vanguardists are radical non-conformists who are expressing their own sense of individuality in an underground sub-culture.

    Vanguardists are the beatniks, hippies, goths, or punks of the White Nationalist movement. If it is shocking to the bourgeoisie to get a tattoo or a piercing, how much more shocking is it to get a swastika tattoo or parade around main street as a uniformed Neo-Nazi?

    If vanguardist behavior comes across as “offensive,” it is because that is the intended and desired effect.

    (3) Turn on, tune in, drop out - When seen in this light, vanguardist behavior starts making a lot more sense. It was their counterculture predecessors on the Far Left that pioneered dropping out of the hopelessly corrupt system:

    The Hippie Code:
    “Do your own thing, wherever you have to do it and whenever you want. Drop out. Leave society as you have known it. Leave it utterly. Blow the mind of every straight person you can reach. Turn them on, if not to drugs, then to beauty, love, honesty, fun.”


    I like to think of vanguardists as “totalitarian hippies.”

    They are radical expressive individualists with an authoritarian streak. Their tendency to quarrel among themselves and their refusal to yield to authority (except when they are the dictator) is the major reason their organizations always prove so dysfunctional and short lived.

    As with the hippies, “the system” is not as impenetrable as vanguardists imagine it to be. When the hippies grew up and got real jobs, they “mainstreamed” the counterculture.

    (4) Communication – Their radical sense of alienation, ethnogenesis and expressive individualism all combine to produce a failure to communicate between vanguardists and White America. They can’t get beyond the communication stage.


    This is due less to a vast Jewish conspiracy than it is to succumbing to their own alienation and no longer having much in common with their audience. It certainly doesn’t help matters that they are aggressive and antagonistic toward their audience.

    (5) Lemmings – As I explained above, the vanguardists sail deep into the waters of alienation where they undergo ethnogenesis and become a distinct tribe of White people. They have set sail away from White America. During their voyage, they have accumulated markers that distinguish themselves from ordinary people, namely the rejection of their own nationality.


    When the vanguardists look back at the world they have left behind, everyone on the shoreline looks indistinguishable. They all look like gullible herdlike lemmings from the perspective of a radical non-conformist.

    The vanguardists then conclude that ordinary people are too stupid to be worth bothering with. The system is too powerful. They cannot be persuaded of anything because the media is so influential.

    In reality, the real problem is the self-imposed isolation of the vanguardists, not the legitimacy of the mainstream media, which fell into disrepute in Middle America for over two decades now.

    (6) Non-Conformists – The vanguardists draw the conclusion that only a tiny minority of White people are persuadable, namely, the non-conformist intellectuals who have an authoritarian personality type that don’t immediately dismiss an extremely radical message.

    The vanguardists look at the numbers and accept the premise that they cannot spread their message, successfully, to a wider audience; this in spite of the available evidence. They don’t have the numbers to compete in mainstream democratic politics or even a desire to do so.

    (7) Rhetorical Radicals – The last thing a radical non-conformist wants to do is “shut up” and “blend in” or “work within the system.” As a matter of principle, vanguardists refuse to work within the experience of their audience, which is boring and bourgeoisie. This results in a failure to communicate and reinforces their cardinal belief that “the system” is hopelessly broken.

    As I explained above, the radicalism of the vanguardist is not in any sense a political project. Rather, it is a type of expressive individualism for radically alienated people.

    That’s why it is extremely important to the vanguardist that his radicalism be based in rhetoric and words which communicate his own sense of alienation and individuality to the man on the street.

    (8) Z.O.G. – For the vanguardists, there has to be an explanation for their inexplicable failures, which cannot in any sense be pinned on their own misguided behavior: Z.O.G. motherfuckers, man.


    Jews control the media. That’s the problem.

    If the vanguardists like Alex Linder or Bill White could only get on television, all their problems would be solved. Presto, everyone in America would want to become a radically alienated, angry non-conformist who worships Hitler and practices Creativity like Craig Cobb.

    The obvious problem with this theory is that the Jews are more than happy to put the vanguardists on television and write about them in newspapers. They almost never miss a chance to do so.



    The Jews have given vanguardists free publicity ever since the days of George Lincoln Rockwell in order to portray all White Nationalists as violent, unsympathetic, alienated fanatics who dream about The Day of the Rope and kooks who have nothing in common with ordinary White people.

    (9) Fantasism – Given all the above, Jews controlling the media, the lemming like behavior of White people, the omnipresent Z.O.G. which framed Edgar Steele, the patriotards who identify with America, the foolish “mainstreamers” who keep pushing the “system politicians” … vanguardists are pessimistic about our future.


    They have given up on engaging ordinary White people and persuading them to become White Nationalists. So what is there left to do?

    Create an elaborate fantasy world.

    Vanguardists are radically alienated non-conformists. They are bearish on reality. Their whole lifestyle is based on rejecting reality and fitting in with their peers. This is why vanguardists have never created anything resembling a practical plan for getting us to the White ethnostate. Any such plan would have to take into account reality based obstacles that they would much prefer to ignore.

    The way vanguardists tend to cope with reality is through an overactive imagination.

    The best example of a vanguardist creating an elaborate fantasy world is Harold Covington’s Northwest Quartet. It assumes all kinds of wildly unrealistic scenarios. The Pacific Northwest is like Ireland and vanguardists are the IRA liberators of the people.

    It has been a cornerstone of vanguardism since the days of George Lincoln Rockwell that the collapse of the system is imminent and that vanguardists will seize power in the aftermath. “Worse is better” is a strategy for realizing this fantasy world.

    If every defeat for White Nationalism is a secret victory, then all we have to do is keep on losing, and in the long run we will win, without making any sacrifices or inconveniencing ourselves in any real way.

    Conveniently omitted from this optimistic narrative is that vanguardists, as radically alienated non-conformists, calculate their every action to maximize the offense given to their neighbors. In the event of a real national emergency, vanguardists are about the last people in America that would emerge as leaders in their local communities.

    (10) Escapism – Fantasizing about the inevitable collapse of the system and the imminent rise of the Northwest Republic is one way of coping with the unpleasantness of reality. Escapism is another.


    This is why vanguardists have so many arcane debates about historical subjects like Holocaust revisionism. One way to flee from reality is to escape into the distant past or the near future or to the comfort of a more hospitable country abroad.

    You can spend a good amount of time that way avoiding the things you dislike about your own neighborhood.

    (11) Violence – As explained above, fantasism and escapism are the bread and butter of vanguardists, who have largely given up on reality based methods in light of their own extreme level of alienation from society.


    Most of the fantasist schemes (i.e., the Northwest Republic) involve successful acts of criminal violence. The Order is one example of a group that took this sort of talk seriously.

    Unfortunately, violence tends to have exactly the opposite effect.

    White people in the Pacific Northwest were glad to be rid of The Order. They responded negatively to Oklahoma City and threw their support behind the federal government. The only people who saw James von Brunn as a martyr were other alienated vanguardists.

    (12) Lashing Out – The last resort of the vanguardist is lashing out. This usually takes the form of rhetorical sabotage (i.e., pissing in the punch bowl) on other pro-White websites.

    Spreading defeatism is one way of empowering our enemies, sharing the misery of the alienated, sapping the White resistance, and punishing White people who fail to respond well to their own righteous anger.

    Final Thoughts

    Vanguardists can’t win.

    They can’t win because they actually want to lose. If every defeat is a secret victory, vanguardists have been winning for decades, although you would never know it from the state of White America, or the state of every vanguardist organization in existence.

    Vanguardists have no solutions to our problems. Their hostility to our target audience makes our job harder, not easier. They say they want a revolution. A vanguard is supposed to be a spearhead of a revolution.

    If that is the case, they should finally man up and go make one, instead of constantly trying to disrupt what we are trying to do, which is what works, as we saw yesterday.

    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 12-20-2010, 03:33 PM.

    The quality of people I am reaching is much higher than I ever did with a forum.
    I'm now at the top of the racialist intellectual community in the United States.
    I was a nobody when I ran The Phora.

  • #2
    Kernal Cunthair was in the Virtual Nursery practicing his jew-jitsu against a long parade of strawmen

    Kernal Cunthair was in the Virtual Nursery practicing his jew-jitsu against a long parade of strawmen

    Is Col. Puddington still in his WN phase, or has he shifted to some new position? I haven't read him in months, I figured he'd be a vegan or satanist by now.

    I honestly don't think it's "can't beat 'em join em," I think it's simply a lack of imagination coupled with taste blinders. These people have a fixed, set view of what is effective, and reality simply doesn't enter in. They have internalized a dogma they aren't even conscious of. Very much in the way that travel to a foreign country teaches you the culture of your own, in that it raises to the surface the things you'd assumed, and never consciously thought about before. that's how it is with puddy and Kmac and brownie. high-iq, and i have seen this over and over and over in life, absolutely no guarantee against religious insanity or emotional fixity in any other regard. what they dont realize is they're not truly interested in what their ostensible purpose. Rather, they're writing for each other. They care how others in their circle read them, not how reality responds to their theories.

    I say as always, let reality be the guide.

    How do the winners do it?

    Slurs. Weird dress. Crazy emotions. Lying. Cheating. Bribery. Smearing. Murder.

    All of those are characteristic of the ruling jews.

    Respectability, tastefulness, self-control, humility - these are characteristic of the masses ruled by jews. The losers, in other words.

    Who do you think could get men to kill for him?

    Kevin MacDonald? Or Axl Rose?

    Hitler? Or Col. Puddington?

    Greg Johnson? Or William Wallace?

    Who among these could cause a riot?

    The real question is whether our cause is fundamentally a modest political position or an all-encompassing worldview. If it's the former, then the respectable approach is mostly the right one. And of course it will tap out where the republicans have - yielding on every single significant point until it becomes indistinguishable from the very thing it was created to oppose. If it's the latter, then participation in elections is a comparatively minor issue, as life and death matters don't depend on voting and letter writing and all the other fetishes of the low and unholy 'democratic process' - and certainly these minor technical concerns rank miles below the need to develop forces to strike real blows in our own racial defense.

    The irony is that none of the neutral machinery the Docksies worship will ever work for them UNTIL they have the force to back up any screwings the other parties might try to deliver. A perfect example is nigger Obama's Justice krew dis-prosecuting the Black Panther party caught on videotape molesting white voters, denying white voters their civil rights, as the corrupt lawyers and media liars would style it were the shoe on the other foot.

    Since they haven't the ability to break through their own taste prejudices, they are reduced, as you link, to standard conservative position, call it the third position - a niggling finger up in the air, and a compressed laryngeal or adenoidal whine about one of theirs not being treated fairly by this or that jew organ.

    You ever hear a winner whine about being treated fairly? Whine about double standards?

    But then again, these Docksies don't even pretend they want power, they're out, as one of their respectable homosexuals put it, to "influence" the elite. I'm not hep to the latest queerhouse jargon, so maybe influence is hepcat lingo for "fellate."

    Imagine anyone bent on serious change who seek not to lead but to "influence."

    Hitler: "The backstabbing jews are murdering the Fatherland. And I intend to use all my will, heart, and energy to...influence someone Important to do something about it. Gosh darn it."

    I don't want to say these people are goofballs, but their blindness to the essential problem with their basic strategy is risible.

    The enemy is a tough guy, who plops down in front of us and says, "Fuck yeah. I'm gonna cheat, lie, smear, and frame you. And if you speak up, I'll fucking kill you. You see what I did to those physicists in Iran the other day. You don't like it? Like I give a fuck. The only question is, junior, what are you gonna do about it?"

    And Puddy-Kmac-Brown says, gosh darnit, I'm going to...go to the closet, and put on my finest slacks. And write a letter to my congressman. And write another essay and post it online. Where everyone can see how unfair you are, and how honest and rational I am.

    Christ. It's almost enough to make one wish one were a jew, this mind-boggling blind stupidity among "our" top brains. I don't even think jews laugh at us. I think they're frankly in awe of how utterly reality-averse even intelligent whites who would seem to know better have become. They're actually bored with pissing in our faces and telling us it's raining. I mean, they pull of the WTC demolitions, and people like Kevin MacDonald are telling whites it doesn't matter. Nothing worth talking about. Oh yeah, and ignore 'the' 'holocaust' too. Even a jew would have to shake his head at the level of not-getting-it-ness exhibited here.

    A fucking retard can see what's going on here, but not these people.

    Let alone win a physical fight, the PhD crew can't even stake out an identifiable verbal position. One are white Whiners and one are whining Whites. To the outsider they're the same useless, ineffectual cuntlingtons.

    "You can't win at the negotiating table what you haven't won in the field."

    Originally posted by Cunthair WallAss

    The idea is to move toward the mainstream because that's what's respectable,and only respectability can be effective. I'm saying all the respectable positions have already been staked out, and their effectiveness (such as it is) doesn't depend on their numbers, it depends on their treatment by the jew media. Mainstreaming is only an attempt to bask in reflected glory, by people who need it.
    Yes, you're right. I skimmed Puddington's long piece someone linked to today. He attempts to sustain his confused division between vanguardists and mainstreamers. Like all conservative, puddy exalts words over reality. Nature knows no 'vanguardist' or 'mainstream.' Only actors acting. Or as a winner put it, politics is who/whom - who does what to whom?

    Which is the right strategy? That's the right question. If he were more perceptive, he would identify strategies, and try to calculate their likely results based on historical examples. If he did that, he would see that conservatism loses every time. Christ, all he is doing is taking the shit i've said and reversing it, like a retarded parrot.

    Surely if the approach he hates were invalid it wouldn't take 10k words to get that point out. And yet even through all that verbiage he never addresses the main argument against the conservative approach, just a bunch of virtual kung fu against a long parade of strawmen.


    Ick bin ein gut-sick guido-kikenweasel with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS.
    Cornholing Forum Caligula [/URL]


    • #3
      The last year convinced me to start cutting my ties to the White Nationalist movement

      The last year convinced me to start cutting my ties to the White Nationalist movement

      In sum, the major difference between December 2009 and December 2010 is that back then I was just someone writing about White Nationalism from the vantagepoint of my own computer screen.

      I spent 2010 getting out from behind the computer screen. I’ve been to Washington. I have been to a ton of events across the South and North. I have found a workable model. I have also studied the reaction of the White Nationalist movement to ongoing developments.

      The last year convinced me to start cutting my ties to the White Nationalist movement and looking elsewhere for solutions to our problems.

      The quality of people I am reaching is much higher than I ever did with a forum.
      I'm now at the top of the racialist intellectual community in the United States.
      I was a nobody when I ran The Phora.


      • #4
        Fade/Cunthair is back to playing at shit

        Fade/Cunthair is back to playing at shit.

        Originally posted by Apocales View Post

        Fade is simply lashing out at his competitors through their own personal world-views instead of being direct. Someone must have criticized him, and it must have hurt. Much like anything that Fade starts, it goes sour once enough people figure out his bullshit and it ends or closes. He sabotaged his own forum (Phora), when il ragno was handing him his own ass, and he put up with a faggot named Greg Johnson for the longest time, but only seemed to care once their little bromance ended. This guy is a goofball, people need to stop taking Fade the Butcher seriously.
        Fade actually wrote an article that has people discussing the matter. This is the article which has quite a few people looking and talking. Fade has improved in the presentation of his notions and delusions and in bringing them up in Fade's blog. It is because so many people are talking about this article is why I migrated it to v-bulletin format so that we could talk about the matter here.

        However, you are indeed right. Most people from the 'Vanguard' have ridiculed Fade/Cunthair. However, the fat-cats in the middle Mainstream will also end up ridiculing Fade as well, and upon their rejection Fade will go . . . . back to the 'White Nationalists' to work on Fade v.6.667.

        Fade makes the same mistake as does ZOG. No, there is no Great Adolf Hitler or Napoleon waiting in the wings to save the Whigger servile race of wage and tax slaves and lead them out of Egypt/Babylon. However, that doesn't negate the fact that ZOG is falling apart, as do all mighty Evil Empires. What awaits is warlordism and barbarism and savagery from which Ten Thousand Warlords will be engaged in civil warfare of each against all and the former whigger and mud inhabitants have nary a vote in their own extermination. Chaos has no solution until the chaos kills all the chaotic.

        Fade is NOT good at actually leading anything other than other wannabe 'intellectuals' using Fade's latest toy, this his blog. He gets his tards to say, "Yes, Fade, No Fade, Three Bags Full Fade."

        However, Fade does allow more dissent and different opinions that other Internut Sperglords. On the times I have been censored, it has been by Fade's pet CreaTard Robert Campbell from what I gather, as opposed to other tards.

        However, Fade is a little name-dropper and wants so hard to becum respectable. Part of it is because Fade as 'Grinny-Da-Poo' doesn't have a chance in hell of becummin' a tough-looking Prussian SS type.

        Hail Victory!!!

        Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
        Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

        Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
        Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


        • #5
          9/12: A Decade Later

          9/12: A Decade Later

          The collapse of the Twin Towers is nothing compared to what lies ahead


          It has been ten years since 9/11: the day that everything changed in America.

          I vividly remember that morning in September 2001. At the time, I was a sophomore at Auburn University, someone who was just beginning his political awakening, whose racial conservative views were fairly conventional for a 20 year old college student from South Alabama.

          I woke up that morning to get ready for my finance class, turned on the news like I did every morning, and found myself transfixed as the “Nineties” came to their fiery historical end.

          My initial reaction was identical to that of my peers: Muslim terrorists had attacked America on live television, it was time to retaliate against these jihadists, it was time to conquer the Islamic nations that harbored these criminals and overthrow their illegitimate governments.

          For most Americans, 9/11 inspired similar feelings of rage and a thirst for revenge, the bloodlust of which was soon satiated in the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq. But that is not what I remember most about that fateful day in American history.

          9/11 was intellectually stimulative: Osama bin Laden’s great act of jihad grabbed the attention of millions, knocked thousands of Americans out of the orbit of their lives, and got lots of people like me interested in politics and current events.

          The 9/11 discussion was so fascinating and thought provoking and such a striking contrast with the boilerplate analysis in the mainstream media that thousands of Americans became addicted to the messageboard culture of sharing and swapping their thoughts online in those months.

          In the course of debating 9/11 on gaming forums and conservative messageboards, I stumbled across an underground website called “Stormfront,” which had recently been relaunched as a small vBulletin discussion forum, where I was exposed for the first time to a group of people who called themselves “White Nationalists.”

          These “White Nationalists” were a fascinating group of people to a Southern conservative from Alabama: they believed in asserting a positive sense of White racial identity, telling the truth about black-on-white crime, opposing racial double standards, opposing affirmative action, opposing multiculturalism, and opposing illegal immigration, which was all right up my alley, but this man named David Duke and his followers were entertaining a strange theory that the Jews and Israel were somehow responsible for 9/11.

          I found it bizarre that the Jews were being blamed for 9/11 on Stormfront. Wasn’t it obvious that the 9/11 terrorists were Muslims? Didn’t Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda take credit for the 9/11 attacks?

          In any case, I was intrigued enough by these “White Nationalists” to stick around and listen to what they had to say, as most of what they were saying about Hispanic immigration and racial double standards at Stormfront was resonating with me.

          Not long after I discovered Stormfront, I founded a website called “Freedom Forums” (the first of several names of that project) to create a discursive space on the internet more to my own tastes. I was always more of a Philosopher King than a Brownshirt.

          “Freedom Forums” was the beginning of a vast inquiry into every topic under the sun: current events, politics, history, philosophy, religion, economics, racial science, the Jewish Question, science and technology, popular culture, international relations, etc.

          It was one of the few places on the internet where all of these topics could be intelligently discussed without being censored by the prevailing taboos or drowned out by morons peddling conspiracy theories. Back then it was much harder to run a racialist website than it is today.

          I spent the next five years utterly absorbed by these online debates. In the course of thousands of debates, I was exposed to Kevin MacDonald’s work on the Jewish Question, which I was able to locate and read for myself in my university library. I also used my library card to check out and read most of the sources that he had cited in his trilogy.

          At the end of this process, I had formulated my own point of view on the Jewish Question, which is a moderate opinion that falls somewhere in between Kevin MacDonald and Lawrence Auster.

          While I was at Auburn, I must have received the equivalent of five college educations. I wasn’t in any hurry to graduate into a world on its last demographic legs. Unlike my peers, I spent most of my time there using my library card to pursue my own research interests.

          After graduating with my degree, I continued working on my personal research project into the origins of America’s racial decline. I was still consumed by my inquiry, my love of online debates, and my love of sharing my thoughts online.

          If my account of 9/11 sounds a bit solipsistic, it is because I finally completed the inquiry and my involvement in the underground came to an end a decade later. I returned to about where I was before those planes struck the Twin Towers although vastly more educated than I was before.

          9/12 was the beginning and the end of my youthful radicalism.

          This might sound like a strange argument. I obviously haven’t fundamentally changed my racial views in recent months. How can I make the argument that I have given up radicalism?

          It is because my “radical views” are becoming the conventional wisdom of White America: the federal government is hopelessly dysfunctional, it is growing ever more tyrannical, America’s best days are in the past, we can’t afford anymore foreign wars to spread democracy, the mainstream media is the propaganda arm of the liberal establishment, White people live under intolerable racial double standards.

          There is nothing that can possibly be done to appease black people, we need to dismantle the welfare state and get rid of affirmative action, racial differences are intractable, “anti-racism” is based on pseudoscience, White people are the victims of black-on-white violent crime, globalization has destroyed the American economy, free trade has eroded the American working class, the SPLC is an illegitimate organization, Newsweek is an illegitimate magazine.

          Diversity is a weakness, multiculturalism has balkanized America, illegal immigration is destroying America, Third World immigration is undermining Anerica, the United States could break apart in the twenty-first century, the states have a right to secede from the federal government, the permanent political class must be thrown out of power, crony capitalists are destroying the economy, etc.

          In the year 2011, these ideas are now centrist, “mainstream,” or borderline mainstream – they have become the conventional wisdom of White people outside the Beltway. The gap between Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage and Jared Taylor and Pat Buchanan is rapidly closing.

          “White Nationalism Lite” is crossing over into the mainstream. It has been amazing to watch it happen on Free Republic over the past five years. The evolution has dramatically accelerated since Obama became president.

          It shouldn’t be long now before the boldest conservative politicians at the state level in the South openly begin to embrace a pro-White identity. Arizona is attacking the Voting Rights Act now. No one outside the progressive echo chamber listens to the SPLC anymore.

          Jesse Jackson and Maxine Waters have maxed out the White Guilt Express. David Frum isn’t taken seriously anymore. Being labeled a “racist” by the mainstream media no longer carries the same sting that it did just five years ago. The other abusive terms like “extremist” and “nativist” also have a different ring to them.

          Somewhere during the Obama administration, Black Run Amerika passed and we entered a transition phase. It reminds me of the late 1950s and early 1960s when the zeitgeist shifted against Jim Crow while the Southern states were passing more segregation laws than ever before.

          The spirit of Black Run Amerika has died under Barack Hussein Obama. We still live under the forms of this system, the political and cultural discourse of this system, and the ruling class which was legitimized by this system, but there is an expanding “white hole” at the center of this project in Middle America which is growing ever more distressed and agitated over its inexorable social and economic decline.

          How long do we have until the inevitable crackup? It is hard to say. I’m convinced it will happen long before 2042. It could happen as early as 2012 or as late as 2026. Probably sometime before 2020.

          I think it will happen within the next ten years – by 9/12/2021, I believe we will be living under a new racial system, the successor to Black Run Amerika, in a world as different from our own as the 1970s were from the 1950s.

          The last decade will prove less interesting than the one unfolding ahead of us. In the 9/11 decade, I was a radical. In this decade, I think I will be a moderate bystander.

          The quality of people I am reaching is much higher than I ever did with a forum.
          I'm now at the top of the racialist intellectual community in the United States.
          I was a nobody when I ran The Phora.


          • #6
            Insofar as the Mainstream is Cooncerned, There is no more 'there' there.

            Insofar as the Mainstream is Cooncerned, There is no more 'there' there.


            Hello Fade/Hunter:

            Let me commend you for learning through hard experience that you cannot do anything about others in this wunderfool bowel Movement of ours and instead tending your own blog and forum with your own writings and works. I myself don't always agree with you, but at least you are learning how to write and to think for yourself by writing and thinking for yourself. You have no control over what others say and think about you. The best revenge is by living well and doing your own thing.

            I've been reading your blog and forum entries every few days. Your present look at America being settled by different English settlers and having different outlooks -- Yankeeland, Appalachia, Quakerdumb, Dixie -- was first written by David Hackworth Fischer in his book "Albion's Seed" -- and elaborated upon in your latest book reports. What you are really talking about are different 'tribes' of White people, and how they seldom, if ever, really do think that they are all in this together. They are not. Any lies to the contrary are merely efforts to keep the herd together by the [d]ruling parasites.

            The current voting on this 'jobs/free trade' are really determined by these balkanized critters voting for largess for themselves and debts for others. These 'free trade' agreements end up in outsourced manufacturing jobs with the end result that nobody is able to buy these high-margin items produced by slave/third world labor because they themselves have no jobs, thus means to buy the products, no matter how cheap.

            So what you are seeing is the continued breakup of ZOG/Babylon as people use their vote to beggar the whole someplace else.

            And thus you will end up having regional secession movements as everyone seeks to go their own way. But as Dishonest Ape in 1860 put it, "Where does secession, and thus anarchy, end?" Answer: If successful then the successful revolutionaries turn on theysselfs and the secession lasts essentially until there is a homogenous core of clans and extended families like in Afghanistan following similar policies. When the means of control and coercion fail, mixed iron and clay, cf. Daniel Chapter 2, always falls apart.

            Back in 1861-65, the South followed the wrong military strategy of setting up an overall national defense strategy of waging a war of attrition when outnumbered by over three to one and by six to one when you count the nigger fifth column. What should have been followed was Washington's Revolutionary strategy of never engaging the British after losing at New York, never defending a capital city (The British occupied New York, Philadelphia, Charleston, and where-ever else they wanted to occupy.), never fighting unless they had a chance to win. (Gates lost at Camden because Gates didn't obey what Washington learned after being beaten at New York.) What the South should have done is to field a small roving army or two of 10,000 or less to make frontal assault by McClellan and others expensive, and set up ro9ving commandos of 500-1000 men under such as Nathan Bedford Forrest and Quantrill to carry out 1,000 Lawrence Kansas style raids, burning and killing and raping like Sherman did in Georgia.

            The South should have made it quite clear that there was not going to be any return to the jewnion. They would start a Thirty Years War first. It was the Thirty Years War which kept Germany divided into a 1,000 petty states.

            So I look at you worry about establishing a regionally-based homeland which won't come about, like you and Harold Covington want. Covington wants to set up a regional Whites-only ethno-state in the Pacific NorthWest. You want to re-establish a Plantation style 'Dixie' over the niggers in the Dixie Heartland SouthEast, especially in Alabama. Covington has a decade's headstart on you. The other 'edjewmacated&shit' 'intelleshuls' in whigger nutsionalism have the notion that they can whine until the kulaks cum home begging ZOG to let them set up a homeland where they happen to live, as if that is going to happen. But what choice is there but to beg and bitch and kvetch for mercy when the wishbone is far stronger than the non-existent backbone?

            So my solution is the Ten-Thousand Warlords Program in which 10,000 petty little hitlers, stalins, pol pots carry out acts of ethnic, religious, and political cleansing and they simply slaughter in the upcoming Great Tribulation/Collapse pretty much 130 million whiggers and 170 million/all of the non-white and mongrelized and jew population of ZOGlings/Third-time Babylonians and set up a theocratic military dictatorship/feudalism under the racial religion of Dual-Seedline Christian Identity.

            All it takes to set one up is the will, a few weapons, a pair of skinning pliers and a gelding knife. But most importantly, the Will to Survive and Prevail.

            But you are doing an excellent job of commenting upon the further Balkanazation of ZOG/Babylon, Fade/Hunter. Don't look upon this collapse and regime criminality as having any overall strategy or plan, as it is based upon every jew, whigger and mamzer for itzself and the Debbil/D-g/Satan take the hindermost. Thus the collapse is inevitable because ZOG is running out of whiggers.

            What say you read and comment on the jew military historian Martin van Crevelt and his 1994 book, "The Rise and Fall of the State?" Or the archived works of William Lind and Fourth Generation Warfare?

            Hail Victory!!!

            Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
            Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

            Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 10-15-2011, 09:32 PM.

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