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Nicholas Eberstadt on Tucker Carlson Tonight

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  • Nicholas Eberstadt on Tucker Carlson Tonight

    Nicholas Eberstadt on Tucker Carlson Tonight

    The quality of people I am reaching is much higher than I ever did with a forum.
    I'm now at the top of the racialist intellectual community in the United States.
    I was a nobody when I ran The Phora.

  • #2
    I'm glad you are doing well in your "new full time job" in the alt-right, Bradifer

    I'm glad you are doing well in your "new full time job" in the alt-right, Bradifer.

    Originally posted by Brad Griffin/Hunter Wallace

    "I consume enormous amounts of information. My new full time job consists of reading Jonah Goldberg and David French articles and ripping them a new one on a daily basis. I’m having the time of my life doing it. It was a long time coming too. There’s actually a huge market out there for our content. We have all the tools we need to find fans and expand our audience all over the world."

    I'm glad you are doing well in your "new full time job" in the alt-right. Someone gotta do this "alt-right thang" just as in previous eras there had to be in post-war 1866 a Klan to keep the niggers and yankees and scalawags in check and through resistance make it so that a deal ending Reconstruction was made to inniggerate Rutherfraud Bee Hayes.

    I realize that you are no fan of muscular Southron-hood like Dylann Roof, who simply cannot understand the up-cum-cum-min' magic by which Southern niggers will:

    1.) either go back to the cotton fields for just a small bait of watermelon and fried chicken as if a half-million Case or John Deer mechanical cotton pickers harvesting in a half-day a hundred times more cotton than a thousand pickaninnies and mammies are able to pick in a month of Sundaze and additionally able to pre-bale cotton gin-ready doesn't exist or

    2.) run Nawth to bedevil them Damn Yankees.

    Gotta make them yankee jewboys and niggers wish that Colonel Beauregard P. Griffin had picked his own dang cotton back in 1830.

    And yes, I'll yawp about "racial federalism" in which for racial peace/piss why the Ten Thousand Warlords "give" Deep-South Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi to them niggers for a homeland / Bantustan / New Apefreekwa just to hear you say that Dylann Strom Roof had a point and all we owe them coons is a "tough shit nigger" while someone else pulls the trigger. To paraphrase jewseph Stalin, I greatly doubt that them niggers are gonna liquidate theysselfs, nor are your new faggy ZOGbot alt-right/alt-kike friends either.

    When the ZOGling Zombie Whigger & Nigger Apococrapse cum-cum cum-cums and we're all "Living on Negan Street" I have faith in you turning all whigger-feral & shit.

    Anyways, what happened to the archive, or have you gone all Cushmamzer on us? That kikeish critter took down itz previous blog like ti was Howl Turdner in order to write a book. What happened to the links you used to have to 2008 and 2009?

    Perhaps you could re-activate a "Occidental Dissent Classic" blog. I even sorta miss "Lord Skorpius."

    Anyways, blog up a storm with your Alt-Right magical thinking about getting a free racial ethno-state sans racial cleansing. Why shouldn't you benefit from this arrangement while it lasts? Everything is now in a state of flux common before "Le Deluge". Maybe we all just need to believe in "The Power of [Magical] Positive Thinking."

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
    Ten Thousand Warlords Project

    Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
    Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum

