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Whigger Supremacist blamed for MLK bomb

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  • Whigger Supremacist blamed for MLK bomb

    Another Whigger Nutsionalist gets cuffed, stuffed, screwed, blued, & tattooed because he has to play at Whigger Supremacy.

    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 07-18-2011, 07:48 PM.

    Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
    Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum

  • #2
    Press Release From the Aryan Nations of Missouri Concerning the FBI Spokane Bomb Plot

    Press Release From the Aryan Nations of Missouri Faction Concerning the FBI Spokane Bomb Plot

    When the FBI set up one of their common bomb plots designed to put bowel Movement fuktards into prison on trumped-up charges back on Martin Loofer King/Natiional Nigger Day, like most of people in the bowel Movement who have been around a while I simply assumed that it was just another provocation designed to show the stupid gliberal whiggers, muds and jews that ZOG was on the lookout and to bring in additional ZOGbux to the ADL/$PLC.

    Yes, there would be a lot of of pissing and moaning about the Aryan Nations and now the defunct National Alliance and Timothy McVeigh. However, the fact of the matter is that the Jerold O'Brien faction is just an $PLC front group working with Hal Turner remnant 'Sci-Fi' Jay Faber.

    Morris Gulett's Aryan Nations faction is full of snitches with Morris Gulett as Head Snitch given that Gulett turned rat and got 6 years in prison instead of 30 years for conspiring to rob banks for Bolivian nose candy. Gulett was kicked out of the Aryan Nations by Pastor Ray Redfearin and never reinstated. I am almost sorry that I saved Gulett's Church of the Sons of YHVH's $500,000 trust fund for him from Harold Grooms. Gulett has enough money so he don't need any money from idiots wanting to play Aryan Nations, and from what I gather gets $10,000 of it per year, so please don't send Gulett any money or membership applications. If you must becum an Aryan Nations major-general or corporal-major you need to do it right and send jewr ZOGbux directly to Markkk Potok or Moreass the Sleezester of the $PLC. The $PLC made Red Mike Vander(kike)boegh a militia general, they can do the same for any typpycull anglo-mestizo or shabbes whigger wanting to play at Revolution as well. Why, all you need to do is send in jewr application and the $PLC will tell the jewsmedia that you are a dangerous maniac like they did with this Kevin William Harpham. They claim that he is a member of William Pierce's National Alliance just as they said that jewrold Lee Loughner was a member of American Renaissance.

    Seems to me that they found a fool on the fringe that nobody knows anything about, that lives alone, fits a profile of a 'lone wolf' that doesn't have friends or family that can provide an alibi. Sort of like they did last year with some Hutaree Militia fools, when the mad bomber plotter ZOGbot is actually an FBI asset. These mighty Evil Empires on the way out have no imagination and must try using the same agent provocateur methods, when in fact nothing can save ZOG/Babylon, no matter how many overexcited whigger feebs playing at Revolution they put in prison.

    Since the bogus case against Edgar Steel -- the Whigger-Whimperer -- has fallen apart, the ZOG secret piglice just need to have some stupid whigger warming a jail cell at all times in the NorthWest over a bogus bomb plot that exists only as a FBI provocation.

    I myself have never heard of this Kevin William Harpham person. For all I know he is another CreaTard Piercite. Judging from the e-mails I'm getting nobody else major has ever heard of him either.

    Therefore I nominate Kevin William Harpham as 'Oafishul' FBI/DHS/ADL/$PLC Doofus Whigger to be Framed for having an FBI bomb and no ZOGbux or an alibi for 2011.' Itz a dangerous thankless job, but some whigger goober that nobody ever heard of before and doesn't have a chance but will have a federal pub[l]ic pretender defending him like they did with Timothy McVeigh, Eric Rudolph, and Matt Hale has got to take the fall for this economic, social, amd moral collapse. Imagine, being accused by the FiBbIes of plotting to set off a backpack with a garage opener on National Nigger Day, no less!!! Crucify him, crucify him and upon his innocent head be the blood of regime criminals and jews and niggers, and such, cf. Matthew 27:25. Pity they don't make jews and regime criminals like what crucified Jesus Christ any more.

    The position of the Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri is that isolated incidents of banditry and foolishness which are infiltrated by the FBI/ADL/$PLC solve nothing. Rather, what is necessary is "The Ten Thousand Warlords Program" in which the 700,000 White Men who have not bent their knees to Baal pick their natural aristocracy of Ten Thousand Warlords to rule over 10 million White Survivors and let the Great Tribulation exterminate 130 million whiggers and 170 million jew muds and cruds. The purpose of this Aryan Nations faction is to preach the Dual-Seedline Christian Identity (DSCI) Comparetian Orthodoxy and thus make DSCI the White Man's Racial HATE Religion and to give order amidst the chaos of the coming Great Collapse.

    Stay away from the Chicago sephardic jew Eli[ar] jewseph Kutz November James and the Jersey City Tubal-kenite Pictish Ashkenazi jewboy Big-Nosed Mild[S]Will Finck[el-stein] and above all the blubber-lipped, slant-eyed, mexcremint-skinned nigger-gook-beaner jew golem Bryan Reo/SoredMamzer/SwordBrethren the Auntie-Racist Activist which has shut down all warning web pages. These jews and mamzer abominations are not even White, much less Aryan, much less actual Dual-Seedline Christian Identity clergy.

    The FBI/$PLC/ADL want to put some whigger fool in jail over their false-flag operation. Fine. ZOG/Babylon is in mighty piss-pore shape thanks to jews and shabbes whigger regime criminals, banksters, lawyers, politicians as parasites finishing off the Sytem, so putting a few doofus addlepated goobers thinking that they is Whigger Supremacists isn't going to save ZOG/Babylon/The Beast none. The jails are full of whiggers, most of them innocent of criminality or good sense and some of them will inevitably develop a useful hatred over the abuse and become useful warlords without mercy or compassion for ZOGling whigger and mamzer herd animals. My hero, 'Iron Felix' Dzerzhinsky became as a result of his prison experiences a remorseless head of what became the KGB and exterminated all the piglice, lawyers, bureaucrats, fossil nobility of the Tsarist regime and by these revolutionary liquidations of regime criminal parasites safeguarded the Russian Revolution against counter-revolutionary parasites. The necessary exterminations and setting aside all of the ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final regime and regimeists in the upcoming and onrushing Great Tribulation will make jewseph Stalin, Pol Pot and Mao Tse-Tung look like pikers.

    But let this me known: no legitimate White Nationalist leaders or Christian Identity pastors has anything to do with this fraudulent nonsense accomplishing ZOG jew and shabbes whigger regime-criminal provocations for the benefit of fooling ZOGling whigger and mamzer herd animals. None of us follow a ZOG script written by the $PLC/ADL unless we be ZOGbots.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 03-10-2011, 01:15 AM.

    Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
    Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


    • #3
      I'll do for Keith Harpham exactly what I did for Bitch-tits Bill White/Weiss

      I'll do for Keith Harpham exactly what I did for Bitch-tits Bill White/Weiss

      If this "Joe Snuffy" did receive a bomb, and didn't make it himself, then I would draw this conclusion: if you post on what the junkmedia (the jew-controlled so-called mainstream media) call a hate site AND you declare publicly you're a veteran AND you talk about how you might or can't wait to "snap," THEN there's a chance that somebody will take pains to find out who you are, and to set you up to further the enemy agenda. That and I'll keep your posts up, let ZOG know that it was indeed you, and testify for the prostitution -- like I did against Commandork Bitch-tits Bill Weiss/White. VNNF/TGMNNF/GFRTCNNF is a ZOG false-front paid for out of the petty cash drawer of the Department of ZOGland InSecurity courtesy of TraitorGlenn Miller, known ZOG informant/agent provocateur/rat.

      So anybody without emotional control really shouldn't be posting here. If you want to spend life in prison, it's easy to arrange. And this gut-sick guido-kikenweasel with jew ass-cancer and TraitorGlenn Miller are just the sort to arrange it, no shit. Public posting is not the place to "cry for help," as the kikemedia love to put it. Itz all jewr fault for getting caught by this ZOG data-mining operation.

      We're all pissed off by the genocide the jews have underway. It is up to each of us individually to transform that anger into something productive, which you can define based on your skills and position in life. We have various subforums here showing you what to do.

      Maybe it hasn't sunk in yet with everybody.

      The enemy are murderers. They are liars. They are schemers. And they specialize in setting people up as part of false flags.

      The most prominent of these set-ups was the WTC demolitions, which was produced by the Mossad using Muslims as the fall guys. But this was also the case in Oklahoma, where the SPLC, ATF, FBI brought in an agent provacateur from Germany. Andreas Strassmeir, as documented in "The Secret Life of Bill Clinton," by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard. Strassmeir was tasked with infiltrating Elohim City and setting up a cell to blow up a federal building. Why? Because at that time militias and 'angry white males' were all over the news, due to rising resentment of liberal Clinton, and the intent was to create a false flag that would take the steam out of that movement. Which is precisely what happened. After OKC, Clinton blamed Limbaugh and right-wing radio, the militias disappeared, and the right wing went back to groveling at the feet of the jew neocon controllers.

      Thanks to the hard work of reporter J.D. Cash and the legal investigations of Jesse Trentadue, whose brother was murdered by the feds, we now know for a fact that:

      - the SPLC/ADL/FBI had multiple informants inside Elohim City, and knew about the bombing plot through all stages of its development. Yet none of them ever informed the public. Yes, the government is that cold blooded. This is not a game. It is for all the marbles, and the SPLC-ZOG parasites must live off honest White men AT ANY COST.

      - the FBI's top domestic anti-terrorist agent, Danny Coulson, was in Oklahoma City the night before the bombs/truck bomb went off -- and he has lied about this repeatedly, until a copy of his hotel receipt became public. ARTICLE

      Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols -- neither of whom were white nationalists or right wing -- were set up to take the fall for a ZOG plot to stifle growing resistance.

      In conclusion, when the enemy controls the government and the media, giving it access to endless resources, and endless barrels of printing ink to use to lie about people like us, you offer yourself up as a potential patsy or fall guy if you come on a known "extremist" site and hint that you are a veteran with emotional problems.

      This forum has one owner and two mods. I am not here a lot of the time, and I don't read every post. This means you must control yourselves, to a great degree. You must stand behind your words. That's the Aryan thing to do. I weed out troublemakers and head cases as best I can. But if you are not up to the struggle -- and what I've outlined above shows you how serious it can be -- then maybe you should think two or three times before signing up here and spouting inanity, or viewing this as as depository for your emotional incontinence. If not, be prepared for new "friends" to look you up and offer you "devices" that you can "receive" and your friend's friends in the media and with the cops can represent as illegal explosives to be used as part of a terrorist plot by right-wing/racist/extremist/white-nationalist/haters.

      Part of this problem comes down to knowing yourself. Biting dogs don't bark, they just bite. No one here sees you as tough because of what you'd like to do want to do, might do, claim you would do. White nationalists driven by their personal emotional needs are less than useless to the cause, they actually endanger it. So if you want to be better than a christian hypocrite, to be redundant, try actually thinking about what would help our cause, and then doing it. Not venting stupidities that can be used by the enemy, whether it's a lying jews writing a lying report for a mass daily, or a lazy prosecutor who thinks he can boost his career by fabricating a white domestic terror network.

      In short, be a man, or leave; VNN doesn't want you, and you will only hurt any cause you associate with.


      Ick bin ein gut-sick guido-kikenweasel with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS.
      Cornholing Forum Caligula [/URL]


      • #4
        Kevin William Harpham, MLK Day Bomb Case Suspect, Waives Bail Hearing

        Kevin William Harpham, MLK Day Bomb Case Suspect, Waives Bail Hearing

        NICHOLAS K. GERANIOS and GENE JOHNSON 03/10/11 08:36 PM AP

        SPOKANE, Wash. — A man accused of trying to bomb a Martin Luther King Jr. Day parade in Spokane was an avid poster on a white supremacist Internet forum, where he referenced bomb-making and alluded to attacking anti-racist demonstrators, a national organization that tracks hate groups said Thursday.

        The Southern Poverty Law Center said Kevin Harpham, 36, made more than 1,000 postings on the Vanguard News Network site, many of them under the pseudonym "Joe Snuffy."

        "I can't wait till the day I snap," said a 2006 message attributed to Harpham.

        He was arrested on Wednesday after being charged with one count of attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction and one count of possessing an unregistered explosive in a case that raised worries racist activities may be on the rise again in the Inland Northwest, once a hotbed hate groups.

        Before the start of the Jan. 17 Martin Luther King Jr. Day parade, three city workers discovered the backpack bomb on a bench, and it was defused without incident.

        Harpham remained in the Spokane County Jail on Thursday after waiving bail during a court appearance a day earlier.

        Meanwhile, FBI agent Frank Harrill said agents were executing a search warrant at the Kettle Falls home of the suspect's father, Cecil Harpham, who remained cooperative with federal agents as the investigation unfolded.

        U.S. Attorney Mike Ormsby in Spokane said his office is reviewing copies of the Internet postings attributed to Kevin Harpham, and will decide if they should be included in the upcoming indictment process, perhaps under hate-crime laws.

        Harpham's lawyer, federal public defender Roger Peven, said he has heard about the Internet postings, but had not seen them. He said he would not be surprised if prosecutors altered the original charges, possibly to include hate-crime allegations.
        Story continues below

        "I would expect that what we see in the complaint is not necessarily what we will see in an indictment," Peven said.

        The authenticity of the Web postings could not be immediately confirmed, but two factors pointed to Harpham as their author. In one 2008 posting, someone wrote as "Kevin Harpham" seeking technical assistance in accessing his "Joe Snuffy" account.

        The other factor, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, was that in one post, well-known white supremacist Glenn Miller wished the account's owner a happy birthday – on Harpham's actual birthday, May 1. "Happy Birthday Joe Snuffy!!!" that posting said.

        The website's administrator did not immediately return e-mails from The Associated Press seeking comment.

        Harpham apparently contributed financially to Miller's white nationalist newspaper, The Aryan Alternative, said Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center. In 2007, Miller wrote to Harpham on the Vanguard News Network, "You rank among the top 5-6 VNN'ers in total amount of money contributed."

        In 2006, "Joe Snuffy" posted in response to video footage of anti-racists protesting white supremacists in Germany, saying it nearly made him snap. The post complained that the police cared only about the protesters and "turned their loaded guns on the neo-Nazis."

        "Videos like that bring me closer to it every time I watch them," the post said. "Fear of death is the only thing stopping me and it is a fear that is hard to get over if you can relate to that."

        Potok said racists often use pseudonyms to hide their identities from employers and others.

        The posts also displayed an interest in bombs. "Who was the person during WW2 that said something like Those who say you can't win a war by bombing have never tried,'" a 2006 post said. In 2009, another read: "I personally think we need a couple thousand pro White psychopaths then maybe we might start getting somewhere with this White Revolution."

        A writing from last year that was attributed to Harpham mentioned that the mildly radioactive element thorium is useless for building bombs, and another post expressed his disappointment that the race-war novel "The Turner Diaries," by the founder of the white supremacist National Alliance, William Pierce, did not include plans for making a bomb.

        Harpham was a member of the National Alliance in 2004, the Southern Poverty Law Center said.

        Erich Gliebe, chairman of the National Alliance, based in Hillsboro, W.Va., told The Spokesman-Review newspaper of Spokane that Harpham is not a member of his organization, which he said believes all races are entitled to their own living spaces.

        The FBI agent in charge of the Spokane office, Frank Harrill, said Thursday that bomb technicians' decision to disable the explosive, rather than detonate it, helped lead to Harpham's arrest. Investigators were able to obtain evidence from the bomb itself, he said.

        He declined to specify what type of evidence was taken from the bomb.

        "The explosive disposal unit here in Spokane displayed an extraordinary amount of expertise and courage that enabled us to process a complete device," Harrill said.

        By all indications, the Army veteran lived a quiet life on 10 acres of land north of Addy in rural Stevens County. Property records show he bought the land in 1997 and built a small house in 2007.

        Harpham served from 1996 to 1999 as a fire support specialist with the Army's 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment at what is now Joint Base Lewis-McChord, said base spokesman Joseph Piek, who emphasized that Harpham ended his service 12 years ago.

        The government's evidence will be presented to a federal grand jury on March 22. If they indict Harpham, an arraignment will be held the next day and a trial date will be set. If Harpham is not indicted, a probable cause hearing is scheduled on March 23, where federal agents must testify about the evidence they have to support the charges.


        Johnson reported from Seattle.
        Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 07-18-2011, 07:49 PM.
        I am The Librarian


        • #5
          Suspect In Spokane Bomb Case Used Pseudonym To Express Neo-Nazi Views

          Suspect In Spokane Bomb Case Used Pseudonym To Express Neo-Nazi Views

          Jessica Robinson | March 14, 2011 | Spokane, WA

          This week Northeast Washington learned one of its residents is suspected of being a Neo-Nazi terrorist.

          The FBI arrested 36-year-old Kevin Harpham for allegedly planting a bomb in a backpack along the route of Spokane's Martin Luther King Day Parade.

          Harpham is now being held at the Spokane County Jail.

          Kevin William Harpham was raised in Stevens County in Northeast Washington, and is registered to vote at his father's address in Kettle Falls. According to state records, he has no prior criminal convictions.

          But since his arrest, anti-racist groups and the press have turned up information not on the official record of Harpham's life.

          For starters, there appears to be a pseudonym -- "Joe Snuffy."

          Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center says they discovered more than a thousand online posts by someone named "Joe Snuffy" on a Neo-Nazi forum.

          Mark Potok: "He says, 'I can't wait til the day I snap. Videos like that bring me closer to it every time I watch them. Fear of death is the only thing stopping me.' This is in the context of a video clip that shows police versus Neo-Nazis in Germany and he's complaining about the way the police aren't nice to the Neo-Nazis."

          On the Neo-Nazi forum, Vanguard News Network, "Joe Snuffy" also posts about race wars, and the book "The Turner Diaries," which allegedly influenced Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh.

          All the posts are under "Joe Snuffy" – or almost all.

          Mark Potok: "At one point he writes to the administrators of the site to complain that his account under Joe Snuffy has been shut down and that he's having to write using his real name in order to get reinstated."

          And his real name – is Kevin Harpham.

          The Southern Poverty Law Center says in November of 2004 Kevin Harpham also appears on the membership rolls of the National Alliance, a Neo-Nazi group – with a podcast – that advocates for creating what it calls an all-white society for Americans.

          Podcast: "… who value quality above equality, and are willing to do whatever must be done to restore America to racial and moral health."

          The National Alliance did not return calls for comment. But its chairman, Erich Gliebe told the Spokane Spokesman-Review that Harpham is not a member and that the National Alliance does not advocate illegal acts.

          Harpham did seek out white supremacists closer to home. That's according to Paul Mullet. He used to lead an Aryan Nations group in North Idaho and says Harpham came to him a few years ago.

          Paul Mullet: "He wanted some information, but he never joined."

          Jessica Robinson: "What exactly did he say?"

          Paul Mullet: "He just wanted information on the group. That was it. We had a couple of meetings. That was the extent of it. He didn't seem to be antsy or itchy or anything to that nature."

          Between 1996 and 1999 Harpham served in the U.S. Army as a field artillery specialist at what is now Joint Base Lewis-McChord near Tacoma.

          Base spokesman Joseph Piek declined to speak on tape. But he described Harpham's job as "putting rounds inside a cannon" and "not even remotely related to building explosives."

          The FBI has said the backpack bomb Harpham was arrested for allegedly planting was sophisticated and could have been highly lethal.

          In Spokane, the Rev. Happy Watkins of the New Hope Baptist Church helps organize the MLK Day celebration every year. He says an arrest – or even a conviction – doesn't solve the larger problem in his community.

          Rev. Happy Watkins: "Someone asked me yesterday, 'Would you forgive him?' Of course, yeah, because that's my business. I gotta forgive. But my concern is if a person set a bomb to maim, to kill, to destroy, something's missing.

          Kevin Harpham will appear on March 22nd before a grand jury, which will decide whether to issue a formal indictment.

          ? 2011 Northwest News Network

          I am The Librarian

