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Hurricane Izzy puts Lizzy Kizzy in a Tizzy

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  • Hurricane Izzy puts Lizzy Kizzy in a Tizzy

    Hurricane Izzy puts Lizzy Kizzy in a Tizzy

    by Wolf Androsperm,

    Aryan News Network

    Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana -- Plaquemines Parish President Billy Niggormesser said about 2,000 residents were ordered to evacuate, but only half left before Isaac made landfall late Tuesday. At least 118 people were rescued in Plaquemines, including 25 trapped on their roofs, authorities said.

    "I sure hate it when them burr-headed bastids are told to git for high ground, and then decide to wait for the White Man to save their worthless coon asses," Niggormesser said. "They should have known that the damn levees on the east bank were only eight foot high, and we've already had a storm surge topping 14 foot, easy. And when the flood hits, them niggers all think that we're Noah or shit. None of them bother to look out for each other, either. We plucked out a she-boon and her 5-month-old niglet, both plucked from a rooftop after the bucks all bolted for the higher ground or climbed trees. Dumb-ass spooks."


    Abandoned coontang and niglets galore

    Four [de]generations of abandoned coontang about to get wettt. Great-grandma Chlymydia Williams, her daughter, Keesha Jenkins,
    grand-daughter Sheniqua Jenkins, and great-granddaughter LaVonn Gomez look on as higher water laps up to the FEMA double-wide.

    Sheriff Benjamin Shylock said, "We sure don't like to acknowledge this, but whenever something bad is going down, them damn he-coons simply run and jump and abandon the she-boons and the niglets trying to save themselves. They leave it up to the White Man to save them. Actually, I shouldn't bitch. This hurricane sure turned out to be a real kike of a storm. Thank D-g the pawnshop is on high ground."

    Senile old she-boon Chlymydia Williams gave a 'yowser' to the observation that the buck niggers all look out for themselves first and leave it up to the nigger females to do all the work and provide for the niglets. "Dem useless boy-nigras ain't nutting more than a dick with legs. LeRoy, my buck, Tyrone Biggs, my daughter Keesha Jenkin's present humper, all left us and have run for higher ground. However, itz not just a nigger buck thing. Them damn beaners ain't no better. My grand-daughter Sheniqua Jenkin's greaser hump-mutt, Paco Gomez done run off too. We got a whole passel of niglets in the living room and we don't know what will happen when the flood waters gits in the trailer."

    "Hey, you'se a White man. Could you take us out like Noah in your big boat? I'll give you and the crew something for your troubles if you'll take it out in trade. I just hate getting wettt on muh'se neck."

    Editor's note: The crew took aboard 13 niggers and boated them to the flood shelter, and insofar as is known, didn't take Chlymydia Williams up on her offer.


    Held hostage in they's own homes

    Hurricane Isaac held Ismay Washington captive in her own home – not because of flooding or power outages but because it moved a small colony of alligators waiting just outside her home.

    "I have intimidating problems with them. I'm scared they will eat you," Washington told NBC-2 in southwest Florida. "I wouldn't want no damn gaters to get angry with me. They would love to eat an old nigger like me for revenge for all the times I ates them."

    And so Keith Councell, a homegrown cracker from the area who didn't quite make being cast for the Hitler Channel's "Swamp Piss-Pul" series, checked out her home. He brought along a length of line, a net and a .22 rifle, and went to town on them gators.

    "Them gators sure love munching down on them mooleys. Who'd have thought that old she-boons had any use whatsoever except as alligator bait? Now I have a real good excuse for filling up some extra tags out of season."


    Why dat hurrikane hafta be named after an Izzy? Give it a nigger name next time!

    At the flood shelter in the local high skrewel where we off-loaded Chlymydia Williams and her brood of moon-crickets, we interviewed County Commissioner Kinshaza 'Kizzy' Shabazz, who is an open lesbian and also president of the Gertrude Stein African-American Democratic Rainbow Marching and Carpet-Munching Society, gave us an interview on how Hurricane Isaac had a disproportionate impact on piss-pul of color, females, she-males, niglets and everyone else except the evil White man.

    "Why dat hurrikane hafta be named after an Izzy? You name a hurricane after a jewboy then it is to be expected that us pore niggers will wind up sucking hind tit. Them crackers won't hardly get rained on, besides they live on the higher ground anyway while us Affikin' AmurriKwans have to live in the swamps, and then we get flooded out, like a toilet overflowing. A hurricane named after a jew won't even strip the paint off'n a pawn shop or a likker store.

    "No more hurricanes named after Russian Cossack skanks like Katrina or jewboys like Isaac. It been nearly seven years and we still ain't dun gots over Katrina and then we get worse in Isaac. We need a hurricane with a nigger name.

    "A "Hurricane Sheniqua" won't mess with us niggers none. Won't be nuttin' other than a big thunderstorm and if it is bigger, it won't hit N'Awrlins, nope, not-at-all, no way. Rather a hurricane with a good nigger female name will be-debbil you crackers and hit North Caroliney or jew Yawk or Ass-a-jew-shits instead. A hurricane with a buck nigger name will always guaranteed turn out shiftless.

    "Its trickinology, like Reverend Calypso Looie Farrakhoon sez: The jew devil and you whyte devil set this jewikane upon us to bedevil us pore nigras.

    "Give it a nigger name next time, Whitey!!!"


    Copyright 2012, Aryan News Network. White Nationalists may attribute it freely with attrinution.

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