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The Occidental Quarterly Interview of December 2009

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  • The Occidental Quarterly Interview of December 2009

    Greetings, racial comrades:

    Some of you may have noticed that the four-part interview with myself, conducted by Dr. Greg Johnson and published in four parts on the Occidental Quarterly web site, has mysteriously vanished from the site.

    It seems that the Northwest Front in general and my work in particular are a bit too radical for the taste of certain individuals at TOQ. They are, of course, quite correct. The NF is potentially the most radical force for change ever to appear on the racial right, and by no means can we be considered in sympathy with the goals of either conservatism or capitalism.

    The entire interview has now been posted to the Thoughtcrime blog at and will be posted to our own website at shortly. I would like to thank Dr. Johnson again for the opportunity to speak with him about the NF and about the Northwest Imperative.
