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Merry CHRISTmas - and to hell with the jews!

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  • Merry CHRISTmas - and to hell with the jews!

    Merry CHRISTmas - and to hell with the jews!

    Of course many of the people who adhere to the Christian faith, as we who associate ourselves with one form or another of Christian Identity see it, despise Christmas as a pagan holiday. They have good reason to do so, because Christmas and many of the things associated with it clearly have pagan origins. Yet I also find myself at times wanting to defend Christmas, only because the jews and all the other enemies of Yahshua Christ are continually attacking it. And this, in spite of the fact that jewish merchants and bankers profit so handsomely from it!

    The winter festival has been a de facto part of our culture for thousands of years now - in spite of its complete absence from Scripture. And because of this, it is traditionally a principal gathering time for most White families. In fact, often it is the only time in which many of us are accustomed to gather! And if you are in the position that many in Christian Identity find themselves, the rest of your family celebrates Christmas with all of the usual fervor.

    1 John 4:21 - 5:1 21 And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.

    If one can use even a pagan holiday to do good, how can that be evil? While most of us certainly would not eat the ham, and most of us may also - as we should - shun the silly tree and the made-in-China decorations, we certainly should not shun our kin. We should shun the commercialism that the jews profit from so handsomely - but we should shun that all the rest of the year also! We should celebrate and cherish the little time that we get with our families all year too, but often this is the only time we actually get to spend with them. So do not despise them, even if they know nothing about those things which we esteem to be true. Rather, this is also an excellent time to testify to that truth.

    So to hell with the antichrists!

    Transform the pagan holiday into a true celebration of Christ.

    And have a Merry Christmas.

    Praise Yahweh!

    William Finck
    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 12-26-2009, 02:50 AM. Reason: Add Links

    "Stain clear water with mud and thou shalt never find sweet drink" - Aeschylus, Eumenides, 694-695

  • #2
    The Auntie-Christ Mass

    The Antichrist Mass
    by Pastor Mark Downey/Baal-Priest Kluntz Meerkkkat

    Now some should wonder what some baal-priest who keeps on yapping about how there is no actual Satan stands upon in even yapping about what is 'Anti-Christ.' After all, if there is no Devil, then there can be no Evil other than whatever I as a man defines as evil. So having gotten away from there being an evil spirit and declaring it wholly a matter of bad men, I then verge into political matters because then I am merely a politician baal-priest claiming that I and I alone get to determine who is bad and who is good. Which is stupid because all I have is a whore as a second-hand wife. And Debbie DunSeattle/Port Orchard and now Kentucky Klunt is my sole support for claiming to be a Christian Identity pastor -- when I follow no Christian Identity doctrine, be it One-Seedline and especially not Dual-Seedline.

    So here I am, flapping my gums on $permFront, yapping that even though there is not any Satan and thus no spiritual basis for the actualization of evil, that evil comes from a Christmas tree, or a ham sandwich, or a full belly of turkey and giving presents to the children. And it is sorta pathetic that I am enjoying sloppy seconds on a pulpit provided by a known bowel-Movement whoremonger like David Duke and his lapdog Don Black, but when you are a fat baal-priest down on his luck and unable to even buy viagra to hump the pancake-titted old whore I am stuck with, well, Christian Israelites simply wanting to enjoy the company of their quasi-heathen whigger brethren MUST b somewhat sinful. Gotta find sin somewhere when you lie that there is no Evil Being.

    So, stupid $permFrontians, listen to the inane yapping of jewr baal-priest, the Klumpher of Klunt, Meerkkkat Markkk Downey!!!

    Christmas or Christ mass has no place in Christian Identity -- any more than me and Klunt do, for that matter -- if we are to continue this movement of God to properly identify who’s who and what’s what. Ain't no Devil, just bad men who don't like me and Klunticums & the Klunticummers. The universalist Catholic mass has no foundation to Christianity. Of course even them mackeral-snapping guidos and hyberniggers are not so fuktarded that they don't know that there is a Satan the Devil. THAT particular stupidity is reserved for us New Covenant Cornholers playing at being CI and licking Klunt's yeasty twat. Therefore, the interposition of Christ into the mass is unfounded. Catholicism has a greater affinity with Babylon than Christianity. If the historic Jesus never had any connection to the man made holy day, then the only conclusion that can be made is that it is “another Jesus” (II Cor. 11:14), a vicarious artificial fraud, which qualifies as an antichrist. There ain't no Satan, but I am going to claim that there is "another Christ" to take the place of there being no devil, which is ridiculous, but then again you are talking about a baal-priest who thought he got such a great deal in running off with the Washington State Klan's sexual mascot.

    The antichrist is not a singular future tense figure of the notorious Catholic-inspired Rapture theory, but rather a plurality of people in existence for the last 2000 years. First I'll lie about how the Catlicks cum up with this Crapture kikeshit as opposed to baal-priests like Scofield then I'll idiotically yap about how 'the auntie-christ' is rather a matter of popular sovereignity. This way I get in my quota of at least two lies in per sentence.The word ‘anti’ means “in place of” in the sense of usurpation. Never mind that most dictionaries say 'anti' means "against" but being a liar means that I need to witlessly make up a new meaning in order to bring up a false doctrine serving my father, Satan the Devil whose existence, like all jews, I deny. An antichrist is not just someone who rejects the Son of God, but actually replaces the Son with a substitute according to this particular baal-priest. Trust me -- 666!!!.

    In the beginning, the soul (flesh), thinking itself superior, usurped authority over the spirit (mentality). The carnal nature of man rules the heart, with the exception of Christians who have been trained to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit (motivations of God). Notice how since I deny that there is no evil spirit in existence I now define all evil as emanating from men. Which leaves me as a political baal-priest to define which men are evil and which men are good. You can take the real Jesus out of Christmas, but you can’t take Christmas out of the real antichrist. Which, having said that evil only comes from man, there can be no anti-Christ unless this is defined politically by us baal-priests who would deny our Father, Satan, to the ears of you stupid whiggers. Christmas is calling good evil and evil good and caters to carnality. Leaving aside the fact that since there is no Evil One, there can be no evil, and thus no opposite to evil, which is good. By denying the Word of YHWH which states that there is no Evil One who exists as a spiritual being, then good becomes nothing more than what baal-priests define it as well.

    My awakening about the true nature of Christmas came around 1980 after listening to sermons by the late Pastor Sheldon Emry on the subject. But since I was getting a hunka-hunka burning Klunt after the Klan meetings and Klunt was the bride of the multitudes of nominally CI Klansmen, I knew better than to yap out aloud something which would get me kicked out on my then-kluntless ass. It is not my intent to rehash the myriad of trappings that Christmas conveys, such as: decorated trees, mistletoes, singing carols, gift exchanges, season’s greetings, cards, special foods, candies, gatherings, dinners, Yule logs, Santa Claus and “Chestnuts roasting on an open fire.” These are some of the sordid elements with an exorbitant amount of positive spin reinforced upon it every year from Madison Avenue without telling you about its dark side. The only thing good about the above trappings is that you can indulge in them all you want and still not have your pee-hole dripping puss like what happened to me after my first batch of Klunt.

    It is my intent to prove to the racialist Christian, that Christmas plants the seeds of destroying the White race. Not niggers. Not jews. Not even whiggers. Christmas'll do it every time. I dare say that the month of December has become a focus for the secular world’s high holy day in which Christianity has been seduced to attach itself to. While I am at it, I'll dare say that Klunt Downey can jump-suck start a WD700 Peterbilt with a four-and-a-quarter Cat engine and 13-speed Fuller-Eaton Roadranger tranny stuck in granny. Some Christian Identity scholars have broken the fa?ade that protects the impossibility of Christ being born at this time of the Winter Solstice. Of course nobody actually believes Christ was born on Christmas Day. Isn’t it strange that the darkest day of the year with the least amount of light is arbitrarily chosen to represent our Savior, the Light of the world? Cum to a Kook's Klunt's Klan meeting and klunt will show you a trick or two undreamt of in jewr philistine-sophistry, Horatio. Wouldn’t it make more sense to associate Christ with the Summer Solstice, having the most amount of light? If I had been the Head Baal-Priest In Charge back then, there would be changes made, I tell jew!!!

    What I would like to examine today is the perplexing question as to why anybody in the Christian Identity movement would willingly celebrate or observe this forced square peg into a round hole called Christmas, after a preponderance of biblical truth, logic and common sense speaks against it. Of course my biggest bitch is that everybody in the Christian Identity Movement a long time ago kicked me and Klunt to the curb and if it wasn't for David Duke and Don Black, not even the stupidest ZOGling whigger ass-clowns would even let us pretend to have anything to do with Christian Identity. So now we are the baal-priest jewkals munching on the threadbare dingleberries on the anus of the bowel Movement over on $permFront/$panFront. When I first discovered the truth that Christmas is not Christian and tried to share the good news with friends and family, I got another wake up call as to just how ingrained it is in people’s minds. They said, "You stupid shithead, Downey, Christmas has NEVER been about Christ! Itz about buying toys for the children and eating a huge turkey dinner and getting together to get drunk and fight and to look down on jewr stupid slut whore bitch wife Debbie that you run off with and got as sloppy seconds, thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths & laters from the Grand Dragon!" Is the peer pressure too great? Is it cognitive dissonance? Do our people just get swept away in the spirit of Christmas? Is this spirit in tandem with the Holy Spirit? And if so, is it only seasonal? Does the Bible tell us to, “Try the spirit whether they are of God; because many false prophets are gone out into the world”? To which the answers are, respectively, "No, no, no, no, yes, and jewr one jewrself, Downey!"

    Are people programmed by the enemies of Christ to accept it without resistance? It’s like people are hypnotized and they need to be deprogrammed and filled with Downey-jism which heretofore just wastefoolly dribbled down Klunt's legs or down Klunt's throat. It’s amazing that our movement does not have unity on this subject. Of course the only jewnity within both the Dual-Seedliners and the One-Seedliners is that me and Klunt are real rancid pieces of mamzershit. It should be a no-brainer. And I got the no-brainer chickenhead necessary to be brainless to yap this really stupid shit. In fact, we should be unanimous in our opposition to it for the blatant heresies it manifests. Of course, we are never going to stop getting Lycia the $permFront Hoggess and Chapped-Ass Liar Bill DeClue(less) to stop banning every CIer who we think might have ever listened to Pastors Lindstedt and Visser. As our nation deteriorates before our very eyes, can you imagine, as part of our national repentance, which so many CI pulpits have called for, a Christian boycott of Christmas trees, wreaths, lights, cards, gifts, solemn assemblies, dinners, decorations ad nauseam and the blessings that would flow from it to replace the CI boycott of Klunt/Kludd Downey? Well, no matter how much you DSCI and Pete Peters might pray, neither me nor Klunt are about to perish from terciary syphilis any time soon, so help me D-g!!!

    That’s part of the problem, that our people don’t have the vision of life without Christmas. It reminds me of our Israelite ancestors in the wilderness whining about how much better it was in Egypt; all they had was this manna stuff from God and talk about some kind of promised land. Luckily both me and Klunt had a whole whored of Ethiopians hiding in our Israelite genetic woodpile.

    Christmas is like taxes. There are those who openly advocate it (as if civilization would cease from operating without it) and those who reluctantly tolerate it as a necessary evil. And then there’s a few who want to abolish the tax system and replace it with God’s non-confiscatory economy. Christmas is taxing on our souls as we make decisions about what we believe and obey. Christmas has nothing whatsoever to do with obedience to God’s Word. There are simply no admonitions, decrees or biblical witnesses that pertain to the justification of Christmas. The sophestry that says the Bible doesn't say we can't celebrate Christmas is so lame, that the same argument could be made for Halloween, Kwanza or Martin Luther King’s birthday. And we have made these arguments.

    However, there are biblical warnings against many of the principles and/or doctrines of Christmas, which masquerades in saintly righteousness, when in fact it is satanic self-righteousness. Yup, this baal-priest slipped up in while showing itz 's-word' self-righteousness used the s-word, but not capitalized!!! You cannot bring godliness to Christmas by being pious and glibly interjecting Jesus Christ into the sordid mess. An Identity Christmas is an oxymoron and we should not be suckers of the ACLU vs. Nativity scenes dialectics, because the synthesis is still December 25. When a jingle bell Christian says they love Jesus Christ every day of the year, but they especially love Him for being born on a particular day, doesn’t this say that their love for Christ is greater or lesser depending on the time? Again, nobody within or without Christian Identity says that Christ was born on Christmas Day, but us baal-priests must have our red-herrings to wax wroth. If they say no, then Christmas becomes irrelevant and nothing should change from their day to day walk with Christ. If they say yes, then they are putting greater emphasis on time than the person. If they say, "Fuck off Clowney!" then they exhibit good sense but even better sense in having nothing to do with us baal-priests. The problem would remain the same if it were any of the other 364 days of the year. Although, since we say that there is no Satan but only bad attitudes of men, then the problem, like the poor, we will have with us always. Perhaps the only solution is gelding us baal-priests and impaling Klunt on a pointed stake which will for once fill her gaping orifices.

    We can reconcile this problem by identifying the root cause of the controversy. Actually, there is no controversy. No Identity Christian ever observed Christmas as a religious holiday. Rather we all simply took the day off with our family, maybe bought the children a few presents, ate a big turkey, and went to the Christmas sales. Nothing wrong with that unless you are a baal-priest like Downey trying to make something out of nothing. What is the cause of Christmas? A deeper examination reveals that it is not the date itself per se, but rather the date of birth, which is commonly called a birthday. The same argument, in principle, can be made against the shallow canard that it’s the conception date of Christ that should be observed. “An observer of times” (Deut. 18:10) is put in the same category as divination, enchanters or a witch. The real question then is to see what the Bible has to say about birthdays. Wouldn’t a reasonable person agree? Come, let us reason together . . . . O come all ye faithful. Let's stone this adulterous baal-priest and jezebel.

    Nothing is as universally celebrated as birthdays among all races. It truly is a multicultural thing. But does the God of segregation regard birthday parties as innocent fun or does God hate it? Everything you need to know about the true purpose of life is written in God’s Word. So what does God say about birthdays? Birthday celebrations are only mentioned in three separate passages and, in each case, something terrible happened. Joseph interpreted a dream of the Egyptian Pharaoh who celebrated his birthday by executing his chief baker at the party (Gen. 40:1-23). When Herod’s birthday was kept, the great servant of the Lord, John the Baptist, was beheaded at the party (Mt. 14:3-11). Again, as a baal-priest I am simply loping the theological llama over a problem which doesn't exist as nobody within CI keeps birthdays as religious or secular holidays.

    In the book of Job, his sons and daughters were most likely having a birthday party that didn’t have anything to do with God, which caused Job to worry that they may have sinned and indeed his children died in a wind storm (Job 1:4, 5, 6-13,18-19). The wind is God’s fury (Ezek. 13:13). As a no-devil baal-priest I am going to ignore the fact that it was Satan who convinced YHWH to put a string of calamities upon Job so that Job would curse YHWH. I keep on yapping this stupid lying shit about there being no Satan and lying about how Satan is nothing but any given man's 'bad attitude' but to put in "a man's bad attitude' for every time Satan is mentioned in Job Chapter One would be so ridiculuous that I, Downey, must lie about whence came Job's misfortunes. Look how skillfully I as a baal-priest tries to skirt the issue. Further proof that these birthday celebrations displeased God is found in Job 3, where Job cursed every aspect of the day of his birth. A smarter baal-priest wouldn't mention Job, but I'm not a smart baal-priest but rather a determined and lustful one who knows how to whine and when to let dear Klunticums suck. The loss of all his children, due to a birthday party, was a wake up call from God, that there is nothing especially good about ones date of birth. Which goes to show that I know nothing about why Job had what happened to him happen.

    Consider, for a moment, the lesson to be learned from these accounts. They are the only birthday parties mentioned in the entire Bible. Absolute disaster occurred each time. If something was good or positive about birthday celebrations, you would think that God would have recorded at least one other account to put birthdays in a better light. There is no such account.

    For such prominent biblical characters as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, King David, Mary, the 12 disciples and Paul, the Bible is silent on their exact dates of birth. All of God’s faithful servants, even the birth date of Jesus Christ goes unrecorded. But, some may object and say, “Didn’t the wise men bring birthday presents to the baby Jesus?” Is this what the Bible says? Absolutely not! They arrived well after His “birthday” and Mt. 2:11 refers to Jesus as a “young child” not a baby. This explains why the gifts brought to Him could not have been birthday presents. Instead, it was an ancient custom to present gifts when in the presence of a king. The wise men understood that they were in the presence of the King of Israel, the fulfilled prophetic Messiah. There is no prophecy regarding the date of birth of Jesus or a celebration of the date thereof.

    The next important point to appreciate, as a faithful Christian, is the hard fact that nowhere in the Bible can you find examples of Christ’s disciples or anybody in the New Testament church celebrating His birthday. NOWHERE. Jesus warned us about misguided Christians saying, “This people honors [celebrates] Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. Howbeit in vain do they worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold to the tradition of men” (Mark 7:6-8).

    Thus far, we’ve established that the Bible records only negative examples of birthday celebrations and is completely silent on identifying the date of births of any and all biblical figures, including the Messiah. Most people are of the persuasion that their date of birth is special and deserves extra attention. And yet Solomon was inspired to write, “The day of death [is better] than the day of one’s birth” Eccl. 7:1. Likewise, Jeremiah had little esteem for birthdays saying, “Cursed be the day wherein I was born; let not the day wherein my mother bare me be blessed” (Jer. 20:14). These two witnesses are not exactly a glowing report endorsing birthdays and hence the birth day of Christ (whenever it may have been) is not biblically sanctioned.

    God’s Word says the birth date is far from being a special day, let alone a special season. According to Scripture, it is not a time to express joy, song, mirth, and expect an exchange of salutations and gifts, simply because one is born into the world on a specific date. Life is a physical, temporary existence. The Bible likens it to a vapor, “That appears for a little time, and then vanishes away” (James 4:14). Compared to God’s promise of eternal life, a birthday is like a blink in the cosmos of light-years.

    Should we ignore this divine perspective? God forbid. When compared to the awesome future God has in store for us, becoming immortal in our glorified bodies, celebrating one’s physical birthday seems ridiculous and trivial. To the contrary then, it becomes quite understandable how mongrels and subhumans regard their date of birth as something significant, being that the resurrection is not appropriated to them in God’s Plan for the Ages.

    Can you tell me where birthday celebrations come from; being that the Bible does not recognize it as something to be done? The astonishing answer is from the pagan practice of astrology, which the Bible does have something to say about it not being done. “If there be found among you… man or woman, that hath wrought wickedness… and hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded… then shalt thou bring them forth… and shalt stone them with stones, til they die” Deut. 17:2, 3, 5.

    In ancient times, those who were not God’s people looked unto the night sky, not beholding the awesome wonder of God’s Creation, and charted the movements of stars and invented calendars in conflict with God’s calendar and then calculated the date of birth to their client’s destiny upon the earth (to the exclusion of God’s omnipotence). These ancient pagan astrologers put their trust in horoscopes instead of God.

    Jesus Christ was not a mere man to be exploited by pagans masquerading as Christians to be superimposed upon their astrological template in order to chart an expedient political horoscope. December 25 is the Winter Solstice from which most permutations of historical pagan deities emanate, both before and after the time of Christ. It is hardly the eminent domain of the negro Nimrod. I made the point at the beginning of this message, that the historic Jesus never had any connection to being born on the Winter Solstice.

    Furthermore, the arbitrary placement of Christ on this date in particular is a violent assault upon the doctrine of His pre-existence, which attests to His deity. The Alpha and Omega of Christ suggests an unlimited expanse of time. If Jesus is God, the Word made flesh, why would any Christian limit His omnipresence, as the Almighty Creator of the universe, to a blasphemous date on man’s calendar, denoting a mere 33 years i.e. a drop in the bucket (or ocean) of an everlasting forever existing God. What unmitigated gall and audacity for mortals to do such a thing.

    The reason for the season is “another Jesus” for an antichrist mass. Did not our Lord say, “Many shall come in My name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many”? Yes He did and He said, “Take heed, that no man deceive you” Mt. 24:4-5. It’s not just a few Christians who will pay lip service and worship the Christmas Jesus in vain, but many. How many is many? It’s most. Most Christians will succumb to the antichrist spirit of Christmas and honor the fictional Christ with their lips, but God says, “Their heart is far from Me.” Another sound bite being promoted is, “Don’t be robbed of the Christmas season” – notwithstanding thieves who have stolen the precious name of Jesus Christ in one of the greatest religious larcenies of all time.

    “There is one lawgiver” James 4:12. I want the ho ho ho Christian to tell me what gives them the right to suggest a commandment of man. The 4th commandment is to, “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy” (Ex. 20:8) and we obey this command thusly, “Thou shalt not do any work” (v. 10); it’s a day of rest. Do most Christians work on Christmas? No? Is it a holy day… otherwise known as a holiday? Do Christians remember Christmas as the birthday of Jesus to keep it holy? If they do, they have unwittingly made it an unauthorized Sabbath. They have added a law to the Word.

    Jesus had something to say about man made laws. He indicted the Pharisees of, “Making the Word of God of none effect through tradition… and many like such things” (Mark 7:13). Here’s the warning: “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ” Col. 2:8. The word ‘rudiment’ is in reference to paganism. Christmas is a pagan tradition. The name was changed to protect the guilty.

    It was formerly known, before the time of Christ, as “The way of the heathen” and the prophet Jeremiah told his kinsmen, do not learn their ways (Jer. 10:2) as they try to interpret ‘The signs of heaven” i.e. the stars in the sky. Here also we read about the rudimentary Christmas tree, where the pagans would, “Cut a tree out of the forest… and deck it with silver and gold” (Jer. 10:3-4). We just can’t avoid the uncanny similarity to the modern greenery of trees and wreaths, which God references as “Every green tree” and “Their groves” in at least 10 OT verses, which were always associated with idolatry. “Abstain from all appearance of evil” (I Thes. 5:22) is not just a good suggestion, it is God’s Word/Law.

    Christmas requires a herd mentality. We are called the “lost sheep” for a good reason. We turn every which way, away from the Good Shepherd. Do we hate what God hates or “for fear of the jews”, none dare call it an antichrist mass? ‘I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies… take away from Me the noise of thy songs, for I will not hear the melody” Amos 5:21, 23. No matter how much you try to make the ambiance of Christmas sweet with fragrance, to God it stinks. “Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto Me; the new moons [months] and Sabbaths… your appointed feasts My soul hateth; they are a trouble” Is. 1:13-14. The road to hell is paved with good intentions and it counts for nothing.

    If it is your intent to anger God, as a juvenile delinquent infuriates a parent, then keep in mind II Chron. 19:2, “If you should help the ungodly and love them that hate the Lord, then wrath shall be upon you.” The ungodly hated Jesus so much that they incorporated Him into another religious holy day. Hypothetically, let’s say you were there at the time. Would you have gone along to get along with the transition? If you were a faithful Christian, you probably would have been an indignant protestor. Why then, do people rationalize Christmas today as Christian? The modern term for merging false pagan customs with the worship of the true God is called syncretism. Anyone who did this in ancient Israel was put to death (Lev. 18:21, 29). It was that serious. It’s also a misconception to think that the latter replaced the former. It did not. Jesus does not prostitute Himself for pagan holy days nor should His followers.

    After the culmination of successive prophetic beast empires, those who have eyes can see that their (pagan) holiday has never been more popular. In these last days of Mystery Babylon, ‘them that hate the Lord’ are dropping the pretense of appeasement and phasing out the Christian aspects of their holiday. They must be in uproarious laughter watching the Christians, who have been deceived for so long, defending something that God never ordained or blessed, but opposed with divine wrath. We need not prove the amalgamation of the pagan Saturnalia with the antichrist Roman Catholic Church hundreds of years after the birth of Christ. History is replete with all the evidence one needs for a conviction.

    By 529 AD apostate Christianity had become the official state religion of the Roman Empire and Justinian proclaimed Christmas a civic holiday. Origen, an early Catholic writer, admitted, “In the Scripture, no one is recorded to have kept a feast or held a great banquet on his birthday, it is only sinners who make great rejoicings over the day in which they were born into this world.” The Encyclopedia Americana adds, “Christmas was not observed in the first centuries of the church… In the fifth century, the Western church ordered the feast to be celebrated forever on the day of the Mithraic rites of the birth of the sun and at the close of the Saturnalia, as no certain knowledge of the day of Christ’s birth existed.” A lot of the Mithra beliefs have been infused into the modern judeo-Christian corporations.

    It is utterly amazing how much Baal worship permeates the plethora of denominations in direct opposition to God’s Law: “What thing soever I command you, observe to do it; you shall not add thereto, nor diminish from it” (Deut. 12:32). These are God’s plain words telling Israel that they cannot mix the horrible customs of outright paganism with the supposed ‘focus on the family’ of Christian believers.

    Daniel talks of a “little horn”, which “Shall speak great words against the Most High and shall wear out the saints… and think to change times and laws” (Daniel 7:8, 25). This little horn is a great religious authority that tries to superimpose its own perspective of dates on the calendar and celebrations thereof. Can we identify Christmas as an example of how this prophecy has come to pass? If God does not change; if God does not lie; and if God keeps His covenants, then we should not try to mold God into our own image; we should not lie about Christmas; and we should honor the conditions and promises that God bestowed upon His Israel people, the White race.

    There is no mistaking the origin of Christmas, in spite of the plastic Nativity scenes in front of fire stations. In 1990, the Solon, Ohio school board banned all Nativity and other Christmas scenes on any school property, because they felt it violated the separation of church and state. They were challenged in court when outraged parents opposed them, feeling that Christmas was being stolen from their children and the community. The board lost the case! The citizenry had contended that Christmas was a worldwide tradition that was not part of, and transcended, religion. It was deemed to be secular, being part of virtually every culture and race worldwide. The court decision affirmed that Christmas has no Christian roots! And they would be right. I can hear the New World Order choir singing, “We are the world… It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” Barf bag anyone?

    What’s going to happen to the Christmas keeper at the Second Coming of Christ when He tells them they were wrong? Oops, we’re sorry. Well, don’t hold your breath if you’re sucking down an egg nog. Judgment is not something that is postponed until Judgment Day. Look around and smell the coffee. The merchants of the earth are dependant upon the Babylonian commercialization of December for 60% of their annual retail sales. Christmas is perfect for the schizophrenic jew who hates Jesus Christ, but loves making merchandise of God and big profits. December leads the entire year in over-extended credit cards, debt, materialism, drunkenness, DUI’s, promiscuity, loneliness, jealousy, covetousness, domestic disturbance calls, depression, suicides, revelry, antichrist propaganda, home fires, pick-pockets etc. In general, it is a time for the spirit of ungodliness. It’s the most wonderful time of the year… for demonic perversion.

    But, perhaps it’ designed that way to keep our people chained to ecclesiastical politicians and slaves to the Talmudic establishment. How ironic for preachers who can identify modern Babylon, but poo poo the idea that a cabal of Nimrod knockoffs is the real reason for the season. It’s not enough to exhort our Christian Identity brethren to drop the Christmas habit. It must be purged from their hearts and minds so that they willingly and finally understand the gravity of this collective transgression. Our enemies know full well that Christmas is a form of genocide against the White race.

    The Puritans of New England understood how wrong Christmas was and banned its observance by law in 1659. Throughout the Massachusetts Bay Colony, fines and imprisonment could result from being found keeping it. It was almost 200 years later in 1856 Boston where people stopped working on Christmas. I know it’s hard to dismiss family obligations when the sugar coated pressure is on for us to find time to show our love and appreciation for those who are close to us. But, Christ refers to His church-ecclesia as a “little flock” (Luke 12:32) not the ‘safety in numbers’ of the “many” in churchianity.

    There will be those who after reading this message still won’t get it and find nothing wrong about Christmas, the antichrist mass. In fact, they may even attack me for making a big deal about it and just making it more confusing for people who already face greater problems. Maybe people have their problems because of their own self-inflicted babel and do not want to obey God. That is the sad reality today. Many speak of putting Christ back into Christmas, but the true Christ was never really there.

    The real meaning and purpose of Christmas is to curse the White race. Their dreaming of a white Christmas is our nightmare of sheep being accounted for slaughter. In the past I thought it was a waste of time and futile to reach the hapless brainwashed victims of holiday mind control. But Pastor Sheldon Emry helped me see the dangers wrought in the Christmas madness. The times are even more dire now than back then, with a negro president, swarms of illegal aliens, hundreds of billions for the bankers, Baal-outs for multinational corporations, rampant corruption and moral decay, massive unemployment, unrestrained wars shedding innocent blood, oppressive legislation, record bankruptcies and foreclosures, devastating weather, poverty, homelessness and on and on and on it goes.

    Well, guess what? The party is over for God fearing Christians. The truth shall make us free from strong delusions. The spirit of Christmas is not of God. Our nation is coming under a heavy dose of divine judgment. We had better make a big deal about what the cause of God’s wrath is and care enough to do something about it. The cause and effect between the golden calf of Christmas and the persecution of true Israel is just as important now as it was in ancient times. “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, come out of her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues” Rev. 18:4.

    Pastor Mark Downey/Baal-Priest Klhumper of Klunt

    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 12-26-2009, 03:22 AM. Reason: Add Links


    No Satan, No Seedline
    But Theyz A Debbil In Mrs. Klunt!!!

