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I'm Back In The Saddle Again

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  • I'm Back In The Saddle Again

    I'm Back In The Saddle Again

    Over the past two weeks or so, I've not been able to get onto the Internet. The problem got particularly bad the past few days.

    Well, today the cable company guy came over and put in a reconditioned Motorola modem like my own and got it up and running again. So it would seem that my six year old modem pooped out. So I'll buy me another modem as opposed to 'renting' one and get everything re-installed Tuesday.

    I also renegotiated my cable bill and saved $40 per month.

    During the past three days I've gone back into my e-mail files from 2002 and 'remembered' the days when Andy 'Blanchardsmamzer-Belialsson' Anderson, Klunt Downey and her meercat past-her, Khazar-Dick Niemela/Niematoad/Niematurd, and a cast of sundry whiggers and jews and mamzers essentially censored away all DSCI White men who opposed them and how it all ended up. Essentially Andy Anderson is now running a three-member jewhoogruppen named House of Klunt and Klunt is out on her ass from $permFront. Censoring ZOGling whigger and jew mamzer ass-clowns invariably end up censoring away the interesting people and leaving their forums into a cinder.

    I think I'll post some of the posts from back then. My language was even more colorful back then, the NutHouse has taught me discretion.

    I think phorafags/feebs, VNNF, $permFront is going the same path. Yes, they will get and garner their own brand of whigger feeb and yes, the whiggroid 'MuhDikkk!!!' foolishness will continue, but in terms of being intellectually active, they will further decline. Whiggers are jewniform like sheep in terms of their inherent mediocrity.

    The Internet may seem to change, and it does cosmetically. But the same people are there from 14 to seven to two years ago. They do not change their basic inability to think and their inherent hatred of new and different thought.

    ZOG and the jews have always tried to create as many false-front organizations as possible. Back in 1999 they had one of their workers create a jewhoogroup e-mail list to which they invited known DSCI people affiliated with the militia movement and then, in May 2000, when Y2Kaos went bust, gave it to a small-minded miscegenator and government 'worker' named Andy Anderson who hated DSCI. And Andy kicked off over two years, every single DSCI white man he could find, as did Klunt Downey over on $permFront.

    And, in so fighting these ZOG false-fronts, the aboveground DSCI Church had no choice but to develop their own forums, blogs, web pages and Internet radio in order to combat these false fronts and get the message out.


    This is why I never worry about losing false friends and self-serving allies who invariably try to betray us at the least opportune moment. Finding out where they stand should always be your first order of business. You never lean too much on a weak reed. Instead you make sure you have your own media to get out your message.

    So this short vacation from the Internet allowed me to look back at the last time I was banished from the Internet thanks to some evil bitch and this Andy Anderson and to review that the more things seem to change, the more they actually stay the same. 'Hue-man' nature never changes, even in 6,000 years.

    When I wrote above yesterday, a cable company technician has just replaced my modem and left. Then the cable connection was lost again except for five minutes this morning. So now it is up again.

    ZOG infrastructure is falling apart and it is run by idiots. Tech support got outsourced to India and they don't know what is going on here in the ZOGland. We'll see how long I am up this weekend.

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 07-31-2009, 03:48 PM.

    Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
    Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum

  • #2
    Glad to see you are back up, Pastor. I lost cable myself, the damn DNS servers just weren't responding, then the DHCP crapped out. I tried to hop my neighbors wireless but his was doing the same thing.


    • #3
      I'm Back In The Saddle Again, Pt.2

      I'm Back In The Saddle Again, Pt.2

      Last week, on July 24, 2008 I wrote the following:

      Originally posted by PastorLindstedt
      I'm Back In The Saddle Again

      Over the past two weeks or so, I've not been able to get onto the Internet. The problem got particularly bad the past few days.

      Well, today the cable company guy came over and put in a reconditioned Motorola modem like my own and got it up and running again. So it would seem that my six year old modem pooped out. So I'll buy me another modem as opposed to 'renting' one and get everything re-installed Tuesday.

      I also renegotiated my cable bill and saved $40 per month.

      During the past three days I've gone back into my e-mail files from 2002 and 'remembered' the days when Andy 'Blanchardsmamzer-Belialsson' Anderson, Klunt Downey and her meercat past-her, Khazar-Dick Niemela/Niematoad/Niematurd, and a cast of sundry whiggers and jews and mamzers essentially censored away all DSCI White men who opposed them and how it all ended up. Essentially Andy Anderson is now running a three-member jewhoogruppen named House of Klunt and Klunt is out on her ass from $permFront. Censoring ZOGling whigger and jew mamzer ass-clowns invariably end up censoring away the interesting people and leaving their forums into a cinder.

      I think I'll post some of the posts from back then. My language was even more colorful back then, the NutHouse has taught me discretion.

      I think phorafags/feebs, VNNF, $permFront is going the same path. Yes, they will get and garner their own brand of whigger feeb and yes, the whiggroid 'MuhDikkk!!!' foolishness will continue, but in terms of being intellectually active, they will further decline. Whiggers are jewniform like sheep in terms of their inherent mediocrity.

      The Internet may seem to change, and it does cosmetically. But the same people are there from 14 to seven to two years ago. They do not change their basic inability to think and their inherent hatred of new and different thought.

      ZOG and the jews have always tried to create as many false-front organizations as possible. Back in 1999 they had one of their workers create a jewhoogroup e-mail list to which they invited known DSCI people affiliated with the militia movement and then, in May 2000, when Y2Kaos went bust, gave it to a small-minded miscegenator and government 'worker' named Andy Anderson who hated DSCI. And Andy kicked off over two years, every single DSCI white man he could find, as did Klunt Downey over on $permFront.

      And, in so fighting these ZOG false-fronts, the aboveground DSCI Church had no choice but to develop their own forums, blogs, web pages and Internet radio in order to combat these false fronts and get the message out.


      This is why I never worry about losing false friends and self-serving allies who invariably try to betray us at the least opportune moment. Finding out where they stand should always be your first order of business. You never lean too much on a weak reed. Instead you make sure you have your own media to get out your message.

      So this short vacation from the Internet allowed me to look back at the last time I was banished from the Internet thanks to some evil bitch and this Andy Anderson and to review that the more things seem to change, the more they actually stay the same. 'Hue-man' nature never changes, even in 6,000 years.

      When I wrote above yesterday, a cable company technician has just replaced my modem and left. Then the cable connection was lost again except for five minutes this morning. So now it is up again.

      ZOG infrastructure is falling apart and it is run by idiots. Tech support got outsourced to India and they don't know what is going on here in the ZOGland. We'll see how long I am up this weekend.
      Well, yesterday the same tech came out and replaced the ground tap, which was full of water with a new tap which had a new gasket. And the connection worked real good for a few hours, then died.

      I called the cable company and the tech support said that there was 'tremendous noise' on the line and said that the soonest things could be taken care of would be Tuesday or Thursday. Yesterday there was good signal, today it was too much for the new modem to cut through.

      So I went out and checked the line outside and it was securely fastened. But now, around, 4:00 p.m., things are back to a good signal and so I think I'll write something to explain my condition.

      The bowel Movement is ALWAYS in an uproar. Be it jews like jewnstain causing a commotion because as jews they love chaos, whiggers being whiggers, and breaking news like Hal Turner becoming known as a FBI snitch, the bowel Movement is one big circus, with lots of clowns, and something going on to amuse the idiotic. Once you have been with the Movement a while and get to know the players and understand that the Movement is a network and never a hierarchy, even though feebs try to rise to the top like rancid cream, you know that the Movement will stagger along, fitfully, towards, . . . . . irrelevance.

      What is coming up is a civil war ushering in a Great Tribulation. Selfish and idiotic whiggers cannot work together to accomplish anything. This is why DSCI communication, telling everyone that everything will get worse, and keeping on time and target is effective propaganda. This Revolution is being fought on YHWH's Time, which is why I and others of the DSCI faith seldom if ever get frantic. What's the point, when everything is by YHWH's Design and Will?

      There is a minor mamzer incursion called Bryan Wright/Lyin' Wong I sort of need to stomp on some more, but this mamzer isn't going anywhere given that it has been driven away everywhere else. But given the Hal Turner and Jay Faber silliness, what is important is for the aboveground DSCI Church to get back to its roots -- the local rural and small-town congregation -- and to simply let the skinhead rabble that infested the Church around the dying Butler simply fade away, and which the jews want to make DSCI 'leadership' like they do with Bill White wither on the vine like it did with August Kreis.

      Therefore, what is necessary is to streamline the Comparet AIT course to a book around 150 pages explaining our racial religion and getting it available for a print on demand price of $20-$25. Then creating a workbook for DSCI pastors to form a DSCI online seminary with finishing by DSCI pastors. Then using this new decentralized and belowground ministry to rejuvenate the OSLer rife-with-heresy below-ground congregations which make up 99% of the CI faith.

      I received a CI prison ministry newsletter two weeks ago. The newsletter was a mixture of stuff, amateurishly done, cheaply and bluntly. We, as an aboveground DSCI church need to create the material so that these cheap newsletters below the radar can flourish -- and be religiously correct.

      Likewise, since ZOG and the $PLC is afraid of a CI militia movement resurrection, given the 'birther' conspiracy among Whites, then let's give Chicken jew Little something to cackle about. I'm resurrecting my 'Modern Militiaman' e-zine and taking articles.

      When I was in the Army artillery, there was some things called a 'remote.' It consisted of a transmitter attached to several miles of land line. The thinking was to lay out that transmitter several miles away into the piney forests of Germany and if the Russians thought your main operations was in the area, to send a signal down the land line to the transmitter and have the Russians take out that grid square and then counterbattery fire. Since ZOG loves to run us ragged, then time to run ZOG ragged instead.

      The bowel Movement is chaotic and disorganized. Anything which costs money or is slick, like Hal Turner, or VNNF, or $permFront, or Voice of Reason/ReTards, almost always is a ZOG false front. So what to do?

      Enjoy the entertainment. Laugh at the clowns. Giggle if you please.

      But also realize that your fate is in YOUR hands. Learn to think for yourselves. Keep alert. The Movement needs more lerts. Work to save your own life by leading yourself to a godly life with moderation and fending for yourself. Pray to YHWH that you be deemed worthy to escape the worst to come. You and YHWH will be the ones to save yourself, not any great Movement leader who will somehow take away the necessary Great Die-off which must come, like frost to every field of corn, so that new life can come.

      So, something to explain my often absences was in order.

      Hail Victory!!!

      Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
      Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
      Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 07-31-2009, 04:44 PM.

      Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
      Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


      • #4
        Lindstedt informed me this afternoon that his internet service provider is down and that they won't be out to check the problem until tuesday.
        I'm Not Nearly Ass Clever ass I Think I Am.

        I'm Proud 2 B a Britton-Okie from Muskogee!!!.

        Listen to my "Cherokee" mamzer-faggot son call in about how I abandoned my mongrel sons:

        Drunken Tonto Death Threats:


