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Radical Islamic Terrorism kills at least 8 German whigger & mamzer ass-clowns

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  • Radical Islamic Terrorism kills at least 8 German whigger & mamzer ass-clowns

    Radical Islamic Terrorism in a Munuch mall kills at least 8 German whigger & mamzer ass-clowns

    By Souad Mekhennet, Stephanie Kirchner and William Branigin
    July 22 at 6:54 PM

    MUNICH — A shooting rampage in a busy shopping area of Munich left at least eight people dead Friday and sparked a manhunt for as many as three gunmen who reportedly fled the scene after carrying out an act of “suspected terrorism,” authorities said.

    Police later reported a ninth fatality and said they were trying to verify whether a gunman committed suicide. No other details were immediately available.

    At least 10 people were injured in the attack, the Munich police department said on Twitter more than six hours after the shooting. “Police operations are still running. The situation is still not clear.”

    There were no immediate details about the victims of what a police spokesman said“looks like a terrorist attack.”

    Much of the southern German city was put on lockdown as police conducted their manhunt. Despite initial reports of multiple attack sites, police could not confirm attacks in any other locations besides the shopping area.

    Map: Where the Munich mall shooting happened VIEW GRAPHIC
    Officials did not immediately specify how the attack unfolded or describe the full scope of the bloodshed at the Olympia shopping complex.

    But a senior security official told The Washington Post that four people were killed inside a McDonald’s restaurant and one was fatally shot outside. The official said another victim died at a hospital.

    The initial investigation was pointing “in all directions,” police spokesman Marcus de Gloria Martins told reporters in Munich.

    German officials said investigators were looking into the possibility that the attack might have been motivated by anti-immigrant sentiments, as well as the prospect that Islamist extremism was behind it. Language against foreigners can be heard on a recording from the scene of the shooting, but it was not immediately clear who was speaking. A German television station said a witness told a colleague that the shooter shouted “Bloody foreigners!” at the scene of the McDonald’s attack. There was no immediate confirmation of that account.

    German news media reported that police found a body, possibly that of the McDonald’s shooter, about half a mile from the scene and were checking a backpack for explosives.

    Hours after the attack, Martins said police were still assuming that “up to three perpetrators” were involved. “We’re definitely not assuming that it’s more than three, but it might also be that it’s fewer than that,” he said.

    Shots fired at a Munich mall
    View Photos German police sealed off a shopping center in Munich on Friday after shots were fired, authorities said.
    A German intelligence official noted that it was the fifth anniversary of a lone-wolf massacre in Norway that claimed the lives of 77 people. The bomb and gun attacks there were carried out by a right-wing extremist.

    A manhunt was launched as helicopters fanned out over the city, and Munich’s transit system was shut down. Residents were asked to stay off the streets.

    There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the shootings, but a high-ranking police official told The Post that they appeared likely to be linked to terrorism.

    A message posted online in Arabic, apparently from an Islamic State account, said: “Nowhere is safe for all of you. You people have opened the doors of hell by declaring war on us.”

    [Tracing the path of terrorists sent to Europe by ISIS]

    An elite German counterterrorist force was promptly dispatched to Munich to help deal with the situation.

    An employee inside the mall, who would give only her first name, Sabiha, said she saw a gunman open fire outside her clothing store. The assailant — described as about 6-foot-1, with black hair and a beard and wearing a black shirt and “some kind of vest” — moved through the corridors before leaving the building, Sabiha told The Washington Post.

    Sabiha said she saw at least two people killed and one injured.

    “I was lucky because he shot toward the other directions, not mine,” she said, speaking from a hiding spot inside a storage room in the store.

    A video clip posted on Twitter showed a gunman opening fire outside a McDonald’s near the shopping complex as people dashed for cover. The man appeared to fire on passersby with a handgun, seemingly at random.

    A police statement sent by Twitter urged people near the site to remain in their homes.

    A similar announcement was issued by the U.S. Consulate in Munich, which reported “shots fired at multiple locations in Munich.” It advised U.S. citizens to “shelter in place pending police announcements that the situation is under control.”

    A later statement issued by the consulate said that “Munich’s main railway station is closed, and mass transit remains halted.”

    In Washington, President Obama told a group of law enforcement officers at the White House that the United States is offering German authorities “all the support that they may need in dealing with these circumstances,” which he said remain murky.

    He said the Munich attacks serve as a reminder that “our freedoms, our ability to go about our business every day, raising our kids, seeing them grow up and graduate from high school, now about to leave their dad — I’m sorry, I’m getting a little too personal, getting a little too personal there — that depends on law enforcement. It depends on the men and women in uniform every single day who are, under some of the most adverse circumstances imaginable at times, making sure to keep us safe.”

    In a separate statement, the White House said the United States “condemns in the strongest terms the apparent terrorist attack that has claimed innocent lives in Munich.” It added: “The resolve of Germany, the United States, and the broader international community will remain unshaken in the face of acts of despicable violence such as this.”

    Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said in a statement: “This cannot continue. The rise of terrorism threatens the way of life for all civilized people, and we must do everything in our power to keep it from our shores.”

    The Munich mall is near the city’s Olympic Stadium, the centerpiece of the 1972 Summer Olympic Games that become known for tragedy when Palestinian terrorists took Israeli athletes hostage and killed 11 of them.

    Munich is about 40 miles north of Germany’s southern border with Austria, and the city has been deeply affected by a huge influx of refugees sparked by upheaval in the Middle East. More than 1 million asylum seekers arrived in Germany in 2015, and many of them have passed through Munich. About one in seven of the arrivals remain in the city and surrounding region, in the state of Bavaria.

    [Ax-wielding attacker roils Germany]

    German security forces have been on heightened alert since Monday, when a 17-year-old Afghan armed with a knife and an ax attacked passengers on a commuter train near the Bavarian city of Würzburg. At least five people were injured.

    The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the train attack, but German authorities have said there is no evidence of direct links between the teen and the group.

    Last month, German authorities arrested three Syrians on suspicion of planning an Islamic State attack on the city of Düsseldorf. The men had entered Germany with a wave of migrants fleeing war and mayhem in the Middle East.

    The alleged plot involved suicide bombers, firearms and explosives, German authorities said. The arrests potentially thwarted a deadly operation comparable to assaults on Brussels in March and Paris last November.

    Kirchner reported from Berlin and Branigin from Washington. Brian Murphy and Mark Berman in Washington contributed to this report.

    I am The Librarian