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Live Thread: Super Tuesday 3 Live Thread: Super Tuesday 3

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  • Live Thread: Super Tuesday 3 Live Thread: Super Tuesday 3

    Live Thread: Super Tuesday 3

    Florida, North Carolina, Missouri, Illinois and Ohio vote



    If Marco Rubio won Florida, it would go down as the greatest upset in the history of polling. Donald Trump has led every single poll in Florida for months. Trump is winning by around 20 points in five polls which came out over the last 24 hours.

    Trump wins Florida.

    All signs point to Kasich winning Ohio. He is a popular governor there. He has a home state advantage with the Republican machine on his side. He has been in politics for over thirty years there and surely knows what he is doing. The polls suggest he has around a 5 point lead. Kasich has been using every debate as an opportunity to microtarget the moderate and liberal voters he needs to win in Ohio.

    Kasich wins Ohio.

    North Carolina was the first state where polling showed Trump had a lead. . All the polls show Trump winning North Carolina. He won South Carolina and Virginia. Trump has never lost a primary where he is polling over 40 percent.
    He has held that lead since July
    Trump wins North Carolina.

    Trump is winning Illinois in all the polls. It is an open primary state. If the events in Chicago had any impact, you would think it would be here. In Florida, a Monmouth poll showed that 22 percent of voters said that what happened in Chicago made them more likely to vote for Trump versus 11 percent who said it made them less likely. In Ohio, a Monmouth poll broke down as 66 percent saying it had no impact, 16 percent more likely to vote for Trump, and 14 percent less likely to vote for Trump.

    Trump wins Illinois.

    There haven’t been many polls in Missouri, but all have showed Trump winning the state and maintaining around a 7 point lead. It is an open primary state. Unlike Iowa, Kansas, and Oklahoma, Missouri has been plagued by racial conflict. Republicans in the St. Louis suburbs are suffering from a severe case of negro fatigue. My guess is that what happened in Chicago – combined with the ongoing crime wave which has made St. Louis the most dangerous city in the country – is much more likely to have resonated here than in Florida. Plus, I associate Missouri with the Baums.

    Trump wins Missouri.

    Note: There are two polls which have the race tied in Ohio. We need an overwhelming shitlord turnout to carry Ohio and put this away. Otherwise, I expect Kasich and Cruz will hang on through April.

    The quality of people I am reaching is much higher than I ever did with a forum.
    I'm now at the top of the racialist intellectual community in the United States.
    I was a nobody when I ran The Phora.

  • #2
    Missouri Presidential Primary Predictions - 2016

    Missouri Presidential Primary Predictions - 2016

    Even though I'm the Newton County Libbertoon Chairman, tomorrow I'm voting for Trump, and gonna try to get Roxie in the wheelchair to go vote Trump at the church polling place next door.

    The Newton County Establishment tards favor Big Rickie the Lizard-Weasel Cruz, but Roxie's nephew favors Trump along with his wife. So the local repubs favor Trump. The local lesbo-Dems favor Swillery, though there are about 30 spawn-of-Satan in jewplin.

    Looking at Trump in St. Charles, which is the major county west of St. Louis, and Franklin County, with the newer suburbs, I predict that Trump will win by 9 or 10 percent. The "good-ol-boys" favor Trump and the Cubans look too much like beaners. Trump by 9-15%, with Big Rickie second, and Pussy-Pollack Kasich and Little Rickie Bubbles the Gay Pool Boy dead last with 6-8%.

    Trump isn't really a racist and Trump likes jews. But Trump is a wrecking ball. In Missouri the reason that the Repubs have lost is because Matt "Runt" Blunt stole everything. (I ran as a Repub for Governor against Runt Blunt and got put in the Nuthouse for my presumption.) In Missouri Minstrel-Show Mel Carnahan won two terms because of a crooked Attorney General getting convicted from 1992-2000 and beating Asscrack for Senatard in 2000. We now have a piece of shit Democrat named Jay Nixon as two terms for governor because Runt Blunt made things toxic for Repubs.

    In Missouri since 1992 there has been a 2% margin of victory between the Dems and the Repubs. The Dems usually win the statewide offices because the Repubs are crooked and stupid but the Repubs own the General ASSembly/state legistraitors.

    Thanks in part to TraitorGlenn Miller any "White Supremacist" is not allowed to run for federal, state or local office since 2006. I was not allowed to run for U.S. Senator as a Republican, or Democrat or Libbertoon or CONstipationalist party candidaten in 2010. I was not allowed to run for U.S. Congress in 2014 for any of the above parties either. I was kicked off the ballot for Sheriff in 2012. Now Roxie isn't going to be allowed to run for Sheriff this year because of a new 2015 law saying that you have to already be a licensed pig to run for Sheriff. I call it the "Iron Felix Dzerzhinsky Enabling Act."

    Thus there are no such thangs as open, free, fair open [s]elections in Missouri. I'll be filing a federal lawsuit, and selling "tyranny licenses" to Russia, China, and Iranians because why should they allow anyone they don't want to run given that MoZOG doesn't hold open free fair [s]elections either?

    Trump has three main proposals / platforms:
    1) Limit immigruntation.
    2) Put up a tariff wall.
    3) No wars against anyone because ZOG's Armed Farces are unable to win.

    Everyone who is white and works for a living wants Trump's proposals. Even some of the niggers and beaners. All of the other rabble are scattered.

    Trump wins by 9-20 points in every state except Ohio. Trump might win Ohio narrowly. Or lose narrowly to Pussy-Pollack Kasichkike.

    Let's keep our eyes on the prize: Racial and religious civil war which will tear ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final apart. Everyone against The Donald is "Auntie White". It doesn't matter that Trump isn't one of us and never was. If the Republifuktardcucks steal the nomination from Trump they will destroy their ZOG false-front political party. They will try regardless of reality because they simply hate Trump and the whigger cucktards and the muds and the jews actually think that Trump is secretly one of us when Trump isn't. Trump is for Trump. A vote for Trump is a vote for civil war and bloodshed. We don't want to make ZOG/Babylon or AmurriKwa or Under Satan's Administration -- "grate agin.". We want to Fuck ZOG Up.

    There is no downside to whatever happens today.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Lindstedt, Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri
    Refused Candidate for U.S. Senate, Republican Party
    Newton County LibberToon Party Chairman
    Write-in Candidate for Governor / First Warlord Nationalist Party of Missouri

    Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
    Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


    • #3
      I appreciate your analysis

      I appreciate your analysis

      I love you.


      • #4
        Events in Newton County Moronsouri

        Events in Newton County Moronsouri

        Thanks Denise. I appreciate being appreciated.

        Roxie doesn't like Trump and so she refuses to let me load her up into the wheelchair and wheel her over to the polling place at the church an easy 75-100 yards away on an incline. Well, itz corned beef and cabbage soup for her until the crock-pot is empty. I can eat such Green-Hibernigger fare as a Swede and she can as an Ulster Orange-Hibernigger for the next three daze out of the 8-quart crockpot, but "discipline" isn't meant to be fun, just necessary. Call it Fifty Shades of Green.

        Since the polling place changed from the Granby Annex Building "downtown" to the Church of God next door on Cobb Hill, the traffic has increased by greater than ten times. Buddy the Poopy Dawg / Baalzepup the Pisser-Possum Bane has been yapping and yapping at the end of his chain at the traffic and having a great time. Baalzepup loves [s]Election Daze.

        The polling was over 800 votes by 4:15pm. Polls close at 7:00 pm Central. Granby is the biggest precinct in Newton County. Normal is 500 or less. The turnout is heavy, and thus Trump is gonna get it. The Republicuck Establishment favors Big Rickie Cruz. As Newton County goes, so does Republicuck chances in Missouri, being the largest reliably Republican county in Missouri. If a Republican candidate gets over 72% of the vote, he will win the Moronsouri general [s]election. Get 68% or less the Dem[on]ocrat is gonna win the general [s]election. Newton County went only 65% for McCain in 2008 and Obongo won Missouri. Open primary. They were going to hand me a LibberToon ballot but I told them that pretty much all LibberToons other than myself are dweebs and tard ass-clowns, I wanted a Repub ballot. I videoed my vote for Trump. Swillery is at the top of the Dem[on]ocrat ballot and Bernie Pinko-jewboy is down three or four spaces. The CONstipational Party didn't even have a Presidential candidate.

        A polling place in Jasper County wasn't nearly as busy, but turnout was up by 40 percent anyways.

        In Miami Floriduh amongst the Cubans, Marco Rubio's wife is in a nearly empty polling place. Little Rickie the Gay Pool Boy is finished except for blowing off Big Rickie the Lizard-Weasel Cruz.

        Turnout up by over 50% in a primary [s]election in the heaviest, most reliable of Missouri Republicuck counties. Itz maybe a win in the double-digits for Trump in Missouri. With 28%-32% max voting Demonocrat, it might well mean a crossover vote for Bernie Pinko-jewboy. Open primaries mean all kinds of mischief.

        Live "Flush Rimblow" mobile show at Newton County korthouse tonight. I'm loading up the video-camera, the mp3 recorder, the florescent pink Halloween wig bought at Walmart for $.197 plus tax and phoning it in live via the beaner cell-phone.

        Hail Victory!!!

        Pastor Martin Lindstedt, Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri
        Refused (2016) Candidate for U.S. Senate, Republican Party
        Newton County LibberToon Party Chairman
        Write-in Candidate for Governor / First Warlord Nationalist Party of Missouri

        Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
        Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum

