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ZOG vs Pastor Lindstedt

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  • ZOG vs Pastor Lindstedt

    ZOG vs Pastor Lindstedt

    Today is May 10, 2009, the fourth anniversary of the second worst day of my life -- when I was falsely arrested on the bogus warrant signed by a faggot judge upon the lying complaint of Assistant Newton County Prosecutor Bill Dobbs based upon the third-hand hearsay about what a pig named Kevin Young said that he had heard a state-sponsored 'therapist' named Tracy Voorhees had said she had coerced from my slightly-retarded grandson after 'therapy' sessions conduced without the presence of his parents or older sister. Based upon the 'anonymous' hotline call from a little criminal leaned upon by the piglice to make this false accusation to remove the grandchildren, whom I have not seen since April 9, 2004, the worst day of my life. The next three and a half years would see my so-called CONstitutional 'rights' violated, four of my teeth knocked out by piglice, illegally drugged on the order of nigger, jew and whigger psychiatrists, habeas corpus denied by the korts and criminal regime. And this destruction of my family and torture has made me a tougher Resistance warlord and Dual-Seedline Christian Identity (DSCI) clergyman for it. My solution is the same of any Resistance warlord to any Evil Empire destroying its founding White People -- extermination of the criminal regime, and of whigger, mud and jew regime criminals.

    I came early to the Internet. I was writing and publishing a paper 'zine and my LibberToon friends urged me to get on the Internet back in 1994, when Netscape came up with the first graphical web browser and 1200 baud modems were the standard. I said that I really didn't want to write to 10 million whigger feebs in order to reach 100 White men. But I was talked into it and so bought a 2400 baud modem for $120 and got on CompuServe in order to get e-mail. And then Newton and Jasper county got on the Internet, thanks to the Missouri legislature. And on February 22, 1996 I opened up my first Web page I called "Patrick Henry On-Line -- Your One-Stop Shopping For Sedition." I was founding and working with two militias, one of them largely CI dominated. And I remember what Ezra Pound had said about being published -- that he couldn't get his first-rate to fourth-rate material published unless it was a-political. And having butted heads with so many whigger pussazoids of either gender before, I dared not trust my writings to others. Therefore, the option was to publish my own writings. And 'conservatives' initially loved it -- and then fled from it because it was deemed racist -- since it was indeed racist. However, even so I did manage to publish an Internet e-'zine called "Modern Militiaman" with others like Patricia Neill and the nigger militia general JJ Johnson. The militia movement went underground and the militia generals destroyed their militias. But by then I was publishing other Resistance authors like Jim Floyd, Luke LaVellian, and Eric Thomson, with the understanding that there would be no editing or censorship. Eric Thomson, detests Christian Identity. However, I would publish Eric Thomson as written and put a hyperlink as to why Eric Thomson was misguided.

    The method of Movement communication has gone from paper 'zines to fax networks (APFN = American Patriot Fax Network) to e-mail lists to jewhoogruppen to v-bulletin and phpbb forums. Ever since the failed 'Christmas Coup' of 2004 when I was a jewlagged refugee to Fade the Bitcher's phorafags/feebs I have decided to eventually establish a Resistance v-bulletin forum, and today, as promised, I do so.

    You see, like in the days of jewhoogruppen and before that the e-mail lists, at least one-third of any grouping or forum are jews, ZOGling piglice and whigger symps of Babylon. While 95% of ostensible Whites are whiggers, the figure within the Movement of whiggers is at least 80 percent. Like the Randy Travis song, we're dealing with a better class of loser. Any genuine Resistance leader is going to be called 'crazy' or insane because "You can't fight ZOG! Why, there is no other beast like THE BEAST, and we are not going to even leave Sodom and Gomorrah, much less have to look back." Whiggers have not changed since Lot fled Sodom and the slave-children of Israel left, in a mixed multitude out of Egypt. So the proper put-down for some whigger yapping, "Lindstedt, you're insane!" is to tell the whigger, be it Edgar Steele the Whigger-Whimperer to some scheming whigger criminal posing in the NutHouse, that "Yes, yes, I'm insane but jew're typical, and I'd far rather be nuts than tippy-cull."

    Look whigger. Not a single mighty Evil Empire has survived the test of time. Every single time it destroyed its founding People by sending their young best blood off to die to to miscegenate in foreign conquests and bring back base-blooded slaves to miscegenate within the Evil Empire's heartland to where there were no more of the founding People, other than a remnant, taxed to extinction.

    Additionally, a race-mixing ZOG/Babylon is nothing new. The first Babylon was described in Genesis Chapter Six, wherein the Adamites bred with demons, muds, and Cainites/Kenites to where YHWH destroyed them locally. The Second Babylon was founded by Nimrod and his wife-mother Semiramis. And the goal of today's ZOG/Babylon is stated in Daniel 2:42-44 -- to mix the seed of mankind to where, like iron and clay, like rust and shit, it cannot cleave together.

    It is you, whigger, who are insane, like diseased lemmings. The last year has seen the forerunner of economic collapse. Whiggers cannot take care of theysselfs, much less pay taxes to support niggers, beaners, gooks, sundry muds -- and jews. Collapse is inevitable. Us Dual-Seedliners are correct, and the rest of you bowel-Movement whiggers are, as usual, both stupid and full of shit.

    The largest v-bulletin forums, $permFront and VNNF/TGMNNF are simply ZOG false-fronts, designed to get the whiggers to act like deranged cattle chasing they'se shit-encrusted tails with their teef. VNNF was always hostile to Christians, be they CI or otherwise. $permFront, for some deranged notions of their own, have decided to eliminate their theology sub-forums. Now while us DSCI clergy are pleased that Klunt & meercat-Mark Downey are out on they'se baal-priest asses the vast majority of bowel Movement forums are overtly Christian hostile, the idiots.

    So, the name of this forum is to be Christian Nationalist. It is sponsored by the Aryan Nations of Missouri, the political arm of the Church of Jesus Christ Christian DSCI Church. I am networking with Pastor Visser of Georgia and Pastor Faber of New York/New Jersey. Christian Nationalists are welcome on Christian Nationalist Forum. However, it is the Aryan Nations which is paying this piper and which calls the tune.

    A jewlag will be set up. And self-worsheeping whiggers playing with they'se virtual puds will be ridiculed unmercifully. There will be debate for those of you who can handle it. But a CI thumb will be on our scale. The best forum free of hypocrisy and actually worthwhile on the Internet is StumbleInn. However, I am not in the least interested in encouraging diversity, and so know better than to even try to make Christian Nationalist into anything but the most radical Movement forum for the benefit of telling the House of Ahab that those who support ZOG who die in the cities are to be eaten by the dogs and those who die in the fields shall be eaten by the crows. We have no program, no plan, other than to let Nature take its course and let ZOG/Babylon be destroyed.

    Whiggers, freedom isn't something that some Movement leader can give you while sitting on jewr fat whigger ass. You want freedom? Then you must kill jewr inner jew first -- and then jewr outer jew second. But both inner and outer jew must die.

    And thus, as I did back in 1996, in establishing a web page, then sundry jewhoogruppen, the organ of propagation of propaganda is to be a v-bulletin forum, Christian Nationalist Forum. I shall encourage non-treasonous Movement leaders to post in their own little sub-forums and blogs on this forum. If you have something worth saying, then come here and speak. If you are a mamzer shithead or jew, then prepare to be ridiculed and jewlagged. And if you are a ZOGling whigger or piglice-loving feeb, then best merely lurk, like you do on a lot of other forums.

    Right now the forum is rough looking. However, v-bulletin is a lot more powerful software than phpbb and thus takes more work. And, unlike the other Movement forums, it is best to out the sponsoring memberships at the bottom of the page and the Debate Hall at the top, where those who wish can access it first-hand. Form will follow function.

    Therefore, for those of you who wish to post to another Movement forum, and who as Christians are tired of being third-class shitizens on bowel Movement whiggeries, welcome.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri ----> Christian Nationalist Forum

  • #2
    May 10, 2010 -- Fifth Anniversary of my False Arrest, 2d Anniversary of Christian Nationalist Forum

    May 10, 2010 -- Fifth Anniversary of my False Arrest, 2d Anniversary of Christian Nationalist Forum

    Today is May 10, 2009, the fifth anniversary of the second worst day of my life -- when I was falsely arrested on the bogus warrant signed by a faggot judge upon the lying complaint of Assistant Newton County Prosecutor Bill Dobbs based upon the third-hand hearsay about what a pig named Kevin Young said that he had heard a state-sponsored 'therapist' named Tracy Voorhees had said she had coerced from my slightly-retarded grandson after 'therapy' sessions conduced without the presence of his parents or older sister. Based upon the 'anonymous' hotline call from a little criminal leaned upon by the piglice to make this false accusation to remove the grandchildren, whom I have not seen since April 9, 2004, the worst day of my life. The next three and a half years would see my so-called CONstitutional 'rights' violated, four of my teeth knocked out by piglice, illegally drugged on the order of nigger, jew and whigger psychiatrists, habeas corpus denied by the korts and criminal regime. And this destruction of my family and torture has made me a tougher Resistance warlord and Dual-Seedline Christian Identity (DSCI) clergyman for it. My solution is the same of any Resistance warlord to any Evil Empire destroying its founding White People -- extermination of the criminal regime, and of whigger, mud and jew regime criminals.

    Today is also the Second Anniversary of the founding of this Christian Nationalist v-bulletin forum, which is far more like an interactive blog than an actual community, because the fact of the matter is my enemies don't want to be noticed by me, much less argue with me. After all, there is no use in arguing with the adoptive or biological spawn of Satan, regime criminals or ZOGling whigger herd animals. They will tell the truth when you are skinning them alive since when they are screaming for you to finish them off and let them and their family die quickly they cannot maintain their fake odor of sanctimony or even lie effectively. So I'm going to recycle much of what was posted last year, and add a few things which I have learned.

    I came early to the Internet. I was writing and publishing a paper 'zine and my LibberToon friends urged me to get on the Internet back in 1994, when Netscape came up with the first graphical web browser and 1200 baud modems were the standard. I said that I really didn't want to write to 10 million whigger feebs in order to reach 100 White men. But I was talked into it and so bought a 2400 baud modem for $120 and got on CompuServe in order to get e-mail. And then Newton and Jasper county got on the Internet, thanks to the Missouri legislature. And on February 22, 1996 I opened up my first Web page I called "Patrick Henry On-Line -- Your One-Stop Shopping For Sedition." I was founding and working with two militias, one of them largely CI dominated. And I remember what Ezra Pound had said about being published -- that he couldn't get his first-rate to fourth-rate material published unless it was a-political. And having butted heads with so many whigger pussazoids of either gender before, I dared not trust my writings to others. Therefore, the option was to publish my own writings. And 'conservatives' initially loved it -- and then fled from it because it was deemed racist -- since it was indeed racist. However, even so I did manage to publish an Internet e-'zine called "Modern Militiaman" with others like Patricia Neill and the nigger militia general JJ Johnson. The militia movement went underground and the militia generals destroyed their militias. But by then I was publishing other Resistance authors like Jim Floyd, Luke LaVellian, and Eric Thomson, with the understanding that there would be no editing or censorship. Eric Thomson, detests Christian Identity. However, I would publish Eric Thomson as written and put a hyperlink as to why Eric Thomson was misguided.

    The method of Movement communication has gone from paper 'zines to fax networks (APFN = American Patriot Fax Network) to e-mail lists to jewhoogruppen to v-bulletin and phpbb forums. Ever since the failed 'Christmas Coup' of 2004 when I was a jewlagged refugee to Fade the Bitcher's phorafags/feebs I have decided to eventually establish a Resistance v-bulletin forum, and today, as promised, I do so.

    You see, like in the days of jewhoogruppen and before that the e-mail lists, at least one-third of any grouping or forum are jews, ZOGling piglice and whigger symps of Babylon. While 95% of ostensible Whites are whiggers, the figure within the Movement of whiggers is at least 80 percent. Like the Randy Travis song, we're dealing with a better class of loser. Any genuine Resistance leader is going to be called 'crazy' or insane because "You can't fight ZOG! Why, there is no other beast like THE BEAST, and we are not going to even leave Sodom and Gomorrah, much less have to look back." Whiggers have not changed since Lot fled Sodom and the slave-children of Israel left, in a mixed multitude out of Egypt. So the proper put-down for some whigger yapping, "Lindstedt, you're insane!" is to tell the whigger, be it Edgar Steele the Whigger-Whimperer to some scheming whigger criminal posing in the NutHouse, that "Yes, yes, I'm insane but jew're typical, and I'd far rather be nuts than tippy-cull."

    Look whigger. Not a single mighty Evil Empire has survived the test of time. Every single time it destroyed its founding People by sending their young best blood off to die to to miscegenate in foreign conquests and bring back base-blooded slaves to miscegenate within the Evil Empire's heartland to where there were no more of the founding People, other than a remnant, taxed to extinction.

    Additionally, a race-mixing ZOG/Babylon is nothing new. The first Babylon was described in Genesis Chapter Six, wherein the Adamites bred with demons, muds, and Cainites/Kenites to where YHWH destroyed them locally. The Second Babylon was founded by Nimrod and his wife-mother Semiramis. And the goal of today's ZOG/Babylon is stated in Daniel 2:42-44 -- to mix the seed of mankind to where, like iron and clay, like rust and shit, it cannot cleave together.

    It is you, whigger, who are insane, like diseased lemmings. The last year has seen the forerunner of economic collapse. Whiggers cannot take care of theysselfs, much less pay taxes to support niggers, beaners, gooks, sundry muds -- and jews. Collapse is inevitable. Us Dual-Seedliners are correct, and the rest of you bowel-Movement whiggers are, as usual, both stupid and full of shit.

    The largest v-bulletin forums, $permFront and VNNF/TGMNNF are simply ZOG false-fronts, designed to get the whiggers to act like deranged cattle chasing they'se shit-encrusted tails with their teef. VNNF was always hostile to Christians, be they CI or otherwise. $permFront, for some deranged notions of their own, have decided to eliminate their theology sub-forums. Now while us DSCI clergy are pleased that Klunt & meercat-Mark Downey are out on they'se baal-priest asses the vast majority of bowel Movement forums are overtly Christian hostile, the idiots.

    So, the name of this forum is to be Christian Nationalist. It is sponsored by the Aryan Nations of Missouri, the political arm of the Church of Jesus Christ Christian DSCI Church. I am networking with Pastor Visser of Georgia and Pastor Faber of New York/New Jersey. Christian Nationalists are welcome on Christian Nationalist Forum. However, it is the Aryan Nations which is paying this piper and which calls the tune.

    A jewlag will be set up. And self-worsheeping whiggers playing with they'se virtual puds will be ridiculed unmercifully. There will be debate for those of you who can handle it. But a CI thumb will be on our scale. The best forum free of hypocrisy and actually worthwhile on the Internet is StumbleInn. However, I am not in the least interested in encouraging diversity, and so know better than to even try to make Christian Nationalist into anything but the most radical Movement forum for the benefit of telling the House of Ahab that those who support ZOG who die in the cities are to be eaten by the dogs and those who die in the fields shall be eaten by the crows. We have no program, no plan, other than to let Nature take its course and let ZOG/Babylon be destroyed.

    Whiggers, freedom isn't something that some Movement leader can give you while sitting on jewr fat whigger ass. You want freedom? Then you must kill jewr inner jew first -- and then jewr outer jew second. But both inner and outer jew must die.

    And thus, as I did back in 1996, in establishing a web page, then sundry jewhoogruppen, the organ of propagation of propaganda is to be a v-bulletin forum, Christian Nationalist Forum. I shall encourage non-treasonous Movement leaders to post in their own little sub-forums and blogs on this forum. If you have something worth saying, then come here and speak. If you are a mamzer shithead or jew, then prepare to be ridiculed and jewlagged. And if you are a ZOGling whigger or piglice-loving feeb, then best merely lurk, like you do on a lot of other forums.

    Right now the forum is rough looking. However, v-bulletin is a lot more powerful software than phpbb and thus takes more work. And, unlike the other Movement forums, it is best to out the sponsoring memberships at the bottom of the page and the Debate Hall at the top, where those who wish can access it first-hand. Form will follow function.

    Therefore, for those of you who wish to post to another Movement forum, and who as Christians are tired of being third-class shitizens on bowel Movement whiggeries, welcome.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri ----> Christian Nationalist Forum[/QUOTE]

    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 05-16-2013, 04:34 PM.

    Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
    Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


    • #3
      May 10, 2010 -- Fifth Anniversary of my False Arrest, 2d Anniversary of Christian Nationalist Forum

      May 10, 2010 -- Fifth Anniversary of my False Arrest, 2d Anniversary of Christian Nationalist Forum

      Today is May 10, 2009, the fifth anniversary of the second worst day of my life -- when I was falsely arrested on the bogus warrant signed by a faggot judge upon the lying complaint of Assistant Newton County Prosecutor Bill Dobbs based upon the third-hand hearsay about what a pig named Kevin Young said that he had heard a state-sponsored 'therapist' named Tracy Voorhees had said she had coerced from my slightly-retarded grandson after 'therapy' sessions conduced without the presence of his parents or older sister. Based upon the 'anonymous' hotline call from a little criminal leaned upon by the piglice to make this false accusation to remove the grandchildren, whom I have not seen since April 9, 2004, the worst day of my life. The next three and a half years would see my so-called CONstitutional 'rights' violated, four of my teeth knocked out by piglice, illegally drugged on the order of nigger, jew and whigger psychiatrists, habeas corpus denied by the korts and criminal regime. And this destruction of my family and torture has made me a tougher Resistance warlord and Dual-Seedline Christian Identity (DSCI) clergyman for it. My solution is the same of any Resistance warlord to any Evil Empire destroying its founding White People -- extermination of the criminal regime, and of whigger, mud and jew regime criminals.

      Today is also the Second Anniversary of the founding of this Christian Nationalist v-bulletin forum, which is far more like an interactive blog than an actual community, because the fact of the matter is my enemies don't want to be noticed by me, much less argue with me. After all, there is no use in arguing with the adoptive or biological spawn of Satan, regime criminals or ZOGling whigger herd animals. They will tell the truth when you are skinning them alive since when they are screaming for you to finish them off and let them and their family die quickly they cannot maintain their fake odor of sanctimony or even lie effectively. So I'm going to recycle much of what was posted last year, and add a few things which I have learned.

      I came early to the Internet. I was writing and publishing a paper 'zine and my LibberToon friends urged me to get on the Internet back in 1994, when Netscape came up with the first graphical web browser and 1200 baud modems were the standard. I said that I really didn't want to write to 10 million whigger feebs in order to reach 100 White men. But I was talked into it and so bought a 2400 baud modem for $120 and got on CompuServe in order to get e-mail. And then Newton and Jasper county got on the Internet, thanks to the Missouri legislature. And on February 22, 1996 I opened up my first Web page I called "Patrick Henry On-Line -- Your One-Stop Shopping For Sedition." I was founding and working with two militias, one of them largely CI dominated. And I remember what Ezra Pound had said about being published -- that he couldn't get his first-rate to fourth-rate material published unless it was a-political. And having butted heads with so many whigger pussazoids of either gender before, I dared not trust my writings to others. Therefore, the option was to publish my own writings. And 'conservatives' initially loved it -- and then fled from it because it was deemed racist -- since it was indeed racist. However, even so I did manage to publish an Internet e-'zine called "Modern Militiaman" with others like Patricia Neill and the nigger militia general JJ Johnson. The militia movement went underground and the militia generals destroyed their militias. But by then I was publishing other Resistance authors like Jim Floyd, Luke LaVellian, and Eric Thomson, with the understanding that there would be no editing or censorship. Eric Thomson, detests Christian Identity. However, I would publish Eric Thomson as written and put a hyperlink as to why Eric Thomson was misguided.

      The method of Movement communication has gone from paper 'zines to fax networks (APFN = American Patriot Fax Network) to e-mail lists to jewhoogruppen to v-bulletin and phpbb forums. Ever since the failed 'Christmas Coup' of 2004 when I was a jewlagged refugee to Fade the Bitcher's phorafags/feebs I have decided to eventually establish a Resistance v-bulletin forum, and today, as promised, I do so.

      You see, like in the days of jewhoogruppen and before that the e-mail lists, at least one-third of any grouping or forum are jews, ZOGling piglice and whigger symps of Babylon. While 95% of ostensible Whites are whiggers, the figure within the Movement of whiggers is at least 80 percent. Like the Randy Travis song, we're dealing with a better class of loser. Any genuine Resistance leader is going to be called 'crazy' or insane because "You can't fight ZOG! Why, there is no other beast like THE BEAST, and we are not going to even leave Sodom and Gomorrah, much less have to look back." Whiggers have not changed since Lot fled Sodom and the slave-children of Israel left, in a mixed multitude out of Egypt. So the proper put-down for some whigger yapping, "Lindstedt, you're insane!" is to tell the whigger, be it Edgar Steele the Whigger-Whimperer to some scheming whigger criminal posing in the NutHouse, that "Yes, yes, I'm insane but jew're typical, and I'd far rather be nuts than tippy-cull."

      Look whigger. Not a single mighty Evil Empire has survived the test of time. Every single time it destroyed its founding People by sending their young best blood off to die to to miscegenate in foreign conquests and bring back base-blooded slaves to miscegenate within the Evil Empire's heartland to where there were no more of the founding People, other than a remnant, taxed to extinction.

      Additionally, a race-mixing ZOG/Babylon is nothing new. The first Babylon was described in Genesis Chapter Six, wherein the Adamites bred with demons, muds, and Cainites/Kenites to where YHWH destroyed them locally. The Second Babylon was founded by Nimrod and his wife-mother Semiramis. And the goal of today's ZOG/Babylon is stated in Daniel 2:42-44 -- to mix the seed of mankind to where, like iron and clay, like rust and shit, it cannot cleave together.

      It is you, whigger, who are insane, like diseased lemmings. The last year has seen the forerunner of economic collapse. Whiggers cannot take care of theysselfs, much less pay taxes to support niggers, beaners, gooks, sundry muds -- and jews. Collapse is inevitable. Us Dual-Seedliners are correct, and the rest of you bowel-Movement whiggers are, as usual, both stupid and full of shit.

      The largest v-bulletin forums, $permFront and VNNF/TGMNNF are simply ZOG false-fronts, designed to get the whiggers to act like deranged cattle chasing they'se shit-encrusted tails with their teef. VNNF was always hostile to Christians, be they CI or otherwise. $permFront, for some deranged notions of their own, have decided to eliminate their theology sub-forums. Now while us DSCI clergy are pleased that Klunt & meercat-Mark Downey are out on they'se baal-priest asses the vast majority of bowel Movement forums are overtly Christian hostile, the idiots.

      So, the name of this forum is to be Christian Nationalist. It is sponsored by the Aryan Nations of Missouri, the political arm of the Church of Jesus Christ Christian DSCI Church. I am networking with Pastor Visser of Georgia and Pastor Faber of New York/New Jersey. Christian Nationalists are welcome on Christian Nationalist Forum. However, it is the Aryan Nations which is paying this piper and which calls the tune.

      A jewlag will be set up. And self-worsheeping whiggers playing with they'se virtual puds will be ridiculed unmercifully. There will be debate for those of you who can handle it. But a CI thumb will be on our scale. The best forum free of hypocrisy and actually worthwhile on the Internet is StumbleInn. However, I am not in the least interested in encouraging diversity, and so know better than to even try to make Christian Nationalist into anything but the most radical Movement forum for the benefit of telling the House of Ahab that those who support ZOG who die in the cities are to be eaten by the dogs and those who die in the fields shall be eaten by the crows. We have no program, no plan, other than to let Nature take its course and let ZOG/Babylon be destroyed.

      Whiggers, freedom isn't something that some Movement leader can give you while sitting on jewr fat whigger ass. You want freedom? Then you must kill jewr inner jew first -- and then jewr outer jew second. But both inner and outer jew must die.

      And thus, as I did back in 1996, in establishing a web page, then sundry jewhoogruppen, the organ of propagation of propaganda is to be a v-bulletin forum, Christian Nationalist Forum. I shall encourage non-treasonous Movement leaders to post in their own little sub-forums and blogs on this forum. If you have something worth saying, then come here and speak. If you are a mamzer shithead or jew, then prepare to be ridiculed and jewlagged. And if you are a ZOGling whigger or piglice-loving feeb, then best merely lurk, like you do on a lot of other forums.

      Right now the forum is rough looking. However, v-bulletin is a lot more powerful software than phpbb and thus takes more work. And, unlike the other Movement forums, it is best to out the sponsoring memberships at the bottom of the page and the Debate Hall at the top, where those who wish can access it first-hand. Form will follow function.

      Therefore, for those of you who wish to post to another Movement forum, and who as Christians are tired of being third-class shitizens on bowel Movement whiggeries, welcome.

      Hail Victory!!!

      Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
      Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri ----> Christian Nationalist Forum[/QUOTE]

      Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
      Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum

