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The ZOG-Emperor Fires Big FiBbIe Pig

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  • The ZOG-Emperor Fires Big FiBbIe Pig

    The ZOG-Emperor Fires Big FiBbIe Pig

    Snake Comey Fired From FBI


    President Trump just fired James Comey as Director of the FBI. Even better he did it while Comey was addressing FBI employees in Los Angeles with TV screens visible in the background so that the news flashed up as Comey was speaking.

    The official letter firing Comey was then delivered to F.B.I. Headquarters in Washington. Reports don't mention if it was carried in by a dwarf holding a silver tray, but that would have been a nice touch too.

    Trump's letter thanked Comey for informing him that he was not under investigation for connections to Russia, part of the long-running Democrat kvetching that followed Hillary's surprise defeat, but then referred to Comey's ineffectiveness. This is thought to be a reference to Comey's failure to push for Hillary's prosecution over her many illegal activities.

    Probably the real reason for firing Comey, however, is simply that he is an unreliable snake who can't be trusted by anyone, and Trump has someone more reliable in mind to take over the the Bureau. Things will probably start to make more sense once we see who Trump has lined up as a replacement.


    Liberals deleting all their old emails calling for Comey to be fired.

    The firing is certainly good for triggering Shitlibs. They previously hated Comey because he actually had the cheek to investigate Hillary, but they changed their tune after Trump was elected. They hoped Comey would remain an "independent" thorn in Trump's side and dig up dirt on Trump's alleged Russian connections so that they wouldn't have to feel so bad about f**king up the election.

    They are comparing Trump's firing of Comey to President Nixon’s infamous “Saturday Night Massacre,” in which Nixon purged the Justice Department in the middle of the Watergate investigation, which just shows how deluded and living in the past they are.

    We Survived the Post-Charlottesville Internuts Fuktardocaust

  • #2
    Comey Testimony Turns Out To Be A Dud

    Comey Testimony Turns Out To Be A Dud

    I hope you didn't waste hours of your life watching this snoozefest. It was some of the most boring TV ever. So much was expected by the Left. Here was James Comey, the ex-director of the FBI, the supposed "nemesis of Trump" come to dish the dirt that would lead to the long-awaited impeachment - hallelujah!

    Instead he came across as a mixture or timid and butthurt, with nothing but his injured pride to throw against President Trump.

    He told the Senate committee that he had informed Trump he was "NOT the subject of an open foreign counter-intelligence investigation."

    Referring to the president's claim that he was fired because he was incapable, he blurted out that Trump was telling "lies, plain and simple" and that his sacking was a "very big deal." Yes, the most important event in the history of the universe. Ever. No doubt about it.

    He also said there was no evidence of collusion between Trump and the Russians, and no evidence that the Russians successfully altered any votes. This is practically admitting that his failure to drop the case was motivated by grubby political gain and "drama queen" syndrome. This more than justifies Trump's decision to sack him.

    So how is this going to play out in the following days, especially with the mainstream media clutching at straws? The signs are that the Trump-Russia narrative just lost a lot of steam.

    While everyone is trying to spin the hearing in their own way, as ZeroHedge pointed out, the odds on Trump being impeached fell significantly.

    We Survived the Post-Charlottesville Internuts Fuktardocaust

