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A Brief History of the White Nationalist Movement

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  • #31
    Let me lick jewr mangina, WhiggerSwill

    Let me lick jewr mangina, WhiggerSwill

    All genuine WNs owe you a debt of gratitude for your continuing exposes of Big Lie Covington. Some of your recent exposes were previously unknown, even to me.

    Again, many thanks, and keep up this essential work, for the good of The Cause.



    My Side of The Story

    The Whigger Fuktard Party

    My FBI Ghostwritten Book - "A Whigger Mamzer Rat Sqeaks Out"


    • #32
      Covington Will Hijack Your Identity -- And Make Itz Virtual Mangina Bleed Too!!!

      Covington Will Hijack Your Identity
      (And Make Itz Virtual Mangina Bleed!!!)

      In order to secure credibility for himself and his works, Harold Covington has fraudulently used the names of a number of well known White Nationalists. Recently the name of Ron Doggett, a longtime racial patriot, has appeared on Covington's Northwest Front blog. This screenshot was taken on 11 April 2011.

      Covington also has posts on his blog more vaguely attributed to "Ron D.", and in his podcast of 18 November 2010 Covington claimed to be reading a letter from "Ron in Richmond." (Click here to listen.) All of this was clearly meant to convey the false impression that Ron Doggett was favorably disposed toward Harold Covington and receptive to his views. Ron Doggett has responded to this hijacking of his identity as follows:

      It has been brought to my attention that a blog run by Covington had posts on it from a Ron or Ron D., Ron from Richmond and one even stated Ron Doggett, attacking Will Williams.

      I want to make it clear I'm NOT the author of those posts (most likely Covington is), I consider Will Williams to be a long time friend and one of the best White patriot's I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. His dedication to the cause has been proven time and time again.

      If any "movement" Northwest or otherwise has Covington as its main spokesperson it is doomed regardless of any other issues. [Ron Doggett, VNN Forum, 14 April 2011]

      Covington did the same to Fred Streed. While the full surname was not used, it was clear circumstantially who "Fred S.", ostensibly a former member of the National Alliance staff, was supposed to be.

      Fred Streed gave the following response to this unauthorized use of his identity:

      I was recently contacted by someone who informed me that Tubby was posting comments on his blog from a "Fred S."

      That is not me. I have never posted anything on Harold Covington's blog, or even read it.[Fred Streed, VNN Forum, 15 April 2011]

      Jerry Abbott notes that Covington has a long history of hijacking identities, sometimes for the purpose of harming the person to whom the name belongs:

      Sixteen years ago, in 1995, Harold Covington impersonated me on a newsgroup to arouse antagonism toward me among National Alliance posters. His deception was discovered and criticized, and to the criticism he responded with the words "Booga! Booga! Booga!" [Jerry Abbott, VNN Forum, 16 April 2011]

      Some other identities that Covington is strongly suspected of using fraudulently are Keith Fulton, Joe Bishop, and Oren Potito.

      In addition to the use of names completely without permission, Covington has a history of drastically altering comments made by people who actually did say something to him. For example, there is a new comment on Covington's Northwest Front blog, allegedly from Robert Campbell, that according to Campbell is not at all what he said. Circassian, a.k.a. Ivan, makes exactly the same complaint. Robert Layne says that Covington did the same with messages that he posted on one of Covington's Yahoo groups a decade ago.

      Even after years of this happening, our manginas still bleed like we'z ass-virgins!!! Oy, oy, oy, oy, oy vey!!!


      • #33

        Mrs. Steele says that she heard some strange things in the audio, like background noise subsiding when Mr. Steele spoke. I think automatic level-control in the recording device could explain that, if Mr. Steele's voice was loud. To suggest that the FBI would attempt to use as evidence a fraudulent recording so amateurish that the fraud is discernible to the ear of a non-expert is a bit absurd.

        I can't blame Mrs. Steele for wanting to believe that Mr. Steele is innocent, but some people have been irresponsibly hyping the conspiracy angle, for example Jamie Kelso. After the conviction I heard Jamie Kelso refer to Ed Steele twice as "a top-notch criminal defense attorney": Steele is not a criminal attorney at all. He's a civil attorney. That famous Aryan Nations case was a civil suit. So, Kelso has been going on and on about Ed Steele for over a year, insisting that he was framed, without bothering to sort out the most basic facts. I'd say that Kelso and some other people, e.g. Covington, have been irresponsibly exploiting the case by telling their audiences what they wanted to hear. This is pseudo-leadership that reminds me of the old line, "There go my followers! I must hurry to lead them!" The tendency of "the movement" to behave as an irrational mob is thus exacerbated rather than tempered.

        Despite the complaints of conspiracy theorists assuming that Dr. George Papcun's testimony would have made a difference (because Kelso, Covington, et al. told them so), Mrs. Steele's hired expert said that he did not find anything "suspicious."

        ... George Papcun, who has a doctorate in acoustic phonetics, testified that he examined the recordings and found anomalies that could have been triggered by editing, or by other factors including electronic glitches. He said he wouldn’t use the term “suspicious,” because a variety of factors could have caused the glitches he observed." [Betzy Z. Russell, "Judge Says Steele Witness Unreliable, Spokesman-Review, 22 April 2011]

        Put briefly, Papcun did not conclude that the recordings had been altered. Papcun's testimony as represented in the Spokesman-Review would not have changed the outcome of that trial.
        Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 07-17-2011, 02:17 PM.


        • #34
          Me and Roid-Rage-Retard Jim Giles Insist the Edgar Steele is Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

          Me and Roid-Rage-Retard Jim Giles Insist the Edgar Steele is Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

          Edgar J. Steele suffered a severe cardiac trauma in late 2009. In early 2010 he was charged with attempting to hire somebody to kill his wife and mother-in-law. The key evidence against Steele was an audio recording made by the FBI.

          Steele claimed that the recording was a fraud, and that he was being framed in a "Mission Impossible, world-class operation." That is an extraordinary claim and I did not believe it. Neither did Jim Giles, who had a daily internet talkshow at the time.

          Giles and I collaborated last summer in studying the Steele case. Giles conducted interviews and I wrote up the results and did research and made suggestions.

          There were essentially two different, mutually exclusive approaches to the case.

          The first approach was to take Steele seriously. If Steele really was being framed with a fraudulent recording then he would need a forensic audio expert to demonstrate that it was a fraud. Giles interviewed two top forensic audio experts; the name and contact information for the more experienced of the two was given to Steele in the letter below.

          The second approach to the case was to try to explain why Steele would have done that of which he was accused. I discovered that after serious heart traumas and surgery, people are often not in their right minds, sometimes for a long time. Giles interviewed a forensic psychiatrist who said that an adverse effect on Steele's mind and disposition as a result of the trauma was entirely possible. Since Steele had done a number of things that suggested that he was not thinking clearly, I strongly favored this explanation, and a suggestion relating to it was included in this letter to Steele.

          Jim Giles asked me to write this letter to Edgar J. Steele for him. Essentially it tells Ed Steele how he should pursue his frame-up defense if it is true (which, believe it or not, nobody else was discussing at the time, since they were preoccupied with squawking like Chicken Little that he was being railroaded and had no chance), and gently suggests that he should pursue a psychiatric defense instead if the "Mission Impossible" story is not true.

          Jim Giles
          Radio Free Mississippi
          173 Pear Lane
          Pearl, MS 39208-8749
          July 15, 2010

          Edgar Steele #361857
          Spokane County Jail
          W. 1100 Mallon
          Spokane, Wash. 99260-0320

          Mr. Steele:

          I have been making inquiries relevant to your case and have turned up some information that may be of great use to you.

          I understand that the key evidence against you consists of audio recordings, which you say have been manufactured. Recently I discussed your case with one of the leading forensic audio experts in the country, Mr. Tom Owen. Mr. Owen has worked on many prominent cases, and he has not been afraid to find that the government has at times done wrong. If in fact the recordings have been falsified, he can help you by scientifically demonstrating it to the court, even if the counterfeit is very sophisticated. Mr. Owen is one of only four or five audio experts in the country with this level of expertise. His contact information is as follows:

          Tom Owen
          758 S. Middlesex Ave.
          P. O. Box 189
          Colonia, NJ 07067

          Voice: (732) 574-9672

          Fax: (732) 381-4523


          What I wish to see is the truth of the matter brought to light. If it happens to be the case that the recordings are genuine and that you did that of which you are accused, I still think you could make a credible defense based on diminished capacity, because there is a well known condition called post-operative psychosis, which is especially common as a sequel to heart surgery. If you have not had a psychiatric evaluation since the arrest, by all means, do.

          If it is at all possible, I would also urge you to seek a private attorney rather than relying on the Federal Public Defender. Somebody like Jerry Spence would be ideal. Can you have your counsel seek a private attorney for you?

          Do you have access to adequate funds? I have heard that your personal assets are frozen. Can you instruct your counsel to seek to have your assets unfrozen?

          I would strongly advise for your sake that you make no further statements to anybody except your legal counsel about the case, and conduct all communication with the outside world through your legal counsel, including any response to this missive.


          Jim Giles

          On May 5, 2011 Ed Steele was found guilty after a very short trial, where the defense really had no argument, since their forensic audio expert Dr. George Papcun essentially found nothing suspect about the FBI's recording. I am hoping that the sentencing will reflect some awareness that Ed Steele is not of sound mind, and I hope that on appeal he will use a psychiatric defense. I hope that some rational person will get to Steele and advise him to do that, and that his family and his friends will allow him to do that instead of continuing to insist that he was framed.


          • #35
            Covington Still Putting Fake Posts on his own Blog

            Covington Still Putting Fake Posts on his own Blog

            My Mangina Still Bleeds Over That Shit!!!


            In April it was brought to the attention of Ron Doggett and Fred Streed that Harold Covington's Northwest Front blog bore comments favorable toward Covington that were attributed to them. Both men subsequently posted on VNN Forum emphatic declarations that they were not responsible for those comments. Fred Streed referred to Covington as "Tubby" and Ron Doggett went so far as to declare: "If any 'movement' Northwest or otherwise has Covington as its main spokesperson it is doomed regardless of any other issues." (Setting the Record Straight, 14 April 2011)

            Within a few days, Covington put on a dramatic performance in which he alleged that the fraudulent posts had been made by "humorists." This was not a very convincing explanation, since Covington has sovereign control over the content of his blogs and he certainly was aware before April 2011 that Fred Streed and Ron Doggett were not admirers of his.

            While Covington was acknowledging that his blog contained fraudulent posts, he did not demonstrate good faith by removing those posts. Moreover, he continues the practice, apparently believing that his readers have a very short attention-span.

            In June 2011 a new comment attributed to Ron Doggett appeared on Covington's blog.

            In addition to Fred Streed and Ron Doggett, Covington's blog also bears comments attributed to K.A.S. (Kevin Alfred Strom) and Bob Demarais, all former prominent members of William L. Pierce's National Alliance.

            The obvious motive for Covington in doing this is to create the impression that he, Harold Covington, is the heir apparent to Dr. Pierce, and that remnants of the National Alliance are gravitating to him. This is a development that Covington wishfully depicted in his novel Hill of the Ravens, which he wrote immediately after Dr. Pierce's death (and in which he accused Dr. Pierce of having been a Federal informant: see my post of 17 February 2011 about that).

            Covington even boasts that former members of the National Alliance are in his "Northwest Front." It is hard to imagine who those former members might be, since Dr. Pierce took the extraordinary measure of warning members against having anything to do with Covington, and all of them in my acquaintance (with the temporary exception of April Gaede, who, as a result of bad experience, has recently come to her senses) have taken that warning seriously.


            • #36
              Me and muh beaver have turned on Tubby

              Me and muh beaver have turned on Tubby


              Not sure which of those I would have been, probably stupid and I hope I am wiser now. Tubby simply wasn't interested in my Great North-Wettt Camel Toe/Catchers Mitt.

              I hoped that just trying to promote the NW migration would be enough common interest to get HAC to stick to the issues and actually get something productive done. 'Productive like . . . opening up little Pussineer Little Cameltoes to CreaTarded solipsistic anglo-mestizo whigger nutsionalists. We need more WhiggerSwills, TraitorGlenn Millers, and gut-sick guido-weasels with jew ass-cancer in the bowel Movement. they all may have little organs, but I have a 'big-tent' cathedral!!! But I have come to learn that no matter what the situation he will always resort to lies and even worse, truthful attacks on fellow WNs, and he is quick to overlook major character flaws in some of his followers just to be able to continue to use them, no matter what the hypothetical risk that creates for the rest of us.


              • #37
                Hadding/Scott David Spiedel is Kevin Alfred Strom's stalking horse

                Hadding/Scott David Spiedel is Kevin Alfred Strom's stalking horse


                'Maguire' says:

                Hi, HAC:

                You should always bear in mind that the National Alliance was, and remains, a FOR-PROFIT Virginia corporation. When Dr. William L. Pierce died, his former top associates on the Board of Directors started ripping into his financial carcass like vultures, each trying to tear off a piece. One of the biggest vultures was Kevin Alfred Strom, was was getting paid something like five thousand dollars per month to sit in Charlottesville, Virginia and do one recorded internet show per week. He wasn’t very good at this due to his high, squeaky, and effeminate voice, which earned Strom the nickname of “The Weenie.” I would recommend that if you do set up your Northwest headquarters, Harold, you make sure that all your employees are there with you and not scattered all over hell and gone. You will need to supervise them and know what they’re up to, to prevent more KAS incidents.

                This man Scott David Speidel was in some way associated with Strom and Strom’s American Dissident Voices about this time, 2001 and 2002 or so, using the name “Hadding Scott,” which I have always found ironic in view of his hysterical rantings about you allegedly using false names on the internet, as Speidel doesn’t even use his own. Like many of our self-proclaimed internet leaders, Speidel apparently lives with one or both parents in Florida and is afraid that the JDL will appear on his doorstep and scare the old folks who might ask him to leave, or some variation of the usual paranoia.

                To be fair, this was before Kevin Alfred Strom was arrested and pleaded guilty to pedophilic acts including the sexual stalking of a child and possession of child pornography (paper magazines and glossies, not just internet downloads, so there is no question at all of Strom being “framed by the feds” who “snuck it onto his computer”.) It is possible that Speidel was unaware of Strom’s perverted tendencies, but I strongly suspect that Speidel is now shilling for Strom on the internet.

                Strom was always enraged that his arrest and conviction and new legal status as a registered sex offender prevented him from assuming his “rightful inheritance” as Pierce’s successor, including of course ownership of the 330-acre compound in Pocahontas County and the income from the music CD business. Erich Gliebe managed to make off with both, and Strom is desperately trying to stage a comeback and at least reclaim enough status to give him an internet donation income, which is understandable since no one wants to hire an aging pedophile in his 50s and even aging pedophiles have bills to pay. There is a lot of quiet desperation in the professional Movement these days, as I am sure you know.

                But now there is a rival for the true Throne of Hadley, if you want to call it that, in the form of you, HAC. Your novels are better written and more prolific than Pierce’s, and I understand you’re still writing more. Your command of English and intelligence and your political savvy are equal to or greater than Pierce’s, although you lack the string of college degrees. You also have a much better speaking voice, and the potential for your Radio Free Northwest is infinitely superior to anything Pierce and certain Strom ever achieved, if only you can ever attain a wide listenership.

                I think the pedophile and registered sex offender Kevin Alfred Strom is using the nonentity Speidel in order to stalk and harass and belittle you on the internet, in order to make sure you never achieve your full potential and do not pose an even more serious threat to Strom’s “comeback” than you do already. Strom can’t attack you openly himself, because his past and his perversions are too well known, so he uses his old sycophant “Hadding Scott” as a sock puppet.

                This is sound political strategy as it goes to restoring Strom’s status and thereby his personal income from his writing and internet material. Just what the hell it has to do with the 14 Words is more difficult to say.

                Good luck, Harold.

                Last edited by Librarian; 07-28-2011, 02:16 PM.
                I am The Librarian


                • #38
                  Moby Tubby is my Meercat Dickless Obsession!!!

                  Moby Tubby is my Meercat Dickless Obsession!!!


                  Originally posted by Banjo Billy

                  Better to use proper English if you want a proper understanding. You have too narrow of an idea of what an urban legend is.

                  "Urban legends" basically means urban legends. And like any legend, they may or may not be true. You are only using a limited and narrow side of the phrase's meaning.

                  Originally posted by Hadding
                  It's a euphemistic name, since what I really mean by "urban legends" here is vicious lies.

                  However, I wanted a title for the thread that would make it look fun so that people would check it out. Urban legends are fun. So far as I know the term was invented by some author in the 80s writing about stories of alligators living in NYC sewers and the like. Some of those "urban legends" turn out to be partially true. But they are called urban legends because they are stories that demand skepticism.

                  I couldn't really object to somebody posting a debunk of a false story that originated from somebody other than Harold Covington, but it should be concise and well demonstrated so as to settle the matter, whatever it is, and not launch the thread into some endless tangent. It should focus on a specific claim that is in the realm of fact (and thus able to be settled) rather than opinion. Any question that is going to provoke page after page of rancorous dispute should be on a different thread.

                  I have touched a little bit on some claims made by people before Covington in the matter of George Lincoln Rockwell's death. The conspiracy-theorizing started when the event itself occurred. But apart from Covington's stuff I could only find a piece attributed (somewhat suspectly since it doesn't appear on FAEM) to Robert Frenz. (I am told that there is an old pamphlet by James K. Warner along these lines, but I could not find it.) If I could have found more of that kind of material from people other than Covington, I would have written more about it. I am sure that people would have found that interesting.

                  Harold Covington just happens to be by far the greatest source of vicious lies in White Nationalism that I know, and one who has been promoting his lies recently and inducing some people to repeat them.

                  The general idea is to keep it somewhat fun and interesting but also credible and convincing, and keep knocking down lies.


                  • #39
                    Telltale Signs That I Did Not Write This
                    Telltale Signs That I Did Not Write This

                    Since last April it has been demonstrated that Harold Covington's Northwest Front blog contains posts falsely attributed to Ron Doggett and Fred Streed, which have the obvious purpose of contributing speciously to Covington's credibility. Thereafter Jerry Abbott came forth and stated that in the mid-1990s Covington had also pretended to be him, although in his case Covington was doing it to discredit him.

                    Recently Harold Covington has drastically increased the frequency with which he makes fake posts on his blog in my name. He first did it in January 2011 when he had "Hadding Scott" admit to being "one of Cass Sunstein’s Cognitive Dissonance operatives," which was the fiction that Covington was peddling about me at the time.


                    Now he is making fake posts in my name that are a bit more believable.

                    This fake post actually contains an argument, consisting of ironically expressed skepticism about the feasibility of Covington's secessionist project. Some people might be fooled into thinking that this is authentic. This is not obvious tomfoolery like the post from January.

                    Covington however was not very careful in observing certain features of my writing. For one thing, since the early 1990s, following the example set by Dr. William Pierce, when referring to our race I always capitalize White.

                    Covington also did not pay much attention to the correct English rendering of German words, about which I am careful.

                    Covington writes "national socialism" -- two separate words. As I explained three weeks ago in a post on VNN Forum, this is wrong. In all my writing on this blog and on my other blogs and in my posts on fora (at least in the past few years), you will find that I consistently render the German word Nationalsozialismus in English with a hyphen, national-socialism.*

                    Another mistake that Covington makes is that he has me referring to him as "Fuhrer Covington." The German word is F?hrer or Fuehrer. "Fuhrer" is not a word. Those two little dots over the u are not just an ornament (as in some metal band's name). They represent the letter e. You either write the two little dots (called an umlaut) or you insert an e. Otherwise it's not correct.

                    If you see my name attached to any post on Covington's blogs, it is not I who wrote it.

                    * I make an exception when I write the name of Frank Collin's and Harold Covington's goofy 1970s "Hollywood Nazi" group, which called itself the "National Socialist Party of America." Since it's a proper noun I write it the way they wrote it, even thought they wrote it wrong.

                    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 07-17-2011, 02:16 PM.


                    • #40
                      The Origin of Harold Covington's Conflict with Hunter Wallace and Robert Campbell

                      The Origin of Harold Covington's Conflict with Hunter Wallace and Robert Campbell


                      This account was originally posted on Occidental Dissent.

                      Hunter Wallace says:
                      April 12, 2011 at 11:10 am

                      The incident happened about a year ago.

                      I was on the road traveling in North Carolina at the time. While I was gone, Jack Ryan had posted a link to a Radio Free Northwest podcast, and Harold Covington showed up here to respond to his critics (Will Williams, I think) in the comments.

                      Apparently, Covington was using several sockpuppets to defend himself and to make it look like he had lots of followers. The sockpuppets were all coming from the same IP address in Washington state.

                      Robert Campbell was an OD administrator, caught HAC using the sockpuppets, and deleted several of them. At that point, Covington created some kind of Yahoo group where he accused Campbell of being a government agent and Occidental Dissent of being a false flag operation set up by the government to discredit him.

                      Like I said above, I was on the road at the time and thought the whole matter was silly and hoped that it would blow over in time. I didn’t think it was a big deal that Harold Covington was using sock puppets. I also just thought he was being paranoid to assume that we were government agents out to get him.

                      Remember the context here: I didn’t have a problem with Harold Covington at the time, regularly listened to his show, and was allowing Jack Ryan to promote Covington on Occidental Dissent, which is why Will Williams and others were over here fighting with him.

                      Far from trying to discredit Covington, OD was promoting him and exposing his work to a wider audience, even if some of us had some objections to his theory. That was the status quo for months after that whole incident.

                      We continued to link to his podcast. Robert Campbell complained about that for months. That eventually changed when Covington continued to attack us and accuse us of being government agents for no other reason than the fact Campbell caught him using sockpuppets on OD.

                      As silly as this may sound, Harold getting caught using sockpuppets on this website (by someone else, no less) is what led to him writing a whole book about me being a sexual pervert and President of the United States and arch enemy of the “Northwest Front.”

                      I’m sorry to say that I don’t remember the names of the sock puppets he was using. Robert Campbell would know. He was the one who deleted them.

                      According to Robert Campbell, these are some of the posts to which Hunter Wallace refers. The IPs of "Ricky Lang," "Brad Davis," and Harold Covington speaking as himself all match (but it is not his current IP). This is from March 2010:

                      Ricky Lang
                      Will Williams has been obsessed with Harold Covington to the point of insanity for 20 years now, and he has filled up megabytes of internet space with nothing but attacks on HAC. Back in 1998 it got so embarrassing to Dr. Pierce that Pierce had to kick him out of his post as membership secretary because Williams was misusing NA facilities to fight his feud with Covington.
                      From Re: Covington — an apology, 2010/03/10 at 5:25 PM 2010/03/10 Approve | Spam | Delete
                      Brad Davis
             | |
                      Will, could you do us all a big favor, and shut the F. up about your stupid little lawsuit? Nobody’s interested any more. Truth be told, nobody ever was, not even back when you were leeching off the National Alliance.
                      From Re: Covington — an apology, 2010/03/10 at 5:05 PM 2010/03/10 Approve | Spam | Delete

                      [Intervening post omitted.]

                      Harold Covington
             | |
                      Ref. Mr. Rudisill’s comments, I actually make it a total of five identifiable individuals who are generating at least 90% of the Space Madness. I deeply regret to say that one of them appears to be my own brother.
                      From Re: Covington — an apology, 2010/03/10 at 8:32 AM

                      Robert Campbell announced the discovery and warned Covington at the time:
                      Robert Campbell says:
                      March 10, 2010 at 7:52 pm

                      Mr. Covington,

                      Using various pseudonyms, you have attempted several times to post derogatory comments about Will Williams to this thread. The names you have attempted to use for this purpose include Ricky Lang and Brad Davis. I know with certainty that these are your posts, because all of the comments originate from the same IP address as the user “Harold Covington.”

                      You came here under your own name, pretending to have moved past these petty interpersonal conflicts and seeking to mollify damage you’ve caused over the years, while at the same time you were pouring gasoline on the fire using anonymous sockpuppets. You didn’t even have the good sense to mask your IP address. Most of your comments were not allowed out of the moderation queue, nor will they be, and I will ban you if you don’t stop engaging in this counterproductive and ignoble behaviour.

                      You can read Campbell's full comment on Occidental Dissent.

                      You can get an idea here what kinds of things Covington will say when talking through a sockpuppet, in contrast to when he is speaking in his own voice. As Campbell explains, and as you can see, Covington tends to use sockpuppets for his dirty work while pretending to be above it all.

                      Another reason why Covington attacked Will Williams only through sockpuppets is that he is barred by a court order from making any public statement about Williams. Covington already owes the State of North Carolina a 30-day incarceration for violating that order, which was why he packed his suitcase and hurriedly left North Carolina in 1998.

                      "Brad Davis" and "Ricky Lang" is clearly not a complete list of all the sockpuppets that Covington had in play on OD. Covington refers to "Mr. Rudisill," which is yet another well known Covington sockpuppet name, discovered by VNN Forum moderator Ben Vinyard in October 2004.

                      The confirmation that "Brad Davis" was really Harold Covington is particularly valuable, since some material attacking Dr. William Pierce ("Thirty Questions for Dr. William L. Pierce") has been published under that fictitious name of a supposed former National Alliance member.


                      • #41
                        Question remains: Why does GJ actively promote Harold Covington?

                        Question remains: Why does GJ actively promote Harold Covington?
                        My Creatard/Cosmotologist welas anglo-mestizo mangina is still aching!!!


                        Originally posted by Bardamooch the Californication Fusion-Center piglice

                        Counter-Currents doesn't pretend to be a free speech forum like phorafags/feebs the Belgian sheephardic data-mining center VNNF v2.0 does so your not being allowed to present anti-Covington views and evidence there is a choice completely within editorial rights . . . you whining hypocritical welas anglo-mestizo CreaTarded Piercite ZOGbot pussy.

                        I just disagree with moderation queues within forums. Nothing I dislike more on a forum than having comment I post disappear while it waits approval by some faceless person. I never comment at places like that, Greg's site included.
                        I don't know. Maybe Greg allows criticism of Covington onto his board if it's anonymous, like from this Mr. "Years," who, apparently posts from the same computer in Kansas as "Andrea Merciless." Then he can beat up on the critic, calling him a troll/nutjob. Greg doesn't have the courage to level such a charge at me, the plaintiff in Williams v. Covington. Don't you know that I was in the Special Farces and know how to beat my humps, like Buffalo WhiggerSwill? I live in the real world and can back up my criticism. I'll leave a sample of my shit on jewr door and then run off. Brushing me off by telling his fans that I live on some god-forsaken mountaintop in Upper East Tennessee won't flush. Actually, I haven't flushed for years. I shit in a box and send it to Kevin Alfred Strom and his stalking meercat 'Hadding'/Scott David Spiedel. I don't know what they do with WhiggerSwill nuggets, but they keep on begging piteously for me to cuntinue to send them what they need, for whatever reason. He can only get away with that lame "argument" against someone who is not willing to identify himself and back up his words with first hand documentation. Only here on the sheephardic Belgian data-mining operation/VNNF v.2.0 can me and Hadding the Loveless Mattoid Meercat get to say whatever we want while censoring Lindstedt and Apocales. I think it is because both Capo[n] O'Cockless/Jake Featherstein and Starr the Shitler Hoggess want to go back to the glory[hole] daze of pretending that they were Piercite ZOGbot tards.


                        Originally posted by William Years

                        William Years:
                        Greg, I respect you as an excellent writer and advocate for our Folk, but you are plain wrong about 9-11 and Oklahoma City.

                        I used to, but not anymore. He had some interesting ideas. But Greg is obviously a smart guy, and well educated, so the idea that he is simply ignorant of 911 is untenable. Which means, he is lying.

                        Now, let’s openly discuss the fact that Greg actively promotes Harold Covington, the most ridiculous nutjob obvious Hal Turner-style nonsense “false flag” since the 1990s.

                        Greg’s a liar. I can only speculate about his motivations.
                        ..but if he insists that we pretend World Trade Center 7 blew up all by itself – he’s either a liar, or an idiot.

                        Greg’s smart, he’s not an idiot. So it’s pretty damn obvious what is going on here.

                        Hey Greg – say hi to Harold Covington – LOL. Traitor.

                        Originally posted by Greg Johnson

                        “William Years” shares the same physical address as “Andrea Merciless” along some god-forsaken stretch of County Road . . . in Kansas. People need to put this obvious troll/nutjob on their ignore lists.

                        Ignore list? Ignore the great welas anglo-mestizo ZOGbot WhiggerSwill? Shirley you jest? Not pay attention to WhiggerSwill?



                        Why doesn't Greg simply block "William Years'" criticism of Greg's promotion of Covington like he does mine? Why is there no worm at the bottom of an Evan Williams fifth like there is in tequila so that the Aztec portion of this red nigger can be consoled? After all, C-C is not a free speech forum. BTW, Greg banned critic "Years/Merciless" altogether from C-C later in this same thread. How dare Greggie ban Piercite tards? Hath we not cooth, and cooties, and ZOGbux and $PLC support?

                        What's ridiculous at C-C is Greg allowing his most prolific poster, the tedious '4-Mile de Ceres', to promote Covington in literally every post he makes there. $-Mile is C-C's biggest booster, constantly encouraging C-C readers to send money to C-C. Counter-Currents needs to make ZOGbux the old fashioned way: Accept ZOGbux from armored car robberies and then start snitching and data-mining like Pierce did as a ZOG false front. That allows 4-Mile (aka "New America" at VNN's Main page comments and Voice of Retards) to post brilliant stuff like this from this same C-C thread:


                        Originally posted by Ceres
                        "...THAT is the difference between Rockwell, Dr. Revilo Oliver, Harold Covington, and precious few others."

                        “Something better” looks like a Restatement of Christianity . . . the Restatement of Christianity as the philosophical and spiritual component of the bridge towards the metapolitical order." Something other than CreaTardivity or worsheep of that dead jew on a dick, Benny Butt-fu ck Klassen the [p]Ukranian rabbi who taught us mamzers to worseheep us-selfs.

                        That's brilliant, 4-Mile, how you managed the mental gymnastics to lump HAC in with RPO and GLR. That has the makings of a another "Urban Legend of the WN Movement." So why does Greg feature the polar opposite teachings of Dr. Pierce, the man Covington undermined and has smeared for two decades, like here?:


                        Is our job to confuse with lies, contradictions and double-talk, or is it to clarify with truth -- our 'troof; in which known informants and ZOGbots get to decide what is said?

                        Dr. Pierce always tried to clarify with truth, except when inconvenient, as to where he got the ZOGbux to buy a compound and hire homosexual and mamzer retards. Can't say that about Greg, and certainly about Covington who said "truth matters not, only perception."

                        Like any jew, what is defined as 'truth' or even allowed to be said is what us parasites pretending to be racial patriots say it is. Don't believe us? Well, Morris Dees might loan me some money to file another libel suit like Pierce gave me in order to deal with Covington as a rival.

                        Did you know, Cunterre, that while us red niggers didn't invent drunkenness -- merely improved on it -- we did invent syphilis???

                        Us solipsistic anglo-mestizos would morph into a jew or a nigger if that meant that we could get rid of Christianity!!!

                        Cosmotology -- Nature's Eternal way of straightening and lightening up kinky black hair!!!


                        • #42
                          Covington writes letters to himself (from other people).

                          Covington writes letters to himself (from other people).

                          As do I but itz only ill-eagle when Tubby does it!!!

                          I was just searching in regard to Carlos Porter and Harold Covington and ran across the fact that Covington apparently forged a letter from Porter to himself for his Resistance newsletter on the occasion of Hitler's birthday in 1997.

                          Dear "Winston",

                          Sorry, still have trouble with the nom de plume. In any case, my
                          heartiest best wishes to you on this Fuhrertag*, from an ex-member of the
                          "Wicked Winston Chorus" (used to be "Hate Harold Chorus"). I am impressed
                          with your dedication and your indefatigable persistence in the face of all
                          the years of harassment and abuse you have gone through, and I regret my own
                          past contributions to your detractors. You are one of the most powerful
                          racial presences on the Internet today.

                          Carlos W. Porter
                          ["Porter to Covington," Shofar FTP]

                          Porter has complained bitterly to Nizkor about this fake letter's being displayed on their site.

                          I then discovered that one of the most prominent items in the Nizkoprophagic spy and lie files on me, featured very prominently and still there, 2 ½ years later [in 1999], is an alleged “letter” to Harold Covington dated 20 April 1997 which I did not write and had never before seen.

                          I complained to Nizkor immediately, denying that I wrote it, demanding a retraction and an apology. No answer. I complained repeatedly. No answer. I also pointed out certain errors in their other files on me. No answer.
                          I repeat: I did not write the letter in question, I complained about it repeatedly, and it is still there. [The Website of Carlos Whitlock Porter]

                          Nizkor has never removed the letter.

                          Covington's bizarre response, when Porter contacted him for assistance in convincing Nizkor that the letter was fake, was to maintain to Porter that he was an imposter and that the real Carlos Whitlock Porter had died several years earlier!

                          Recently Covington has posted on his blog an alleged letter from Louis Beam, the authenticity of which I doubt very much, although there is nothing about the content that marks it as obviously fraudulent. There is, however, another such alleged Beam-to-Covington from a few years ago that is completely over the top, because it has Beam praising Covington for -- of all things -- his honesty! Even Covington's admirers don't say that! That ridiculous letter is still visible on VNN Forum.

                          * One giveaway that the alleged letter from Porter was fake is the misspelling "Fuhrertag." Perusal of his other writings shows that Porter would have written Fuehrertag, which is correct. Covington made the same kind of mistake when he forged a post from me on his blog recently.



                          • #43
                            Trust is a many splendored thing.

                            Trust is a many splendored thing.
                            Dr. Robert Frenz

                            FAEM, 9 Feb. 2003


                            Trust is a many splendored thing. A healthy minded individual usually trusts others especially if his own parents were worthy of thrust. We learn to trust our parents to the extent which they live up to their word. We learn to trust strangers to the degree they live up to their word.

                            One must realize that outside of being a indispensable source of non Marxist views, the Internet cannot ever be the medium for any organization building. We can communicate but so what? Learning things contradictory to ZOG programming is a good thing, that is, if you have a mind somewhat larger than that of a sheep. O yes Matilda, the country is full of "ZOG knows best" mutton heads.

                            Organizations of any sort, to have backbone, must be built upon trust. A flock of vultures intent upon devouring the same carcass cannot be called an organization.

                            Trust is not something we gain by a pledge or a signature upon some paper. It is the result of basic interaction -- does behavior fit? If Pete says he'll give me $10 per week, and starts by giving me $10, could I expect to receive another such donation next week? The events are not related even though the measure of the gift is the same. It's like a flip of a coin where one toss has nothing to do with the next. If I do not receive that next $10, then trust has taken a shot to the head. If all subsequent weeks saw the arrival of $10, then the missing "payment" could be considered an anomaly.

                            We could assume that not everyone is perfect, except for some of our blightwing leaders of course, and so trust then depends upon the probability that someone will do as he says. If, for example, a fellow comes through only 3 times out of 20, I'd have no hesitation in labeling him unreliable. That in itself means little unless we wish to depend upon him. If you are attempting some organization then you certainly should expect dependability. Can you expect the internet to provide this relative to forming an organization? I say not.

                            I care not about a person's wealth, intelligence or ability to attract free lance beaver. If he cannot be trusted, then I don't need his company, advice, or assistance in any manner, no matter how brilliant and polite he might appear. I'd far prefer the long company of 3 Black people whom are trustworthy, than the finest White specimen who talks out of both sides of his mouth. Far better a homely trustworthy woman in your house than a pretty "hot sack" untrustworthy broad. There must be a million older men out there who can attest to this -- through bitter experience.

                            Now, I, as head of the Bohunk Urban Reclamation Party, BURP for short, can sit here telling my internet organization that task #1 is to blow up the nearest out house. My followers then report back on the brown details and I praise them. Their next project is to impale 7 green frogs on a shish kebob skewer and I give them detailed instructions. They praise me for being so smart and I tell them things are progressing nicely. They are doing something, but one thing no one in the group is doing is checking upon who their "comrades" and "leader" really are. Where do they live? Do they have a family? Where to they work? Is the leader asking his followers to do something he doesn't do? And so on. Note again the position of me, the leader. It's YOU who are exposing your ass while I offer nothing but direction all in the safe environment of a keyboard at the public library. I could be Won Hung Lo, a fellow who runs a pool hall in Crotcha Alabama, or Edna Spreadass, the AIDS infected football team mascot.

                            You need to know nothing about Edgar Allen Poe in order to benefit from his novels. You need to know nothing about Ted Burlingame in order to benefit from his instructional advice relative to the operation of a jigsaw. This sort of thing is only a student/teacher relation, and not an organization for the purpose of some other objective.

                            Know your associates! Do not be flattered by their compliments or expertise. Act as if you life depended upon them. Are they trustworthy? To do otherwise is to invite disappointment -- and sometimes of a very serious nature.

                            On a similar topic, Internet "chat rooms" are not much more than relief from porno site eyestrain. I am positive that all of the participants, if gathered in the town hall, would have entirely different things to say. A few would not and those people would be people with the courage of their of convictions.

                            Last edited by Librarian; 09-18-2011, 05:31 AM.
                            I am The Librarian


                            • #44
                              Not With a Bang But With a Fart

                              Not With a Bang But With a Fart


                              Hi, guys:

                              I suppose I ought to let you guys know: the Great Lawsuit Saga that has gripped the Movement like a soap opera with such fascination for the past 15 years seems to have finally oozed to its conclusion.

                              In November of 2005, Mighty Willard struck his deadliest blow of all. He hired some Washington attorney, possible off the internet, to seize a total of $992.00 from several of my bank accounts. These funds were then placed in an escrow account of some kind at Bank of America "pending disposition of the court."

                              This included seizing my December 2005 rent money, which I admit pissed me off. It's the closest he has ever come in the past 15 years to inflicting any serious inconvenience on me. (An old acquaintance of Willard's, whose name he would recognize, when advised of the situation immediately replaced the lost rent money, and my rent was paid several days early that month.)

                              Anyway, to keep this as short and as simple as possible, apparently that was it. There was a similar situation regarding certain of my novels with one company, wherein a percentage of the royalties were withheld "pending disposition," but no disposition was ever made.

                              The publishing company refunded it all some time ago, and this week I received a certified check from Bank of America for what was left of the money stolen in 2005, which after the lawyers and the bank both wet their beaks was significantly less than the $992, but hey, this is the American court system we're talking about here and it's all about the money.

                              As nearly as I can determine from the documents I have been able to access, Willard never actually got any of the money. I understand from those who follow his internet ramblings (I quit bothering with it years ago) that he claims he did. Fine. Whatever.

                              So, after fifteen years of happy horseshit and courtroom games, that's the name of that tune.

                              Those of you who know what and who I'm talking about, know what and who I'm talking about. Those of you who don't, don't worry -- you haven't missed anything.

                              Come Home to the Northwest



                              • #45
                                Tubby's Tards: Getting more attention than the drama queen of Kalispell

                                Tubby's Tards: Getting more attention than the drama queen of Kalispell


                                Originally posted by -JC

                                What Will Work, Part Ten

                                "... The Pacific Northwest is not without its problems. But, nearly all the problems here are much more acute elsewhere, such as the influx of Hispanics, as well as those who openly defy Mother Nature with their “orientations” that they demand others accept. Again, these issues are, overall, much less present in the Homeland than outside of it. The only problem we have to a greater degree is dysfunctional Movement people. These are the narcissistic, drama-queen, tattooed, beer-swilling loudmouths who continually bray about “White Pride” yet are mentally and spiritually incapable of performing the one and only task that really matters in the long run — marrying well and raising strong White families. Fortunately these folks are mostly concentrated in the Idaho Panhandle. Unfortunately, they have managed to alienate many of the good White people from Coeur d’Alene to Bonners Ferry. A few have spilled over into the Kalispell, Montana area, estranging many good Whites in the Flathead Valley as well with their obnoxious behavior. Good Whites have no more use for these individuals than do the Jews. No, let me correct myself — the Jews have a lot of use for these people; just one of them does more harm to our folk than three dedicated Jewish activists could ever hope to accomplish... "
                                The only problem we have had in Kalispell is with Harold Covington's Northwest Front followers, Colonel House, his rotten raving drunken webmaster, Axis Sally the former torture porn queen, and the sweet little chain smoking thieving couple from Georgia who have a half black child and a retard they left behind. Harold is so jealous he cant contain himself so he keep writing this trash about us because we are successful and he is not.

                                BTW, when Craig Cobb when to ND he didnt have a vehicle, he had a pack on his back and a sleeping bag. But Craig is a true Aryan and adventurer and I guess we cant expect you soft young guys to be able to keep up with him.

