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Soloman/Sullymamzer Is My Sock-Possum

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  • Soloman/Sullymamzer Is My Sock-Possum

    Solomon/SullyMamzer Is My Sock-Possum

    Given that I am a ZOGbot agent provocateur working with Hal Turner and Sci-Fi Faber and trying to steal whatever I can within Christian Identity not red hot or nailed down -- then I can only try, and always ASSociated with mamzers who deny the Aryanhood of Pastors Wesley Swift and Richard Butler -- every so often, like a possum I must play ded and then 'rise from the ded,' like a travesty of Jesus Christ and like a possum sometimes when I do rise from the ded, Mad Mean Marty clubs me over Da Pisser-Possum head until I start bleeding from the nose and ass again, then Marty stomps off after I piss down my leg and run for the tall grass where it is safer although the pickin's ain't as good.

    So I have developed a range of Pisser sock-possums for just that eventuality. Even when I was ten and bothering the little blonde girleys before my nuts dropped into my pisser-possum sack, I would have an imaginary 'friend' who was to take the blame for my misbehavior. A scape-possum if you [s]will. This dishonesty is part of my inherent mamzer nature. I can't help but be a thief and a liar and a schidzoid little mamzer who generates an army of sockpuppets, er, sock-possums, to help take the heat off whenever I get caught thieving or ZOGbotting or whatever else misdemeanor or felony I get caught with. That is why my loyalty is to my fellow mamzers, especially Bryan Wright/Lyin' Wong/Billy Wood, my fellow prisoner of thieving mamzerhood and domestic partner in crime.

    But my dear Wonger/E-LIE-Khazar is in Washington state ZOGbotting and I'm here with my beloved Rastas smoking THE herb of the field and going ass-to-mouth with them, and so I need a nearby sock-possum. And so, let me introduce you to 'Solomon/Sullymamzer' sockpossum. After all, I've screwed up and outed dis Pisser Sock-Possum anyways today.

    Now Solomon/Sullymamzer jewst to hide behind a Hal Turner avaturd over on Pisser's Cinder, which I nuked when it becum embarrassing. So whenever I need to see what is going on, to sniff the air, I have Sullymamzer my Pisser-Sock-Possum do it for me. That way, this nebulous construct gets the ass-whupping from Mad Dog Marty the Possum Molester, and I am able to stay underground and out of sight. Like Dracula, I'm able to summon a [w]hored of, if not bats, rats, or wolves, at least sock-possums.

    But sometimes, when the ganja and the meth collide, my little schidzoid pisser-possum persona makes a mistake and thus I am outed. This has happened today, twice.

    Now before only myself and Fruit-Loop/Admin Visser used to claim ownership of Pisser's Cinder and Pisser's Pussy Palace. But here, as a Pisser Sock-Possum, 'Solomon/Sullymamzer' in essence claims ownersheep of this forum, Pisser's Pussy Palace. Actually, it belongs to ZOG, as the Department of Homeland InSecurity's petty cash drawer paid for this ZOG false front, but I, Jeromy John Visser -- Da Pisser-Possum -- am the owner of note, having cum up from the Rick Spring Faction. But that is the sort of thang which happens when you mix a stimulant like meth and tequila and a depressant like ganga while going ass to mouth with the local Rastas here in the rural area around Brooks jewrgia.

    I screwed up a second time just a few minutes later during today on my 'Solomon/Sullymamzer' sock-possum session:

    Originally posted by Solomon/Sullymamzer Pisser's Sock-Possum

    As I said on the old boards, Lindstedt will never stop because he really has nothing original to offer us Saxons. This is why his "ministry" is completely dedicated to breaking down others that actually HAVE done something for White Nationalism. Like a leech that sucks up others bandwidth to slander them with, consider that the THIEF only comes to kill, STEAL and destroy.

    All I can say is a hearty "thanks" Amy!
    What to say? I got caught. I'm not as smart a little half-growed methgoobering Pisser-Possum as I think I am, a common similarity I share with other jews and mamzers. Oh well, here goes . . . .

    Now unlike the other denizens of my Pisser's Crew666 on Pisser's History, my self-nuked Pisser's Cinder, and my new DHS Pisser's Pussy Palace, Solomon/Sullymamzer my Pisser's Sock-Possum, has never appeared on other places, like VNNF (like the gender-bendering Obaliar666 and PastTarded Weissmamzer) or $permFront or Finck's Forum or anyplace other than my sundry false fronts.

    Nor has anyone other than me, Da Pisser and brother Fruit-Loop/Ron ever made a bitch about Linseed and 6Killer 'wasting bandwidth' on 'my' forums, as if this sockpuppet somehow 'owns' my forums. Now set aside the fact that until January when I probably got money directly from ZOG for my new Pisser's Pussy Palace forum and Cornholing PissPul's Mamzmerizers as part of a supposed deal to avoid prison for drug usage, I used to use free servers to host my audio files, especially the Library of Congress server and noontide and freehostia his forums. As an excuse to nuke the embarrassing Pisser's Cinder, Fruit-Loop claimed that some female named Amy Rose was a Linseed sockpuppet and the increased traffic crashed the Freehostia server hosting Pisser's Cinder. Now this was a complete lie, but I had to have Fruit-Loop and my sock-puppets make it because I, Da Pisser-Possum, was Pisser-Possum ded, with nothing to show but my little pisser-possum nose sniffing the air for Mad Dog Marty and any low hanging persimmons & shit hanging on other auntie-Christ forums like StumbleInn and Beer Barrel and A-hole ZOG-Front. That and I wanted "All My Pisser-Possums" on Pisser's Pussy Palace.

    Now text and small graphics don't waste anything in the way of bandwidth, especially when you got ZOG paying for it, and especially when I invited/begged Linseed to post to my forums in order to generate traffic to my worthless forums. And even now, I must post Linseed posts, suitably modified, in order to even have anything to say.

    But today, I must admit that I screwed up in revealing one of my Pisser Sock-Possums, my main Pisser Sock-Possum Solomon/Sullymamzer, who has always hung off my tail, and been a good little sock-possum. I thought that if I took a page from Obadiah/Obaliar/ Obagenderbenderingpoofterpossum666 by pretending to be a twat -- I am a Rasta/Wonger mangina -- and from Idiot Spawner of Six Hyberniggers with a fag in my mug, that I would fool the chronically [Crea]Tarded pretending to be CI. But that Mad Dog Marty Linseed sniffed me out and da club descended on my Da Pisser-Possum noggin and that of my Da Pisser-Possum's chief Sock-Possum Solomon/Sullymamzer.

    I am well and truly fucked yet again.

    Snail Victory!!!

    jewromy jewn Visser/Da Pisser-Possum
    Cornholing PissPul's Mamzerizers
    Pisser's Pussy Palace
    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 06-08-2010, 11:08 AM.

    Jeromy Visser
    Sephardic Jew Red-Nigger Felonious Mamzer

    jewromy Visser @
    Cornholing Mamzer's Ministry & Pisser's Cinder & Pisser's Pussy Palace/DSCI VNNF
    Box 256, Brooks, GA 30205

  • #2
    I'm Actually Sci-Fi's Sock-Possum SOL/Spawn of Lucifer

    I'm Actually Sci-Fi's Sock-Possum SOL/Spawn of Lucifer

    Originally posted by Obaliargenderbenderingpoofterpossum666

    Oh you can bank on that.

    Amy, "Pastor" Weibmann -- my fellow VNNF pretend CI tard who I outranked as a Department of ZOGland InSecurity tard on the basis of Abo-mamzer poofter tard beating a catlick Balkanoid Chicago tard -- who I hate the most, and even the living luncheon himself, Pastor "Call me Marty" Lindstedt, drop in here every day.

    The Fruit-Loop Pisser-Possum tells me so.
    More than that - this guy's on my nuts like a horseleech. But I LOVE a little S&M slap & tickle especially from ol' Sci-fi, especially on the nutsack.

    I guess he simply can't understand that CPM is an actual church with several volunteers -- all either fellow ZOGbots from the Rick Spring Faction, including Da Pisser-Possum or ZOGbots from the Auggie Kreis Faction -- and I've been here, kissin' ass takin' names, since day one.

    I've posted on the old forums as Sol for almost six years. Sol is short for Spawn of Lucifer and I'm a sephardic jew mamzer named Lenio Barcelos who supports Sci-Fi Faber and Hal Turner. Since you and Sci-Fi Faber are still ZOGbotting and spying on the aboveground DSCI community, then I'm jewr mamzer, my dear Pisser-Possum. Pity you and Sci-Fi Faber couldn't suckceed in kicking out Mad Marty back in late August and Gulett managed to recharter his Church of the Sons of YHWH. I hold no grudges that you sold out Sci-Fi when Hal Turner got outed as not only a rat but an agent provocateur. Us faggot jew ZOGbots gotta stick together.

    Delete this message on jewr Pisser's Pussy Palace forum ASAP, like you did when Fruit-Loop claimed you were dead back on Pisser's Cinder, Mein Pisser-Possum, although ZOGbot-Molesting Marty will doubtless have saved the post. Nobody can prove that we lie to our satisfaction until we all are suffering from Piglice Testicle Eating Syndrome. That and our mamzer spawn.

    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 06-22-2010, 03:09 AM.

    Ah's jewr faithfool Pisser Sock-Possum, Master. Now give me a Pisser-Possum Treat!!!



    • #3
      Da Pisser-Possum's & Sci-Fi Faber's ZOGbot's Tangled Mamzer Web

      Da Pisser-Possum's & Sci-Fi Faber's ZOGbot's Tangled Mamzer Web

      Originally posted by Solomon/Sullymamzer View Post

      I'm Actually Sci-Fi's Sock-Possum SOL/Spawn of Lucifer

      More than that - this guy's on my nuts like a horseleech. But I LOVE a little S&M slap & tickle especially from ol' Sci-fi, especially on the nutsack.

      I guess he simply can't understand that CPM is an actual church with several volunteers -- all either fellow ZOGbots from the Rick Spring Faction, including Da Pisser-Possum or ZOGbots from the Auggie Kreis Faction -- and I've been here, kissin' ass takin' names, since day one.

      I've posted on the old forums as Sol for almost six years. Sol is short for Spawn of Lucifer and I'm a sephardic jew mamzer named Lenio Barcelos who supports Sci-Fi Faber and Hal Turner. Since you and Sci-Fi Faber are still ZOGbotting and spying on the aboveground DSCI community, then I'm jewr mamzer, my dear Pisser-Possum. Pity you and Sci-Fi Faber couldn't suckceed in kicking out Mad Marty back in late August and Gulett managed to recharter his Church of the Sons of YHWH. I hold no grudges that you sold out Sci-Fi when Hal Turner got outed as not only a rat but an agent provocateur. Us faggot jew ZOGbots gotta stick together.

      Delete this message on jewr Pisser's Pussy Palace forum ASAP, like you did when Fruit-Loop claimed you were dead back on Pisser's Cinder, Mein Pisser-Possum, although ZOGbot-Molesting Marty will doubtless have saved the post. Nobody can prove that we lie to our satisfaction until we all are suffering from Piglice Testicle Eating Syndrome. That and our mamzer spawn.
      Lenio Barcelos, supporter of Sci-Fi Faber and Jeromy Visser, you think you are so very smart, like all ZOGbots. You side with Sci-Fi Faber without finding out the real crux of the matter back on August 23, 2009. The fact of the matter was that Sci-Fi Faber simply dumped me back on June 18, 2009 for no reason than some stupid MTV kikess wanted to pay attention to me on my new v-bulletin forum on June 14th, only four days previously, and not Sci-Fi Faber. So Sci-Fi Faber, a stupid little ZOGbot, wanted to get rid of someone who he was supposed to be in alliance with who wasn't a ZOGbot, and the goofy lying bastard broke his agreement that he had made with me. And I simply noted it, and stored the knowledge in a posting derived from a Private Message to Visser that I stored in the admin section because I didn't want to hurt Hal Turner. When Hal Turner was revealed to be a rat for the FBI, then Visser blew the whistle on Sci-Fi Faber's treachery. Sci-Fi Faber in turn revealed that Visser was coonspiring with Faber to kick me out on June 20, 2009, then chickened out when Hal Turner was revealed to be not only a rat, but an agent provocateur. Then Visser revealed on August 28, 2009 that he was plotting to send Sci-Fi Faber to prison as well as having hacked Sci-Fi Faber's web page.

      Such is life amongst the ZOGbots. Each and every single one will betray the other. I have no doubt that Visser and Bryan Wright were conspiring against Sci-Fi Faber after Hal Turner was revealed to be not only a rat, but an agent provocateur on August 23, 2009. I have no doubt that Visser thought that as a member of the Rick Spring Faction that he could send Sci-Fi Faber to prison as part of the discredited Hal Turner/August Kreis Faction. I have no doubt that Visser hacked into Sci-Fi Faber's Aryan Nations Revival web page because (1) Visser admitted to me to doing so in order to distance hisself from his collabor-treason with Sci-Fi Faber and Hal Turner and (2) because Sci-Fi Faber is such an idiot that Sci-Fi Faber gave me the password and ftp setting to his web page along with nine other people, one of them Jeromy Visser! I merely downloaded Sci-Fi Faber's web page, but three days later Sci-Fi Faber's phpbb forum was hacked, and Sci-Fi Faber accused everyone of betraying him, the stupid fuktarded shithead.

      Me and Pastor John Britton thought that Sci-Fi was too effin' stupid to be a ZOGbot, but then I remembered that TraitorGlenn Miller ain't exactly the smartest rat in the bowel Movement, and TraitorGlenn Miller is a confirmed rat and ZOGbot.

      Now look you definitely stupid probable stupid mamzer. I know jewr name because both Sci-Fi Faber and Jeromy Visser and yourself just revealed it. I also know one of your e-mail addresses, "Lenio Barcelos" ( I got this information because both Sci-Fi Faber and Jeromy Visser are extremely stupid ZOGbot retards who can't help but betray each other. I also got an army of sockpuppets and spies who report to me what they come across and know, and then direct me to what is public knowledge so that I don't implicate them. I also have the uncanny ability to turn those whom I insult for stupidity to my side when they stop to lick the lumps I have given them and they learn from their hurts that I am not a liar or a thief, even though I am a mighty hard mean Christian Israelite. Now if I can learn all this without even the need for the use of torture -- and understand this, I will torture whiggers and mamzers without mercy when the inevitable Day of the Rope comes for no other reason than to cement political power -- simply because you were too stupid and too vain to keep your mouth shut when you should have known that I spy on Pisser's Pussy Palace and for all you suspect probably have sockpuppets and spies there.

      Why do you stupid whiggers and mamzers 'think' that you can parasite off of Christian Israel as ZOGbots and that 'everything will be forgiven' when the Great Tribulation comes? If I have no problem with the collapse of the mighty Evil Empire and the extermination of 140 million whiggers and 150 million mamzers then why do you 'think' that I cannot or will not punish traitors playing amongst us causing trouble?

      Both Sci-Fi Faber and Jeromy Visser had no concern for internal security in revealing your name and e-mail address. They revealed it for nothing but for the sake of vanity. Do you think that they will reveal more when they are being skinned alive and crucified and they and their spawn are suffering from Piglice Testicle-Eating Syndrome? Do you really think that you can repeat ZOG lies about me molesting my grandson and not pay along with 'innocent' whiggers and mamzers for siding with ZOG/Babylon for destroying my family and three and a half years of torture and drugging in the Newton County Jail and the Fulton State NutHouse?

      Sci-Fi Faber and Jeromy Visser are revealed as liars, thieves, and ZOGbot agents provocateur. They got caught. Like most regime criminals they live in a fantasy world that if they destroy the evidence, and delete forums, and claim to be dead and then come back a month later, that they are fooling anyone. Visser got caught conspiring with Bryan Wright -- a slant-eyed Pictish jew mamzer who called Pastors Wesley Swift and Richard Butler and everyone in Christian Identity 'mamzers -- to steal Pastor Morris Gulett's Church of the Sons of YHVH and the $400,000+ locked up in probate. Sci-Fi Faber and Visser got caught conspiring to some idiot conspiracy to excommunicate me, along with Hal Turner's support, from my Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri. I fail to see how anything like that was going to happen, given that I control that public benefits corporation in Missouri. And then to top it off, Sci-Fi Faber admitted that both hissself and Visser were receiving FBI funding and thus ZOGbots.

      I think that you need to becum a turned rat, Lenio Barcelos. You stuck up for me against the dead guido-mamzer Reichsshitter over on A-hole Front. Time for a switch in time that saves jewr hide.

      LiarBill DeClue(less) has been revealed as a low-level klan snitch as well as a mumps-nutted niglet-niece molesting 250-lbs of dogshit in a 150-lb sack delusional liar. Obadiah/Obaliar/Obapoofterposssum666 is the smartest ZOGbot of the lot.

      You really need to change sides, Lenny. Show me that you ain't more of a Squiggy mamzer and turn. Sci-Fi Faber has no loyalty to his idiots. He was going to nuke all your posts without warning at A-Hole Front because Boob the Papist Guido Reichsshitter/kritter called him 'Sci-Fi.' I talked Sci-Fi Faber out of destroying his own follower's work. Not because Sci-Fi Faber as a loveless solipsist has any real concern for the hard work of those he claims to lead, but because if he did delete the Christian Identity/Aryan Nations subforum, then Reichshitter and David Donald Swaim would merely restore it from backup and blame Sci-Fi Faber for deleting it without warning. Better that the posters get a month or so to save their work, then maneuver Reichskritter/shitter into deleting the subforums. Which is what I accomplished a month later. Sci-Fi Faber and Da Pisser will betray you in a second and think nothing of it.

      I won't. I never betray or steal from my friends, even though I hunt down to destroy my enemies and those enemies of Christian Israel. Unlike Sci-Fi Faber and Da Pisser-Possum, I'm not a thief or liar or coward. You've not gotten any shit from me that you didn't start first. Any shit you started, I've done my best to give you double measure whenever possible.

      Turn before I catch you In Real Life and I start skinning.

      Hail Victory!!!

      Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
      Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

      Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 06-22-2010, 03:11 AM.

      Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
      Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


      • #4
        Wouldn't jew like to be a Pisser-Possum too?

        Wouldn't jew like to be a Pisser-Possum too?

        That's because BLUTO is good people. But I must thank Ingelded and itz sockpuppets Blighto Niggollos's Croat mudskank mom and Baby Fade for putting me back up from stickniggerdumb and into the green. jewnstain has always been fascinated with little ZOGbot possums of YHVH who smoke a lot of ganga and go ass-to-mouth with the Rastas.

        It don't bother me that Bluto is deemed to be jewnstain's sockpuppet. I have a lot of jew and mamzer ZOGbot sockpuppets --called Pisser's sock-possums -- at Pisser's Pussy Palace because in addition to being a thief and a liar and a baal-priest and a ZOGbot, I'm also Da Pisser-Possum that rose after four weeks from Da Pisser-Possum ded. Forget what I said about StumbleInn and The Beer Barrel being Auntie-Christ forums. I'm on an Ixabertian roll now!!!


        I'm Da Pisser-Possum, LiarBill DeClue(less) the 85 IQ mumps-nutted baal-priest KookKluddKlown from Klan Niglet-Chester's a Pisser-Possum, Obadiah/Obaliar/Oba-mamzer-genderbendering-poofter-possum666 she/he/itz a Pisser Possum, wouldn't jew like to be a Pisser-Possum too?

        Now girdeth thy loins and hasten to go ye out and eat some persimmons and low-hanging shit for D-g, Mein Pisser-Possums!!!

        D-g Blast!!!

        jewromy Da Pisser-Possum Visser
        Cornholer PissPul's Mamzerizers
        Pisser's Pussy Palace

        Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 06-10-2010, 10:52 PM.

        Jeromy Visser
        Sephardic Jew Red-Nigger Felonious Mamzer

        jewromy Visser @
        Cornholing Mamzer's Ministry & Pisser's Cinder & Pisser's Pussy Palace/DSCI VNNF
        Box 256, Brooks, GA 30205


        • #5
          Momma's, Don't Let jewr Babies Grow Up To B Pisser-Possums!!!

          Momma's, Don't Let jewr Babies Grow Up To B Pisser-Possums!!!

          Originally posted by Pastor Visser
          Wouldn't jew like to be a Pisser-Possum too?

          That's because BLUTO is good people. But I must thank Ingelded and itz sockpuppets Blighto Niggollos's Croat mudskank mom and Baby Fade for putting me back up from stickniggerdumb and into the green. jewnstain has always been fascinated with little ZOGbot possums of YHVH who smoke a lot of ganga and go ass-to-mouth with the Rastas.

          It don't bother me that Bluto is deemed to be jewnstain's sockpuppet. I have a lot of jew and mamzer ZOGbot sockpuppets --called Pisser's sock-possums -- at Pisser's Pussy Palace because in addition to being a thief and a liar and a baal-priest and a ZOGbot, I'm also Da Pisser-Possum that rose after four weeks from Da Pisser-Possum ded. Forget what I said about StumbleInn and The Beer Barrel being Auntie-Christ forums. I'm on an Ixabertian roll now!!!


          I'm Da Pisser-Possum, LiarBill DeClue(less) the 85 IQ mumps-nutted baal-priest KookKluddKlown from Klan Niglet-Chester's a Pisser-Possum, Obadiah/Obaliar/Oba-mamzer-genderbendering-poofter-possum666 she/he/itz a Pisser Possum, wouldn't jew like to be a Pisser-Possum too?

          Now girdeth thy loins and hasten to go ye out and eat some persimmons and low-hanging shit for D-g, Mein Pisser-Possums!!!

          D-g Blast!!!

          jewromy Da Pisser-Possum Visser
          Cornholer PissPul's Mamzerizers
          Pisser's Pussy Palace

          I am a bit flabbergasted at what Da Pisser-Possum, which rose from the pisser-possum ded after four weeks, just said. But I think that The Church Lady said it best:

          Could Da Pisser-Possum be Satan?

          Well, since Willie Nelson in his prime knew how to get around The Church Lady -- the only one I ever seen do so -- I think we should go to This Bard for answers:

          Momma's Don't Let jewr Babies Grow Up To B Pisser-Possums

          Excellent advice if you ask me.

          Hail Victory!!!

          Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
          Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

          Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 06-10-2010, 10:54 PM.

          Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
          Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


          • #6
            In light of a certain recent announcement....

            In light of a certain recent announcement....
            (Da Pisser-Possum turning 37)


            Well, in light of some information I just gleaned from the bottom of the index page here, I think an appropriate tribute is in order: (Ahem!)

            Happy birthday, fuck you!
            You suck off the Jew
            You look like a possum
            And you act like one, too!

            Sorry, couldn't resist.

            Da Pisser kinda reminds me of a guy I went to Junior High with, named Shannon Prater. He was a possum-faced little inbred, too.

            To be honest, it didn't really surprise me at all when it came out that Da Pisser was a traitorous little ZOGbot. I had had my suspicions for quite some time.

            First of all, there was the fact that, in his VNNF days, he always behaved like the perfect little Stepford Christian, never making a peep unless someone either attacked him personally, or went overboard slamming CI. If he ever posted anything remotely related to politics or the racial struggle, I wasn't aware of it. Not in the whole 4+ years that I was there. This smelled kinda rotten to me. I have to wonder whether, like Obadorker666, he wasn't working for/with AlexisLinderMiller back then.

            Then there was his use of the so-called "Christian" flag for his avaturd. I have honestly never known of anyone besides Pisser trying to claim that flag as a CI symbol, and, in point of fact, I can tell you that it is used by Fundamentalist Baptists and other members of the neokhannedservantive "religious right", and, apparently, by some left-wing and nigger churches as well. (When I went with my Dad once to take some folding chairs to this integrated Commie church in Oliver Springs with a nigger preacher, as a favor to one of his then nigger acquaintances at work, I noticed a giant one on a flagpole in their sanctuary. I guess I was about 13 or 14 at the time.)

            As far as his behavior on this forum, there was the fact that he posted a quote from Martin Bormann's TABLE TALK, which has ZERO credibility within CI, and, even worse, referring to Traitor Glenn Miller, of all people, as being "eloquent". Yeah, he's eloquent all right. About as eloquent as Forrest Gump after a three-day drunk.

            And, when I clicked on a couple of his sermon links, after hearing him on Eli's 9/9/'09 Program, I became even more disgusted. For a guy trying to convince people that he wasn't on drugs, he was sure doing a lousy job. He sounded like he was tweaking all the way through that one sermon.

            And his targetting of poor old Susan Atkins, of all people, seemed rather cruel and cowardly to me, not to mention a strange target for a supposedly CI pastor. Why would any real CI pastor want to single out someone for abuse who was only guilty of killing a few worthless Hymiewood kikes and race-mixers and a couple of dago Mafioso mamzers? Why all the vitriol against someone like that?

            But, like I say, it didn't surprise me much to find out that Da Pisser was ZOG's little possum all along.

            Last edited by Jack; 06-10-2010, 12:41 PM. Reason: Reformatted, Added Links

            "Lay down your silver and your gold
            I am a man who won't be sold
            And even when my heart grows cold
            I'll curse your evil stranglehold."---Horslips, from "Trouble With A Capital 'T'", 1977.


            • #7
              Da Pisser-Possum is a 37 year old ZOGbot


              Originally posted by TrashCanMan72 View Post

              In light of a certain recent announcement....
              (Da Pisser-Possum turning 37)


              Well, in light of some information I just gleaned from the bottom of the index page here, I think an appropriate tribute is in order: (Ahem!)

              Happy birthday, fuck you!
              You suck off the Jew
              You look like a possum
              And you act like one, too!

              Sorry, couldn't resist.

              Da Pisser kinda reminds me of a guy I went to Junior High with, named Shannon Prater. He was a possum-faced little inbred, too.

              To be honest, it didn't really surprise me at all when it came out that Da Pisser was a traitorous little ZOGbot. I had had my suspicions for quite some time.

              First of all, there was the fact that, in his VNNF days, he always behaved like the perfect little Stepford Christian, never making a peep unless someone either attacked him personally, or went overboard slamming CI. If he ever posted anything remotely related to politics or the racial struggle, I wasn't aware of it. Not in the whole 4+ years that I was there. This smelled kinda rotten to me. I have to wonder whether, like Obadorker666, he wasn't working for/with AlexisLinderMiller back then.

              Then there was his use of the so-called "Christian" flag for his avaturd. I have honestly never known of anyone besides Pisser trying to claim that flag as a CI symbol, and, in point of fact, I can tell you that it is used by Fundamentalist Baptists and other members of the neokhannedservantive "religious right", and, apparently, by some left-wing and nigger churches as well. (When I went with my Dad once to take some folding chairs to this integrated Commie church in Oliver Springs with a nigger preacher, as a favor to one of his then nigger acquaintances at work, I noticed a giant one on a flagpole in their sanctuary. I guess I was about 13 or 14 at the time.)

              As far as his behavior on this forum, there was the fact that he posted a quote from Martin Bormann's TABLE TALK, which has ZERO credibility within CI, and, even worse, referring to Traitor Glenn Miller, of all people, as being "eloquent". Yeah, he's eloquent all right. About as eloquent as Forrest Gump after a three-day drunk.

              And, when I clicked on a couple of his sermon links, after hearing him on Eli's 9/9/'09 Program, I became even more disgusted. For a guy trying to convince people that he wasn't on drugs, he was sure doing a lousy job. He sounded like he was tweaking all the way through that one sermon.

              And his targetting of poor old Susan Atkins, of all people, seemed rather cruel and cowardly to me, not to mention a strange target for a supposedly CI pastor. Why would any real CI pastor want to single out someone for abuse who was only guilty of killing a few worthless Hymiewood kikes and race-mixers and a couple of dago Mafioso mamzers? Why all the vitriol against someone like that?

              But, like I say, it didn't surprise me much to find out that Da Pisser was ZOG's little possum all along.

              Well, early last year, when due to certain idiots urging me to 'make alliances' with Jeromy Visser and Sci-Fi Faber I did, it was at the disparagement of
              Pastor John Britton, who warned me that both Sci-Fi Faber and Jeromy Visser were complete 'fruit-loops' who were selfish and self-serving and not to be trusted. In the case of Visser, John Britton said that he thought Visser didn't like him, but couldn't say why, as John Britton had never done anything against Visser.

              Well, Sci-Fi Faber certainly was a handful, what with calling me up several times a day asking my opinion on what to do as if he hadn't run a church before. Sci-Fi Faber is like someone who has great doubts as to his leadership ability always looking for a parade in order to get to the front of it and lead is someplace -- Sci-Fi don't lnow where -- and get credit for it.

              And Sci-Fi Faber has absolutely no respect for the hard work of his followers. He was going to nuke without warning the Aryan Nations subforum on Aryan Front and I talked him out of doing so. Said that Boob the Papist Guido-Nigger and David Donald Duck Swaim would merely bring it back

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