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ZOGbot Baal-Priest jew & mamzer Frauds playing DSCI Churches/Aryan Nations
This is where sundry ZOGbot jew and mamzer baal-priests pretending to be DSCI Churches and Aryan Nations factions cavort. We have Eliar James/jewseph November-Kutz, The Jersey City jewboy Finckelsheenie, Chief Running Pisser-Possum, Two & A Half Mamzers, Legion of Skanks and Kins-mamzer Re-Dork-Her here.
Forums | Topics | Posts | Last Post |
Two and a Half Mamzers
This is a parody forum of Oba-gender-bender-pissers-poofter-possums' bogus 'The Christian Identity Forum' on Hostmonster. Bryan Reo/SoredMamzer/SwordBrethren is ALWAYS the anchor-mamzer, but we leave it to the discerning to figure out who rates as only half a mamzer.
Topics: 30
Posts: 293
30 | 293 | |
Eli(ar) James/jewseph November-Kutz' Chicago Sheephardic Studies
Eli James/jewseph November-Kutz gives a Chicago sephardic 'take' on FBI/ADL/$PLC/DHS-approved DSCI studies.
Topics: 13
Posts: 150
Last Post:
Why I Investigated “Pastor” Eli James
13 | 150 | |
Rabbi Finck-el-Sheenie's ZOGbot mamzErmporium & Bizzarre
This is Rabbi William Finck's Former Announcement Forum. Baal Finck and his ZOGbot mamzer and whigger followers can post announcements and have discussion concerning Finck's ZOGbot pretend Christian Identity criminality designed to gull the unwary and bring in a swarm of mamzers within the Congregation.
Pastor Finck's WWW Page:
Topics: 65
Posts: 455
Last Post:
Enemas of Baal 'Rat' Finck & ZOGogonnerhea
65 | 455 | |
Covenant People's Ministry/Chief Running Lying jewni-Bonger Pisser-Possum
This is Jeromy Visser's Cornholing Pisser-Possum's Mamzery Announcement Forum. It is where the Pisser and mamzer ZOGbot pisser-possums can post lies concerning his Church as opposed to trying to steal Gulett's CSOY.
Pisser's old phpbb3 Forum:
Pisser's new v-bulletin Forum -- Pisser's Cinder:
Visser's WWW Page:
Topics: 36
Posts: 593
Last Post:
Betrayal By Visser
36 | 593 | |
Kins-mamzer Re-Dork-'er/Sapphiracy of Klunt
This is the un-oafishul Sapphiracy of Klunt Downey and Past-her Meercat Markkk KKKlowney and a parody of the 'Christian Telegony' No-Devil (Except in Miss Klunt) as seen on $permFront
Topics: 16
Posts: 88
16 | 88 | |
The Mamzer & Crackhead 'Aryan Nations' ZOGbot-Mamzerathon False Front
This sub-forum covers drunken crackheads like Morris Gulett but now the petty criminal ZOGbot Paul Mullett and Billy Roper, Evolutionary Papist-Preterist No Devil Factotum of ZOGbots along with the drunken mamzer crackhead Phil Morrow.
Topics: 22
Posts: 149
Last Post:
ZOGbots of See-Eye Dentistry
22 | 149 |