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Shitty of Granby

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  • #61
    Fake Minutes of the Granby City Council of 24 Jan 2017

    Fake Minutes of the Granby City Council of 24 Jan 2017

    I am The Librarian


    • #62
      I'm a Lying Scumbag & Control Freak with NO Respect for the Little People of Granby


      • #63


        • #64

          I'm a Lying Scumbag & Control Freak with NO Respect for the Little People of Granby


          • #65
            Amended Agenda: Granby City Hall Meeting February 28, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.

            Amended Agenda: Granby City Hall Meeting February 28, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.


            CITY OF GRANBY
            Amended Agenda February 28, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.
            Posted February 27, 2017

            Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
            302 North Main Street

            Opening Prayer

            Pledge of Allegiance

            7:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call
            1) Approval of Agenda as presented
            2) Approval of Minutes February 14, 2017

            Regular Business:
            1) Bills to Pay,Balances on hand.
            2) Granby City Wide Garage Sale (April 21 & 22)
            3) Rabies Clinic (March 25th)
            4) (Municipal) Judge Steve White re: Court Procedure
            5) Wastewater I & I Project (Inflow & Infiltration)
            6) letter of qualification re: new water System

            * 7) Bids for Metal Detector (Schondstadt $903.75)


            I'm a Lying Scumbag & Control Freak with NO Respect for the Little People of Granby



            • #66



              • #67
                Amended Agenda: Granby City Hall Meeting March 14, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.

                Amended Agenda: Granby City Hall Meeting March 14, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.


                CITY OF GRANBY
                Amended Agenda March 14, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.
                Posted March 13, 2017

                Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
                302 North Main Street

                Opening Prayer

                Pledge of Allegiance

                7:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call
                1) Approval of Agenda as presented
                2) Approval of Minutes Feb 28, 2017

                1) Dawnata Hopkins -- CPA Group 2014/2015 Fiscal year audit report.
                2) Larry W. Brooks -- New Business

                7:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call
                1) Approval of Agenda as presented
                2) Approval of Minutes Feb 28, 2017

                Regular Business:
                1) Bills to Pay,Balances on hand.
                2) Ashley Edgemon -- Cwemetery Trust Fund
                3) Chief Jacob Kelley -- re: new hire


                I'm a Lying Scumbag & Control Freak with NO Respect for the Little People of Granby



                • #68
                  "Reporting" the 14 March 2017 City Council Meeting -- Went A2M with the Mayor

                  "Reporting" the 14 March 2017 City Council Meeting -- Went A2M with the Mayor




                  • #69
                    Fraudulent Minutes of the 14 March Granby Shitty Kouncil-Kritter's Machinations

                    Fraudulent Minutes of the 14 March Granby Shitty Kouncil-Kritter's Machinations


                    Fraudulent, Incumplete, unsigned Minutes by Lawna Price, Shitty of Granby Shitty Clerk & Factotum:


                    MINUTES MARCH 14, 2017

                    The Granby Board of Aldermen met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Travis Gamble presiding. Present at roll call were: Will Barrett, Joyce Mann, Chelsea Talbott and Ira Hawkins.

                    Chelsea Talbott moved to amend the agenda to include item #4 for a fire department purchase. Joyce Mann seconded the motion. Voting aye: Will Barratt, Joyce Mann, Chelsea Talbott and Ira Hawkins. Voting nay: None. Motion carried: 4-0.

                    Chelsea Talbott moved to approve the minutes of February 28, 2017. Joyce Mann seconded the motion. Voting aye: Will Barratt, Joyce Mann, Chelsea Talbott and Ira Hawkins. Voting nay: None. Motion carried: 4-0.

                    Dawnata Hopkins presented audir report for 2014/2015. FYI.

                    Larry Brooks requested a business license for Black Star Tattoo to be where Heavenly Notions currently does business. Chelsea Talbott moves to approve the business license. Ira Hawkins seconded the motion. Voting aye: Will Barratt, Joyce Mann, Chelsea Talbott and Ira Hawkins. Voting nay: None. Motion carried: 4-0.

                    Chelsea Talbott moved to approve the bills, approve departmental reports, and to pay balances on hand. Joyce Mann seconded the motion. Voting aye: Will Barratt, Joyce Mann, Chelsea Talbott and Ira Hawkins. Voting nay: None. Motion carried: 4-0.

                    Ashley Edgemon requested the board approve the cemetery boards request to resurface the paved roads at the Memorial Cemetery. Joyce Mann moved to approve the request, Ira Hawkins seconded the motion. Voting aye: Will Barratt, Joyce Mann, Chelsea Talbott and Ira Hawkins. Voting nay: None. Motion carried: 4-0.

                    Chief Jacob Kelley requests permission to fill the open position that was vacated in February of this year. His recommendation is Levi Martin, currently employed with McDonald County Sheriff's Office as a corrections officer. Joyce Mann moved to approve the hire of Mr. Martin. Chelsea Talbott seconded the motion. Voting aye: Will Barratt, Joyce Mann, Chelsea Talbott and Ira Hawkins Voting nay: None. Motion carried: 4-0.

                    Chief Stanbery requested permission to purchase items for the fire department totaling $1051.90. Ira Hawkins moved to approve the purchase. Joyce Mann seconded the motion. Voting aye: Will Barratt, Joyce Mann, Chelsea Talbott and Ira Hawkins. Voting nay: None. Motion carried: 4-0.

                    Chelsea Talbott moved to adjourn. Joyce Mann seconded the motion. Voting aye: Will Barratt, Joyce Mann, Chelsea Talbott and Ira Hawkins. Voting nay: None. Motion carried: 4-0.

                    Page 2 MINUTES MARCH 14, 2017

                    Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

                    Respectfully submitted,
                    Lawna Price, City Clerk



                    The Granby Board of Aldermen met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Travis Gamble presiding. Present at roll call were: Will Barrett, Joyce Mann, Chelsea Talbott and Ira Hawkins.

                    Actually Gamble started the meeting two and a half minutes early in order to interfere with my taping a preamble on my videocamera.

                    Chelsea Talbott moved to amend the agenda to include item #4 for a fire department purchase. Joyce Mann seconded the motion. Voting aye: Will Barratt, Joyce Mann, Chelsea Talbott and Ira Hawkins. Voting nay: None. Motion carried: 4-0.

                    Pastor Lindstedt pointed out that the "amended" agenda wasn't up for 24 hours and that this seemed to be the business as usual in sneaking items onto the agenda so as to allow them to be discussed in session without prior notice in violation of the Missouri Sunshine Law. Travis Gamble and the Shitty Kouncil-Kritters ignored this evidence of their lawlessness.

                    Chelsea Talbott moved to approve the minutes of February 28, 2017. Joyce Mann seconded the motion. Voting aye: Will Barratt, Joyce Mann, Chelsea Talbott and Ira Hawkins. Voting nay: None. Motion carried: 4-0.

                    Again, upon grudgingly being recognized, Pastor Lindstedt pointed out that at the last Shitty Kouncil-Kritter Meeting, that Mayor Travis Gamble had threatened Pastor Lindstedt with arrest under color of the treasonous and criminally enacted unconstitutional Granby Ordinance #815 without giving any warning. Even the unconstitutional Rule #815 required at least one warning and was supposed to be under the responsibility of the overall City Council as well. Thus Travis Gamble had violated his own unconstitutional treasonous law, and Lawna Price as City Clerk had committed fraud in order to hide criminality.

                    Thus the previous Minutes were fraudulent and criminal in nature.

                    Of course, being regime-criminals and fraudsters in nature, and having Chadifer Heyworth of the Newton County Fake-Douche going ass-to-mouth with Thieving Inbred Meyer Travis Gamble they voted to approve their criminal activities of their fraudulent minutes.


                    Dawnata Hopkins presented audit report for 2014/2015. FYI.

                    This was a 45-page accounting for the last year of the Senile Inbred Richard Eutzler's confused administration replacing the fat pig RL Arnall from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015.

                    Below is the full 30 June 2015 for Granby Fiscal Year 2014-15 in pdf format:

                    This audit was altogether a dog & pony shoah. Travis Gamble was whining about how it was morally superior for him to get his three or four ass-lickers on the Shitty Council to approve his taking money from diverse accounts and applying them to the gas fund under a full dog&pony shoah as on the last city council meeting in Dec. 2015 as opposed to Richard Eustzler just calling up the two necessary for the motion to pass as earlier in 2014 under his administration.

                    During the audit, this accounting skank admitted that it was legal to transfer ZOGbux from city accounts like water and sewer to pay for the gas bond, just not the street funds or the Theft Incremental Financing. Richard Eustler, even though a senile inbred, didn't do anything other than ignore Travis Gamble as North Ward Shitty Kouncil-Kritter from 2014 to April 2015, when Thieving Inbred becum Meyer. In fact, what other than Travis Gamble becum-cummin Meyer and wanting to shit over Senile Inbred is the point to this audit?

                    See page 20-21 of the audit to find the entire purpose of this audit being for the worsheepfool gratifuckation of Thieving Inbred Travis Gamble:

                    Travis Gamble wanted to whine yet again about how thirty years of the same old crap of transferring moneys between accounts in order to make up shortages in accounts needs to end and furthermore that Gamble will pay off the accounts in arrears even though there is no legal requirement to do so. (If the Missouri Attorney General isn't going to go after long-dead or long-absent meyers or kouncil-kritters, then why should the Shitizens of Granby do so?)

                    When called on this tardshit, Travis Gamble got testy about this old argument between myself and his hypocritical foolishness, and insinuated yet another threat of false arrest under Rule #815.

                    Moving on, I asked the accountant when she finished with this audit. She said that it had been done by the first of the month and given out to the kouncil-kritters for over a week, and certainly out by the previous Friday. So why wasn't it made as a public record paid for by Granby taxes to where everyone interested could get a copy before Travis Gamble using it as a re-election prop?

                    What these lying retards do is to keep the public information upon which they will use to make a decision secret and then at the city council meeting announce their decision based upon these papers and information which they have kept secret at the council meeting, with any criticism negated by the audience not knowing not being privy to the information in the city council-critters "Friday packets", which is drawn up by the Mayor and City Clerk and discussed amongst these current and past ass-lickers over the weekend and Monday and Tuesday before the City Council Meeting. This makes a mockery of representative democracy and open meetings when everything has already been decided by regime-criminals acting in secret with information that they only are knowledgeable of.

                    This is a violation of both the spirit and letter of the Missouri Sunshine Law which is supposed to make government activities transparent to the citizens and taxpayers of a Missouri governmental unit. Keeping what should be public information closely held amongst themselves, meeting in secret to cum to a pre-arranged conclusion after a quick dog&pony show, then pretending that this is valid lawful process as opposed to the machinations of petty regime criminals.

                    Another thing: Booby Brooks and Pat Kelley, who ran for the City Council Seats in 2015, wanted a State Auditor Audit and collected petition signatures for that audit to cost $18,000, but the thieving inbreds didn't want that audit from an open source. They wanted this dog&pony-shoah audit which trashed out Richard Eutzsler and praised Travis Gamble. I don't know what this fraudulent audit cost. I was one of the petition signers as was Roxie.

                    Larry Brooks requested a business license for Black Star Tattoo to be where Heavenly Notions currently does business. Chelsea Talbott moves to approve the business license. Ira Hawkins seconded the motion. Voting aye: Will Barratt, Joyce Mann, Chelsea Talbott and Ira Hawkins. Voting nay: None. Motion carried: 4-0.

                    One of the things I really despise is making wanna-be business owners and self-employed working people have to cum-cum before these crooks and beg to have a "license" to make an honest living for themselves and their families. Now while I certainly am not going to get a tattoo even less a piercing, it degrades a citizen to beg for a "license" to make a living and it degrades a community leader to make their citizenry have to beg to do so even more.

                    This guy was also forced to get on Travis Gamble's Agenda and was allowed to speak, while I was not.

                    Chelsea Talbott moved to approve the bills, approve departmental reports, and to pay balances on hand. Joyce Mann seconded the motion. Voting aye: Will Barratt, Joyce Mann, Chelsea Talbott and Ira Hawkins. Voting nay: None. Motion carried: 4-0.

                    This is the most important portion of the meeting -- the police, fire department, street, water, gas, sewage, water, sanitation and streets. These departments are the very core of governing the City of Granby. Yet these reports, accountings, balances, etc. are essentially held in confidence and only distributed to the mayor and council-critters from Friday afternoon to Tuesday nights when these lying fuktards meet and pretend to ponder them without debate -- there can be no debate when nobody other then them knows what is being done and these lying fraudulent regime-criminals have already conspired in advance to cum-cum to theyz' agreed-upon conclusion. They spend all of three minutes pretending to have not discussed the matter in advance amongst theysselfs and then they vote unanimously to "approve the bills, approve departmental reports, and to pay balances on hand."

                    Ashley Edgemon requested the board approve the cemetery boards request to resurface the paved roads at the Memorial Cemetery. Joyce Mann moved to approve the request, Ira Hawkins seconded the motion. Voting aye: Will Barratt, Joyce Mann, Chelsea Talbott and Ira Hawkins. Voting nay: None. Motion carried: 4-0.

                    The Cemetery Board -- under Travis Gamble's thumb -- decided to try to take out money from the Cemetery Trust Fund of $250,000 as a test case -- and decided to go with paving the cemetery roads. Shannon Haselwood, who is running against that that imbecilic ass-licker Will Barrett for the North Ward, recommended saving money by paving the cemetery roads along with the rest of the Granby streets when the time cums later this year. But the Cemetery has $250,000 burning a hole in itz pockets and they decided to go ahead as arranged.

                    Chief Jacob Kelley requests permission to fill the open position that was vacated in February of this year. His recommendation is Levi Martin, currently employed with McDonald County Sheriff's Office as a corrections officer. Joyce Mann moved to approve the hire of Mr. Martin. Chelsea Talbott seconded the motion. Voting aye: Will Barratt, Joyce Mann, Chelsea Talbott and Ira Hawkins Voting nay: None. Motion carried: 4-0.

                    I guess one of the former piggies didn't work out, so they found another one from the McDonald County Jail to take itz place. Chief Jacob Kelley said another pig was needed for "code enforcement" and this hoggess Chelsea Talbot -- appointed council-critter & she-piggess of a Jasper County pig got her panties wettt.

                    Chief Stanbery requested permission to purchase items for the fire department totaling $1051.90. Ira Hawkins moved to approve the purchase. Joyce Mann seconded the motion. Voting aye: Will Barratt, Joyce Mann, Chelsea Talbott and Ira Hawkins. Voting nay: None. Motion carried: 4-0.

                    Stanberry asked for gloves, hoods, suspenders, etc. probably to be paid for from the general fund.

                    Chelsea Talbott moved to adjourn. Joyce Mann seconded the motion. Voting aye: Will Barratt, Joyce Mann, Chelsea Talbott and Ira Hawkins. Voting nay: None. Motion carried: 4-0.

                    Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

                    Call me Fattt Lawna Price . . .
                    The She-Mayoress of Granby / Shitty of Granby Shitty Clerk.


                    • #70


                      Rougher Than a Cob, More Hot Than Turpentine


                      • #71



                        • #72

                          I'm a Lying Scumbag & Control Freak with NO Respect for the Little People of Granby



                          • #73



                            • #74


                              Rougher Than a Cob, More Hot Than Turpentine


                              • #75
                                22 March 17 -- Secret Special Council Meeting

                                22 March 17 -- Secret Special Council Meeting


                                CITY OF GRANBY
                                March 22, 2017 at 5:30 p.m.
                                Posted March 21, 2017
                                Special Council Meeting will be held at Granby City 1-Tall
                                302 North Main Street

                                5:30 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call

                                1) Approval of Agenda as presented


                                1) Approval of Audit for FY 2014/2015
                                2) Closed session

                                Closed session in accordance with RSMo 610.021 (1) referencing legal matters.

                                Agenda of Secret Special Council Meeting (pdf) :




                                Secret Special Council Meeting Minutes March 22, 2017

                                The Granby Board of Aldermen met in special session at 5:30 p.m. with Mayor Travis Gamble presiding. Present at roll call were: Will Barrett, Joyce Mann, Chelsea Talbott and Ira Hawkins.

                                Joyce Mann moved to approve the agenda as presented. Will Barrett seconded the motion. Voting aye: Will Barratt, Joyce Mann, Chelsea Talbott and Ira Hawkins. Voting nay: None. Motion carried: 4-0.

                                Joyce Mann moved to approve the 2014-2015 fiscal year budget as presented by CPA group at the March 14, 2017 meeting. Will Barrett seconded the motion. Voting aye: Will Barratt, Joyce Mann, Chelsea Talbott and Ira Hawkins. Voting nay: None. Motion carried: 4-0.

                                Ira Hawkins moved to go in to closed session. Joyce Mann seconded the motion. Voting aye by roll call: Will Barratt, Joyce Mann, Chelsea Talbott and Ira Hawkins. Voting nay: None. Motion carried: 4-0.

                                Council along with City Attorney, Jared Thomas and City Clerk, Lawna Price went in to closed session at 5:31 p.m.

                                Chelsea Talbott moved to return to open session, Ira Hawkins seconded the motion. Voting aye by roll call: Will Barratt, Joyce Mann, Chelsea Talbott and Ira Hawkins. Voting nay: None. Motion carried: 4-0.

                                No Motions made and no votes were taken in closed session.

                                Ira Hawkins moved to adjourn. Joyce Mann seconded the motion. Voting aye: Will Barratt, Joyce Mann, Chelsea Talbott and Ira Hawkins. Voting nay: None. Motion carried: 4-0.

                                Meeting adjourned at 7:31 p.m.

                                Respectfully submitted,

                                Lawna Price, City Clerk

                                Secret Special Council Meeting Minutes (pdf) :


                                I'm a Lying Scumbag & Control Freak with NO Respect for the Little People of Granby


