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Shitty of Granby

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    3) Request to hire company to shred documents pursuant to Missouri Secretary of State records retention schedule


    • 26June18 Granby City Council Meeting -- UnEdited & UnCut Video

      26June18 Granby City Council Meeting -- UnEdited & UnCut Video

      Rougher Than a Cob, More Hot Than Turpentine


      • 30 June18 Granby Old Mining Town Days -- UnEdited & UnCut Video

        30 June18 Granby Old Mining Town Days -- UnEdited & UnCut Video


        Rougher Than a Cob, More Hot Than Turpentine


        • 24 July 2018 Granby City Council-Criminal Meating

          CITY OF GRANBY
          Amended Agenda July 24th, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.
          Posted July 20th, 2018

          Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
          302 North Main Street

          Opening Prayer
          Pledge of Allegiance

          7:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call

          1) Approval of Agenda as presented

          2) Approval of Minutes July 10th, 2018

          Regular Business:

          1) Bills to Pay, Balances on hand

          2) Discussion re: Gas Depreciation and replacement fund (savings)

          3) Fire Chief Tim Murphy re: new fire department codes

          4) FYI Ordinance 830 re: Use tax

          5) Wastewater Superintendant request for purchase



          • 14 August 2018 Granby City Council-Criminal Meating

            14 August 2018 Granby City Council-Criminal Meating


            CITY OF GRANBY
            Amended Agenda August 14th, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.
            Posted August 10th, 2018

            Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
            302 North Main Street

            6:30 p.m. Public hearing re: Voluntary annexation (Kenneth Black property)

            6:45 p.m. Public Hearing re: tax valuation

            Opening Prayer
            Pledge of Allegiance

            7:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call

            1) Approval of Agenda as presented

            2) Approval of Minutes July 24th, 2018

            Regular Business:

            1) Bills to Pay, Balances on hand, Department Head Reports

            2) Lawna Price, Request for purchase of fire-proof safes

            3) Cemetery business: resignation, application, requested ordinance changes

            4) Ordinance 830 re: Use tax

            5) Ordinance 831 re: Annexation (Kenneth Black)

            6) Bid for video recording equipment to record all public meetings

            7) Chief Kelley re:new officer



            • 14Aug18 740pm City Council -- I am threatened with false arrest by Granby Council-Criminals & Piglice

              14Aug18 740pm City Council -- I am threatened with false arrest by Granby Council-Criminals & Piglice



              This is the uncensored uncut video of a public comment proposal before the Granby City Hall on 14 August 2018 from 6:26 to 6:40 pm when Pastor Lindstedt was forced to leave before the tax rate public comments and the City Council meeting. City Clerk Lawna Price and City Collector Carra Jo Coffer got a bogus Domestic Assault Restraining Order with the coonivance of the Granby City Council to violate the First Amendment under Color of Law.

              So without any jurisdiction, corrupt Republican Newton County Judges Kevin Lee Selby and Gregory Stremel granted and made permanent these bogus Restraining / Protective Orders and the Granby Police Department and Chief of Police Jacob Kelley has arrested Pastor Lindstedt -- the last time on 30 July 2018.

              The CONstipation and Bill of Goods and a Republican Form of Government is nothing but a fraud and a lie. Regime criminals will do criminal things and what is necessary for White freedom and survival is simply taking them out of power, forming local military dictatorships whose first loyalty is to the White People.

              Filmed by Pastor Martin Lindstedt with the central footage uncensored and uncut.

              Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
              Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


              • 28 August 2018 Granby City Council-Criminal Meating

                28 August 2018 Granby City Council-Criminal Meating


                CITY OF GRANBY
                Amended Agenda August 28th, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.
                Posted August 24th, 2018

                Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
                302 North Main Street

                Opening Prayer
                Pledge of Allegiance

                7:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call

                1) Approval of Agenda as presented

                2) Approval of Minutes August 14th, 2018


                1) Tachael Day -- Decker & DeGood audit firm

                2) Regina Bard -- re: volunteer group

                Regular Business:

                1) Bills to Pay, Balances on hand

                2) Finalize Auction date &and information

                3) FYI re: Neosho Street

                4) Ordinance 832 -- tax levy

                5) FYI -- Received HDR draft for DNR re: waste water treatment plant

                6) Manhole repairs



                • Granby residents donate their time to help out their neighbors

                  Granby residents donate their time to help out their neighbors

                  By: Joie Bettenhausen
                  Posted: Aug 29, 2018 10:26 PM CDT
                  Updated: Aug 29, 2018 10:26 PM CDT


                  Granby residents donate their time and lawn mowers to help fellow neighbors.

                  "It was a need that I saw in the community,” says Reggie Bard, Granby Volunteer Group Founder.

                  The Granby Volunteer Group is made up of ten local residents who do clean-up work for the elderly and disabled residents around the community.

                  "Our little bedroom city has a lot of properties that need mowed, trees need to be cut, a lot of trimming needs to be done and it begins to look a little shaggy and kind of ratty around the edges,” says Reggie Bard.

                  But this wasn't originally what Bard had intended on doing when moving to Granby just three years ago.

                  "A dear friend of mine, an elderly lady had been doing judging for a beauty spot of the month and she recently lost her husband and kind of wanted to do some traveling and not have that obligation. So the Mayor approached me and asked me if I would be interested in taking it over and I agreed,” says Bard.

                  When Bard transitioned this contest from a written ballot to an online platform, the comments people made really stuck with her.

                  "Got some comments about okay we're doing recognition for pretty yards, what are we going to do about the ratty yards? And so that was the brainstorm,” says Bard.

                  Both Bard and the members of this group have thoroughly enjoyed the service work that they've completed in just these few short months.

                  "It just gives me that sense of gratitude that I'm doing something that's right and not only benefit me down the road, but benefit other people,” says Caleb Hatfield.

                  "They're coming out of the woodwork and it's just ... I'm getting to meet new people, we're getting to help people that I don't know that I now know, and it's a blessing to me to be able to provide a service like that for these people,” says Reggie Bard.

                  Even though they are a small organization, they already have a few projects lined up.

                  "Well our next project is well we have three elderly ladies who live just down the street from me. They have a hard time trying to keep up with their mowing and with all the recent rain it's really kind of gotten out of hand. So she contacted me yesterday and wanted to know if our group could come down and just do her backyard,” says Bard.


                  • Incompetent Corrupt Granby City Council-Critters Refusal to Cheaply Fix Old Piglice Station Roof Forces Wet Pigs to Evacuate to Styron's Graft-Trap

                    Incompetent Corrupt Granby City Council-Critters Refusal to Cheaply Fix Old Piglice Station Roof Forces Wet Pigs to Evacuate to Styron's Graft-Trap




                    • 11 Sept 2018 Granby City Council-Criminal Meating

                      11 Sept 2018 Granby City Council-Criminal Meating


                      CITY OF GRANBY
                      Amended Agenda September 11th, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.
                      Posted Posted September 7th, 2018

                      Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
                      302 North Main Street

                      Opening Prayer
                      Pledge of Allegiance

                      7:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call

                      1) Approval of Agenda as presented

                      2) Approval of Minutes August 28th, 2018


                      1) Rachael Day -- Decker & DeGood Audit report 16/17

                      2) Todd Clause -- re: Halloween parade

                      Regular Business:

                      1) Bills to Pay, Balances on hand, Department Head Reports

                      2) Ordinance 833 Fee In Lieu Of (rent)

                      3) Resolution re: Hutchens Construction Neosho Street

                      4) Will Barrett -- re: Christmas Festival Date, Fundraiser Date

                      5) Schedule OMTD date

                      6) Reschedule City Auction Date

                      7) Will Barrett - re: Olf Maintence Barn & Bathroom Facilities

                      8) Clean up / write-offs April 2017 thru February 2018 Utility accounts

                      Note: On the morning of the 11th, City Clerk Lawna Price and Mayor Travis Rampage Gamble changed the agenda -- without the required 24-hour notice -- to where Item #4 above about Will Barrett was moved down the list to Item #5, and a new Item #4 -- Resolution re: EPA contract for repaving Neosho Street was added and the one about setting the Old Mining Town Days dates was dropped. Nor did they put these Resolutions to spending Granby taxpayer dollars upon the bulletin boards on the previous Friday, Sept 7th or Monday Sept. 10th.

                      These corrupt idiots no longer even pretend to obey the law. --Pastor Lindstedt



                      • 12 Sept 2018 Granby Alder-mamzers OK [fake] 2017 Audit

                        12 Sept 2018 Granby Alder-mamzers OK [fake] 2017 Audit

                        by Chadifer Sexton-MKeercat #3 / Heyworthless,
                        Newtin County Fake-Douche


                        The perennially corrupt Granby alderman on Tuesday during they's dog & pony show of a city council meeting got a review from auditors on the city's corrupt financials for the fiscal year ending in June 2017. They also got a double-secret coonfidential "Management Letter" of fifteen pages drafted up which told them that theys' thieving is about to be found out, which is not open to the pub[l]ic. Your editard, Chadifer Sexton-Meercat #3 / Heyworthless found out more in a "special virtual ass-2-mouth session" in which he got at least three out of Mayor T-Rampage Gamble's cold 12-pack of Milwaukee's Best in the back room after Pastor Lindstedt had been runnt-oft the front door under color of the bogus Domestic Protection Order granted Granby City Clerk Lawna Price and City Collector Carra Jo Coffer and enfarced by Granby Piglice.



                        • [QUOTE=City of Granby;18604]11 Sept 2018 Granby City Council-Criminal Meating


                          CITY OF GRANBY
                          Amended Agenda September 11th, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.
                          Posted Posted September 7th, 2018

                          Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
                          302 North Main Street

                          Opening Prayer
                          Pledge of Allegiance

                          7:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call

                          1) Approval of Agenda as presented

                          2) Approval of Minutes August 28th, 2018


                          1) Rachael Day -- Decker & DeGood Audit report 16/17

                          2) Todd Clause -- re: Halloween parade

                          Regular Business:

                          1) Bills to Pay, Balances on hand, Department Head Reports

                          2) Ordinance 833 Fee In Lieu Of (rent)

                          3) Resolution re: Hutchens Construction Neosho Street

                          4) Will Barrett -- re: Christmas Festival Date, Fundraiser Date

                          5) Schedule OMTD date

                          6) Reschedule City Auction Date

                          7) Will Barrett - re: Olf Maintence Barn & Bathroom Facilities

                          8) Clean up / write-offs April 2017 thru February 2018 Utility accounts

                          Note: On the morning of the 11th, City Clerk Lawna Price and Mayor Travis Rampage Gamble changed the agenda -- without the required 24-hour notice -- to where Item #4 above about Will Barrett was moved down the list to Item #5, and a new Item #4 -- Resolution re: EPA contract for repaving Neosho Street was added and the one about setting the Old Mining Town Days dates was dropped. Nor did they put these Resolutions to spending Granby taxpayer dollars upon the bulletin boards on the previous Friday, Sept 7th or Monday Sept. 10th.

                          These corrupt idiots no longer even pretend to obey the law. --Pastor Lindstedt



                          • 9 Oct. 2018 Granby City Council-Criminal Meating

                            9 Oct. 2018 Granby City Council-Criminal Meating


                            CITY OF GRANBY
                            Agenda October 9th, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.
                            Posted October 5th, 2018

                            Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
                            302 North Main Street

                            Opening Prayer
                            Pledge of Allegiance

                            7:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call

                            1) Approval of Agenda as presented

                            2) Approval of Minutes August 28th, 2018 Actually September 25th

                            Regular Business:

                            1) Bills to Pay, Balances on hand, Department Head Reports

                            2) Demolition of Maintenance Barn

                            3) Chief Jacob Kelley and Sabrina Glass re: grant

                            4) Signage (no trucks -- Cedar Street and 15 mph x 6) authorization

                            5) Auditor recommendation re: Cemetery Trust

                            6) Auditor recommendation re: cash basis vs accrual information

                            7) FYI re: Court Clerk



                            • 23 Oct. 2018 Granby City Council-Criminal Meating

                              23 Oct. 2018 Granby City Council-Criminal Meating


                              23 Oct. 2018 Granby City Council-Criminal Meating

                              CITY OF GRANBY
                              Agenda October 23rd, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.
                              Posted October 19th, 2018

                              Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
                              302 North Main Street

                              Opening Prayer
                              Pledge of Allegiance

                              7:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call

                              1) Approval of Agenda as presented

                              2) Approval of Minutes October 8th, 2018

                              Regular Business:

                              1) Bills to Pay, Balances on hand, Department Head Reports

                              2) Pitney Bowles contract

                              3) Wastewater Superintendant purchase request



                              • 13 Nov. 2018 Granby City Council-Criminal Meating

                                13 Nov. 2018 Granby City Council-Criminal Meating


                                CITY OF GRANBY
                                Agenda November 13th, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.
                                Posted November 9th, 2018

                                Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
                                302 North Main Street

                                Opening Prayer
                                Pledge of Allegiance

                                7:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call

                                1) Approval of Agenda as presented

                                2) Approval of Minutes October 23rd, 2018


                                1.) Susie Goodall -- business license

                                2.) Brad Taylor w/Taylor & Greene. PC

                                Regular Business:

                                1) Bills to Pay, Balances on hand, Department Head Reports

                                2) Police Chief Jacob Kelley re: pay increase for Officer Deras & police vehicle purchase

                                3) Appointment of Cemetery Trustees

                                4) Approval of 2017-2018 Amended (to actual) budget

                                5) Additional Signor at Community Bank & Trust


