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  • Evel Knievel Pope Marty on TMT #84 -- No Holds Barred & All Holes Bared!!!

    Evel Knievel Pope Marty on TMT #84 -- No Holds Barred & All Holes Bared!!!

    Marty goes Evel Knievel in the death-defying 84th iteration of the Movement Turd, jumping a world record-breaking line of whiggers, regime criminals, and mamzer tard ZOGbots on his turbo-charged 1500cc motor-mouth. I cop a vicious burnout right across my transgendered mush pretending to be Oscar Meyer and the gut-sick guido-wesel with jew ass-cancer admits that it rules itz DHS-provided Greater Free Range Tard Corral with a clenched colostomy bag, but that's nothing compared to the horrific, protracted dragging through the streets of That's For Messing With Martin Lindstedt Town that Pastor Visser suffers. Pore Pisser-Possum outed yet again for being a mamzer with niglet nieces. LiarBill 'MumpsNuts' DeClueless is headed to jewrgia and not even stopping at a Pilot truck stop to buy a condom!!! That's a hole lot better than getting a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, an ass-whuppin' and gelding from Banjo Billy!!!

    Listen at your own peril, folks, because nobody's getting out of this podcast alive!

    But you could have heard a pinhead drop when Marty stopped and locked the door.


    PassTard Pisser picked a peck of pickled poofter possums.
    A peck of pickled poofter possums PassTard Pisser picked.

    Two & a Half Mamzers Forum!!!

    Winner of the 'Scarlet H' For Hypocrisy!!!


    • TMT -- Episode #84.5 - Dan Johns: Serial Polygamist Mamzer Baal-Priest -- 25Aug11

      The Movement Turd

      August 25, 2011

      The Word as Heard on the Turd

      TMT -- Episode #84.5 - Dan Johns: Serial Polygamist Mamzer Baal-Priest
      Time: August 25, 2011 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM CST

      TMT -- Episode #84.5 - Dan Johns: Serial Polygamist Mamzer Baal-Priest

      Episode Notes:

      Now to what became the main portion of this show, because of what was found out later. Dan Johns, mamzer serial polygamist, agrees with the Chicago sephardic jewboy Eliar James/jewseph November-Kutz that the red-nigger cannibals known as Mayans were 'beardless Israelites', that he is in touch with the sick old mamzer faggot jewrel Mosely, that he likes and loves 'jewccy fruit' and fudge from Bryan Reo/Porkapine, and wants more mamzers playing CI under a jewnivershittal jew Whirrrrrld Disorder. Neo-Nimrod would be proud of Daddy's and Semiramis' [down]breeding program. Regrettably McBragg/McFagg/Steve Elder wasn't there to torment via trolling. Portions of that show shall be played tonite for shits and giggles in the third section given that I lost the third segment talking to Russ Walker.

      Dan Johns is yet another burnt-cork eyed anglo-mestizo mamzer desperately wanting to bring other shitskinned mamzers of all hues into the Congregation of the House of Israel regardless of what YHWH commands otherwise in Deuteronomy 23:2 against corrupting forever the sacred seedline of YHWH's Servant Nation. As in Noah's Day and in Nimrod's Day of both the First and Second ZOG/Babylons, Dan Johns/Warren Withershaw/whatever is yet another mamzer wanting to under color of being a Dual-Seedline Christian Identity 'Pastor' bring in a swarm of niggers, gooks, beaners -- and in the case of Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren all the above non-white strains -- just as does the Chicago sephardic jew Eli James (also another jew with a name change from November and before that Kutz) and the Jersey City Ashkenazi jewboy William Finck-el-sheenie.

      Back when I was first interviewed by Dan Johns it was at the invitation arranged by TraitorGlenn Miller, who didn't know that I had asked, and received permission from Louis Beam and Katja Lane, David Lane's wife, to pretend to be TraitorGlenn Miller's best Internut friend who would put TGM's ghostwritten book by jews up on the Internut. Many is the time I would tell some reporter that yes, TraitorGlenn Miller was a 'great paytridiot' but yet also a snitch and a rat who took $250,000 from the Order and still snitched the Order and Pastor Richard Butler and Louis Beam out at the Ft. Smith Sedition Trial. Oh how very sad that a not-quite white was trying to get back in the [bowel] Movement after being prosecuted and persecuted and how the Old Resistance simply wouldn't let pore Frazier Glenn Miller/Cross back into the Movement even though deemed such a drunken pathetic loser and liar that having Miller on the Prosecution side was a sort of get out of jail free card. I would explain how pore Gollum, er, TraitorGlenn Miller had a lot of rationalizations and excuses for being a rat. More importantly, how anyone caught ASSoCIAting with the drunken rat would be assumed to be a rat as well by the Movement and so pore TraitorGlenn Miller was never going to get back in, no matter how hard it tried.

      Now after being interviewed by Dan Johns around late July, early August 2000 when I ran for US Senate as a racist Reform Party candidate denounced by Pat Buchanon, I later noticed that TraitorGlenn Miller was being interviewed a second, third and soon to be fourth time by Dan Johns. So I made a phone call to Dan Johns and explained to Johns TraitorGlenn Miller's past history as a snitch and rat and coward. Dan Johns still wanted to interview his fellow mamzer because TraitorGlenn was so nice and personable. I explained that now that Dan Johns knew the rest of the story, there could be no more TraitorGlenn Miller interviews. Dan Johns began to buck and whine and kvetch about how long this fourth interview had been scheduled. I told Dan Johns that if he continued, then an e-mail would be made to Louis Beam and from Louis Beam to Pastor Butler that he, Dan Johns, was insisting on interviewing a confirmed drunken mongrel rat that had done its D-g-level best to get both men put into prison for life. Dan Johns said, with ill grace, that he would cancel this third or fourth interview with TraitorGlenn Miller and make no more interviews with the judas snitch.

      Forward to today and listen as Dan Johns, Serial Polygamist Mamzer Polygamist extols the virtues of these mamzers and jews playing 'Wikipedia CI' in which jews and mamzers read aloud a bunch of crap claiming to be somehow Christian Identity related. Why, Bryan Reo is whiter than myself, given that due to relentless DMCA cumplaints Bryan Reo has taken down all the pictures that show this mamzer jew golem to be a nigger, or gook, or beaner and always a faggot. And how Eli James looks exactly like another Chicago sephardic jew. Or Finckelsheenie's prison record. Audio clips of Dan John's alliance with other mamzers and jews, and a transcript as to how censorship of heckling trolls will somehow sweep it all under the rug while less than a dozen guests playing CI for a religious one-night stand look on like a herd of goats pretending to be sheep.

      What Dan Johns cannot and will not acknowledge is that Christian Identity is a Racial Religion. First of all, it is by RACE, and then only if you are of the pure Aryan Israelite RACE can Jesus and YHWH offer you GRACE. Repeatedly you will hear these jews and mamzers idiotically and defensively yammer that it is NOT a matter of RACE, but by 'fruits' -- jewccy mamzer faggot 'fruits' -- that they can over-cum-cum the disability of being part nigger, part injun, part gook, even part nigger or most certainly being part or wholly jew. Why, if you are a mongrel or jew and will only obey their new Talmudic protocols then you can be saved and the true pure Israelite with the Law of YHWH written on his heart and an everlasting contempt for these idiotic yapping cork-eyed shitskin mamzers, jews and faggots can be kicked out of the Israelites' True Congregation. Such is the pharisaical kikeshit jews and mamzers emit when being given the bums rush out of the Congregation of Israel by us Israelites!!!

      Not even unto the Tenth, much less the first [de]generation will this vermin pass on MY watch. Clifton Emahiser is rightly despised for letting these jews and mamzers in.


      Who Let The D-gs/jews In???
      Clifton! Eliar! Finckelsheenie!, Warren!!! Woof! Woof! Woof!

      Listening to the latest news on the Internut, I see that TraitorAlex Linder, aka 'The Gut-Sick Guido-Weasel with jew ass-cancer is back making an excuse for being nothing more than a data-mining operation in order to find fools for the FiBbIes to round up, like Keith Harpham/Joe Snuffy. Linder's excuse? Well you tards ought to know that VNNF is a data-mining operation because I went and testilied for the ZOG prostitution in the Kommandork Bitch-tits Bill White/Weiss Roanoke Sedition Trial of Dec. 15, 2009. I'm still a data-mining ZOG false front and I'll help ZOG send you to prison by simply keeping your IP number and account information in order to tie it to your trial in a way that the NSA spies can't do in open ZOG-kort. Essentially put: Linder is a rat who works for ZOG and if you are a tard who get caught up in a ZOG sedition trial and post on VNNF Linder will fuck you and you will deserve it because you knew the score.

      Flounder/Bounder/TraitorGlenn Miller then remenesces about being a rat, the Linder asks why Sgt. Snitch took the Order ZOGbux and shits on the Order some more, then TGM makes some more lies up.

      Lesson to be learned: Alex Linder will rat you out. So will TraitorGlenn Miller. That is what they do.

      0:00 Super Fickin'

      0:32 Intro. How a bunch

      Whigger Problem

      Section 1.

      Florian Geyer



      Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, if you are one of my sheep who hears my voice, you know where I can be found tonight.

      Start Time (EDT): 08/25/11 9:00 PM EDT/8:00 PM CST
      Duration (minutes): 120+

      Download link: File Directory Temporary File Download

      Chat Transcript:

      Hail Victory!!!

      Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
      Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

      Last edited by Librarian; 11-08-2011, 07:40 PM. Reason: Add Links

      Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
      Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


      • TMT #84.5 Chat 25Aug11

        TMT #84.5 Chat 25Aug11

        This is the chat-room transcript for The Movement Turd #84.5 of 25 August 2011.
        PastorLindstedt is logged into the chat
        [7:54:38 PM] Guest 2 is logged into the chat
        [7:54:38 PM] Guest 3 is logged into the chat
        [7:55:29 PM] nwfcomrade is logged into the chat
        [7:55:49 PM] <nwfcomrade> Evening. We're having a late night at the office. I'm listening in, but I won't be able to respond.
        [7:56:04 PM] <nwfcomrade> 'NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER' isn't good office chat anyhow.
        [7:56:52 PM] <PastorLindstedt> I'm on the phone with Russ right now.
        [7:57:06 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Set out the word.
        [7:57:45 PM] Guest 5 is logged into the chat
        [7:59:37 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Lost russ
        [8:00:01 PM] <nwfcomrade> So here's the deal with the whole "Mayans were Israelites" thing.
        [8:00:01 PM] <nwfcomrade> THey're not and we both know it.
        [8:00:15 PM] <nwfcomrade> That being the case, the conversation Montezuma had with Cortez was very interesting.
        [8:00:32 PM] PastorLindstedt is on the call
        [8:00:47 PM] <nwfcomrade> At one point, the Mayans believe, a great white god lead their people to South America and they weren't going to be there very long if they were good.
        [8:01:04 PM] <nwfcomrade> They weren't good and interbred with the locals after making a civilization.
        [8:01:21 PM] <nwfcomrade> So no, the Mayans weren't Israelites. But the pre-Mayas might have been white.
        [8:01:26 PM] Frankenwhigger is logged into the chat
        [8:01:42 PM] <nwfcomrade> There are some graphic depictions of the Mayans killing aryans in Mayan temples.
        [8:01:57 PM] <nwfcomrade> This information doesn't get out much because it jacks with the jew version of world history.
        [8:02:15 PM] <nwfcomrade> But none of this matters since Mayans aren't white.

        I was watching a PBS history series recently and seen where the Aztecs captured, then sacrificed and ate some Spanish soldiers and horses of Cortez. And, as mentioned, many people, like Joseph Smith, Louis Lamour and others think that there were prehistoric whites in the New World. However, the Mayans built pyramids and made calendars in their classic period without any Whites present, much less Israelites. The Mayans were NOT 'beardless Israelites' even if Dan Johns is part red nigger.

        [8:03:02 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hello Martin, NWF and Friends!
        [8:03:35 PM] PastorLindstedt is on the call
        [8:03:51 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin, I have to admit that you are right about ALL of these Talkshoe "CI" Preachers!! They are ALL FRAUDS and Mamzers!
        [8:04:24 PM] <nwfcomrade> Martin, NWF, and Friends - new title for a show?
        [8:04:40 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin, Very Bad Echo!!
        [8:04:40 PM] <Guest 5> I am connected now. russ
        [8:04:40 PM] PastorLindstedt has hung up
        [8:04:40 PM] <nwfcomrade> PASTOR - THE AUDIO IS JACKED
        [8:04:40 PM] <nwfcomrade> Nope, we here you.
        [8:04:41 PM] <nwfcomrade> Good now that you hung up.
        [8:05:11 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Alex Linder is a Monster JEW Turd!!
        [8:05:16 PM] <nwfcomrade> FW, that title sounds almost like a bad saturday morning cartoon show.
        [8:05:36 PM] <nwfcomrade> That's an impressive reverb.
        [8:05:39 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Just Look at Him!! He could Be Eli Jame's Brother in Law!
        [8:05:52 PM] <nwfcomrade> Evening, #5.
        [8:06:03 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hello Russ!!
        [8:06:12 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Who Has the Sceptre?
        [8:06:17 PM] <Frankenwhigger> LOL!!
        [8:06:19 PM] <Frankenwhigger> JK!!
        [8:06:51 PM] <Guest 5> John I hope that your civil action is going well.
        [8:07:54 PM] <Guest 5> Ephraim has the scepter. Christ cursed the fig tree. He did not curse himself or his ancestors
        [8:08:30 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Who's John?
        [8:09:01 PM] <Guest 5> john britton
        [8:09:20 PM] <Guest 5> I am currently on hold on another phone call
        [8:10:15 PM] <nwfcomrade> Pastor Britton, it seems like you might be in the chat. Yahweh bless.
        [8:11:18 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Thought John Britton was "Off" the Internet because of the Lawsuit and Reo's Interference?!?!?!
        [8:11:35 PM] <nwfcomrade> #5 is probably Mr. Walker
        [8:11:48 PM] <Guest 5> Apparently I was wrong. I thought that Frankenwhigger was Britton.
        [8:12:02 PM] <Guest 5> nwfg -- I am russ
        [8:13:15 PM] <Guest 5> The Satan in the pit stuff is absolute non-sense and it shows how discordant relative to histroy Eli and Johns are.
        [8:13:36 PM] <nwfcomrade> #5 is right. Also, it's not biblicly accurate.
        [8:14:24 PM] Guest 2 has left the chat
        [8:14:31 PM] <nwfcomrade> Pastor - rehash my material. I'd talk for myself, but I'm at work right now.
        [8:14:33 PM] <Guest 5> It is ludictrous. If Satan had been in any pit the world would have ascended to phenominal levels of knowledge and wealth.
        [8:15:23 PM] <nwfcomrade> #5 is right.
        [8:16:59 PM] Guest 5 has left the chat
        [8:18:10 PM] Guest 6 is logged into the chat
        [8:19:04 PM] Poopy Dawg is logged into the chat
        [8:21:50 PM] <nwfcomrade> And Dan Johns was a nigger and stole CI from whites...
        [8:21:57 PM] <nwfcomrade> O wait, that's actually true
        [8:23:07 PM] <Frankenwhigger> NWF just say Nice Things, in the chat, if you are at work! Employers have "Keystroke" Loggers on their enterprise!
        [8:23:38 PM] <nwfcomrade> Not this one, we have control of our own computers.
        [8:23:44 PM] <nwfcomrade> But in general, you're right.
        [8:24:25 PM] <Poopy Dawg> when these fakes come up with this garbage you notice how many of their little followers don't say a thing. Shows you what's following them
        [8:25:43 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin, the Nimbusters want the Access and Program Number for this Talkshoe Show!
        [8:26:12 PM] <Poopy Dawg> show wont last long if they get it
        [8:26:50 PM] <nwfcomrade> PD is right.
        [8:28:56 PM] <nwfcomrade> Also, another update: I've got an interview in Seattle scheduled for Sept. 15
        [8:29:12 PM] <nwfcomrade> More hints on the phone that they're basically going to hire me as long as I do well face-to-face.
        [8:30:07 PM] <Poopy Dawg> great NWF, best of luck, hope you do get it
        [8:30:32 PM] <nwfcomrade> ty
        [8:30:34 PM] <Poopy Dawg> Nimbusters want to come in and go crazy
        [8:32:27 PM] <Guest 6> whoever came up with the local flood idea was a genius. he was/is way ahead of his time.
        [8:32:59 PM] <Guest 6> how do we know it is the Tariq basin?
        [8:33:16 PM] <Guest 6> 6 is me, russ
        [8:35:01 PM] <Guest 6> Tarim, yes you are right
        [8:38:08 PM] <Guest 3> back to Linder...
        [8:38:48 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The Linder Blender!!
        [8:40:27 PM] Guest 7 is logged into the chat
        [8:40:32 PM] TheRealWilliamB is logged into the chat
        [8:41:03 PM] TarasZubov is logged into the chat
        [8:41:30 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The "Pit" was the European Ghettos!!! LOL!!
        [8:41:50 PM] Guest 8 is logged into the chat
        [8:41:55 PM] <nwfcomrade> blacks are phenomonal cell phone users, does that mean they invented cell phones?
        [8:42:38 PM] <Guest 6> Why could not the Mayans be Israelites?
        [8:42:48 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The Aztecs built their edifices while under White Administration and Governance! Just Like we Did in ancient Egypt. We Put Niggers to Work!
        [8:43:02 PM] <TarasZubov> hey broskies
        [8:43:05 PM] <Guest 6> no niggers invented niggerball
        [8:43:06 PM] <Poopy Dawg> have you seen any of the modern remnants of the aztecs and mayans??
        [8:44:01 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hello WillB
        [8:44:26 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Hi Franken
        [8:44:48 PM] <Guest 8> Niggers didn't invent anything, they are the definition of useless eater. What they don't eat or fuck, they piss and shit on.
        [8:44:51 PM] <Guest 8>

        See? Already got me a troll. What to do? Cums on as a troll with an agenda pretending to be a NumBuster and then goes to work trying to insult me.

        I know. I think I'll let ass-clowns be ass-clowns as opposed to pulling a McFagg/Steve Elder, Finckelsheenie, LinderMiller, phorafags/feebs, Dan Johns, and let the comments stand as is. Maybe I'll find out this tard and get to geld it someday.

        [8:44:53 PM] <TarasZubov> Dan Jons has no power he is nothing he is not worth a scrap of pulpy paper
        [8:45:05 PM] <TarasZubov> My Linder data base is large
        [8:46:02 PM] Guest 9 is logged into the chat
        [8:46:12 PM] <Poopy Dawg> Dan Johns just wants an excuse to practice polygamy - serially
        [8:46:41 PM] <Guest 8> Marty has No power and NO Credibility.
        [8:47:01 PM] <Poopy Dawg> Hi INTJ
        [8:47:01 PM] <PastorLindstedt>
        [8:47:10 PM] <Guest 8> He lied for the last ten months about filing a lawsuit against Bryan Reo.
        [8:47:28 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Great Picture!! I Am a Member of NAMBLA too!
        [8:48:14 PM] <Frankenwhigger> National Association of Marlon Brando Look-Alikes!!!
        [8:48:37 PM] <TarasZubov> HEY PUT THE LADY ON THE PHONE
        [8:48:43 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Roxie Has Friends!!
        [8:48:49 PM] <TarasZubov> she wants to be on the phone
        [8:48:58 PM] <Frankenwhigger> She's a Party-Girl!!
        [8:48:59 PM] <TarasZubov> I mean the show
        [8:49:07 PM] <TarasZubov> put the lady caller on the shoew
        [8:49:24 PM] <Frankenwhigger> She Sounded HAWT!!
        [8:49:37 PM] <TarasZubov> what it this girls night out?
        [8:49:59 PM] <Frankenwhigger> GURLZ Just Wanna Have Fun!!
        [8:50:13 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> ladies night is tuesday. everybody knows that.
        [8:50:16 PM] <Guest 8> The Battle of Armageddon.
        [8:50:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Yeah, Let's Have a "Babe" Talk Night!!
        [8:50:34 PM] Guest 3 has left the chat
        [8:50:52 PM] Guest 7 has left the chat
        [8:51:49 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin, I have to admit that you are right about ALL of these Talkshoe "CI" Preachers!! They are ALL FRAUDS and Mamzers!
        [8:51:53 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> and they don't have nigger blubber lips like Bryan Reo
        [8:52:17 PM] <Guest 8> Marty & Roxie are beautiful people.
        [8:52:50 PM] <Poopy Dawg> Do we have a pic of you INTJ?
        [8:53:03 PM] <Guest 8> Marty has Roxie give him a birthday blowjob every December 25th.
        [8:53:19 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Bryan Reo didn't get an Xbox for XMas last year:
        [8:53:27 PM] <Guest 8> Preach it Marty Preach it.
        [8:53:45 PM] <Frankenwhigger> A lady went into the pharmacy, walked up to the pharmacist, looked straight into his eyes, and said, "I would like to buy some cyanide. The pharmacist
        [8:54:06 PM] <Frankenwhigger> asked, "Why?" The lady replied, "I need it to poison my husband." The pharmacist said 'Lord have mercy! that's against the law!
        [8:54:31 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The lady reached into her purse and pulled out a picture of her husband in bed with the pharmacist's wife
        [8:54:40 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The pharmacist looked at the picture and replied, "You didn't tell me you had a prescription.
        [8:54:43 PM] Guest 10 is logged into the chat
        [8:54:47 PM] Guest 10 has left the chat
        [8:54:51 PM] Guest 11 is logged into the chat
        [8:54:53 PM] <Guest 11> oi
        [8:54:56 PM] <Guest 11> skinheads
        [8:54:58 PM] <Guest 8> Dan Johns don't have a long enough peter to handle Roxie.
        [8:55:00 PM] <Guest 11> mass1488 here
        [8:55:06 PM] <PastorLindstedt>
        [8:55:15 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hello Mass!!
        [8:55:16 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> hi mass
        [8:55:25 PM] <TarasZubov> we are going to carjack a country soon....
        [8:55:48 PM] <TarasZubov> no skinheads here srry guest 11
        [8:56:26 PM] <Guest 8> When are you going to sue Bryan Reo, Marty?
        [8:56:32 PM] <Guest 11> yea when
        [8:56:40 PM] <Guest 8> Will it happen this year?
        [8:56:50 PM] <TarasZubov> now the PHE controls Stavropol...their garrison...and their nukes.
        [8:57:03 PM] <Guest 6> forget suing Bryan Weo, sue Talkshoe and the others ISP's who banned Martin

        Guest #6 is Russ Walker, who took another call and didn't get back with me.

        Russ has all sorts of notions. Can't go after a corporation and not go after the little mamzer that egged them on first. Russ can't seem to understand that.

        [8:57:17 PM] <TarasZubov> where's Joseph Moshe?
        [8:57:54 PM] <Guest 8> Marty is a fucking pussy until he sues Bryan Reo, I'm sick of listening to this fuck talk about Buck McHugh being a pussy when he's the biggest pussy
        [8:58:06 PM] <Guest 11> Steve the Elder and his Squaw wife!
        [8:58:12 PM] <Guest 11> sounds fun to say
        [8:58:14 PM] <nwfcomrade> I didn't get it yesterday, Pastor. I'm not sure about today.
        [8:58:15 PM] <Poopy Dawg> Funny video, no wonder Reo is so vicious, that's a nasty trick
        [8:58:21 PM] <Guest 11> Lindstedt so island of dr. Moreua quote
        [8:58:21 PM] <nwfcomrade> I haven't been home yet.
        [8:58:27 PM] <Guest 11> i tried to read that book
        [8:58:29 PM] <Guest 11> when i was 10
        [8:58:49 PM] <Guest 11> i liked it and sort of got it
        [8:58:58 PM] <Guest 11> ARE WE NOT MEN? ARE WE NOT HUE-MEN?
        [8:59:00 PM] <Guest 8> Marty the Comedian
        [8:59:20 PM] <TarasZubov> the entire human brain responses has been mapped....90% of the idiotum respond immediately to certin types of phrased nuanced stimulii.
        [9:00:40 PM] <TarasZubov> I believe this has been covered before
        [9:01:34 PM] <Guest 11> nwfcomrade will you get to see steve the elder and his squaw wife when you come home?
        [9:01:37 PM] <Guest 8> Bitch Tits would kick your ass Marty your just another mouthy pussy sorta like Mouthy Patricia.
        [9:02:02 PM] <nwfcomrade> 11 - I'm going to try and avoid him. I'm going to see exactly what Covington thinks of him first.
        [9:02:07 PM] <TarasZubov> talk about Bills current address and Linders government background investigation
        [9:02:22 PM] <Guest 8> Marty's just jealous of Pastor Visser.
        [9:02:56 PM] <Guest 8> I think Marty wants to fuck Bridgit the Idgit.
        [9:03:00 PM] <Guest 11> come on nwfcomrade you should take a photo of his squaw wife
        [9:03:14 PM] <Guest 11> that does all the work
        [9:03:23 PM] <TarasZubov> at some point I will but we are readying for Weimar....then we'll release the tape....we need all types of intellectual fomentation.
        [9:04:37 PM] <Guest 8> Marty don't have the balls to fuck with any police officer.
        [9:04:43 PM] <Guest 11> hi INTJ
        [9:04:50 PM] <Guest 8> Marty's a fucking PUSSY.
        [9:05:03 PM] <Guest 11> yea Lindstedt so how is the lawsuit
        [9:05:45 PM] <Guest 8> REGIME Change now that's an idea Marty too bad you lack the testicles to lead a revolt.
        [9:06:05 PM] <Guest 8> He's workin' on it #11
        [9:06:20 PM] <Guest 11> what recent progress has been made?
        [9:06:21 PM] <TarasZubov> Linder is like the blacks I caught dog fighting.....froggy mouth until they get dumped and pounded then they start crying literally.
        [9:06:32 PM] <Guest 11> I support this lawsuit
        [9:06:49 PM] <Guest 8> Lindy is a FUCKING PUSSY until he file the Bryan Reo lawsuit.
        [9:07:41 PM] <Guest 8> If I were Buck McHugh and John Britton I'd cut ties with Lindstedt he has fucked them both.
        [9:08:33 PM] <Guest 8> Lindy you gotta get some false teeth, you're killing me I'm laughing so hard.
        [9:08:57 PM] <Guest 11> who is wiggerswill Williams???
        [9:09:01 PM] <Guest 8> Too bad Lindy don't support that lawsuit.
        [9:09:25 PM] <nwfcomrade> 11 - In order to take a picture of his wife, I would have to meet him. He would have to agree to meet me. I don't like the look of this.
        [9:09:37 PM] <Guest 11> true
        [9:09:45 PM] <Guest 11> yea its probably a bad idea
        [9:10:03 PM] <Guest 8> Lindy won't file suit against Bryan Reo cuz he's afraid he'll lose the family ranch in South Dakota and the trust fund.
        [9:10:07 PM] <nwfcomrade> Also, I don't know that I'd be that busy with NF material right away, I have to keep a good profile up at work, which means having a good first 90 day
        [9:10:09 PM] <nwfcomrade> *days
        [9:10:21 PM] <Guest 11> true
        [9:10:41 PM] Guest 6 has left the chat
        [9:10:58 PM] <Guest 8> Lindy is a big PUSSY a bigger Pussy than Roxie's
        [9:11:45 PM] <Poopy Dawg> uh you are really wasting your time here guest 8
        [9:12:15 PM] <TarasZubov> meet me at the West Indies Boxing Gym in Paterson NJ.
        [9:12:21 PM] <Guest 11> O yea i posted the link on the forum of the arrow cross skinheads killing those gypsies
        [9:12:28 PM] <Guest 8> I'm just trolling like Lindy does.
        [9:12:43 PM] <Guest 11> trololololololololol
        [9:12:54 PM] <Guest 11> youtube is the best place to troll
        [9:13:05 PM] <TarasZubov> Lindstedt you have an open invite to Crowhaven.
        [9:13:17 PM] <TarasZubov> you can use the guesthouse.
        [9:13:19 PM] <Poopy Dawg> well you are aware of the Biblical admonition against going into the courts of Babylon guest 8 I'm sure
        [9:14:12 PM] <Guest 8> Shut Up Marty
        [9:14:46 PM] <Guest 11> huh
        [9:14:48 PM] <Guest 8> Marty you should have fucked Roxie instead of doing the TURD tonite.
        [9:14:55 PM] <Guest 11> is that directed at me?
        [9:15:00 PM] <Guest 11> o yes it is
        [9:15:28 PM] <TarasZubov> fuck your forums it's all army airforce and giyus hasbaratchiks you fucking faggots
        [9:15:50 PM] Guest 12 is logged into the chat
        [9:16:34 PM] <Guest 8> Marty is Roxie's Meercat he does just as Roxie tells him.
        [9:18:37 PM] <TarasZubov> the only contribution that these halfwits will make is as subnormally intelligent targets of opportunity
        [9:19:08 PM] <TarasZubov> I'm posting from your recyclables bin
        [9:19:17 PM] <Guest 8> Marty! Marty! you're rambling again.
        [9:19:50 PM] <TarasZubov> this is is avoiding the real criminals ...hallo judatodenische!
        [9:20:03 PM] <TarasZubov> Martin is not answering emails now
        [9:20:51 PM] <TarasZubov> this is a bord du chat jackoff
        [9:21:47 PM] <TarasZubov> 7-bags of leaves and these bags are huge! the garbage men are going to hate me
        [9:22:03 PM] <nwfcomrade> Taras, leaves changing where you are already?
        [9:22:30 PM] <Guest 11> We have a trolling account for every movement character on Lindstedts forum
        [9:22:36 PM] <Guest 11> except for haddingscot!
        [9:22:51 PM] <Guest 11> ONG I THOUGHT OF SUCH A GOO IDEA
        [9:23:07 PM] <TarasZubov> we'll ship him off to neuschwabenland
        [9:23:12 PM] <Guest 11> AN ACOUNT ON LINDSTEDTS FORUM FOR HADDING SCOT and the avatar would be a black body guard
        [9:23:19 PM] <Guest 11> of Hunter Wallace
        [9:24:44 PM] <TarasZubov> convert a supertanker in a discount flea market...load 'em up and ship him and our traducers out
        [9:25:22 PM] <Guest 8> Do you eat Roxie's pussy, Marty?
        [9:25:28 PM] <Guest 11> yea but hadding scot is a black body guard in harold's new book
        [9:26:26 PM] <Guest 8> Harold is as big a pussy as you are Marty.
        [9:26:38 PM] <Guest 11> wait guest 8 is eating pussy sodomy?
        [9:26:39 PM] <TarasZubov> time to visit the dog run and smoke smoke smoke!
        [9:26:42 PM] <Guest 11> im not genuinly not sure
        [9:26:54 PM] <Guest 11> is oral sodomy
        [9:26:58 PM] <Guest 8> He got his fat ass deported from Rhodesia
        [9:28:05 PM] <TarasZubov> The volk must be offered a choice between greatness or medicated mediocirty
        [9:28:42 PM] <TarasZubov> i literally have infected thousands
        [9:29:00 PM] <Guest 11> hey guys red orchestra 2 is coming out
        [9:29:13 PM] <Guest 11> and all my skinhead friends want me to buy it so we can play it on steam!
        [9:29:45 PM] <Guest 11> Alex linder =/= Neo Nazi Alex Linder=Neo Nigger
        [9:29:54 PM] <Guest 8> Alex Linder is a pussy like jew Lindy.
        [9:30:12 PM] <TarasZubov> i have sent people like Linder to the insane asylum....just fine a fracture or crevice in their mind's seed block and patiently peck away.....
        [9:30:27 PM] <Guest 8> Lindy knows all about ZOG false fronts.
        [9:30:41 PM] <TarasZubov> and kashruth herpes?
        [9:30:47 PM] <Frankenwhigger> What was That?!?!?!?
        [9:31:15 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Daylight is going away fast!!
        [9:31:31 PM] <Guest 8> Lindy's buddy Johnny Firewater calls tubby a Hybernigger.
        [9:33:00 PM] <Guest 8> Britton is a complete jackass for inventing the word Hybernigger.
        [9:33:03 PM] <TarasZubov> drugs
        [9:33:19 PM] <Frankenwhigger> It's a great Word!
        [9:34:32 PM] <Guest 8> Rumor is that Johnny's running scared he won't sign a release.
        [9:34:36 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Inspire by Alex Linder, I have re-written the Fourteen Words:
        [9:34:51 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger.
        [9:37:05 PM] <Guest 8> Marty why is your buddy Johnny Firewater running scared?
        [9:37:15 PM] <TarasZubov> KILL! CRUSH! DESTROY!
        [9:37:24 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger.
        [9:37:25 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> BAN THAT SOB!
        [9:38:06 PM] <Guest 8> How much did they offer Johnny Firewater?
        [9:38:08 PM] <Guest 11> is oral with a girl and anal with a girl and eating a girl out sodomy?
        [9:39:00 PM] <Guest 11> lol
        [9:39:14 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Shame on you, Mass!!
        [9:39:32 PM] <Guest 8> Will Johnny Firewater tithe any to Lindy's ministry?
        [9:39:47 PM] <TarasZubov> satan satan satan satansatan satan satan satansatan satan satan satansatan satan satan satansatan satan satan satansatan satan satan satansatan satan
        [9:40:01 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Tithing is part of Baal Temple Worship!!
        [9:40:21 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Yahweh is Not Broke and does not need our Money!
        [9:40:23 PM] <TarasZubov> Chrrrrrr, de Joden!
        [9:40:43 PM] <Guest 8> The Sicilian jew ambulance chaser has Johnny Firewater keeping a very low profile. What a fucking Pussy.
        [9:40:55 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Yahweh said, " OF YOUR INCREASE, remember Me"!!
        [9:41:27 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Yahweh doesn't want a 1/10th of our wages!
        [9:41:44 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Workman is worthy of his wages!
        [9:42:10 PM] <Guest 8> I'm disappointed Lindy hasn't called Buck McHugh a pussy yet on this eppysode.
        [9:42:33 PM] <Frankenwhigger> If your are blessed by Yahweh and have an increase, then you are to give and give freely!
        [9:42:38 PM] <Guest 11> I think im either a Judahite or Gadite
        [9:42:50 PM] <Guest 8> Johnny Firewater claims to be a Benjamite.
        [9:43:02 PM] <nwfcomrade> Woo hoo the work is done for the night.
        [9:43:05 PM] <nwfcomrade> I can go home now.
        [9:43:08 PM] <Guest 11> My Grandfather is Protestant German
        [9:43:22 PM] <Frankenwhigger> What are you #8?
        [9:43:37 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Goodnight NWF!!
        [9:43:41 PM] <Guest 8> Bucky McHugh claims to be a Judahite.
        [9:43:43 PM] <nwfcomrade> Goodnight, guys.
        [9:43:45 PM] nwfcomrade has left the chat
        [9:43:52 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Goodluck with the New Job!
        [9:44:08 PM] <Guest 8> I'm an Aryan Frankie what are you? A German jew?
        [9:44:21 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Me too!! I am a Judahite!
        [9:44:48 PM] <Guest 8> Glenn Campbell got Altzheimers
        [9:44:51 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Aryan?!?!?!?
        [9:44:52 PM] <TarasZubov> the need for and helpfulness of multiple phalluses
        [9:44:55 PM] <Guest 11> NO guest 8 is INTJ!
        [9:44:57 PM] <Guest 11> silly
        [9:45:07 PM] <Guest 11> whose Mike the Kike?
        [9:45:10 PM] <Frankenwhigger> No Aryans in the Scriptures!!!!
        [9:45:21 PM] <Guest 11> And whos is Wiggerswill Williams?
        [9:45:38 PM] <Guest 8> So how much did they offer Johnny Firewater to settle Marty?
        [9:45:59 PM] <Guest 11> what tendency is Will Williams?
        [9:46:07 PM] <Guest 8> Rumor has it that Johnny is sniveling.
        [9:46:15 PM] <Guest 11> and how did Covington manage to get money off him?
        [9:46:18 PM] <Guest 8> Pore Johnny.
        [9:46:22 PM] <Guest 11> ah ha ha percite!
        [9:46:44 PM] <Guest 11> HAIL THE CREATOR SKINHEAD ARMY
        [9:47:06 PM] <Guest 8> Come on Marty Bryan needs to know.
        [9:48:01 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Bryan Reo is still a nigger lipped High Yellow.
        [9:48:36 PM] <TarasZubov> not bad at all for the gang of bore
        [9:49:15 PM] <TarasZubov> fucking vise-like short squeeze on now
        [9:49:44 PM] <Guest 8> Liar Bill wants to lick your ass Marty.
        [9:49:57 PM] Guest 9 has left the chat
        [9:50:42 PM] <TarasZubov> listening to Harry Wayne Casey and motherfucking Rick Finch
        [9:50:49 PM] Guest 13 is logged into the chat
        [9:50:51 PM] Guest 14 is logged into the chat
        [9:51:01 PM] <TarasZubov> i fight wars on six different levels in 4 different dimensions.
        [9:51:25 PM] <Guest 8> Is it true that Johnny Firewater is part Red-Nigger?
        [9:52:15 PM] <Guest 11> INTJEW lol
        [9:52:18 PM] <TarasZubov> seen probably 10 kilos of gak at the blowfish cafe last night
        [9:52:48 PM] <Guest 8> Bill Finck would stomp your ass Lindstedt.
        [9:53:17 PM] <Guest 14> bill fink and bryan reo are on the down-low
        [9:54:51 PM] <Guest 14> bill fink can't even support his own family
        [9:55:11 PM] <Guest 14> what a pussy
        [9:55:21 PM] <Guest 8> Did Johnny tell you that story Marty? That sounds like a Johnny story.
        [9:55:27 PM] <TarasZubov> I had two Seal Team West emembers work for me they were both blackout alcoholics with zero self preservational sense
        [9:55:40 PM] <Guest 11> Is Satan the only critter that will burn in hell for eternity after the 1000 year kingdom?
        [9:55:49 PM] <Guest 11> will the jews burn with satan?
        [9:56:01 PM] <TarasZubov> had to go back in to esscape debt under the S&S act.
        [9:56:02 PM] <TarasZubov> ...
        [9:56:27 PM] <TarasZubov> watch out for them keebler elves and their bavarian cult death creme pies!
        [9:56:45 PM] <Guest 11> Mayans are mongoloid
        [9:56:51 PM] <Guest 11> like Native Americans
        [9:59:22 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Does Banjo Billy Play any other Instruments?
        [10:00:04 PM] <Guest 8> skin flute
        [10:01:03 PM] <TarasZubov> I attended school with Pahlavi
        [10:01:16 PM] <Guest 8> Banjo Billy is a scared little bitch just like your buddy Britton.
        [10:02:12 PM] <TarasZubov> special agents tried to strongarm me until they realized who my family is and how I have a huge trust fund at my disposal although I am personally
        [10:02:24 PM] <TarasZubov> judgement proof.
        [10:03:23 PM] <TarasZubov> Martin you wanted to know more about me?
        [10:03:25 PM] <PastorLindstedt>
        [10:03:31 PM] <TarasZubov> before we do the interview?
        [10:03:32 PM] <Guest 8> Johnny Tonto is a Mongoloid.
        [10:03:35 PM] <TarasZubov> I grew up with the creme de la creme of old and new money JEWS
        [10:04:19 PM] <Guest 11> OMG I WANNA JOIN CREW 38
        [10:04:38 PM] <Frankenwhigger> 10,000 marriages: Big white wedding for Unification Church
        [10:04:38 PM] <Guest 11> and volksfront
        [10:04:41 PM] <Guest 11> Is there a skinhead gang in boston?
        [10:04:58 PM] <Guest 8> Bryan Wright had Johnny running scared he wouldn't meet him for an MMA fight.

        Guest #8 cum on as a NimBuster and now is like Bryan Wright.

        [10:05:15 PM] <Frankenwhigger> We Need to do a BIG Skinhead Creatard CI Wedding!
        [10:05:42 PM] <Guest 11> YES, I love native American creatard womym
        [10:06:07 PM] <TarasZubov> we are going to roll over you false nationalists
        [10:06:32 PM] <TarasZubov> a volken sturm tsunami 220 million guns wide by 100 billion rounds high.
        [10:07:46 PM] <Guest 11> is there a skinhead gang in boston?
        [10:08:48 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Bryan Reo is a shitskin mamzer. Bottom line.
        [10:08:49 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
        [10:09:01 PM] <TarasZubov> Anyone pretending to "know" G-d should be watched and shot at first legal allowance
        [10:09:05 PM] <PastorLindstedt>
        [10:09:33 PM] <Guest 8> Johnny Britton is a Red Indian bottom line.
        [10:09:39 PM] <Frankenwhigger> What's "G-d"?!?!??!!
        [10:10:01 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Mumps nuts ain't got the guts to show up back again on Rabbit Track Road.
        [10:10:54 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> He's either a jew or a semite franken.
        [10:11:00 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> or a mudslum
        [10:11:44 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> it's against talmud/koran doctrine to spell the name of god.
        [10:12:22 PM] <Frankenwhigger> We are commanded to call upon the Name of yahweh!
        [10:13:18 PM] <Guest 8> Marty is just a plain ass Mongol.
        [10:13:21 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> gelding knives...shit. that reminds me. I need to get me a skinning out tripod for deer/et al....
        [10:13:27 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Have to check on the Critters! I hate this getting dark early! BRB!
        [10:13:49 PM] <Guest 14> why are homosexuals like bryan reo tolerated in ci?
        [10:14:06 PM] <Guest 8> Is it true that tonto killed a bear in Alaska with a sling?
        [10:14:18 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> yah bless brother franken!
        [10:14:22 PM] Guest 12 has left the chat
        [10:14:27 PM] <Poopy Dawg> mamzers and faggots are not tolerated in CI
        [10:14:38 PM] <Frankenwhigger> because they give good Head!?!?!?!?!
        [10:15:40 PM] <Frankenwhigger> aSK THE "gREEK EXPERT ABOUT "pRISON sEX"!!
        [10:15:55 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> who's that? Jim Giles?
        [10:15:57 PM] <Guest 8> Eventually I'll stomp Britton's fat ass, might take a while but it's going to happen. In my slant-eyed Bryan Wright dreams.
        [10:16:17 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Jim Giles could turn any twinks ass into raw butter.
        [10:16:37 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Or so he says....
        [10:17:31 PM] <Guest 8> Britton was scared shitless of Bryan Wright he wouldn't take him up on his challenge.
        [10:17:40 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> We need a new character on Lindstedts board. With the Road Rage's picture. Call him "Roid Rage Twink Buster"!!!!!!!!!
        [10:17:50 PM] <Guest 8> Marty is afraid of Giles
        [10:18:21 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> I couldn't even post anymore on his board. I tried twice.
        [10:18:37 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> some permission crap
        [10:19:08 PM] <Guest 8> Bucky Boy believes in the trinity and the lake of fire et al.
        [10:19:55 PM] <Guest 8> BReo knows who you are SWilliamB.
        [10:20:24 PM] <Guest 8> Marty sure can ramble
        [10:21:34 PM] <Guest 8> But Marty can't sing
        [10:21:50 PM] Guest 11 has left the chat
        [10:21:59 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> let it be known den...
        [10:22:32 PM] TarasZubov has left the chat
        [10:22:37 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> You're a Laquid.
        [10:27:11 PM] <Guest 8> could one of Johnny's daughters whip Liar Bill's ass?
        [10:28:50 PM] <Guest 8> Johnny couldn't whip Bryan Wright's lazy side. I know. I'm Bryan Wright and I have no 'working' side.
        [10:30:03 PM] <Poopy Dawg> isn't that tattoed prison trash Wright back where he belongs, in prison?
        [10:32:09 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> I think a cage match with jim giles against Reo+Finck+James would be interesting.
        [10:33:00 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Reo would be postrate in the cage with his hand out like the subordinate ape in the latest planet of the apes flick.
        [10:33:06 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> wanting to suck Jim Giles dick to be spared.
        [10:33:30 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Finck would be looking for a weapon in the cage. None there. He's fucked.
        [10:34:03 PM] <Guest 8> Britton is so fucking tough that he has to carry 3 guns on his person, they say that he carries a .22 pistol a .380 pistol and and .45 ACP
        [10:34:10 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> finck would be the first to be pummeled to death by giles
        [10:34:37 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Eli James would be trying to bite his way out of the cage to avoid Giles.
        [10:34:40 PM] <Poopy Dawg> interesting, Guest 8 arrived sounding like INTJ but sounds a lot different now
        [10:36:06 PM] <Poopy Dawg> Wright is lowlife mamzer trash, he would fit in with Reo
        [10:36:15 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> It's a fantasy match Pastor Lindstedt. Like Fantasy Football.
        [10:37:37 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Brian Wright. Talk about a piece of shit.
        [10:38:17 PM] <Poopy Dawg> yeah they are all alike, no argument there
        [10:38:25 PM] <Guest 8> It wasn't no delusion when I challenged britton and he pussied out.

        Seems like Bryan Wright/Siegfried has found the link for the Secret Turd. What to do, what to do?

        Answer: Nothing.

        [10:38:46 PM] <Poopy Dawg> lol just sign in with your own name next time moron
        [10:40:51 PM] <Guest 8> I would go after Britton but they say when even wearing shorts he's armed with a walther .22
        [10:41:29 PM] <Poopy Dawg> is that anything like mamzer boy sleeping in kevlar?
        [10:42:44 PM] <Guest 8> Britton is still a Cunt
        [10:43:05 PM] <Poopy Dawg> Britton has a huge advantage on his side that you would know nothing about mamzer
        [10:44:05 PM] <Guest 8> Keep guessing Lindy, you fucking twit.
        [10:44:09 PM] <Poopy Dawg> why don't you kick the mamzer now so we can talk
        [10:44:23 PM] <Guest 8> Britton's day is coming.
        [10:45:18 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> pastor can you post the shows, cause we have no way of recording them. there is no record option like on teamspeak
        [10:45:26 PM] <Guest 8> Britton cried like a bitch when crew 38 kicked in his daughter's front door.
        [10:45:36 PM] <Poopy Dawg> he does williamb email him for the info
        [10:45:50 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> ok
        [10:46:46 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> nite pastor. hail victory!
        [10:46:52 PM] <Poopy Dawg> bye williamb
        [10:46:55 PM] TheRealWilliamB has left the chat
        [10:47:09 PM] <Poopy Dawg> is that Idiot Johns?
        [10:47:34 PM] <Guest 8> Britton's scatter brained daughter Joy brought out the 12 gauge, but still defecated in her pants.
        [10:48:03 PM] <Poopy Dawg> good another chat confirming threats, useful
        [10:48:29 PM] <Poopy Dawg> lol "mamzer fruit"
        [10:48:53 PM] <Guest 14> bryan thinks he knows everything
        [10:49:28 PM] <Poopy Dawg> all mamzers together in fake CI
        [10:50:06 PM] <Guest 8> Who brought in you & Britton? both of you bastards ain't White.
        [10:50:28 PM] <Poopy Dawg> take your shit to your fellow mamzers
        [10:51:40 PM] <Guest 8> Britton is running scared he won't do shows with Lindstedt anymore won't even post at forums what a fucking pussy.
        [10:54:23 PM] <Poopy Dawg> hey these are really tough guys, they can scare little girls!
        [10:55:16 PM] Guest 15 is logged into the chat
        [10:56:26 PM] <Poopy Dawg> well not the larger farm girls!
        [10:59:05 PM] Guest 16 is logged into the chat
        [10:59:19 PM] <Poopy Dawg> lol
        [11:01:17 PM] <Poopy Dawg> Linder knows most of the idiots that post there won't notice
        [11:02:11 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I'm Back!!
        [11:02:23 PM] <Frankenwhigger> What did I Miss?
        [11:02:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Can I get a Re-Cap?
        [11:02:38 PM] <Poopy Dawg> Frankie!!! You missed all the mamzer fun!
        [11:04:33 PM] Guest 8 has left the chat
        [11:04:35 PM] Guest 13 has left the chat
        [11:06:31 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Sing Along with Martin!!! Follow the Bouncing Ball!
        [11:06:45 PM] <PastorLindstedt> http://www.thechristianidentityforum...lindstedt/165/
        [11:06:50 PM] <Poopy Dawg> Notice the last post, looks like WhineyDave and Fink are on the outs again
        [11:06:53 PM] <Poopy Dawg>
        [11:07:09 PM] Guest 14 has left the chat
        [11:07:11 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Bryan Reo Knows everything because He read it on Wikipedia!!
        [11:08:57 PM] <PastorLindstedt>
        [11:09:50 PM] <Poopy Dawg> lol Hitler as archangel
        [11:17:54 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Sing It Martin!!!
        [11:17:56 PM] <PastorLindstedt>
        [11:30:12 PM] Guest 17 is logged into the chat
        [11:30:24 PM] <Guest 17> omg this show is still going on?
        [11:31:13 PM] <Guest 17> its hammer time
        [11:31:59 PM] <Guest 17> LINDstedt is mute now?
        [11:32:43 PM] Guest 17 has left the chat
        [11:36:27 PM] <Poopy Dawg> Ahhh the nuts, they come and go lol
        [11:37:10 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hit and Run!!
        [11:38:09 PM] Guest 15 has left the chat
        [11:38:17 PM] Poopy Dawg has left the chat
        [11:38:33 PM] Poopy Dawg is logged into the chat
        [11:38:39 PM] <Poopy Dawg> damn chat freezes
        [11:40:20 PM] Guest 16 has left the chat
        [11:40:49 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Sing It Martin!!!
        [11:41:08 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Cling to his every word!!
        [11:48:18 PM] <Poopy Dawg> l;l;l;
        [11:48:26 PM] <Poopy Dawg> ;l;l;l
        [11:48:29 PM] <Frankenwhigger> l;l;l;
        [11:49:39 PM] <Poopy Dawg> well the music is great but its getting late here, gotta run, see ya all Sunday. Yahweh bless!
        [11:50:08 PM] <Poopy Dawg> Well the music is great but its getting late here, gotta run, see ya all Sunday. Yahweh bless!
        [11:50:22 PM] <Poopy Dawg>
        [11:50:32 PM] <Poopy Dawg> chat is WEIRD
        [11:50:36 PM] <Poopy Dawg> lll
        [11:50:50 PM] <Poopy Dawg> good I like those HOGT
        [11:50:56 PM] <Poopy Dawg> Good I like those HOGT
        [11:51:17 PM] <Poopy Dawg> bye
        [11:51:20 PM] <Poopy Dawg> bye
        [11:51:31 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Hail Victory!!!
        [11:51:32 PM] <Poopy Dawg> Hail Victory!
        [11:51:36 PM] <Poopy Dawg> Hail Victory!
        [11:51:46 PM] Poopy Dawg has left the chat
        [11:51:48 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hail Victory!!!
        [11:52:06 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Hail Victory!!!
        [11:52:15 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin, I have to admit that you are right about ALL of these Talkshoe "CI" Preachers!! They are ALL FRAUDS and Mamzers!
        [11:52:25 PM] Guest 18 is logged into the chat
        [11:52:29 PM] Guest 18 has left the chat
        [11:52:39 PM] Guest 19 is logged into the chat
        [11:52:45 PM] <Guest 19> my computer was not working
        [11:52:46 PM] <Guest 19> oi
        [11:52:53 PM] <Guest 19> oi
        [11:52:57 PM] <Guest 19> sorry for to many ois
        [11:53:00 PM] <Guest 19> yea
        [11:53:19 PM] <Guest 19> so any bowel news
        [11:53:23 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I'm Here!!
        [11:53:29 PM] <Guest 19> not much going on in the tard corral
        [11:53:38 PM] <Guest 19> its growing though
        [11:53:57 PM] <Guest 19> the tard corral has 80 members
        [11:54:27 PM] <Guest 19> Richard Gieeseke is dominating it
        [11:54:33 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Which Tard Corral???, there are several!
        [11:54:39 PM] <Guest 19> steve's
        [11:54:48 PM] <Guest 19> Gieseke is dominating it
        [11:55:00 PM] <Frankenwhigger> on Fartbook?
        [11:55:17 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Is that you, EA?!?!?!
        [11:55:23 PM] <Guest 19> yup
        [11:55:29 PM] <Guest 19> lol
        [11:55:33 PM] <Guest 19> mass1488
        [11:55:40 PM] <Guest 19> is here
        [11:55:51 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I am a Proud Member of the Tard Corral!
        [11:55:53 PM] <Guest 19> MAGYAR ARROW CROSS SKINHEADS
        [11:56:28 PM] <Guest 19> well i gotta go to bed
        [11:56:30 PM] <Guest 19> good night
        [11:56:32 PM] Guest 19 has left the chat
        [11:56:35 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Later!!
        [11:56:52 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Good Night Martin!
        [11:57:01 PM] Frankenwhigger has left the chat
        [12:01:48 AM] <PastorLindstedt> Hail Victory!!!

        Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 09-03-2011, 09:49 PM.
        I am The Librarian


        • TMT #83.5 Review: Hey Mamzers!, Let's Go To Vegas!!!

          TMT #83.5 Review: Hey Mamzers!, Let's Go To Vegas!!!


          Marty plays Dear Amy in the latest Turd (#83.5 of 18Aug11), doling out sage marriage advice to "Mamzer" Patricia "Condom-Ewe" Aiken -- she should marry Rabbi Finck-el-Sheenie and dope that psychotic jewboy pig up -- and counseling Pastor Jeromy Visser to "Give it up!".

          Russ Walker joins the broadcast early to perform his show-stopping impression of the world's most tedious man before having to skedaddle to fill in his time sheet for the FBI. Well, actually Eliar James and Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren work for the FBI while I work for Transgendered and Sexual Orientation Rights.

          Then it's easy come and it's easy go as Marty blows $1.65 in nickels on a Vegas slot machine. That's 65 cents more than the deposit he paid on his hovel and $1.65 more than the full cost of Roxie's wedding ring. What a wicked waste of money!

          MauiPatricia 'Condom-Ewe' Aiken & Bryan Reo Go To Vegas Looking for Aryan 'Input'
          MauiPat got hammered and SoredMamzer filed a DMCA cumplaint!!!

          You'll be demanding yours back when you listen to this no-refunds-given installment of the fish John West force feeds his mother-in-law. Cum-cum, cum-cum.


          Last edited by Librarian; 11-08-2011, 08:16 PM.

          PassTard Pisser picked a peck of pickled poofter possums.
          A peck of pickled poofter possums PassTard Pisser picked.

          Two & a Half Mamzers Forum!!!

          Winner of the 'Scarlet H' For Hypocrisy!!!


          • TMT -- Episode #85 - The 666 ZOGbux Bionic Guido-Weasel Ass-Clown

            The Movement Turd

            August 28, 2011

            The Word as Heard on the Turd

            TMT -- Episode #85 - The 666 ZOGbux Bionic Guido-Weasel Ass-Clown
            Time: August 28, 2011 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM CST


            TMT -- Episode #85 - The 666 ZOGbux Bionic Guido-Weasel Ass-Clown

            Episode Notes:

            Alex Linder, a.k.a. the Gut-Sick Guido-Weasel With jew Ass-Cancer, has been acting goofier than jewsual in pestering the main-streamers. Could it be that the Lord of the F_lies at the TraitorGlenn Miller Greater Free Range Tard Corral News Network Forum is gonna testilie as a shitness for the ZOG Prostitution as to its data-mining activities on Kevin Harpham/Joe Snuffy like it did at the Kommandork Bitch-tits Bill White/Weiss Roanoke Sedition Trial? Inquiring minds want to know and some of us want to speculate in this Sunday Nite Eppysode of The Movement Turd.

            0:00 Super Fickin'

            0:32 Intro.

            Whigger Problem

            Section 1-5.

            Florian Geyer



            Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, if you are one of my sheep who hears my voice, you know where I can be found tonight in the secret Talksjew bat-cave.


            Start Time (EDT): 08/28/11 9:00 PM EDT/8:00 PM CST
            Duration (minutes): 120+

            Download link:
   TMT Archive Directory
   TMT Archive Directory
   Temporary File

            Chat Transcript:

            Hail Victory!!!

            Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
            Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

            Last edited by Librarian; 11-08-2011, 09:10 PM. Reason: Add Links

            Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
            Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


            • TMT -- Episode #85.5 - FiBbIes in the Northwest Looking For Joe Snuffy Informants

              The Movement Turd

              September 1, 2011

              The Word as Heard on the Turd

              TMT -- Episode #85.5 - FiBbIes in the Northwest Looking For Joe Snuffy Informants
              Time: September 1, 2011 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM CST


              TMT -- Episode #85.5 - FiBbIes in the Northwest Looking For Joe Snuffy Informants

              Episode Notes:

              Harold Covington's September 1st Radio Free NorthWest says that the ZOGling secret piglice are going all frantic in order to break open the Kevin Harpham/Joe Snuffy VNNF 'Bionic Backpack' case. I recommend that listeners actually download this breaking news show that Covington put out at the last minute. The trial initially set in August is supposed to be reset (before further delay benefitting the ZOG Prostitutors) for Sept. 12. If the FiBbIes find some planted information then they will go to trial. If they can't squeeze out some more from rats, then probably the trial will be delayed until it is a lead-pipe cinch, ala the Edgar Steele Affair/Provocation.

              Covington recommends that none of you be the squeezed rat by talking to ZOG piglice. I agree. Expressions of open Anti-ZOG/Babylonian hatred and loathing should be reserved for those of us known old coots with nothing much to lose any more.

              Alex Linder, a.k.a. the Gut-Sick Guido-Weasel With jew Ass-Cancer, has been acting goofier than jewsual in pestering the main-streamers. Could it be that the Lord of the F_lies at the TraitorGlenn Miller Greater Free Range Tard Corral News Network Forum is gonna testilie as a shitness for the ZOG Prostitution as to its data-mining activities on Kevin Harpham/Joe Snuffy like it did at the Kommandork Bitch-tits Bill White/Weiss Roanoke Sedition Trial? Inquiring minds want to know and some of us want to speculate in this Thursday Nite Eppysode of The Movement Turd.

              0:00 Super Fickin'

              0:32 Intro.

              Whigger Problem

              Section 1-5.

              Florian Geyer



              Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, if you are one of my sheep who hears my voice, you know where I can be found tonight in the secret Talksjew bat-cave.


              Start Time (EDT): 09/01/11 9:00 PM EDT/8:00 PM CST
              Duration (minutes): 120+

              Download link:
     TMT Archive Directory
     TMT Archive Directory
     Temporary File

              Chat Transcript:

              Hail Victory!!!

              Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
              Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

              Last edited by Librarian; 11-08-2011, 09:21 PM.

              Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
              Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


              • When the mamzers must sleeze to the Mountain

                When the mamzers must sleeze to the Mountain


                Marty reckons he's a polarizing force in Christian Identity in the latest Turd. The Pontiff may have broken his vow of infallibility with that statement, however, for in actuality he's a unifying force, since everyone in CI that is a jew like Eliar James/jewseph Kutz-November and Rabbi Finckelsheenie, mamzers like Dan Johns, Serial Polygamist, Nigger-lips Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren the Gay Blade, and all of us Pisser-Possums, especially this pisser-poofter-possum agrees he's a nut determined to keep us jews, mamzers and faggots out of Christian Identity. This makes my transgendered mangina extremely dry.

                Ever wonder why Marty started broadcasting the Turd in the first place? The truth is he wanted to expose Pastor Jeromy Visser as a mamzer. Of course Visser did all the exposing what with running off like the criminal it is numerous times last year and then admitting to being a mamzer in order to get out of a stalking charge. When asked to comment on his being the inspiration for the Turd, Pastor Visser responded, "This time, Lord, you gave me a mountain! And since the Mountain won't go to the mamzer, it looks like this pisser-possum mamzer must sleeze to the Mountain, looking for whatever shit it can find along the way."



                PassTard Pisser picked a peck of pickled poofter possums.
                A peck of pickled poofter possums PassTard Pisser picked.

                Two & a Half Mamzers Forum!!!

                Winner of the 'Scarlet H' For Hypocrisy!!!



                • TMT #85.5 Chat 1Sep11

                  TMT #85.5 Chat 1Sep11


                  This Chat transcript covers TMT #85.5 of Sept 1, 2011.

                  PastorLindstedt is logged into the chat
                  [7:54:34 PM] nwfcomrade is logged into the chat
                  [7:54:56 PM] <nwfcomrade> Evening. I'll be out for a moment or two dropping mail off.
                  [7:55:01 PM] <nwfcomrade> BBIAF
                  [7:56:45 PM] <PastorLindstedt> iiii
                  [8:00:09 PM] Guest 3 is logged into the chat
                  [8:00:10 PM] Guest 4 is logged into the chat
                  [8:02:22 PM] Frankenwhigger is logged into the chat
                  [8:02:55 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hello All !! Yahweh Bless and Hail Victory!!
                  [8:03:29 PM] Poopy Dawg is logged into the chat
                  [8:03:34 PM] Guest 5 is logged into the chat
                  [8:03:45 PM] <Guest 5> hey franken, wb here
                  [8:03:57 PM] <PastorLindstedt> hey
                  [8:04:26 PM] <nwfcomrade> I suspect my client has crashed again
                  [8:04:34 PM] <nwfcomrade> Let's see if logging fixes it
                  [8:04:36 PM] nwfcomrade has left the chat
                  [8:04:37 PM] <Poopy Dawg> evening folks
                  [8:04:37 PM] <Poopy Dawg> jjj
                  [8:04:37 PM] <Poopy Dawg> jjj
                  [8:04:37 PM] <Poopy Dawg> jjj
                  [8:04:37 PM] Poopy Dawg has left the chat
                  [8:04:43 PM] nwfcomrade is logged into the chat
                  [8:04:56 PM] <Guest 5> are you guys getting double posts in the chat?
                  [8:04:56 PM] <nwfcomrade> Yep.
                  [8:04:59 PM] Poopy Dawg is logged into the chat
                  [8:05:03 PM] <Guest 5> weird
                  [8:05:04 PM] <nwfcomrade> No, %.
                  [8:06:05 PM] Guest 6 is logged into the chat
                  [8:06:06 PM] <Guest 6> DIK DIK
                  [8:06:17 PM] <Guest 6> h i hi
                  [8:06:22 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Calling in.
                  [8:06:23 PM] <Guest 6> Shalom
                  [8:06:54 PM] <Poopy Dawg> hi everybody
                  [8:07:09 PM] <Guest 6> hi dr. nik
                  [8:07:09 PM] <Guest 4> Bryan Reo is a fagmamzer
                  [8:07:20 PM] <Guest 6> oh no not that topic again
                  [8:07:32 PM] PastorLindstedt is on the call
                  [8:07:34 PM] <Guest 6> have you no life good sir?
                  [8:08:10 PM] <Guest 6> Martin you start speaking too early before you press the record button
                  [8:08:21 PM] <Guest 6> you always start and end mid sentence
                  [8:08:41 PM] <Guest 6> or the play button on this shit whatever
                  [8:08:54 PM] <Guest 6> ok so whats new
                  [8:08:56 PM] PastorLindstedt is on the call
                  [8:08:58 PM] <Guest 6> how is your summer going martin
                  [8:09:21 PM] <Guest 6> echo chamber
                  [8:09:21 PM] PastorLindstedt has hung up
                  [8:09:40 PM] <nwfcomrade> Sounds good now.
                  [8:09:46 PM] <Guest 6> ya good
                  [8:09:47 PM] <Guest 5> its good
                  [8:09:53 PM] <Poopy Dawg> fine
                  [8:10:23 PM] <Guest 6> National Alliance Activist Michael Carothers (AKA Michael Weaver) Defends Himself Against Black Carjackers, Now Being Charged With Aggravated Assault
                  [8:10:23 PM] <Guest 5> heard you on the Truitt!
                  [8:10:25 PM] <Guest 6> A3P Arizona Coordinator Ralph Brandt Running For District Three Seat On The Mesa City Council Against Dennis Kavanaugh
                  [8:11:15 PM] <PastorLindstedt> http://www.thechristianidentityforum...t-russ-walker/
                  [8:12:14 PM] Poopy Dawg has left the chat
                  [8:12:14 PM] Poopy Dawg is logged into the chat
                  [8:12:46 PM] <Poopy Dawg> jjjj
                  [8:12:55 PM] <Guest 6> toughy stnuffy
                  [8:13:02 PM] <Guest 6> Russel Walker exposed?
                  [8:15:28 PM] <Guest 6> ...
                  [8:16:08 PM] <Poopy Dawg> jkjkj
                  [8:16:20 PM] <Guest 6> JEW THAT SLAUGHTERED NATALEE HOLLOWAY INDITED
                  [8:16:22 PM] <Poopy Dawg> ;l;;\\
                  [8:16:53 PM] Poopy Dawg has left the chat
                  [8:17:18 PM] Poopy Dawg is logged into the chat
                  [8:19:04 PM] <Poopy Dawg> ;lk;k;l
                  [8:19:04 PM] <Poopy Dawg> ;lk;l;lk
                  [8:19:04 PM] <Poopy Dawg> ;k;lk;;lk
                  [8:19:04 PM] Poopy Dawg has left the chat
                  [8:20:25 PM] Poopy Dawg is logged into the chat
                  [8:20:57 PM] <Poopy Dawg> gggg
                  [8:21:01 PM] <Poopy Dawg> ggggg
                  [8:22:44 PM] <Guest 6> if we dont bring more immigrants into this chat than this chat will have no future
                  [8:23:07 PM] <Poopy Dawg> klklk
                  [8:23:07 PM] <Poopy Dawg> lklklk
                  [8:23:07 PM] Poopy Dawg has left the chat
                  [8:23:24 PM] <nwfcomrade> True. Only immigrants will make the comments native chatters are unwilling to make.
                  [8:23:59 PM] <Guest 6> I lay myself down to doze in my louse-infested, single room garret
                  [8:24:38 PM] <Guest 6> A twice-used tea bag and a cracked shaving mirror await me in the morning
                  [8:25:04 PM] <Frankenwhigger> So, you are Middle Class!!
                  [8:25:30 PM] <Guest 6> yes
                  [8:25:30 PM] <Guest 6> lower middler
                  [8:25:30 PM] <nwfcomrade> No kidding!
                  [8:25:43 PM] <Frankenwhigger> At least you have Internets!
                  [8:25:49 PM] <Guest 6> at least
                  [8:25:59 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Bet you have Many Internets!
                  [8:26:12 PM] <Guest 6> variable interwebz!
                  [8:26:17 PM] <nwfcomrade> He might have internets, but his have fewer tubes than the rest of us.
                  [8:28:04 PM] <Guest 6> Sleep will befall me while listening to the turd knowing the lousiness of a low city life may re materialise tomorrow
                  [8:28:14 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Enjoyed that link Martin Posted from Wickstrom! Very Enlightening!
                  [8:28:49 PM] <nwfcomrade> So we've had an interesting twist this last week. My employer cut costs along with 27 jobs. Mine was one of them.
                  [8:28:51 PM] <Guest 6> enlightenment is not beyond the casements.
                  [8:28:56 PM] Poopy Dawg is logged into the chat
                  [8:29:01 PM] <Poopy Dawg> KKKK
                  [8:29:05 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I've had to block Russ from my emails. I can't have the spam and nonsense!
                  [8:29:14 PM] <nwfcomrade> Thankfully, I'd been reasonable with money and saved plenty. The interview in Seattle is looking better and better.
                  [8:29:27 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Russ can't Hang with the Big Dawgs!
                  [8:29:37 PM] <Guest 6> why does Russ get so tired so quickly now?
                  [8:29:41 PM] <nwfcomrade> I've recieved several recommendation letters from my former coworkers.
                  [8:29:45 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Congrats NWF!
                  [8:29:50 PM] <Poopy Dawg> OMG his ephraim scepter crap again
                  [8:30:08 PM] <nwfcomrade> It's not congrats just yet.
                  [8:30:14 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I've had to block Russ from my emails. I can't have the spam and Sceptre nonsense!
                  [8:30:25 PM] <Poopy Dawg> Troublemaker: Live and NEVER learn
                  [8:30:34 PM] <nwfcomrade> I still need to get the job in Seattle. My former employer gave me a very generous severance pay, but I still need a job.
                  [8:30:37 PM] <Frankenwhigger> That's Good! Poopy!!
                  [8:30:49 PM] <Poopy Dawg> That's Russ FW!\
                  [8:31:00 PM] <nwfcomrade> The day after I got laid off, I filled out another exercise for a second possible job in Seattle and sent that off.
                  [8:31:09 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Gotcha!
                  [8:31:24 PM] <Poopy Dawg> glad we never meet in person I
                  [8:31:32 PM] <Poopy Dawg> I would punch him in the nose
                  [8:31:36 PM] <Frankenwhigger> NWF are you going to claim your 99 Weeks of Unemployment?
                  [8:31:50 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I would , if I could!
                  [8:31:57 PM] <Poopy Dawg>
                  [8:32:10 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Being self Employed, I can't collect!
                  [8:32:10 PM] <nwfcomrade> Right now, it's more trouble than it's worth. I was paid a ton of vacation as well, so I'm taking a few days off before the Holiday.
                  [8:32:14 PM] <nwfcomrade> The interview is in less than a week now, so I'm studying.
                  [8:32:18 PM] <Guest 6> nwf has to hide his views about his white collar office space LOL i want to see that
                  [8:32:32 PM] <Guest 6> all these yuppies just standing around the water coolers
                  [8:32:36 PM] <nwfcomrade> If the Seattle thing doesn't work out (though, I really think it will), then I'll start the process of unemployment claims.
                  [8:32:37 PM] <Guest 6> looking at nwf
                  [8:32:47 PM] <Frankenwhigger> #5, Who's wb?
                  [8:32:50 PM] <Guest 6> That Russ call sucked!!!!!!
                  [8:33:09 PM] <Guest 6> MSM has longer interviews than this
                  [8:33:21 PM] <nwfcomrade> You know, it's really funny sometimes. I was at the gym before work the day I got the axe and all I could think about...
                  [8:33:23 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Russ is More of "Stuck on Stupid" Man!
                  [8:33:27 PM] <Poopy Dawg> be thankful guest 6
                  [8:33:36 PM] <Poopy Dawg> you have no idea how Russ can carry on
                  [8:33:40 PM] <nwfcomrade> ... was how much I want to get out of that job. So really, I got what I wanted with the catch that I do need to get work.
                  [8:33:56 PM] <Poopy Dawg> absolutely FW!
                  [8:34:22 PM] <Guest 6> go plant trees in B.C.
                  [8:34:22 PM] <Guest 6> pays great
                  [8:34:27 PM] <Guest 6> clear a grand per week
                  [8:34:44 PM] <Guest 6> become a foreman and earn a years salary in 4 months
                  [8:34:53 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Now, this segment is going to be the "Maui-Woowie" Patricia Session!
                  [8:35:13 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Maui Patricia is a Babe and Great Lady!
                  [8:35:30 PM] Guest 7 is logged into the chat
                  [8:35:36 PM] <nwfcomrade> Yeah, it's going to be "Harold WHO?" up there. My past is too clean (as you all know) for anyone to think I'm anything but a good little whigger.
                  [8:35:43 PM] <Guest 6> infiltrate and AHNNNNIIIIIALATTE
                  [8:36:02 PM] <Frankenwhigger> There is plenty of work in North Dakota with Gas exploration and Oil Drilling!
                  [8:36:12 PM] <Poopy Dawg> yeah we must all be "undercover"
                  [8:36:35 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Starting Wages are 18-22.00/hr.
                  [8:36:35 PM] <nwfcomrade> Granted, I'd love to f__k up McFagg.
                  [8:36:41 PM] <Poopy Dawg> that's okay, let McFagg drive him nuts
                  [8:37:16 PM] <nwfcomrade> I'd rather not touch the webpage stuff. Recall, I could go the rest of my life without seeing another monitor and keyboard if my pay didn't need it.
                  [8:37:23 PM] <Guest 6> ?
                  [8:37:35 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I wish Many Internets on Covington!!
                  [8:37:36 PM] <Guest 6> What does a guy with good instincts and the European race to save write with his grandfathers Parker Duofold on a blank sheet of vellum laid cartidge
                  [8:37:36 PM] <Guest 6> ?
                  [8:38:36 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Listened to that Interview with Eli James and Maui Patricia and NOWHERE does it Say she Married some Guy in Vegas!! FAIL!!
                  [8:38:42 PM] <Poopy Dawg> has MP shown up anywhere since then?
                  [8:38:53 PM] <Poopy Dawg> you have to read the chat FW
                  [8:39:13 PM] <Guest 5> Heard you on the Truitt show
                  [8:39:17 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Is it in the Chat?
                  [8:39:34 PM] <Guest 6> Russ was good in the past interviews
                  [8:39:38 PM] <Poopy Dawg> yeah, the chat is short but really weird
                  [8:39:38 PM] <Guest 6> now he sucks
                  [8:40:03 PM] <Guest 6> Martin what are you doing to establish a mechanism for information to flow and mutual recognition to build?
                  [8:40:28 PM] <Guest 6> our own?
                  [8:40:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Absolutely NOTHING!
                  [8:40:39 PM] <Guest 6> our own collective goals
                  [8:40:40 PM] <Guest 6> and aims
                  [8:40:52 PM] <nwfcomrade> LOL
                  [8:41:28 PM] <Frankenwhigger> #6, do you want to start a "Movement"?
                  [8:41:28 PM] <nwfcomrade> We don't want information flow, we want blood flow!
                  [8:41:28 PM] <Guest 6> white racial feeling and nationalist thinking
                  [8:43:43 PM] <Guest 6> Martin should white cognitive elites to reach out to the masses but apolitically in a prepolitical conditioning exercise?
                  [8:44:04 PM] Guest 8 is logged into the chat
                  [8:44:10 PM] Guest 8 has left the chat
                  [8:44:19 PM] Guest 9 is logged into the chat
                  [8:44:37 PM] Guest 9 has left the chat
                  [8:44:38 PM] Guest 10 is logged into the chat
                  [8:44:47 PM] Guest 10 has left the chat
                  [8:44:53 PM] Guest 11 is logged into the chat
                  [8:44:54 PM] <Guest 11> oi
                  [8:44:55 PM] <Guest 11> oi
                  [8:44:56 PM] <Guest 11> skinhead
                  [8:45:03 PM] <Guest 11> OI
                  [8:45:14 PM] <Guest 11> 311/83
                  [8:45:14 PM] <nwfcomrade> Oh whoever could 11 be?
                  [8:45:14 PM] <Guest 6> what does the cultural space of titled implicit whiteness mean to you Lindstedt?
                  [8:45:43 PM] <Guest 6> guest 11 = a fucking throwback
                  [8:45:56 PM] <Guest 5> probably a mamzer
                  [8:45:56 PM] <nwfcomrade> ouch
                  [8:46:03 PM] <Guest 11> hey
                  [8:46:05 PM] <Guest 11> im mass1488
                  [8:46:21 PM] <Frankenwhigger> #5, Who's wb?
                  [8:46:35 PM] <Guest 11> whose guest 6
                  [8:46:41 PM] <Guest 6> Chrrrrr Derrrr Jewdling
                  [8:47:14 PM] <Guest 11> hey im mass1488 im a skinhead with long hair
                  [8:48:20 PM] <Guest 6> you are a self parody
                  [8:48:21 PM] <Guest 11> i need to make a talkshoe account
                  [8:48:24 PM] <Guest 6> Russel call back???
                  [8:48:27 PM] <Guest 6> YES!
                  [8:48:35 PM] <Guest 11> o yea i made that bill fink the khazar account
                  [8:48:36 PM] <Guest 6> answer the phone
                  [8:49:14 PM] <Guest 6> The whole edifice of WN needs to face the people because nationalism has no other way to really live
                  [8:49:45 PM] <Guest 6> it never does while it is confined to the cognitive elites to the keyboard warriors to us
                  [8:50:46 PM] <Guest 6> Will finish off my Havana and drain my customary glass of Irish coffee then have a good nights sleep myself after the turd
                  [8:51:08 PM] <Guest 6> Ron Paul loves tha Austrian schewl
                  [8:51:19 PM] <Guest 5> This is a white man?
                  [8:51:25 PM] <Guest 6> nope
                  [8:51:31 PM] <Guest 11> nwf was that you speaking on RFN today?
                  [8:51:49 PM] <Guest 6> ????????????
                  [8:51:50 PM] <Guest 6> what what?
                  [8:52:15 PM] <nwfcomrade> No, I am not Al. I've not yet gotten an offer.
                  [8:52:32 PM] <nwfcomrade> I've not yet been home. The interview isn't until Wednesday morning (and it goes all day, too).
                  [8:52:40 PM] <Guest 11> ah
                  [8:53:16 PM] <nwfcomrade> So here's a question for the group. I'm worried about the flight to Seattle on Tuesday. Specifically, I'm worried about the pat-down.
                  [8:53:25 PM] <Guest 6> i never understood why Lindstedt kept saying Bryan Reo was holding up a can of energy drink when it is clearly a can of Labatt blue beer
                  [8:53:46 PM] <nwfcomrade> I don't want to be rude and act like I don't feel anything, but I don't want to act as if I like it, either.
                  [8:53:48 PM] <Poopy Dawg> these "living of the grid" things are real hard
                  [8:53:48 PM] <Guest 6> was the 32 oz format that exotic to Martin?
                  [8:53:55 PM] <Guest 11> Well the planes just X ray you
                  [8:53:56 PM] <Guest 5> obviously nigger malt liquor
                  [8:54:05 PM] <Guest 6> nope
                  [8:54:06 PM] <Poopy Dawg> even people with no Soc Sec number have a really tough time
                  [8:54:09 PM] <Guest 6> Canadian lager
                  [8:54:13 PM] <Guest 11> just hope its a hot girl
                  [8:54:29 PM] Guest 4 has left the chat
                  [8:54:30 PM] <nwfcomrade> True.
                  [8:54:45 PM] <Guest 11> you can just walk through the body scanners
                  [8:55:07 PM] <nwfcomrade> Even trying to go without credit is hard since lots of companies charge you more for regular services and contract if you have no credit score.
                  [8:55:22 PM] <Guest 11> ah
                  [8:55:39 PM] Guest 12 is logged into the chat
                  [8:55:50 PM] <Guest 6> the airport security around here is 90% paki-turban-punjab
                  [8:55:51 PM] <nwfcomrade> Probably the best thing to do. Whoever sees me naked deserves what they get!
                  [8:55:55 PM] <Guest 11> lol
                  [8:55:59 PM] <Guest 7> are bpdy scanners dangerous? is it an x-ray?
                  [8:56:11 PM] <Guest 11> well if you go through to them a lot yes
                  [8:56:13 PM] <Guest 6> the security firms have been taken over
                  [8:56:16 PM] <Guest 5> nobody rides for free man
                  [8:56:53 PM] <Guest 11> but no one can afford to fly enough for the x rays to give you cancer
                  [8:57:10 PM] <Guest 5> unless you have adonis DNA.
                  [8:57:17 PM] <Guest 11> and the ones that can fly that much own private jets
                  [8:58:07 PM] <Guest 6> if you don't like the pat down mow em down swiftly and fully
                  [8:58:16 PM] <Guest 6> get into the history books
                  [8:58:25 PM] <Guest 11> Lindstedt I do not think the modern image of Jesus is actaully Yahshuah
                  [8:58:28 PM] <Guest 6> go down a hero
                  [8:58:35 PM] <Guest 11> I think it is caeser Borgia
                  [8:58:45 PM] <Guest 11> of the borgia catholic family
                  [8:58:53 PM] <Guest 6> unlike the modern image of MorehamEd
                  [8:59:23 PM] <Guest 11> Did Yahshuah have long hair
                  [8:59:30 PM] <Guest 11> and look like the modern version today
                  [8:59:44 PM] <Frankenwhigger> How's the 10K Project coming along?!?!?
                  [8:59:57 PM] <nwfcomrade> And I suppose I should run over to walmart and stock up on .223 so I can put my new AR-15 to a first and last good use, too?
                  [9:00:11 PM] <Guest 6> indeed
                  [9:00:18 PM] <Guest 6> you lived a good life
                  [9:00:40 PM] <Guest 6> its time to seal victory while you have the chance
                  [9:01:01 PM] <nwfcomrade> Don't tempt me...
                  [9:01:32 PM] <Poopy Dawg> guest11
                  [9:01:40 PM] <Guest 5> "Going on and going ahead.." - Truer words were never spoken!
                  [9:02:22 PM] Guest 13 is logged into the chat
                  [9:02:30 PM] <Guest 6> when the paki nigger presses his scanner up to your cock whip out the smoke pole and start eliminating
                  [9:02:43 PM] <Guest 5> Whigger passenger pigeons....fucking hell...
                  [9:03:15 PM] Guest 13 has left the chat
                  [9:04:06 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Well, I have read the Chat Talk Fetcher TWICE and NOWHERE does Maui Patricia say she has two Husbands and is screwing around! FAIL!!
                  [9:04:18 PM] Guest 7 has left the chat
                  [9:04:19 PM] <nwfcomrade> I'm going to have to pass.
                  [9:04:27 PM] <Guest 6> I am saying pump that street howitzer just the way you like it
                  [9:04:28 PM] <nwfcomrade> Sorry
                  [9:04:36 PM] <Guest 11> Is the modern image of Christ accurate?
                  [9:04:44 PM] <Guest 6> who cares guest 11
                  [9:04:51 PM] <Guest 5> Franken, go to zogbots. Mamzer Patricia is a full blown shitskin mamzer.
                  [9:04:53 PM] <Guest 11> Why are the medieval pictures of Christ with a afro
                  [9:05:07 PM] <Guest 6> this isn't the pissy moderm theo show your used to discussing on
                  [9:05:07 PM] <Poopy Dawg> guest 11 did you get that link?
                  [9:05:07 PM] <Poopy Dawg> hjhjhj
                  [9:05:08 PM] <Guest 11> and black skinhead
                  [9:05:13 PM] <Guest 5> Hangs out with gooks at the kiwanis club
                  [9:05:15 PM] <Poopy Dawg>
                  [9:05:20 PM] <Guest 11> and the black kinhead
                  [9:05:23 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Living in Hawaii, ONE GETS TANNED from the Sun and Going to the Beach!
                  [9:05:34 PM] <Poopy Dawg> historical descriptions of Yahshuah
                  [9:05:57 PM] <Guest 5> she is a mamzer
                  [9:05:57 PM] <Guest 6> guest 11 how much lubrication do you use on your shoulder bruiser?
                  [9:05:58 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Maui is a Nice Looking Lady!
                  [9:06:10 PM] <Frankenwhigger> She Has Chestnut colored hair!
                  [9:06:11 PM] <Poopy Dawg> lol not much gooks of one kind or another in Hawaii
                  [9:06:23 PM] <Poopy Dawg> *but
                  [9:06:23 PM] <Guest 5> no. mamzer.
                  [9:07:12 PM] <Guest 6> hail victory not without using the big dogs
                  [9:07:30 PM] <Guest 11> can we make hawaii all white
                  [9:07:37 PM] <Guest 11> and send the japanese back
                  [9:07:48 PM] <Guest 11> and make hawaii a strasserist workers republic?
                  [9:08:11 PM] <Guest 11> The Strasserist Workers Republic of Hawaii
                  [9:08:27 PM] <Guest 6> Martin gather a few of your closest allies and go into the GRanby council with some punkin chunkers and restore the order you always claim
                  [9:08:41 PM] <Guest 6> commence the citizens arrest Martin
                  [9:08:55 PM] <Guest 6> this show used to be hardcore
                  [9:09:03 PM] <Guest 6> now it's CI nobodies all day every day
                  [9:09:05 PM] <PastorLindstedt>
                  [9:09:29 PM] <Poopy Dawg> Guest 6 ... Taras Bulba??
                  [9:09:29 PM] <Guest 11> Is guest 6 INTJ?
                  [9:09:43 PM] <Guest 6> Chrrrr Derrr Jewdling
                  [9:09:47 PM] <Guest 6> ...................
                  [9:09:58 PM] <Poopy Dawg> heh heh
                  [9:10:01 PM] <Guest 6> You never know what the morrow may bring
                  [9:10:31 PM] <Poopy Dawg> Hey NWF you saw that movie The Day of Wrath about the Marrano Jews eh?
                  [9:10:31 PM] <Guest 11> OMG
                  [9:10:32 PM] <Guest 11> LINDSTEDT
                  [9:10:32 PM] <Guest 11> I HAD AN IDEA
                  [9:10:35 PM] <Guest 11> how about an account
                  [9:10:38 PM] <Guest 11> on your forum
                  [9:10:47 PM] <Guest 11> called Steve's Squaw wife!
                  [9:10:51 PM] <Guest 11> its perfect
                  [9:11:05 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Is this the 7-31 Christogeneos Show "Definition of Biblical Marriage"?
                  [9:11:23 PM] <Guest 11> multiple squaws!
                  [9:11:26 PM] <Guest 11> Lindstedt
                  [9:11:32 PM] <Guest 11> where do you troll McFagg
                  [9:11:34 PM] <Guest 11> i wanna join in
                  [9:12:13 PM] <nwfcomrade> Yes, actually. I thought, as far as films went, it was good.
                  [9:12:27 PM] <Guest 6> Martin you need better served taking out the mockeries on the bigger moves and shakies in this poofment
                  [9:12:33 PM] <nwfcomrade> I take it you found that out from the Pastor?
                  [9:12:55 PM] <Poopy Dawg> yeah NWF I was surprised at the straight treatment of the subject, very honest view of the jews
                  [9:12:57 PM] <nwfcomrade> I mentioned it to him a while back right after I saw it.
                  [9:13:02 PM] <Guest 6> If any man dared prosecute me the answer will be a burned barn or a home in ashes
                  [9:13:29 PM] <Poopy Dawg> of course hidden beneath the "separation of church and state" thing, you know, poor picked on jews
                  [9:13:43 PM] <Poopy Dawg> Yeah he said you had told him about it when I recommended it
                  [9:14:01 PM] <nwfcomrade> Of course. The film wouldn't have been made without it.
                  [9:14:05 PM] <Guest 6> state being federal only
                  [9:14:24 PM] <Poopy Dawg> MauiPat sounds drunk
                  [9:14:48 PM] <Guest 11> lol
                  [9:15:04 PM] <Poopy Dawg> yeah NWF but if you are awake at all, you can see the devious, lying parasite at work
                  [9:15:05 PM] <Guest 11> Lindstedt
                  [9:15:07 PM] <Guest 11> i forgot my forum password!
                  [9:15:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> It is clear from that Chat Talk that Maui Patricia was being SARCASTIC!! She was making a Point!
                  [9:16:08 PM] <nwfcomrade> On another note, I want to thank those of you who have prayed for your prayers. If the interview goes well...
                  [9:16:31 PM] <nwfcomrade> ... My having been laid off could be awesome for the new job.
                  [9:16:33 PM] <Guest 6> Faketriots have been led by a leash and given the RED WHITE AND BLUE rope to hang themselves
                  [9:17:34 PM] <Guest 6> will you enter into profit sharing agreements with us for helping you get the gig nwfcomrade?
                  [9:17:49 PM] <Guest 11> what time is pastor dan's show?
                  [9:18:09 PM] <Guest 6> will take 2% of your first hours pay each day paid bi monthly into my international derivative account
                  [9:18:12 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin, I was looking at the Chat from the 7-31 Christogeneos Show on the Definition of Marrige! The Chat you are reading is from a later show.
                  [9:18:52 PM] <Guest 11> does anyone here have numchucks?
                  [9:19:00 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I listened to the Show and read the Chat from 7-31 Christogeneos Show and Patricia is right on the issues.
                  [9:19:52 PM] Poopy Dawg has left the chat
                  [9:19:53 PM] Poopy Dawg is logged into the chat
                  [9:20:12 PM] <Poopy Dawg> lklklklk
                  [9:21:29 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin, THat was Patricia being Sarcastic!!!
                  [9:21:30 PM] <Poopy Dawg> hhhhh
                  [9:21:31 PM] <nwfcomrade> Ha! If you're going to ask for profit sharing, I want to see at least another 5k more than what the job and I have already batted around.
                  [9:22:01 PM] <Poopy Dawg> but FW why would she be getting sarcastic about the marriage laws?
                  [9:22:21 PM] <Frankenwhigger> She didn't get "Married" and Divorced!! She is an Honorable Woman!
                  [9:22:51 PM] <Poopy Dawg> why is she being sarcastic about not being able to sleep around?
                  [9:22:55 PM] <Frankenwhigger> She was Making a point and showing Eli his double mindedness.
                  [9:22:56 PM] <nwfcomrade> Wow, dude, even I (of all people) don't pretend my crushes are decent people.
                  [9:23:25 PM] <Guest 11> Lindstedt i forgot my password
                  [9:23:26 PM] <Guest 11> !
                  [9:23:26 PM] <Poopy Dawg> double mindedness on what?
                  [9:23:45 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Maui was Showing exactly the Problem of "Legalism"!!
                  [9:24:01 PM] <Poopy Dawg> keeping to Yahweh's commands is legalism?
                  [9:24:09 PM] <nwfcomrade>
                  [9:24:43 PM] <Guest 11> o yea
                  [9:25:06 PM] <Frankenwhigger> LOL!!!
                  [9:25:25 PM] <Guest 11> shit didnt work
                  [9:25:32 PM] <nwfcomrade> From another WN-type:
                  [9:25:33 PM] <Guest 6> is this the sort of stuff that gets edited out on the podcasts?
                  [9:25:37 PM] <Guest 11> when i click i forgot my password
                  [9:25:49 PM] <Guest 11> it makes me type in verification that i cant read
                  [9:26:32 PM] <Guest 11> like its a fricken rainbow
                  [9:26:51 PM] <Guest 6> yas ive had that too
                  [9:27:11 PM] <Guest 6> Lindstedt just close tyhe forum and restart your blogspot
                  [9:27:15 PM] <Guest 6> that was way easier to follow
                  [9:27:21 PM] <Guest 11> I like the forum
                  [9:27:31 PM] <Guest 6> the forum is messy
                  [9:27:43 PM] <Guest 11> I like changed my password then forgot it
                  [9:27:53 PM] <Guest 11> the image verification system must be fixed!
                  [9:28:51 PM] <Guest 11> I shall write it down!
                  [9:29:08 PM] <Guest 6> I put a quarter into the motel bed and had the bed shake and rumble for a full 5 minutes
                  [9:29:15 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I have to check the Critters!!! BRB!!!!
                  [9:29:39 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Thanks for Putting up the correct Chat!!
                  [9:29:59 PM] <Guest 11> this jewish kid in my class who isnt really viscious khazar critter he is somewhat tame knows about pastor lindstedt and bill white!
                  [9:30:00 PM] <Guest 6> say something controversial and timeless Lindstedt
                  [9:30:09 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Like I said, Martin, I was looking at the Chat from the 7-31 Christogeneos Show on the Definition of Marrige! The Chat you are reading is from a later
                  [9:30:13 PM] <Frankenwhigger> show
                  [9:30:29 PM] <Guest 11> I HATE ALEX LINER
                  [9:30:35 PM] <Guest 11> HE BETRAY THE COMMANDER
                  [9:30:36 PM] <Guest 6> Liner, lol
                  [9:31:29 PM] <Guest 5> CAN YOU POST THE SHOWS IN A TIMELY MANNER ON YOUR HOST?
                  [9:31:49 PM] <Guest 6> snitch out the entire chain of command and take out the entire criminal ring
                  [9:32:12 PM] <Guest 5> THERE ARE NO SHOWS POSTED (RECENT)
                  [9:32:21 PM] <Guest 11> the squaw wife!
                  [9:32:48 PM] <Guest 6> why does McFagg matter exactly? New characters being implemented for movement turd plot development?
                  [9:32:53 PM] <Guest 11> i picture steves wife as a strong black woman that dont need no man
                  [9:33:21 PM] <Guest 5> someone needs to control this dalek. it is rambling incessently.
                  [9:33:41 PM] <Guest 6> talking about talkshoe chats on another talkshoe show how lame can this show get?
                  [9:33:41 PM] <Guest 11> btw
                  [9:33:48 PM] <Guest 11> Jett and Jahn are getting a weekly show
                  [9:33:53 PM] <Guest 6> fucking time
                  [9:33:54 PM] <Guest 11> similar to the movement turd
                  [9:34:08 PM] <Guest 11> called as the swaztica turns
                  [9:34:08 PM] <Guest 5> fuck jett and jahn. they are idiots
                  [9:34:10 PM] <Guest 11> talking about movement gossip
                  [9:34:10 PM] <Guest 6> that time was needed a long time
                  [9:34:18 PM] <Guest 11> Jett and Jahn are awesome!
                  [9:34:27 PM] <nwfcomrade> Synagogue Cemetary - A Jewish Plot!
                  [9:34:28 PM] <Guest 5> mamzers
                  [9:34:36 PM] <Guest 6> Jett and Jahn are supurbbbb
                  [9:34:41 PM] <Poopy Dawg> frankenwhigger: Talkshoe Call ID: 22187,
                  Book of Enoch, Part 6, 07/31/2011 12:00 PM EDT
                  [9:34:47 PM] <Guest 6> not near enough shows
                  [9:34:48 PM] <Guest 5> jett and jahn are morons
                  [9:34:49 PM] <nwfcomrade> I stole that from Bob Whitaker.
                  [9:35:04 PM] <Guest 11> I know many jews
                  [9:35:09 PM] <Guest 6> oh yes OL BOb
                  [9:35:21 PM] <Poopy Dawg> So FW can see it with his own eyes!\
                  [9:35:24 PM] <Guest 11> Ill be able to tell my grand kids about how i saw rabbis everyday
                  [9:35:28 PM] <Guest 11> and knew jews
                  [9:35:37 PM] <Guest 11> when the jewish race used to exist
                  [9:36:25 PM] <Guest 6> email linder this segment
                  [9:36:41 PM] <Guest 6> or send him a turd
                  [9:36:44 PM] <Guest 6> A. Linder
                  POB 101
                  Kirksville MO 63501
                  [9:36:56 PM] <Guest 11> omg
                  [9:37:02 PM] <Guest 5> alex linder is a mamzer with jew-ass cancer
                  [9:37:04 PM] <Guest 11> I could smear a letter full of poop
                  [9:37:11 PM] <Guest 11> and mail it to alex linder
                  [9:37:22 PM] <Guest 11> wait is there a KKK in Ma?
                  [9:37:27 PM] <Guest 11> when was this?
                  [9:37:44 PM] <Guest 5> has no love of YHVH
                  [9:37:53 PM] <nwfcomrade> Sure, but then you're another WhiggerSwill Williams.
                  [9:38:01 PM] <Guest 11> Lindstedt is there a KKK in boston?
                  [9:38:16 PM] <nwfcomrade> Doesn't matter - don't get involved.
                  [9:38:23 PM] <Guest 11> yea i wouldnt
                  [9:38:41 PM] <Guest 11> or some dumb robed demonstrations
                  [9:38:42 PM] <Guest 11> if it was underground mabye
                  [9:39:00 PM] <Guest 5> "mabye"?
                  [9:39:53 PM] <Guest 6> teach us how to kill Martin
                  [9:40:09 PM] <Guest 5> Whigger passenger pigeons. Shit man. That is a fucking novel in the making!
                  [9:41:08 PM] <Guest 6> whigger carriers lolz
                  [9:41:09 PM] <Guest 6> ..
                  [9:42:34 PM] <Guest 6> TROLL ALERT
                  [9:42:38 PM] <Guest 6> QUICK ELI BAN EM
                  [9:42:49 PM] <Guest 6> QUICK ON THAT TRIGGER FINGER MCFAGG
                  [9:42:55 PM] Guest 14 is logged into the chat
                  [9:43:03 PM] <nwfcomrade> Alright, I can't say I have to bail for work (dang it), but I do need an early start on tomorrow since I have a flight on TUesday...
                  [9:43:09 PM] <nwfcomrade> ... and MOnday is a holiday.
                  [9:43:11 PM] <nwfcomrade> Later, guys.
                  [9:43:13 PM] Guest 11 has left the chat
                  [9:43:36 PM] <Guest 14> woohoo! Monday is a holiday! Night NWFC!
                  [9:43:37 PM] <nwfcomrade> Hmm... Looks like this bad boy died again. Oh well... Later.
                  [9:43:38 PM] nwfcomrade has left the chat
                  [9:43:38 PM] Guest 15 is logged into the chat
                  [9:43:42 PM] <Guest 15> i really need to make a talkshoe account
                  [9:43:49 PM] <Guest 15> oi mass1488 skinhead!
                  [9:44:24 PM] <Guest 14> no more mental punishment?
                  [9:44:43 PM] <Guest 6> alex linder could be thrown in jail for allowing DAryl Basarabs address and phone number posted
                  [9:45:02 PM] <Guest 14> of course
                  [9:46:33 PM] <Poopy Dawg> ;l;l;l
                  [9:46:45 PM] <Guest 14> what the hell happened to this guy?
                  [9:47:27 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Anglo-Saxon Culture and Celtic Cultures are different!
                  [9:47:54 PM] <Guest 14> Prothink is a mamzer
                  [9:48:19 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Breed with Newsguy!!
                  [9:48:30 PM] <Guest 14> bottom line. An ex-grand theft auto mamzer
                  [9:48:50 PM] <Frankenwhigger> GTA RAWKZ!!
                  [9:48:53 PM] <Guest 6> hear Mike Delaney interview Teutonic Warrior Chick yet?
                  [9:49:05 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Breed with Newsguy!!
                  [9:49:08 PM] <Guest 14> So this Truitt is another criminal. Along with Gulett and Finck. Do we see a pattern here?
                  [9:49:27 PM] <Frankenwhigger> He spent 26 years in Jail!!
                  [9:49:42 PM] <Frankenwhigger> That makes him CI Pastor Material!
                  [9:49:53 PM] <Guest 14> Criminals and nutjobs.
                  [9:49:54 PM] <Guest 15> is Morris Gulett any good?
                  [9:49:54 PM] <Guest 15> hmmm
                  [9:50:00 PM] <Frankenwhigger> That is why I can't be a CI PAstor!
                  [9:50:14 PM] <Guest 14> good for you fw.
                  [9:50:20 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Have never been arrested and have no "Rap" Sheet!
                  [9:50:27 PM] <Guest 15> lol
                  [9:50:33 PM] <Guest 14> me neither.
                  [9:50:38 PM] <Guest 15> i used to listen to 25 cent and 6pac
                  [9:51:17 PM] Guest 3 has left the chat
                  [9:51:19 PM] Guest 5 has left the chat
                  [9:51:32 PM] <Guest 15> Franken is Gullet good?
                  [9:51:40 PM] <Guest 14> nope
                  [9:51:41 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Love the CI Doctrine and the Truth it brings to Scriptures, but I can't understand Why it attracts all the Ex-Cons, Thugs and Criminals!
                  [9:51:59 PM] <Guest 15> whats wrong with being a crimminal?
                  [9:52:16 PM] <Guest 15> your breaking ZOG's law
                  [9:52:21 PM] <Guest 14> that is exactly what it attracts. Trash and mental patients.
                  [9:52:36 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I have to believe that CI is sooo true that the Jews are dead set on destroying by sending all these Crooks into it!!
                  [9:52:38 PM] <Guest 6> nothing like on the edge
                  [9:52:39 PM] <Poopy Dawg> most of that stems from that Butler mess
                  [9:53:02 PM] <Guest 14> but analysis is important...
                  [9:53:19 PM] <Guest 6> is Alan Watt still on air?
                  [9:53:20 PM] <Guest 15> how do you be a crimminal
                  [9:53:23 PM] <Poopy Dawg> it was not that way in the days of Comparet and Swift
                  [9:53:31 PM] <Guest 15> ima a criminal
                  [9:53:32 PM] <Guest 6> how do you be fly?/
                  [9:53:44 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The Best way to Destroy something, is to infiltrate with a criminal element!
                  [9:53:54 PM] <Guest 6> MARTIN call jeff rense
                  [9:54:16 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Such is the State of CI!
                  [9:54:29 PM] <Guest 15> im a thug
                  [9:54:32 PM] <Guest 15> a skinhead thug
                  [9:54:53 PM] <Guest 6> do you know JImbo?
                  [9:54:54 PM] <Guest 15> nope
                  [9:55:06 PM] <Guest 6> do you drink Victorian Bitter?
                  [9:55:21 PM] <Guest 14> Lindstedt, THIS sunday, needs to honestly call into Eli James show and have an honest to god discussion.
                  [9:55:46 PM] <Guest 14> no trolling
                  [9:55:48 PM] <Guest 6> this whigger talk makes me tired
                  [9:55:55 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Think that Swift,Comparet, Fitch and Emry were so threatening and effective in refuting "judeo-christian" nonsense that the Jews have targeted CI.
                  [9:56:00 PM] <Guest 14> call in with an agenda
                  [9:56:12 PM] <Frankenwhigger> CI
                  [9:56:19 PM] Guest 16 is logged into the chat
                  [9:56:22 PM] <Guest 14> carefully poise your words
                  [9:56:36 PM] <Guest 6> I steer my trauling ship straight theough ELi James shows
                  [9:56:39 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The 10K Project!
                  [9:56:42 PM] <Poopy Dawg> what is there to discuss with Eli Kutz??
                  [9:57:00 PM] <Guest 6> my deep sea trauler trolls the fuck out of his chats
                  [9:57:01 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Joe Kutz?
                  [9:57:13 PM] <Guest 14> Poopy, we need
                  [9:57:21 PM] <Guest 14> "effectiveness"
                  [9:57:29 PM] <Guest 14> as it were...
                  [9:57:35 PM] <Guest 6> I traul for ocean bed crustations andlow hanging sea food!
                  [9:57:51 PM] <Poopy Dawg> well if you want "effectiveness" then you probably need to arrange to have all the phoney jew an mamzer infiltrators kille
                  [9:58:03 PM] <Guest 6> troll the ocean bed floor on the eli chat
                  [9:58:04 PM] <Poopy Dawg> d
                  [9:58:09 PM] <Guest 6> TRAUL TRAUL TRAUL
                  [9:58:12 PM] <Guest 14> abalones 6? I doubt it...
                  [9:58:22 PM] <Guest 6> put your nets down and TRAAAAAAAAAUL
                  [9:58:24 PM] <Guest 15> after the tribulation
                  [9:58:28 PM] <Guest 15> will there be arabs
                  [9:58:32 PM] <Guest 15> living in palestine
                  [9:58:35 PM] <Guest 14> nonsense
                  [9:58:41 PM] <Poopy Dawg> mmmm abalone is delicious, unfortunately shell fish and probably can't eat
                  [9:58:45 PM] <Guest 15> and will there be Japanese living in Japan?
                  [9:58:55 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Let's Talk about Elenin!
                  [9:58:57 PM] <Guest 6> japan for the asians?
                  [9:58:58 PM] <Guest 14> true PD
                  [9:59:16 PM] <Guest 6> arctic for the polar bears?
                  [9:59:20 PM] <Guest 14> you're missing out.;
                  [9:59:21 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Love scallops.
                  [9:59:37 PM] <Poopy Dawg> yeah scallops are also delicious, also can't eat anymore
                  [9:59:38 PM] <Guest 14> i had them for lunch today franken!
                  [9:59:47 PM] <Guest 14> scallops rock man!
                  [9:59:56 PM] <Poopy Dawg> same with crab, I miss that
                  [9:59:58 PM] <Guest 15> so what did wickstrom do?
                  [10:00:02 PM] <Guest 14> one is talking as we speak!
                  [10:00:17 PM] <Guest 6> this soap opera never ends
                  [10:00:18 PM] <Guest 6> I think I have to leave
                  [10:00:37 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Enjoy..............
                  [10:01:00 PM] Guest 6 has left the chat
                  [10:01:07 PM] <Guest 14> if one can't nibble on the micro-nutrients then wtf man?
                  [10:01:39 PM] <Guest 15> where can i find the sex tapes?
                  [10:01:40 PM] <Guest 15> lol
                  [10:01:42 PM] <Guest 15> CI porno!
                  [10:02:21 PM] <Guest 15> lol alex linder!
                  [10:02:51 PM] <Guest 14> like the six million dollar linder!
                  [10:03:10 PM] <Frankenwhigger> 6 million Dollar Man!! He crashed his Jet!!
                  [10:03:11 PM] <Guest 14> rebuilt by traitor glenn miller!!!!
                  [10:03:18 PM] <Guest 14>
                  [10:03:30 PM] <Guest 15> lol
                  [10:03:41 PM] <Guest 14> so Glenn is Oscar Goldman?
                  [10:03:44 PM] <Frankenwhigger> That Video really does look like BREO!!
                  [10:03:54 PM] <Guest 14> this is getting good...
                  [10:04:05 PM] <Guest 15> Ben Klassens molestation army!
                  [10:04:14 PM] <Guest 15> I bet Ben Klassen had a personal army called the Creator Skinheads
                  [10:04:24 PM] <Guest 15> with leather jackets with the creator logo on the back
                  [10:04:26 PM] <Guest 14> And Reo is the cybernetic sasquatch!!!!!!!
                  [10:04:30 PM] <Guest 14>
                  [10:05:07 PM] <Guest 15> Lindstedt these 16 year old WNists got mad at me because i told them
                  [10:05:11 PM] <Guest 15> Pierce was a ZOG false front
                  [10:05:22 PM] <Guest 15> (
                  [10:05:28 PM] <Guest 15> (
                  [10:05:36 PM] <Guest 15> they are like bullshit
                  [10:06:08 PM] Guest 12 has left the chat
                  [10:06:28 PM] <Guest 15> i need to get a copy of hunter
                  [10:07:06 PM] <Guest 15> is the National Alliance still around?
                  [10:07:23 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Was Pierce an Ex-Con or Bank Robber? If Not, then Pierce can't be a real CI Pastor or WN Leader!
                  [10:08:18 PM] <Guest 14> Brayn Reo is ordered by Eli James to attack Maui Patricia:
                  [10:08:19 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Only those who did "Hard-Time" on J-Tier @ Jessup can be a real CI Pastor!
                  [10:08:20 PM] <Guest 15> Hadding Scott!
                  [10:08:21 PM] <Guest 15> lol
                  [10:08:25 PM] <Guest 15> is with Kevin strom
                  [10:08:56 PM] <Guest 15> Franken what kind of crimes do i gotta commit to be a WNist leader
                  [10:09:25 PM] <Guest 15> Kevin Strom is guilty!
                  [10:09:26 PM] <Guest 15> he had pictures of young girls on his site
                  [10:09:32 PM] <Guest 15> and was obssessed wit ther beauty
                  [10:09:38 PM] <Guest 15> thats just fucked
                  [10:09:45 PM] <Guest 15> that hadnt reached puberty
                  [10:09:49 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Bank robbery, Schedule 4 Substance Abuse, Rape, Murder and class 4 Felony will qualify!
                  [10:10:12 PM] <Guest 15> do i only need one of em!
                  [10:10:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The More Felonies, the More qualified!
                  [10:10:59 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Because Real CI Pastors are Career Criminals!
                  [10:11:13 PM] <Guest 15> I may have few of em!
                  [10:11:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I am Ready to become Heisenberg!
                  [10:12:14 PM] <Guest 15> lol
                  [10:12:58 PM] <Guest 15> Kevin Strom creeps my the fuck out
                  [10:13:04 PM] <Guest 15> his voice sounds scary
                  [10:13:11 PM] <Guest 15> he sounds like a pedo
                  [10:13:17 PM] <Guest 15> his voice is faggoty
                  [10:13:19 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Strom had Japanese Anime Cartoons on his 'puter! That's All!
                  [10:13:21 PM] NECRO_BUTCHER is logged into the chat
                  [10:13:37 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> I am finally here
                  [10:13:37 PM] <Guest 15> Well I like anime
                  [10:13:40 PM] <Guest 15> it has no niggers
                  [10:13:41 PM] Guest 17 is logged into the chat
                  [10:13:42 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Most of those cartoons are just weird!
                  [10:13:47 PM] <Guest 15> and the characters look white
                  [10:13:48 PM] <Guest 15> but he had pictures of girls
                  [10:13:51 PM] <Guest 15> that didnt reach puberty
                  [10:13:59 PM] <Guest 14> cunthair is an idiot
                  [10:14:08 PM] <Guest 15> and the anime characters arent pre pubescent girls
                  [10:14:14 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> Martin what hobbies do you have outside of "this"?
                  [10:14:18 PM] <Guest 15> and anime shows are set in european aryan ettings
                  [10:14:21 PM] <Frankenwhigger> He Had CARTOONS!!! Cartoons (Anime) of Little Girls!
                  [10:14:38 PM] <Guest 15> I do not think it was anime
                  [10:14:39 PM] <Guest 15> just like naked european art
                  [10:15:19 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> carttons o f the nazi twins?
                  [10:15:23 PM] <Frankenwhigger> And He had some Photoshops on his 'puter! SO WHAT?!?!?!?
                  [10:15:40 PM] <Guest 15> wait is Alex linder going to the kevin harpam trial
                  [10:16:00 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> no he is going to do so via video feed
                  [10:16:01 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I can Photoshop pictures too! Does that Make one a Criminals?
                  [10:16:03 PM] <Guest 15> if Kevin Strom had anime it had to be lolicon
                  [10:16:06 PM] <Guest 15> I like anime but i hate lolicon
                  [10:16:09 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> Alex Linder is a FUCKING SHUT IN hahahahah
                  [10:16:56 PM] <Frankenwhigger> lolicon may be perverted, but it is only a cartoon!
                  [10:17:15 PM] <Guest 15> yea
                  [10:17:22 PM] <Frankenwhigger> and does not require jailing people for having lolicon!
                  [10:17:50 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> pose as an anti and troll away on all these boards
                  [10:17:58 PM] <Frankenwhigger> But, ZOG will do anything it wants to destroy people.
                  [10:18:35 PM] <Guest 15> Irene didnt hit my house!
                  [10:18:36 PM] <Guest 15> lol
                  [10:18:43 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> I make sock puppet accounts and send Don BLack photo shopped pictures of his wife
                  [10:18:51 PM] <Guest 15> lol Necro
                  [10:18:55 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> I PM them straight to him
                  [10:18:57 PM] <Guest 15> link me the pics
                  [10:18:59 PM] <Guest 15> nice man
                  [10:19:04 PM] <Guest 15> link me the pics
                  [10:19:06 PM] Guest 17 has left the chat
                  [10:19:11 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> on the other computer
                  [10:19:17 PM] <Guest 15> ah
                  [10:19:26 PM] <Guest 15> what are these pics
                  [10:19:27 PM] <Guest 15> ill make a fake sperfront account
                  [10:19:32 PM] <Guest 15> and mail em to him
                  [10:19:44 PM] <Guest 15> his Sieg and Jackboot
                  [10:19:53 PM] <Guest 15> his mods that wear panties
                  [10:21:02 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Moammar Ruled because People Liked and Wants Him!!
                  [10:21:16 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> Lindstedt are they trying to kill you and set it up to make it look like asuicide?
                  [10:21:28 PM] <Poopy Dawg> iklklk
                  [10:21:39 PM] <Frankenwhigger> That would be too easy for them!
                  [10:21:40 PM] <Poopy Dawg> hhkhkhkhk
                  [10:21:48 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> The north west migration is like quick mix cement!
                  [10:21:52 PM] <Guest 14> all mamzers "service" tyrants when times are good....
                  [10:23:02 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Divide and Conquer!
                  [10:23:20 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Just like they did in Iraq!
                  [10:23:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Break off the Kurds and Sunnis.
                  [10:24:19 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> kill while the killins good!
                  [10:24:55 PM] <Guest 15> has anyone heard of Jack Boot
                  [10:25:01 PM] <Guest 15> and John Jewt
                  [10:25:45 PM] <Guest 14> Truitt said you like little boy dicks Lindstedt!
                  [10:27:51 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> he has said many things
                  [10:27:58 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> but he cannot handle my mind weapons
                  [10:28:30 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> Lindstedts truth seeking missiles of mass effect will bring Truitt to his knees
                  [10:29:04 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> what is cork eyed? Balck eyes?
                  [10:29:19 PM] <Guest 15> yea
                  [10:29:26 PM] <Guest 15> i have amber eye
                  [10:29:30 PM] <Guest 14> truitt punked you lindstedt
                  [10:29:37 PM] <Guest 15> that how shades of gold in the sun
                  [10:29:55 PM] <Guest 15> franken do you think i need a new profile pic
                  [10:29:56 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Listened to Aryan Nation Smackdown!!
                  [10:30:17 PM] <Frankenwhigger> What Profile Pic?
                  [10:30:36 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> Lindstedt is going to be rich when he cashes in his bets
                  [10:30:37 PM] <Guest 15> my profile pic on facebook
                  [10:30:54 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Are you Mass 13/87?
                  [10:30:59 PM] <Guest 15> yup
                  [10:31:01 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> martin run off to the kitchen again or to water the garden?
                  [10:31:05 PM] <Guest 15> 13/87
                  [10:31:27 PM] <Poopy Dawg> llll
                  [10:31:35 PM] <Guest 15> even though i love my current one with my two biatches!
                  [10:31:37 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Yeah, do not put your real Picture on FB! It is a ZOG and Interpol Data mine!
                  [10:31:49 PM] <Guest 15> I put mine up
                  [10:32:00 PM] <Guest 15> cause i have actaull friends from school on it
                  [10:32:20 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Tell them too! Don't be naieve!
                  [10:32:40 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> FB is all smoke and mirrors
                  [10:32:41 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> I left that scene years ago
                  [10:32:43 PM] <Frankenwhigger> naive!
                  [10:32:45 PM] <Guest 15> and by friends i mean niggers that dont take the time to write down the math homework in their planner
                  [10:33:00 PM] <Guest 15> so should i get a new profile pic or not hmmm
                  [10:33:16 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> Lindstedt is locating his meter base to do a panel change
                  [10:33:17 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Like Smoke and Mirrors! I have a Disco Ball in my Rec Room!!
                  [10:33:25 PM] <Guest 15> Lindstedt what do you think of Sieg and Jack Boot
                  [10:33:51 PM] <Poopy Dawg> hhhh
                  [10:33:54 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> Martin does the chicken dance
                  [10:34:01 PM] <Poopy Dawg> gggg
                  [10:34:10 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Do the "Hustle"!
                  [10:34:15 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> whats Martin building in thereeerrreee????
                  [10:34:39 PM] <Frankenwhigger> He's Building a Three Meat Dagwood!
                  [10:35:34 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> have any hobbies Marty?
                  [10:35:50 PM] <Guest 14> Lindstedt you ever been to Vegas?
                  [10:36:19 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I would Like a trip to Vegas!
                  [10:36:21 PM] <Guest 15> lol at this stormfront post
                  [10:37:54 PM] <Frankenwhigger> What is He reading?!?!??!
                  [10:38:06 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> whats he building in there?
                  [10:38:42 PM] <Poopy Dawg> ,.,.
                  [10:38:45 PM] <Guest 15> Lindstedt Stormfront User Raynor screwed me over
                  [10:38:48 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> loosing chats winning chats
                  [10:38:50 PM] <Guest 15> he goes by the name fashox
                  [10:38:57 PM] <Guest 15> read the 2nd link
                  [10:39:04 PM] <Guest 15> his stormfront name is raynor
                  [10:39:09 PM] <Guest 15> i sent his incest posts
                  [10:39:19 PM] <Guest 15> to ex girlfriend
                  [10:39:31 PM] <Guest 15> and got multiple people to do it
                  [10:39:52 PM] <Guest 15> using my trolling facebook account
                  [10:40:04 PM] <Guest 15> I can send you a picture of the kid
                  [10:40:06 PM] <Guest 15> and his posts
                  [10:40:20 PM] <Guest 15> he hacked my comp
                  [10:40:27 PM] <Guest 15> made a fake formspring of me
                  [10:40:29 PM] <Guest 15> i took it down
                  [10:40:39 PM] <Guest 15> i then made an encyclopedia dramitca article
                  [10:40:41 PM] <Guest 15> about him
                  [10:40:58 PM] <Guest 15> and sent his incest posts on an incest forum to his girlfriend and got 10 people to do it
                  [10:41:08 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> how did you find his real name?
                  [10:41:15 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> and his gf?
                  [10:41:17 PM] <Guest 15> I know his first
                  [10:41:19 PM] <Guest 15> not his last
                  [10:41:23 PM] <Poopy Dawg> kjjkjkj
                  [10:41:27 PM] <Guest 15> He linked me his GF's facebook
                  [10:41:37 PM] <Guest 15> and bragging about how hot she was
                  [10:41:48 PM] <Guest 15> he goes by the skype name fashox
                  [10:41:54 PM] <Guest 15> i have his pics
                  [10:42:07 PM] <Guest 15> and incest posts
                  [10:42:38 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> send her some butt plugs in the mail with the words BEND OVER in big letters on the letter head
                  [10:43:05 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> Martin is killing time
                  [10:43:18 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> wonder what he does outside of this
                  [10:43:25 PM] <Guest 15> lol
                  [10:43:26 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> cant tend that weed patch garden all day
                  [10:43:31 PM] <Guest 15> I dont have the address
                  [10:43:39 PM] <Guest 15> she blocked my fake facebook
                  [10:43:41 PM] <Poopy Dawg> jjjjj
                  [10:43:46 PM] <PastorLindstedt>
                  [10:43:55 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
                  [10:44:33 PM] <Guest 15> well gotta go
                  [10:44:35 PM] <Guest 15> bye
                  [10:44:38 PM] Guest 15 has left the chat
                  [10:44:42 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> cya
                  [10:45:00 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> i just farted into a bag
                  [10:45:16 PM] <Frankenwhigger> save it for later!
                  [10:45:18 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> will be sending it to a stormfronter
                  [10:45:36 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> maybe a lifetime sustaining member
                  [10:46:04 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> Ruseel doesnt give a dam about this show any longer
                  [10:46:14 PM] <Poopy Dawg> gggg
                  [10:46:28 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> Poopy Dawg= Lindstedt?
                  [10:49:33 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I see that JoePA has found a New home @ Pastor Dan's!
                  [10:49:46 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Miss JoePA!
                  [10:51:46 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
                  [10:52:00 PM] <Poopy Dawg> dfdfdfd
                  [10:52:18 PM] <Poopy Dawg> No not lindstedt
                  [10:52:20 PM] <Poopy Dawg> lll
                  [10:52:34 PM] <Poopy Dawg> poor joe is running out of places
                  [10:52:37 PM] <Poopy Dawg> /
                  [10:53:06 PM] <Guest 14> pooor joe
                  [10:53:19 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> FUCK LINDER UP
                  [10:53:27 PM] <Frankenwhigger> TMT needs the Tards!!
                  [10:53:43 PM] <Guest 14> necro-tards
                  [10:53:50 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Tards are Okay!! They are Tards!!
                  [10:53:52 PM] <Poopy Dawg> aaarrrgggggggghhhhhh no nimbusters!
                  [10:53:54 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> let everyone in
                  [10:54:03 PM] <Poopy Dawg> ;
                  [10:54:04 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> time to have an open show
                  [10:54:09 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> sacrifice the account
                  [10:54:11 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> and make a new onw
                  [10:54:14 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> one
                  [10:54:44 PM] <Poopy Dawg> well is show over for tonight?
                  [10:54:46 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> well post this show on 4 chan and invite all the chans
                  [10:54:48 PM] <Poopy Dawg> \
                  [10:55:06 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> time to invite the world to this chat and make it interesting
                  [10:55:23 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> lets bring in the criminals
                  [10:55:31 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hey Martin, Pastor Dan just posted some pictures on FB of Him Kissing a Mexican Anglo-Mestizo!!
                  [10:55:48 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> WE WANT HARDCORE
                  [10:55:50 PM] <Guest 14> Lord "your anus"?
                  [10:56:05 PM] <Frankenwhigger> He posted them just 5 minutes ago!
                  [10:56:10 PM] <Poopy Dawg> lll
                  [10:56:27 PM] <Guest 14> somebody already cut an album along that line.
                  [10:56:37 PM] <Poopy Dawg> Links FW!
                  [10:56:41 PM] <Poopy Dawg> '''
                  [10:56:52 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Vicki Gonzalez!! He's Dancing with her and Hugging and Kissing on Her!! A Whole Album!!
                  [10:57:06 PM] <Poopy Dawg> ;;
                  [10:57:13 PM] <Frankenwhigger>!/media/se...6521829&type=1
                  [10:57:21 PM] <Poopy Dawg> Gonzalez, well that defines it all right there
                  [10:57:25 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> dans music tastes are poor
                  [10:57:46 PM] <Frankenwhigger>!/
                  [10:57:54 PM] <Poopy Dawg> This content is currently unavailable
                  The page you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on
                  [10:58:16 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> Im not gonna listen to any more of this whistling
                  [10:58:18 PM] <Poopy Dawg> This content is currently unavailable
                  The page you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on
                  [10:58:25 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> screw this
                  [10:58:38 PM] <Poopy Dawg> links are bad FW
                  [10:58:40 PM] <Poopy Dawg> [
                  [10:58:43 PM] <Poopy Dawg> [
                  [10:58:49 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> stop wasting my time martin
                  [10:59:01 PM] <Guest 14> whistling around the asparagus patch?
                  [10:59:09 PM] <Poopy Dawg> Are we done for tonight?
                  [10:59:11 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Guess you need a FB account!
                  [10:59:13 PM] <Poopy Dawg> k
                  [10:59:30 PM] <Poopy Dawg> I have a dummy one for viewing and I'm signed in
                  [10:59:33 PM] <Poopy Dawg> l
                  [11:00:30 PM] <Poopy Dawg> ;
                  [11:00:31 PM] <Poopy Dawg> ;
                  [11:00:36 PM] <Poopy Dawg> ;
                  [11:01:15 PM] <Guest 14> it's about this time that Visser would be prepping another Meth hit!
                  [11:01:38 PM] <Poopy Dawg> ll
                  [11:02:31 PM] <Guest 14> Visser loves his meth...
                  [11:02:33 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> I am evil
                  [11:02:53 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> ok
                  [11:02:54 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> I will
                  [11:02:58 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> thanks
                  [11:03:00 PM] <Poopy Dawg> kkk
                  [11:03:03 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> cant wait for HOGT
                  [11:03:11 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> I havn't got any links to it yet
                  [11:03:18 PM] <Guest 14> you talk about truitt?
                  [11:03:40 PM] <Guest 14> and crackhead gullett?
                  [11:04:14 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> 83.5 is already available on
                  [11:04:18 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> why does that need another upping?
                  [11:04:39 PM] <Poopy Dawg> okay then, I'll say goodnight and cya Sunday
                  [11:04:45 PM] <Guest 14> Pastor, how about a new sermon, screw all those idiots
                  [11:04:53 PM] <Poopy Dawg> yeah we need more HOGT!
                  [11:04:56 PM] <Guest 14> maybe for next time
                  [11:04:57 PM] <Poopy Dawg> ;
                  [11:05:18 PM] <Guest 14> you did judges already, how about ezekiel next time?
                  [11:05:55 PM] <Guest 14> that would be a GREAT sermon. Lindstedt does Ezekiel.
                  [11:06:48 PM] <Guest 14> That wound be fantastic.
                  [11:06:54 PM] <Guest 14> would
                  [11:07:05 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> martin start working harder faster and longer
                  [11:07:14 PM] <Poopy Dawg> ..
                  [11:07:26 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> get the 10 thousand man assassination project flying
                  [11:07:37 PM] <Guest 14> That would be freaking great. Ezekiel.
                  [11:07:49 PM] <Poopy Dawg> okay cya !
                  [11:07:51 PM] <Poopy Dawg> ll
                  [11:07:58 PM] <Guest 14> You have your homework.
                  [11:08:04 PM] Poopy Dawg has left the chat
                  [11:08:21 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> teach us how to dismantle devices
                  [11:08:48 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> go over the fundamentals of the universe life and everything
                  [11:09:00 PM] <Guest 14> well...we'll get to that nb. Hold your horses.
                  [11:09:23 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> teach us how to be street wise and do deals Martin
                  [11:09:36 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> a show on how to be successful
                  [11:12:48 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> I just chopped into my electrical breaker panel
                  [11:12:58 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> and am on my way to fucking up the transformer
                  [11:13:10 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> gonna rig up some free juice
                  [11:13:40 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> I fucking back fed a 3 ot cable and shorted out the entire fucking unit
                  [11:14:10 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> WHY DIDNT YOU SHOOT YOUR BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  [11:14:19 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> HEAD SHOT!
                  [11:14:33 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
                  [11:15:13 PM] <Frankenwhigger> beats-him/
                  [11:15:52 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> ok send me the links
                  [11:16:21 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> some one is using as their own ad commission site
                  [11:16:58 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> some spam site that has spam reviews of products on it
                  [11:17:15 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> they get ad revenue
                  [11:17:50 PM] <PastorLindstedt>
                  [11:18:28 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> ok
                  [11:18:31 PM] <Guest 14> there is a ""????
                  [11:18:43 PM] <Guest 14> fucking great!
                  [11:19:07 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> I bet many people are trying to get listen n post to take down the show
                  [11:19:13 PM] <Guest 14> i just shot my load!
                  [11:19:43 PM] <Guest 14> fantastic!
                  [11:19:49 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Yahweh's Truth and Prothink are on that site too!!!!
                  [11:20:17 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Patriot Dames too!
                  [11:20:41 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Who's that?
                  [11:20:44 PM] <Guest 14> we need to get this guy on stern man...
                  [11:20:59 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Who is trying to escape from the Finck tard Corral?
                  [11:21:04 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> where is Craig Cobb?
                  [11:21:21 PM] <Guest 14> that would be freaking AWESOME!
                  [11:22:10 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> this show is giving me Dissociative Identity Disorder
                  [11:22:46 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> hey martin I found something really good
                  [11:22:54 PM] <Guest 14> Fucking A. I will make that the name of my next fucking album dude!!!!
                  [11:23:08 PM] <Guest 14> you fucking rock!
                  [11:23:21 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> Wednesday, August 12, 2009
                  The Phil Hendrie Show Flashback for August 11th, 2009
                  In 1999, Austin Amarka was on to discuss his Christian identity
                  [11:23:35 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> religion
                  [11:23:38 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> .
                  [11:23:40 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER>
                  [11:23:41 PM] <Guest 14> I'm going to hire Warren DeMartini man.
                  [11:23:55 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> LISTEN TO THE LINK MARTIN
                  [11:24:07 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> frank will like it
                  [11:24:21 PM] <Guest 14> Dissociative Identity Disorder.....that is IT!
                  [11:25:54 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> ok can we fuck off now?
                  [11:26:04 PM] <PastorLindstedt>
                  [11:26:10 PM] <Guest 14> pastor, i know how to make moves like this:
                  [11:26:20 PM] <Guest 14>
                  [11:26:33 PM] <Guest 14> you know anything at all about that?
                  [11:27:06 PM] <Guest 14> you might not want to click on that...
                  [11:27:17 PM] <Guest 14>
                  [11:27:21 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> Lindstedt has not been candid about his rocker days
                  [11:27:36 PM] <Guest 14>
                  [11:28:04 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> jamming in the nut house
                  [11:28:09 PM] <Guest 14> you idiots are supposed to be helping me...
                  [11:28:34 PM] <Guest 14>
                  [11:28:55 PM] <Guest 14> i knew you'd understand brother lindstedt
                  [11:29:03 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> I'll hang you with piano wire
                  [11:29:12 PM] <Frankenwhigger>!
                  [11:29:16 PM] <Guest 14> don't go's witcher sort of shit.
                  [11:30:08 PM] <Guest 14> you might want to google that one and study it a while....
                  [11:30:17 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> Martin is it a good idea to seek out an apprenticeship?
                  [11:30:21 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> and work?
                  [11:31:17 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> in the trades
                  [11:31:21 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> electrical
                  [11:31:29 PM] <Guest 14> no converse with necromancers...their skill is at the highest level and then some.
                  [11:31:40 PM] <Guest 14> dangerous
                  [11:31:54 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> still gotta eat while babylon falls apart
                  [11:32:46 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> killed a couple stray cats tonight and had chow mein
                  [11:33:08 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> shot em with my bee bee
                  [11:33:13 PM] <Guest 14> yhvh bless. i agree pastor. get the shows up. erase the necro shit.
                  [11:33:15 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> smith and weson
                  [11:33:29 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> 780ft/sec action
                  [11:33:38 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> nice steel pellets
                  [11:33:58 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> erase what?
                  [11:34:05 PM] PastorLindstedt has hung up
                  [11:34:18 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Goodnight all!! And Hail Mary!!
                  [11:34:24 PM] <Guest 14> YOU GOING TO POST THIS?
                  [11:34:29 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> yes
                  [11:34:32 PM] Frankenwhigger has left the chat
                  [11:34:36 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> he is
                  [11:34:54 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Erase Nothing!
                  [11:34:55 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> I work for Lindstedt now
                  [11:34:56 PM] <Guest 14> no man
                  [11:35:15 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> this is in the agreement
                  [11:35:23 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> Martin posts this for the feds
                  [11:35:24 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> or to brag about
                  [11:35:26 PM] <Guest 14> out
                  [11:35:39 PM] Guest 14 has left the chat
                  [11:35:50 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> maybe he uses this as his own tag words
                  [11:35:56 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Hail Victory!!!
                  [11:35:59 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> ok goof night martin
                  [11:37:25 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> gute nacht
                  [11:37:28 PM] <NECRO_BUTCHER> schlaf gut
                  [11:37:37 PM] NECRO_BUTCHER has left the chat
                  [11:38:22 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Hail Victory!!!

                  Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 09-14-2011, 03:06 AM.
                  I am The Librarian


                  • TMT -- Episode #88.5 - Cooncerning Da Pisser-Possum Jeromy Visser and itz mamzer lies -- 22Sep11

                    The Movement Turd

                    September 22, 2011

                    The Word as Heard on the Turd

                    TMT -- Episode #88.5 - Cooncerning Da Pisser-Possum Jeromy Visser and itz mamzer lies -- 22Sep11
                    Time: Septenber 22, 2011 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM CST


                    ime: TMT -- Episode #88.5 - Cooncerning Da Pisser-Possum Jeromy Visser and itz mamzer lies -- 22Sep11

                    Episode Notes:

                    Jeromy Visser -- Da Pisser-Possum -- is a red-nigger mamzer ZOGbot petty criminal trying to get back into Christian Identity after admitting that it was not even remotely Aryan Nations or even Aryan or even White last December 2010 in order to get out of a stalking charge.

                    First a discussion with Russ Walker mainly concerning Wickstrom's last Talksjew program ending the night before, then WilliamB shows up and discusses Da Pisser-Possum and itz mamzer criminal lies

                    0:00 Super Fickin'

                    0:32 Intro.

                    Whigger Problem

                    Section 1-5.

                    Florian Geyer



                    Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, if you are one of my sheep who hears my voice, you know where I can be found tonight in the secret Talksjew bat-cave.


                    Start Time (EDT): 09/22/11 9:00 PM EDT/8:00 PM CST
                    Duration (minutes): 120+

                    Download link:
           Archive File Directory

           Temporary File Download

                    Chat Transcript:

                    Hail Victory!!!

                    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 10-02-2011, 05:40 AM. Reason: Add Links

                    Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                    Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                    • TMT 88.5 Chat 22Sept11 Pt1

                      TMT 88.5 Chat 22Sept11 Part 1


                      This is the chat for TMT -- Episode #88.5 - Cooncerning Da Pisser-Possum Jeromy Visser and itz mamzer lies -- 22Sep11.

                      The Audio Download Archive for this show can can be found at:

                      PastorLindstedt is logged into the chat
                      [7:49:33 PM] <PastorLindstedt> OK. Hail Victory!!!
                      [7:52:41 PM] PastorLindstedt is on the call
                      [7:52:58 PM] Frankenwhigger is logged into the chat
                      [7:54:04 PM] Guest 4 is logged into the chat
                      [7:54:58 PM] PastorLindstedt is on the call
                      [7:55:05 PM] <Guest 4> hear you....WJB here
                      [7:55:12 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hello Martin!!! I May Have to make a Beer Run!!
                      [7:55:15 PM] PastorLindstedt has hung up
                      [7:55:30 PM] <Guest 4> i'll call in tonight
                      [7:55:39 PM] nwfcomrade is logged into the chat
                      [7:56:08 PM] <nwfcomrade> Evening. Sorry, I'm away from my phone.
                      [7:56:12 PM] <nwfcomrade> Yes, I'm still in the outland.
                      [7:56:24 PM] <nwfcomrade> I'm flying out early tomorrow morning to get an apartment.
                      [7:56:31 PM] <nwfcomrade> Outland =/= homeland
                      [7:56:44 PM] <Guest 4> it's all the ZOGLand
                      [7:56:53 PM] <nwfcomrade> Away from keyboard, but listening. I'm finishing chores.
                      [7:57:08 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Congrats nwf!!
                      [7:57:13 PM] <PastorLindstedt> 417-472-6901
                      [7:57:20 PM] Guest 5 is logged into the chat
                      [7:57:39 PM] <Guest 5> so
                      [7:57:42 PM] <Guest 4> got it
                      [7:57:44 PM] <Guest 5> what did Lindstedt say thus far
                      [7:57:45 PM] <Guest 5> ?
                      [7:58:56 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Goodbye Jim Wickstrom!!
                      [8:00:00 PM] <Guest 4> Well, then he got mixed up with Delaney and the rest...
                      [8:00:57 PM] <Guest 5> is this being recorded?
                      [8:01:05 PM] <Guest 4> it is mamzerism
                      [8:01:55 PM] <Guest 5> its being recorded>?
                      [8:02:03 PM] <Guest 5> ya ya>
                      [8:02:05 PM] <Guest 5> ?
                      [8:02:40 PM] <Guest 5> when did this show start tonight?
                      [8:02:54 PM] <Guest 5> 7 central?
                      [8:03:31 PM] <Guest 5> just shooting the shit?
                      [8:03:43 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Shoot!!
                      [8:04:05 PM] <Frankenwhigger> FPSRussian RULZ!!
                      [8:04:19 PM] <Guest 5> .450 grain!
                      [8:05:37 PM] caman is logged into the chat
                      [8:05:45 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The Jews have impostered every name and nation on Earth!
                      [8:06:00 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Know of Jews with Irish Names!
                      [8:06:07 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Riley!
                      [8:06:26 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Jones!
                      [8:06:32 PM] <Guest 5> like Alex?
                      [8:06:53 PM] <Frankenwhigger> You are reading my mind!!
                      [8:07:01 PM] <Guest 5> im knocking back KOzel premiums tonight Frank
                      [8:07:07 PM] <Guest 5> what are you knocking back?
                      [8:07:19 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Have to make a Beer Run!!
                      [8:07:30 PM] <Guest 5> mid show?
                      [8:07:41 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Soon!
                      [8:08:50 PM] <Guest 5> the problem I have with listening to live shows is that I dont listen to the full thing then do not know what to fast forward when I download the show
                      [8:08:50 PM] <Guest 5> s
                      [8:08:52 PM] <Guest 5> on the archive
                      [8:08:58 PM] <Guest 5> wastes time
                      [8:09:36 PM] <Guest 5> this is episode 19 but you dont know what # it will be on
                      [8:09:44 PM] <Guest 5> oh well
                      [8:09:56 PM] <Guest 5> I'm installing a ceiling fan right now
                      [8:10:21 PM] <Guest 5> bunch of wires going every where
                      [8:10:23 PM] <Guest 5> trying to find my feeds
                      [8:10:38 PM] <Guest 5> where did Iconoclast Radio go?
                      [8:10:44 PM] <Guest 5> aka Paul Iron Shore
                      [8:10:49 PM] <Guest 5> aka Paul E Banks
                      [8:11:54 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hunter Wallace is such a Manly Name!!
                      [8:12:09 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Much better than "Pauly Shore"!
                      [8:13:18 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I have to make a Beer Run!! BRB!!
                      [8:15:05 PM] <PastorLindstedt> jjjjj
                      [8:20:08 PM] <caman> I wonder if lake Mead will even exist at that time
                      [8:23:57 PM] <nwfcomrade> I was born in Texas. I lived in Corpus Christi most of the time. I did alright then, but now, I'm a cold weather person.
                      [8:28:26 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I am Back!
                      [8:31:41 PM] <nwfcomrade> I'm so sick of plane flights. At least this is the last one.
                      [8:31:54 PM] <nwfcomrade> Of course, a week from now, I get to drive 2000 miles one-way...
                      [8:32:35 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Love Pastor Bob!!
                      [8:35:08 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I disagree with Pastor Bob on one point! He calls the Arabs, "Our Cousins through Ishmael"! They are far too miscegenated to be "Cousins"!
                      [8:35:52 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I have no feelings for Arabs! And I don't care if the Jews are Killing them!
                      [8:36:02 PM] <nwfcomrade> I just found out a whigger friend of mine in Denver is getting married to some variety of oriental. Idiot...
                      [8:36:04 PM] Guest 6 is logged into the chat
                      [8:36:41 PM] <nwfcomrade> I think the Jews ought to stop killing them, but that's as far as I'll go with it.
                      [8:39:24 PM] Guest 7 is logged into the chat
                      [8:39:35 PM] <Guest 7> MARTY
                      [8:40:19 PM] <Guest 7> Special Agent Walker
                      [8:40:23 PM] <Guest 7> HI MARTY!
                      [8:40:38 PM] <Guest 7> HOW YOU DOIN" TA'DAY?
                      [8:40:57 PM] <Guest 7> MARTY MARTY MARTY
                      [8:41:25 PM] <Guest 7> MARTY DOES WHATEVER HE WANTS TO DO
                      [8:41:52 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin is AWESOME in that way!
                      [8:42:06 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin has the POWER!
                      [8:42:18 PM] <Frankenwhigger> EXPOSES the MAmZERS!!
                      [8:42:35 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Where's Mass14/88?
                      [8:42:56 PM] Mass1488 is logged into the chat
                      [8:42:56 PM] <Guest 7> Marty does important shit
                      [8:42:56 PM] <Mass1488> Oi
                      [8:43:00 PM] <Mass1488> skinheadds
                      [8:43:10 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hail Mary !!
                      [8:43:17 PM] <Guest 7> Wickstrom is an FBI agent
                      [8:43:18 PM] <Mass1488> today i got read the riot act by axis sally
                      [8:44:09 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Jim Wickstrom is as much of an FBI agent as I am!! Please show the Link or Proof!
                      [8:44:14 PM] <Guest 7> AUGIE AUGIE AUGIE
                      [8:44:34 PM] <Mass1488> i saw august kreis on yotubue when i was 7th grade
                      [8:44:37 PM] <Guest 7> Yori Kahl says he FBI
                      [8:44:55 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I have applied to be an Agent Provocateur!! Nobody ever responded!
                      [8:45:01 PM] <Mass1488> and i started understanding bits and pieces of CI when i wass young
                      [8:45:25 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Mass, you are still young!!! LOL!!
                      [8:45:30 PM] <Mass1488> i know
                      [8:45:37 PM] <Mass1488> i just turned 17 in july
                      [8:45:42 PM] <Frankenwhigger> You are a Great FB Friend!
                      [8:45:46 PM] <Mass1488> you too!
                      [8:45:58 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Did you get a car for your B-Day?
                      [8:46:02 PM] <Mass1488> nope
                      [8:46:12 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Sorry to hear that!
                      [8:46:24 PM] <Mass1488> all the jewish kid didd though
                      [8:46:55 PM] <Guest 7> does Stout ring a bell?
                      [8:46:59 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I grew up when one could buy a nice car (Ford) for 3-500 and a GM Product for 7-1000!!
                      [8:47:09 PM] <Mass1488> nice
                      [8:47:31 PM] <Guest 7> STOUT
                      [8:47:38 PM] <Guest 7> STOUT
                      [8:48:19 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I bought the perverbial "Little Old Lady Sunday Driver" car for 500 back in 71. It was a 66 Chevelle Malibu!!
                      [8:48:46 PM] <Frankenwhigger> What a Great car!
                      [8:48:50 PM] <Guest 7> What does one have to do to be one of Marty's stalwarts?
                      [8:48:56 PM] Guest 8 is logged into the chat
                      [8:49:02 PM] <Mass1488> what cars do the skinheads ddrive?
                      [8:49:09 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Send Money!
                      [8:49:24 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Skinheads drive trucks!
                      [8:49:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> F-150.
                      [8:50:01 PM] <Frankenwhigger> My F-150 get 20 MPG! I Get 15 in the City.
                      [8:50:23 PM] <Frankenwhigger> 4X4 too!!
                      [8:50:39 PM] <Mass1488> do strasssserists drive hybrids?
                      [8:50:46 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Extended Cab!! It is a great truck!
                      [8:51:19 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I would love to have a Ford Escape Hybrid! Great Truck!
                      [8:51:51 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Need another Beer! BRB!!
                      [8:53:30 PM] <Mass1488> does Jack Boot wear pantiess?
                      [8:53:54 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Who's JACK BOOT?
                      [8:54:40 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Have several pairs of Jackboots. From my reenacting days!
                      [8:55:07 PM] <nwfcomrade> I can't decide if my client is hanging or if there's no chat...
                      [8:55:40 PM] <nwfcomrade> Nope. Tons of chat. It's catching up now.
                      [8:56:56 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hobnails and Iron Heels!
                      [8:57:35 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Mass , Check out this website! You sound like a Good Candidate for reenacting!
                      [8:57:51 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
                      [8:59:54 PM] <Guest 7> gotta get that report into to the FBI special agent Russ Walker
                      [8:59:59 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Wickstrom said, he was starting to hate doing the TS Show! He said he hated the Trolls in the Chat and the Bickering among the brethren!
                      [9:00:36 PM] <Mass1488> I own a NVA(East German Army) helmet
                      [9:00:46 PM] <Guest 7> BOO HOO
                      [9:00:49 PM] <Mass1488> that was used during the good ole 80s
                      [9:00:53 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Wickstrom said he was Fed up with the Trolls!
                      [9:01:00 PM] <Mass1488> some WNists like East Germany
                      [9:01:27 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Mass, Reenacting is Fun and rewarding!
                      [9:01:46 PM] <Frankenwhigger> You will meet great people and learn a Lot!
                      [9:01:46 PM] <Mass1488> I'm saving up to visit North Korea
                      [9:01:54 PM] <Mass1488> on special tours
                      [9:02:05 PM] <Mass1488> you can go on a US passport
                      [9:02:22 PM] <Mass1488> now but you have to fly to beijing
                      [9:02:36 PM] <caman> yup
                      [9:02:46 PM] <caman> Im good
                      [9:02:51 PM] Guest 9 is logged into the chat
                      [9:03:15 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Mass, another great vendor of German stuff is...................
                      [9:05:08 PM] <Mass1488> The American military = negro and mongrel zoo
                      [9:06:12 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Mass, if you want to buy a WW2 Nazi Machine gun, watch these boards.
                      [9:06:33 PM] Guest 7 has left the chat
                      [9:07:02 PM] <Mass1488> i cant afford that stuff
                      [9:07:13 PM] Guest 6 has left the chat
                      [9:07:14 PM] <Mass1488> i wanna see kim il sungs grave
                      [9:07:37 PM] <Mass1488> and they have hotels that are 5 stars
                      [9:08:23 PM] <Mass1488> very few people go so i have something to brag about
                      [9:09:33 PM] Guest 8 has left the chat
                      [9:09:43 PM] <Mass1488> North Korea is a Strasserists country!
                      [9:12:42 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Mass, if you "can't Afford" that stuff, one can buy Piece by Piece and buy used and build an entire "kit"! You are a Prime Candidate for a
                      [9:12:42 PM] <PastorLindstedt> jjjj
                      [9:12:50 PM] <Frankenwhigger> rewarding hobby!
                      [9:12:57 PM] <Mass1488> Well its socialist and racially pure and it has monuments few have laid eyes on
                      [9:13:25 PM] <Mass1488> thats my take
                      [9:13:40 PM] <Mass1488> i got read the riot act!
                      [9:15:55 PM] <Mass1488> i listened to it
                      [9:16:22 PM] <Mass1488> wait who is pinto kyke?
                      [9:16:26 PM] <Mass1488> is that eli jamess?
                      [9:17:31 PM] <Mass1488> There is a new facebook tard corral!
                      [9:17:38 PM] <Mass1488> the survival group!
                      [9:19:00 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Mass, go to the NFA ads for Machineguns and Stuff!
                      [9:20:02 PM] <Mass1488> nice
                      [9:20:20 PM] <Mass1488> a new tard corral!
                      [9:20:24 PM] <Mass1488> omg!
                      [9:21:15 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Yeah, Subguns is a big "Tard corral"!
                      [9:21:46 PM] <nwfcomrade> The Republican party has always been doomed. Jesus hated the Publicans and a bunch of Amurrican idiots want to try being Re-Publicans.
                      [9:23:22 PM] <Mass1488> so whats the story with dream act
                      [9:24:40 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Dream Act, In State Tuition for Illegal aliens! That's All!
                      [9:24:50 PM] <Mass1488> like did it pass
                      [9:27:24 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Google is your Friend!
                      [9:27:47 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Is that Vanessa Jacko?!??!?!?
                      [9:31:50 PM] <Frankenwhigger> JASMINE JACKO!!! Visser's Nigger Niece!!
                      [9:32:01 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
                      [9:32:06 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
                      [9:32:27 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
                      [9:32:33 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
                      [9:33:09 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Picture here:
                      [9:33:15 PM] caman has left the chat
                      [9:35:03 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Let's Talk "Breaking Bad"!!!
                      [9:35:28 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Zafiro Anejo is not a real Liquor!
                      [9:36:30 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The Production tried to approache several vendors for product placement, but no one wants the stigma of a bunch of people dying after
                      [9:36:42 PM] <Frankenwhigger> ingesting their product!
                      [9:37:13 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The Production Crew tried to approach several vendors for product placement, but no one wanted the stigma of a bunch of people dying after
                      [9:37:19 PM] <Frankenwhigger> ingesting their product!
                      [9:37:23 PM] <Frankenwhigger> LOL!!!
                      [9:37:40 PM] <Frankenwhigger> So, they created a Ficticious Tequila!!
                      [9:43:02 PM] <Guest 4> where is the audio?
                      [9:43:34 PM] <Guest 4> it's broke back mamzer
                      [9:43:35 PM] <nwfcomrade> Just got this via email, not sure if anyone here cares:
                      [9:43:36 PM] <nwfcomrade>
                      [9:44:47 PM] <Mass1488> i aint accepting no vaccinations at school
                      [9:44:53 PM] <Mass1488> im a skinhead!
                      [9:44:54 PM] Guest 10 is logged into the chat
                      [9:45:10 PM] <Mass1488> no Intj =(
                      [9:45:18 PM] <nwfcomrade> Quoted and sent to axis sally for critique!
                      [9:45:20 PM] <nwfcomrade>
                      [9:45:27 PM] <Mass1488> lol
                      [9:45:43 PM] <Mass1488> i listened to that
                      [9:45:49 PM] <Mass1488> and its true
                      [9:47:03 PM] <nwfcomrade> Well, at least she didn't screw a nigger to have a nigger.
                      [9:47:07 PM] <nwfcomrade> LOL
                      [9:47:12 PM] <nwfcomrade> PLAY THE SONG, PASTOR!
                      [9:48:07 PM] <Mass1488> i wish the race war started in 1984
                      [9:48:18 PM] <Mass1488> and was gonna last 50 years
                      [9:49:34 PM] Guest 10 has left the chat
                      [9:50:04 PM] TheRealWilliamB is logged into the chat
                      [9:50:30 PM] <Mass1488> it would have been cooler if the race war started in the 80s and ended in the 2030s
                      [9:51:16 PM] TheRealWilliamB is on the call
                      [9:52:11 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hey William B!!!
                      [9:52:25 PM] <nwfcomrade> I heard Russ just fine.
                      [9:52:32 PM] <nwfcomrade> But that's just me, perhaps.
                      [9:52:58 PM] <nwfcomrade> No feedback in my headset. It's quite good, I think.
                      [9:53:28 PM] <nwfcomrade> That's Visser for you.
                      [9:54:11 PM] <Mass1488> i have a feeling this Northwest thing is already begun reaching the tipping point
                      [9:54:50 PM] Guest 4 has left the chat
                      [9:55:13 PM] <nwfcomrade> WilliamB - no good. You're breaking up.
                      [9:55:20 PM] <Frankenwhigger> William B has gone "Borg"!!
                      [9:55:26 PM] <nwfcomrade> Pastor is on fine, though.
                      [9:55:29 PM] <Mass1488> yea i cant hear him either
                      [9:55:32 PM] TheRealWilliamB has left the chat
                      [9:55:33 PM] TheRealWilliamB is logged into the chat
                      [9:55:47 PM] <Frankenwhigger> ZOG got Him!!
                      [9:55:48 PM] TheRealWilliamB has hung up
                      [9:55:48 PM] <nwfcomrade> Apparently, resistance is NOT futile, or the signal would be clearer.
                      [9:56:18 PM] TheRealWilliamB is on the call
                      [9:56:32 PM] <nwfcomrade> WilliamB - much better.
                      [9:57:32 PM] <Mass1488> are there any events in boston?
                      [9:57:33 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Aryan Nations Barbeque!!
                      [9:57:39 PM] <Mass1488> wait whats wrong with Billy Roper?
                      [9:57:42 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Sounds Like Fun!!
                      [9:57:58 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Billy is Okay!!
                      [9:58:14 PM] <Frankenwhigger> He is a Good Facebook Friend!
                      [9:58:49 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Yeah, William B!!! I remember that Show and the Picture was of REO!!
                      [9:59:13 PM] <Mass1488> Whatss billy roper doing with thomas robb?
                      [9:59:17 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Reo Sucking on a Can of "Blue Ball Beer"!
                      [10:01:00 PM] <nwfcomrade> I just can't see him in School. I really can't.
                      [10:01:14 PM] <nwfcomrade> I know he's been in school in the past, but seriously.
                      [10:01:18 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Buck5 is a Way Cool Guy!
                      [10:01:54 PM] <Frankenwhigger> But, Buck5 was a coward! He should have stood up to Reo!
                      [10:02:11 PM] <nwfcomrade> Yep.
                      [10:02:22 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Alex Linder is my Facebook Friend!
                      [10:02:40 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Alex hates me cause I am a Christian!
                      [10:02:48 PM] <Frankenwhigger> He told me so.
                      [10:02:59 PM] <Frankenwhigger> He hates Christiuans.
                      [10:03:29 PM] <nwfcomrade> I hate you for being so awesome.
                      [10:04:27 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Are Awesome!!
                      [10:04:40 PM] <Frankenwhigger> LOL!
                      [10:04:56 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I LOVE GOOD BOOZE!!
                      [10:05:20 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Jamesons is good!
                      [10:05:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Good Catholic Whiskey!
                      [10:06:33 PM] <Frankenwhigger> It can only be called "Bourbon", if it is from Bourbon County Kentucky!
                      [10:07:07 PM] <Frankenwhigger> If it ain't, it's "Sour Mash"!
                      [10:07:39 PM] <Frankenwhigger> BOOZE, it's good for You!!
                      [10:08:30 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Visser's sermon's on the Gospel of Mary and the Protovangelion are GREAT!!
                      [10:09:42 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I wear a BIG Codpiece!!!
                      [10:09:53 PM] <Mass1488> so whats the story with billy roper and thomas Robb?
                      [10:10:19 PM] <Mass1488> and who is pinto kike?
                      [10:10:31 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Once upon a Time Billy and Tommy went to a White Nationalist Rally.......................
                      [10:11:08 PM] <Mass1488> people are trolling my formspring!
                      [10:11:38 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Delaney stole a car to sleep in. So He says!!
                      [10:11:46 PM] <Frankenwhigger> LOL!
                      [10:11:52 PM] <Mass1488> Mike the Kike Delaney!
                      [10:11:58 PM] <Mass1488> who is pinto kyke?
                      [10:12:53 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Delaney still "Pals around" with "Quest"!
                      [10:14:46 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> dunno
                      [10:20:36 PM] <Mass1488> my generation is gonna have it hellish
                      [10:20:42 PM] <Mass1488> being born in 1994
                      [10:25:04 PM] <Guest 5> what the hell?
                      [10:25:09 PM] <Guest 5> whos peter shaenck?
                      [10:25:23 PM] <Guest 5> WILLIAM TELL US EVERYTHING YOU KNOW ABOUT PETER!
                      [10:25:26 PM] <TheRealWilliamB>
                      [10:25:30 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Peter Schenk.
                      [10:26:37 PM] <Guest 5> Peter Schaenk
                      [10:27:15 PM] <Guest 5> when was Peter outted>
                      [10:27:18 PM] <Guest 5> ?
                      [10:27:42 PM] <talkshoe> FREE Live Help with using the TalkShoe System each Monday at 7pm EST on "LIVE TalkShoe Support!" - Call ID 77 -
                      [10:27:53 PM] <Guest 5> Schaenk is actually Mr.Fabulous?
                      [10:28:06 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> he left because he was outted.
                      [10:28:12 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Who's Peter Schaenk and why should I Care?
                      [10:28:18 PM] <Guest 5> this is actually the biggest expose on he turd ever
                      [10:28:19 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> He was outted by Agis of VNNF fame.
                      [10:28:24 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Also known as Varg.
                      [10:28:46 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> who runs their server from Columus Ohio
                      [10:28:47 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Was he outed as Buck5?
                      [10:29:07 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> no
                      [10:29:16 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Who is he and what is his claim to fame?
                      [10:29:19 PM] <Guest 5> I liked Peter, Agis is a cunt
                      [10:29:25 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Buck is a shiester though
                      [10:29:33 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Shyster?
                      [10:29:55 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Peter has a fantastic voice. Perfect for media.
                      [10:30:12 PM] <nwfcomrade> Anybody who supports Reo after knowing he's mixed is a sheister.
                      [10:30:13 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> JAM jr had one also.
                      [10:30:56 PM] <nwfcomrade> Someone motivate me to finish packing and go to bed, please. I really need the help.
                      [10:31:01 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> I don't like Reo because of his actions (a cunt). Or Visser (a liar).
                      [10:32:04 PM] <Guest 5> ha ha exposing Peter as Mr.Fab, thats some real showcase material the type that this show lacks
                      [10:32:57 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Goodnight nwf!!! I am Happy for you!!
                      [10:33:07 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Stay Sharp!
                      [10:34:27 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Is Peter Schaenk the "Lounge Lizard" of White Nationalism?!?!?!? He sounds like Bobby Darin or Paul Anka!!
                      [10:35:15 PM] <Guest 5> moonlighting as a Jazz singer while hosting WN radio
                      [10:35:19 PM] <Guest 5> incredible!
                      [10:35:29 PM] <Mass1488> pastor lindstedt tell WilliamB about Pinto kike
                      [10:35:38 PM] <nwfcomrade> I'm not going to bed yet, I need to make sure my items are together for the flight tomorrow.
                      [10:35:50 PM] <Mass1488> good luck nwf
                      [10:35:55 PM] <nwfcomrade> I've got to double-check my schedule to make sure I see all 10 apartments right away so I have time to book one.
                      [10:36:00 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Peter has Nothing on Tony Clifton!
                      [10:36:15 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Goodnight nwf!!! I am Happy for you!!
                      [10:36:21 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Stay Sharp!
                      [10:36:31 PM] <Mass1488> does than Northwest Front
                      [10:36:36 PM] <Mass1488> have CI? other than steve?
                      [10:36:43 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Good Luck with the "New Life" in the PNW!!
                      [10:37:06 PM] <Frankenwhigger> They have Me, too!
                      [10:37:25 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I am a NW Front Imperative Tard!!
                      [10:37:36 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> i'm trying to be factually correct franken. you remember, right?
                      [10:37:49 PM] <Frankenwhigger> And I am on the "secret" NWF Tard Corral!
                      [10:37:52 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> visser lies like crazy
                      [10:38:53 PM] <Guest 5> lets out some more non CI people
                      [10:39:03 PM] <Guest 5> I find it more intriguing
                      [10:39:16 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Let's out Guest #5!!!
                      [10:39:36 PM] <Guest 5> hehehe
                      [10:39:38 PM] <Guest 5> SHOOT!
                      [10:39:40 PM] <Frankenwhigger> JK!! LOL!!!
                      [10:40:20 PM] <Guest 5> I am going to out Agis
                      [10:40:40 PM] <Guest 5> oh Agis is Varg
                      [10:40:53 PM] <Guest 5> but I will find his real name
                      [10:41:16 PM] <Guest 5> why doesnt lindstedt work o fthat stuff?
                      [10:41:27 PM] <Guest 5> the real internet spying?
                      [10:41:49 PM] <Guest 5> he just reads forums bust not the technical prying
                      [10:42:13 PM] <Mass1488> who is Simone Magnus?
                      [10:42:20 PM] <Mass1488> i never heard that name in a comparet sermon
                      [10:42:56 PM] <Guest 5> a magician
                      [10:43:14 PM] <Mass1488> what exactly did he do and what bible book is he in?
                      [10:45:04 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Simon Magus is mentioned in The Books of Acts.
                      [10:45:09 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
                      [10:45:12 PM] <Guest 5> lets out more white nationalists please
                      [10:45:30 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Let's out Guest #5!!!
                      [10:45:54 PM] <Guest 5> ok
                      [10:45:58 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Franken! Franken! Franken!
                      [10:46:27 PM] <Guest 5> careful I have an OLFA utility knife
                      [10:46:36 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> reo?
                      [10:46:43 PM] <Guest 5> it is in play!
                      [10:46:54 PM] <Guest 5> Yes I am the Reo Peo!
                      [10:47:00 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> lol
                      [10:48:02 PM] <Guest 5> william likes to keep chatting about the CI charrades
                      [10:48:42 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Look Like the Pillsbury Dough Boy!!
                      [10:48:53 PM] <Frankenwhigger> LOL!!
                      [10:49:30 PM] <Guest 5> we need to talk about the non CI people now
                      [10:49:49 PM] TheRealWilliamB has hung up
                      [10:49:51 PM] <Guest 5> whta are the cells planning?
                      [10:50:45 PM] TheRealWilliamB is on the call
                      [10:51:31 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I am Nothing.
                      [10:51:48 PM] <Guest 5> what do you think of god like productions?
                      [10:52:00 PM] <Guest 5> millitary run?
                      [10:52:08 PM] <Guest 5> MID?
                      [10:52:11 PM] <Frankenwhigger> It's a Jew Disinfo site!
                      [10:52:44 PM] <Frankenwhigger> 99%truth with the 1% bullshit mixed in!
                      [10:52:45 PM] <Guest 5> Lindstedt could talk about visser all night even if there was nothing new to say
                      [10:53:10 PM] <Guest 5> who really wants to hear about Visser for 2 hours?
                      [10:53:53 PM] Guest 5 has left the chat
                      [10:53:55 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Most Internet Sites are Disnfo sites. Study to show yourself approved. There is some truth on some sites , but you must discern.
                      [10:56:39 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Dan Johns is Hound dog!!! He is a STUD!! And a Party Guy! He dances , drinks, and is a FUN guy to be around! He's a womanizer and has all...........
                      [10:56:49 PM] <Frankenwhigger> the babes!!
                      [10:57:08 PM] <Frankenwhigger> MY MAN!!!!
                      [11:01:55 PM] <Mass1488> doing my AP homework
                      [11:02:03 PM] <Mass1488> for hitler class
                      [11:04:04 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> NIMKRIEG
                      [11:04:10 PM] <nwfcomrade> Doing my ironing homework. For packing.
                      [11:05:09 PM] <Mass1488> whats nimbusters?
                      [11:05:42 PM] <Mass1488> is that like the movement 4chaners?
                      [11:06:06 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
                      [11:07:40 PM] <Frankenwhigger> WilliamB Is Fuck Shit Piss your doing?!?!?!??!
                      [11:08:37 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> huh?
                      [11:08:55 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> have i broken the mafia code?
                      [11:12:33 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Franken?
                      [11:13:42 PM] <Frankenwhigger> WilliamB is the "FuckShitPiss" Video posting on Nimbusters yours?!?!?!?
                      [11:17:17 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> that is not true
                      [11:23:45 PM] <TheRealWilliamB>
                      [11:24:46 PM] TheRealWilliamB has left the chat
                      [11:25:08 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I have to check on my critters!!! BRB!!!!
                      [11:25:10 PM] <nwfcomrade> I'll take 2!
                      [11:25:55 PM] <Frankenwhigger> All of those JEW Drugs are evil!!
                      [11:26:04 PM] TheRealWilliamB is logged into the chat
                      [11:28:07 PM] Guest 11 is logged into the chat
                      [11:31:38 PM] <Guest 11> Lots of Jews out there
                      [11:32:25 PM] <Guest 11> Visser sounds like a meth head
                      [11:33:15 PM] <nwfcomrade> lol
                      [11:33:22 PM] <nwfcomrade> LOL, WilliamB
                      [11:33:39 PM] <Guest 11> Visser isn't smart enough to get a following
                      [11:33:40 PM] <nwfcomrade> That actually made me shudder. Well done!
                      [11:35:12 PM] <nwfcomrade> Not with enough supporters like McFagg who we also can't seem to get rid of.
                      [11:36:01 PM] <Guest 11> What does that mean tapeworm
                      [11:36:10 PM] <Mass1488> i hope this northwest migration works
                      [11:36:13 PM] <Mass1488> im in
                      [11:36:45 PM] <Guest 11> The Jews always have a following
                      [11:36:57 PM] <Mass1488> Lindsteddt wat do you think of NEWP?
                      [11:37:04 PM] <Mass1488> North East White Pride
                      [11:37:29 PM] <Guest 11> Mass, it's past your bedtime. Eat a matza ball and go to sleep
                      [11:37:43 PM] <Guest 11> Jewpedia
                      [11:39:25 PM] <Guest 11> CI is a good place for Jews to hide
                      [11:40:39 PM] <Mass1488> lol
                      [11:40:42 PM] <Guest 11> I got to hear that!!!!!!!!!!!!
                      [11:40:53 PM] <Mass1488> black hebrew issraelites
                      [11:40:55 PM] <Mass1488> lol
                      [11:41:00 PM] <Mass1488> king james was black rofl!
                      [11:41:24 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Jesus be white!
                      [11:41:38 PM] <Mass1488> whose guest 11
                      [11:41:39 PM] <Guest 11> Jews can't stand to be called Jews
                      [11:41:49 PM] <Mass1488> is he our official tard?
                      [11:41:58 PM] <Guest 11> Stop crying Jew
                      [11:42:16 PM] <Mass1488> take your meds my pet nigger
                      [11:42:30 PM] <Guest 11> Linder has Jew Crohn's disease
                      [11:42:53 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> My next $class: "Agenda filter; why were you inept to detect it?"
                      [11:43:15 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> just fucking with the tards, pastor.
                      [11:43:22 PM] <Guest 11> Jews shouldn't be in WN period
                      [11:43:35 PM] <Guest 11> Real William is Jew too?
                      [11:43:39 PM] <Mass1488> guest 11 for all i know you could be a jew!
                      [11:44:08 PM] <Mass1488> guest 11 i have no idea how you look so you could very well be part nigger
                      [11:44:09 PM] <Guest 11> William B ain't no tard he's SMART
                      [11:44:25 PM] <Guest 11> JEEEEWWWWWWWW
                      [11:44:31 PM] <Guest 11> WHIIIIIGGGGGERRR
                      [11:44:42 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I'm Back!! Hello Guest #5!!
                      [11:44:48 PM] <Guest 11> How big is your nose?
                      [11:44:54 PM] <Mass1488> ive been to a bar mizpah
                      [11:44:55 PM] <Mass1488> lol
                      [11:44:58 PM] <Mass1488> once
                      [11:45:03 PM] <Guest 11> Who's Guest 5?
                      [11:45:07 PM] <Mass1488> ive been into a mosque
                      [11:45:12 PM] <Mass1488> in arabic class
                      [11:45:13 PM] <Guest 11> Franken Nigger
                      [11:45:17 PM] <Frankenwhigger> William B What Tard Corral are you Messing with?
                      [11:45:42 PM] <Guest 11> Many Jews haven't been to a synagogue
                      [11:45:43 PM] <Mass1488> ive been in a synogogue once
                      [11:45:45 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I have a "Classic Nose'!!
                      [11:45:51 PM] <Mass1488> mosquess are exciting!
                      [11:45:57 PM] <Frankenwhigger> It's Brown!!!
                      [11:46:02 PM] <Guest 11> I know Mass, you went a lot
                      [11:46:20 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Love Shabbat at the Temple!!
                      [11:46:23 PM] <Mass1488> and who might you be guest 11?
                      [11:46:35 PM] <Guest 11> Yes, we know Franken
                      [11:46:43 PM] <Frankenwhigger> #11 and I go to Synagog all the Time!!
                      [11:46:47 PM] <Guest 11> Jews always want to know, right Mass
                      [11:47:03 PM] <Mass1488> guest 11 has no idea how i look
                      [11:47:09 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Right #11!!!
                      [11:47:18 PM] <Guest 11> Never been, never will. They would kill me for my whiteness
                      [11:47:44 PM] <Guest 11> After they worship my Nordic qualities
                      [11:47:45 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Bask in your Whiteness!!
                      [11:47:57 PM] <Guest 11> I bask in your whiggerness
                      [11:48:01 PM] <TheRealWilliamB>
                      [11:48:11 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I stand in AWE of your "Nordicness"!!
                      [11:48:15 PM] <Mass1488> pastor lindsteddt who is guest 11?
                      [11:48:32 PM] <Mass1488> i think he is a jewish bagel nazi
                      [11:48:34 PM] <Guest 11> I like Franken. I like messing with Mass
                      [11:48:50 PM] <Mass1488> lmao
                      [11:48:53 PM] <Guest 11> mass is a kike, no doubt
                      [11:49:05 PM] <Mass1488> howso?
                      [11:49:10 PM] <Frankenwhigger> #11 is My friend Herschel!! I know him from Torah School!!
                      [11:49:20 PM] <Guest 11> Because your lying about your age
                      [11:49:39 PM] <Mass1488> how old am i really?
                      [11:49:43 PM] <Guest 11> Franken are you a kike too. Sheesh, this whole movement is kikes
                      [11:49:48 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> come on man
                      [11:49:54 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> get like felipe
                      [11:49:57 PM] <Mass1488> guest 11
                      [11:50:12 PM] <Mass1488> guess my age!
                      [11:50:14 PM] <Guest 11> WE GOT A WHIGGER KIKE PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!
                      [11:50:22 PM] <Frankenwhigger> #11 we are all Brothers!! You're among Friends!!
                      [11:50:40 PM] <Guest 11> I want nose measurements
                      [11:50:52 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Mine Is BIG!!!
                      [11:51:01 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Is that accurate enough?
                      [11:51:16 PM] <Frankenwhigger> And it's up your Ass!!
                      [11:51:24 PM] <Guest 11> So you look like Fincklesheeine?
                      [11:51:31 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Call me Brown Nose!!
                      [11:51:35 PM] <Mass1488> lol
                      [11:51:38 PM] <Mass1488> oi
                      [11:51:40 PM] <Mass1488> sskinheadd
                      [11:51:58 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Franken! Franken! Franken!
                      [11:52:02 PM] <Mass1488> guest 11 is INTJew!
                      [11:52:20 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> you got me double-tasking
                      [11:52:21 PM] <Guest 11> Hey, Mass. If you're in highschool, how can u still be up?
                      [11:52:25 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Let Me Arse Fuck you with My Big Brown Nose!!!
                      [11:52:30 PM] <Guest 11> NOPE
                      [11:52:35 PM] <Frankenwhigger> #11, Let Me Arse Fuck you with My Big Brown Nose!!!
                      [11:52:39 PM] <Mass1488> becausse im doing homework
                      [11:52:45 PM] <Mass1488> dudh
                      [11:52:50 PM] <Guest 11> Franken are you a limey prick?
                      [11:53:05 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> trying to fill in with audio tracks on the dead spaces...
                      [11:53:13 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Yes, I can be a Limey Prick!!!
                      [11:53:27 PM] <TheRealWilliamB>
                      [11:53:34 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Especially if you let me Ass Fuck you with my Brown Nose!!
                      [11:53:45 PM] <Guest 11> go back to england, benedict Arnold
                      [11:53:54 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I can be whatever you want!
                      [11:54:18 PM] <TheRealWilliamB>
                      [11:54:21 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Yes I Can "Bend a Dick"!!
                      [11:54:29 PM] <Guest 11> Franken go back to shiity old England
                      [11:54:35 PM] <Frankenwhigger> AHN -NOLD!!
                      [11:55:05 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> ahn-nold be multi-state now....funny that huh?
                      [11:55:07 PM] <Guest 11> We got a Franken Whigger Problem!!!!!!!
                      [11:55:14 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I will go Back!!! After I Ass Fuck you with my Big Brown Nose!!
                      [11:55:19 PM] <Mass1488> Franken who do you think guest 11 is?
                      [11:55:28 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> i can bring it up
                      [11:55:35 PM] <Frankenwhigger> #11 is My FB Friend!!
                      [11:55:53 PM] <Guest 11> You guys are dumb, it should e obvious who I am?
                      [11:56:03 PM] <Mass1488> Intjew!
                      [11:56:04 PM] <Frankenwhigger> #11 is a Good Facebook Friend!
                      [11:56:06 PM] <Mass1488> of course
                      [11:56:19 PM] <Frankenwhigger> We go to Shabbat together!
                      [11:56:29 PM] <Guest 11> Not INTJ, Mass Jew
                      [11:57:00 PM] <Mass1488> guest 11 knowss who Intjew is?
                      [11:57:04 PM] <Guest 11> I like KahleeFoornya
                      [11:57:17 PM] <Mass1488> excitedd for the new episode of yu gi oh abridgedd
                      [11:57:19 PM] <Mass1488> ?
                      [11:57:24 PM] <Mass1488> i sure am!
                      [11:57:53 PM] <Mass1488> andd thanks for directing me to neon genesis evangelion!
                      [11:57:55 PM] <Guest 11> Sound
                      [11:58:19 PM] <Guest 11> Izz can't hear nothin
                      [11:58:24 PM] <Mass1488> ssound
                      [11:58:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Corn Cobb is Gas Fracking!!
                      [11:58:34 PM] <Mass1488> Guest 11
                      [11:58:39 PM] <Mass1488> touched my peniss
                      [11:58:50 PM] <Mass1488> and sent me porn photos of azn girls
                      [11:58:55 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Cobb was just "Comic relief" for the Movement!
                      [11:59:03 PM] <Guest 11> Jews are obsessed with cock. I know you kike Mass
                      [11:59:21 PM] <Guest 11> I lost sound, anybody else?
                      [11:59:44 PM] Guest 11 has left the chat
                      [11:59:47 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I have a Nice Cock #11 wanna See It?!??!?! Send me an email!!
                      [11:59:52 PM] Guest 12 is logged into the chat
                      [12:00:02 AM] <Mass1488> Guesst 11 is a jew anti rasscisst action member who failed to get info on the lawsuit
                      [12:00:12 AM] <Guest 12> Nope. Me hates Jews
                      [12:00:13 AM] <Mass1488> INJ? gave up on the lawsuit yet
                      [12:00:20 AM] <Mass1488> ah guest 12
                      [12:00:23 AM] <Mass1488> antifa!
                      [12:00:32 AM] <Mass1488> whose streets? ZOGS streetss!
                      [12:00:36 AM] <Mass1488> antifa!
                      [12:00:39 AM] <Guest 9> lost sound
                      [12:00:40 AM] <Mass1488> guest 12
                      [12:00:43 AM] <Guest 12> Me hates infiltrators like Mass
                      [12:00:58 AM] <Guest 12> I lost sound, Log in again
                      [12:01:03 AM] <Guest 12> 9
                      [12:01:17 AM] Guest 9 has left the chat
                      [12:01:35 AM] Guest 13 is logged into the chat
                      [12:01:37 AM] <Guest 12> Mike The Kike
                      [12:02:23 AM] <Mass1488> Guest 12 is a nazbol!
                      [12:02:31 AM] <Mass1488> fuck nazbol
                      [12:02:32 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Mike Delaney DID attack Martin!!
                      [12:02:40 AM] <Guest 12> Yesss TARD CORRALL
                      [12:02:54 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> it was a long time ago franken
                      [12:03:03 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> no one cares
                      [12:03:17 AM] <Guest 12> I care that Mike attacked Martin
                      [12:03:42 AM] <Frankenwhigger> They are a Network!! Right #12?!?!?!?!
                      [12:03:45 AM] <Guest 12> Mike hooked up with mamzers
                      [12:04:24 AM] <Guest 12> NAME THE JEW
                      [12:05:37 AM] <Frankenwhigger> The Jew is #12!!
                      [12:05:48 AM] <Frankenwhigger> LOL!!
                      [12:05:53 AM] <Frankenwhigger> HAHAHAHAH!!!
                      [12:06:08 AM] <Guest 12> Franken, your an old limey that's gone senile
                      [12:06:48 AM] <Mass1488> well gotta hit the sack
                      [12:06:50 AM] <Mass1488> SIEG HEIL
                      [12:06:51 AM] <Mass1488> OI
                      [12:06:53 AM] <Mass1488> SKINHEAD
                      [12:06:56 AM] <Guest 12> Mass is doing "homework" for the FIB
                      [12:06:57 AM] <Mass1488> goodddnight
                      [12:07:04 AM] <Mass1488> ich bein columbiner!
                      [12:07:20 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Yes, I am an Old Limey that wants to ass Fuck with My Big Brown Nose!!
                      [12:07:27 AM] Mass1488 has left the chat
                      [12:07:33 AM] <Guest 12> You are sick and talk like a Jew
                      [12:07:43 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Can I send you some Pictures?
                      [12:08:05 AM] <Guest 12> I dom't converse with scat loving kikes
                      [12:08:17 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Email Me #12!!! I want to have your Baby!!
                      [12:08:29 AM] <Guest 12> You disgust me old man
                      [12:08:34 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Fulfill Me #12!!
                      [12:08:48 AM] <Guest 12> Visser is a turd
                      [12:08:57 AM] <Guest 12> that's what this show is about
                      [12:09:04 AM] <Frankenwhigger> #12 is into Scatology!!
                      [12:09:29 AM] <Frankenwhigger> #12 voted for Obama!!
                      [12:09:46 AM] <Guest 12> Are you a Mason Franken?
                      [12:10:06 AM] <Guest 12> What Secret Society do you belong too?
                      [12:10:16 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Yes I am a Mason With a Big Brown Nose that wants to Ass Fuck You!!
                      [12:10:40 AM] <Guest 12> Senor Zero!!!!!!!!!!!!
                      [12:10:42 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Do you need Pictures?
                      [12:11:02 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Have you seen My Youtubes?
                      [12:11:04 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> we know franken
                      [12:11:36 AM] <Guest 12> ur boring Franken Freak, go walk your dogs
                      [12:12:15 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> another turd
                      [12:12:24 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Goodnight WilliamB!!! You are a good FB Friend!!
                      [12:12:40 AM] <Guest 12> can i be ur computer friend!!!!
                      [12:12:48 AM] TheRealWilliamB has hung up
                      [12:12:58 AM] <Frankenwhigger> #12, YOU'Re MY LOVER!!
                      [12:13:21 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Later WilliamB!!
                      [12:13:27 AM] <Guest 12> Marty lots of kikes here!!!!!!!!!
                      [12:14:02 AM] <Frankenwhigger> #12, I Just farted in your General Direction!!! Did you get it????
                      [12:14:22 AM] <Guest 12> Ur a Jew
                      [12:14:55 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Yes I am !! 1st Class too, I Might add!
                      [12:15:03 AM] <Guest 12> WE GOT A WHIGGER PROBLEM< FRANKY IS ONE OF THEM
                      [12:15:04 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> Franken is the man....
                      [12:15:12 AM] <Guest 12> the WO MAN
                      [12:15:27 AM] <Frankenwhigger> ManGina!!

                      Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 10-02-2011, 06:27 AM.
                      I am The Librarian


                      • TMT 88.5 Chat 22Sept11 Pt2

                        TMT 88.5 Chat 22Sept11 Part 2


                        This is the chat for TMT -- Episode #88.5 - Cooncerning Da Pisser-Possum Jeromy Visser and itz mamzer lies -- 22Sep11.

                        The Audio Download Archive for this show can can be found at:

                        PastorLindstedt is logged into the chat
                        [7:49:33 PM] <PastorLindstedt> OK. Hail Victory!!!
                        [7:52:41 PM] PastorLindstedt is on the call
                        [7:52:58 PM] Frankenwhigger is logged into the chat
                        [7:54:04 PM] Guest 4 is logged into the chat
                        [7:54:58 PM] PastorLindstedt is on the call
                        [7:55:05 PM] <Guest 4> hear you....WJB here
                        [7:55:12 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hello Martin!!! I May Have to make a Beer Run!!
                        [7:55:15 PM] PastorLindstedt has hung up
                        [7:55:30 PM] <Guest 4> i'll call in tonight
                        [7:55:39 PM] nwfcomrade is logged into the chat
                        [7:56:08 PM] <nwfcomrade> Evening. Sorry, I'm away from my phone.
                        [7:56:12 PM] <nwfcomrade> Yes, I'm still in the outland.
                        [7:56:24 PM] <nwfcomrade> I'm flying out early tomorrow morning to get an apartment.
                        [7:56:31 PM] <nwfcomrade> Outland =/= homeland
                        [7:56:44 PM] <Guest 4> it's all the ZOGLand
                        [7:56:53 PM] <nwfcomrade> Away from keyboard, but listening. I'm finishing chores.
                        [7:57:08 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Congrats nwf!!
                        [7:57:13 PM] <PastorLindstedt> 417-472-6901
                        [7:57:20 PM] Guest 5 is logged into the chat
                        [7:57:39 PM] <Guest 5> so
                        [7:57:42 PM] <Guest 4> got it
                        [7:57:44 PM] <Guest 5> what did Lindstedt say thus far
                        [7:57:45 PM] <Guest 5> ?
                        [7:58:56 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Goodbye Jim Wickstrom!!
                        [8:00:00 PM] <Guest 4> Well, then he got mixed up with Delaney and the rest...
                        [8:00:57 PM] <Guest 5> is this being recorded?

                        Cut . . . . .

                        [11:59:21 PM] <Guest 11> I lost sound, anybody else?
                        [11:59:44 PM] Guest 11 has left the chat
                        [11:59:47 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I have a Nice Cock #11 wanna See It?!??!?! Send me an email!!
                        [11:59:52 PM] Guest 12 is logged into the chat
                        [12:00:02 AM] <Mass1488> Guesst 11 is a jew anti rasscisst action member who failed to get info on the lawsuit
                        [12:00:12 AM] <Guest 12> Nope. Me hates Jews
                        [12:00:13 AM] <Mass1488> INJ? gave up on the lawsuit yet
                        [12:00:20 AM] <Mass1488> ah guest 12
                        [12:00:23 AM] <Mass1488> antifa!
                        [12:00:32 AM] <Mass1488> whose streets? ZOGS streetss!
                        [12:00:36 AM] <Mass1488> antifa!
                        [12:00:39 AM] <Guest 9> lost sound
                        [12:00:40 AM] <Mass1488> guest 12
                        [12:00:43 AM] <Guest 12> Me hates infiltrators like Mass
                        [12:00:58 AM] <Guest 12> I lost sound, Log in again
                        [12:01:03 AM] <Guest 12> 9
                        [12:01:17 AM] Guest 9 has left the chat
                        [12:01:35 AM] Guest 13 is logged into the chat
                        [12:01:37 AM] <Guest 12> Mike The Kike
                        [12:02:23 AM] <Mass1488> Guest 12 is a nazbol!
                        [12:02:31 AM] <Mass1488> fuck nazbol
                        [12:02:32 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Mike Delaney DID attack Martin!!
                        [12:02:40 AM] <Guest 12> Yesss TARD CORRALL
                        [12:02:54 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> it was a long time ago franken
                        [12:03:03 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> no one cares
                        [12:03:17 AM] <Guest 12> I care that Mike attacked Martin
                        [12:03:42 AM] <Frankenwhigger> They are a Network!! Right #12?!?!?!?!
                        [12:03:45 AM] <Guest 12> Mike hooked up with mamzers
                        [12:04:24 AM] <Guest 12> NAME THE JEW
                        [12:05:37 AM] <Frankenwhigger> The Jew is #12!!
                        [12:05:48 AM] <Frankenwhigger> LOL!!
                        [12:05:53 AM] <Frankenwhigger> HAHAHAHAH!!!
                        [12:06:08 AM] <Guest 12> Franken, your an old limey that's gone senile
                        [12:06:48 AM] <Mass1488> well gotta hit the sack
                        [12:06:50 AM] <Mass1488> SIEG HEIL
                        [12:06:51 AM] <Mass1488> OI
                        [12:06:53 AM] <Mass1488> SKINHEAD
                        [12:06:56 AM] <Guest 12> Mass is doing "homework" for the FIB
                        [12:06:57 AM] <Mass1488> goodddnight
                        [12:07:04 AM] <Mass1488> ich bein columbiner!
                        [12:07:20 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Yes, I am an Old Limey that wants to ass Fuck with My Big Brown Nose!!
                        [12:07:27 AM] Mass1488 has left the chat
                        [12:07:33 AM] <Guest 12> You are sick and talk like a Jew
                        [12:07:43 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Can I send you some Pictures?
                        [12:08:05 AM] <Guest 12> I dom't converse with scat loving kikes
                        [12:08:17 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Email Me #12!!! I want to have your Baby!!
                        [12:08:29 AM] <Guest 12> You disgust me old man
                        [12:08:34 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Fulfill Me #12!!
                        [12:08:48 AM] <Guest 12> Visser is a turd
                        [12:08:57 AM] <Guest 12> that's what this show is about
                        [12:09:04 AM] <Frankenwhigger> #12 is into Scatology!!
                        [12:09:29 AM] <Frankenwhigger> #12 voted for Obama!!
                        [12:09:46 AM] <Guest 12> Are you a Mason Franken?
                        [12:10:06 AM] <Guest 12> What Secret Society do you belong too?
                        [12:10:16 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Yes I am a Mason With a Big Brown Nose that wants to Ass Fuck You!!
                        [12:10:40 AM] <Guest 12> Senor Zero!!!!!!!!!!!!
                        [12:10:42 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Do you need Pictures?
                        [12:11:02 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Have you seen My Youtubes?
                        [12:11:04 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> we know franken
                        [12:11:36 AM] <Guest 12> ur boring Franken Freak, go walk your dogs
                        [12:12:15 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> another turd
                        [12:12:24 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Goodnight WilliamB!!! You are a good FB Friend!!
                        [12:12:40 AM] <Guest 12> can i be ur computer friend!!!!
                        [12:12:48 AM] TheRealWilliamB has hung up
                        [12:12:58 AM] <Frankenwhigger> #12, YOU'Re MY LOVER!!
                        [12:13:21 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Later WilliamB!!
                        [12:13:27 AM] <Guest 12> Marty lots of kikes here!!!!!!!!!
                        [12:14:02 AM] <Frankenwhigger> #12, I Just farted in your General Direction!!! Did you get it????
                        [12:14:22 AM] <Guest 12> Ur a Jew
                        [12:14:55 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Yes I am !! 1st Class too, I Might add!
                        [12:15:03 AM] <Guest 12> WE GOT A WHIGGER PROBLEM< FRANKY IS ONE OF THEM
                        [12:15:04 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> Franken is the man....
                        [12:15:12 AM] <Guest 12> the WO MAN
                        [12:15:27 AM] <Frankenwhigger> ManGina!!
                        [12:15:31 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> ur a no man
                        [12:15:39 AM] <Guest 12> Why doesn't Frankenwhigger ever call in?
                        [12:15:59 AM] <Guest 12> Martin can I call in?
                        [12:16:01 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Because , I am saving Myself for you!!
                        [12:16:03 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> because he is "that damn good".
                        [12:16:16 AM] <Frankenwhigger> XOXOXOXOOX
                        [12:17:35 AM] <Frankenwhigger> #12?!?!??!
                        [12:17:46 AM] <Frankenwhigger> I LUV You!!
                        [12:18:04 AM] <Frankenwhigger> and your Little Dog. too!!
                        [12:18:45 AM] <Frankenwhigger> I am a Friend of BillW!!
                        [12:18:55 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Just Friends!
                        [12:19:11 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> shoot, i didn't to rant about the jew stark
                        [12:19:21 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> i didn't get to...
                        [12:19:31 AM] <Guest 12> who's stark?
                        [12:19:45 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Save it for Next Time!
                        [12:20:11 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> you don't want to know young buck.
                        [12:20:20 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Stark is a Guy with a BIG BROWN Nose who wants to Ass FUCK #12!!
                        [12:20:31 AM] <Frankenwhigger> And He Is a Mason , too!
                        [12:20:35 AM] <Guest 12> i'm probably older than you stud
                        [12:20:53 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Talk dirty to me #12!!
                        [12:21:11 AM] <Guest 12> Why do you trust Franken whigger. He talks like a Jew
                        [12:21:18 AM] <Frankenwhigger> I Love it, when you are in control!
                        [12:22:47 AM] <Guest 12> Frankenwhigger is a Mason
                        [12:22:54 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin!!!! Time for a Musical Interlude!!
                        [12:24:04 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Yes, I am a Mason , Knights Templar, Shape-Shifter, Reptilian, Biderberger, Tri-Lateralist and Host of other Characters!
                        [12:24:13 AM] <Guest 12> Who is the fake WilliamB?
                        [12:24:24 AM] <Frankenwhigger> I Can Be Your Dream!!
                        [12:24:44 AM] <Frankenwhigger> #12, I will Be WHATEVER YOU WANT ME TO BE!!!
                        [12:24:57 AM] <nwfcomrade> We still here?
                        [12:25:05 AM] <nwfcomrade> Oh we are!
                        [12:25:09 AM] <Guest 12> yes
                        [12:25:10 AM] <Frankenwhigger> I Can Be a Teutonic Crusader!!
                        [12:25:24 AM] <nwfcomrade> Good news - I got my act together and my things are actually packed now.
                        [12:25:29 AM] <Guest 12> Who's he talking to?
                        [12:25:34 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Cheers and Good Luck nwf!!
                        [12:25:56 AM] <Frankenwhigger> I wish I was You NWF!!
                        [12:26:07 AM] <nwfcomrade> The apartment agency in Seattle managed to find me almost a dozen different appointments this weekend.
                        [12:26:13 AM] <nwfcomrade> I'm almost certain to get something I like.
                        [12:26:22 AM] <Frankenwhigger> I Love the PNW!! Great Food and Beer!!! Fun Times Night Life!
                        [12:26:31 AM] <nwfcomrade> No night life for me.
                        [12:26:57 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Great Fishing!! And Take A North West Cruise on a Boat!
                        [12:27:03 AM] <talkshoe> FREE Live Help with using the TalkShoe System each Monday at 7pm EST on "LIVE TalkShoe Support!" - Call ID 77 -
                        [12:27:10 AM] <nwfcomrade> I should have been in bed hours ago, but I wanted to hang out. If things go well, I'll be around Sunday even from Seattle.
                        [12:27:13 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Party Boats are AWesome!
                        [12:28:00 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Yahweh Bless you on this Great Endeavor!!
                        [12:28:17 AM] <nwfcomrade> This last flight is strictly for apartment hunting.
                        [12:28:40 AM] <Frankenwhigger> A Nice Studio is about 1500 USDs/month!!
                        [12:28:43 AM] <nwfcomrade> Studio / 1 Bedroom right in Seattle is just right around $1300
                        [12:28:51 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> YHVH bless nefcomrade
                        [12:29:00 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> nwfcomrade
                        [12:29:05 AM] <nwfcomrade> That's just about the floor where I will live, but that's right by my office so I save gas and time.
                        [12:29:24 AM] <nwfcomrade> In a week, I drive one-way after the movers grab my stuff.
                        [12:29:33 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Makes Lots of Money and Make Us Proud!!
                        [12:29:50 AM] <nwfcomrade> I've been given a job offer competitive with the big IT groups in the area, so that's just a slight tweak for my overall rent amount.
                        [12:29:53 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Achieve your goals!!
                        [12:30:06 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> yes franken...
                        [12:30:12 AM] <nwfcomrade> Nope, I thought of that.
                        [12:30:18 AM] <Frankenwhigger> It is Great to be young and ambitious!
                        [12:30:28 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> It is
                        [12:30:41 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> good show
                        [12:30:43 AM] <nwfcomrade> Sadly, it's almost 3k, but that's due to minimum weight and small load fees.
                        [12:30:49 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Knock'em Dead!!
                        [12:30:58 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Be the Best!
                        [12:31:00 AM] <nwfcomrade> The problem is that adding up the costs of doing it myself ends up being the same.
                        [12:31:15 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> no, it was a good show.
                        [12:31:22 AM] <nwfcomrade> Really well, just busy.
                        [12:31:24 AM] <Guest 12> You suckers weren't even chatting before I came here. That's what you call leadership!!!
                        [12:31:27 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Yeah, there are no CHEAP ways of doing anything!
                        [12:31:29 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> worth posting
                        [12:31:52 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> especially given vissers latest lie stream.....
                        [12:31:54 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Ask#12!! He's the MAN!!
                        [12:31:56 AM] <nwfcomrade> Well, there were cheapers movers, but they're all shady. At this distance of a move, there are only a few companies who will do it.
                        [12:32:06 AM] <nwfcomrade> My car is awesome, but it won't pull a trailer, so I need a truck.
                        [12:32:12 AM] <nwfcomrade> But the fuel bill on that is a disaster.
                        [12:32:22 AM] <Guest 12> Do you live by niggers?
                        [12:32:36 AM] <nwfcomrade> That, and there are things I need help with, so there's labor on both ends. But that labor has a minimum call-out, so they're EXPENSIVE.
                        [12:32:43 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> visser is lying like a nigger that didn't get his crackrock on a welfare xmas handout!
                        [12:32:45 AM] <nwfcomrade> I'm boxing things up, but they're doing all the work.
                        [12:33:07 AM] <Frankenwhigger> NIGGERS?!??!?!? With Big Brown Noses?!??!?! And are Masons?!??!?!?! Who want to ass Fuck you?!?!??!
                        [12:33:11 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> and you fuckers know i am telling the truth
                        [12:33:18 AM] <nwfcomrade> 2k miles is NASTY business hauling a big load.
                        [12:33:36 AM] <Guest 12> Don't let them haul anything valuable that you can take yourself
                        [12:33:45 AM] <nwfcomrade> Yep!
                        [12:34:13 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Put it in a POD and Lock it yourself!
                        [12:34:30 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Then ship the POD!
                        [12:34:45 AM] <nwfcomrade> The problem is, I have a TON of books I can't fit in my car and I have a few furniture items I don't want to part with.
                        [12:34:48 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> that would require funds and thinking franken.
                        [12:35:22 AM] <Frankenwhigger> I am Glad that I don't have a Lt of "Stuff"!!
                        [12:35:23 AM] <nwfcomrade> That, and I would still need some labor help and that shipping is basically a matter of "it gets there when it gets there" which I can't deal with.
                        [12:35:29 AM] <Guest 12> Books are the hardest things to move
                        [12:35:36 AM] <Frankenwhigger> I am Glad that I don't have a Lot of "Stuff"!!
                        [12:35:47 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> most whiggers have not gray matter.
                        [12:35:50 AM] <nwfcomrade> Pastor, I sold almost all of my furniture. I'm now dealing with a few pieces I don't want to part with.
                        [12:36:00 AM] <nwfcomrade> And when I say I have books, it's a TON of books.
                        [12:36:02 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> whiggers have no gray matter
                        [12:36:13 AM] <nwfcomrade> I mean, the library I have is absurd.
                        [12:36:15 AM] <Frankenwhigger> BOOKS??!?!?!?!? #12, you don't read!!! So What the FUX!!
                        [12:36:37 AM] <Guest 12> I read tons. I'm a genius
                        [12:36:44 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Send the Library to Jerel Mosley!
                        [12:36:53 AM] <Frankenwhigger> right #12?!?!??!!
                        [12:37:03 AM] <Guest 12> I read Klassen right now LOL
                        [12:37:09 AM] <nwfcomrade> Also, the desk I have is valuable and hard to replace. I don't want to try to find another one like it.
                        [12:37:18 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Wayne, is that you?!?!?!
                        [12:37:25 AM] <Guest 12> YEEESSSSSS
                        [12:37:36 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Wayne Loves his Creatards!!
                        [12:37:38 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> Jerel Mosley: What? a cripple creek rewrite of the scofield bible?
                        [12:37:45 AM] <nwfcomrade> The bottom two shelves of my main bookshelf are worth 2k by themselves.
                        [12:37:51 AM] <Guest 12> wow
                        [12:37:54 AM] <nwfcomrade> They're all my college items and whatnot.
                        [12:38:06 AM] <Guest 12> necessary?
                        [12:38:08 AM] <nwfcomrade> Science / Engineering == $$$ for the books.
                        [12:38:11 AM] <Guest 12> sell them
                        [12:38:15 AM] <nwfcomrade> yes, for my job.
                        [12:38:18 AM] <Frankenwhigger> I Live Just down the Road from Cripple Creek!!
                        [12:38:28 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> Jerel Mosley is a TARD
                        [12:38:29 AM] <Guest 12> ok
                        [12:38:45 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Just off of Teller County 1!!
                        [12:38:50 AM] <nwfcomrade> Now that's a desk.
                        [12:39:06 AM] <nwfcomrade> One of my senior level books was $200 by itself.
                        [12:39:08 AM] <Guest 12> Is that why FW is having problems
                        [12:39:22 AM] <nwfcomrade> Discrete Finite Automata and the Theory of Computing.
                        [12:39:24 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Cripple Creek Does make great Dulcimers!!
                        [12:39:28 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> I think there is an Okie "Cripple Creek"...
                        [12:39:46 AM] <Frankenwhigger> I Live In Guffey!!
                        [12:40:20 AM] <Guest 12> What does FW think about Hal Turner now?
                        [12:40:22 AM] <Frankenwhigger> #12 Knows where I Live!!
                        [12:40:24 AM] <nwfcomrade> I'm glad I'm moving into a studio / 1bdrm. I had a huge apartment full of rooms and furniture I didn't use. This is just better for me.
                        [12:40:34 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> well, there you go
                        [12:40:43 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Hal is A Great Man!!
                        [12:40:45 AM] <Guest 12> FW, I could care less where you live
                        [12:41:06 AM] <Frankenwhigger> #12, you are Invited!!
                        [12:41:17 AM] <Guest 12> no tanks
                        [12:41:40 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Guffey is Just Down the road from Cripple Creek!!! With all the Casinos and Night Life!!
                        [12:42:04 AM] <Guest 12> lots of Satanists in CO
                        [12:42:14 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Fine Dining, Fishing, Hunting and the Great Colorado Outdoors!!
                        [12:42:20 AM] <nwfcomrade> Oh dang, I was hoping you were closer to Denver. I'm passing through there in just over a week to see family.
                        [12:42:27 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> we had a good show tonight.
                        [12:42:29 AM] <nwfcomrade> I would have dropped by to say hello.
                        [12:42:35 AM] <Frankenwhigger> A Lot of Satanist EVERYWHERE!!
                        [12:42:38 AM] <nwfcomrade> Oh heck yeah, but that's all housing.
                        [12:42:44 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> you recorded it, right?
                        [12:42:53 AM] <nwfcomrade> There's a bit of a jump on commodities, but it's ALL the housing, really.
                        [12:43:09 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> good
                        [12:43:22 AM] <Guest 12> FW should join the NW migration
                        [12:43:28 AM] <Frankenwhigger> AMERICA is Run By JEWS and is the 8th Beast Kingdom!!! So what do you want #12?!?!??!!
                        [12:43:37 AM] <nwfcomrade> It wouldn't be so much of a jump in rent pricies, except I'm living in Seattle proper. The suburbs aren't quite that bad.
                        [12:43:59 AM] <Guest 12> Can't believe people worship Satan. How stupid can people be
                        [12:44:11 AM] <Frankenwhigger> America is Babylon and #12 is worried about Coloradan Satanists!!
                        [12:44:14 AM] <TheRealWilliamB> my cell phone is totally drained. it is recharging now...
                        [12:44:44 AM] <Guest 12> I'm not scared FW, It's called FAITH
                        [12:44:54 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Don't Laugh Martin!!! I make a LOT of Money and Goods from My Egg Production!!
                        [12:44:56 AM] <Guest 12> Get some
                        [12:44:58 AM] <nwfcomrade> A few years, I would think.
                        [12:45:20 AM] <Frankenwhigger> I Have Faith in #12!!
                        [12:45:22 AM] <Guest 12> Frankenwhigger Ovulates?
                        [12:45:25 AM] <nwfcomrade> The public transport is GREAT in Seattle, but I don't know that I want to have to rely on it to get to work.
                        [12:45:39 AM] <Frankenwhigger> And gyrates!!
                        [12:45:41 AM] <nwfcomrade> If I weren't right by the office, the traffic is bad enough that I don't dare drive myself.
                        [12:45:43 AM] <Guest 12> Lots of nigs on teh subway
                        [12:46:07 AM] <Guest 12> FW lived by Hunter Thompson. They were best friends
                        [12:46:13 AM] <nwfcomrade> No subway in Seattle, but yeah. That's another thing to think about.
                        [12:46:26 AM] <Frankenwhigger> We Have no Subways in Colorado!! We Do Have Jimmy Johns and Blimpy's!
                        [12:46:36 AM] <nwfcomrade> lol
                        [12:46:50 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Hunter Thompson was a Great Neighbor!!
                        [12:47:14 AM] <Guest 12> lots of partying with FW and Hunter
                        [12:47:17 AM] <Frankenwhigger> He always brought some whiskey with him!
                        [12:47:39 AM] <Guest 12> Do you talk like him
                        [12:47:41 AM] <nwfcomrade> I wonder how much partying with NWF and HAC there will be.
                        [12:47:43 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Hunter inspired me to distill!
                        [12:48:12 AM] <nwfcomrade> I haven't had a chance to say Hello to him yet and I won't until over a week from now since I don't have a decent schedule this trip.
                        [12:48:16 AM] <Guest 12> Last Call For ALCHY HOL
                        [12:48:23 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Goodnight Martin, NWF and WilliamB!!!
                        [12:48:46 AM] <nwfcomrade> That's okay, I don't care for partying.
                        [12:48:48 AM] <Guest 12> Bye FW
                        [12:48:51 AM] <nwfcomrade> He's a flag maker, but that's it.
                        [12:48:55 AM] <Frankenwhigger> #12, Call me and I will send you some Pictures!! Wink Wink!!
                        [12:49:01 AM] <nwfcomrade> I think he's the flag maker, anyway.
                        [12:49:09 AM] <nwfcomrade> He did last week.
                        [12:49:14 AM] <nwfcomrade> But no specifics.
                        [12:49:28 AM] <Guest 12> Don't let the door hit you on the way out FW
                        [12:49:45 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Yahweh's Design is an Etch-A-Sketch!!
                        [12:49:57 AM] <Frankenwhigger> #12, Call me and I will send you some Pictures!! Wink Wink!!
                        [12:50:21 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Call Me!! Let's Talk!! Mano est Mano!!
                        [12:50:32 AM] <Guest 12> Shut up Co Satanist, er Stalinist?
                        [12:50:44 AM] <Frankenwhigger> #12, Call me and I will send you some Pictures!! Wink Wink!!
                        [12:51:21 AM] <Guest 12> Good luck NW!!!!!!!
                        [12:51:24 AM] <Frankenwhigger> I Know your are Frustrated!! I share your frustration #12!!
                        [12:51:35 AM] <nwfcomrade> ty
                        [12:51:38 AM] <Frankenwhigger> I Know you are Frustrated!! I share your frustration #12!!
                        [12:51:45 AM] <Guest 12> Leave FW in the cold
                        [12:51:50 AM] <nwfcomrade> If I do well, you'll hear from me Sunday.
                        [12:51:58 AM] <Frankenwhigger> #12, I Luv You!!
                        [12:52:02 AM] <nwfcomrade> Sunday night, I should have good apartment news.
                        [12:52:04 AM] <Frankenwhigger> I Know you are Frustrated!! I share your frustration #12!!
                        [12:52:28 AM] PastorLindstedt has hung up
                        [12:52:33 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Frustrate me #12!!
                        [12:52:37 AM] <nwfcomrade> This is the last piece. Getting this apartment means the whole process is almost dealt with.
                        [12:52:43 AM] <Frankenwhigger> PLZ!!
                        [12:52:54 AM] <PastorLindstedt> Well, I'm hung up.
                        [12:52:56 AM] <Frankenwhigger> It's OVER!!
                        [12:52:59 AM] <nwfcomrade> Collaboration reasons. having people work face-to-face for certain things is more productive in the long run.
                        [12:53:01 AM] <Guest 12> Software is like any other business, face to face is important
                        [12:53:26 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Software is frustration. I Know you are Frustrated!! I share your frustration #12!!
                        [12:53:55 AM] <Frankenwhigger> XOXOXOXOXOX
                        [12:53:59 AM] <PastorLindstedt> I imagine that put-of-the-box thinking is rare for any company.
                        [12:54:14 AM] <nwfcomrade> Yes and no.
                        [12:54:16 AM] <Guest 12> So is that it, or can I make fun of whigger FW some more?
                        [12:54:35 AM] <nwfcomrade> It really depends. Lots of companies now have multiple offices, but departments are never split up.
                        [12:54:45 AM] <Frankenwhigger> PLZ Abuse Me #12!!! I share your frustration!
                        [12:54:59 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Talk Dirty to Me!!
                        [12:55:07 AM] <Guest 12> Why does FW only hang with MArtin?
                        [12:55:18 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Tell what a Big Man you are!
                        [12:55:41 AM] <Frankenwhigger> I Would hang with you, but you never call!
                        [12:55:59 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Hang with Me!!
                        [12:56:08 AM] <Guest 12> I'd hang you too
                        [12:56:26 AM] <PastorLindstedt> Did you listen to the HAC podcast yet. NW?
                        [12:56:29 AM] <Frankenwhigger> I am Hanged!
                        [12:56:37 AM] <Guest 12> Tocuhe
                        [12:56:42 AM] <Guest 12> touche
                        [12:57:01 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Nore Like "Boing"!!
                        [12:57:14 AM] <Frankenwhigger> More Like "Boing"!!
                        [12:57:23 AM] <Frankenwhigger> than Touche!
                        [12:57:30 AM] <Guest 12> Gotta go. Till we meet again mes amis. FUCK THE JEWS
                        [12:57:33 AM] Guest 12 has left the chat
                        [12:57:50 AM] <nwfcomrade> Not all of it.
                        [12:57:54 AM] <Frankenwhigger> I can troll with the Best!!
                        [12:58:13 AM] <Frankenwhigger> They Just cab't "One up" me!!
                        [12:58:16 AM] <nwfcomrade> I got right to the beginning of this week's lecture and I had to stop in order to offload the last load of the stuff I'm not keeping.
                        [12:58:22 AM] The Call has ended.
                        [12:58:25 AM] <Frankenwhigger> They Just can't "One up" me!!
                        [12:58:44 AM] <Frankenwhigger> I can troll with the Best!!
                        [12:58:54 AM] <Frankenwhigger> I am A Chatroom Warrior!
                        [12:59:22 AM] <Guest 13> how bout that breaking bad frankie?
                        [12:59:39 AM] <Frankenwhigger> #12 was probably "Mamzerproblem"!!
                        [1:00:02 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Hello 13!! BB Is Da Shitz!!
                        [1:00:10 AM] <Guest 13> all the mexicans drank the cool-aid
                        [1:00:28 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Zafira Anejo!
                        [1:00:35 AM] <Guest 13>
                        [1:00:42 AM] <Guest 13> what is that stuff?
                        [1:00:46 AM] <Frankenwhigger> I Love you , Mikey!
                        [1:00:49 AM] <PastorLindstedt> OK. Well I'll load it up in the chip for the MP3 player and listen to it.
                        [1:02:07 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Well, it was Fun!! Yahweh Bless and Hail Victorinox! I have re-runs of BB to watch!! Yes, it is that Good!!
                        [1:02:26 AM] Guest 13 has left the chat
                        [1:02:49 AM] <Frankenwhigger> GEEEZZZ!!!
                        [1:02:54 AM] <nwfcomrade> Yeah, I need to bail now. I need to catch a few hours sleep before heading to the airport.
                        [1:03:04 AM] nwfcomrade has left the chat
                        [1:03:11 AM] <Frankenwhigger> #12 and #13 must think we are stooopid!!
                        [1:03:38 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Later nwf! Good Luck!
                        [1:03:52 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Goodnight WillB!
                        [1:04:05 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Take care Martin!
                        [1:04:12 AM] Frankenwhigger has left the chat
                        [1:07:38 AM] <PastorLindstedt> Well, YHWH Bless & Hail Victory!!!

                        Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 10-02-2011, 06:41 AM.
                        I am The Librarian


                        • The Turd with new dick makes my nose &amp; mangina wettt!!!

                          The Turd with new dick makes my nose & mangina wettt!!!


                          I don't think Willy B. Is Johnny B. because I heard him on The Turd the other night and he didn't make my transgendered mangina wettt like Johnny B. does. It also has to do with the fact that Willy B, why he sounded sober. Have to be really drunk and fucked up to even be thinking of mounting the transgendered mangina of a hideous mamzer pissers-poofter-possum like me. Sober but not nearly as idiotic as the not very bright 85 IQ (on a good day) mumps-nutted niglet-niece molesting KookKluddKlown Baal-Priest of Cybele. One only has to read some of his stunted posts on Two & A Half Mamzers parodied on White Irrationalist dot org to see that Ol' MumpsNuts, why he's a mental midget. Marty really needs to set up a speed trap out front of the hovel to catch all the Rhodes Scholars that plant their feet when they drive past. Why, there probably isn't even a single glory hole in Pope Marty's hovels' bathroom. Although he does have that towering intellectual Banjo Billy as an ally. I wish Marty would coax Banjo to be a guest on the Turd. What champagne comedy that would be. Makes my finckelsheenie-sized snout and transgendered mangina wettt thinking about it. I reckon I'd laugh louder and longer than when Marty suggested that he and Johnny should take over the running of Kingdom Identity Ministries' bible course. Well, I take my yuks where ever I can get it, especially given that I've been in mourning ever since that damned dingo ran off with my pickle.

                          Last edited by Librarian; 10-06-2011, 01:52 AM.

                          PassTard Pisser picked a peck of pickled poofter possums.
                          A peck of pickled poofter possums PassTard Pisser picked.

                          Two & a Half Mamzers Forum!!!

                          Winner of the 'Scarlet H' For Hypocrisy!!!



                          • TMT -- Episode #89 - To the ZOGbots belongs the ZOG Pub[l]icity -- 25Sep11

                            The Movement Turd

                            September 25, 2011

                            The Word as Heard on the Turd

                            TMT -- Episode #89 - To the ZOGbots belongs the ZOG Pub[l]icity
                            Time: September 25, 2011 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM CST


                            TMT -- Episode #89 - To the ZOGbots belongs the ZOG Pub[l]icity

                            Episode Notes:

                            This weekend the drunken crackhead and probable ZOG snitch MoGulett was holding his bogus Aryan Nations Congress in Louisiana with the notorious Chicago jew Eli[ar] James and a bunch of other anglo-mestizo tards playing at Christian Identity and Aryan Nations. To the 'wandering mamzers' of 'Wikipedia CI' the fact that Pastors Butler and Ray Redfearin kicked MoGulett out on his drunken crackhead ass because of chronic idiocy and because MoGulett simply couldn't ever do anything but get hisself and others into trouble means nothing. Nor does the fact that MoGulett's formerly faithful lieutenants -- be they Pastor John Britton, myself, Bradley Jenkins -- no longer have anything to do with MoGulett mean anything because, as said before, we think that MoGulett is a snitch and ZOGbot and in both the long run and intermediate run it really doesn't matter what or who the jews prop up as their supposed leader of Christian Identity or the Aryan Nations. In fact, the jews and their media have routinely proposed a number of 'Aryan Nations leaders' often before Pastor Butler died, like the Ft. Smith Sedition Trial Snitch Dan Gayman or Auggie Kreis because Auggie was in rebellion against Butler. Then Jay 'Sci-Fi' Faber who was a Hal Turner dick holder, then when Hal Turner was deemed radioactive, on to Paul Mullet. But the Mullet&Gulett marriage on 2010 lasted only six weeks and there was a divorce around Oct 10, 2010. Now Mullet has cum to heel to Gulett and so I'll call the latest temporary marriage -- expected to last as long as a MauiPatricia 'CI marriage' -- that of the Guletts&Mullets. Viva Las Vegas!!!

                            Update: Ashkenazi Asswipe and the Mullet jewnior partner side of the Guletts&Mullets report that ZOG performed an extraction of their new agents provocateur yesterday. There was also that staple of these such organizations much pussazoid whining about how whigger and anglo-mestizo snivel blights are being violated by jews and niggers, oy vey. The original report by Ashkenazi Asswipe is reported here. Ashkenazi Asswipe's latest revision can be seen on its ZOG-blog. Pastor Mullett opines as well on the show.

                            The fact of the matter is that 99.9999% of Christian Identity is deep underground. Several dozen 'wandering mamzers' in search of 'Wikipedia Talksjew CI' means . . . . nothing much really. Yes, Gulett got access, courtesy of ZOG, to $500,000 of the dead nazi Harold Groom's estate to where Gulett could do . . . what with the ZOGbux. Spend it on crack? Get the names of several dozen whigger wannabes playing Aryan Nations. Spend it on preaching that eating duck or goose is a mortal sin? Buy a snootful of crack and . . . .

                            In other news, the former Esther-kikess Lesley Stahl will ambush the Nutsional Socialist [bowel] Movement's Commandork Schoep. Doubtless the opposition research will be done figuring out that Schoep abandoned his former wife and children and now is taken up with a mudshark with a niglet. Also, Schoep has gotten his own pretend DSCI pastor who is a Chicago sephardic jew, i.e. Eli James/jewseph Kutz-November. Last year it was a Satanist, this year a jew. In any case, Schoep will make the case for dressing in some sort of clown jewniform, pretending to be a 'dangerous neo-nazi', and all that happy kikeshit while at the same time having to be protected against the jews, niggers and gliberal whigger ass-clowns by the local ZOG piglice. Thus anyone of any sense is greeted by the cognitive dissonance of seeing nutzis pretending to be tough that couldn't long survive without piglice protection whining about how their cork-eyed anglo-mestizo tards will be all gone unless the jews and muds and ZOG will try to save the remnants of the whigger race. And how is this going to be accomplished? By whining for being allowed to live. And if ZOG don't? Well. time for more whining in jewniform.

                            Now this whining and puling isn't restricted to the NSM, by any means. What has taken the bowel Movement over is the notion of Whigger Snivel Rights. This is the idiotic notion that by whining like a jew, nigger or pussy, whiggers and anglo-mestizos can get the jews, niggers, beaners and ZOG to 'save' the Whigger Race. The 'intellectuals' like Dr. Kevin McDonald and Jarod Taylor or Pat Buchanan and the rest spend all their times in whining when like the Shitzen's Councils in Mississippi they betrayed the Klan to the FBI. Not for nothing did Pat Buchanan denounce me back in 2000 when I ran for US Senate from Missouri and Patsy Buckwheat was running for President and chose a loony-tune coon tang for running [pri-]mate in order to collect $12.5 million and throw the [s]election to Dumbya. Even the gut-sick guido-weasel believes that 'naming the jew' while running a tard corral full of kikes is somehow going to produce the magic necessary to destroy the current order.

                            That's part of the reason I like Harold Covington. At least Harold doesn't waste time whining to jews and ZOGling regime criminals to "Please, please, please let us whiggaz live. We's be jewr slaves. Where are you going to get more tractable and productive slaves than whiggers?"

                            And that is exactly the stupid shit, while dressed in jewniform as 'dangerous' neo-nutzis, that Schoep will give to an old kikess like Leslie Stahl, who has chosen Schoep because of Schoep's stupidity and past history. It is to be expected that Schoep will get screwed even before the edit. Not that it will matter to Schoep because it will make Schoep's marginalization catnip to his marginalized anglo-mestizo followers. In short, another whine to be treasured for whiners.

                            So what is the solution? What will save the whigger rayce? Well, nothing. Nothing can save a Piss-Pul determined to die by drowning in its own stupid shit and piss.

                            The only thing which will save the White Race is a Great Tribulation which will slaughter 90% of the whiggers and all of the jews, niggers, beaners, gooks, and muds. My program is the Ten Thousand Warlords Program in which 10,000 Warlords following genuine Dual-Seedline Christian Identity theology set up petty feudalistic kingdoms over a 10 million population of surviving Whites. I am not looking to set up one Hitler, but rather to use DSCI religious theology to justify the one in a thousand surviving Whites setting up as their own local leader to rule over them as a Dual-Seedline Christian Identity theocracy.

                            And thus will be this edition of The Movement Turd.

                            0:00 Super Fickin'

                            0:32 Intro.

                            Whigger Problem

                            Section 1-5.

                            Florian Geyer



                            Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, if you are one of my sheep who hears my voice, you know where I can be found tonight in the secret Talksjew bat-cave.

                            This episode will involve expanding the list of those knowing the secret Talksjew link to catch it live.


                            Start Time (EDT): 09/25/11 9:00 PM EDT/8:00 PM CST
                            Duration (minutes): 120+

                            Download link:
                   Archive File Index

                   Temporary File

                            Chat Transcript:

                            Hail Victory!!!

                            Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                            Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                            Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 10-04-2011, 07:16 PM. Reason: Add Links, download

                            Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                            Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                            • TMT -- Episode #89.5 - MoGullet's&amp;Mullett's&amp;Eliar's 'Aryan Nations' Weekend Mamzerathon -- 29Sept11

                              The Movement Turd

                              September 29, 2011

                              The Word as Heard on the Turd

                              TMT -- Episode #89.5 - MoGullet's&Mullett's&Eliar's 'Aryan Nations' Weekend Mamzerathon -- 29Sept11
                              Time: September 29, 2011 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM CST


                              TMT -- Episode #89.5 - MoGullet's&Mullett's&Eliar's 'Aryan Nations' Weekend Mamzerathon -- 29Sept11

                              Episode Notes:

                              It is inadvertently hilarious when you see that the ZOGbot criminal element is so ridiculously stupid and ignorant of genuine Dual-Seedline Christian Identity when they hold an 'Aryan Nations' Congress and the anglo-mestizos like the former Texican and Coonass ZOGling whigger and mamzer ass-clown agents provocateur like Allen 'Anglo-Mestizo' Truitt and MoGulett are so fucking stupid that they show what looks to the genuine deep-woods Christian Identity long-term believer what is obviously a bunch of hi-yaller niggers and beaners in 'Aryan Nations' jewniform and a Chicago sephardic jew cooking up a mess of Purim-fest and Passover matzo-balls on their videos and expect us not to laugh at the idiocy which negates whatever lies they tell:

                              Here are some pictures from Gulett's Mamzerathon of 23-25 Sept. 2011:


                              To Show how Gulett's New Aryan Nations is NOW racially progressive & shit,
                              look at our crack hi-yaller Nation of Islam Auxiliaries on the left!!!

                              How many of above would you say 'FAILS' the brown-paper bag test???!!!

                              To show how much we keep the kosher food laws, see our new
                              Chicago sephardic jew Chef Rabbi Eli(ar) James/jewseph Kutz-November
                              as he prepares his specialty:
                              "Cousin Ray the Sicilian-guido jew ambulance-chasing jew Jersey Lawyer's"
                              kosher-chicken Mariani cumplete with blond, blue-eyed baby boy's Passover matzo-blood noodles.

                              After the kike-Iron Chef Eliar is done here, itz on to bless the domestic jewnion of
                              that mamzer faggot cripple jewrel Mosely and his nigger-lipped lover Bryan Reo!!!


                              What you have to understand is that Pastor Butler pursued a policy of bringing in criminal, biker, and skinhead scum for the Aryan Nations in place of the family men of Pastor Wesley Swift's Church of Jesus Christ Christian. The end result was pretty much nothing but criminals pretending to find 'jewsus' was interested in putting up with such scum and Butler ended up dying alone except for ZOG agents provocateur like Rick Spring. And then with the probable cocaine overdose of Ray Redfearin, the criminals started getting darker and darker just as the Aryan Brotherhood started out with blue-eyed Aryans and ended up with cork-eyed Anglo-Mestizos.

                              Morris Gulett, never giving a shit about whether or not he ordained mamzers like Bryan Wright and Jeromy Visser, and now an agent provocateur, no longer cares overmuch as to whether he brings in known jews either. As long as MoGulett gets to have the Southern Poverty Law Center and Ashkenazi Defecation League promote himself as the 'new head' of the Aryan Nations, and get to gain some access to the Harold Grooms estate, then what difference does it make the contempt and scorn of the genuine Aryan Christian Israelite? Makes me wish that me and Pastor John Britton had let Gulett's Church of the Sons of YHWH die and the Harold Grooms estate be forfeited into escheat.

                              What is hilarious is that Gulett doesn't care how many niggers, beaners and jews get to play Aryan Nations. What is even funnier is that all the above pictures were taken from the 'Aryan Nations' videos from this past weekend. It looks like there were 18 or 19 or maybe 20 fools that showed up. The two 'ZOG informants' that did show up probably gave theysselfs away by being too Aryan/White looking. If they had looked like Bryan Reo or Dan Johns they probably would have fit in a lot better.

                              What is especially encouraging is that none of these ZOGling whigger and mamzer and jew ZOGbot fuktards don't know how to impersonate an Aryan Christian Israelite or our racial religion. All Gulett seemed to know is how to ape a smattering of formalities that he had seen after a fashion of Butler's original Aryan Nations Congresses. None of them know anything about how to do anything other than whine like whigger pussies for 'whigger snivel blights' of the niggers and jews and what little 'Wikipedia CI' they think is vaguely Comparetian.

                              Which is to be expected as they cum-cum into DSCI by means of reading the Kingdom Identity Ministries AIT correspondence Course when they were already hardened criminals like Rabbi Finckelsheenie or catlick marrano jews like Eli James and Dan Johns. Not a single one of these imposters were taught either British Israeliteism as a child through Herbert Armstrong's WorldWide Church of God, or, better yet, as a child through Pastor Wesley Swift's Church of Jesus Christ Christian. The end result of these drunken criminals and addicts and jews and mamzers 'learning' superficial 'Wikipedia Christian Identity' is a sort of talmudic silliness and vain ceremony and no real heart-felt understanding of YHWH's racial religion for His Servant Nation. Someone who had to learn the basics drummed into them as a child for hours on Sabbaths and Holy Days for years on end will be able to find whatever he needs to make his point using nothing more than a King James Bible [mis]translation within 15-20 minutes without necessity for a Concordance or a computer search. This is something which simply cannot be taught to whigger or mamzer or jew criminal locked up in a prison and promised his freedom in return for infiltration upon parole or probation regardless of what superficial or intensive training is provided by ZOG in order to infiltrate any more than anyone over the age of six can be taught to speak a foreign language without an accent. This process is even harder for mamzers like Allen Truitt or Bryan Reo and impossible for jews like Eli James and Rabbi Finckelsheenie. An Aryan Christian Identity child shall 'know' Christian Identity without effort as it will be second nature. The vast majority of converts who are Aryan shall learn it upon call by Christ and conversion as a adult as a 'second language/religion.' A jew or mamzer can never learn Christian Identity at all.

                              So ZOG infiltration of Christian Identity is doomed to fail because the ZOGling whigger, mamzer, and jew ZOGbots trying to get in simply do not remotely know how to impersonate a Christian Israelite. Although looking like a Chicago sephardic jew like Eli James or a nigger-gook-beaner faggot like Bryan Reo and/or sounding like a Jersey City jewboy like the murderous sociopath Rabbi Finckelsheenie all determined to impose 'papist preterism' is an epic fail which will never get out of the starting gates. That Gulett and Anglo-Mestizo Truitt are so stupid that they actually filmed their pathetic 'Aryan Nations' mamzerathon and showed it is even stupider than James Wickstrom showing sex videos of hisself humping the woman he stole and sending them out. Can you say, "Fucked up in the head & doomed to fail even before it gets out of the starting gate?"

                              In other news, the fallout of the 60 Minutes section on the dead nazi killed by his own kid and the National Socialist Movement nutzi tards. Jt Ready reveals hisself to be a ZOGbot. LiarBill 'MumpsNuts' DeClue(less) finds out that Jeromy Visser has a niglet niece that jewromy has been holding out on him. jewnstain is probably going again on Bridget Da Idjit where no Pisser-Possum has gone before in Washington State while Chief Running Lyin' jewnibonger Pisser-Possum of the Shit-Asses from the No Wipe 'Em tribe is coonfined on the Brooks jewrgia reservation and the catlick mother-in-squaw is running wild. April Gaede is wanting to bring Karl Gharst's log to her hungry hungry beaver and much, much more . . . .


                              Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, if you are one of my sheep who hears my voice, you know where I can be found tonight in the secret Talksjew bat-cave.


                              Start Time (EDT): 09/29/11 9:00 PM EDT/8:00 PM CST
                              Duration (minutes): 120+

                              Download link:
                     Archive Index

                     Temporary File

                              Chat Transcript:

                              Hail Victory!!!

                              Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                              Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                              Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 10-08-2011, 07:10 AM.

                              Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                              Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                              • High yellow AN members and Kosher chefs. Eli looks to be making a big bowl of kosher Parve (stew) for the shabbat.
                                Last edited by WilliamB; 09-29-2011, 07:54 PM.
                                Never take seriously anonymous tards that sport jewess avatars.

