Evel Knievel Pope Marty on TMT #84 -- No Holds Barred & All Holes Bared!!!
Evel Knievel Pope Marty on TMT #84 -- No Holds Barred & All Holes Bared!!!
Marty goes Evel Knievel in the death-defying 84th iteration of the Movement Turd, jumping a world record-breaking line of whiggers, regime criminals, and mamzer tard ZOGbots on his turbo-charged 1500cc motor-mouth. I cop a vicious burnout right across my transgendered mush pretending to be Oscar Meyer and the gut-sick guido-wesel with jew ass-cancer admits that it rules itz DHS-provided Greater Free Range Tard Corral with a clenched colostomy bag, but that's nothing compared to the horrific, protracted dragging through the streets of That's For Messing With Martin Lindstedt Town that Pastor Visser suffers. Pore Pisser-Possum outed yet again for being a mamzer with niglet nieces. LiarBill 'MumpsNuts' DeClueless is headed to jewrgia and not even stopping at a Pilot truck stop to buy a condom!!! That's a hole lot better than getting a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, an ass-whuppin' and gelding from Banjo Billy!!!
Listen at your own peril, folks, because nobody's getting out of this podcast alive!
But you could have heard a pinhead drop when Marty stopped and locked the door.
Evel Knievel Pope Marty on TMT #84 -- No Holds Barred & All Holes Bared!!!
Marty goes Evel Knievel in the death-defying 84th iteration of the Movement Turd, jumping a world record-breaking line of whiggers, regime criminals, and mamzer tard ZOGbots on his turbo-charged 1500cc motor-mouth. I cop a vicious burnout right across my transgendered mush pretending to be Oscar Meyer and the gut-sick guido-wesel with jew ass-cancer admits that it rules itz DHS-provided Greater Free Range Tard Corral with a clenched colostomy bag, but that's nothing compared to the horrific, protracted dragging through the streets of That's For Messing With Martin Lindstedt Town that Pastor Visser suffers. Pore Pisser-Possum outed yet again for being a mamzer with niglet nieces. LiarBill 'MumpsNuts' DeClueless is headed to jewrgia and not even stopping at a Pilot truck stop to buy a condom!!! That's a hole lot better than getting a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, an ass-whuppin' and gelding from Banjo Billy!!!
Listen at your own peril, folks, because nobody's getting out of this podcast alive!
But you could have heard a pinhead drop when Marty stopped and locked the door.