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Letter to Osred -- 4 DEC 07

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  • Letter to Osred -- 4 DEC 07

    4 DEC 07

    Hail Osred! Many thanks for your most informative letter of 25 NOV 07. Please don’t feel under time pressure in your correspondence with me. Write when you feel like it, for I know that anyone who works is always under time-pressure. I am now a member of the leisure class, thanks be to ZOG, so I can devote my time entirely to correspondence, interrupted only by trips to the post office & The Ministry of Plenty, where I receive my food ration. Maybe I should feel like Winston Smith in “1984,” who realized how much he loved Big Brother, as he drank his Victory Gin & smoked his Victory Cigarettes. I express my gratitude when I consume my ‘victory’ chili beans, but not verbally.

    I also think our racial duty is the improvement of Our Race: “Man on behalf of Superman,” as one writer said. I believe that it can be done eugenically, by moving the Bell Curve of any group from its worst to its best, thus improving the group as a whole. With modern technology, the process may be accelerated, that is, if we want to improve Our Race, so as to assure its future. I hope you’ve read Elmer Pendell’s “Sex versus Civilization,” in this regard. On behalf of our survival & our improvement, our motives must be quite different from our present ones as ‘consumption-excretion units’ under banksterdom.

    Re your mention of the Cold War propaganda victim, I’m reminded of my Scottish grannie who claimed that Queen Victoria was “a German spy,” along with P.M. Gladstone (Gluckstein). She spoke bitterly of British free trade with Germany which put the men of the mills out of work; that Germany was a “slave-earning country,” so British/Scottish goods could not compete with German goods. I asked her why the Brits betrayed Britain by purchasing German goods. “Because they were cheaper,” she sniffed. Such patriotism! How Grannie hated those Germans, who were, of course, in cahoots with the Boers, ”who shot our boys down like flies on a fence.” She hated it when I studied German in the U.S. Army. To my surprise, lots of German words sounded like Scottish ones, such as “loch.” Grannie called German “a guttural language,” with its “gutter” associations, but I found it no more so than Scottish. As luck would have it, many people mistook Grannie for German, because of her Scottish accent!

    British General Fuller wrote that democracies (so-called) use propaganda to raise armies, since the advent of newspapers & Napoleon. ‘Democratic’ armies were more numerous, because their pay was much less. The masses fought for ideals, rather than money. Fuller observed that there is a residue of hatred left over from the propaganda, which interferes with postwar peace-making. Once your opponent is deemed “the spawn of Satan,” &c. peace tends to be punitive, as demonstrated by the Versailles Treaties. In a 1916 National Geographic Magazine featuring “The Races of Europe,” the writer said that the Germans were “infected by the Prussian virus.” As I child, I wondered if it could be cured. The symptoms appeared as walking in regular steps, without jumping or staggering, & in communicating in voices loud enough to be heard. The horror! It also appeared as good posture. A person who slouched against a wall did not suffer from “the Prussian virus!”

    I participated in a videofilming of postwar anti-German propaganda, after obtaining permission to give my interview in Toronto’s “World’s Biggest Bookstore,” under jewish ownership, of course. Since we did it in German, the jews & others did not understand our dialog, judging by our lack of interference from people in the store. I told my German interviewer that I was a child in World War II USA, & that our sources of anti-German propaganda were much more limited during the war, than after the war. Our media of information were books, newspapers, magazines, radio broadcasts & movies. There were speeches & sermons, provided one had time & money to attend such gatherings. Since both my parents had to work, they had very little time or money to obtain anti-German propaganda during the war & the build up to it. What you got, you bought. No TV. During the war my parents took me to the movies, when they could afford it. The movie Nazis were scary, since they were played by evil-looking jews like Stroheim, Preminger & Veidt. I recall vividly such films as ”Casablanca” & “Days of Glory,” starring a very jewish-looking Gregory Peck. Real Germans were not scary, I realized on seeing truckloads of German prisoners pass in front of my house in 1944, on their way to work in the fields of Southern California. Some would wave to me, & I’d wave right back, as a 5-year old brat. I pointed out the volume of anti-German books which had been published after the war, & I said that the Zionist propaganda message continues without let up: Everyone is taught to hate Germans & Germans are taught to love everybody but themselves. So it goes. I also participated in a video entitled “Genocide by Propaganda,” in English, with Ernst Z?ndel & Ditlieb Felderer. I guess it vanished into the blightwing ‘Memory Hole.’

    My enclosures refer to your points, in regard to the necessity for White Nationalism. All the best & ORION!



    Write to:
    Mr. Eric Thomson
    P.O. Box 896
    Yakima, Washington 98907-0896
    Ek trui a matt minn ok megin.

    DOWZ! ORION! 88!
    I am The Librarian