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The ZOGbot Poverty [F]Law Center

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  • #31
    I just called you up to say that Ol' Niggerlips is no longer "Muh Law-Clerk"

    I just called you up to say that Ol' Niggerlips is no longer "Muh Law-Clerk"

    Fuck if I know what to say . . .

    . . . The evil perverted Satannic mongrel faggot bastard has itz teef around muh under-developed nut-sack . . .
    . . . What is Roxie gonna do about going to Ohio ??? . . .
    . . . Yes, I know all about the 52 bogus Bryan Reo lawsuits in Lake County Korts . . .
    . . . Victor Switzer & Johnny Tonto Britton should have given Ol' Niggerlips sum mangina like me . . .
    . . . Oh fuck !!! Don't make me a steer, Sored-Mamzer !!! I'll hang up right now! cum-cum, cum-cum !!!

    Recorded 10 minute call 9:50-10:00 pm 12 May 2018 from Lawyer Kyle Bristow to Pastor Lindstedt:

    Recorded 2-3 minute call 10:02 pm 12 May 2018 from someone then Roxie to Pastor Lindstedt:

    SEXecutive DirecTard of the ZOGbot Poverty [F]Law Center
    & Foundation 4 The MarketPlace of LibberToon jewboy mamzer faggot Notions

    Where we infiltraite jew mischlings & homosexual mamzers as non-white White Supremacists, cum-cum, cum-cum !!!

    Dickie Spencer, Charlottesville 12 Aug17 _____________________ Bryan Reo, Reo vs Aryan Nations 2015


    • #32
      After Payout To Muslims, SPLC On The Chopping Block

      After Payout To Muslims, SPLC On The Chopping Block

      Following close on the heels of Jared Taylor's increasingly successful legal fight against Twitter, there is now a growing possibility of hate organisations like the ADL and the SPLC being sued for millions for smearing and defaming perfectly legitimate organisations and nice people.

      As reported by the Conservative Christian site PJ Media:

      We Survived the Post-Charlottesville Internuts Fuktardocaust


      • #33
        Update: OD Lawfare Fundraiser

        Update: OD Lawfare Fundraiser

        by Hunter Wallace
        21 August 2018

        Southern Activism at New Orleans 2017

        Occidental Dissent won’t be going anywhere any time soon.

        We’ve already overshot our fundraising goal. I’m shocked by the result. I was expecting to raise about half of our legal expenses here, but we have already raised $5,851. Thank you!

        It is has been a rough year. I assumed that with this site being basically inert from March through July and with half of our audience drifting away that we would struggle to deal with this issue. But I was wrong. I underestimated how many dedicated followers we have who want us to keep going.

        After posting that fundraising appeal on August 8th, I figured that I would close down the site, check our P.O. Box and reopen the blog in about a week. I assumed that we would get a few letters because readers wouldn’t respond immediately. It takes several days to mail anything through the Post Office. I checked it on Friday and that P.O Box was slam full of letters from our supporters.

        It was the most heartening thing that has happened in a long time. As I read through all of those letters, I realized that we are going to get through this. We’re going to survive all this lawfare, violence, deplatforming and censorship and come out stronger on the other side. I’ve already started writing back to everyone who sent something and my wife will get those responses mailed soon.

        In the meantime, the plan here going forward is to become as active as we were in December, January and February before the catastrophe that was March. I read dozens of books while I was taking a break and still have a lot of book reviews to write. I want to do some smarter activism, hold some private meetups around the South and the keep the site constantly updated with news.

        One more thing: while the vast majority of the funds we raised came through our P.O. Box, we discovered something interesting that should be of use to other content creators in our community. It turns out that we don’t really need PayPal anymore. You can easily transfer money to anyone in the United States with a simple phone number or email address through lots of new services.

        Note: I’ve signed up on Coinbase and plan to start using Bitcoin. The biggest mistake that I made last year was failing to take advantage of the Bitcoin gold rush. It seems more technical and challenging, but one of our readers was a big help and sent me something about how to do it.

        The quality of people I am reaching is much higher than I ever did with a forum.
        I'm now at the top of the racialist intellectual community in the United States.
        I was a nobody when I ran The Phora.


        • #34
          There are other ways to fight "lawfare"

          There are other ways to fight "lawfare"

          Well Brad, hopefully you got “served” by mail under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 4 and got 60 days to answer instead of being served by a process server and only got 21 days to answer.

          When I was sued in federal district court in Cleveland Ohio for $10.75 million by Bryan Reo working as a “law clerk” for Attorney Kyle Bristow I made the mistake of making a simple disavowal that this “homosexual Satannic mongrel abomination” had a legitimate case. Then it was a matter of a year or more while we argued like two retards over what was posted on my web page and the identities of some mongrel retards Reo was blackmailing over mangina. Bryan Reo would file numerous motions for Summary Judgment and Motions to Strike. I’d file counter-motions for summary judgement and to strike Bryan Reo’s Motions to Strike. Must have had six or eight motions out fighting with each other while I’d take the opportunity to post Bryan Reo nigger-lipped, unibrowed, slant-eyed homo pictures that Reo had posted on homosexual dating sites as “exhibits”. Then I’d post most of this crap on my forum for shits & giggles. If you don’t want to becum a pub[l]ic figure then never start a lawsuit claiming that you are not a pub[l]ic figure.

          What you should do is to pull a Mike “the kike” Enoch. Mike the kike pretended to be pro se all the way, but hired or had a friend who was a lawyer write stuff up for him, turn it is as a pretend pro se, then Mike the kike would post it on his TRS Forum. The federal jewdge got tired of the jewboy dicking up his circus so he booted Mike the Kike from the lawsuit according to the $PLC.

          You should do the same thang. As a pro se litigant you don’t have to know the law as much. Rent a weasel on the side by all means. (Like Sam Dickson who is competent, not Kyle Bristow Esquirrel or Kyle Bristow’s nigger-lipped brain Bryan Reo, also now an Esquirrel, who will write stupid Motions to Strike which didn’t work for Mattoid Chaimbach either.)

          Also, I’d add the $PLC and ADL and antifa and those who are suing you now to your pro se countersuit. It doesn’t have to be good as you can ask to amend the counter-cumplaint. It just has to make of the circus an even bigger more stupider circus. And you should be getting all the present and past legal work in progress now that you are a Defendant/Counter-Defendant .

          I know whereof I speak:

          Five Thousand Eight hundred & 51 ZOGbux is 14 federal civil rights lawsuits at $400 each. Think of this as your chance to learn ZOGlaw.

          Anyways, now that you have been served, don’t pull an Andre the nigger Anglin and collect 156K ZOGbux pretending to live in Lagos Niggeria or as a sex tourist in Cambodia while hiding in daddy’s basement in East Columbus Ohio. Might as well tell us all about your adventures in legal-land. Now that you got your nuts nailed to the wall, might as well fight and fight mean.

          Hail Victory !!!

          Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
          Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri

          Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
          Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


          • #35
            As a mamzer I'm calling out Pastor Lindstedt for not letting other mamzers into the [bowel] Movement

            As a mamzer I'm calling out Pastor Lindstedt for not letting other mamzers into the [bowel] Movement


            Originally posted by Mattoid Chaimbach

            Matthew W Heimbach @ActualMatthewHeimbach PRO
            2 days ago
            “We recognize that separating humanity from nature, from the whole of life, leads to humankind’s own destruction and to the death of nations. Only through a re-integration of humanity into the whole of nature can our people be made stronger.” — Biologist Ernst Lehmann

            Originally posted by Sundry comments


            I'm calling out @PastorLindstedt

            I've seen you shit on pretty much everyone that's a part of this cause.

            Is there anyone that has your approval?

            I'm not asking you or anyone to like me or anyone else.

            But we have got to stop warring with one another if we're ever going to win.


            Frenz' Law of White Nationalism:

            Whiggers are always replaced by mamzers playing whigger.


            • #36
              Back by ZOGtard Mamzer Demand -- The Return of Lustfool ZOGbot Mamzer Mattoid Chaimbach

              Back by ZOGtard Mamzer Demand -- The Return of Lustfool ZOGbot Mamzer Mattoid Chaimbach


              Originally posted by ZOGling mamzer ass-clown View Post
              As a mamzer I'm calling out Pastor Lindstedt for not letting other mamzers into the [bowel] Movement


              Originally posted by Mattoid Chaimbach

              Matthew W Heimbach @ActualMatthewHeimbach PRO
              2 days ago
              “We recognize that separating humanity from nature, from the whole of life, leads to humankind’s own destruction and to the death of nations. Only through a re-integration of humanity into the whole of nature can our people be made stronger.” — Biologist Ernst Lehmann

              Originally posted by Sundry comments


              I'm calling out @PastorLindstedt

              I've seen you shit on pretty much everyone that's a part of this cause.

              Is there anyone that has your approval?

              I'm not asking you or anyone to like me or anyone else.

              But we have got to stop warring with one another if we're ever going to win.



              Gotta wonder how much we are going to overlook the coonsequences of having over-sexed criminal mongrels like Mattoid Chaimbach wanting back into the bowel Movement?

              It's like we like having jews, mongrels, homos. perverts and/or ZOGbots telling us like ZOGtards what to do and have no choice butt to first believe then obey.



              Anyone with eyes to see could tell Mattoid Chaimbach was a mongrel & Its behavior that of a ZOGbot.

              So why was anyone surprised at when the inevitable happened? A mongrel wanting to impregnate as many white women as possible & betraying the other Mattoid likely a ZOGbot as well?

              And now some other mongrel ZOGtards want to let it back in? OK. So what else is new?



              No shortage of mongrel ZOGtards wanting to get into the bowel Movement as part of a "big tent" run by ZOGbots.

              Before you get to set policy, first let us get a look at jewr snout and what lies under jewr tail, be it pole or hole or flexible mangina.

              Anyone looking at Mattoid Chaimbach knew it was a mongrel. Then it acted accordingly. Big surprise!


              Originally posted by Mattoid Chaimbach



              Bro, weren't you literally arrested for sodomizing kids?



              My "bro" is not a part nigger, part jew ZOGbot interested in impregnating whiggress women & then trying to strangle her when caught humping her step-mother in front of my niglet-kikelets.

              But yes, I was accused of kissing my grandson's penis. Thus my policy of making my accusers bite off theys' spawns' testicles.

              Bon appetite Mattoid Chaimbach



              As someone who has been in the [bowel] Movement since Waco, a few years before the Internuts becum available in 1994-95, and starting out as a militia organizer back when almost all of them were small groups of related or long-term survivalists led by veterans with a Christian Identity / Klan background there was the requirement that your followership was local and knew you very well.

              Then the Internet becum available and all the bowel-Movement leadership and a lot of ZOGbots gained access to something which allowed pretty much anyone wanting to claim to be a "White Nationalist leader" pretend to do so. No longer did your followers have to know you and your past history. With a bunch of people looking to join a "CONstitutional militia" and later "White Nationalist" organization no longer were the proposed followers or their pretend leaders known. In fact, a number of these "Hollywierd Nazis" turned out to be jews like Andrew Greenbaum or beaners or niggers of some sort. And it came about that ZOGtards, be they whiggers or mongrels/mamzers looking for "leadership" over the Internuts had this "leadership" vetted not by any Council of Warlords or People in the bowel Movement but rather by what they read on the Southern Poverty Law Center or the Ashkenazi Defecation League.

              No longer was there an "apprenticeship program" of sorts wherein old timers like Pastor Robert Miles mentored and advised the next generation like Harold Covington, or myself with Jim Floyd of Cullman Alabama who warned me of Wick-the-Dick Wickstrom getting Rulo Nebraska pig farmers killing five-year-old white kids and sodomizing to death 27 year old men and stealing wives and doing porno with them after getting their husbands murdered in prison. Or where Louis Beam would introduce you to Katja and David Lane. Or tell you that David Duck was a letcher and thief. The older two generations learned lessons paid for in blood and prison time, which they endeavored to pass onto a new generation of leaders / successors. There simply isn't an apprenticeship program within the bowel Movement, certainly not when activism coonsists of posting some semi-plausible crap over the Internuts.

              But the Internet isn't altogether favoring ZOG and ZOGbots, no matter how many ZOGtards there are infesting the bowel Movement. Google can be a two-edged sword in that no matter how much the $PLC/ADL gets to pretend to be the bowel-Movement kingmakers by making one of their militia-generals like Mike "the kike" Vanderboegh the X-Communist the "leader" of the III-Percenters or a jewboy like Alex Linder and his virtual colostomy bag bankrolled by TraitorGlenn Miller sound all "dangerous" and anti-semetic. There have always been people like myself who have warned others about taking these ZOGbots seriously.

              In fact the best detection devices for White men have been using your own eyes and own brain to see that certain bowel-Movement "leaders" are not legit. "Linder" and "Finck" are jew names. Alex Linder has an overwhelmingly Ashkenazi jew disease of Crohns or as I call it "jew Ass-GAIDS". The past few years Linder looks like nothing more than a declining dark jewboy.

              Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
              Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


              • #37
                Me and My Army of Mattoid Mamzers Are Trying to Ger Back into the Bowel Movement



                • #38
                  You Have Insulted Ol' Niggerlips' & Baal Finck's Mamzer & Jewboy's ZOGbot Kikeishness & Faggotry

                  You Have Insulted Ol' Niggerlips' & Baal Finck's Mamzer & Jewboy's ZOGbot Kikeishness & Faggotry

                  Another Haet-Strike 4 You Pope Marty.

                  jewtube - A Division of jewwggle / Awfulbits


                  Making sure the goyim NEVER Know !!!


                  • #39
                    University of North Texas investigating ties with local white supremacist

                    University of North Texas investigating ties with local white supremacist

                    By Jenna Duncan and Dalton LaFerney Staff Writers
                    Dec 16, 2018


                    University of North Texas at Denton

                    Crazed Shyster Mongrel Jason Van Dyke

                    University of North Texas officials were alerted in October that a self-proclaimed white supremacist had been active and engaged with students on campus in Denton, the Denton Record-Chronicle has confirmed.

                    Neal Smatresk, the university’s president, was told by professor and Denton City Council member Deb Armintor in early October that a student had confided in her that Jason Van Dyke was mentoring a UNT club, allegedly using it to send “dog-whistle” messages hued with white supremacist ideologies, according to screenshots of text messages between Armintor and Smatresk.

                    Now, the UNT Police Department is investigating the allegations about Van Dyke’s involvement on campus, said Julie Payne, a university spokeswoman. Payne declined to say when the investigation began or what exactly is being investigated, saying it would be “inappropriate to comment on an ongoing investigation.”

                    “The safety of our university community is of the utmost importance,” she wrote in an email sent Friday evening to the Record-Chronicle.

                    Van Dyke is a Denton attorney and was once the lawyer for the Proud Boys, a national organization whose white supremacist activity has garnered international headlines. His social media posts include racist and hateful remarks, as well as threats of violence toward people.

                    Van Dyke has never been enrolled at UNT, Payne said.

                    Van Dyke is the registered owner of the nonprofit Texas Marksmen Inc. The organization appears to be affiliated with the UNT Marksmen club. The group describes itself as a club that “provides a safe place for UNT students to practice their firearm skills.”

                    His footprint at UNT has hit a nerve in the Denton community. Residents have publicly asked for officials to investigate how prominent white supremacist activity is at UNT and in the Denton area.

                    In the time since the connections were revealed over the past few weeks online, the North Texas Daily reported the club’s faculty adviser Craig Howard stepped down from the group Nov. 30. Then, the president of the club, Jason Armitage, resigned Dec. 11.

                    The student group told university officials it had “severed all ties with Mr. Van Dyke” on Dec. 7, Payne said.

                    Last weekend, Armintor circulated on her social media accounts Texas secretary of state documents tying Van Dyke to the university. She obtained those documents from another person who has sparred with Van Dyke, a retiree from Arizona named Tom Retzlaff, who said in a phone interview he supports most of the ideologies the Proud Boys endorse.

                    Van Dyke filed a $100 million defamation lawsuit earlier this year against Retzlaff, claiming Retzlaff prompted his ouster from two jobs in the legal field after Retzlaff told Van Dyke’s superiors and other officials that he is a white supremacist and Nazi and comes with a history of violent behavior.

                    Last week, Van Dyke filed a motion in court to withdraw his defamation suit, saying he does not have the resources to continue the legal battle in court.

                    In September, Van Dyke was arrested by Oak Point police on a charge of falsifying a police report. He allegedly told police three of his weapons were stolen from his truck. Police claimed he lied after Van Dyke’s roommate gave an alternative version of the story.

                    Van Dyke was taken to Denton County Jail, where he bailed out the same day after posting $1,000 bond.

                    The Denton County district attorney’s office filed a motion Friday to revoke his bond. Authorities there received an affidavit, sent from Retzlaff, who said Van Dyke in emails threatened to kill him the day after it was reported that Van Dyke had filed a motion to withdraw his defamation suit.

                    The complaint, notarized Thursday, prompted the district attorney’s office to form a motion to hold bond in Van Dyke’s case.

                    Van Dyke was tied to UNT in another way. For at least four years, he was the registered agent, as well as a board member, for the UNT chapter of the fraternity Theta Chi’s Alumni/Housing Corp. Van Dyke was listed on the board’s documentation with the secretary of state until Dec. 7, an official with the office said Friday.

                    Local members of the fraternity directed reporter questions to the national office of Theta Chi.

                    Ben Hill, a spokesman for the Theta Chi national fraternity, sent a prepared statement to the Record-Chronicle saying Van Dyke had resigned from the board of the UNT Theta Chi chapter “several years ago” and had no position within the chapter.

                    Hill did not respond to multiple attempts to ask him to clarify exactly when Van Dyke resigned, why he resigned and what direct involvement he had with Theta Chi.

                    UNT spokeswoman Payne also said Van Dyke has not been involved with the fraternity for “several years.”

                    The new attorney for the fraternity’s housing corporation is Dallas-based Vance Maultsby, who did not return multiple requests for comment.

                    Armintor has gone so far as to call for Smatresk to resign as UNT’s president if the university does not establish a policy to take direct action against hate groups. She said she wants the UNT Marksmen group banned from campus.

                    In addition, she said she wants an outside group, such as the Southern Poverty Law Center, to independently investigate whether organized white supremacist activity exists on the campus.

                    “If you can’t show leadership in a situation like this, then we need to find someone who can lead the university through difficult times,” Armintor said in an email to Smatresk. “He’s always talking about tolerance. I’d like to hear him about intolerance,” she said.

                    JENNA DUNCAN can be reached at 940-566-6889 and via Twitter at @jennafduncan.

                    DALTON LAFERNEY can be reached at 940-566-6882 and via Twitter at @daltonlaferney.


                    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 12-20-2018, 10:30 PM.
                    A jewnior mamzer Partner in Ol' Niggerlips Law

                    Jason Van Dyke --Yet another Swarthoid Lawyer
                    Pretending to Be A White Supremacist, cum-cum, cum-cum!!!

                    On the Bored of the ZOGbot Poverty FLaw Center as of 3 March 2018


                    • #40
                      99% of the Time this Delusional Mamzer is a Registered Antifa Democrat Trying to Detect White Supremacists for ZOG

                      99% of the Time this Delusional Mamzer is a Registered Antifa Democrat Trying to Detect White Supremacists for ZOG
                      One Percent of the Time When Muh Mangina Tingles & I Am Stalking Aryan Whiggers I pretend to be a Republicunt

                      100 % of the Time You Should Have Nothing to Do With Ol' Niggerlips / Bryan Reo Esq(uirrel)

                      Quora Question: Is it true that Impeaching Donald Trump wont happen unless the Democrats have Republican support in the Senate, which would make this a waste of time or their constitutional duty to hold Trump accountable?


                      Voters will hold Trump accountable if they believe he is unfit for another term. It is not given to one political party to impeach a President from the opposing party solely because they don't like him and because he is from the opposing party.

                      Democrats don't have a constitutional duty to do an impeachment for partisan political grounds.

                      As a registered Democrat in Ohio it is my view that the national Democratic Party doesn't give two shits about the Constitution or duties to the nation, the Constitution is a mostly inconvenient document that generally restricts them from forcing radical changes on the an unreceptive populace. They only use duty and the Constitution as rhetoric when it suits them. But that is okay, they don't have a monopoly on those techniques, the GOP plays it that way too.

                      The main reason for my being a Democrat is because I am a plaintiff’s civil litigation trial attorney and Republicans generally don't believe individual plaintiffs should be allowed to recover damages against corporate actors or offenders. They tend to believe your remedy for a horrible injury or loss at the hands of a company should be to go home and pray to Jesus for help.

                      If Ol' Niggerlips / Bryan Reo lived in a real Aryan White Country -- which by definition Bryan Reo wouldn't be allowed to live in because it is a Satanic mongrel abomination that has pretended to be a "White Supremacist" and "Dual-Seedline Christian Identity" sub-pastor under the jews Baal Finck and Eli James and was the Founding Member and Mongrel "Brains" of the Foundation for the MarketPlace of Ideas / ZOGbot Poverty [F]Law Center. The evil delusional mongrel critter has gotten to becum a lawyer and so it wants to destroy its enemies, especially Pastor Martin Lindstedt for telling people what a golem mamzer-monkey imp Bryan Reo is. The end result will be that Lake County Ohio gets "quantrillized" and the North Perry Nuclear Power Plant gets chernobled as it is necessary to treat gliberal whigger portions of the ZOGland that acts with the sin of Sodom like Sodom was treated.

                      As a Satanic mongrel abomination which has found its niche as a lawyer, it is to be expected that Ol' Niggerlips / Bryan Reo will reflexively vote for a political party which allows its predatory parasiteism to continue as opposed to being detected and stamped out.

                      What must be done is to expose this creature to the light and let it melt in the scrutiny of Real White Men.

                      Hail Victory !!! Pastor Martin Lindstedt.

                      Republicans, as a general rule, will stifle litigation and restrict access to the courts so the only cases heard are criminal cases against violent offenders and low level drug offenders and the only civil cases heard will be disputes between two corporations.

                      Republicunts love the government creatures known as corporations. So Niggerlips is right about not being able to thrive in anything other than a brain-dead gliberal whigger shithole like NorthEast Ohio. Ol' Niggerlips would have disappeared long since in a brain-dead coonservantive shithole like SouthWest Missouri.

                      I take these Quora posts made by Ol' Niggerlips / Bryan Reo to show what a delusional worthless Satanic mongrel abomination ZOGbot it is.

                      Take a lesson from me or Buck McHugh. The ONLY safe way to deal with Ol' Niggerlips / Bryan Reo is to not deal with Bryan Reo whatsoever.

                      Hail Victory !!!

                      Pastor Martin Lindstedt
                      Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri

                      Bryan Anthony Reo, Ohio Attorney
                      Answered Sun. Sept 29, 2019




                      This profile of a limited-purpose public figure Attorney Bryan Reo is definitely NOT authorized by Bryan Reo, but is meant to keep the public informed as to what this delusional deranged Satanic Mongrel Abomination is up to in pretending to be a genuine White Supremacist.

                      Under NO Circumstances is anyone who hears my voice to [edit 26June21] have anything to do with Bryan Reo or anyone who will have anything to do with Bryan Reo.
                      Stay away from Bryan Reo.

                      Hail Victory !!!
                      Pastor Martin Lindstedt, Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri


                      • #41
                        The Weirdo Problem -- (((Actually the Mamzer-kike ZOGbot Problem)))

                        The Weirdo Problem

                        Actually the Mamzer-kike ZOGbot Problem


                        The other day, the YouTube pioneer RamZPaul posted something on Twitter that generated a lot of responses and not all of them positive. The tweet was a link to a story about the arrest of someone calling himself Augustus Sol Invictus. Paul added a bit of commentary, “The former Alt Right was a movement that welcomed freaks and weirdos. The “no punch right” philosophy resulted in this.” As of this posting, the tweet had 133 replies and over one thousand likes.

                        Not all of the responses were positive, of course. Members of the subculture, in which people calling themselves Augustus Sol Invictus are welcome, were unhappy with Paul’s take on the matter. The general theme of the negative reactions is that Paul is ”punching right” and that this guy claiming to be a 2000 year old Roman Emperor needs to be defended. In other words, drinking goat’s blood and claiming to be a Roman emperor are not unforgivable acts in that subculture.

                        It probably does not need to be said, but Paul is correct. A person who has legally changed his name to that of a Roman emperor and is regularly issuing royal decrees on Twitter, needs mental help, not a political career. He’s also running for president, when he is not drinking goat’s blood in pagan rituals. The normal response to such things is to assume the person is mentally ill. Even if he is not a danger to himself or others, he should not be included in anything serious.

                        Paul is also correct to point out that the alt-right collapsed under the weight of these sorts of weirdos. There were so many oddballs and crazies flying the alt-right flag at one point, their enemies were spoiled for choice. The far-left media could just keep plucking these characters out and putting their profile out there on-line. In fairness, most of the people attracted to the alt-right were perfectly normal, but that’s not what the public saw when the alt-right was showcased in the mass media.

                        This is a problem that all outsider politics faces. The weirdo problem was not unique to the alt-right. Anyone who has attended a Libertarian Party event knows that movement has had a weirdo problem for generations. The environmental movement has had a similar problem. Most people are happy to support conservation efforts, for example, but when they see some nut dressed as an elf, demanding everyone give up their cars, they assume he and the movement are crazy.

                        There are two reasons outsider politics is plagued with weirdos. One is they are always going to be the most open to newcomers. They are trying to boost their numbers, so they are never going to be too picky about people coming into their thing. Even if the new people have odd ideas, the assumption is they will learn the new politics and eventually fit in. You see this with the White Nationalists, who spend a lot of time indoctrinating one another in the ways of the subculture.

                        The other reason for the weirdo problem is there are a lot of weirdos in a big society like America, so supply can easily overwhelm a new movement. These weirdos are always looking for a home, so as soon as something gets going, they are attracted to it like moths to a flame. Since new political movements are disorganized and chaotic at first, they have no way to ward off the weirdos. The alt-right was swamped by people whose reality was formed by fantasy literature and video games.

                        That is the lesson of the alt-right, one that the successor operations like Casey’s American Identity Movement have learned. Rather than try and attract the biggest crowd possible in the shortest time possible, the goal is to focus on high quality people, who can grow local chapters organically. It’s not as fun as trolling people on Twitter, but it limits the number of weirdos entering the movement. It is much harder to be August Sol Invictus in real life than on-line.

                        Of course, the main issue with outsider politics is that they usually form up around a complaint or a list of complaints. If the Roman emperor and the accountant have the same complaints they can end up in the same camp. At that point the accountant rethinks his position and moves along. In other words, a negative identity opens the doors for anyone who has those grievances. Often, it rewards the extremists at the expense of the sober minded.

                        That is the key to any successful movement in the age of democracy. The default is always going to be the shared reality of the society. The people who control the public space, can therefore always be the default position. In order to combat that the outsiders have to have a positive identity that can be both defended, but also advocated to normal people. The trick for outsiders is to remain in the realm of the acceptable while challenging the prevailing orthodoxy.

                        That can only be achieved by having rules and standards. This gets back to what Paul pointed out in his tweet. “A man that drinks blood and thinks he is literally a Roman Emperor is probably not my first choice for leadership material.” When the standard means presenting a respectable face to a skeptical public, lunatics drinking goat’s blood are never embraced as part of that public face. Instead they are kept in the background so they cannot cause trouble.


                        • #42
                          The Alt-Kike was Full of Mongrel Lawyers of the ZOGbot Poverty Flaw Center

                          The Alt-Kike was Full of Mongrel Lawyers of the ZOGbot Poverty Flaw Center




                          This is the 2017 501(c)(3) Income Tax Return for 2017 with the Board of Directors, including Bryan Reo



                          Nick Martin



                          • #43
                            Augustus Invictus a.k.a. Austin Gillispie is a Bored Shyster for the Foundation for the MarketPlace of Ideas / ZOGbot Poverty [F]Law Center

                            Augustus Invictus a.k.a. Austin Gillispie is a Bored Shyster for the Foundation for the MarketPlace of Ideas / ZOGbot Poverty [F]Law Center

                            -- OR --

                            A ZOGbot from a 501(c)(3) outfit which has lots of ZOGbots impersonating White Supremacists


                            RamzPawl quoted some guy named Nick Martin who is another "haet informer" running his own project to inform on us White Haeters on his new blog at


                            However, Nick Martin did come up with something I've been looking for, namely the 2017 Short Form IRS form for the "Foundation for the MarketPlace of Ideas" or as I call it, the "ZOGbot Poverty [F]Law Center" which coontains sundry bowel Movement "leaders" and lawyers representing White Nationalism 1.0 and Alt-Right 1.0.



                            Check out page 2 for the Board of Directors. In addition to James Edwards of the Political Cesspool, and Augustus Invictus, there is William Johnston. Esq of the American Freedom Party, and Dickie Spencer and Mike Enoch. Z-man and others attribute the foolishness of these critters to foolishness and degeneracy. Which they are, granted, but why do any of you think it was an accident that both Dickie and Mike-the-Kike managed to call an Uber get away car and David "The Duck of Deaf" Duke managed to jump inside away from the heart of the Charlottesville Incident. Charlottesville 2017 was much the same as Greensboro 1979 -- an orchestrated incident designed to bring up from underground new talent and then destroy them.

                            But look at the Executive Director Attorney Kyle Bristow, Brett Klimkowsky and Bryan Reo, who is third in command. Bryan Reo sued myself and my Aryan Nations Church for "defamation" in Lake County Ohio and won a $105.000 judgment against myself and $200 in compensatory and $200 in punitive damages against my Aryan Nations Church, with the coonivance of Attorney Bristow and Klimkowsky.

                            See: Bryan Anthony Reo v. Martin Lindstedt 15CV001590
                            Bryan Anthony Reo v. Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri 16CV000825

                            Right now the matter is on appeal to the 11th Ohio District Court of Appeals. Bryan Reo filed four more lawsuits in Lake County which I transferred to the federal district court in Cleveland Ohio.

                            Bryan Anthony Reo v. Martin Lindstedt 19-cv-02103-SO
                            Bryan Anthony Reo v. Martin Lindstedt 19-cv-02589-CAB
                            Anthony Domenic Reo v. Martin Lindstedt 19-cv-02615-JRA (Bryan Reo's Father)
                            Stefani Rossi Reo v. Martin Lindstedt 19-cv-02786-CAB (Bryan Reo's Brazilian Wife)

                            All for $500,000 each for ridiculing the mongrel and its mamzer family. I am of course counter-suing both Bryan Reo, its wife and father, Attorneys Bristow and Klimkowsky, the Lake County Courts, the State of Ohio and the federal government for violating my civil rights and that of my Aryan Nations Church. In these post-Charlottesville litigation the trick ZOG and ZOGbots play is that they can sue civilly your church or religious or political group but unless you are a "lawfare" ZOGbot group you cannot defend your own Church. So much for the First Amendment / Bill of Goods "protection". I am forced to convene an ecclestiacal kort and render a judgment for $200 billion in compensatory damages and $200 billion in punitive damages and sell stock in the Lake County Geldings & Walking Wombs using the principles of Biblical castration of regime criminals to make my own jewstice.

                            My point is that everyone in the "Foundation for the MarketPlace of Ideas" or ZOGbot Poverty [F]Law Center is a ZOGbot as well as a jew or mongrel or homosexual or pervert or criminal or just messed up in the head. In fact, in an interview recently Randolph Dilloway revealed that Dr. William Pierce ran an Elohim City for CreaTards for getting to keep the $400,000 in Order loot, and had P.O. Box 666 in Marlington WVa to drop the sheckel on dangerous CreaTards to the FibbIes. And of course the Rev. Dr. Robert Millar ran an informants' paradise in which Timothy McVeigh was given the tools for Oklahoma City. Both sides knew what was going down on April 19. 1995.

                            Nothing wrong with you enjoying high-brow Movement coontent like Greg Johnson's Counter-Currents or middle-brow content like Z-man or low (low, low, low)-brow entertainment like Daily Stormer. But realize that Chris Hasson e-mailed Harold Covington five years ago, then wrote only to himself on his gmail account. Gmail notified the feds and Hasson got arrested for domestic terrorism and was coerced into confessing to weapons and drug charges a few months ago. I've been in the [bowel] Movement since Waco and formed some militias (and disbanded them) and ZOG isn't even pretending that the CONstipation & Bill of Goods mean anything anymore.

                            No organizing should cross county lines or friends and relatives. The future belongs to the Ten Thousand Warlords who will run things like the 1866-1880 Klans at the county level.

                            Hail Victory !!!

                            Pastor Martin Lindstedt
                            Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri

                            Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                            Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                            • #44
                              The ZOGbot Poverty [F]Law Center



                              • #45
                                Clip of “Alt-Right” Leader Richard Spencer Endorsing Vaccine and Praising Fauci Goes Viral

                                Clip of “Alt-Right” Leader Richard Spencer Endorsing Vaccine and Praising Fauci Goes Viral


                                A clip of the bizarre former leader of the Alt-Right, Richard Spencer, mocking people who are skeptical of forced vaccination and praising the lead coronavirus hoaxer Anthony Fauci has gone viral on Twitter, as many people begin to ask what kind of agenda former members of the Alt-Right have in offering such vitriolic support for the coronavirus hoax and the government response to it.

                                The video was originally tweeted out by @BaronStrucker and was then retweeted by Henrik Palmgren of Red Ice.

                                The Daily $permer



