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Bryan Reo v Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations, & Roxie 16CV000825

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  • #31
    Journal Entries 23Aug17, Reo v. Aryan Nations 16CV000825

    Journal Entries 23Aug17, Reo v. Aryan Nations 16CV000825

    Attorney: PRO SE (Martin Linstedt)

    07/26/2017 Scheduled
    The following event: JURY TRIAL scheduled for 08/01/2017 at 8:30 am has been resulted as follows:
    Result: Continued - Attorney Motion
    Judge: COLLINS JR, RICHARD L Location:

    07/26/2017 Scheduled Event: JURY TRIAL
    Date: 01/23/2018 Time: 8:30 am
    Judge: COLLINS JR, RICHARD L Location:

    07/26/2017 Scheduled
    The following event: JURY TRIAL scheduled for 08/01/2017 at 8:30 am has been resulted as follows:

    Result: Continued - Attorney Motion
    Judge: COLLINS JR, RICHARD L Location:
    07/26/2017 Scheduled
    Event: JURY TRIAL
    Date: 01/23/2018 Time: 8:30 am
    Judge: COLLINS JR, RICHARD L Location:

    07/27/2017 Copy of Defendant's amended pre-trial statement for trial on 1 August 2017, with new information as to Bryan Reo's and Reo's lawyer's fraululent & malicious & vexatious abuse of legal process, certificate of service, filed, pro se Martin Lindstedt

    08/23/2017 (COPY) JOURNAL ENTRY FILED:This matter is presented on these motions.

    The motion of plaintiff Bryan Anthony Reo [plainitff Reo] in limine to exclude and disqualify defendant Martin Lindstedt from testifying is denied.

    The motion of defendant Pastor Martin Lindstedt [defendant Lindstedt] to re-open and set aside Bryan Reo's fraudulent and malicious ex parte and in abstenia stalking judgment achieved via perjury and add Bryan Reo'sa father and Ohio lawyers to the trial is denied. -

    The motion of defendant Lindstedt to add Bryan Reo's co-conspirator father Anthony D. Reo as a party to the consolidated case is denied.

    The separate motions of plaintiff Reo, defendant Lindstedt and defendant koxie Fausnaught to continue the August 1, 2017 jury trial is granted. Jury trial is reset to January 23, 2018, at 8:30 a.m.

    Last, in reviewing the Journal Entry of April 11, 2017, the court finds that the names "William Shawn DeClue and Clifton Emahiser" were erroneously included in the list of defendants against whom no service was obtained. As service was obtained against DeClue and
    Emahiser, the claims asserted by defendant Lindstedt against them remain r pending and are not dismissed.

    08/24/2017 Copy of letter received from Roxie Fausnaught, filed

    23 Aug 2017 ORDER (pdf)



    The Mamzer from Mentor's Barratry Playground

    Type in "Bryan Reo" and see 61 & Counting Bogus Lawsuits


    • #32
      13 Jan 2018 Pre-Trial Statement Reo v Pastor Lindstedt / Aryan Nations of Missouri Trial in Lake County Ohio

      13 Jan 2018 Pre-Trial Statement Reo v Pastor Lindstedt / Aryan Nations of Missouri Trial in Lake County Ohio

      13 January 2018 Pre-Trial Statement:

      Proof of Mailing to Lake County Court, Bryan Reo & Attorney Brett Klimkowsky:

      Proof of Mailing to Baal Finck & Melisser, Captn Senility Emahiser, Johnny Tonto Britton & LiarBill MumpsNut DeClue(less)

      Hail Victory!!!

      Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
      Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

      Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
      Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


      • #33
        Motion For Summary Judgment Reo v Pastor Lindstedt / Aryan Nations of Missouri Trial in Lake County Ohio

        Motion For Summary Judgment Reo v Pastor Lindstedt / Aryan Nations of Missouri Trial in Lake County Ohio

        Pastor Mad Dog Marty said Muh Client Ol' Niggerlips Bryan Reo has gone ass-to-mouth with Lawyer Kyle Bristow of the ZOGbot Poverty Flaw Center, cum-cum, cum-cum !!!

        Nothing butt a mamzer faggot orgy here at the Foundation for the Market-Place of Ideas with Dickie Spencer being a bigger anti-free speech jewboy mischling faggot than Aryan goy Greggie Johnson, cum-cum, cum-cum!!!


        from: Brett Klimkowsky <>
        date: Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 5:23 PM
        subject: Motion Service

        Fraudulent 20-page Motion for Summary Judgment by Bryan Reo and Attorney Brett Klimkowsky (pdf)

        When I'm Not Chasing Ambulances I'm Sleezing for Ol' Niggerlips Bryan Reo, the "Brains" Behind the ZOGbot Poverty Flaw Center

        Just a low-level ZOGbot Pollack Lawyer Needing Disbarment


        • #34
          You Gots Mail not only from the Crooked Pollack Lawyer but from Ol' Niggerlips Bryan Reo's Violating Itz Bogus Restraining Order as Well, cum-cum !!!

          You Gots Mail not only from the Crooked Pollack Lawyer but from Ol' Niggerlips Bryan Reo's Violating Itz Bogus Restraining Order as Well, cum-cum, cum-cum!!!

          Originally posted by Lawyer Brett Klimkowsky View Post
          Motion For Summary Judgment Reo v Pastor Lindstedt / Aryan Nations of Missouri Trial in Lake County Ohio

          Pastor Mad Dog Marty said Muh Client Ol' Niggerlips Bryan Reo has gone ass-to-mouth with Lawyer Kyle Bristow of the ZOGbot Poverty Flaw Center, cum-cum, cum-cum !!!

          Nothing butt a mamzer faggot orgy here at the Foundation for the Market-Place of Ideas with Dickie Spencer being a bigger anti-free speech jewboy mischling faggot than Aryan goy Greggie Johnson, cum-cum, cum-cum!!!


          from: Brett Klimkowsky <>
          date: Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 5:23 PM
          subject: Motion Service

          Fraudulent 20-page Motion for Summary Judgment by Bryan Reo and Attorney Brett Klimkowsky (pdf)



          Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
          Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


          • #35
            You Gots Mail not only from My Crooked Pollack Lawyer but from Me Ol' Niggerlips Bryan Reo &amp; I'm Violating My Bogus Restraining Order as Well, cum-cum

            You Gots Mail not only from My Crooked Pollack Lawyer but from Me Ol' Niggerlips Bryan Reo & I'm Violating My Bogus Restraining Order as Well, cum-cum, cum-cum!!!



            See this shit from muh crooked Pollack Lawyer Brett A. Klimkowsky? Yes he drafted up an idiotic and perjurous Motion for Summary Judgment under muh direction, (& thumb & ladystick) for you making fun of muh pencil-necked geek faggy employer and fellow ZOGbot Kyle Bristow after I made him do so. But in violation of my own bogus stalking order without jurisdiction 16CS000102 I am sending you this legal work product from a homosexual orgy with Kylke, Dickie Spencer, Mike 'the kike' Enoch, Jimblow Edwards who showed us its "Political Cesspool" mangina, Thom and Thom's lawyer spawn Jason Robb, and the entire ZOGbot Poverty FLaw Center Bored of Directards, including Augustus Invictus and a goat he picked up to sacrifice to our Father, Satan the Devil. After this wild homosexul orgy in which everyone took part with wild enthusiasm except for the lying crooked lawyer Brett A. Klimkwsky who claimed that all he wanted to do was chase ambulances, we all had a go at the goat and then attacked him with our teeth to where it bled and died for our sins. Eat your heart out Greg Johnson and Counter-Currents, cum-cum, cum-cum !!!

            Them Aryan Goyim faggots have nothing on us mamzer & kike faggots !!!

            Anyways, yes the Motion for Summary Judgment is in violation of Judge Richard Collins' Dec. 23, 2015 Order saying that there were to be no Motions for Summary Judgment of the kind I like to draft so that I'll never have to face a jury for my crooked vexatious frivolous litigation maliciously prosecuted after May 2016. Yes, Judge Collins ruled on this past August 23, 2017 that me and Klimkowsky's Motion in Limine to deny your even being able to testify on your behalf was denied. We say that you are crazy, Pope Marty, and thus cannot be allowed to testify as to my idiotic Satannic mamzer psychosis and abuse of legal process against 50 other victims of my abuse against them in shaking them down and engaging in racketeering under color of the Lake County korts.

            And yes, my latest Motion contains the facts that you got wind of me working at the North Perry Nuclear Power Plant and getting fired for being a psychotic homosexual mamzer who liked to carry guns in the trunk of my car and threaten to murder my co-workers when they inevitably made fun of me as a delusional non-white, non-heterosexual White Supremacist. Why they read your web pages and when the rest of the idiots working at the plant would drop tools in the reactor core and fish them out or drain radioactive water on the floors the idiots running the nuclear power plant then decided to make a background check and they found out that I was a litigious effeminate mongrel infesting the White Supremacist [bowel] Movement advocating the extermination of all mongrels and perverts -- at least the ones who can't pass as white like me -- back when I was going ass-to-mouth with Rabbi Baal Finck.

            And yes I know that the only reason you regret warning people in the [bowel] Movement about me and Baal Finck is that if the people who are supposed to be running nuclear power plants hadn't been aware that I'm a Satannic mongrel homosexual abomination all pissed off at the entire world and thus likely to diddle the controls and nuke the Mistake by the Lake, then I'd have gotten my chance to get even with the world for even letting me live amongst them.I bet you are just wanting to bite yourself for inadvertently saving six to ten million pieces of South Canuckistani and Northern Ohio pieces of shit around the Mistake by the Lake.

            And how dare you even mention my frivolous lawsuit against Saint Hiram of Reppert, who kicked muh psychotic mamzer ass out of the Nuclear Engineering Technical program at the Lakeland Community College, saying that I was blacklisted from ever working at a Nuclear power plant after I got fired from the North Perry Nuclear Power Plant therefore there was no sense in me attending. Or how he figured out that I'm probably the next Adam Lanza; that I'm too cowardly to shot it out with the FBI or Lake County Sheriff's Department like I fantasized on $tormFront or on a 3 minute 16-second Skype call that Buck McHugh recorded. It is at least sum of jewr fault I'm known as "Thermo-Nuclear Nigger-lips" at least around here and in the nuclear power coonmunity.

            And the bitching about how that pencil-necked geek pretending to be a First Amendment Free-Speech absolutist warrior shaking down them jewnivershitties for Dickie Spencer Attorney Kyle Bristow who I "serve" on bended knee[pad & agape mangina] as a law clerk, why he isn't wanting to be a part of this litigation because he pretends to be for "free speech". In any case, I'm again bitching about wanting summary judgment for your speculation as to our going ass-to-mouth with each other back in Feb. 2016 when the Ohio Statue of Limitations is only one year, not two years. In any case Judge Collins ruled on 23 August 2017 that it would be AFTER the jury trial that he would entertain your Motion sanction Lawyer Klimkowsky to have him disbarred for lying about the facts and law of this case when we tried to keep yu from testifying in your own defense.

            While I am still gloating about how I evaded service under Rule 4 of my alleged spawner Anthony D. Reo, I "forgot" to acknowledge that your old 62-year-old girlfriend Roxie Fausnaught, who has never done anything against me or anyone else (not even calling Magistrate Kenneth Roll a tranny) was never served either. It is not as if you would allow postal employees to enter the hovel to serve Roxie lying in her bed. So she's not a party to this litigation which you commenced before the Mentor Municipal kort, which they declined.

            That is the problem with my bogus and fraudulent litigation. I file it against you in federal district court and after a year they dismiss it for lack of jurisdiction. So I run to the local Lake County Court and the Statute of Limitations is over and they don't have jurisdiction over you making fun of a public figure on the Internet from 900 miles away. The only thing that is within the Ohio Statute of Limitations is you posting the Federal District Court filings as a public record on your Church forum(s). Filing federal court proceedings isn't actionable. Then I play games with discovery, claim that you admitted whatever stupid shit I claimed, refuse to answer your counter-claims, then run away from the jury trial by means of fraud in August 2, 2016. Now I'm making new claims and demanding Summary Judgment on new shit from 2016, still outside the Ohio Statute of Limitations.

            I'm still going to double-down on calling you a convicted child molester.

            I am one butthurt broke-back mamzer.

            In any case, this is my latest last-minute frivolous filing, Pope Marty. Maybe that stupid pollack lawyer will have muh gay "master" lawyer Kyle Bristow mail it from its Detroit Office because my ambulance chaser I use as a beard cannot afford the postage or an envelope like in most of itz filings last year.

            Jail Victory !!!

            jewr Satannic Mongrel Abomination Adversary,

            Ol' Niggerlips the Mamzer from Mentor / SwordBrethren / SoredMamzer / Bryan Reo



            Ol' Niggerlips' New Pre-trial Statement


            from: Bryan Reo <>
            to: Martin Lindstedt <>
            date: Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 7:13 PM
            subject: Reo v Lindstedt Pre-Trial Statement

            Please find attached the pre-trial statement and exhibits that are intended to be introduced at trial. I got some new shit about how you think I'm a faggot mamzer yet again but this time with my employer Kyle Bristow. I am that pencil-necked geek's brain and mangina.

            Also, I took the pictures of your bogus arrest for child molestation direct from your wn web page in order to prove up my long-term lie that you are a convicted child molester.


            Reo's Pre-Trial Statement: (doc)

            Reo's Pre-trial Statement: (pdf)

            Lindstedt's bogus Probable Cause

            The bogus information signed by Mild Bill Dobbs

            Arrest Warrant signed by Greggie "Faggot Judge" Stremel




            This profile of a limited-purpose public figure Attorney Bryan Reo is definitely NOT authorized by Bryan Reo, but is meant to keep the public informed as to what this delusional deranged Satanic Mongrel Abomination is up to in pretending to be a genuine White Supremacist.

            Under NO Circumstances is anyone who hears my voice to [edit 26June21] have anything to do with Bryan Reo or anyone who will have anything to do with Bryan Reo.
            Stay away from Bryan Reo.

            Hail Victory !!!
            Pastor Martin Lindstedt, Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri


            • #36


              The Mamzer from Mentor's Barratry Playground


              Type in "Bryan Reo" and see 61 & Counting Bogus Lawsuits


              • #37


                When I'm Not Chasing Ambulances I'm Sleezing for Ol' Niggerlips Bryan Reo, the "Brains" Behind the ZOGbot Poverty Flaw Center

                Just a low-level ZOGbot Pollack Lawyer Needing Disbarment


                • #38
                  The Sixth Time Wasn't a Charm -- We'll Reschedule for Trial a Seventh

                  The Sixth Time Wasn't a Charm -- We'll Reschedule for Trial a Seventh


                  The Mamzer from Mentor's Barratry Playground


                  Type in "Bryan Reo" and see 61 & Counting Bogus Lawsuits


                  • #39
                    Ol' Niggerlips finally filed Itz Pre-Trial Statement a Week Late

                    Ol' Niggerlips finally filed Itz Pre-Trial Statement a Week Late


                    The Mamzer from Mentor's Barratry Playground


                    Type in "Bryan Reo" and see 61 & Counting Bogus Lawsuits


                    • #40
                      30 Jan 2018 Motion Against Reo's Bogus Motion for Summary Judgment and 20 pages of lies with Defendant's 10-page Motion for Summary Judgment vs Reo an

                      30 Jan 2018 Motion Against Reo's Bogus Motion for Summary Judgment and 20 pages of lies with Defendant's 10-page Motion for Summary Judgment vs Reo and Reo's Lawyers


                      30 January 2018 Motion for Summary Judgment by Both Plaintiff and Defendant:

                      Exhibit #1 Bryan Reo / Brett Klimkowsky / Kyle Bristow FMI-ZPLC Board of Directors

                      Lake County Court ORDER of 23 Dec 2015 forbidding Motions for Summary Judgment past May 16, 2016:

                      Roxie Fausnaught Letter to Judge Collins 30 Jan 18

                      Hail Victory!!!

                      Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                      Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                      Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                      Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                      • #41
                        Defendant's Motion Filed 5 Feb 2018

                        Defendants' Motion Filed 5 Feb 2018


                        Originally posted by PastorLindstedt View Post
                        30 Jan 2018 Motion Against Reo's Bogus Motion for Summary Judgment and 20 pages of lies with Defendant's 10-page Motion for Summary Judgment vs Reo and Reo's Lawyers


                        30 January 2018 Motion for Summary Judgment by Both Plaintiff and Defendant:

                        Exhibit #1 Bryan Reo / Brett Klimkowsky / Kyle Bristow FMI-ZPLC Board of Directors

                        Lake County Court ORDER of 23 Dec 2015 forbidding Motions for Summary Judgment past May 16, 2016:

                        Roxie Fausnaught Letter to Judge Collins 30 Jan 18

                        Hail Victory!!!

                        Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                        Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                        The Mamzer from Mentor's Barratry Playground


                        Type in "Bryan Reo" and see 61 & Counting Bogus Lawsuits


                        • #42
                          Ol' Niggerlips' Pollack Lawyer's Reply Barratry -- 7 Feb 2018

                          Ol' Niggerlips' Pollack Lawyer's Reply Barratry -- 7 Feb 2018



                          When I'm Not Chasing Ambulances I'm Sleezing for Ol' Niggerlips Bryan Reo, the "Brains" Behind the ZOGbot Poverty Flaw Center

                          Just a low-level ZOGbot Pollack Lawyer Needing Disbarment


                          • #43
                            jewrnal Entry: Both Ol' Niggerlip's &amp; Mad Dog's Mattoid Motions DENIED. jewry Trial set for 12 June 2018

                            jewrnal Entry: Both Ol' Niggerlip's & Mad Dog's Mattoid Motions DENIED. ,. . .
                            jewry Trial set for 12 June 2018


                            07/26/2017 Scheduled
                            Event: JURY TRIAL
                            Date: 01/23/2018 Time: 8:30 am
                            Judge: COLLINS JR, RICHARD L Location:

                            07/27/2017 Copy of Defendant's amended pre-trial statement for trial on 1 August 2017, with new information as to Bryan Reo's and Reo's lawyer's fraululent & malicious & vexatious abuse of legal process, certificate of service, filed, pro se Martin Lindstedt

                            08/23/2017 (COPY) JOURNAL ENTRY FILED:This matter is presented on these motions.
                            The motion of plaintiff Bryan Anthony Reo [plainitff Reo] in limine to exclude and disqualify defendant Martin Lindstedt from testifying is denied.
                            The motion of defendant Pastor Martin Lindstedt [defendant Lindstedt] to re-open and set aside Bryan Reo's fraudulent and malicious ex parte and in abstenia stalking judgment achieved via perjury and add Bryan Reo'sa father and Ohio lawyers to the trial is denied. -
                            The motion of defendant Lindstedt to add Bryan Reo's co-conspirator father Anthony D. Reo as a party to the consolidated case is denied.

                            The separate motions of plaintiff Reo, defendant Lindstedt and defendant koxie Fausnaught to continue the August 1, 2017 jury trial is granted. Jury trial is reset to January 23, 2018, at 8:30 a.m.

                            Last, in reviewing the Journal Entry of April 11, 2017, the court finds that the names "William Shawn DeCluen and Clifton Emahiser" were erroneously included in the list of defendants against whom no service was obtained. As service was obtained against DeClue and Emahiser, the claims asserted by defendant Lindstedt against them remain r pending and are not dismissed.

                            08/24/2017 Copy of letter received from Roxie Fausnaught, filed

                            01/16/2018 Motion for leave to file motion for summary judgment against defendant Martin Linstedt and to file brief in excess of ten pages right to file reply brief waived, certificate of service, filed.
                            Attorney: KLIMKOWSKY ESQ, BRETT (0090183)

                            01/19/2018 (copy)Defendant's pre-trial statement for jury trial 23 Jan , 2018, certificate of service, filed
                            Attorney: PRO SE (Martin Lindstedt)

                            01/22/2018 (copy) Plaintiff's pretrial statement,exhibits, certificate of service,filed
                            Attorney: KLIMKOWSKY ESQ, BRETT (0090183)

                            Attorney: PRO SE (MARTIN LINDSTEDT)

                            02/07/2018 Reply brief in support of plaintiff's motion for leave to move for summary judgment and in opposition to defendant's motion for summary judgment, certificate of service, filed
                            Attorney: KLIMKOWSKY ESQ, BRETT (0090183)

                            02/15/2018 Scheduled
                            Event: JURY TRIAL
                            Date: 06/12/2018 Time: 8:30 am
                            Judge: COLLINS JR, RICHARD L. Location:
                            Result: Re-scheduled

                            02/21/2018 JOURNAL ENTRY FILED: (copy) The motion of plaintiff Bryan Anthony Reo for leave to file an out of rule motion for summary judgment is denied. Similarly, the motion of defendant Pastor Martin Lindstedt for summary judgment filed without leave of court is hereby stricken. Jury trial is reset to June 12,2018 at 8:30 am

                            REO, BRYAN ANTHONY (0097470) is now a licensed lawyer Ohio Bar # 0097470

                            The Mamzer from Mentor's Barratry Playground


                            Type in "Bryan Reo" and see 61 & Counting Bogus Lawsuits


                            • #44
                              Call me Bryan Reo / SwordBrethren / Ol' Niggerlips the Mamzer from Mentor, Esquirrel

                              Call me Bryan Reo / SwordBrethren / Ol' Niggerlips the Mamzer from Mentor, Esquirrel

                              Now that I passed the Ohio Bar I fired the witless Pollack Brett A. Klimkowsky and am back to filing bogus lawsuits against them Korean tuna-snapping dog-eaters, cum-cum, cum-cum!!!


                              07/26/2017 Scheduled
                              Event: JURY TRIAL
                              Date: 01/23/2018 Time: 8:30 am
                              Judge: COLLINS JR, RICHARD L Location:

                              07/27/2017 Copy of Defendant's amended pre-trial statement for trial on 1 August 2017, with new information as to Bryan Reo's and Reo's lawyer's fraululent & malicious & vexatious abuse of legal process, certificate of service, filed, pro se Martin Lindstedt

                              08/23/2017 (COPY) JOURNAL ENTRY FILED:This matter is presented on these motions.
                              The motion of plaintiff Bryan Anthony Reo [plainitff Reo] in limine to exclude and disqualify defendant Martin Lindstedt from testifying is denied.
                              The motion of defendant Pastor Martin Lindstedt [defendant Lindstedt] to re-open and set aside Bryan Reo's fraudulent and malicious ex parte and in abstenia stalking judgment achieved via perjury and add Bryan Reo'sa father and Ohio lawyers to the trial is denied. -
                              The motion of defendant Lindstedt to add Bryan Reo's co-conspirator father Anthony D. Reo as a party to the consolidated case is denied.

                              The separate motions of plaintiff Reo, defendant Lindstedt and defendant koxie Fausnaught to continue the August 1, 2017 jury trial is granted. Jury trial is reset to January 23, 2018, at 8:30 a.m.

                              Last, in reviewing the Journal Entry of April 11, 2017, the court finds that the names "William Shawn DeCluen and Clifton Emahiser" were erroneously included in the list of defendants against whom no service was obtained. As service was obtained against DeClue and Emahiser, the claims asserted by defendant Lindstedt against them remain r pending and are not dismissed.

                              08/24/2017 Copy of letter received from Roxie Fausnaught, filed

                              01/16/2018 Motion for leave to file motion for summary judgment against defendant Martin Linstedt and to file brief in excess of ten pages right to file reply brief waived, certificate of service, filed.
                              Attorney: KLIMKOWSKY ESQ, BRETT (0090183)

                              01/19/2018 (copy)Defendant's pre-trial statement for jury trial 23 Jan , 2018, certificate of service, filed
                              Attorney: PRO SE (Martin Lindstedt)

                              01/22/2018 (copy) Plaintiff's pretrial statement,exhibits, certificate of service,filed
                              Attorney: KLIMKOWSKY ESQ, BRETT (0090183)

                              Attorney: PRO SE (MARTIN LINDSTEDT)

                              02/07/2018 Reply brief in support of plaintiff's motion for leave to move for summary judgment and in opposition to defendant's motion for summary judgment, certificate of service, filed
                              Attorney: KLIMKOWSKY ESQ, BRETT (0090183)

                              02/15/2018 Scheduled
                              Event: JURY TRIAL
                              Date: 06/12/2018 Time: 8:30 am
                              Judge: COLLINS JR, RICHARD L. Location:
                              Result: Re-scheduled

                              02/21/2018 JOURNAL ENTRY FILED: (copy) The motion of plaintiff Bryan Anthony Reo for leave to file an out of rule motion for summary judgment is denied. Similarly, the motion of defendant Pastor Martin Lindstedt for summary judgment filed without leave of court is hereby stricken. Jury trial is reset to June 12,2018 at 8:30 am

                              06/01/2018 Notice of substitution of Counsel , Certificate of service, filed.
                              Attorney: REO, BRYAN ANTHONY (0097470)

                              06/01/2018 Plaintiff's pretrial statement, certificate of service, filed
                              Attorney: REO, BRYAN ANTHONY (0097470)

                              REO, BRYAN ANTHONY (0097470) is now a licensed lawyer Ohio Bar # 0097470


                              This profile of a limited-purpose public figure Attorney Bryan Reo is definitely NOT authorized by Bryan Reo, but is meant to keep the public informed as to what this delusional deranged Satanic Mongrel Abomination is up to in pretending to be a genuine White Supremacist.

                              Under NO Circumstances is anyone who hears my voice to [edit 26June21] have anything to do with Bryan Reo or anyone who will have anything to do with Bryan Reo.
                              Stay away from Bryan Reo.

                              Hail Victory !!!
                              Pastor Martin Lindstedt, Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri


                              • #45
                                An Open Letter to The Rutherford Institute:

                                An Open Letter to The Rutherford Institute:

                                Bryan Reo v. Pastor Martin Lindstedt, Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri, Lake County Ohio 15CV001590, 16CV000825


                                Dear Rutherford Institute:

                                This is Pastor Martin Lindstedt of The Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Natons of Missouri, a non-profit Church corporation charted in Missouri. I am a Dual-Seedline Christian Identity (DSCI) pastor who teaches Red-Letter 8th Day Comparetian Orthodox Two-Seedline Christian Identity. I've been in the White Nationalist / Supremacist [bowel] Movement since Waco whn I formed two above-ground militia organizations in Southwest Missouri.

                                Since 2008, when this murderous jew pig named William R. Finck got out of federal prison for murdering a Puerto-Rican sneak thief named Arnauldo Ortega in the Jersey City Jail and snitching, ZOG / Babylon has inserted this jew related to Matt Lauer on its mother's side and Mark Potok on its father's side as a sort of Greek scholar. In concert with another Chicago jew, calling itself "Eli James" whose real name is Joseph November whose name used to be Joseph Putz or Kutz and a homosexual mongrel calling itself "SwordBrethren" it tried to take over the above-ground Christian Identity movement, be it One Seedline, Two Seedline or even "No Devil / No Seedline."

                                Christian Identity holds that Aryan Whites are the "lost" 13 Tribes of the House of Israel. Dual or Two Sedline holds that only the Pure Aryan Christian Israelites have souls and free will and that the evil Seedlin are the jews, the literal Spawn of Satan from Satan's seduction of Eve spawning Cain, the world's first jew. The rest of the races are Sixth-Day Beasts of the Field without souls or mongrel abominations. Thus the struggle between YHWH's Children vs. Satan's Spawn ending in the Great Tribulation, the return of Jesus Christ, Satan being put away for a thousand years, then the Second Resurrection, and Judgment Day.

                                Thus no true DSCI believer will knowingly have anything to do with a jew or a mongrel. In 2009 after Baal Finck got out of prison, Finck in conjunction with "Eli James" was all nice to the British Israelite One-Seedliners, then myself. But at 1:30 pm 13 Oct. 2010 I caught Finck lying to myself and "SwordBrethren" & my ally John Britton had already clashed, because one Everett "Buck" McHugh had told me and John Britton that "SwordBrethren" was a mongrel or "mamzer." Buck McHugh hated "SoredMamzer" as I called it because Bryan Reo in conjunction with another jew had cost Buck McHugh his stockbroker's license and $2.5 million for allegedly defrauding some GE retirees at AG Edwards.

                                So I eventually found out that "SwordBrethren" is in fact one Bryan Reo, an obvious mongrel who used to be formerly in touch with Richard Barrett of Misissippi another bowel Movement figure (killed by a negro homosexual in 2010) and kicked out for not being white. Bryan Reo with the aid of Baal Finck & Eli James took down a dozen or so Church forums and blogs, interfered in the federal civil case involving a helicopter crash of a former friend, and when I got on a real free-speech server tried to get me kicked off. In response I'd take up service on Baal Finck's hosting companies so that when Reo got me kicked off then Finck would be kicked off too. Reo also took down some NIM-Busters / 4Channers four times and a homosexual porn web site impersonating my then friend the hellcopter pilot. As a result the Internet is awash in Bryan Reo parody pictures.

                                In April 2014 by threatening to sue the free-speech server I was kicked off again and went to Dreamhost. Bryan Reo then sued me in the North Ohio Federal district court in Cleveland for a DMCA violation for publishing Reo's former Facebook public profile picture which is Reo's 2004 Mentor High School yearbook picture. Reo had made a DMCA Notice to one&, I had counter-noticed back in Nov. 2010 and thus Reo didn't have a claim. The case was moved to the Western District of Missouri where I live and Reo filed dozens of Motions to Strike and for Summary Judgment. I in turn filed against 40 of Reo's friends and co-conspirators for violation of te DMCA and violation of civil rights. The federal judge dismissed the case because Reo couldn't prove that I'd caused him $75,000 in damages, enough to overcome te diversity of state citizenship barrier, much less $10.75 million and getting to censor all my web pages.


                                Upon this federal case being dismissed, Bryan Reo filed against myself 8 days later in Lake County Ohio on Sept. 18, 2015


                                This case is ongoing after six jury trials scheduled and delayed by Reo or the Lake County Court. Bryan Reo then in order to harass filed a lawsuit against my girlfriend and my Church in the Mentor Municipal court. That court agreed that it had no jurisdiction and they didn't want to get involved in Reo's silliness so they kicked it up to Lake County. The result has been consolidated with the above case. Here is its history:


                                Reo also has gotten a bogus stalking case against me from 900 miles away:


                                Bryan Reo, along with Attorney Kyle Bristow, Thom Robb's lawyer spawn, Reo's former attorney Brett Klimkowsky, Richard Spencer and Mike Enoch Peonovich were part of the "Foundation for the MarketPlace of Ideas" or as I called it the ZOGbot Poverty FLaw Center. They would practice "lawfare" against public universities in Michigan, Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania costing them hundreds of thousands in legal bills and campus security -- Until in early March of 2018 Kyle Bristow quit as did Dickie Spencer.


                                White Nationalism / White Supremacy s 95% jews, mongrels, crazed whiggers and ZOGbots. Which is why I ridicule it and name names which is why Bryan Reo gets all mad because I got the crazed homosexual mongrel kicked out of its job working at the North Perry Nuclear Power Plant as a "security risk" and screwed up and saved millions of NE Ohio walking ZOGlings.

                                Anyways, Bryan Reo now is a licensed attorney. Me calling it a crazed homosexual mongrel & ZOGbot from 2010 to 2014, although true enough, shouldm't be actionable because of the Ohio Statutes of Limitations limiting slander and defamation claims to one year. From 2015 I've been publishing public federal and state court records and pleadings -- which is also not actionable. At the same time Bryan Reo has filed over 50 actions in Lake County and that means a like manner given that those sued in Lake County kick it up to the federal level.

                                I think that this is a slam-dunk opportunity for the Rutherford Institute to shut down the "lawfare" practiced by not only these petty mongrel ZOGbots, but bogus civil lawsuits by the Southern Pverty Law Center as well. YOU can use this case against a litigious delusional mongrel trying to shut down White Supremacist free speech to set a precident to shut down these fraudulent civil actions against the Charlottesville fake-Right as well.

                                Bryan Reo has been on Stormfront back in 2008 yapping about how it wanted to shoot down FBI and Lake County police. Now I don't have a problem with that, nor with Reo more lkely gunning down baby mongrels at the Mentor Elementary School more likely. This is the most evil messed up Satannic mamzer abomination I've ever known, worse even than Baal Finck and TraitorGlenn Miller (who ran out of my mother's double-wide back in July 2000 because it thought I was going to kill it for snitching). I really do think that Bryan Reo is the next non-white White Supremacist who will pull worse than an Adam Lanza or the mssed up beaner who killed 17 in Florida a few months ago.

                                You take my case then it will be for you like shooting delusional Satannic homosexual mongrels pretending to be White Supremacists in a barrel. You could help set precident which will defang the Ashkenazi Defecation League and the $outhern Poverty Law Center because I'm counter-suing Bryan Reo for abue of legal process, etc.

                                Since I have blocked Bryan Reo from my gmail account and since Bryan Reo no longer has another lawyer to send me his proposed exhibits and since I cannot or will not send my exhibits directly to Bryan Reo then the case set for jury trial on Tuesday June 12, 2018 will likely be nothng more than two idiots fighting it out.

                                But since I've never asked for a continuance, if the Rutherford Institute wants to take this case for their own purposes -- and I think that this is your free-speech Roe v. Wade -- then I can ask for such a continuance for gaining legal counsel and make of this case a free-speech Dred Scott v. Sanford.

                                I shall put this open letter on my web page @


                                I shall remain at my house in Granby today. You can e-mail me with your decision or call me # (417) 472-6901.

                                I shall of course send e-mails to others.

                                Hail Victory !!!

                                Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                                Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri

                                Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                                Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum

