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Bryan Reo vs Lindstedt Case # 15CV001590 - a bogus vexatious fraudulent piece of litigation in Lake County Ohio

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  • #46
    Jury Trial Cancelled

    Jury Trial Cancelled

    The jury trial scheduled for September 20, 2016 has been cancelled.

    The Mamzer from Mentor's Barratry Playground

    Type in "Bryan Reo" and see 61 & Counting Bogus Lawsuits


    • #47
      Is this matter finished or will it be restarted at a later time?

      Is this matter finished or will it be restarted at a later time?

      This case was nonsense, and it would have cost me a thousand or two dollars to drive up in my old 1990 Buick to attend this jury trial, but I was looking forward to finally finishing this matter off of Bryan Reo stalking me.

      I also had a countersuit against Bryan Reo and five others. Bryan Reo also got a bogus restraining order out on me. And is suing my Church and my bed-bound domestic partner Roxie Fausnaught. Is this matter finished or will it be restarted at a later time?

      Why doesn't the electronic docket sheet reflect this yet?

      Hail Victory!!!

      Pastor Martin Lindstedft,
      Church of Jesus Christ Christian/ Aryan Nations of Missouri

      Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
      Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


      • #48

        The Mamzer from Mentor's Barratry Playground

        Type in "Bryan Reo" and see 61 & Counting Bogus Lawsuits


        • #49
          Itz Me Agin -- LiarBill MumpsNut DeClue(less) -- cum-cum, cum-cum!!!

          Itz Me Agin -- LiarBill MumpsNut DeClue(less) -- cum-cum, cum-cum!!!

          date: Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 10:57 AM
          subject: poor wittle Marty

          Marty, will you ever figure out that you have absolutely no idea what you are doing? I have not been sent notice to appear by the Ohio court so the fact is that a summary judgment cannot be made against me until I actually receive said notice from the court itself. I am listed as a person of interest, not a defendant so you can whine to the court all you want about how mean I am to you because it is not illegal to tell you what a loser you are. It was not too long ago that you were bragging about how all the assets that you "church" owns, including a huge building in the KC area as well as an extremely well funded legal offense fund endowed by your multitude of imaginary supporters and had to admit that in reality you are a deadbeat whose only source of income is public assistance of one kind or another. Also It is hilarious how you keep trying to impose the rules of criminal procedure in a civil matter. Do you honestly not know that criminal and civil law are two different sets of law that cannot be mixed and matched as you see fit? You can't just make up laws and expect to be taken seriously much less win. Personally I wish I could see you make a fool of yourself in court, showing up looking like Charlie Manson's retarded cousin ranting and raving about your fantasy that making Tos complaints against you is illegal when it was your own violation of agreements that you swore to follow that got your websites shut down. If you don't want to be sued and have your slanderfests removed from the web, stop slandering people, that is the only way it is going to happen. Liable is not constitutionally protected speech but my right to laugh at you for making a complete fool of yourself is. So file another motion and see how fast they all get laughed out of court, the way all the bogus lawsuits that you have filed were. Personally I think the Judge in your case should contact Judge Selby and all the other Judges in all your stupid lawsuits and learn for themselves what clueless fool that you are. But I suspect that they will know that for themselves in Feb. when you show up looking worse than the homeless guy that tried to get money from them for washing their windshield in traffic. I can't believe how simple it is to drive you over the deep end and get you to actually hurt your own case by expressing my constitutionally protected opinion. If you don't want your websites shut down start being a man of your word and honor your Tos agreements. That's the only way it will happen.

          My goal is to convert and edjewmacate those who are open to the [s]will of Klunt & her Meercat Markkk Downey and the teachings of of their jewnitarian 'No-Devil' baal-priest doctrine while pretending to be Dual-Seedline. I'm such an 85 IQ (on a good day), 250-lbs of dogshit in a 150-lb sack, alleged niglet-niece molesting delusional mumps-nutted KookKluddKlown snitching Son of Belial.

          So you have any niglets I can molest?


          • #50


            Does anyone other than Occam know why I look like a Chicago jew???
            ZOGbotting and Baal-Priesting on CI since 1979 . . .
            You'll never get DNA testing on me or Sored-Mamzer, Lindstedt, Russ Walker!!!


            • #51
              Itz me agin. LiarBill 'MumpsNut' DeClue(less) and Ol' Niggerlips the Mamzer From Mentor wants me to tell you that I didn't voat for you, cum-cum, cum

              Itz me agin. LiarBill 'MumpsNut' DeClue(less) and Ol' Niggerlips the Mamzer From Mentor wants me to tell you that I didn't voat for you, cum-cum, cum!!!



              Congratulations on your three write in votes, that would be you, Roxie and Amalie, only this time you probably had to pay Amalie to vote for you which would make you both guilty of a felony as it is illegal to buy and sell votes. Not even the guy you had to pay to let you use his lot for your goofy sign voted for you, all that time, trouble and expense just to fail miserably.

              So when are you going to post the text of Reo's latest motion for summary judgment? Are you afraid of everyone seeing that he most likely called you out for trying to avoid having to drag Roxie all the way to Ohio by removing her as registered Agent (too bad that HAD to be done before the suit was filed and doing it later has no effect on her status) or by how you claim that she is an illiterate invalid yet she is fit enough to constantly run for public office? Let's not forget how Roxie claimed to no longer be an officer of your "Church" in her official filing when if that were true you'd have no church since you have no one but her and your only friend, the insane murderer who will die in the nuthouse to stand as an officer. I notice that your sister wasted no time in dumping you to hire a lawyer to represent her in your Mother's estate, I'm sure that she refuses to stand as an officer of your piece of paper Church as well.

              Well, keep up the bad work Marty boy, you're only one or two major screw ups from being homeless, and by all means file another one of your stupid motions begging the court to save you from me, it's hilarious to watch you sabotage your own case. Can't you see that you'll always be a failure? You don't have the guts to do more than talk and you don't have the brains to ever win a lawsuit. You run crying to Kyle Bristow, begging him to save you from Reo and then when you find out Reo works for him you run snitching to the SPLC because you lack the brains to do anything but run your mouth.

              My goal is to convert and edjewmacate those who are open to the [s]will of Klunt & her Meercat Markkk Downey and the teachings of of their jewnitarian 'No-Devil' baal-priest doctrine while pretending to be Dual-Seedline. I'm such an 85 IQ (on a good day), 250-lbs of dogshit in a 150-lb sack, alleged niglet-niece molesting delusional mumps-nutted KookKluddKlown snitching Son of Belial.

              So you have any niglets I can molest?


              • #52


                Uncle LiarBill / MumpsNut DeClue Molested Muh Little Coontang, cum-cum, cum-cum!!!


                • #53


                  The Mamzer from Mentor's Barratry Playground


                  Type in "Bryan Reo" and see 61 & Counting Bogus Lawsuits


                  • #54
                    Pay attention 2 me, Pope Marty!!! Or else Ol' Niggerlips will get my oldest niglet niece I molested to sodomize me with a corn cobb, cum-cum, cum-cum!

                    Pay attention 2 me, Pope Marty!!! Or else Ol' Niggerlips will get my oldest niglet niece I molested to sodomize me with a corn cobb, cum-cum, cum-cum!!!



                    Why are you afraid to post my last e mail? Could it be that your bowels turn to liquid when you think of getting caught in your criminal conspiracy to commit voter fraud by duping poor, dull witted Amalie into selling you her vote? which is a felony. It certainly won't get them long to get Amalie to sing like the temptations, all they have to do is either threaten her with jail or offer her a box of bon bons to get her to talk so fast they'll need more than one stenographer to keep up with her. And then there's the fact that Roxie basically committed perjury in a sworn statement when she claimed that she was no longer an officer of your "Church". We both know that though you did replace her as registered agent that you cannot remove her as an officer or there'd be no Church as Roxie and the goof from the looney bin are the only two people in the world dumb enough to trust you. You've already dragged poor, illiterate Roxie into a massively stressful mess that may end up with her needing to go to a nursing home which would leave you destitute as your federal handout depends upon the fact that you are currently mooching off Roxie. It's simply a matter of time before your Church is exposed as the criminal organization that it is.

                    My goal is to convert and edjewmacate those who are open to the [s]will of Klunt & her Meercat Markkk Downey and the teachings of of their jewnitarian 'No-Devil' baal-priest doctrine while pretending to be Dual-Seedline. I'm such an 85 IQ (on a good day), 250-lbs of dogshit in a 150-lb sack, alleged niglet-niece molesting delusional mumps-nutted KookKluddKlown snitching Son of Belial.

                    So you have any niglets I can molest?


                    • #55
                      Attorney William Johnston: 2016 Hypocrite of the Year

                      Attorney William Johnston: 2016 Hypocrite of the Year



                      William Johnson

                      Chairman of American Freedom Party

                      Major Trump Booster

                      One would assume he is for Putting America FIRST.. and putting WHITE Business FIRST… NOPE Johnson says he doesn’t ant anymore Mexicans to displace White workers BUT……

                      LOOK AT HIS WEBSITE… READ IT…OH YOU CAN’T


                      YES>> Johnson is ALL FOR displacing WHITE American Business

                      HERE IS THE SITE:




                      • #56
                        The “Make America Jew” White Nationalist Hall of Shame

                        The “Make America Jew” White Nationalist Hall of Shame


                        DESPITE all of the EVIDENCE that Donald Trump was an AGENT and ASSET of BOTH American & INTERNATIONAL Jewry, prominent White Nationalists used the Movement to mobilize hard working White working class people to put Trump into office. DESPITE the fact that ALL of Trumps children are sleeping with and procreating with Jews and ALL of Trump’s grandchildren are JEWS AND DESPITE the fact that ALL of Trump’s non family executives in the Trump Organization are Jews and DESPITE the fact that Trump supports the Jewish “LGBTQ” Agenda including having NON-GENDER specific restrooms at Trump Tower, meaning a hairy man may share the potty with your little girl and Trump is fine with it because, as he says ” its settled by the Supreme Court”.

                        DESPITE all of the evidence of Trump’s Jewishness, which would have excluded anyone else from membership in any legitimate White Nationalist Entity , nearly ALL of the “White Nationalist” “Leaders”, “Spokesmen” and assorted self-appointed internet Pubahs directed people to vote and “Make America Jewish” on the sole basis of Trump verbally beating up Mexicans. What a cast of fools they and you all are.

                        As a result, NOT only has Trump named his hyper Zionist Jew son-in-law Jared Kushner, Trump appointed Kushner as his main White House Counselor, to make sure Jewish Interests are safe guarded

                        See yours truly’s commenst Re: Kushner :



                        • #57
                          Ol' Niggerlips is promising to tap muh fat stanky mangina if Ah'll harass you before kort, cum-cum, cum-cum!!!

                          Ol' Niggerlips is promising to tap muh fat stanky mangina if Ah'll harass you before kort, cum-cum, cum-cum!!!




                          date: Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 11:03 AM
                          subject: The end is near.........

                          Of course the people that need to know have been made aware of your conspiracy to commit voter fraud and given the info needed to conduct their investigation. I am sure that you have already tried to scare poor Amalie into keeping silent by telling her that she is just as guilty as you which will only prep her for the cops that will offer her immunity to get her testimony to convict the mastermind of the criminal conspiracy. Now knowing how slow the law works down there (after all it took them a full year to arrest you the last time) they might not pull Amalie in for questioning right away but we both know that when they finally get around to it she will last a full half a second before she spills her guts and agrees to testify at your felony trial. As far as Roxie's perjury goes I am sure Reo has already informed the court of that...............

                          My goal is to convert and edjewmacate those who are open to the [s]will of Klunt & her Meercat Markkk Downey and the teachings of of their jewnitarian 'No-Devil' baal-priest doctrine while pretending to be Dual-Seedline. I'm such an 85 IQ (on a good day), 250-lbs of dogshit in a 150-lb sack, alleged niglet-niece molesting delusional mumps-nutted KookKluddKlown snitching Son of Belial.

                          So you have any niglets I can molest?


                          • #58
                            Hi! I'm Attorney Brett A. Klimkowsky, Esquirrel, from the ZOGbot Poverty (F)Law Center & I'm going ass-2-mouf with Ol' Niggerlips Bryan Reo as his att

                            Hi! I'm Attorney Brett A. Klimkowsky, Esquirrel, from the ZOGbot Poverty (F)Law Center & I'm going ass-2-mouf with Ol' Niggerlips Bryan Reo as his attack weasel, cum-cum, cum-cum!!!


                            Attorney Brett A. Klimkowsky, Esquirrel, of the ZOGbot Poverty (F)Law Center is now (Mis)Representing Bryan Reo:

                            When I'm Not Chasing Ambulances I'm Sleezing for Ol' Niggerlips Bryan Reo, the "Brains" Behind the ZOGbot Poverty Flaw Center

                            Just a low-level ZOGbot Pollack Lawyer Needing Disbarment


                            • #59
                              Self-Seving Idiotic Motion to Dismiss Ol' Niggerlips' Alleged Spawner Anthony D. Reo from Pastor Lindstedt's Counter-Suit

                              Self-Seving Idiotic Motion to Dismiss Ol' Niggerlips' Alleged Spawner Anthony D. Reo from Pastor Lindstedt's Counter-Suit


                              Self-Seving Idiotic Motion to Dismiss Ol' Niggerlips' Alleged Spawner Anthony D. Reo from Pastor Lindstedt's Counter-Suit Page 1

                              Self-Seving Idiotic Motion to Dismiss Ol' Niggerlips' Alleged Spawner Anthony D. Reo from Pastor Lindstedt's Counter-Suit Pages 2-6

                              This legal genius from the ZOGbot Poverty (F)Law Center's envelope:

                              When I'm Not Chasing Ambulances I'm Sleezing for Ol' Niggerlips Bryan Reo, the "Brains" Behind the ZOGbot Poverty Flaw Center

                              Just a low-level ZOGbot Pollack Lawyer Needing Disbarment


                              • #60
                                Reply to Attorney Brett Klimkowsky, Esquirrel, regarding dismissal of Counter-Claim against Bryan Reo's alleged spawner (pdf):

                                Reply to Attorney Brett Klimkowsky, Esquirrel, regarding dismissal of Counter-Claim against Bryan Reo's alleged spawner (pdf):


                                Reply to Attorney Brett Klimkowsky, Esquirrel, regarding dismissal of Counter-Claim against Bryan Reo's alleged spawner (pdf):

                                Exhibit #1:: Reo v. National Auto Division, Judge Demands Proof of Reo's lies or Reo & Klimkowsky face sanctions for perjury:

                                Exhibit #2: Reo vs Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations 16CV000825, Reo files on 1Aug16 after claiming not being able to make 2Aug16 trial date:

                                Exhibit #3 Foundation for the Marketplace of Ideas / ZOGbot Poverty (F)Law Center Bored of Di-wreck-tards:

                                Exhibit #4 Bryan Reo's 11July16 Motion to Modify Trial Date other than 2Aug16 (while filing a bogus motion on 1Aug16 against Roxie & The Church)

                                Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                                Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum

