
No announcement yet. and Christian Nationalist Forum will be censored for a while because of CI baal-priests and mamzers.

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  • and Christian Nationalist Forum will be censored for a while because of CI baal-priests and mamzers. and Christian Nationalist Forum will be censored for a while because of CI baal-priests and mamzers. and Christian Nationalist Forum will be censored for a while because of CI baal-priests and mamzers. A scuffle between the mamzer 'papist preterist' baal-priests Eli James and William Finck the past month, and outing their pet mamzer faggot Bryan Reo, led to two Terms of Service cumplaints to, with which I complied, but which in turn lead to is going to delete and Christian Nationalist forum for a short time until I can get the database and files moved to another free-speech friendly forum.


    From: <>
    Date: Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 5:29 PM

    Dear Martin:

    This is a courtesy notice regarding a Terms of Service violation associated with your account. At sign-up, all users state that they have read through, understand, and agree to our terms. These terms are legal and binding. Please see:

    Upon review of your account, the file(s) that we found to be in violation of our Terms of Service are:

    Use of profanity throughout the site will need to be removed.

    Please remove these files.

    If these violations have not been rectified within 48 Hours of this notice, your account's web site(s) will be deactivated, access to your account will be disabled, and you will need to call our service line, (866) 573-HOST, option 5, to discuss and resolve the suspension of your account. If your account becomes deactivated, it (and all of its files, databases, and emails) will be subsequently deleted.

    Thank you,
    Terms of Service Compliance Department
    1958 South 950 East
    Provo, UT 84606
    Phone line: (866) 573-HOST Option 5 | Fax line: 801-765-1992


    This occurred after two TOS cumplaints from this Bryan Reo/R-E-O Speed-Mamzer/Sored-Mamzer bitching about myself posting its Facebook picture and name found out when one of my spies on the Finck-El-Steins dropped the dime of Bryan Reo. Bryan Reo six years ago was, according to Billy Roper, Dickie Barrett's pet "Mexican faggot." It ran off for a little while, then cum back under the mamzer baal-priest Eli James' wing and also under William Finck's spurious authority.

    These baal-priests have been bringing in a vicious non-white mamzer faggot of some kind which routinely would not be allowed anywhere near the above-ground DSCI Church, and wouldn't affect the underground Church. Around Friday, Oct. 29, 2010, the shekel was dropped on Bryan Reo to check William Finck's Facebook page for a mamzer named "Brian" and detected in short order by where it went to college, interests, and the fact that it was a mamzer. This mamzer used to be ASS-o-CIA-ted with Richard Barret, the notorious rump-ranger of skinhead faggots.

    In any way, within a day I will not be able to cumply -- not that I would cumply -- with the demand that I remove what some sanctimonious ZOGling jewdayo-whigger/mamzer ass-clown views as 'profane.'

    William Finck's other pet mamzers Mike Delaney and its jew sidekick 'Quest/Kaplan' got booted off of for reprinting Curt Maynard's blog piece about White Nationalist false fronts. Finck lets its mamzers run wild and boot off competing CI pastors.

    Of course my biggest mistake was in buying server space from in the first place. I simply went with what was cheapest at the time, and found out that these people are evil fools the hard way. No Internet Service Provider really wants to rigidly police non-unlawful conduct on its forum because then it must police it in a non-discriminatory manner. The end result is that nobody with sense wants to sign up with a server which might well censor you and your content simply because someone doesn't like what is being said about them -- when all the time they have not been living retiring lives, like Bryan Reo.

    I might well sue Bryan Reo, Eli James, William Finck as well as upon doing more research. Not under a complaint of contract interpretation, but under a policy of discrimination against White and Christian Israelite free speech and demanding that make it quite clear that they discriminate against non-unlawful political and religious speech as a corporation -- an artificial person given life by the State, and thus a quasi-State actor deserving [t]execution for its misconduct under 42 U.S.C. 1983, 1985.

    Insofar as the mamzer and jew 'papist preterist' baal-priests Eli James/Joseph November and William Finck are concerned, what does the above-ground Christian Israelite Church in particular and White Nationalists in general need with the Ashkenazi Defecation League and $outhern Professional Liar's Center to censor and take down our sites when you and your faggot mamzer followers do it for you? And whenceforth the bitching and moaning about Tyson's Foods and Iowa Beef Processors and Walmart bringing in all these beaners when you make a particularly vicious faggot mamzer your third-in-command as a pastor under yourselfs?

    As I look at it, Eli James and William Finck are usefool jewkals which mislead, cut out, and and kill and eat diseased whigger herd animals which voluntarily believe your lies and wander into the Wilderness of Sin for you to kill and devour. And as such, I will make no complaint against you because YHWH has let the jews and mamzers live so that Heaven will not be crowded with diseased animals/whiggers. For a diseased animal believes in that which will finish it off, and rightly so.

    Yet, these two baal-priests have used the tools of the jew to censor/silence a Christian Israelite enemy. So by their fruits -- of censorship, common to the jews since before Ezra Chapter 4 -- you will know them.

    I have made arrangements with some kid to save and download the database and files of my Christian Nationalist forum and sundry blogs. Last night I transferred domain name away from I should have done it six months ago. I would like to thank those who offered me free server space on their own servers in such "free speech havens" like China and India.

    I think that Christian Nationalist and and will be back up and running before Thanksgiving. But will delete by this time tomorrow. Save what you can while you can.

    It is written that in the last days there will be a famine of the Word. As can be seen, this famine of Truth

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 12-13-2010, 08:23 PM.

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