The Movement Turd

May 14, 2012
The Word as Heard on the Turd

May 14, 2012
The Word as Heard on the Turd
TMT -- Episode #122 -- Surviving ZOGbot Mamzers -- 14 May 12
Time: May 14, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST
TMT -- Episode #122 -- Surviving ZOGbot Mamzers -- 14 May 12
The late Robert Frenz said that 75% of the pop-jew-lation is so screwed up in the head that they are not dangerous unless you are stupid enough to have anything to do with them. A little less than two weeks ago, the lonely mudshark who took in a quarter-jew mischling Nutzi NSM fuktard found out that such psychopathic mamzer losers can be dangerous as her hard-core unemployable boyfriend j[ew]-T[ard] Ready cut short her life when she called the piglice that he was about to hit her and tear up her house because she asked this kiketard to leave. The last on the 911 call is her saying "He's got a gun!!! . . . " and then a yelp like a dog makes when you run over it. The 911 narrative was taken up by the mudshark's surviving beaner daughter as she cried -- hearing her cries you would almost think that they be human -- over this vicious mischling nutzi monster murdering her mudshark mother, beaner sister, beaner-baby, the whigger boyfriend of the beaner sister, and then that worthless piece of kikeshit JT Ready. The FiBbIes and BATF removed the ill-eagle weaponry that they had given that ZOGbot to entrap more whigger nutsionalist fuktards with, hosed away all the mud blood, and didn't bother to wipe off the shit on the faces of the bowel Movement fuktards claiming that "Mexicunt drug cartels" did all the killing because they had their own shit to hide.
Think that the mudshark gained enough sense to wish that she hadn't invited this mischling ewboy playing Nutzi into her body and bed and home? Well, too late smart.
I heard from my bowel-Movement sources that Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren, not being coontent to call up the anglo-mestizo "Victor Switzer", former VNNF fuktard and pisser-possum, his boss and nearly get him fired from his local fire department job around Pine Bluff Arkansas back in 2011 because "Spictard Sphincturd" didn't return his wish for butt-pokery. "Victor Switzer" was running wild claiming that my silly old Swedish mother Martina Samuelson, whose best work involved slopping the pigs she would later fry up for bacon on the Lone prairie in South Dakota was somehow a kikess, in turn run off in Feb 2011, then cum back to Rabbi Finckelsheenie's later in the year. Pore "Victor" knew that he had a bunch of tee-pee crawlers in its genetic woodpile, either Hacksaw or more likely Shit-Ass from the No-Wipe-Um tribe, but like jewromy Visser tried to hide this, knowing what happened to "Chief Running FukTard" Mike Jahn on VNNF/TGMNNF/GFRTCNNF. Unlike jewromy Visser, Da Melungeon Lying Pisser-Possum, Victor was able to pass as whigger. But Cryin' Lyin' Bryan/SwordBrethren the jewnibrowed Mamzer from Mentor, Ol' Niggerlips, smelled a wigwam upon its tom-tom and with Auntie-Racist Activist help found out the names of Spictard Sphincturd's great-grand-Injuns and found a heaping helping of Shit-Ass Injun. Little SoredMamzer gave the typpycull mamzer faggot ultimatum -- jewr mangina or jewr life and let's do a high-colonic nazti threesome with that scruffy mamzer dwarf jewrel Mosely or jewr Net-Nutzi life. And Pore Spictard Sphincturd/Victor Switzer decided that its mangina cherry wasn't worth it and pissed down itz red-nigger leg and ran for the tall grass, beseeching itz fellow "Wandering Mamzers of WikiPedia-Talksjew CI" to never coontact it again, be it by jew-mail, Fedbook, or Nigger-Space. Pore Victor has had enough of playing Christian Identity, especially with Rabbi MildSwill Finckelsheenie, the jewrsey Shitty jewboy and spic-killer. No more Voice of ReTards. No more Nutzi kikeshit. Pore little Spictard Spicturd Screwdolf Da Red-nigger Rain-Queer didn't want to play in no more Internut net-nutzi Internut rein-queer games.
Pore Victor Switzer. Well, maybe definitely not. The lying mamzer knew that it had some red-nigger in itz genetic wig-wam to beat itz tom-tom, which is why it knew that Ol' Niggerlips Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren was up to no good in wanting to force the issue and itz ew-golem wee wonger into Spictor's poker-hott-ass mangina and decided that twice was NOT a charm. And yes, Victor Switzer was not a 'good wagon-burner' of a mamzer suffering from Peter Dunkin' because it was intent on claiming that a Good White Man of impeccable ancestry was descended from some little jew on da lone prairie, while an obvious hose-nose like Rabbi Finckelsheenie from jewrsey Shitty jew jewrsey was actually [Sw]Rhine-Palent[sw]ine jewrman. A lot of mamzers in the bowel Movement and in the "Wandering Mamzers of Wiki-Pedia-Talksjew CI" want to play such games of "let's pretend."
And now my former baal-priest of three daze, LiarBill DeClue(less) is on Da MamzerBarrell, feeding the jews and mamzers and faggots there itz delusions as to who "Pastor Lindstedt" is -- and lying. But not to worry. I figured out LiarBill -- MumpsNut(s?) to itz enemies and niglet-nieces -- real quick and I didn't need to read itz Private Messages left on $permFart on Toshiba #2 to find out, neither.
Dr. Robert Frenz was correct. Any infectious case of jews and mamzers and whiggers can be survived, if you will only apply yourself a quarantine on such.
Also, more about JT Ready and the rest of the bowel Movement.
After-Action Report: Russ Walker calls in and talks about his recent visit to New Zealand where he didn't bring along his Jack LaLayne juicer and no sheep or emus or kiwis were harmed or juiced during Russifer's visit. Also about the First Nigger's advocating faggot 'marriage.' The show was cut off early, but since there wasn't much to cover anyway other than Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren outing "Victor Switzer" as a red nigger mamzer, nothing much was harmed.

Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.
Start Time (EDT): 05/14/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
Duration (minutes): 120+.
Download link: Archive Directory Archive Directory
Temporary Download Link Re-Engineered 32kps Talksjew Download 16kps @
Chat Transcript:
Hail Victory!!!
Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri