TMT -- Episode #118 -- -- 15 April 12
TMT -- Episode #118 -- When Mamzers Attack!!! -- 15 April 12
Time: April 15, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST
TMT -- Episode #118 -- When Mamzers Attack!!! -- 15 April 12
Episode Notes:
The biggest news this week was that attention whore April Gaede's 80-year father Bill Gaede was shot and brother Wolfgang Gaede were beaten in a home invasion and robbery by whiggers/possible beaners. April's father is a tough old bird, who spit out the bullet that his his face and went home after surgery. While I despise April Gaede, I have nothing but well wishes for her father. Life can be so wonderful until you weaken and die.
In the present instance in the bowel Movement is that we have mamzers being mamzers. Specifically the melungeon baal-priest impersonating a lying whigger Jeromy Visser is upon back, pretending to be here for the long haul of maybe a month or so until some criminal infraction makes Da Pisser-Possum run off. Chief Running Red-Nigger jewboy Pisser-Possum will be carefool to refrain from doing any more live shows however. Supposedly jewromy has found two more anglo-mestizos to becum-cum his subordinate baal-priests along with LiarBill 'MumpsNut(s?) DeClue(less) although for some reason jewromy isn't going to ordain my three-day former mistake itzself.
There has been some incursions by MamzerBarrell jewboys and a mudshark upon StumbleInn trying to insist, absent proof, that a White man (myself) is a child molester and a ZOG snitch. Thus such support ZOG/Babylon like jewboys and mamzers are wont to do, but what does such matter? The Great Tribulation shall sweep such aside in due course.
The lame-stream jewsmedia is making a beaner jew into a White man and openly cheering as them niggers are running wild against whiggers. The whiggers are getting nervous and soon enough will have their backs to the wall. When the whigger has no choice but to turn into a White man or to die as a whigger, most of them will end up as dead whiggers. But for a minority of less than 10%, they will morph into White Men, choosing their natural aristocracy of Ten Thousand Warlords, and like Colonel Benjamin Church will take the death and slaughter to the jews and mamzers and exterminate them all and establish the precursor to Jesus Christ's Second Coming. The Movement Turd is the road map of how we get there from here.
Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.
Start Time (EDT): 04/15/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
Duration (minutes): 120+.
Download link: Archive Directory Archive Directory
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32kps Re-Engineered Talksjew Download
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Chat Transcript:
Hail Victory!!!
Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
The Movement Turd

April 15, 2012
The Word as Heard on the Turd

April 15, 2012
The Word as Heard on the Turd
TMT -- Episode #118 -- When Mamzers Attack!!! -- 15 April 12
Time: April 15, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST
TMT -- Episode #118 -- When Mamzers Attack!!! -- 15 April 12
Episode Notes:
The biggest news this week was that attention whore April Gaede's 80-year father Bill Gaede was shot and brother Wolfgang Gaede were beaten in a home invasion and robbery by whiggers/possible beaners. April's father is a tough old bird, who spit out the bullet that his his face and went home after surgery. While I despise April Gaede, I have nothing but well wishes for her father. Life can be so wonderful until you weaken and die.
In the present instance in the bowel Movement is that we have mamzers being mamzers. Specifically the melungeon baal-priest impersonating a lying whigger Jeromy Visser is upon back, pretending to be here for the long haul of maybe a month or so until some criminal infraction makes Da Pisser-Possum run off. Chief Running Red-Nigger jewboy Pisser-Possum will be carefool to refrain from doing any more live shows however. Supposedly jewromy has found two more anglo-mestizos to becum-cum his subordinate baal-priests along with LiarBill 'MumpsNut(s?) DeClue(less) although for some reason jewromy isn't going to ordain my three-day former mistake itzself.
There has been some incursions by MamzerBarrell jewboys and a mudshark upon StumbleInn trying to insist, absent proof, that a White man (myself) is a child molester and a ZOG snitch. Thus such support ZOG/Babylon like jewboys and mamzers are wont to do, but what does such matter? The Great Tribulation shall sweep such aside in due course.
The lame-stream jewsmedia is making a beaner jew into a White man and openly cheering as them niggers are running wild against whiggers. The whiggers are getting nervous and soon enough will have their backs to the wall. When the whigger has no choice but to turn into a White man or to die as a whigger, most of them will end up as dead whiggers. But for a minority of less than 10%, they will morph into White Men, choosing their natural aristocracy of Ten Thousand Warlords, and like Colonel Benjamin Church will take the death and slaughter to the jews and mamzers and exterminate them all and establish the precursor to Jesus Christ's Second Coming. The Movement Turd is the road map of how we get there from here.

Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.
Start Time (EDT): 04/15/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
Duration (minutes): 120+.
Download link: Archive Directory Archive Directory
Temporary Download Link
32kps Re-Engineered Talksjew Download
16kps @
Chat Transcript:
Hail Victory!!!
Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri