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  • TMT -- Episode #118 -- -- 15 April 12

    The Movement Turd

    April 15, 2012
    The Word as Heard on the Turd

    TMT -- Episode #118 -- When Mamzers Attack!!! -- 15 April 12
    Time: April 15, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST

    TMT -- Episode #118 -- When Mamzers Attack!!! -- 15 April 12

    Episode Notes:

    The biggest news this week was that attention whore April Gaede's 80-year father Bill Gaede was shot and brother Wolfgang Gaede were beaten in a home invasion and robbery by whiggers/possible beaners. April's father is a tough old bird, who spit out the bullet that his his face and went home after surgery. While I despise April Gaede, I have nothing but well wishes for her father. Life can be so wonderful until you weaken and die.

    In the present instance in the bowel Movement is that we have mamzers being mamzers. Specifically the melungeon baal-priest impersonating a lying whigger Jeromy Visser is upon back, pretending to be here for the long haul of maybe a month or so until some criminal infraction makes Da Pisser-Possum run off. Chief Running Red-Nigger jewboy Pisser-Possum will be carefool to refrain from doing any more live shows however. Supposedly jewromy has found two more anglo-mestizos to becum-cum his subordinate baal-priests along with LiarBill 'MumpsNut(s?) DeClue(less) although for some reason jewromy isn't going to ordain my three-day former mistake itzself.

    There has been some incursions by MamzerBarrell jewboys and a mudshark upon StumbleInn trying to insist, absent proof, that a White man (myself) is a child molester and a ZOG snitch. Thus such support ZOG/Babylon like jewboys and mamzers are wont to do, but what does such matter? The Great Tribulation shall sweep such aside in due course.

    The lame-stream jewsmedia is making a beaner jew into a White man and openly cheering as them niggers are running wild against whiggers. The whiggers are getting nervous and soon enough will have their backs to the wall. When the whigger has no choice but to turn into a White man or to die as a whigger, most of them will end up as dead whiggers. But for a minority of less than 10%, they will morph into White Men, choosing their natural aristocracy of Ten Thousand Warlords, and like Colonel Benjamin Church will take the death and slaughter to the jews and mamzers and exterminate them all and establish the precursor to Jesus Christ's Second Coming. The Movement Turd is the road map of how we get there from here.


    Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.

    Start Time (EDT): 04/15/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
    Duration (minutes): 120+.

    Download link: Archive Directory Archive Directory

    Temporary Download Link

    32kps Re-Engineered Talksjew Download
    16kps @

    Chat Transcript:

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 04-17-2012, 12:26 PM.

    Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
    Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


    • The Movement Turd

      April 19, 2012
      The Word as Heard on the Turd

      TMT -- Episode #118.5 -- I could have been John Doe #2 but didn't go there -- 19 April 12
      Time: April 19, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST

      TMT -- Episode #118.5 -- I could have been John Doe #2 but didn't go there -- 19 April 12

      Episode Notes:

      Wherein I discuss Oklahoma City and Waco and Hitler's Birthday.

      I remember both April 19, 1993 and 1995. When the FiBbIes murdered the Branch Davidians I was also like so many subjects throughout the ZOGland angered by the premeditated murders of men, women and children who wanted nothing more than to be separated from the Beast power of ZOG/Babylon so they moved outside as best they could from this degenerate and decaying society. And so, like a certain minority of White men, I determined to advance the cause of destroying ZOG/Babylon.

      Two years later, I'm fighting with this crooked judge named Joseph Schoeberl on a burnt-out headlight charge. I had ridiculed this tailgating Granby pig named Larry Tarrant and the pig had illegally cited me for driving a big truck on US Route 60 with 'defective equipment' in retaliation. I'd gotten a change in venue and in judge from Newton County and made this old senile jewdge named Ray Gordon scream at me and 'Smokin' Joe' Schoeberl and I were feuding over the pre-trial evidence. I'd eventually be found guilty of the infraction by a jewry of my whigger ass-clown peers and because I refused to pay the supercedias bond imposed by 'Smokin' jew' would get a thirty-day sentence of criminal coontempt of jewdge a year later, thanks to this crooked lawyer named Kevin Lee Selby bringing this matter up again.

      Anyway, in the latter part of 1993 and throughout 1994, like a lot of Christian Identity and Klansmen and others, I'm working with others to form 'Citizens' Militias' throughout SouthWest Missouri. One of the militias I helped found was centered in Jasper, Newton, and McDonald counties. Me and this much older fellow old enough to be my father had gotten a number of survivalists and sundry people who were attending this 'Mark from Michigan' Koernke meetings to agree in principle to bring their underground organizations aboveground to form our 'Citizen's Militia.' We're looking at upping the numbers of our militia from around 30-40 people who will make a meeting if given sufficient notice to around 150-160 or so, a four or five-fold increase. So on the afternoon of Thursday April 21st, 1995 after a morning spent in fighting over my railroad from 'Smokin' Joe' I'm in Roger's immaculate living room -- never seen a bachelor who maintained such an immaculate living room -- I'm watching as some guy named Timothy McVeigh associated with the Michigan Militia on CNN is being given the 'perps walk' and being booed by the ZOGling whigger ass-clowns. A half hour later the leaders of these underground organizations are visiting as they individually tell us, "Sorry Roger, Martin, you see what's coming down. We won't be joining your militia because ZOG/Babylon is about to clamp down, the balloon is about to go up, we are going to go back underground and shoot to kill when necessary, so we need to decline to get our names on the list." And so instead of gaining an increase of 150 members, we 'lost' those and around 15-20 of the thirty or forty we already had as well. Wel-cum-cum to Da Bowel Movement.


      Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.

      Start Time (EDT): 04/19/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
      Duration (minutes): 120+.

      Download link: Archive Directory Archive Directory

      Temporary Download Link

      32kps Re-Engineered Talksjew Download
      16kps @

      Chat Transcript:

      Hail Victory!!!

      Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
      Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

      Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 04-22-2012, 06:08 PM.

      Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
      Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


      • TMT -- Episode #118.9 -- Pastor Lindstedt discusses DSCI on the NewsKike Show -- 21 April 12

        The Movement Turd

        April 21, 2012
        The Word as Heard on the Turd

        TMT -- Episode #118.9 -- Pastor Lindstedt discusses DSCI on the NewsKike Show -- 21 April 12
        Time: April 21, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST

        TMT -- Episode #118.9 -- Pastor Lindstedt discusses DSCI on the NewsKike Show -- 21 April 12

        Episode Notes:

        Pastor Lindstedt gets on the NewsGuy Radio F[r]ee NimNuts show and discusses the bowel Movement in general and Christian Identity in particular. Why having a bunch of jews like Eli James and MildSwill Finckelsheenie and mamzers impersonating Aryans like Bryan Reo, Anglo-Mestizo Truitt, and the 'Wandering Mamzers of WikiPedia/Talksjew CI' is a dead end. Original Talksjew Download Link

        Pastor Lindstedt calls in at 3hrs, 4 minutes, 45 seconds and is on show for next 1 hr, 23 minutes. Pastor Lindstedt speaking only: 32kps Talkjew download


        Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.

        Start Time (EDT): 04/21/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
        Duration (minutes): 1hr 23 minutes.

        Download link: Archive Directory Archive Directory

        Temporary Download Link 32kps Re-Engineered Talksjew Download
        16kps @

        Chat Transcript:

        Hail Victory!!!

        Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
        Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

        Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 04-30-2012, 05:21 PM.

        Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
        Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


        • TMT -- Episode #119 -- Linder gets named a jew by his tards, Russifer visits New Zealand and juices a sheep -- 23 April 12[/B]

          The Movement Turd

          April 23, 2012
          The Word as Heard on the Turd

          TMT -- Episode #119 -- Linder gets named a jew by his tards, Russifer visits New Zealand and juices a sheep -- 23 April 12
          Time: April 23, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST

          TMT -- Episode #119 -- Linder gets named as a jew by his tards, Russifer visits New Zealand and juices a sheep -- 23 April 12

          Episode Notes:

          Nothing much going on in the bowel Movement this weekend after Hitler Day. Linder is named as a jew by one of his [now banned] tards. Russell Walker is visiting New Zealand, possibly with his Jack LaLaine juicer and might be juicing a kangaroo or emu or sheep or two even as we speak. April Fools cum late this month. So I'm postponing the show until Monday night.


          Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.

          Start Time (EDT): 04/23/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
          Duration (minutes): 120+.

          Download link:
 Archive Directory
 Archive Directory

          Temporary Download Link

 32kps Talksjew Download
          16kps @

          Chat Transcript:

          Hail Victory!!!

          Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
          Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

          Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 04-30-2012, 05:19 PM.

          Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
          Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


          • The Movement Turd

            April 23, 2012
            The Word as Heard on the Turd

            TMT -- Episode #119.5 -- Bowel Movement Revisionism -- 26 April 12
            Time: April 26, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST


            TMT -- Episode #119.5 -- -- 26 April 12

            Every decade or so, since the 1976 DeGuello Report, has someone in the bowel Movement looking at what is going on within the [bowel] Movement in order to ascertain for the newbies what is going on. Rick Cooper, a Dual-Seedline Christian Identity National Socialist came up with what was called 'The Cooper Report' for the benefit of the Aryan Nations under Pastor Richard Butler in 1986. Harold Covington has taken bits and pieces of these previous reports and came up with what I call "The Covington Report" of the 1990s and early 2000's. And because Covington named names and places and figures there are a lot of Great Bowel Movement Leaders and their fluffer & bottom meercats who are all mightily pissed off.

            What this Tom Sunic, an intellectual on an intellectual's blog has started as a sort of review of racialist fiction with a message -- Harold Covington's NorthWest Republic -- to where allied racialist movement people fight a colonial revolutionary war against a decaying and dying ZOG/Babylon and by virtue of incessant constant violence make the accountants rein in the generals, like happened in Iraq and now Afghanistan. Sunic states the obvious -- Covington is the best writer in the Movement bar none.

            But none of that matters because what has happened this time, as last time, is that the same old Piercite/CreaTarded Axis of ZOGbots is whining "How dare you read Covington's books for free!!! He was so mean to dead Fearless Leader. I even had to run whining to ZOG and say how much hurt he did to my reputation as a . . . . well, nevermind, he wrote my name in one of his books. Tubby, Tubby, Tubbeeeeeeeee!!!!"

            Like everyone else here I was at odds with Covington over what he wrote -- not about me, but about Christian Identity in the first and worst of his novels, "[S]Will of the Ravings." So was everyone else within Christian Identity. How dare Covington use us as shock troops and then give us 'Class-C shitizenship, will he. Well, we'll see about that!

            So I fought with Covington and he fought back. He booted me off of his 'Truth Commission" yahoogroups. I formed a "CovingtonCommission" jewhoogroup. Covington created a "Martin Lindstedt" sockpuppet, and had 'Martin Lindstedt' profess undying homoerotic love for "George, George, George of the Jungle." I likewise got in my licks as well.

            But I was reading Covington's second novel, "A Distant Thunder" in which a young whigger turns White because of the horrors visited upon him by ZOG/Babylon while the Revolution starts with ZOG doing some baby-stealing in Northern Idaho. I began to forgive Covington for the first book in the series. Having my little grandchildren stolen and sold because of my racial and religious beliefs, then three and a half years of getting my front teeth knocked out by a pig, being doped up and tortured in a psychiatric prison for the 'crime' of wanting to defend myself against bogus child molestation charges, and a lot of other indignities which make you intellectuals pissy-ass cumplaints seem like puling idiocy has turned what was a promising religious maniac wanting the Great Tribulation to a full-fledged sociopath wanting to personally dish out some genocide to whiggers, mamzers and jews bigtime.

            So upon these bogus charges having to be dismissed, I decided, on the basis of Covington's works, to make peace with Covington insofar as possible. And I have done so.

            I don't think that Covington's future history will take place. As exhibit one, I point out the comments section on this blog. Every psuedo-intellectual on this blog has the notion that whatever he wants he should get. Hadding and WhiggerSwill Welas seem to 'think' that they get to tell newbies what to think, that their 'Revisionist' History of the [bowel] Movement means something even though mostly lies and evasions, and that because Covington plays mean that this means that they get to whine like babies while pretending to be dangerous.

            To a real deep-woods Dual-Seedline Christian Identity Aryan -- not the "Wandering Mamzers & jewboys of WikiPedia/Talksjew CI" -- the solution is at hand, namely the Great Tribulation. Exterminating through civil war over 90% of the whiggers and all of the mongrels/mamzers, beasts of the field and jews and having nothing left upon Jesus Christ's Second Coming but 10 million Whites ruled over by 10 thousand Warlords. Thus I've worked on decentralizing the bowel Movement.

            I've been in the bowel Movement since Waco. I'm a former militia leader and Internut publisher in my own right. I used to correspond with Louis Beam and Katja Lane and David Lane secondhand. Katja Lane used to grouse about "phone-booth fuerher's with $400,000 in Order money and no help for David Lane." Tom Martinez, the traitor, was a National Alliance mestizo criminal who turned on Robert Matthews. I asked, and got permission from Louis Beam and the Lanes to pretend to be TraitorGlenn Miller's friend so that I could keep TGM from getting back in the bowel Movement. This, when I've had to denounce every single 'Christian Identity' traitor like Dan Gayman who got Order money and then did some snitching at Ft. Smith. And so, I've never had much respect for William Pierce as anything other than just another intellectual who took Order money and then was on the ZOG payroll, running an "Elohim City for CreaTards." (By the way, I met Dr. Pastor Robert Millar of Elohim City myself and was invited to go down to be spied upon myself.)

            The reason that the Movement has been a failure is because of the compromised and corrupt leadership and the racially mixed and deranged followership. This is as it should be just before the Apocalypse.

            Now I have a program on Talksjew about my experiences in the bowel Movement called, appropriately enough, The Movement Turd.

            Covington's project will fail because it is not YHWH's Plan that it should succeed. But for those who want to put a worldly face upon why, let's just say that Covington isn't going to get 50 Warlords working in synch, much less one-hundred or one thousand. Covington is trying to build something, like a LibberToon, when there is nobody to build anything and while ZOG is still in a position to harvest Covington's budding crop.

            But that said, Covington has the only plan within the Movement that at least has some sort of rational: Get a cadre of racial revolutionaries together and fight a limited-area civil war while ZOG falls apart. The other 'plan' is for whiggers to whine like jews and beg them to let us live and call ourselfs a 'White Snivel-Blights Group.'

            I much prefer to beg YHWH to let me kill 120 million whiggers, 170 million mamzers, beasts of the field, and jewboys, and then let Christ return to fix up what little remains. But then again, I'm a religious maniac who talks to YHWH every day.

            So what do you 'intellectuals' believe in? Nothing, but how smart you allegedly is, that's all. Of course you could always get more screwed up, itz possible. Listening to Hadding/Baby-KAS and WhiggerSwill Welass and what remains of the Piercetards will finish off scrambling what little you got insofar as brains is concerned.

            Well, thanks for providing me something for tonight's show. Sunday's show was reduced to speaking about how one of Linder's dothead trannys called the gut-sick guido-kikenweasel with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS a "jew" and got banned for it and how Russifer was wandering the wilds of New Zealand with his Jack LaLayne juicer and juicing a kiwi or wallaby or kangaroo or sheep or two.


            Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


            Start Time (EDT): 04/26/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
            Duration (minutes): 120+.

            Download link:
   Archive Directory
   Archive Directory

            Temporary Download Link

   32kps Talksjew Download
            16kps @

            Chat Transcript:

            Hail Victory!!!

            Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
            Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

            Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 04-30-2012, 05:17 PM.

            Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
            Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


            • The show tonight

              I called in early in the show. But then the federal filter turned on shortly after my hooks to the show detected it. I will not call in while "papacat" is dialed in. That is the feds.

              Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 04-27-2012, 06:15 PM.
              Never take seriously anonymous tards that sport jewess avatars.


              • TMT -- Episode #119.9 -- Gangsta Bolshevism & Da MamzerBarrell -- 29 April 12

                The Movement Turd

                April 28, 2012
                The Word as Heard on the Turd

                TMT -- Episode #119.9 -- Gangsta Bolshevism & Da MamzerBarrell -- 29 April 12
                Time: April 28, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST


                TMT -- Episode #119.9 -- Gangsta Bolshevism & Da MamzerBarrell -- 29 April 12

                A short incursion onto Kane12345666's and Yakub Jizzrael's Talksjew channel after running off Appy. 'Appollonian' -- really more like 'Dionesian catlick spam-mamzer' -- had picked up just enough dim understanding of Christian Identity to act like a Catlick CreaTard and accuse me of 'Whigger Zionism', i.e. of being a whigger wanting to be a jew, like so many LibberToons do. There was much discussion of Da MamzerBarrell denizens, both the bad and the worse. And then as they were about to wrap up the show, I listening did call in around 1 hour 24 minutes.

                Appy did not linger. A listserver leprous armadillo doth rightfully fear "The White Man" bearing gifts of instruction administered from rod of iron, or, in this particular case, a pallet slat. Appy didn't believe me at 1:24:16 that I had just gotten done with my shower, was nekkid, and without a pallet slat. White Man speak to red nigger mamzer with sword tongue. Of course Appy had just talked a bunch of shit about Il Ragno's late sainted mother and everyone knows that even jew yawk Northern-wop Lombard-guidos know they's way around a loading dock and how to quickly arm theysselfs with a pallet slat, hence Appy's understandable leprous armadillo's instinctive desire to hit the ground running and be off to the races. The Goinstown Races. Whereupon the topics safely ranged to Jeromy Visser being a melungeon mamzer meth-goober pisser-possum, Ingelded being a big G[r]eek faggot pitching and catching (mainly catching) with the beaner [anal] pool-boy, Kentucky Chomo-Merlungeon/FeeMamzerMeercunt getting a chomo-check as a mamzer criminal pervert, Alison being a stupid twat, jewnstain & Bluto/Puto Zimmer-mamzer as Seattle jewboys, Nigger-Humping Gorda & Muhdikkk X, Kommandork Chimpout/Rastus moving on to jewnstain & Bluto/Puto Zimmer-mamzer after sucking Kane12345666 dry, DSCI vs British Israeliteism and much much more.

                Yacub Jizzrael is the Gangsta Bolshevik equivalent of Jay Leno, another Canuckistani. Anyone listening in can hear and anyone with WavePad can see that the dynamic range of myself is twice that of Saint Sticknigger Appy. One can sense the bowel Movement overtures of little scavengers of the night being run off by the ominous approach of Tyrannosaurus Ex. So for Bowel Movement Internut podcasting at itz most inane and typpycully insane, this is Movement Turd Gold.

                Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


                Start Time (EDT): 04/28/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
                Duration (minutes): 120+.

                Download link:

       Archive Directory
       Archive Directory

                Temporary Download Link
       Original Talksjew Download Link in Appysprechen.
       32kps Re-Engineered Talksjew Download
                16kps @

                Chat Transcript:

                Hail Victory!!!

                Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 04-29-2012, 05:57 PM.

                Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                • The Movement Turd

                  April 29, 2012
                  The Word as Heard on the Turd

                  TMT -- Episode #120 -- White Nationalism needs 'Intellectuals' as much as Christian Identity needs jewboys -- 29 April 12
                  Time: April 29, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST


                  TMT -- Episode #120 -- White Nationalism needs 'Intellectuals' as much as Christian Identity needs jewboys -- 29 April 12

                  We have had, every decade of the past fifty years some of these so-called 'intellectuals' absent intellect running around and leading other wannabe intellectual whiggers around the same old circles of silliness. We have had Dr. William Pierce who was a caught ZOGbot with $400,000 of Order ZOGbux creating an Elohim City for CreaTards, courtesy of a self-loathing jew named Benjamin Klassen, who taught anglo-mestizo mamzers and addlepated whiggers to worsesheep theysselfs. Now both Pierce and Klassen are long dead, yet you have anglo-mestizo and whigger and jew 'intellectuals' within our bowel Movement still telling whiggers even as things get more dire that if we will only scream "jew! jew! jew!" that somehow by naming the jew that we should thus let such tell us whiggers what to do.

                  There is an instructive thread on this whigger intellectual's blog, which illustrates the degeneracy, both moral and mental, of the bowel Movement. It started out with some Balkanoid Spam-Mamzer of the sort seen on the ZOG false front "Voice of ReTards" Tom Sunic claiming that for fictional reading, Harold Covington's NorthWest Republic novels are fun and instructive to read. Just as like happened around this time two years ago, Hunter Wallace was used by these little intellectual fuktards -- whigger, the other White meat -- to allow the Piercite ZOGbot fuktards WhiggerSwill Welass and Hadding/Scott David Spiedel/Baby-KAS and Coongenitally CreaTarded to run wild with their That Nineties Show bowel-Movement Revisionist history, then using another minor whigger or mamzer fuktard, particularly Matt Parrott, to censor Covington's supporters. This also occurred last year on Kevin McDonald's blog as well until K-Mac simply closed it down.

                  So what to think? Let me indulge in some thinking. What do we need 'intellectuals' for in the bowel Movement? They are altogether pussies who look down on us rougher sorts who think that violence and killing our way out of the current problem are the only real Final Solution possible. There is no political problem that cannot be solved by exterminating through the Great Tribulation all of the whigger, mamzer and jew problem-makers. So letting those who have no intention of actually doing something about letting Nature and YHWH's Will take itz course is a receipe for even more silliness.

                  Kevin McDonald writes tomes about how jews are like jews all the time. I haven't bothered reading more than a few pages of this drivel simply because I think that Pastor John Britton's elderly mother who didn't want to be treated by jew doctors said it best, even though she has declined to the mental age of an eight-year old: "I don't want to be treated by a jew doctor. jews crawled out of Satan's pee hole." Crude, but correct. jews are the spawn of Satan and born evil and needing extermination. What the fuck more do you need to know about jews that you need to open up any book other than the Holy Bible? 'Intellectuals' are a bunch of retarded chickenshits who are intent on creating a need that really doesn't exist for their stupid idiotic crap. Time that would be better spent reading Dr. Mengele's journals or some more of Dr. Lothrup Stoddard's racial anthropology books explaining how we need to run a eugenics quasi-dictatorship in which defective whiggers are sterilized ala Buck v. Bell.

                  So what should Covington do? Well, he's opened up one of his blogs to recreating his own Revisionist bowel-Movement History. But since he still has a ways to go for the Second Volume of Freedom's Sons, Covington should write in Kevin McDonald's final daze in a nursing home run by an amoral Matt Parrot and what happens in the last daze of ZOG/Babylon when the niggers and beaners flip out.

                  Call it "ZOGling Whigger/Mamzer Sons of Belial".

                  After-Action Report: I talk about Harold Covington's GUBU-Crew of Piercite addlepated anglo-mestizo fuktards
                  like WhiggerSwill Welas and Coongenitally CreaTarded and whigger faggots like Hadding/Baby-KAS/Scott Spiedel stalking Covingtonistas on Kevin McDonald's and Gregg Johnson's blogs and this fat Hoosier whigger fuktard Matt Parrott inviting in these hysterical whigger scum and censoring pro-Covington posters.

                  Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


                  Start Time (EDT): 04/29/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
                  Duration (minutes): 120+.

                  Download link:
         Archive Directory
         Archive Directory

                  Temporary Download Links

         32kps Re-Engineered Talksjew Download
         16kps @

                  Chat Transcript:

                  Hail Victory!!!

                  Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                  Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                  Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 05-05-2012, 03:13 AM.

                  Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                  Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                  • TMT -- Episode #120.5 -- The Mamzerchurian ZOGbot j[ew] T[ard] [Un]Ready -- 3 May 12

                    The Movement Turd

                    May 3, 2012
                    The Word as Heard on the Turd

                    TMT -- Episode #120.5 -- The Mamzerchurian ZOGbot j[ew] T[ard] [Un]Ready -- 3 May 12
                    Time: May 3, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST


                    TMT -- Episode #120.5 -- The Mamzerchurian ZOGbot j[ew] T[ard] [Un]Ready -- 3 May 12

                    No one who knew anything to do with or who had ever had [usually unwilling] relations with Jason Todd Ready has evinced a spark of surprise at this overt ZOG agent provocateur flipping out like a switch was set and then shooting its mudshark girlfriend, her beaner daughter and granddaughter and beaner daughter's whigger boyfriend and then turning the gun on itzself. Call JT Ready the Mamzerchurian ZOGbot.

                    Now there are a lot of bowel-Movement ZOGtards and ZOGbots running around wondering what to do about this shit. I had not a single problem in that regard: I laughed. A lot. Only regret is that it didn't take a few piglice with it, and shoot all the beaners in the household. This was one really nasty fat jewboy ZOGbot fuktard and the only good thing it ever did for the White world was leaving it violently at itz own paws yesterday, thank D-g.

                    I was up all night reading and writing about this breaking 'news' about nutty Arizona jewboys that are golems/Manchurian Oswalds programmed to snap when in the notions of the Big jews it is time to unleash another dosage of 'meaningless' chaos into the mix. There's nothing nuttier than an Arizona jewboy golem. One minute it is time to shoot kongress-kritters and federal jewdges, the next year it is time to have the ZOG false-front run by a nutty fat nasty jewboy to run for pub[l]ic orefice and be the public face of the bowel Movement to shoot itz mudshark girlfriend, the mudshark's beaner daughter and latinalet granddaughter and whigger beaner daughters male gorda and then the Manchurian kikengolem. Can't let the Ober-shiessenkopfen-feeben-fatten-fartin-fuerher survive to simply claim insanity, especially when like all these jew mischlings, it is insane as a matter of spawn of Satan genetics. Nope, gotta get rid of the First and Second and all of the rest of the Bill of Goods to the CONstipation and any notion that the Mud Flood should be halted. Whiggers need to die at the hands of niggers and greasers and muds and be happy happy happy about it.

                    Now you will hear Whigger Nutsionalists trying to make sense of this shit when there is no sense other than that a jew mischling golem had one of itz switches flipped and so it flipped out according to schedule. No beaner cartels were involved in this particular ZOG false front. Rather a delusional jew mamzer had some enzymes into its bloodstream and it acted accordingly for a Mamzerchurian ZOGbot. The bowel Movement is full of this kind. The so-called above-ground Dual-Seedline Christian Identity church is now nothing but 'The Wandering Mamzers of WikiPedia-Talksjew Christian Identity.' Eli James/jewseph Kutz-November, MildSwill Finckelsheenie, Captn Senility Guido Clifton Emahiser, Jeromy Visser, Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren/SoredMamzer, Kommandork McFagg/Steve Elder, Matt TwOtt ZOGbott, Obie-gender-bender, Bryan Wright, and many many more. When you have them around you have nothing but jewboys and mamzers playing 'White Nationalist' or Christian Identity.' However, the Piercites and CreaTards/CreaTurds are likewise nothing but mamzer skinheads. I shouldn't have to say anything more about the NSM. Both Jeff Schoep and JT Ready were hooked up with mamzeresses and mudsharks and mongrel offspiring and lying about the obvious that anyone with eyeballs to see could see.

                    Harold Covington in this week's Radio Free Northwest podcast which was released as I was listening to this breaking standard silliness was defending himself from the WhiggerSwill Welas and Hadding and Coongenitally CreaTarded and Matt Parrott censorship allowed on Kevin McDonald's blog last week. Covington gave Fearless Phone-Booth Fuerher with Four Hundred Thousand in Order ZOGbux who set up an Elohim Shitty 4 CreaTurds & Cosmotologists William Pierce waaaay too much credit as something other than a seller of books and trinkets and an effective cult leader. Pierce was smart enough to figure out that the broken and misbegotten bowel-Movement vermin with delusions of adequacy which cum to the hilltop to hear Fearless Leader but could be used somehow wasn't going to accomplish anything useful in a Revolutionary sense. Rather, Pierce was hoping to install a Revolution led from the top, ala Hunter, using these broken and idiot tools. Robert J. Matthews was Pierce's Oscar Yeager. And when Pierce croaked, the Order ZOGbux was pulled and all of Pierce's hue-mamzer and whigger turd-tards drained out downhill into theyz' own individual cesspools.

                    Now Covington has a plan involving bringing together a collection of warlords working together to sever off a regional White Ethno-State. Covington's plan is the only real plan within the bowel Movement. It isnt going to work because Covington isn't going to get 1,000 or 500 or 100 or 50 warlords working in unison under a Racist Hitler-Napoleon-Mahdi Fuerher to be found because there are no more than a dozen warlords or 'alphas' and certainly no Hitler or Napoleon around the corner.

                    So, Pastor Lindstedt, what is YOUR DSCI plan?

                    I'm tempted to pull a Little Bill Daggit in one of my favorite Westerns, "Unforgiven." There is no fucking plan, any more than there was whores' gold. But there was some whores gold and yes, there is a plan. I call it the Ten Thousand Warlords Plan. I don't have to do anything to implement it, because Nature will take its Course. A Great Tribulation is at hand in which in the former ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final around 120 million whiggers and 180 million muds and jews will die in this Great Collapse and leave nothing more than ten million ex-whiggers to be [d]ruled by Ten Thousand Warlords. Then, the Bible tells us, Jesus Christ will return to save the Remnant. But for those of you who are not Christian Identity, what you need to do is to get close to YHWH, figure out who you want to save amongst your family and 'friends' and to mop up within what remains of your local rural and small-town community if you survive.

                    So what can you do about this latest ZOG false-front meltdown? Nothing. Not a flippin' thang. So stop worrying about it, sit down and keep you mouth shut and start counting your supply of beans, bullets, and band-aids. The life you save will be your own. Nobody elses. Stop being a ZOGling whigger ass-clown. Be alert. The World needs more Lerts. And a lot fewer fat delusional jewboy nutzi golems waiting for the bigger jews to flip theys' switch and flipping out.

                    I'm really really so very happy that that evil fat kikeling poseur retard is dead and that it took more of itz kind with it.

                    After-Action Report: NW Front's Andy Donner is a guest in the second segment and we talk about JT Ready on FedBook. A number of bowel-Movement claims that somehow JT Ready was killed by "Mexicunt drug cartels" analysed and ridiculed. JT Ready skragged hisself and the mudshark and the mudshark's family of mamzers. Good riddance. Pity that the garbage jewsually in this bowel Movement of ours doesn't take itzself out like JT Ready did.

                    Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


                    Start Time (EDT): 05/03/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
                    Duration (minutes): Three Hours, 43 seconds.

                    Download link:
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           32kps Re-Engineered Talksjew Download
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                    Chat Transcript:

                    Hail Victory!!!

                    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 05-16-2012, 10:34 PM.

                    Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                    Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                    • TMT -- Episode #120.9 -- Chris Drake tells us how jew-Tard Un-Ready Loved them ill-eagle beaners on the Newskike Show -- 5 May 12

                      The Movement Turd

                      May 6, 2012
                      The Word as Heard on the Turd

                      TMT -- Episode #120.9 -- Chris Drake tells us how jew-Tard Un-Ready Loved them ill-eagle beaners on the Newskike Show -- 5 May 12
                      Time: May 5, 2012 10:00 PM EST/9:00 PM CST


                      TMT -- Episode #120.9 -- Chris Drake tells us how jew-Tard Un-Ready Loved them ill-eagle beaners on the Newskike Show -- 5 May 12

                      Peterless Goodmamzer/Newskike on Radio Free NimNutz interviews Chris Drake who is one of the few who did know Jason Todd Ready and went out on the 'love thy ill-eagle beaner' US Border Guard missions to water and detain beaners while calling the US Border Patrol.

                      As more and more evidence is coming in, it is apparent who -- rather what -- JT Ready was: an unemployable loser running a ZOG false front armed to the teeth with illegal weaponry as a sort of domestic "Fast and Furious"/Operation Gunwalker. JT Ready was thus a sort of Hal Turner. A quarter-jew mischling sent to play nutzi and recruit idiots like Jeff Harbin and then set them up.

                      So listen to Chris Drake tell us in his own words about the jewboy ZOGbot who loved him, just not as much as it did itz mudshark and beanerlets.

                      Chris Drake starts at 32 minutes and ends at 1 hour 43 minutes. Chris Drake is the Inspector Cluelesseau of the Bowel Movement, obviously unable to understand how a hard-core unemployable could afford to live such a lifestyle -- or would want to. Nor that JT Ready's cowardly and confused end was predictable to those of us who knew the real JT Ready. Chris Drake promised that this will be his first and last interview, which is why Newskike didn't want to pick up my phone-call asking some questions. Listening to Peterless Goodmamzer simply dial up Chris Drake's house proves that Newskike doesn't live in Iceland, but rather in Brooklyn.

             Da Newskike Show on Talksjew


                      Start Time (EDT): 05/05/12 10:00 PM EDT/9:00 PM CST
                      Duration (minutes): 120+.

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             Original 32kps Talksjew Download
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                      Chat Transcript:

                      Hail Victory!!!

                      Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                      Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                      Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 05-14-2012, 07:49 PM.

                      Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                      Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                      • TMT -- Episode #121 -- jew-Tard [Un]Ready was the new jew Hal Turner -- 6 May 12

                        The Movement Turd

                        May 6, 2012
                        The Word as Heard on the Turd

                        TMT -- Episode #121 -- jew-Tard [Un]Ready was the new jew Hal Turner -- 6 May 12
                        Time: May 6, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST


                        TMT -- Episode #121 -- jew-Tard [Un]Ready was the new jew Hal Turner -- 6 May 12

                        Part of an e-mail sent to Harold Covington about Jt Ready, dead jewboy ZOGbot urging Covington to dump one Steve Elder/Kommandork McFagg/SonofBelial, Tubal-kenite Pictish jew mamzer with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS, a beaner squaw wife working for the Washington State ZOG, who acts similar to jew Tard Un-Ready, and is a follower of Rabbi Eliar James/jewseph Kutz-November, also associated with the NSM.

                        Actually, pretty much everyone knew that Jason Todd Ready was part jew and a race-mixer who had a history of abusing women, living with a mudshark/possible beaner who had beaner children and grandchildren. There was absolutely nothing good about this piece of shit.

                        The character was a liar, who on the Facebook page would routinely claim that I was a convicted child molester, even though every so often I would post the dismissal of the case at the preliminary hearing. I would also respond with noting how this Jeff Harbin, who JT Ready recruited, ended up in prison for five years.



                        Of course JT Ready didn't like only murdering little beaner babies, on your former Facebook groups he wanted to 'put down' Jeff Hall's ten-year-old white son for killing his daddy.


                        One of your Facebook followers didn't think it was right for JT Ready to call for ZOG/Babylon to destroy what was left of this dysfunctional family:


                        And JT Ready was ALWAYS a force to be reckoned with for free speech:


                        Of course you do remember Steve Elder and Rita Bradshaw and the rest of the 'Eli James/Bryan Reo' pretend-CI group that wanted you to practice some Facebook censorship before you got some Facebook censorship.


                        I'm pretty sure that 'the informant' that set up one Jeffrey Harbin was the critter that recruited him, i.e. JT Ready.


                        What do you want to bet that when this quarter-jew criminal went off and killed his mudshark/beaneress girlfriend, her beaner daughter, and 15-month old granddaughter and the whigger boyfriend, that the FBI all of a sudden decided to 'investigate' ala Gun-Walker, their errant informant who went all postal all of a sudden? For years JT Ready would show all of its play pretties and supposedly detain immigrunts, something you wouldn't be allowed to do in your wildest dreams without immediately being arrested and charged, and NOW all of a sudden the FBI and BATF announce that their operative had all manner of illegal weaponry? Hear of ZOG's 'Operation Gunwalker?" I'd like to call this 'Operation Kike-Squawker.'

                        You really ought to be grateful that jewbook took down your and Steve Elder's Fedbook groups. I have a number of saves on my hard drive when JT Ready was making a ZOGbot tard of itzself. Doubtless the SPLC/ADL and FiBbIes do too.

                        The NSM is imploding because of race-mixers and informants. You got ambushed on Kevin McDonald's twice in two years by WhiggerSwill Welass and Hadding/Baby-KAS and the Piercites and CreaTards. Voice of ReTards is another ZOG false front. Pretty much all of the above-ground so-called Christian Identity 'Church' like Eli James, MildSwill Finckelsheenie, Dan Johns, and Jeromy Visser are papist-preterist marrano jews and mamzers. What Pastor John Britton calls 'wall-to-wall jews and mamzers' I call "the Wandering jews and mamzers of WikiPedia-Talksjew Christian Identity." This Obadiah 1:18 is some anonymous Aussie poofter with gender-identity issues running a forum called "" that some of us call "Two & a Half Mamzers."

                        I think you should be glad that Facebook censored you, Harold. The above-ground bowel Movement is nothing but sewage. Does ZOG have everything stored that you had on Fedbook? Sure they do. They could arrest you or me any time they want for anything they want. So no need to worry about it since it is up to YHWH whether you live or die.

                        I'm enjoying this latest shitstorm Harold. Sort of like the time Sci-Fi Faber, Eliar James and Jeromy Visser cum up with the idiot notion to kick me out of Christian Identity along with Hal Turner in order to steal MoGulett's dead-nazi trust fund back in May-August 2009. Then it come out that Hal Turner was a rat and ZOGbot and they all had to lay low until I figured out that Bill Finck, Eli James, and Bryan Reo were jews and mamzers and ZOGbots in October 2010.

                        I'd give up on catering to the PierceTards and CreaTards and WikiPedia-Talksjew CI fuktards, Harold. They were ZOGshit in the 70s, 80's, 90s, 00's and they still are shit today and the stink is getting even worse. Saturday night I was trolling Eliar James and getting Steve Elder to admit that he might 'go postal' if his squaw wife gets kicked out of her government job. Do you really want this Tubal-kenite jewboy with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS to shoot another baby greaserlet or niglet like that ZOGbot fuktard JT Ready did and then putting the blame on you? Rabbi Eliar James/jewseph Kutz-November admitted last night that it was trying to get Steve Elder to stop yapping about its guns and making threats of violence, and then Eliar's jewboy with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS was online and begging for censorship. I then spent the next hour trolling away as 'Finckelsheenie' because Eliar made the mistake of not blocking that username.

                        Ever hear of playing 'cowboys and Indians?' Well, I'm an Olympic gold-medalist troller and love to play 'Cossack & jewboys' in which I give the Eliars and/or the Finckelsheenieites the choice of shutting down the chat-room or putting up with sniping.

                        In case you have been too busy for spying on the ZOGbot fuktards like I do, they are actually claiming that they knew that JT Ready wasn't racist, that he loved beaners and jews and had some in his US Border Guard as well as screwing some of them before murdering two or three of them Wednesday. $permFart and US Border Guard and Rob Freeman (Kievsky) have been taking a bunch of JT Ready material down, the pussies.

                        Nope, I'm rather proud of calling JT Ready a fat dirty jew nutzi cocksucker from the first day we met, but that's a Genesis 3:15 enmity sort of thang. I made me a JT Ready sockpuppet and 'edited' some of that dirty kike's posts a bit, but that is what I like to do.

                        Your best bet is simply to thank Facebook for censoring you and your groups out of existence and moving on with what works Harold. The podcast, the novels, the blogs and your internal writings and stop worrying about trying to make peace with the bowel Movement. By not taking sides with either myself or JT Ready and allowing free speech when you did have a jewbook group, you by allowing free speech means that you are not responsible for what was said by anyone. You did the right thing by default. The less said by you about that murderous fat kike nutzi faggot JT Ready the better.

                        Me, I laughed my head off and gloated for three days when I heard what happened to JT Ready, 'friends' & 'family'. But if you are going to gloat Harold, I suggest that you do so discreetly. I'm the Oafishul bowel-Movement Maniac.

                        All this little shitstorm did was to reveal the sides. The NSM is finished. Too many race-mixing tards and too high a bodycount. I noticed that the lame-stream-media didn't make a national news thing of this, neither did ZOG or the jews. That's because JT Ready was allowed to run loose too much and everyone remembers the ongoing Gunwalker shit.

                        Hail Victory!!!

                        Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN


                        Some of the smarter people are beginning to sense that they have been scammed by the 'New' jew Hal Turner with guns. Anchorage Activist has figured out that JT Ready shot his mudshark's beaner daughter, granddaughter, and whigger son-in-law. Don Pauley has gone even further and figured out JT Ready is the new mischling Hal Turner. The conspiracy web pages are telling half the truth on this: The FBI/BATFE ran JT Ready and US Border Guard. Now they have to rein in the evidence, like US Border Guard.

                        I'm really really so very happy that that evil fat kikeling poseur retard is dead and that it took more of itz kind with it.


                        Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


                        Start Time (EDT): 05/06/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
                        Duration (minutes): 120+.

                        Download link:
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               Re-Engineered 32kps Talksjew Download
               16kps @

                        Chat Transcript:

                        Hail Victory!!!

                        Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                        Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                        Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 05-10-2012, 02:31 AM.

                        Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                        Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                        • TMT -- Episode #121.5 --Itz been Seven Years Since -- 10 May 12

                          The Movement Turd

                          May 10, 2012
                          The Word as Heard on the Turd

                          TMT -- Episode #121.5 --Itz been Seven Years Since -- 10 May 12
                          Time: May 10, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST


                          TMT -- Episode #121.5 --Itz been Seven Years Since -- 10 May 12

                          At approximately 3:15 pm on Tuesday, May 10, 2005, this faggot judge Gregory Stremel swore out a bogus warrant for my arrest on statutory sodomy charges based upon what a Newton County pig said that a therapist said that my grandson said a year or so previously when they had him in custody. The current sheriff, Ken Copeland and another evil pig, Joshua DeFrates, came and arrested me with a whole swarm of Newton County and Granby piglice, and then for the next nearly four years I was confined upon an illegally excessive $100,000 cash bail, then sent to a NutHouse to be tortured and doped until I became tractable enough to accept a government-licensed lawyer, preferably a pub[l]ic pretender to sell me out. Since I refused and the years went by, eventually I was allowed to get out on a $10,000 bond and the bogus case fell apart when my grandson refused to lie against myself. But my family was destroyed and I am set on the road to helping bring about the Great Tribulation.

                          Now what needs to be understood is that jews and mamzer mongrel abominations and the majority of the whiggers who support ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final implicitly believe that I or any White man is guilty of whatever their racial-Satannic regime says that they are. Only a few of my fellow Whites, knowing the evil of ZOG/Babylon can believe in my, or any other White's innocence because they too are under the ZOG gun.

                          Thus there no longer is a question of innocence, but rather, what side you are on. Those who are not on the side of Christ or YHWH's Servant Nation, are thus worthy of nothing but extermination root, trunk, branch and tender twig. Thus the genuine DSCI Church supports the Great Tribulation without counting the cost because only through the Great Tribulation shall YHWH's Remnant survive.

                          I was already on this Road seven years ago. But now I see YHWH's Path. If you be of YHWH's Remnant, you too will follow.

                          Also, more about JT Ready and the rest of the bowel Movement.

                          After-Action Report: jewromy Visser, Da Melungeon Pisser-Possum called in to lie, and to lie a lot, showing what a vicious evil mamzer ZOGbot criminal baal-priest it can be. However, the interrogation cuntinued nevertheless, and Visser accomplished nothing of value. The main whining was about how I derived it being a budding mamzer criminal that couldn't behave around little White girls any more than any ten-year-old nigger can, and after a session of doping failed, was expelled after a month or so. Visser holds the delusion that it is slander to tell the truth while if as a mamzer criminal it lies, that this is jewstified somehow. Visser, a thoroughly nasty mamzer criminal also loved to call me a child molester when I inadvertently got cut off and Visser had the mike. Visser has no class, but no mamzer criminal spawn of Satan melungeon baal-priest has any such thing, anyway.

                          Russ Walker was the second guest and couldn't understand this vicious animal impersonating a Christian Identity pastor, but commented upon Visser's lies. Russ had given his slot in order to let Visser squeak and stayed up late in order to comment.


                          Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


                          Start Time (EDT): 05/06/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
                          Duration (minutes): 3 hours, 29 minutes.

                          Download link:
                 Archive Directory
                 Archive Directory

                          Temporary Download Link

                 Re-Engineered 32kps Talksjew Download
                 16kps @

                          Chat Transcript:

                          Hail Victory!!!

                          Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                          Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                          Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 05-16-2012, 04:13 AM.

                          Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                          Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                          • Early TMT's

                            Don't know if any of you know the mediafire archive is back up.



                            Hello Kolim. Can't seem to raise this mediafire download directory up, myself.

                            Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN
                            Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 05-11-2012, 10:28 PM. Reason: Add Reference Hyperlink
                            ריאו בריאן הוא הומו המלוכסן ממזר.

                            Praise D-G!


                            • Originally posted by Kolim View Post
                              Don't know if any of you know the mediafire archive is back up.

                              Good Job. Kudos!

                              Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 05-11-2012, 10:08 PM. Reason: Add Reference Hyperlink
                              Never take seriously anonymous tards that sport jewess avatars.


                              • Originally posted by WilliamB View Post
                                I just hope the Mamzer of Mentor doesn't take it down again.


                                I click on the link provided and it says that there is no such link.

                                Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN
                                ריאו בריאן הוא הומו המלוכסן ממזר.

                                Praise D-G!

