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The New Movement Turd

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  • #76
    TMT -- Episode #109 -- To Shake Theyz Ladysticks in the Tyrant's Faces -- 12Feb12

    The Movement Turd

    Feb 12, 2012
    The Word as Heard on the Turd

    TMT -- Episode #109 -- To Shake Theyz Ladysticks in the Tyrant's Faces -- 12Feb12
    Time: Feb 12, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST

    TMT -- Episode #109 -- To Shake Theyz Ladysticks in the Tyrant's Faces -- 12Feb12

    Episode Notes:

    This weekend I was writing up my Petition for Rehearing to the jewnited $nakes Eighth Circus Kort of Appeals cooncerning my Aryan Nations vs. Obongo lawsuit. You see, both the jew judge and the new judge don't believe that the White man has any rights that ZOG/Babylon need respect, especially to run for state and/or federal gubbernmint as an open 'White Supremacist.' Even more to the point, White voters have to vote for whiggers or the First Nigger because there are no overt White racial nationalist candidates to vote for on the ballot.

    Now the 8th Circus isn't proud of theyz new anti-whigger Dred Scott decision at all. Why should they be? When you go to the 8th Circus website and type in "Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri v. Obama' or the case number 11-3557 you will find "case not found." That's because this is an unpublished opinion because ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final doesn't want to admit that it no longer even pretends to give a shit what us White boys want, that ZOG owns us like cattle, and that we are to be slaughtered and then discarded when no longer useful.

    Now a supporter of mine bought me a book on Amazon concerning the Militia Movement of the 1990s. My name is mentioned -- not nicely at all. The LibberToon Historian Robert Churchill's book, "To Shake Their Guns in the Tyrant's Face -- Libertarian Political Violence and the Origins of the Militia Movement" is an exercise in trying to 'prove' or justify an a priori belief amongst the suburban whiggers who formed "There Ain't Any Such Thang As A CONstitutional Militia" private gangs of whiggaz cumplete with a few niggers or jew or two in order to prove to theysselfs that they 'weren't racist.' The credits for writing this 'history' should also be given to 'Red' Mike Vanderboegh, the Southern Poverty Law Center/Ashkenazi Defecation League ZOGbot who was essentially trying to make these suburban whigger militia generals into collabor-traitors, all of which was successful.

    The jews ALWAYS try to infiltrate all White underground organizations. They have done so using jews like Eli James/jewseph Kutz-November and MildSwill Finck(el-sheenie) the Jersey City jewboy pig spic-killer and using mamzers like Bryan Reo. Bryan Wright, Jeromy Visser, Anglo-Mestizo Truitt, and whiggers like MoGulett, etc. jews want to make sure that any opposition is futile because jews control all opposition. The Militia Movement of the 1990s was no different. There was a conflict in organization and ideology between what Red Mike/Churchill calls the CONstitutional Militia-mattoids and what I called the Suburban Whiggers pretending to be CONstitutional whiggers playing at Rabblwushion versus what Churchill calls the 'Millennialists' and I called the Racial Resistance. The difference was that the suburban whiggers refused to understand what was necessary, namely the break-up and destruction of the multi-racial, multi-culti mighty Evil Empire supposedly [d]ruled by the CONstipation and Bill of Goods, and what they wanted was 'Return to Evil Empire Lite.' Churchill notes in a Fr[a]eudian notion was that these suburban whiggers had problems believing that they were really men and that they relied upon the whigger's inherent notion that they really are better than niggers or greasers or muds and jews and were showing some sort of nobesse oblige in taking the part of non-whites in order to hide their own superiority-inferiority complexes. Also noted is that the militia mattoids were actually suburban whiggers given that the portion of the militia which was nothing but underground cells living in rural areas and small towns were so highly secretive that there was little or nothing to ever know that they existed at all. This was done by deliberation on the part of these survivalist and Christian Identity militia cells.

    The purpose of the Racial Resistance and Survivalist Militias of the 1993 to present day was not to 'shake theyz' ladysticks in the regime criminals' snouts and yap yap like posturiing nigger-monkeys about how dangerous they is but rather to prepare for the complete breakdown of all society. In short these small cellular racist rural militias were the 'real militias' of the 1990s, as today as well, and the 'Militia Movement of the 1990s' was nothing more than ZOGling whigger ass-clowns infiltrated by jews and ZOGbots like Red Mike Vanderkike under a covering of suburban whigger ass-clowns like the MacKensies of the Missouri 51st Militia or the Tom Wayne-Lynn Van Huisen Faction of the Michigan Militia. When these militia mattoids were revealed to their local neighbors as nothing more than ZOGling whigger ass-clowns manipulated by undercover ZOGbots, then their pretenses were punctured and they had to close up shop after Y2Kaos went bust. Every single time an honest thing about how the vast majority of Whites who had opted out of Babylon and were wanting to go along towards Armageddon was said or written, these whigger shitheads would be massing behind these Bolshevik jew yappers and agents provocateur like Red Mike Vanderboegh. It is telling how the 'militia problem' of the 1990s went away by a combination of factors such as becoming known as snitches and rats and oppressors of the 'militant wing' and the [s]election of Dumbya Bush, who jewnified whigger racism behind killing A-rabs and sand-niggers on the other side of the world on behalf of Big Oil and Bigger jews. Idiotic notions common to suburban whiggers was looking for Eric Rudoplh trying to get him to give himself up to the comforts of a jewlag in Florence back in 1998 or so.

    So what happened to the 'Millennialist' militias? Nothing. They simply went underground from April 21 1995 to 1997 or so? They still exist for when the Great Collapse/Great Tribulation occurs. What happened to the CONstitutional suburban whigger militias infiltrated by jews and ZOGbots? Why, even in Churchill's admission, these ZOGling whigger ass-clowns 'burnt out.' Once most of the goofs went back to beer and niggerball under Dumbya's [d]rule, and given that there was no more overt calls to take away their guns, these CONstipational militias simply died out. Parasites and ZOGbots like Red Mike Vanderboegh simply had nothing more to spy on, given that the Christian Identity and Millennialist cells would have nothing to do with Red Mike or the Southern Poverty Law Center or were holding meetings open to the press and public. So as a result, Red Mike and the rest of these ZOGbots and ass-clowns of the 1990s simply faded away, except in mythology as made up by LibberToon 'historians' like Robert Churchill.


    Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.

    Start Time (EDT): 02/09/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
    Duration (minutes): 120+

    Download link: Archive Directory Archive Directory Temporary Download Link

    Chat Transcript:

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 02-13-2012, 09:14 PM.

    Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
    Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


    • #77
      The Movement Turd

      Feb 12, 2012
      The Word as Heard on the Turd

      TMT -- Episode #109.5 -- The Banality of ZOG -- 16Feb12
      Time: Feb 16, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST

      TMT -- Episode #109.5 -- The Banality of ZOG -- 12Feb12

      Episode Notes:


      Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.

      Start Time (EDT): 02/16/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
      Duration (minutes): 120+

      Download link: Archive Directory Archive Directory

      Temporary Download Link

      Chat Transcript:

      Hail Victory!!!

      Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
      Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

      Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 02-16-2012, 07:14 PM.

      Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
      Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


      • #78
        Originally posted by PastorLindstedt View Post
        The Movement Turd

        Feb 12, 2012
        The Word as Heard on the Turd

        TMT -- Episode #109.5 -- The Banality of ZOG -- 16Feb12
        Time: Feb 16, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST

        TMT -- Episode #109.5 -- The Banality of ZOG -- 12Feb12

        Episode Notes:


        Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.

        Start Time (EDT): 02/16/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
        Duration (minutes): 120+

        Download link: Archive Directory Archive Directory

        Temporary Download Link

        Chat Transcript:

        Hail Victory!!!

        Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
        Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

        Some crafty quotes from whiggers in the audience tonight:

        <loganhunter88> the white race is long gone
        <Joe Pennsylvania> they are a pussy wigger nation EVEN SADDER THEN us LOL
        <loganhunter88> all over the world
        <Joe Pennsylvania> THEIR balls have been snipped

        Sounds jewish to me.
        Last edited by Librarian; 02-17-2012, 02:15 AM.
        Never take seriously anonymous tards that sport jewess avatars.


        • #79
          TMT -- Episode #110 -- ZOG False Fronts Must Censor Together -- 19Feb12

          The Movement Turd

          Feb 19, 2012
          The Word as Heard on the Turd

          TMT -- Episode #110 -- ZOG False Fronts Must Censor Together -- 19Feb12
          Time: Feb 19, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST

          TMT -- Episode #110 -- ZOG False Fronts Must Censor Together -- 19Feb12

          Episode Notes:


          Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.

          Start Time (EDT): 02/19/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
          Duration (minutes): 120+

          Download link:
 Archive Directory
 Archive Directory

 Temporary Download Link

          Chat Transcript:

          Hail Victory!!!

          Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
          Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

          Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 02-20-2012, 11:50 AM.

          Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
          Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


          • #80
            TMT -- Episode #110.5 -- An 'Intellectual' too Chickenshit to Say 'nigger' is too Chickenshit to Kill One -- 23Feb12

            The Movement Turd

            Feb 23, 2012
            The Word as Heard on the Turd

            TMT -- Episode #110.5 -- An 'Intellectual' too Chickenshit to Say 'nigger' is too Chickenshit to Kill One -- 23Feb12
            Time: Feb 23, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST


            TMT -- Episode #110.5 -- An 'Intellectual' too Chickenshit to Say 'nigger' is too Chickenshit to Kill One -- 23Feb12

            Episode Notes:


            Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


            Start Time (EDT): 02/23/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
            Duration (minutes): 120+

            Download link:
   Archive Directory
   Archive Directory

   Temporary Download Link

            Chat Transcript:

            Hail Victory!!!

            Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
            Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

            Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 02-24-2012, 01:42 PM.

            Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
            Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


            • #81
              TMT -- Episode #111 -- All Heck Breaks Loose -- 28Feb12

              The Movement Turd

              Feb 28, 2012
              The Word as Heard on the Turd

              TMT -- Episode #111 -- All Heck Breaks Loose -- 28Feb12
              Time: Feb 28, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST


              TMT -- Episode #111 -- All Heck Breaks Loose -- 28Feb12

              Episode Notes:


              Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


              Start Time (EDT): 02/28/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
              Duration (minutes): 120+

              Download link:
     Archive Directory
     Archive Directory

     Temporary Download Link

              Chat Transcript:

              Hail Victory!!!

              Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
              Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

              Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
              Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


              • #82
                TMT -- Episode #111.5 -- Whigger Identifuckation Guide -- 1Mar12

                The Movement Turd

                Feb 28, 2012
                The Word as Heard on the Turd

                TMT -- Episode #111.5 -- Whigger Identifuckation Guide -- 1Mar12
                Time: March 1, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST


                TMT -- Episode #111.5 -- Whigger Identifuckation Guide -- 1Mar12

                Episode Notes:


                Actually, 'Sir Polo' is altogether too kind to whiggers, as a State of ZOGling Whiggerdumb was around long before the Gen-X slackers first showed up in the 80s, with the backward baseball caps and other ostensibly 'white nigger' behavior. In fact, according to Comparetian Orthodox Dual-Seedline Christian Identity there have been whiggers since Adam dipped his wick in Satan-pussy, i.e. Lilith Satans-daughter. The war between the Two Seedlines, one the Sons of [True] Men and the other the Spawn of Satan, has been waged for the past seven thousand years since Satan seduced Eve and she gave birth to the First jewboy, Cain. But the causes for the War started when the First ArchAngel, Lucifer, was given notice that YHWH wanted to create these mortal beings, made a little lower than the immortal spirit beings, the angels, but with the capacity to become the Sons of YHWH. Thus the stage was set for this war between YHWH's Children and the spawn of Satan jews, who also enlist the aid of the Sixth Day Beasts of the Field and the mixed-race mongrel mamzer abominations to finish off the Aryan White men.

                So what to make of jewboys like Eli James/jewseph Kutz-November, the psychotic murderous jewrsey Shitty jewboy pig Rabbi MildSwill Finckelsheenie, the wannabe serial polygamist mamzer-kike with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS Dan Johns? Or known proven mamzers like Bryan Wright, Jeromy Visser, Anglo-Mestizo Truitt, and the incomparably vicious Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren? And even when the baal-priest is whigger, like Morris Gulett, it is a drunken crackhead turned ZOG agent provocateur. Anyone who has anything to do with such jew, mamzer and whigger ZOGbot vermin is serving Satan, not YHWH and certainly not YHWH's Servant Nation of Christian Israel.

                Of course the Remnant has always had this problem in that Adam, Noah's son Ham, and Esau were whiggers whose non-seeing, non-smelling one-eyed johnson was none too picky as to what stanky meat hole they pushed it into. The end result was jews and mamzers who from coonception were at Genesis 3:15 war with the Remnant while the whiggers were always like zombies, desperately wanting to die and to take us sole remaining Servants of YHWH with them.

                So what to do? What to do? When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout?

                No. Let's understand that there is nothing new under the sun, as Solomon disconsolately said when all of his wisdumb had drained away in squirts in strange pussy. Back in Noah's Daze, YHWH extended His mighty Middle Finger and flushed the Genesis Chapter Six Adamic Tarim Basin toilet and finished away ZOG/Babylon the First, and left the rest of the world as it was. YHWH confounded the tongues of whiggers who were joining up to race-mixing under Nimrod's and Semiramis' ZOG/Babylon the Second so that History could cuntinue. And so there is nothing left to do about ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final other than to let Nature and YHWH take itz course and for the Great Tribulation to do all the heavy lifting in finishing off 90% of several hundred million pure-blooded whiggers and all of the six-billion plus mongrels/mamzers and several millions jews or two.

                Now I know that intellecshul whiggers want an ethnostate or two, but with the exception of Harold Covington they have a much stronger wishbone than backbone. They sorta know where they want to go -- mighty Evil Empire Lite -- but can't get there from here.

                Which is why the bowel Movement is a failure and will always be a failure. The secret isn't in building something which is simply going to be subverted, if not already a ZOG false front, but rather decentralization in which local warlords scratch and claw for survival, akin to what happened when Rome declined and fell. The few, the proud, the Ten-Thousand Warlords ruling under a theocratic military dictatorship over ten million ex-whiggers. That's how the Great Tribulation will wind up.

                So tune in, turn on, and listen up to tonight's Movement Turd and find out how the cow ate the cabbage and what is going on in the bowel Movement.

                After-Show Report: Call-in Guests Russell Walker, The Real William B, and Andy Donner of the NorthWest Front.


                Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Movement Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


                Start Time (EDT): 03/01/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
                Duration (minutes): 120+

                Download link:
       Archive Directory
       Archive Directory

                Temporary Download Link
       Talkshoe, 32kps edited
       16kps on

                Chat Transcript:

                Hail Victory!!!

                Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 03-05-2012, 08:30 PM.

                Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                • #83
                  TMT -- Episode #112 -- NSM = Nutzi Stupid Mamzers -- 4March12

                  The Movement Turd

                  March 4, 2012
                  The Word as Heard on the Turd

                  TMT -- Episode #112 -- NSM = Nutzi Stupid Mamzers -- 4March12
                  Time: March 4, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST


                  TMT -- Episode #112 -- NSM = Nutzi Stupid Mamzers -- 4March12

                  Episode Notes:

                  There is much pissing and moaning that the lies of 'Kommandork' Jeff Schoep came undone when the second wife -- now admittedly an A-rab mamzer with a nigger stepdaughter from previous mudsharking -- picked up a spiral notebook with the names of 1500 or so largely anglo-mestizo mamzers playing 'white supremacist' after the Kommandork found another skank to park the Fuerher-pecker inside.

                  Now even Anchorage Activist puts the name of these accomplishments in ironic quotes when he says that the Kommandork Schoep got 'outed' by the One Niggers' Project. Why even bother to put this matter in quotes, when the facts of this matter of having a mamzer second wife with a step-niglet were known for over four years and then lied and denied?

                  Let's understand something. What is going to affect the National Socialist Movement (NSM) isn't having niggers and antifas 'outing' what was already known. What will affect the NSM is whether the majority mamzer and non-white followers pretending to be Aryan will continue to play Aryan even though it is as obvious as the nigger-lips, jewnibrowed slant-eyes, and shit-skinned hide on Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren's Facebook and, Baby, picture profiles. What will affect the suspension of disbelief is whether other jews, mamzers, and whiggers want to keep the pretense going. Take it from me, being outed as a mamzer like Bryan Wright and Jeromy Visser didn't make them quit pretending to be Christian Identity pastors, but rather the probability of criminal sentence for criminal behavior. And if you are a ZOG false-front marrano papist-preterist jew like Eliar James/jewseph Kutz-November or MildSwill Finckelsheenie, then all the more reason to pretend to be Aryan until either the funding or the parole board decrees finish up.

                  And the mamzers and jewboys playing Christian Identity or jewniformed nutzi or whatever real-life game? What will they do? Will they seek out another Ober-shiess-kopfen-feeben-fatten-fartin-fuerher? Or rather try to live with the pretender they have now rather than have to find another liar and criminal who will enable them to live with their own inherent and grown imperfections?

                  Running around as as nutzi in jewniform or pretending to be an actual Christian Israelite when you have been dipped in the tarbrush and have a ladystick and a jewnibrow and are obviously anything but White really solves nothing any more than any found-out deception.

                  But tards will try.

                  After Action Report: Guests were Russ Walker, LoganHunter, Andy Donner and The Real William B.


                  Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


                  Start Time (EDT): 03/04/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
                  Duration (minutes): 3 hours, 21 minutes

                  Download link:
         Archive Directory
         Archive Directory

                  Temporary Download Link
         Talkshoe Recording 32kps Re-Engineered
         16kps Download

                  Chat Transcript:

                  Hail Victory!!!

                  Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                  Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                  Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 03-19-2012, 09:16 PM.

                  Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                  Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                  • #84
                    TMT -- Episode #112.5 -- ZOGbot Blowback: The De-Centralization of 'Domestic Tewwowism' -- 8 Mar 12

                    The Movement Turd

                    March 8, 2012
                    The Word as Heard on the Turd

                    TMT -- Episode #112.5 -- ZOGbot Blowback: The De-Centralization of 'Domestic Tewwowism' -- 8 Mar 12
                    Time: March 8, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST


                    TMT -- Episode #112.5 -- ZOGbot Blowback: The De-Centralization of 'Domestic Tewwowism' -- 8 Mar 12

                    Episode Notes:

                    Ever since the In-hoguration of the Half-reekwan Amurrikwan Obongo following the near financial melt-down of Dumbya's last year of 2008, pretty much everyone in the bowel Movement and beyond to the Survivalists and Concerned Whiggers, seeing the Social Stalingrad, have prepared, however feebly for the on-cummin' Great Collapse. Couple that with the fact that Bowel Movement Ober-shiessen-kopfen-feeben-fatten-fartin-fuktard-fuerhers in both Whigger Nutsionalism and especially 'Christian Identity' have been exposed as ZOGbots or as jews and mamzers, the end result is that for reasons of survival and good sense and ZOG show-trials and ZOG oppression of overt ZOG false fronts, the end result has been exactly what The Movement Turd recommends for all: The Decentralization of the [practically non-existent] Bowel Movement into small groups or cells of less than a dozen or so individuals with un-infiltrated bonds of family relations or long-term friendship. Thus the 'Ten Thousand Warlords' Program is taking place altogether without any guidance or glue except for racially religious doctrine. Which is exactly what has been advocated by this Resistance Renegade Intellectual in my three part Ten Thousand Warlord program:
                    1. Get right with YHWH that you be deemed the Elect/Remnant worthy of survival.

                    2. Work in tandem with only your family and friends that you wish to take along with you in order to watch your back.

                    3. Know who your local regime criminals and sympathizers are so that when there is a total breakdown of civilization that they can be blamed and subsequently exterminated with their assets confiscated under your local Warlord acting as a military dictator under the racial religion of Dual-Seedline Christian Identity once the-m-asses are destroyed.

                    So The Movement Turd in locating and outing the ZOG-zombies within the Bowel Movement offers even more tactical tips than watching re-runs of The Walking Dead.

                    Now of course ZOG and ZOGling whigger and mamzer and jew [d]ruling ass-clowns know fool well that theyz' shit is weak and that theyz shit (and blood) is about to hit the fan. Which is why the Southern Professional Liars Center is running around in circles, along with the FiBbIes and the rest of the Awfulbet Soup Gangs are running around like in the daze of the Stazi and KGB trying to hold Humpty ZOG together again. Their recent ass-clownery is in the shape of running in circles, screaming and shouting and giving free publicity in the form of a 'militia scare' for the Spring of 2012. Oh well.

                    Now these catalog listings are for groups which have no intention of causing anything other than survival for theysselfs, along with the standard attention whores, most of which are up to theys' asses in ZOGbot assets. Which is as it should be given that every single jew sees a 'nazi' in even the most faggy of whiggers, same as a nigger sees a Klansman. jews, niggers, mamzers, gooks -- all see a White Master in even the stupidest and most perverted whigger simply because these lesser races have genetically learned to fear, as well as hate, the White Man. When these lesser races learn through whiggerdumb to stop fearing, they still are a-hatin'. Which is why I have no regard for whiggers reaping the fruits of disabling non-whigger fear while exascerbating non-whigger HAET. There's something about a caught and eaten whigger when LeRoy Tyrone Williams-Jenkins and Muhdikkk X catch up with a nice fat whigger claiming that it too, 'shares the dream' after being pursued through a wheat field or the Jersey Meadowlands in 'Escape From jew Yawk.'

                    Yes, the fruited & nutted ZOGplain is full of 'militias' of armed, ready and vengeful ex-whigger ZOGlings, even though such have gotten over the delusion of being 'COoNstipational Militias.'

                    Aftermath: Russ Walker and LoganHunter called in as guests. Discussed was reloading ammunition and current events.


                    Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


                    Start Time (EDT): 03/08/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
                    Duration (minutes): 3 hours, 27 minutes.

                    Download link:
           Archive Directory
           Archive Directory

                    Temporary Download Link

           Re-Engineered, 32kps on Talksjew
           16kps on

                    Chat Transcript:

                    Hail Victory!!!

                    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 03-15-2012, 06:55 PM.

                    Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                    Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                    • #85
                      Wanted to call in. Sick children and me. Could not. Maybe next time.
                      Never take seriously anonymous tards that sport jewess avatars.


                      • #86
                        TMT -- Episode #113 -- When Lies Fall Apart -- 11 Mar 12

                        The Movement Turd

                        March 11, 2012
                        The Word as Heard on the Turd

                        TMT -- Episode #113 -- When Lies Fall Apart -- 11Mar12
                        Time: March 11, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST


                        TMT -- Episode #113 -- When Lies Fall Apart -- 11Mar12

                        Episode Notes:

                        All across the ZOGland and in the Bowel Movement the lies that they, the ZOGling them tell whiggeroid fools are falling apart. Obongo admits that he is part of a coonspiracy with the Republicunt Establishment to finish off Ron Paul and Santorum in order to coronate Mittens Palooka Romney to take a dive against the Half-Reekoon AmurriKwan in the next general [S]Election for Head ZOGling. All the gliberal whiggers are all pissed off because Flush Rimblow, painkiller addict and Viagra smuggler, called some gliberal mamzeress a 'slut' because she wants whigger taxpayers to pay her to screw other carpet munchers. And the Republicunts are blaming the First Nigger for jew speculators on Wall Street raising gasoline prices on the declining middle cl-ass because these tards call for a war on Iran to benefit the jews. Now a crazed ZOGling jewp has killed a bakers dozen or two of ragheads in Afghanistan and the pretense is that none of this can be changed.

                        In the bowel Movement we have jews like Eli James and Bill Finck and Dan Johns, along with theys' 'Wandering Mamzers of WikiPedia-Talksjew CI' pretending to be actual Christian Identity while bleeding out the ass from Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS and not hiding very well the fact that they be kikes. Jeff Schoep is caught with a mamzeress with a step-niglet after having denied all of this being true for over four years and now 1500 names released to the One Nigger's Project and the $PLC, most of them being delusional anglo-mestizos anyway. The Southern Professional Liars Center releases a claim that 'haet groups' are expanding across the ZOGland and that it is the fault of these whiggers and anglo-mestizos that they are pissed at seeing whiggers going the way, first economically, then legally, and soon actually as did the South African Boers, whiggers who voted to give in to majority [d]rule by niggers.

                        So all the lies are being exposed for lies. What to do? Well unlike most in the bowel Movement, the Movement Turd says that every solution lies in the Great Tribulation, and that the way to prepare for such is to prepare for such -- in secret and alone -- as a way to save your own life. And if you have leadership skills and sufficient ruthlessness, then you can be one of the Few, The Proud, The Ruthless, The Ten Thousand Warlords.

                        After-Action Report: Guests, LoganHunter, Russ Walker. A NimBuster Kurdish jew mamzer named Joe Blow/jewseph Blaumamzer is supposedly the spammer who used a java-script program as "Guest90" to get into and to spam the Chatroom.


                        Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


                        Start Time (EDT): 03/11/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
                        Duration (minutes): 3 hrs, 36 mins

                        Download link:
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                        Temporary Download Link

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                        Chat Transcript:

                        Hail Victory!!!

                        Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                        Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                        Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 03-19-2012, 10:55 PM.

                        Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                        Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                        • #87
                          Spamming on Talkshoe

                          Spamming on Talkshoe


                          From: Russell Walker
                          date Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 12:12 AM
                          subject Spamming on Talkshoe

                          There is a continuing problem with Spamming on Talkshoe. Even though people have been muted in the chat room they are still somehow able to send typically identical messages or a series of letters and numbers which have no meaning except to disrupt the chat room and prevent others from imputing comments. Review the latest Da Dik-Dik show for example, on 11-12 March.

                          Talkshoe needs to implement anti-spamming software such that no one is able to send any two messages within say 5 seconds of each other. Or any repeated identical message will not be allowed. Tonight some clown was able to imput a series of letters something like, t,y nk, pu, ty etc. without meaning , yet each of these messages took up a line of space and prevented others for expressing any cogent thought.

                          If you wish to call me Russell Walker 910-xxx-xxxx

                          Last edited by Russ Walker; 03-12-2012, 04:08 AM.


                          Church of the Sub-Mattoid


                          A Sheep in Sheep's Clothing Pretending to be a Tedious Tard Whigger


                          • #88
                            Tired of Papacat the FBI sockpuppet

                            Originally posted by Russ Walker View Post
                            Spamming on Talkshoe


                            From: Russell Walker
                            date Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 12:12 AM
                            subject Spamming on Talkshoe

                            There is a continuing problem with Spamming on Talkshoe. Even though people have been muted in the chat room they are still somehow able to send typically identical messages or a series of letters and numbers which have no meaning except to disrupt the chat room and prevent others from imputing comments. Review the latest Da Dik-Dik show for example, on 11-12 March.

                            Talkshoe needs to implement anti-spamming software such that no one is able to send any two messages within say 5 seconds of each other. Or any repeated identical message will not be allowed. Tonight some clown was able to imput a series of letters something like, t,y nk, pu, ty etc. without meaning , yet each of these messages took up a line of space and prevented others for expressing any cogent thought.

                            If you wish to call me Russell Walker 910-xxx-xxxx

                            Not only that, but known FBI sockpuppets like "papacat" come on. Nobody with half a brain is going to call in when that guy is on the chat.

                            Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 03-12-2012, 11:06 PM. Reason: Add Reference Hyperlink
                            Never take seriously anonymous tards that sport jewess avatars.


                            • #89
                              Russifer cumplains to Talksjew

                              Russifer cumplains to Talksjew


                              False, last night when guests were blocked, they continued to span many
                              times. The host admitted that there was nothing he could do to stop it. If
                              an automatic limit of say 5 seconds were placed on all comments to the chat
                              room it would stop this problem. russ

                              From: davec []
                              Sent: Monday, 12 March, 2012 8:34 AM
                              To: Russell Walker
                              Subject: Re: Spamming on Talkshoe


                              As Host you can Block Text Chat for All or individually.

                              Being 'muted' will prevent them joining in on audio it will not stop them
                              from posting text.

                              Blocking text chat is done using the other icon next to a Callers name (not
                              the phone icon but one that looks like a little computer sccreen)

                              I hope that helps.

                              Thank you for your continued use and support of the TalkShoe service.

                              Dave C
                              Talkshoe Support

                              Originally posted by Russ Walker View Post
                              Spamming on Talkshoe

                              From: Russell Walker
                              date Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 12:12 AM
                              subject Spamming on Talkshoe

                              There is a continuing problem with Spamming on Talkshoe. Even though people have been muted in the chat room they are still somehow able to send typically identical messages or a series of letters and numbers which have no meaning except to disrupt the chat room and prevent others from imputing comments. Review the latest Da Dik-Dik show for example, on 11-12 March.

                              Talkshoe needs to implement anti-spamming software such that no one is able to send any two messages within say 5 seconds of each other. Or any repeated identical message will not be allowed. Tonight some clown was able to imput a series of letters something like, t,y nk, pu, ty etc. without meaning , yet each of these messages took up a line of space and prevented others for expressing any cogent thought.

                              If you wish to call me Russell Walker 910-xxx-xxxx


                              Church of the Sub-Mattoid


                              A Sheep in Sheep's Clothing Pretending to be a Tedious Tard Whigger


                              • #90
                                Russifer Cumplaint to Talksjew, Part Deux

                                Russifer Cumplaint to Talksjew, Part Deux


                                This unknown person was the same guest number. Go to DA -dik-dik program
                                name and take a look in case you have these chats saved. He just was able
                                to put up a string of nonsense such as ,a, ab, ade, ref, wer, tyg etc. One
                                after the other in a continuum. One new addition say every 1/2 second.

                                Again if there were a time restraint for all people wishing to come to the
                                chat room, say 5-10 second minimum between input, this kind of problem would stop.


                                From: davec []
                                Sent: Monday, 12 March, 2012 12:41 PM
                                To: Russell Walker
                                Subject: Re: Spamming on Talkshoe


                                You wrote:-

                                Even though people have been muted in the chat room they are still somehow
                                able to send typically identical messages

                                So my reply explained that 'muting' doesn't stop people text posting - only
                                from talking

                                Could yo provide more information or ask the Host of the Call Series to do

                                ie. was this person or persons coming in under different screen names each
                                time or coming in as a different guest?

                                Thank you for your continued use and support of the TalkShoe service.

                                Dave C
                                Talkshoe Support
                                Martin -- It seems that Talkshoe is trying to be helpful and end this
                                problem. Why dont you e-mail this person with the information and screw the
                                nimbuster who thinks he can make a fool out of all of us. Russ


                                Church of the Sub-Mattoid


                                A Sheep in Sheep's Clothing Pretending to be a Tedious Tard Whigger

