TMT -- Episode #109 -- To Shake Theyz Ladysticks in the Tyrant's Faces -- 12Feb12
TMT -- Episode #109 -- To Shake Theyz Ladysticks in the Tyrant's Faces -- 12Feb12
Time: Feb 12, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST
TMT -- Episode #109 -- To Shake Theyz Ladysticks in the Tyrant's Faces -- 12Feb12
Episode Notes:
This weekend I was writing up my Petition for Rehearing to the jewnited $nakes Eighth Circus Kort of Appeals cooncerning my Aryan Nations vs. Obongo lawsuit. You see, both the jew judge and the new judge don't believe that the White man has any rights that ZOG/Babylon need respect, especially to run for state and/or federal gubbernmint as an open 'White Supremacist.' Even more to the point, White voters have to vote for whiggers or the First Nigger because there are no overt White racial nationalist candidates to vote for on the ballot.
Now the 8th Circus isn't proud of theyz new anti-whigger Dred Scott decision at all. Why should they be? When you go to the 8th Circus website and type in "Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri v. Obama' or the case number 11-3557 you will find "case not found." That's because this is an unpublished opinion because ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final doesn't want to admit that it no longer even pretends to give a shit what us White boys want, that ZOG owns us like cattle, and that we are to be slaughtered and then discarded when no longer useful.
Now a supporter of mine bought me a book on Amazon concerning the Militia Movement of the 1990s. My name is mentioned -- not nicely at all. The LibberToon Historian Robert Churchill's book, "To Shake Their Guns in the Tyrant's Face -- Libertarian Political Violence and the Origins of the Militia Movement" is an exercise in trying to 'prove' or justify an a priori belief amongst the suburban whiggers who formed "There Ain't Any Such Thang As A CONstitutional Militia" private gangs of whiggaz cumplete with a few niggers or jew or two in order to prove to theysselfs that they 'weren't racist.' The credits for writing this 'history' should also be given to 'Red' Mike Vanderboegh, the Southern Poverty Law Center/Ashkenazi Defecation League ZOGbot who was essentially trying to make these suburban whigger militia generals into collabor-traitors, all of which was successful.
The jews ALWAYS try to infiltrate all White underground organizations. They have done so using jews like Eli James/jewseph Kutz-November and MildSwill Finck(el-sheenie) the Jersey City jewboy pig spic-killer and using mamzers like Bryan Reo. Bryan Wright, Jeromy Visser, Anglo-Mestizo Truitt, and whiggers like MoGulett, etc. jews want to make sure that any opposition is futile because jews control all opposition. The Militia Movement of the 1990s was no different. There was a conflict in organization and ideology between what Red Mike/Churchill calls the CONstitutional Militia-mattoids and what I called the Suburban Whiggers pretending to be CONstitutional whiggers playing at Rabblwushion versus what Churchill calls the 'Millennialists' and I called the Racial Resistance. The difference was that the suburban whiggers refused to understand what was necessary, namely the break-up and destruction of the multi-racial, multi-culti mighty Evil Empire supposedly [d]ruled by the CONstipation and Bill of Goods, and what they wanted was 'Return to Evil Empire Lite.' Churchill notes in a Fr[a]eudian notion was that these suburban whiggers had problems believing that they were really men and that they relied upon the whigger's inherent notion that they really are better than niggers or greasers or muds and jews and were showing some sort of nobesse oblige in taking the part of non-whites in order to hide their own superiority-inferiority complexes. Also noted is that the militia mattoids were actually suburban whiggers given that the portion of the militia which was nothing but underground cells living in rural areas and small towns were so highly secretive that there was little or nothing to ever know that they existed at all. This was done by deliberation on the part of these survivalist and Christian Identity militia cells.
The purpose of the Racial Resistance and Survivalist Militias of the 1993 to present day was not to 'shake theyz' ladysticks in the regime criminals' snouts and yap yap like posturiing nigger-monkeys about how dangerous they is but rather to prepare for the complete breakdown of all society. In short these small cellular racist rural militias were the 'real militias' of the 1990s, as today as well, and the 'Militia Movement of the 1990s' was nothing more than ZOGling whigger ass-clowns infiltrated by jews and ZOGbots like Red Mike Vanderkike under a covering of suburban whigger ass-clowns like the MacKensies of the Missouri 51st Militia or the Tom Wayne-Lynn Van Huisen Faction of the Michigan Militia. When these militia mattoids were revealed to their local neighbors as nothing more than ZOGling whigger ass-clowns manipulated by undercover ZOGbots, then their pretenses were punctured and they had to close up shop after Y2Kaos went bust. Every single time an honest thing about how the vast majority of Whites who had opted out of Babylon and were wanting to go along towards Armageddon was said or written, these whigger shitheads would be massing behind these Bolshevik jew yappers and agents provocateur like Red Mike Vanderboegh. It is telling how the 'militia problem' of the 1990s went away by a combination of factors such as becoming known as snitches and rats and oppressors of the 'militant wing' and the [s]election of Dumbya Bush, who jewnified whigger racism behind killing A-rabs and sand-niggers on the other side of the world on behalf of Big Oil and Bigger jews. Idiotic notions common to suburban whiggers was looking for Eric Rudoplh trying to get him to give himself up to the comforts of a jewlag in Florence back in 1998 or so.
So what happened to the 'Millennialist' militias? Nothing. They simply went underground from April 21 1995 to 1997 or so? They still exist for when the Great Collapse/Great Tribulation occurs. What happened to the CONstitutional suburban whigger militias infiltrated by jews and ZOGbots? Why, even in Churchill's admission, these ZOGling whigger ass-clowns 'burnt out.' Once most of the goofs went back to beer and niggerball under Dumbya's [d]rule, and given that there was no more overt calls to take away their guns, these CONstipational militias simply died out. Parasites and ZOGbots like Red Mike Vanderboegh simply had nothing more to spy on, given that the Christian Identity and Millennialist cells would have nothing to do with Red Mike or the Southern Poverty Law Center or were holding meetings open to the press and public. So as a result, Red Mike and the rest of these ZOGbots and ass-clowns of the 1990s simply faded away, except in mythology as made up by LibberToon 'historians' like Robert Churchill.
Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.
Start Time (EDT): 02/09/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
Duration (minutes): 120+
Download link: Archive Directory Archive Directory Temporary Download Link
Chat Transcript:
Hail Victory!!!
Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
The Movement Turd

Feb 12, 2012
The Word as Heard on the Turd

Feb 12, 2012
The Word as Heard on the Turd
TMT -- Episode #109 -- To Shake Theyz Ladysticks in the Tyrant's Faces -- 12Feb12
Time: Feb 12, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST
TMT -- Episode #109 -- To Shake Theyz Ladysticks in the Tyrant's Faces -- 12Feb12
Episode Notes:
This weekend I was writing up my Petition for Rehearing to the jewnited $nakes Eighth Circus Kort of Appeals cooncerning my Aryan Nations vs. Obongo lawsuit. You see, both the jew judge and the new judge don't believe that the White man has any rights that ZOG/Babylon need respect, especially to run for state and/or federal gubbernmint as an open 'White Supremacist.' Even more to the point, White voters have to vote for whiggers or the First Nigger because there are no overt White racial nationalist candidates to vote for on the ballot.
Now the 8th Circus isn't proud of theyz new anti-whigger Dred Scott decision at all. Why should they be? When you go to the 8th Circus website and type in "Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri v. Obama' or the case number 11-3557 you will find "case not found." That's because this is an unpublished opinion because ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final doesn't want to admit that it no longer even pretends to give a shit what us White boys want, that ZOG owns us like cattle, and that we are to be slaughtered and then discarded when no longer useful.
Now a supporter of mine bought me a book on Amazon concerning the Militia Movement of the 1990s. My name is mentioned -- not nicely at all. The LibberToon Historian Robert Churchill's book, "To Shake Their Guns in the Tyrant's Face -- Libertarian Political Violence and the Origins of the Militia Movement" is an exercise in trying to 'prove' or justify an a priori belief amongst the suburban whiggers who formed "There Ain't Any Such Thang As A CONstitutional Militia" private gangs of whiggaz cumplete with a few niggers or jew or two in order to prove to theysselfs that they 'weren't racist.' The credits for writing this 'history' should also be given to 'Red' Mike Vanderboegh, the Southern Poverty Law Center/Ashkenazi Defecation League ZOGbot who was essentially trying to make these suburban whigger militia generals into collabor-traitors, all of which was successful.
The jews ALWAYS try to infiltrate all White underground organizations. They have done so using jews like Eli James/jewseph Kutz-November and MildSwill Finck(el-sheenie) the Jersey City jewboy pig spic-killer and using mamzers like Bryan Reo. Bryan Wright, Jeromy Visser, Anglo-Mestizo Truitt, and whiggers like MoGulett, etc. jews want to make sure that any opposition is futile because jews control all opposition. The Militia Movement of the 1990s was no different. There was a conflict in organization and ideology between what Red Mike/Churchill calls the CONstitutional Militia-mattoids and what I called the Suburban Whiggers pretending to be CONstitutional whiggers playing at Rabblwushion versus what Churchill calls the 'Millennialists' and I called the Racial Resistance. The difference was that the suburban whiggers refused to understand what was necessary, namely the break-up and destruction of the multi-racial, multi-culti mighty Evil Empire supposedly [d]ruled by the CONstipation and Bill of Goods, and what they wanted was 'Return to Evil Empire Lite.' Churchill notes in a Fr[a]eudian notion was that these suburban whiggers had problems believing that they were really men and that they relied upon the whigger's inherent notion that they really are better than niggers or greasers or muds and jews and were showing some sort of nobesse oblige in taking the part of non-whites in order to hide their own superiority-inferiority complexes. Also noted is that the militia mattoids were actually suburban whiggers given that the portion of the militia which was nothing but underground cells living in rural areas and small towns were so highly secretive that there was little or nothing to ever know that they existed at all. This was done by deliberation on the part of these survivalist and Christian Identity militia cells.
The purpose of the Racial Resistance and Survivalist Militias of the 1993 to present day was not to 'shake theyz' ladysticks in the regime criminals' snouts and yap yap like posturiing nigger-monkeys about how dangerous they is but rather to prepare for the complete breakdown of all society. In short these small cellular racist rural militias were the 'real militias' of the 1990s, as today as well, and the 'Militia Movement of the 1990s' was nothing more than ZOGling whigger ass-clowns infiltrated by jews and ZOGbots like Red Mike Vanderkike under a covering of suburban whigger ass-clowns like the MacKensies of the Missouri 51st Militia or the Tom Wayne-Lynn Van Huisen Faction of the Michigan Militia. When these militia mattoids were revealed to their local neighbors as nothing more than ZOGling whigger ass-clowns manipulated by undercover ZOGbots, then their pretenses were punctured and they had to close up shop after Y2Kaos went bust. Every single time an honest thing about how the vast majority of Whites who had opted out of Babylon and were wanting to go along towards Armageddon was said or written, these whigger shitheads would be massing behind these Bolshevik jew yappers and agents provocateur like Red Mike Vanderboegh. It is telling how the 'militia problem' of the 1990s went away by a combination of factors such as becoming known as snitches and rats and oppressors of the 'militant wing' and the [s]election of Dumbya Bush, who jewnified whigger racism behind killing A-rabs and sand-niggers on the other side of the world on behalf of Big Oil and Bigger jews. Idiotic notions common to suburban whiggers was looking for Eric Rudoplh trying to get him to give himself up to the comforts of a jewlag in Florence back in 1998 or so.
So what happened to the 'Millennialist' militias? Nothing. They simply went underground from April 21 1995 to 1997 or so? They still exist for when the Great Collapse/Great Tribulation occurs. What happened to the CONstitutional suburban whigger militias infiltrated by jews and ZOGbots? Why, even in Churchill's admission, these ZOGling whigger ass-clowns 'burnt out.' Once most of the goofs went back to beer and niggerball under Dumbya's [d]rule, and given that there was no more overt calls to take away their guns, these CONstipational militias simply died out. Parasites and ZOGbots like Red Mike Vanderboegh simply had nothing more to spy on, given that the Christian Identity and Millennialist cells would have nothing to do with Red Mike or the Southern Poverty Law Center or were holding meetings open to the press and public. So as a result, Red Mike and the rest of these ZOGbots and ass-clowns of the 1990s simply faded away, except in mythology as made up by LibberToon 'historians' like Robert Churchill.

Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.
Start Time (EDT): 02/09/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
Duration (minutes): 120+
Download link: Archive Directory Archive Directory Temporary Download Link
Chat Transcript:
Hail Victory!!!
Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri