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The New Movement Turd

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  • #61
    TMT -- Episode #103.5 -- The Ten Thousand Warlords Project vs Local ZOG -- 5Jan12

    The Movement Turd

    January 5, 2012
    The Word as Heard on the Turd

    TMT -- Episode #103.5 -- The Ten Thousand Warlords Project vs Local ZOG -- 5Jan12
    Time: January 5, 2012 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM CST

    Episode Notes:

    The Ten-Thousand Warlords Project is, insofar as known, probably the only practical project reflecting the realities today of the impending financial, military and social collapse/Great Tribulation which is just around the corner. Unlike the secession schemes of Movement 'intellectuals'


    Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.

    Start Time (EDT): 1/5/12 9:00 PM EDT/8:00 PM CST
    Duration (minutes): 120+

    Download link: Archive Directory Archive Directory Temporary Download Link

    Chat Transcript:

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 01-08-2012, 01:36 AM.

    Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
    Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


    • #62
      The Movement Turd

      January 8, 2012
      The Word as Heard on the Turd

      TMT -- Episode #104 -- The Ten Thousand Warlords Project -- Hate Globally, Texecute Locally -- 8Jan12
      Time: January 8, 2012 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM CST

      Episode Notes:

      The Ten-Thousand Warlords Project is, insofar as known, probably the only practical project reflecting the realities today of the impending financial, military and social collapse/Great Tribulation which is just around the corner. Unlike the secession schemes of Movement 'intellectuals' this program doesn't seek to actually build anything, but rather to go with the flow of History and to destroy not the overall Mighty Evil Empire, but rather as radicalized White Ten Thousand Warlords acting locally to destroy the current Social Order of ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final in the onrushing Great Tribulation/Great Collapse.

      Unlike the Program of Iron Felix Dzerzhinsky in cutting off the rotten pseudo-Swedish head of the Tzarist Empire of less than a million degenerate regime criminals in order to replace it with jew Bolsheviks [d]ruling over 100 million mongrel Slavs, Tatars, and Muslims, the Ten Thousand Warlords recognizes that the Great Tribulation must be used to exterminate through bloody civil war and Revolution over ninety percent of 120 million whiggers, and almost all of the 170 million mamzers and all of the jews. This Great Collapse/Great Tribulation is inevitable given that whiggers are so stupid, cowardly and degenerate and thus cannot and will not work to save theysselfs. As this Mighty Evil Empire falls apart, there will not be enough leadership amongst the whiggers to regenerate this Mighty Evil Empire and to stop the Collapse. Rather, whiggers, wanting to die, are like zombies, wanting to bite and thus kill and turn Whites into whigger and mamzer zombies like theysselfs.

      So given that there can be no positive political eugenics, we are left with the inevitable negative political eugenics inherent in civil war and social collapse. Which is as it should be. Like I've said time and again, the surviving 10 Million Whites will not be able to oversee and dominate 120 million whiggers, 170 million muds and six or seven million jews any more than even the most Nazi White is able to dominate 12 whiggers, 17 niggers, beaners, or gooks, and a jew or two. Rather, it is only when all the whiggers are dead or turned into White men, and all the muds are all dead or put outside the social order or a new Racial Nation State, and the jew spawn of Satan problem finished by jew extermination can or will anything be done. The situation now is hopeless but not serious. The Ten Thousand Warlords over Ten Million Surviving Whites is and will be the only Solution to the Great Tribulation, cf. Matt 24:21-22


      Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.

      Start Time (EDT): 1/8/12 9:00 PM EDT/8:00 PM CST
      Duration (minutes): 120+

      Download link: Archive Directory Archive Directory Temporary Download Link

      Chat Transcript:

      Hail Victory!!!

      Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
      Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

      Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 01-12-2012, 12:12 AM.

      Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
      Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


      • #63
        TMT -- Episode #104.5 -- Local Regime Criminals Deserve Skinning Too -- 12Jan12

        The Movement Turd

        January 12, 2012
        The Word as Heard on the Turd

        TMT -- Episode #104.5 -- Local Regime Criminals Deserve Skinning Too -- 12Jan12
        Time: January 12, 2012 11:00 PM EST/10:00 PM CST

        TMT -- Episode #104.5 -- Local Regime Criminals Deserve Skinning Too -- 12Jan12

        Episode Notes:


        Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.

        Start Time (EDT): 1/12/12 11:00 PM EDT/10:00 PM CST
        Duration (minutes): 120+

        Download link: Archive Directory Archive Directory Temporary Download Link

        Chat Transcript:

        Hail Victory!!!

        Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
        Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

        Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 01-12-2012, 07:55 PM.

        Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
        Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


        • #64
          TMT -- Episode #105 -- Lying Crouching Mamzers, No Longer Hidden jewboys -- 15Jan12

          The Movement Turd

          January 12, 2012
          The Word as Heard on the Turd

          TMT -- Episode #105 -- Lying Crouching Mamzers, No Longer Hidden jewboys -- 15Jan12
          Time: January 12, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST

          TMT -- Episode #105 -- Lying Crouching Mamzers, No Longer Hidden jewboys -- 15Jan12

          Episode Notes:


          Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.

          Start Time (EDT): 1/15/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
          Duration (minutes): 120+

          Download link:
 Archive Directory
 Archive Directory

 Temporary Download Link

          Chat Transcript:

          Hail Victory!!!

          Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
          Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

          Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 01-16-2012, 02:45 AM.

          Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
          Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


          • #65
            TMT -- Episode #105.5 -- Outing Kommandork McFagg/Steve Elder-Schultz -- 19Jan12

            The Movement Turd

            January 19, 2012
            The Word as Heard on the Turd

            TMT -- Episode #105.5 -- Outing Kommandork McFagg/Steve Elder-Schultz -- 19Jan12
            Time: January 19, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST


            TMT -- Episode #105.5 -- Outing Kommandork McFagg/Steve Elder-Schultz -- 19Jan12

            Episode Notes:

            <legalman2012_> Commander00McBragg - Stephen J Elder age 53 (aka) and Hispanic wife Hilda I Elder age 48. Location - 7014 97th Ave SW Lakewood, WA 98498.

            Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


            Start Time (EDT): 1/19/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
            Duration (minutes): 120+

            Download link:
   Archive Directory
   Archive Directory

            Temporary Download Link

            Chat Transcript:

            Hail Victory!!!

            Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
            Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

            Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 01-22-2012, 01:09 AM.

            Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
            Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


            • #66
              TMT -- Episode #105.7 -- Trolling Talksjew, Especially Eliar James and Radio Fee NimBusters -- 21Jan12

              The Movement Turd

              January 21, 2012
              The Word as Heard on the Turd

              TMT -- Episode #105.7 -- Trolling Talksjew, Especially Eliar James and Radio Fee NimBusters -- 21Jan12
              Time: January 21, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST


              TMT -- Episode #105.7 -- Trolling Talksjew, Especially Eliar James and Radio Fee NimBusters -- 21Jan12

              Episode Notes:

              During the past week or so, Commandork McFagg/SonOfBelialInTheMist aka Steve Elder-Schultz, has been outed as an especially dysgenic hard-core unemployable Tubal-kenite Pictish jew mamzer with a beaner squaw named Hilda Serpias Elder living in Lakewood Washington in Pierce County Washington. It has been harped upon that Steve Elder also has Crohns, i.e. a genetic jew ailment in which a jew's asshole literally rejects being coonected to a . . . jew asshole, especially a delusional a jew sphincter-void like Kommandork McFagg/Steve Elder-Schultz.

              Also, as The Movement Turd has become again famous, i.e. notorious, this has meant that NimBuster fuktard spammers have essentially hijacked the chat-room of The Movement Turd. So what to do? My answer has been to try to retake over my own chat-room by preemptively blocking NimBuster tards from getting to call in like they did last Sunday and Thursday. Not because I love censorsheep or am scared of debate -- or even good old fashioned hecking, but because spamming the chatroom disrupts the rights of the listeners to participate, even if theyz' participation is nothing other than heckling or ass-clownery. Get this straight: I'M NOT SCARED OF DEBATE OR RIDICULE, especially given that the stock in trade on The Movement Turd is ridicule of the sundry whigger, mamzer and jew bowel Movement fuktards and ZOGbots.

              So tonight when I seen that Newsguy2005 aka Peter(less) Goodmamzer was huddled muting all the guests, it was because Newskike was being a pussy. But since I was having fun trolling Rabbi Eliar's, especially since it looked at the the time that LegalMamzer2012 Johns, another jewboy with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS, was shitting on Kommandork McFagg/Steve Elder by outing him at the behest of Rabbi Finckelsheenie I simply let Compaq #1 record the chat and didn't bother to even troll Rabbi Finckelsheenie whatsoever. But when Eliar James scurried on out after yapping about its fight as a secret Sephardic marrano jew from Chicago on behalf of MoGulett's pretend Aryan Nations/Niggers of Islam faction last weekend, at the last minute I dialed in to the Newskike-Radio Fee NimNutz show and yakked for about 45 minutes. Then I proceeded to download this show, put starting and ending songs on the recording, and download it to my web page. Here it is:

              Full Radio Fee NimBusters/Newskike2005 show webpage:

              Download link for full NimBusters show:

              In my appearance, I told how to effectively troll a hostile Wikipedia-Talksjew Christian Identity for Wandering jews & mamzers Internut Radio Show.

              Temporary Download Link


              Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


              Start Time (EDT): 1/21/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
              Duration (minutes): 48+

              Download link:
     Archive Directory
     Archive Directory

              Temporary Download Link

              Chat Transcript:

              Hail Victory!!!

              Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
              Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

              Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 01-22-2012, 04:33 AM.

              Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
              Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


              • #67
                Newskike/Radio Fee NimBusters Chat 21Jan12 Pt1

                Newskike/Radio Fee NimBusters Chat 21Jan12 Pt1


                The NewsGuy/Radio Fee NimNutz Radio Show @ Talksjew:

                Talksjew Internut Show:

                Guest 6 is logged into the chat
                [5:58:54 PM] newsguy2005 is logged into the chat
                [5:58:54 PM] newsguy2005 is on the call
                [5:58:54 PM] Siegfried is logged into the chat
                [5:58:54 PM] Guest 3 is logged into the chat
                [5:58:54 PM] FelixinNJ is logged into the chat
                [5:58:54 PM] Guest 4 is logged into the chat
                [5:58:54 PM] Guest 5 is logged into the chat
                [5:59:33 PM] Siegfried has left the chat
                [5:59:42 PM] Siegfried is logged into the chat
                [5:59:47 PM] <Siegfried> Hail Victory!! Hail the Prophet Martin!!
                [6:00:23 PM] pdemsky1 is logged into the chat
                [6:00:28 PM] Guest 7 is logged into the chat
                [6:00:41 PM] The recording has started.
                [6:03:04 PM] <FelixinNJ> Newt predicted winner of SC primary on exit polls by FOX
                [6:03:16 PM] <newsguy2005> I called it! YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!
                [6:03:39 PM] <newsguy2005> "Newt's gonna own it" ~ NewsGuy
                [6:05:30 PM] <FelixinNJ> I DSEPISE THAT TROLL NEWT!!!!!!!!!!!
                [6:05:35 PM] <FelixinNJ>
                [6:06:36 PM] TheIntern is logged into the chat
                [6:06:59 PM] <pdemsky1> I'm surprised but I'll take it!
                [6:07:34 PM] <TheIntern> Romney looks like the guy who fired you, LOL.
                [6:07:40 PM] Guest 8 is logged into the chat
                [6:07:55 PM] <TheIntern> Evening folks!
                [6:08:07 PM] <Siegfried> Why block the guests?
                [6:08:11 PM] Guest 8 has left the chat
                [6:08:24 PM] <TheIntern> Some of them can be rather funny
                [6:08:25 PM] <FelixinNJ> Romney has to go to the Right more now to win but SC is next to neighboring Georgia so Newt was the homeboy fav like Mitt was the home fav in NH
                [6:08:31 PM] Guest 7 has left the chat
                [6:08:47 PM] <FelixinNJ> yep he sounds so nervous
                [6:09:16 PM] <FelixinNJ> guest can't be trusted chump
                [6:09:24 PM] <FelixinNJ> ya know
                [6:09:33 PM] DeLorean is logged into the chat
                [6:09:34 PM] <TheIntern> Plus Obama's a pretty good bullshit merchant.
                [6:09:59 PM] mason423 is logged into the chat
                [6:10:03 PM] mason423 has left the chat
                [6:10:07 PM] mason423 is logged into the chat
                [6:10:14 PM] mason423 has left the chat
                [6:10:16 PM] JohannJacobs is logged into the chat
                [6:10:17 PM] mason423 is logged into the chat
                [6:11:01 PM] <FelixinNJ> I have to hear that with the pastor
                [6:11:21 PM] <pdemsky1> That would be good to hear.
                [6:11:22 PM] mason423 has left the chat
                [6:11:52 PM] <JohannJacobs> Showerhead!!!!
                [6:13:03 PM] <pdemsky1> I was Obama!!!!
                [6:13:34 PM] <TheIntern> Paul is becoming like Lyndon LaRouche.....the perennial presidential candidate.
                [6:14:49 PM] <pdemsky1> Not so smug now huh Mitt?
                [6:15:03 PM] <TheIntern> Faux News
                [6:15:30 PM] Guest 3 has left the chat
                [6:16:10 PM] Guest 11 is logged into the chat
                [6:16:12 PM] <FelixinNJ> gingrich is a TROLL
                [6:16:30 PM] Guest 11 has left the chat
                [6:16:34 PM] Guest 4 has left the chat
                [6:16:41 PM] <FelixinNJ> Paul/LaRouche in 2012!!!!!
                [6:16:46 PM] <FelixinNJ> yep
                [6:16:51 PM] <TheIntern> Paul is making his influnence on the party, a good influence, I might add.
                [6:17:02 PM] Guest 12 is logged into the chat
                [6:17:03 PM] Senor_Zero is logged into the chat
                [6:17:29 PM] DeLorean has left the chat
                [6:18:32 PM] <TheIntern> Iowa was nigger rigged.
                [6:19:02 PM] FelixinNJ has left the chat
                [6:19:02 PM] FelixinNJ is logged into the chat
                [6:20:30 PM] <Senor_Zero> its bi-weekly actually
                [6:20:49 PM] FelixinNJ has left the chat
                [6:20:53 PM] <TheIntern> I worked at factory that paid the workers every Friday.
                [6:21:30 PM] <TheIntern> Shirley Q Liquor, LOL!
                [6:22:09 PM] Frankenwhigger is logged into the chat
                [6:22:42 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hail Victory!! Hail the Prophet Martin!!
                [6:22:45 PM] <Senor_Zero> Franken!!!!!!!!!
                [6:22:51 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hail Victory!! Hail the Prophet Martin!!
                [6:22:51 PM] <TheIntern> The Boob-geoisie of both parties hate the common man
                [6:23:10 PM] <Senor_Zero> Hail Victory brother Franken!
                [6:23:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Van asked me to Document the Impostering and Trolling for his complaint with Talkshoe!
                [6:23:34 PM] <TheIntern> Loan Guarantees?
                [6:24:43 PM] FelixinNJ is logged into the chat
                [6:24:50 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Are all the Guests Muted? Including Martin?
                [6:24:51 PM] <Senor_Zero> Visser went NUTS on tuesday! LOL!
                [6:25:06 PM] <FelixinNJ>
                [6:25:22 PM] <Senor_Zero> yeah, i don't know what is up with the guest blocking.
                [6:25:49 PM] <Senor_Zero> On Keith Southworths show
                [6:27:00 PM] <Senor_Zero> I turned off my router that day as a protest. no internet traffic.
                [6:27:40 PM] <Senor_Zero> Crawled into bed and Read Gilad Aztmon's "The wandering who".
                [6:28:50 PM] Guest 13 is logged into the chat
                [6:30:03 PM] <Senor_Zero> Good Stuff:
                [6:35:29 PM] <FelixinNJ> Guests have to register to prove their not trolls!
                [6:35:47 PM] <Senor_Zero> trolls galore
                [6:36:02 PM] <FelixinNJ> i don't give a shit about guests
                [6:36:10 PM] <FelixinNJ> yep
                [6:36:41 PM] <Senor_Zero> he uses really old laptops. cheap systems.
                [6:36:59 PM] <TheIntern> Sounds like tards got loose.
                [6:37:02 PM] johndoe201237 is logged into the chat
                [6:37:19 PM] <Senor_Zero> they did intern
                [6:37:26 PM] <FelixinNJ> Talkshoe recommends shutting down guests and then opening the chat to who u know and registered names
                [6:37:47 PM] <johndoe201237> Stop accusing me of things I have not done
                [6:37:49 PM] <FelixinNJ> yep
                [6:37:56 PM] <Siegfried> Martin is a fucking idiot with informatics
                [6:38:00 PM] <Senor_Zero> But it was FAR worse on Keith Southworths show on Tuesday.
                [6:38:15 PM] <johndoe201237> It was UF
                [6:38:15 PM] <Senor_Zero> Visser was running wild
                [6:38:23 PM] <Siegfried> The cheap bastard buys $150 destops
                [6:38:40 PM] <Senor_Zero> he uses laptops Sieg.
                [6:38:53 PM] <Siegfried> He bought a desktop as well
                [6:39:26 PM] <Senor_Zero> but you're right. cheap, low-end systems.
                [6:39:27 PM] <Siegfried> Some cheap thing he bought last year
                [6:40:02 PM] <Siegfried> $600 will buy you a decent laptop, i3
                [6:40:04 PM] <TheIntern> Yuck. I'm happy to keep my Mac computee.
                [6:40:12 PM] <TheIntern> computer.
                [6:40:20 PM] <johndoe201237> dedicated to my nigga Bryan Reo
                [6:40:24 PM] <FelixinNJ> that voice modulator makes him sound like a nigger
                [6:40:33 PM] <Senor_Zero> I'm not a mac-head. Can't play any games on macs.
                [6:40:37 PM] <FelixinNJ> yep
                [6:40:40 PM] Guest 14 is logged into the chat
                [6:40:48 PM] Guest 14 has left the chat
                [6:41:07 PM] <Senor_Zero> yeah, that is pretty darn retarded....
                [6:41:15 PM] <Senor_Zero> sounds like some rabid mamzer.
                [6:41:32 PM] <johndoe201237> I used "MORPHVOX Pro" voice changer
                [6:41:51 PM] <TheIntern> I more interested in adio visual equipment than gam.
                [6:42:00 PM] <TheIntern> games.
                [6:42:04 PM] FelixinNJ has left the chat
                [6:42:04 PM] FelixinNJ is logged into the chat
                [6:42:20 PM] <Senor_Zero> ok
                [6:42:31 PM] <Frankenwhigger> This sounds Familiar!
                [6:42:51 PM] Guest 15 is logged into the chat
                [6:43:04 PM] <TheIntern> sounds like Marty on drugs
                [6:43:05 PM] <Senor_Zero> Like a muted down "Iconoclast" huh?
                [6:43:16 PM] Guest 15 has left the chat
                [6:43:19 PM] <Siegfried> wtf is marty?
                [6:43:21 PM] <Senor_Zero> you're right
                [6:43:25 PM] <Siegfried> trolling some other show?
                [6:43:30 PM] <TheIntern> Lindstedt
                [6:43:33 PM] <Siegfried> or at Walmart?
                [6:43:42 PM] <Siegfried> Buying a $2 waffle iron?
                [6:43:48 PM] <TheIntern> Linstedt rap
                [6:43:48 PM] Frankenwiggger is logged into the chat
                [6:43:51 PM] <Senor_Zero> Iconoclast is trolling Lindstedt now?
                [6:44:10 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Van asked me to Document the Impostering and Trolling for his complaint with Talkshoe!
                [6:44:32 PM] Guest 16 is logged into the chat
                [6:45:18 PM] east_orthodox_mamzer is logged into the chat
                [6:45:32 PM] Guest 17 is logged into the chat
                [6:45:49 PM] <Senor_Zero> jeezuz
                [6:45:50 PM] Guest 16 has left the chat
                [6:46:04 PM] <newsguy2005> why are there 2 Frankwiggers
                [6:46:10 PM] <Siegfried> one is fake
                [6:46:12 PM] <Frankenwiggger> Because you are a nigger
                [6:46:13 PM] <newsguy2005> Frankenwigger and Frankenwhigger
                [6:46:17 PM] <Frankenwiggger> NEWSNIGGER
                [6:46:21 PM] <Frankenwiggger> NEWSNIGGER
                [6:46:22 PM] <Frankenwiggger> NEWSNIGGERNEWSNIGGER
                [6:46:22 PM] <Frankenwiggger> NEWSNIGGER
                [6:46:22 PM] <Frankenwiggger> NEWSNIGGER
                [6:46:22 PM] <Frankenwiggger> NEWSNIGGER
                [6:46:23 PM] <Frankenwiggger> NEWSNIGGER
                [6:46:23 PM] <Frankenwiggger> NEWSNIGGER
                [6:46:26 PM] <Frankenwiggger> NEWSNIGGERNEWSNIGGERNEWSNIGGER
                [6:46:28 PM] <Frankenwiggger> NEWSNIGGERNEWSNIGGERNEWSNIGGERNEWSNIGGER
                [6:46:30 PM] east_orthodox_mamzer has left the chat
                [6:46:39 PM] <Senor_Zero> "ah-ha-ha nigger"! LOL!
                [6:47:02 PM] <johndoe201237> Frankenwigger might be Chat Nuker. If he is, Newsguy is screwed with Spamming.
                [6:47:04 PM] east_orthodox_mamzer is logged into the chat
                [6:47:09 PM] <Senor_Zero> omg
                [6:47:18 PM] JohannJacobs has left the chat
                [6:47:32 PM] <TheIntern> a funny way
                [6:47:41 PM] <east_orthodox_mamzer>
                [6:48:02 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I am not "Chat Nuker"!
                [6:48:33 PM] <TheIntern> Moaner CuntCUMery
                [6:48:33 PM] <johndoe201237> Fake Frankenwigger NOT the real one.
                [6:48:48 PM] <Senor_Zero> There is some other crazy bastard called "NECRO_BUTCHER". He is a spammer.
                [6:48:54 PM] Guest 18 is logged into the chat
                [6:49:04 PM] <east_orthodox_mamzer> it was funny at first, then it became goony.
                [6:49:49 PM] N Minnesota is on the call
                [6:49:50 PM] <Senor_Zero> Frankenwiggger is a spammer
                [6:50:06 PM] <Frankenwhigger> With the "Guvmint" on a Rampage for Downloading, Internet Harassment is NEXT!
                [6:50:09 PM] <TheIntern> Well......Marty WILL let you know his opinion...
                [6:50:23 PM] <Siegfried> wtf is marty?
                [6:50:28 PM] <Siegfried> The lazy fat bastard
                [6:50:40 PM] <newsguy2005> Marty may be one of the guests
                [6:50:57 PM] johndoe201237 has left the chat
                [6:51:14 PM] <Siegfried> Yes, but he has a bunch of registered nicks
                [6:51:28 PM] johndoe201237 is logged into the chat
                [6:52:04 PM] <TheIntern> Cleaning out the local McDonalds of its remaining Big Mac stock....that's where Marty is!!!
                [6:52:18 PM] <TheIntern> The lllllllllllllllardass
                [6:52:39 PM] LloydDavies2011 is on the call
                [6:52:42 PM] <johndoe201237> Whos the little kid, he sounds so cute.
                [6:52:53 PM] <johndoe201237> never mind
                [6:53:20 PM] <Senor_Zero> Newsguy, unblock Lloyd and N Minnesota
                [6:53:24 PM] <TheIntern> Looks like the Saturday Night Wrecking Crew is calling in!
                [6:53:26 PM] Guest 19 is logged into the chat
                [6:53:51 PM] <east_orthodox_mamzer> john reading the lyrics to fresh prince of bel air theme song was funniest part
                [6:54:01 PM] <TheIntern> I May call in a bit
                [6:54:46 PM] Guest 20 is logged into the chat
                [6:54:50 PM] <Senor_Zero> Cache is pronounced "Cash" Newsguy.
                [6:55:09 PM] <TheIntern> Johnny Cache
                [6:55:47 PM] <Senor_Zero> not "Ca-shea"
                [6:55:53 PM] <newsguy2005> LOL
                [6:56:40 PM] Frankenwiggger has left the chat
                [6:56:51 PM] <Frankenwhigger> What show is this A-Hole Trolling?
                [6:56:51 PM] <TheIntern> Don't go the the McDonalds in Granby MO expecting to buy a Big Mac. Fatass Linstedt cleaned out the vinventory.
                [6:57:01 PM] <FelixinNJ> N minnesota is a fucking faggot troll
                [6:57:04 PM] <east_orthodox_mamzer> that's apoc, the skinhead mormon
                [6:57:28 PM] <east_orthodox_mamzer> an lds on lsd
                [6:57:39 PM] <Senor_Zero> that was Joe Pennsylvania talking!
                [6:57:44 PM] JohannJacobs is logged into the chat
                [6:57:48 PM] MysteryMan is logged into the chat
                [6:57:51 PM] <TheIntern> Look out Puffy.....YOU'RE NEXT
                [6:58:28 PM] <MysteryMan> hi
                [6:58:35 PM] <Senor_Zero> VISSER!
                [6:58:45 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hello Martin!
                [6:59:08 PM] <TheIntern> Bastard Pisser
                [6:59:13 PM] <east_orthodox_mamzer> is bryan reo white?
                [6:59:15 PM] <Siegfried> Martin = fat worthless bastard
                [6:59:28 PM] <MysteryMan> play the part he calls Marty "Marty Chomo" and "Pedophile" It lasted 5 seconds but it was funny
                [7:00:11 PM] Guest 13 has left the chat
                [7:00:18 PM] <Senor_Zero> no, who the bastard is is the cunt that trys to TOS sites because his picture is on the internet....
                [7:00:49 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Agree, Zero!! I would Bet money on it!!
                [7:00:56 PM] johndoe201237 has left the chat
                [7:01:13 PM] <east_orthodox_mamzer> its visser
                [7:01:15 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Reo speaks in a Drug Induced Monotone.
                [7:01:20 PM] <MysteryMan> Visser does not sound like that
                [7:01:30 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Reo is Medicated!
                [7:01:42 PM] <Frankenwhigger> That is why he is a Monotone.
                [7:01:45 PM] JohannJacobs has left the chat
                [7:02:09 PM] JohannJacobs is logged into the chat
                [7:02:17 PM] <east_orthodox_mamzer> random nimbustin' sperg
                [7:02:18 PM] <Senor_Zero> i dont think so either
                [7:02:37 PM] Guest 17 has left the chat
                [7:02:46 PM] <Senor_Zero> not reo
                [7:02:47 PM] JohannJacobs has left the chat
                [7:02:54 PM] <east_orthodox_mamzer> hail time lord
                [7:02:58 PM] <MysteryMan> I think its some Random Nimbuster, probably one of the "Anonymous" posters.
                [7:03:00 PM] east_orthodox_mamzer has left the chat
                [7:03:52 PM] <Senor_Zero> maybe lindstedt will call in...
                [7:04:13 PM] <Siegfried> Marty is trolling other shows
                [7:04:27 PM] Guest 18 has left the chat
                [7:04:35 PM] Zogbuster is logged into the chat
                [7:04:40 PM] Zogbuster has left the chat
                [7:04:52 PM] Zogbuster is logged into the chat
                [7:05:06 PM] <MysteryMan> why are guests muted?
                [7:05:14 PM] <Senor_Zero> this game is way fucking hard...
                [7:05:19 PM] <Siegfried> to avoid trolling
                [7:05:58 PM] <Zogbuster> NewsGuy muted unregged guests as a precaution to defend against trolling and flooding. That's why I just signed up under this nic.
                [7:06:22 PM] <newsguy2005> k
                [7:06:22 PM] <newsguy2005> I wish it didn't have to be this way
                [7:06:28 PM] <Senor_Zero> Is this from this site?
                [7:06:31 PM] <MysteryMan> I signed up now too to be able to chat.
                [7:06:46 PM] Guest 21 is logged into the chat
                [7:06:47 PM] <Zogbuster> Understood, NewsGuy. What happened on the Turd was unforgivable.
                [7:06:56 PM] <newsguy2005> yep
                [7:07:30 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
                [7:07:41 PM] Guest 19 has left the chat
                [7:07:47 PM] <Frankenwhigger> 1.100813
                [7:08:16 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Lloyd was a Good Guest!!
                [7:08:36 PM] <MysteryMan> Lloyd sucked. Hes too nice, UF was better.
                [7:09:22 PM] <Zogbuster> My computer eventually locked up and I had to restart
                [7:10:09 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hello Martin!
                [7:10:52 PM] Guest 21 has left the chat
                [7:11:00 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Kevin Strom was "Busted" for having Photoshopped Japanese Anime Cartoons! So Cartoons are Now "Kiddie Porn"!!
                [7:11:01 PM] <MysteryMan> booooooooo
                [7:11:09 PM] Hyram is logged into the chat
                [7:11:33 PM] <MysteryMan> Italians are cowards
                [7:11:34 PM] <Hyram> Why'd you block the guests, jewsguy?
                [7:11:41 PM] <Siegfried> Schettino
                [7:11:44 PM] <Hyram> Italians have balls
                [7:11:55 PM] <Hyram> They hate niggers and jews
                [7:11:59 PM] <Senor_Zero> LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                [7:12:09 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Good for the Captain!! WOMEN want to be equal, so there is No more "Women and Children First"!!!!
                [7:12:16 PM] <Hyram> yep, Frank
                [7:12:17 PM] <Zogbuster> Italians are wusses. They changed sides in WWII and stabbed the Germans in the back.
                [7:12:18 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Every man for Himself!
                [7:12:36 PM] <Hyram> You're a wuss, zogboy
                [7:12:47 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Let the Strong Survive and to Hell with the Feminists!
                [7:13:00 PM] <Senor_Zero> Funny. I can't eat my soup!
                [7:13:21 PM] <Zogbuster> That's why the Italians formed the Mafia -- smile in your face, stab you in the back.
                [7:13:34 PM] <Hyram> You wish you weer in the mafia
                [7:13:45 PM] <Senor_Zero> I'm laughing so hard I think I might bust a rib!
                [7:14:02 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The Mafia is all Jews. The Sicilians are Arabs, Turks and Jews!
                [7:14:03 PM] <Hyram> If more whites were ruthless like the mafia, jews wouldn't rule the world
                [7:14:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Italy has been wanting to get rid of Sicily for a long Time!
                [7:14:37 PM] <pdemsky1>
                [7:14:50 PM] <Hyram> There's white Sicilians
                [7:14:52 PM] <Zogbuster> You're forgetting that Mafioso committed crimes; extortion, arson, murder, etc. etc. etc.
                [7:14:57 PM] <Hyram> So?
                [7:15:17 PM] <Zogbuster> So no civil society can tolerate that nonsense.
                [7:15:17 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Italy used to send it's criminals and reprobates to Sicily to Live with the Jews and Turks as punishment!
                [7:15:24 PM] <Hyram> Julius Evola = white Sicilian
                [7:15:42 PM] <Hyram> The ghetto was where the I talians stuck their jews
                [7:16:06 PM] Guest 22 is logged into the chat
                [7:16:33 PM] <Hyram> There's no such thing as a civil society, zogboy
                [7:16:56 PM] <FelixinNJ> A big Howdy Back
                [7:17:00 PM] <Senor_Zero> Hello Llloyd!
                [7:17:07 PM] <pdemsky1> Hi!
                [7:17:09 PM] <Hyram> Jewsguy, why'd you block the guests?
                [7:17:10 PM] <TheIntern> Hey Lloyd
                [7:17:22 PM] <Hyram> Dr. Who is gayer than Star Trek
                [7:17:36 PM] <FelixinNJ> guests must register
                [7:17:39 PM] <Hyram> And pedophiles like Star Trek
                [7:17:46 PM] <Frankenwhigger> SHOUT OUT TO LLOYD!!!!
                [7:17:51 PM] <Senor_Zero> I actually can do that! I have a Ring Modulator Speakerphone!
                [7:18:05 PM] <FelixinNJ> john of Si sounded asleep last night during Cheryl's call lol
                [7:18:29 PM] Guest 23 is logged into the chat
                [7:19:12 PM] <Hyram> Eli James is boring, yes
                [7:19:14 PM] <Senor_Zero> Judaism is a religion, not a race.
                [7:19:21 PM] <Hyram> sure
                [7:19:29 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Russ walker!!
                [7:19:41 PM] <Hyram> Why are there people who look jewish?
                [7:19:45 PM] <Senor_Zero> These idiots are incapable of comprehending that.
                [7:19:50 PM] <TheIntern> Only good thing Eliar James is good for is TROLLING!!!!
                [7:19:53 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Good Ol' Russ!
                [7:19:54 PM] <Senor_Zero> But they are entertaining
                [7:19:56 PM] Guest 22 has left the chat
                [7:20:22 PM] <Hyram> Jews are a racial criminal cartel
                [7:20:47 PM] <Zogbuster> Russ Walker doesn't dump on Lindstedt the way Eli James does.
                [7:21:09 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Bryan Reo Got Bitched Slapped Real Hard for interfering with a Federal Lawsuit!
                [7:21:12 PM] <Senor_Zero> criminals come in many ways. some are even mormon. look at Romney.
                [7:21:24 PM] <Hyram> Why is there jewish DNA?
                [7:21:41 PM] <Hyram> Why are there diseases specific to jews?
                [7:22:20 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Reo Tried to send Info to the Defendents in John Britton's Lawsuit, that John Britton is a Drunk and drinks while Flying!
                [7:22:21 PM] <Senor_Zero> the diseases you refer to are to a people of a certain area of the world with a certain diet.
                [7:22:28 PM] <Hyram> Wrong
                [7:22:40 PM] <Hyram> And why the DNA?
                [7:22:47 PM] <Senor_Zero> grain eating people are not to engorge on fatty meats
                [7:22:50 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The First thing the FAA does in a Plane crash, is test for alcohol!!
                [7:22:57 PM] <Hyram> Wrong
                [7:23:16 PM] <Hyram> People were meat eaters before they were grain eaters
                [7:23:19 PM] <Senor_Zero> You eat fatty meats you get problems with your colon. bottom line.
                [7:23:24 PM] <Hyram> Wrong
                [7:23:29 PM] <Senor_Zero> True
                [7:23:32 PM] <Hyram> nope
                [7:23:36 PM] <Senor_Zero> Yew
                [7:23:38 PM] <Senor_Zero> Yes
                [7:23:55 PM] <Zogbuster> It depends upon how much meat you eat.
                [7:23:57 PM] <Senor_Zero> GIGO
                [7:23:57 PM] <Hyram> Jews are a racial criminal cartel, and they know it
                [7:24:05 PM] <Senor_Zero> that is what you get
                [7:24:07 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Pastor John Britton is a CI Pastor and 30 Year Helicopter Pilot! He was almost killed when a New engine in his ircraft Failed and Crashed!
                [7:24:09 PM] <Hyram> Jews have their own DNA lines
                [7:24:22 PM] <Senor_Zero> GIGO = Garbage In, Garbage Out
                [7:24:34 PM] <pdemsky1>
                [7:24:35 PM] <Hyram> You're a kike
                [7:24:38 PM] <Zogbuster> It's too bad about Joe Paterno. He deserves a better exit.
                [7:25:04 PM] <Hyram> Chloe doesn't look like a nigger
                [7:25:05 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Dr. Mercols just posted an article about eating grains and How they perforate one's colon.
                [7:25:22 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Dr. Mercola.
                [7:25:25 PM] <Hyram> Although they like nigger cock
                [7:25:38 PM] <Senor_Zero> that is really degenerate pdemsky1....sick
                [7:25:52 PM] <Hyram> What do you expect from a kike?
                [7:25:52 PM] Guest 24 is logged into the chat
                [7:26:12 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
                [7:26:34 PM] <Senor_Zero> Hyram. You are an idiot!
                [7:26:51 PM] Guest 23 has left the chat
                [7:26:53 PM] <Hyram> and you're a kike queer, senor dildo
                [7:27:02 PM] <Zogbuster> Still can't understand why people support Gingrich. The guy's a retread.
                [7:27:03 PM] <Senor_Zero> You've earned your doctorate in idiocy.
                [7:27:09 PM] DeLorean is logged into the chat
                [7:27:22 PM] <Hyram> Your mom's earnes her degree in whoreology
                [7:27:25 PM] <Senor_Zero> Senor Dildo? I liked that movie!
                [7:27:35 PM] <Hyram> I'm sure you did, faggot
                [7:27:40 PM] <Senor_Zero> lol
                [7:27:52 PM] <Hyram> Did you watch it whilst working the glory hole?
                [7:28:12 PM] <Senor_Zero> I'm bullet-proof asshole. Gimme your best!
                [7:28:14 PM] <FelixinNJ> Gingrich is old news ... he had a nigger father
                [7:28:54 PM] <Hyram> Hi bullet proof asshole, I'm Hyram
                [7:29:09 PM] <pdemsky1> He's da man!
                [7:29:16 PM] TheIntern is on the call
                [7:29:29 PM] <Hyram> This nigger is amusing
                [7:29:37 PM] <Hyram> Farrakan is better, though
                [7:29:50 PM] <Hyram> Farrakan names the jew
                [7:29:51 PM] <Senor_Zero> tick-tock-tick-tock...Hyram jacks off to some interracial porn and WHAM! he is the new "Massa"!
                [7:30:02 PM] <Hyram> Good one, Dildo!
                [7:30:05 PM] <Senor_Zero> Hyram, let me educate you.
                [7:30:09 PM] <Siegfried> German fat guy
                [7:30:16 PM] <Siegfried> kim dot com
                [7:30:19 PM] <Senor_Zero> Can I?
                [7:30:29 PM] <Hyram> Probably not, but go ahead
                [7:30:39 PM] <Senor_Zero> Ok...
                [7:31:03 PM] <Hyram> zzzzzzz....
                [7:31:07 PM] <Senor_Zero> You ever heard of the old film "Good Bye Uncle Tom"?
                [7:31:13 PM] <Hyram> no
                [7:31:15 PM] <Frankenwhigger> ZOG is worldwide! The "Beast System" is Global!
                [7:31:18 PM] <Senor_Zero> i was typing...cut me some slack.
                [7:31:28 PM] <Zogbuster> Remember when Hal Turner made a sudden trip to Brazil......just around the same time that Bill White was arrested?
                [7:31:33 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I know you Guys don't read your bibles!
                [7:31:40 PM] <Hyram> uncle tom was a house nigger
                [7:31:48 PM] <Senor_Zero> As Yankie Jim would say, "Googo dat"
                [7:32:07 PM] <Hyram> So you're a house nigger, senor dildo?
                [7:32:48 PM] <Senor_Zero> you can torrent it hyram
                [7:32:53 PM] <Hyram> no thanks
                [7:32:58 PM] <Hyram> I hate jew movies
                [7:33:04 PM] <Hyram> I prefer to read
                [7:33:12 PM] <Senor_Zero> fair enough
                [7:33:16 PM] N Minnesota has hung up
                [7:33:49 PM] <Hyram> You recommend me a book, maybe I'll read it
                [7:34:09 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Van is working on a Complaint with Talkshoe!!
                [7:34:22 PM] <Hyram> van is a paranoid fucktard
                [7:34:23 PM] <Senor_Zero> I already did. You weren't paying attention Hyram.
                [7:34:38 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Newsguy, you were being impostered on Van's Show and he thinks you are a Bad Guy!
                [7:34:40 PM] <Hyram> You recommended a movie, dingus
                [7:34:48 PM] <Zogbuster> Go for it, Lloyd! LOL!
                [7:34:59 PM] <Senor_Zero> was a book
                [7:35:08 PM] <Hyram> You said movie, genius
                [7:35:24 PM] <Senor_Zero> Now lets see if you are smart enough to name it....
                [7:35:34 PM] <Hyram> <Senor_Zero> You ever heard of the old film "Good Bye Uncle Tom"?
                [7:35:43 PM] <Senor_Zero> before that...
                [7:36:01 PM] <Senor_Zero> ....
                [7:36:29 PM] <Senor_Zero> Your bookkeeping is sorely lacking Hyram...
                [7:36:32 PM] <Hyram> You'll have to enlighten me, senor dildo
                [7:36:52 PM] <Hyram> I read many books
                [7:37:01 PM] <Senor_Zero> You can "enlighten" yourself. You aren't that sharp.
                [7:37:08 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The so-called "Political Process" and Voting is a Complete fraud!
                [7:37:14 PM] <Hyram> I can, even though I'm not sharp?
                [7:37:25 PM] <Hyram> Doesn't make much sense, smarty pants
                [7:38:09 PM] <Hyram> I'm waiting, senor dildo
                [7:38:20 PM] <Hyram> Gte your hands out of your pants
                [7:38:53 PM] <TheIntern> waiting....
                [7:39:02 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin is On the Greater Granby Committee!! He's a Developer!
                [7:39:35 PM] <Zogbuster> Turn it into a PLE, just like in Kalispell.
                [7:39:44 PM] <Hyram> ok, I'm getting myself another drink. BRB
                [7:40:03 PM] <TheIntern> yt
                [7:40:08 PM] <TheIntern> yex
                [7:40:09 PM] <Senor_Zero> BRING IN THE INTERN!!!
                [7:41:11 PM] <Senor_Zero>
                [7:42:34 PM] <DeLorean> I know.
                [7:44:02 PM] <FelixinNJ> Vancouver is a fucking paranoid freak
                [7:44:06 PM] <Senor_Zero> newsguy even banned me once. and I didn't do shit!
                [7:44:31 PM] <FelixinNJ> Burn in HELL vancouver next to GTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                [7:44:40 PM] <Frankenwhigger> VancouverWaTi is a Targeted Individual!
                [7:44:49 PM] <Frankenwhigger> And he's been HIT!
                [7:44:50 PM] <FelixinNJ> yeah he has a very weird show!!
                [7:44:54 PM] <FelixinNJ> yep
                [7:45:04 PM] <Frankenwhigger> They Hit the Target!
                [7:45:09 PM] <pdemsky1> LOL! Thats the whole show.
                [7:45:10 PM] <Senor_Zero> Felix is absolutely correct! That Wati guy is a Nutcase!
                [7:46:00 PM] <Frankenwhigger> VanWaTi is a Man Ahead of His Time! He Just OOOZES wisdom and Knowledge!
                [7:46:14 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Just Like Bill Cooper!
                [7:46:30 PM] <Zogbuster> Real-time primary results here:
                [7:47:02 PM] <pdemsky1> he enjoys sandwiches
                [7:47:08 PM] <Senor_Zero> man...
                [7:47:14 PM] <Senor_Zero> crazy shit....
                [7:48:20 PM] <Frankenwhigger> VanWaTi is a Good Guy, he doesn't tolerate Stupid Shit!
                [7:49:24 PM] <Hyram> He's popular becuase he's a swanky dude
                [7:49:30 PM] <Senor_Zero> WTF are you talking about Franken?!? The dude blocks guests at the drop of a hat!
                [7:49:57 PM] <Senor_Zero> And I only visited that site twice!
                [7:50:01 PM] <Hyram> Jewsguy still pretending to be in iceland
                [7:50:11 PM] <Frankenwhigger> He doesn't Block me, cause I play by his rules!
                [7:50:28 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Yeah, Here we go with the "Iceland" Fantasy!
                [7:50:29 PM] <Hyram> His rules change with the voices in his head
                [7:50:39 PM] <Senor_Zero> he's unimportant. anyways...
                [7:50:55 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I get on Van's Show anytime!
                [7:51:12 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I use one of my many usernames and accounts!
                [7:51:25 PM] <Hyram> Van is alot like white nationalisst
                [7:51:44 PM] <Hyram> he has a problem, but he doesn't know what to do about it
                [7:51:55 PM] <Hyram> So he just bitches about it
                [7:52:14 PM] <Frankenwhigger> These Clowns don't Know the Difference in Pot v. Oregano?!?!? How retarded are they?
                [7:52:42 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Then they deserve to get "took"!
                [7:53:34 PM] <Frankenwhigger> John Hopkin's?!?!?!?!? Is He in Bodymore, Murdaland????
                [7:54:12 PM] <Senor_Zero> very good show!
                [7:54:59 PM] FelixinNJ has left the chat
                [7:55:03 PM] <Hyram> The Portugese made a mud filled country in Brazil
                [7:55:51 PM] <Hyram> Herman Cain was just being a nigger
                [7:55:58 PM] <Hyram> Cut him some slack
                [7:56:26 PM] <Hyram> Niggers don't have feelings to get hurt
                [7:56:38 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Portugal is a 3rd rate Spain!
                [7:56:41 PM] <Hyram> Good
                [7:57:05 PM] <Senor_Zero> have you ever been to portugal franken?
                [7:57:12 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Lloyd, are you on Facebook? Can I be your Facebook Friend?
                [7:57:15 PM] <Senor_Zero> it is not as niggerized as they say
                [7:57:46 PM] <Senor_Zero> WTF was that!
                [7:57:59 PM] FelixinNJ is logged into the chat
                [7:58:01 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I have seen enough Potugese in New England. They are Race-mixed mongrels!
                [7:58:14 PM] <FelixinNJ> BURN IN HELL PATERNO
                [7:58:27 PM] <Senor_Zero> Probably my relatives!
                [7:58:33 PM] Guest 24 has left the chat
                [7:58:38 PM] <Senor_Zero> No lie.
                [7:58:46 PM] <Hyram> No surprise there
                [7:58:51 PM] <Senor_Zero> LOL
                [7:58:52 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Well, Lloyd!!! Do you want to Be My Facebook Friend???
                [7:58:59 PM] <FelixinNJ> HE WAS A FUNKING CUNT
                [7:59:12 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Just say the Word and I will send a request!
                [8:00:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Joe Paterno was just a typical Sicilian Jew, trying to claim to be "Italian"!! He was a Turkic-Mongol Jew posing as a Sicilian.
                [8:00:33 PM] <Senor_Zero> You know how them a there Pork-and-cheese are! A bunch of MAMZERS!
                [8:01:17 PM] <FelixinNJ> the impeachment was about perjury but the social conservatives were OUTRAGED by his behavior
                [8:01:18 PM] <Senor_Zero> Sort of like Delaney's "Kaplan" Franken?
                [8:01:22 PM] <Hyram> Khazar kikes are the worst
                [8:01:59 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Exactly! Zero!
                [8:02:18 PM] <FelixinNJ> i wish i could have blown Joe Pa's ass off with my shotgun!!!!

                The Peterless Goodmamzer-Newskike Radio F[r]ee NimTard Show



                • #68
                  Newskike/Radio Fee NimBusters Chat 21Jan12 Pt2

                  Newskike/Radio Fee NimBusters Chat 21Jan12 Pt2


                  The NewsGuy/Radio Fee NimNutz Radio Show @ Talksjew:

                  Talksjew Internut Show:


                  [7:58:59 PM] <FelixinNJ> HE WAS A FUNKING CUNT
                  [7:59:12 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Just say the Word and I will send a request!
                  [8:00:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Joe Paterno was just a typical Sicilian Jew, trying to claim to be "Italian"!! He was a Turkic-Mongol Jew posing as a Sicilian.
                  [8:00:33 PM] <Senor_Zero> You know how them a there Pork-and-cheese are! A bunch of MAMZERS!
                  [8:01:17 PM] <FelixinNJ> the impeachment was about perjury but the social conservatives were OUTRAGED by his behavior
                  [8:01:18 PM] <Senor_Zero> Sort of like Delaney's "Kaplan" Franken?
                  [8:01:22 PM] <Hyram> Khazar kikes are the worst
                  [8:01:59 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Exactly! Zero!
                  [8:02:18 PM] <FelixinNJ> i wish i could have blown Joe Pa's ass off with my shotgun!!!!
                  [8:02:44 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Ammoman has some Good Prices on Stuff. Am I the Only Here that gets his emails? He Just emailed me!
                  [8:02:56 PM] <Senor_Zero> The intern knows how the game works. He lives in Baltimore!
                  [8:03:17 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Is He in Bodymore, Murdaland????
                  [8:03:26 PM] <FelixinNJ> i'm gonna piss on Joe Pa's grave now!!!!!!!!
                  [8:03:46 PM] <Senor_Zero> man, that is a fucked up way to be man.
                  [8:04:07 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Is He Eastside or a Westside Nigger?!?!?! Or just a Whigger from Locust Point?
                  [8:04:20 PM] <Senor_Zero> i got nothing but respect for anyone that can live in those conditions.
                  [8:05:12 PM] <Senor_Zero> brother is on the front line. in the war zone.
                  [8:06:27 PM] Guest 25 is logged into the chat
                  [8:06:56 PM] <Senor_Zero> This is one of the best Newsguy shows EVER!
                  [8:07:39 PM] Guest 26 is logged into the chat
                  [8:07:43 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Well, Lloyd!!! Do you want to Be My Facebook Friend??? Just say the Word and I will send a request!
                  [8:08:13 PM] <Senor_Zero> call in franken! we already know you are UF. So call in!
                  [8:08:14 PM] DickReltney is logged into the chat
                  [8:08:29 PM] <Siegfried> Hail Marty!!
                  [8:08:30 PM] <Senor_Zero> oops maybe not...
                  [8:08:54 PM] <Hyram> Hi Lindstedt
                  [8:09:09 PM] <Senor_Zero> my god. pastor lindstedt is going to call in??!?
                  [8:09:18 PM] <Hyram> If you're lucky
                  [8:09:21 PM] <DickReltney> Newskike, you delusional Brooklyn kike, why have you muted the guests. I'm Guest #6 you ass-clown.
                  [8:09:32 PM] <Senor_Zero> Call in Martin!
                  [8:09:33 PM] <Hyram> LOL!
                  [8:09:42 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hail Victory!! Hail the Prophet Martin!!
                  [8:09:56 PM] <Senor_Zero> Fuck the bullshit chat diatribe. CALL IN!
                  [8:10:01 PM] <Zogbuster> Martin, he preemptively muted the guests as a precaution after what happened on the last Turd
                  [8:10:24 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin, don't Disturb Newsguy's "Iceland" Fantasy, it might cause trauma!
                  [8:10:25 PM] <Hyram> What happend on the last turd
                  [8:10:26 PM] <Senor_Zero> Call in!
                  [8:10:27 PM] <Hyram> ?
                  [8:10:38 PM] <DickReltney> I'm trolling Eliar James. Legalmamzer2012 Johns outed a picture of Steve Elder/McFagg on Finckelsheenie's page.
                  [8:10:46 PM] <Hyram> Sounds like lobster holocaust
                  [8:10:47 PM] <Senor_Zero> oh
                  [8:10:55 PM] <Senor_Zero> That stuff is boring though...
                  [8:10:55 PM] <Zogbuster> The show got hijacked by trolls, Hyram
                  [8:10:58 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Facebook Page?
                  [8:11:02 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Link?
                  [8:11:04 PM] <Hyram> How so?
                  [8:11:13 PM] <Senor_Zero> it's boring.
                  [8:11:15 PM] <Hyram> Were they spamming the chatroom?
                  [8:11:22 PM] <DickReltney> No over on Eliar's Talksjew show.
                  [8:11:33 PM] <Senor_Zero> Not even worthy of a "Show".
                  [8:11:47 PM] <Hyram> Can you post the pic, Lindstedt?
                  [8:11:51 PM] <Zogbuster> They spammed the call, too. Lindstedt can explain it better than me.
                  [8:11:55 PM] <DickReltney> They were spamming. I ended up blocking all the critters then unblocking.
                  [8:12:03 PM] <Hyram> I see
                  [8:12:11 PM] <Senor_Zero> of course.
                  [8:12:20 PM] <Senor_Zero> it is their nature...
                  [8:12:28 PM] <DickReltney> Anyway, tell jewskike that Guest #6 is me on Compaq #1.
                  [8:13:00 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Newsguy, I don't Use "Frankenwhigger" on Facebook!! I use my real Name!
                  [8:13:04 PM] <Senor_Zero> UNBLOCK GUEST 6
                  [8:13:05 PM] <DickReltney> Frankenwigger is the troll, not Frankenwhigger.
                  [8:13:07 PM] <Senor_Zero> UNBLOCK GUEST 6
                  [8:13:08 PM] <Senor_Zero> UNBLOCK GUEST 6
                  [8:13:09 PM] <Senor_Zero> UNBLOCK GUEST 6
                  [8:13:10 PM] <Senor_Zero> UNBLOCK GUEST 6
                  [8:13:25 PM] <Frankenwhigger> No, I don't do that Stuff!
                  [8:13:28 PM] <Senor_Zero> yeah, do it
                  [8:13:38 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I don't attack and mock people!
                  [8:13:47 PM] <DickReltney> Because I need to get back to trolling Eliar.
                  [8:13:48 PM] <Hyram> Re-lent-ey?
                  [8:13:54 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I don't do that shit that Nimbusters do!
                  [8:13:57 PM] <Senor_Zero> he uses multiple computers and trolls multiple sites
                  [8:14:13 PM] <Hyram> Just unblock 6, jewsguy
                  [8:14:23 PM] <Senor_Zero> He is using his other laptops to troll other sites.
                  [8:14:50 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The reason that I know about Nimbusters is because they trashed my friend's board, Fubar, back in 2003 and Hal Turner's!! That is How I Know
                  [8:14:51 PM] <Hyram> You gonna block me, jewboy?
                  [8:14:52 PM] <Senor_Zero> please unblock lindstedt as guest 6
                  [8:14:56 PM] <Frankenwhigger> about Nimbusters!
                  [8:14:59 PM] <DickReltney> You are showing kikeazoid, Peterless Goodmamzer.
                  [8:15:14 PM] <DickReltney> Becumming a were-kike.

                  [8:15:17 PM] <Senor_Zero> entertain us
                  [8:15:26 PM] <Hyram> He's a pinnoci-jew
                  [8:15:34 PM] <Zogbuster> Fubar's now the mod at Subgurls
                  [8:15:39 PM] <Senor_Zero> you have the stage..
                  [8:16:16 PM] <Senor_Zero> UNBLOCK 6!
                  [8:16:33 PM] <Hyram> I can't blame anyone for hating amerikwans
                  [8:16:34 PM] Guest 12 has left the chat
                  [8:17:12 PM] <Hyram> Eli's show was better last week when Eli didn't show up
                  [8:17:20 PM] <newsguy2005> why can't he just post as DickReltney
                  [8:17:37 PM] <Senor_Zero> hell if i know
                  [8:17:41 PM] <Hyram> reatrd
                  [8:17:55 PM] <Senor_Zero> "retread" Hyram?
                  [8:18:02 PM] <Hyram> yep!
                  [8:19:07 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin, do you have a Link for Steve Elder's picture on Finck's? Finck has at least 8 websites!!
                  [8:19:10 PM] <Senor_Zero>
                  [8:19:30 PM] <Hyram> I want to see McFagg's pic
                  [8:19:41 PM] <Siegfried> No, 6 is marty
                  [8:19:47 PM] <Hyram> Lindstedt is Reltney
                  [8:19:50 PM] <DickReltney> Then you can quickly block #6.
                  [8:19:56 PM] <Siegfried> because Reltney wants to move back to that other show
                  [8:20:00 PM] <Hyram> Don't question his motives
                  [8:20:15 PM] <DickReltney> The link you want is on the Compaq #1, ass-clown.
                  [8:20:17 PM] <Hyram> Quit being a fag and unblock him
                  [8:20:49 PM] <Senor_Zero> NO!
                  [8:21:03 PM] <DickReltney> Yeah, right. It's 4:30 in Tel Aviv. <----- Newskike claimed it was 2:30 am in Iceland.
                  [8:21:09 PM] <Hyram> LOL!
                  [8:21:10 PM] <Frankenwhigger> There are a Lot of LLoyd Davies on Facebook!
                  [8:21:23 PM] DeLorean has left the chat
                  [8:21:32 PM] Guest 20 has left the chat
                  [8:21:37 PM] Guest 26 has left the chat
                  [8:21:43 PM] <FelixinNJ> talkshoeis more liberal
                  [8:21:55 PM] <Senor_Zero> My Jewweh.... It's 4:30 already????
                  [8:21:58 PM] <FelixinNJ> with time & language
                  [8:22:02 PM] Senor_Zero has left the chat
                  [8:22:29 PM] Guest 25 has left the chat
                  [8:22:32 PM] <FelixinNJ> I have to wait to blow Joe Pa's ass off i guess........
                  [8:22:39 PM] <Hyram> You're sounding awfully kikeish, jewsguy
                  [8:22:47 PM] TheIntern has hung up
                  [8:23:16 PM] LloydDavies2011 has hung up
                  [8:23:22 PM] <TheIntern> heyyyyyy lol
                  [8:23:32 PM] PastorLindstedt is on the call
                  [8:23:38 PM] pdemsky1 has left the chat
                  [8:23:45 PM] <Hyram> Let Lindstedt speak!!!!!!!!!
                  [8:24:06 PM] <Hyram> Drink some coffee, jewboy
                  [8:24:07 PM] <Siegfried> let himrant and go to bed
                  [8:24:18 PM] <Frankenwhigger> MARTIN!!!!!! MARTIN!!!!!! MARTIN!!!!!! MARTIN!!!!!! MARTIN!!!!!! MARTIN!!!!!! MARTIN!!!!!! MARTIN!!!!!!
                  [8:25:23 PM] <TheIntern> change his diaper, then Marty will stop howlin'
                  [8:25:44 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hail Victory!! Hail the Prophet Martin!!
                  [8:27:08 PM] <TheIntern> no audio
                  [8:27:22 PM] <Siegfried> we have audio
                  [8:27:25 PM] <Siegfried> rejoin
                  [8:27:28 PM] <Zogbuster> My audio's fine, Intern
                  [8:27:39 PM] <TheIntern> brb
                  [8:27:43 PM] TheIntern has left the chat
                  [8:28:20 PM] TheIntern is logged into the chat
                  [8:28:51 PM] <TheIntern> hearing it now
                  [8:29:20 PM] Guest 28 is logged into the chat
                  [8:31:14 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin has a Telecom Central Office in his Hovel!!
                  [8:31:27 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Need 4 Computers!
                  [8:32:42 PM] Guest 29 is logged into the chat
                  [8:36:58 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin is Good!
                  [8:40:24 PM] <Hyram> What's with Logan Hunter? Why doesn't he show up for his show?
                  [8:41:12 PM] east_orthodox_mamzer is logged into the chat
                  [8:41:20 PM] FelixinNJ has left the chat
                  [8:41:58 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin, so what is the end?
                  [8:42:25 PM] <Siegfried> 4 computers
                  [8:42:32 PM] <Siegfried> You only need 1!!
                  [8:42:41 PM] <Siegfried> You can open 4 windows
                  [8:42:44 PM] <Siegfried> assclown!
                  [8:42:56 PM] <Hyram> 1 computer, different browsers
                  [8:43:44 PM] <east_orthodox_mamzer> ask martin about axis sally
                  [8:44:44 PM] Guest 30 is logged into the chat
                  [8:45:35 PM] Guest 30 has left the chat
                  [8:45:44 PM] <Hyram> axis sally likes it in the ass
                  [8:45:52 PM] <east_orthodox_mamzer> she got exposed as a porn skank
                  [8:45:55 PM] MickeyTTT is logged into the chat
                  [8:46:38 PM] <east_orthodox_mamzer> Marty knew Bianca Trump.
                  [8:46:52 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Older Computers cannot compute the Java Script of Talkshoe as fast, so you cannot open Multiple Browsers and run multiple Talkshoe shows.
                  [8:46:58 PM] <Siegfried> Marty gets all the pussy
                  [8:47:16 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin is a Stud!
                  [8:47:23 PM] <Hyram> Did Mona Montgomery die yet?
                  [8:47:28 PM] <Frankenwhigger> with a Killer Smile!
                  [8:47:37 PM] <Siegfried> Mona died in 1998
                  [8:47:41 PM] Guest 31 is logged into the chat
                  [8:47:49 PM] <Hyram> Did the jews eat her?
                  [8:48:24 PM] Guest 31 has left the chat
                  [8:48:31 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I'd Eat Mona!
                  [8:48:37 PM] <Hyram> Ewwww
                  [8:48:49 PM] Guest 32 is logged into the chat
                  [8:48:53 PM] <Hyram> She's got cobwebs in her crotch
                  [8:48:57 PM] FelixinNJ is logged into the chat
                  [8:49:00 PM] <Frankenwhigger> WWWWWWWWWWWWWWEeeeeeeee
                  [8:49:21 PM] <FelixinNJ> SCREW THE GUESTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  [8:49:21 PM] <FelixinNJ> SREW EM
                  [8:49:29 PM] <east_orthodox_mamzer> would you fuck mona newsguy?
                  [8:49:31 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I'm a Bug-Fooker too!
                  [8:49:39 PM] <Guest 29> I'M FREEEEEE
                  [8:49:40 PM] <newsguy2005> LOL
                  [8:49:45 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Yep, Mona is a babe!
                  [8:49:47 PM] <Guest 32> LINDSTEDT CALLED YOU A NEW YORK JEW YESTERDAY
                  [8:49:53 PM] <TheIntern> Betty White with "White Power" poster!!!
                  [8:49:54 PM] <east_orthodox_mamzer>
                  [8:50:15 PM] <Hyram> mona was a babe like 35 years ago
                  [8:50:26 PM] <Siegfried> 85 years ago you mean
                  [8:50:35 PM] <Siegfried> the cunt is 105
                  [8:50:39 PM] <Guest 29> They tore it down years ago.
                  [8:50:51 PM] <Guest 29> He tells this story every 15 minutes.
                  [8:50:56 PM] <Hyram> She is fucking old
                  [8:51:07 PM] <Hyram> Mona is actually a character in the bible
                  [8:51:11 PM] <TheIntern> Moaner CuntCUMery
                  [8:51:12 PM] <Siegfried> she's fucking nuts
                  [8:51:27 PM] <MysteryMan> im back
                  [8:51:31 PM] <Hyram> That's an under statement
                  [8:51:59 PM] <Guest 29> Mona thinks she's part of the elite because she's a tax lawyer.
                  [8:52:06 PM] <Hyram> Hey Lindstedt, I like your tin roof
                  [8:52:10 PM] <TheIntern> 49 cards are missing in her deck.
                  [8:52:17 PM] <Guest 32> LINDSTEDT CALLED YOU A NEW YORK JEW YESTERDAY
                  [8:52:41 PM] <Hyram> If Mona didn't have a rich mommy, she'd be just another welfare nigger
                  [8:52:47 PM] Guest 33 is logged into the chat
                  [8:53:03 PM] <east_orthodox_mamzer> zog took down megaupload, were you going to get you scat porn now newsguy
                  [8:53:14 PM] <Guest 29> She's a typical rich girl.
                  [8:53:19 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Yep, Mona is My Kind of woman!!
                  [8:53:21 PM] <Hyram> Jewsguy will be fiending for shemale porn
                  [8:53:43 PM] <Hyram> Any shemales in Iceland, jewsguy?
                  [8:54:03 PM] <Hyram> Lindstedt has a mighty fine tin roof
                  [8:54:36 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin, you need to get "Historical Preservation" Zoning for your site!
                  [8:55:10 PM] <Guest 29> Ask martin how often he bathes.
                  [8:55:13 PM] <Hyram> People shouldn't be throwing old freezers and air conditioners out in their yard
                  [8:55:20 PM] <Guest 29> Once a week, maximum.
                  [8:55:22 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin, Apply for a Historical Preservation Easement for your property!
                  [8:55:25 PM] <Siegfried> Marty is living is some dump
                  [8:55:31 PM] <Siegfried> even unfit for pigs
                  [8:55:39 PM] <Siegfried> just look at google maps
                  [8:55:41 PM] <MickeyTTT> LOL
                  [8:55:44 PM] <Siegfried> it's a fucking dump!
                  [8:55:51 PM] <MickeyTTT> What the GPS
                  [8:55:55 PM] <Hyram> Rabbit Track Road
                  [8:56:02 PM] <Frankenwhigger> That is How you Keep the Jews, Mexicans and Aliens away!
                  [8:56:12 PM] <Guest 29> Sometimes Marty gives Roxy a spongebath while he's broadcasting on Talkshoe.
                  [8:56:14 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Live in a Dump!
                  [8:56:20 PM] <Siegfried> His address is on his site
                  [8:56:26 PM] <MickeyTTT> Thanks
                  [8:56:38 PM] <Siegfried> you can see his dump and the one on the other side of the road is also his
                  [8:56:45 PM] <east_orthodox_mamzer> roxy nudes?
                  [8:56:48 PM] <Hyram> King of the heap
                  [8:57:07 PM] <Hyram> Please no roxy nudes
                  [8:57:12 PM] <Siegfried> $100 a month!
                  [8:57:19 PM] <Siegfried> 4 or 5
                  [8:57:23 PM] <Frankenwhigger> "Agro-Nigger" another "Linstedtium"!! LOL!!
                  [8:57:27 PM] <Siegfried> He doesn' know it for sure
                  [8:57:43 PM] <Siegfried> wtf can you rent for 100 bucks?
                  [8:57:50 PM] <Hyram> a chicke coop
                  [8:57:52 PM] <Siegfried> Not even a fucking tent
                  [8:57:56 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Storage Locker?
                  [8:57:58 PM] <Guest 29> Marty's hovel.
                  [8:58:19 PM] <Guest 29> A room with poopie dawg.
                  [8:58:39 PM] <Hyram> poopie dawg's dawg house
                  [8:59:28 PM] <east_orthodox_mamzer> roxy --->
                  [8:59:29 PM] <Hyram> Lindstedt is straight gangsta!
                  [9:00:02 PM] <Hyram> That chick is hot!
                  [9:00:20 PM] <Hyram> You can rent a room for a $100 in her ass
                  [9:01:29 PM] Guest 34 is logged into the chat
                  [9:02:07 PM] Guest 33 has left the chat
                  [9:02:15 PM] <Hyram> ask Lindstedt about his tin roof
                  [9:02:31 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hail Victory!!
                  [9:02:41 PM] PastorLindstedt has hung up
                  [9:02:53 PM] Senor_Zero is logged into the chat
                  [9:03:21 PM] <Senor_Zero> good audience!
                  [9:03:22 PM] Guest 29 has left the chat
                  [9:03:27 PM] Hyram has left the chat
                  [9:03:31 PM] <FelixinNJ> KILL THE BRONIES!!!!!!!
                  [9:03:33 PM] <Senor_Zero> Drink some coffee!!!
                  [9:03:37 PM] <Siegfried> Hail Victory!
                  [9:03:50 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hail Victory!!
                  [9:03:52 PM] <Senor_Zero> damn
                  [9:03:54 PM] <east_orthodox_mamzer>
                  [9:03:56 PM] FelixinNJ has left the chat
                  [9:04:00 PM] Guest 34 has left the chat
                  [9:04:04 PM] The recording has ended.
                  [9:04:05 PM] east_orthodox_mamzer has left the chat
                  [9:04:10 PM] newsguy2005 has hung up
                  [9:04:30 PM] <newsguy2005> I'll keep the chat open for a while until I'm off
                  [9:04:31 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Friend Me On Facebook!
                  [9:04:41 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Later!
                  [9:04:44 PM] Frankenwhigger has left the chat
                  [9:04:48 PM] <Senor_Zero> out.
                  [9:04:51 PM] Senor_Zero has left the chat
                  [9:04:54 PM] <Zogbuster> Good show as usual, NewsGuy!
                  [9:05:05 PM] <newsguy2005> Thanks
                  [9:05:08 PM] Zogbuster has left the chat
                  [9:05:25 PM] Guest 28 has left the chat
                  [9:07:07 PM] <TheIntern> Did you see the link, NewsGuy?
                  [9:08:16 PM] <newsguy2005> to the fat chick? Yes.
                  [9:08:29 PM] <TheIntern> No
                  [9:08:48 PM] <TheIntern> Betty White....White Power
                  [9:08:50 PM] <TheIntern>
                  [9:09:07 PM] <TheIntern> It's been going around
                  [9:09:21 PM] <newsguy2005> LOL CLASSIC
                  [9:09:31 PM] MickeyTTT has left the chat
                  [9:09:53 PM] <TheIntern> I wonder if she knew, LOL
                  [9:09:56 PM] The Call has ended.
                  [9:10:38 PM] <newsguy2005> yeah
                  [9:11:03 PM] <TheIntern> I'm about ready to doze off
                  [9:11:12 PM] <TheIntern> I'll catch ya later.
                  [9:11:16 PM] <newsguy2005> k
                  [9:11:20 PM] <TheIntern> G'nite
                  [9:11:22 PM] <newsguy2005> I'm off to bed
                  [9:11:25 PM] TheIntern has left the chat
                  [9:11:29 PM] <newsguy2005> dnit
                  [9:11:30 PM] <newsguy2005> gnite
                  [9:11:32 PM] newsguy2005 has left the chat
                  [9:14:01 PM] Siegfried has left the chat

                  The Peterless Goodmamzer-Newskike Radio F[r]ee NimTard Show



                  • #69
                    TMT -- Episode #106 -- Mamzerwerks Always Falls Apart -- 22Jan12

                    The Movement Turd

                    January 22, 2012
                    The Word as Heard on the Turd

                    TMT -- Episode #106 -- Mamzerwerks Always Falls Apart -- 22Jan12
                    Time: January 22, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST


                    TMT -- Episode #106 -- Mamzerwerks Always Falls Apart -- 22Jan12

                    Episode Notes:

                    No matter how smart jews and whiggers 'think' they is, they's wrong. Listening to jews such as Eli James and Steve Elder/Kommandork McFagg 'thinking' that they can stifle ridicule and knowledge of what they are by censoring and muting guests and Russ Walker for pouncing on this bogus picture from Legalmamzer2012 Johns and asking Steve Elder/McFagg straight up whether Hilda Elder is a beaner or not. Eliar's and Elder's response: censorship.

                    So what is the basis for the jewboys' perpetual belief in the stupidity of whiggers? The fact that it works 66 times out 67? And that as jew parasites unable to do much of anything for theysselfs, that they inevitably gain a sense of entitlement. They have no choice other than to do so as parasites.

                    But as the whiggers grow less numerous and more incompetent and unable to even take care of themselves, then what is inevitable is that there soon becomes nothing to steal from the whiggers, either through deceit or force. And thus we get to the situation today.

                    <legalman2012_> Commander00McBragg - Stephen J Elder age 53 (aka) and Hispanic wife Hilda I Elder age 48. Location - 7014 97th Ave SW Lakewood, WA 98498.

                    Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


                    Start Time (EDT): 1/22/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
                    Duration (minutes): 120+

                    Download link:
           Archive Directory
           Archive Directory

                    Temporary Download Link

                    Chat Transcript:

                    Hail Victory!!!

                    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 01-23-2012, 06:09 PM.

                    Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                    Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                    • #70
                      TMT -- Episode #106.5 -- The Repub[l]icunt Primary Farce Cuntinues -- 26Jan12

                      The Movement Turd

                      January 26, 2012
                      The Word as Heard on the Turd

                      TMT -- Episode #106.5 -- The Repub[l]icunt Primary Farce Cuntinues -- 26Jan12
                      Time: January 26, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST


                      TMT -- Episode #106.5 -- The Repub[l]icunt Primary Farce Cuntinues -- 26Jan12

                      Episode Notes:

                      The Repub[l]icunt Primary Farce cuntinues as Mittens Palooka -- my name for Mitt Romney, as Harold Covington compares Romney to an aging old whigger washed-up fighter paid to take a dive -- faces Pigg NEWToon, the Repub pol without any shame whatsoever, who I think will actually win the Repub primary [s]elections. Of course I could be wrong, but either way, the Repub[l]icunt nominee/selectee will be a real piece of shit that makes the foreign nigger look good.

                      Should we really give a shit as to who wins the primary [s]election on the Repub[l]icunt side? No. The Rupub[l]icunt and LibberToons actually have made it so that overt 'White Supremacists' or 'White Nationalists cannot even run for state or federal office in a State of Missery.

                      Don't believe me?

                      Look at what Lloyd Smith, Executive Director of the Missery Repub[l]icunt Party did, with the collusion of the Democrat Secretary of State Robin Carnahan on March 30, 2010 when I went up to file on the very last day of filing:


                      Of course the LibberToons and Democrats are no different. The LibberToon Executive Director used the 'TraitorGlenn Miller Rule of 2006' to refuse my filing fee and thus, as predicted, I was removed from the ballot because of being an overt 'White Supremacist', i.e. because of my Race -- Aryan Israelite, because of my religious belief -- Dual-Seedline Christian Identity Comparetian Orthodox -- and because of my creed -- White Nationalism -- and because of my class -- White lower middle class Intellectual/Activist.

                      Under no circumstances are overtly White Racialist Nationalist candidates are to be allowed even on the ballot, and under no circumstances are White Racialist Nationalist voters to be allowed to vote for their choice of candidates. Essentially Whites are no longer 'citizens' with a meaningful franchise, but rather nothing but slaves to be used up and discarded and destroyed. Satan's Children, the jews, are working to make sure that 2012 is the very last [s]electionn.

                      Since the White Man and His representatives no longer have any 'right' to run for public office and thus be represented, then no longer does any White Man have any moral obligation to obey any laws -- pretend legistreason -- or pay any taxes to these state or federal criminal regimes that overtly have admitted to no longer representing them whatsoever.

                      And so I say unto my audience as I do the regime criminals and regime criminal korts listening in -- Since you do not recognize that the White Man has any rights that you need respect, not even those of life, liberty and property -- likewise neither does the White Man have any moral, financial, or social obligation to respect the lives, liberties, or property of the Babylonian/ZOG System in which you biological spawn of Satan the jews, or adoptive spawn of Satan, the race-traitor whiggers, or mamzer/miscegenated bastard abominations and non-white Sixth-Day Beasts of the Field have imposed upon us to our demise.



                      Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


                      Start Time (EDT): 1/26/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
                      Duration (minutes): 120+

                      Download link:
             Archive Directory
             Archive Directory

                      Temporary Download Link

                      Chat Transcript:

                      Hail Victory!!!

                      Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                      Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                      Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 01-26-2012, 07:21 PM.

                      Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                      Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                      • #71
                        TMT -- Episode #107 -- -- 29Jan12

                        The Movement Turd

                        January 29, 2012
                        The Word as Heard on the Turd

                        TMT -- Episode #107 -- Delusions of Adequacy -- 29Jan12
                        Time: January 29, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST


                        TMT -- Episode #107 -- Delusions of Adequacy -- 29Jan12

                        Episode Notes:

                        What is so hilarious is the absolute stupidity and cowardice both mental and moral of our wonderfool bowel Movement. For example, Ashkenazi AssWipe was recently yapping about the 'leadership' of TraitorGlenn Miller in talking back to jews at Southern Missouri University in Springfield Missouri and for writing letters to Kevin Harpham which were used in order to justify giving this fool the maximum sentence. Not understood by 'activists' is that having s drunken traitor and snitch [mis]represent White Nationalism is a losing game, showing ZOG and ZOGlings that they face fools and cowards and are putting them forward as representatives and leaders of White Nationalism. The end result is ridicule and longer prison terms.

                        Likewise within Christian Identity. Pretending to be Aryans, what is presented as CI pastors are obvious jews like Eli James/jewseph Kutz-November, jews with Crohns like Dan Johns and Kommandork McFagg/Steve Elder-Schultz with beaner wives, psychotic murderous ex-piglice like Rabbi Finckelsheenie, self-admitted mamzers like Jeromy Visser, Anglo-Mestizo Truitt, mamzer faggots like Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren, mumps-nutted niglet-niece molesters like LiarBill 'MumpsNut(s?) DeClue(less), adulterers like Debbie 'Klunt' Downey and her Meercat Past-her Markkk Klowney, and drunken crackhead criminals like Morris 'MoGulett' Gulett who have turned snitch and is busily bringing in every anglo-mestizo and mulattoes into its Aryan Nations faction, even though kicked out by Ray Redfearin and Pastor Richard Butler. So essentially above-ground Dual-Seedline Christian Identity is wall-to-wall mamzers and jews and criminal snitches unable to understand the Comparetian Orthodoxy which is understood by the actual Aryan Christian Israelite. All the above jews and mamzers and whigger ZOGbots try to 'jewdize' what is essentially a genetically understood racial religion of Christian Israel. Cummin' from the Catlick or Babtist Hobbyist or Pentecostal Linthead whore-temples, these wandering mamzers of Wikipedia-Talksjew CI seek to change that which they pretend to observe.

                        What we have here are delusions of adequacy on the part of mamzers, jews and whiggers, who in point of fact do not belong amongst us.

                        Guests: Scipio Norcal, WilliamB. After a bit of spamming from NimBuster Pisser-Possumoids, the chat settled down and we had an interesting program. Scipio mentioned the lack of censorship on my show.


                        Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


                        Start Time (EDT): 1/29/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
                        Duration (minutes): 120+

                        Download link:
               Archive Directory
               Archive Directory

                        Temporary Download Link

                        Chat Transcript:

                        Hail Victory!!!

                        Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                        Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                        Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 01-30-2012, 11:37 PM.

                        Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                        Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                        • #72
                          TMT Archive

                          Here is the now gone archive. Hail Victory!

                          Hello Kolim. Says files not found when I clock the link. But thanks for your work. Hail Victory!!! --PMLDL
                          ריאו בריאן הוא הומו המלוכסן ממזר.

                          Praise D-G!


                          • #73
                            TMT -- Episode #107.5 -- Every D-g Has Itz D-gma -- 2Feb12

                            The Movement Turd

                            Feb 2, 2012
                            The Word as Heard on the Turd

                            TMT -- Episode #107.5 -- Every D-g Has Itz D-gma -- 2Feb12
                            Time: Feb 2, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST


                            TMT -- Episode #107.5 -- Every D-g Has Itz D-gma -- 2Feb12

                            Episode Notes:

                            Given that Christian Identity in general and Dual-Seedline Christian Identity has, like during the time of the Judges, no king or 'pope' then as a result pretty much everyone within it worships according to his own notions. The end result is not only a swarm of jews and mamzers, but pretty much every single whigger dog has its own dogma. Papist preterists (almost always mamzers and jews), Babtist Hobbyists (all wanting to burn heretics at the stake), Pentecostal Lintheads (Do my grand-niglets get in free?), No-Devil Sapphiracies of Klunt (Cum-cum Cum-cum?), post-polygamist Mormons (Lamanite squaw pussy is best).

                            The end result is, of course, a cluster-fuck. Sort of like what happened in the Wild-Wild Land of Canaan.


                            Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


                            Start Time (EDT): 02/02/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
                            Duration (minutes): 120+

                            Download link:
                   Archive Directory
                   Archive Directory

                            Temporary Download Link

                            Chat Transcript:

                            Hail Victory!!!

                            Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                            Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                            Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 02-02-2012, 07:38 PM.

                            Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                            Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                            • #74
                              TMT -- Episode #108 -- The Turd Turns Two -- 5Feb12

                              The Movement Turd

                              Feb 5, 2012
                              The Word as Heard on the Turd

                              TMT -- Episode #108 -- The Turd Turns Two -- 5Feb12
                              Time: Feb 5, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST


                              TMT -- Episode #108 -- The Turd Turns Two -- 5Feb12

                              Episode Notes:

                              Two years ago, after seeing Harold Covington start his own podcast, on Feb 7, 2010, I decided to do a podcast of my own concerning [bowel] Movement happenings and gossip on Talksjew. I had written articles about what was going on in the Movement, but decided that having an actual interactive show would work best in reacting to events as they occurred, and to in turn affect events by noting, and in some case, targeting them.

                              On January and February 2010, a number of hidden jews and mamzers were cumming into the Movement and running wild. Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren, Obadiah 1:18/Obie-gender-bender-pissers-poofter-possum, Matt TwOtt ZOGbott and such were pretending to be both Aryan Israelite and Christian Identity. They were cumming in as followers of what was revealed, largely on this Turd, as Chicago sephardic portugee jews like Eli James/jewseph Kutz-November, the murderous Jersey City Ashkenazi jewboy Bill Finck[el-sheenie], but most interestingly, as followers of an admitted mestizo-anglo red-nigger mamzer criminal originally from the Rick Spring Faction named Jeromy Visser, who was going ass-to-mouth with a slant-eyed gook kike named Bryan Wright. After having enough of being lied to and stalked, Pastor John Britton and I decided to say 'enough' and bring out this infiltration by jews and mamzers within the above-ground Christian Identity Church, as well as the overall [bowel] Movement by jews, mamzers, and ZOGling whigger ass-clown ZOGbots.

                              And this The Movement Turd has done like no other bowel Movement Internut podcast.

                              So this eppysode of The Movement Turd is both a commemoration of the past two years, and a plan for the Future. The Future is The Great Tribulation, the Apocalypse, The Great Collapse and Die-Off. So the only way to be prepared for survival is for whiggers to turn feral. Anything done to surf the wave of Chaos and Conflict and Civil War will be successful. Anything done to try to restore the status quo Apocalypto or to try to bring order from the impending chaos is doomed to failure. The Movement Turd advises stocking up on canned food and shotgun shells, or rice and 22 rimfire ammo.

                              So join this extra-special eppysode of The Movement Turd!!!


                              Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


                              Start Time (EDT): 02/05/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
                              Duration (minutes): 120+

                              Download link:
                     Archive Directory
                     Archive Directory

                              Temporary Download Link

                              Chat Transcript:

                              Hail Victory!!!

                              Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                              Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                              Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 02-06-2012, 11:04 PM.

                              Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                              Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                              • #75
                                TMT -- Episode #108.5 -- The Censorship Tariff -- 9Feb12

                                The Movement Turd

                                Feb 9, 2012
                                The Word as Heard on the Turd

                                TMT -- Episode #108.5 -- The Censorship Tariff -- 9Feb12
                                Time: Feb 9, 2012 9:15 PM EST/8:15 PM CST


                                TMT -- Episode #108.5 -- The Censorship Tariff -- 9Feb12

                                Episode Notes:

                                That 'Gay Nineties (Piercite Creatard) Show' with WhiggerSwill Welass, 'Look at me I'm April Gaede', Hadding the Gay Mattoid Meercat/Scott David Spiedel, and a cast of a few other ZOGbots is back, whining that unless they get the jew-tool of censorship that they cannot prevail by arguing on the merits. That's because they have no merits. What was nothing but a ZOG false front paid for by $400,000 of Order ZOGbux in which Fearless Leader William Pierce dispensed out boodle -- And April Gaede dispensed booty -- in an 'Elohim Shitty 4 CreaTards' has achieved mythic status as a sort of WhiggerNutsionalist Camel-lot, when in fact is was nothing but doofusses playing Rabbleushunary on the Internut. These were seriously fucked up largely anglo-mestizo fuktards running around like chickens with theyz' heads chopped off back then -- and age hath only make them even more seriously fuktarded since.

                                If course, given that such cannot pass the giggle test, criticism of such must be suppressed. So pecker in hand they go to the ZOG false fronts demanding censorsheep of 'discouraging words' which will make their droolling moronicism further wilt. Every time these tards cannot prevail, they commence whining and then after being ignored as weaklings in both mind and spirit, they send out an SOS/virtual suicide note, saying that they are leaving and will make sure that the door resounds with a mighty thump as it hits them on the ass on the way out. SOB!!!

                                Whiggaz, puh-leeeze!!! The only reason you must beg for the protective tariff of censorship is because you cannot compete in terms of jewr idiotology and whining like a jew pussy for 'protection' means that you can't make it on jewr own.

                                The jews do this all the time in their jewsmedia. But these ZOG false fronts do this even more often in theyz' whiggamedia.

                                The job of The Movement Turd is to call those who claim to be White Nationalist and/or Christian Identity on their idiotic feeble hypocrisy.


                                Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


                                Start Time (EDT): 02/09/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
                                Duration (minutes): 120+

                                Download link:
                       Archive Directory
                       Archive Directory

                       Temporary Download Link

                                Chat Transcript:

                                Hail Victory!!!

                                Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                                Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                                Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 02-13-2012, 02:59 PM.

                                Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                                Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum

