TMT #95 Chat -- 6Nov11
TMT #95 Chat -- 6Nov11
This is [some] of the chat for The Movement Turd Episode #95 - Mamzerology & Mamzer Studies of 6Nov11. The chat was disrupted by a 'spamming' NimBuster or PisserPossum Troll, who forced me to fire up another computer to try to save the chat session and to block all the guests for a half hour. This is what inevitably happens when you have disruptive mamzers get into White areas is disruption and chaos.
The purpose of sneaking back to Talksjew is so that there can be anonymous chat by guests. Tards is what makes the Turd roar. However, tards can be quite disruptive simply because of being schizo mamzers suffering from Peter Dunkin'.
PastorLindstedt is logged into the chat
[7:51:33 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Hail Victory!!!
[7:51:48 PM] Guest 2 is logged into the chat
[7:52:15 PM] Guest 2 has left the chat
[7:53:07 PM] Guest 3 is logged into the chat
[7:54:22 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Hey!
[7:54:38 PM] Guest 4 is logged into the chat
[7:54:38 PM] <Guest 4> when does the show start>
[7:58:28 PM] ElamStoltzfus is logged into the chat
[7:58:51 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Usually starts at least 15 minutes late
[8:00:03 PM] Hyram is logged into the chat
[8:00:24 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Looks like one of the NimBusters have found this show.
[8:00:51 PM] <Hyram> Looks that way
[8:01:11 PM] <Hyram> He didn't get the link from me
[8:02:03 PM] <Hyram> Maybe Jewsguy will show up
[8:02:25 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> No, he is off of house arrest.
[8:03:14 PM] <Hyram> Jewsguy is polishing his menorah
[8:04:37 PM] <Hyram> Is Russ calling in tonite?
[8:04:38 PM] <PastorLindstedt> So ElamStoltz, you a NimBuster? Has the link gotten out?
[8:05:19 PM] <Hyram> I believe Elam is a nigger lover
[8:05:21 PM] Guest 5 is logged into the chat
[8:05:37 PM] Guest 4 has left the chat
[8:05:51 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Indeed
[8:05:57 PM] Guest 6 is logged into the chat
[8:06:08 PM] TheRealWilliamB is logged into the chat
[8:06:44 PM] monamontgomery is logged into the chat
[8:07:02 PM] TrashCanMan72 is logged into the chat
[8:07:07 PM] Guest 7 is logged into the chat
[8:07:33 PM] <Guest 7> No more talks with Mona!
[8:07:33 PM] Guest 8 is logged into the chat
[8:08:05 PM] <Hyram> According to Mona, a fetus isn't actually a child
[8:08:07 PM] caman is logged into the chat
[8:08:28 PM] <monamontgomery> A fetus is a fetus. A child is a child. If you can't see the difference you are incapable of feelnig.
[8:08:32 PM] <monamontgomery> *feeling.
[8:08:46 PM] <Hyram> Well call me incapable
[8:09:09 PM] Guest 9 is logged into the chat
[8:09:09 PM] <monamontgomery> Babies are adorable and fetuses are slimy. Big difference.
[8:09:11 PM] <Guest 5> A fetus is an UNBORN child, but it is still a child
[8:09:12 PM] <Hyram> Babies are slimy when born
[8:09:14 PM] <monamontgomery> Also, if you place the importance of a woman's life as no more important than a two cell zygote you have no respect for women.
[8:09:16 PM] <PastorLindstedt> OK
[8:09:25 PM] <Guest 6> In a civilized society, fetuses would be harvested for stem cells.
[8:09:32 PM] <Hyram> I never said that I has respect for women
[8:09:36 PM] <monamontgomery> Correct, Guest 6.
[8:10:05 PM] <monamontgomery> If you "has" no respect for women you are a despicable man, incapable of normal feelings.
[8:10:08 PM] <Guest 7> Mona's a whack job. Don't encourage her
[8:10:11 PM] <Guest 7> Mona is no woman
[8:10:20 PM] <Hyram> From what I've read, you don't need to harvest fetuses in order to get the stem cells
[8:10:29 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Well, its showtime and I have not a clue as to what to say.
[8:10:41 PM] <monamontgomery> The point is, men hate women and have no right to design their lives.
[8:10:45 PM] <Hyram> Sorry, it was supposed to be have
[8:10:50 PM] <monamontgomery> Women have the same right to pursue happiness than men have.
[8:10:52 PM] <Guest 7> Mona's been Jewed many times over
[8:11:02 PM] <Hyram> 7, you nailed it
[8:11:19 PM] <monamontgomery> White women have always enjoyed higher status than any other women.
[8:11:20 PM] <Guest 5> Sounds like Mona's a feminist, God forbid.
[8:11:21 PM] <Guest 7> Blah blah blah wimmen wimmen wimmen
[8:11:30 PM] <Hyram> The only reason you have "rights" is because of men, Mona
[8:11:34 PM] <monamontgomery> You are like a black or a brown if you make women into squaws.
[8:11:43 PM] <Guest 7> Stay away from man hating freaks like Mona
[8:11:52 PM] <Guest 7> They are no credit to the white race
[8:11:56 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Who's Mona?
[8:11:57 PM] <Hyram> Many non-whites know how to keep their women in line
[8:11:57 PM] <monamontgomery> I do not hate men. I hate STUPID, unfeeling men.
[8:12:01 PM] <Guest 7> I would even call her a whigger
[8:12:15 PM] <monamontgomery> Who cares what a STUPID man thinks of me?
[8:12:17 PM] caman has left the chat
[8:12:17 PM] caman is logged into the chat
[8:12:30 PM] <caman> .
[8:12:46 PM] <Guest 7> See Mona HATES men. She's sexually frustrated.
[8:12:48 PM] <Hyram> whigeress, 7
[8:12:58 PM] <monamontgomery> You fight wars for your freedom. You kill White men on both sides. But a woman's freedom means no more to you than a two-celled zygote of any race.
[8:12:58 PM] <PastorLindstedt> I'm gonna call in.
[8:12:59 PM] <Guest 7> yeah
[8:13:19 PM] <Hyram> I don't care about aborted nigger babies
[8:13:33 PM] <Guest 7> Women don't deserve any freedom. They just whore it up in all senses of that word
[8:13:39 PM] <Hyram> A real woman would sacrifice herself for her child
[8:13:43 PM] <Guest 6> If you're against abortion, then you're for more non-white babies being born.
[8:13:44 PM] <monamontgomery> Women are no more whores than men are.
[8:13:45 PM] <Guest 7> YES!
[8:13:54 PM] nwfcomrade is logged into the chat
[8:14:05 PM] <Hyram> I'm against abortion for whites
[8:14:07 PM] <monamontgomery> Hyram, women DO sacrifice for their children. That's why they must choose which children to have.
[8:14:08 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Is Guest 3 Buddy Hinton?
[8:14:08 PM] <Guest 7> Mona thinks men and women are equal. She's an idiot
[8:14:22 PM] PastorLindstedt is on the call
[8:14:26 PM] <Hyram> 7, you're taking the words right out of my mouth
[8:14:37 PM] <Guest 5> Men and women are equal in value. But they have different roles.
[8:14:41 PM] <monamontgomery> If you don't respect a woman, you can't possibly love her.
[8:14:58 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> men and women are not equals. they are compliments of one another.
[8:15:00 PM] <Hyram> What do you know about love, you cruel bitch?
[8:15:00 PM] <nwfcomrade> Lulziest conversation I've EVER hopped into on this show.
[8:15:01 PM] <Guest 7> Mona is just an ateention seeking woman. ignore her
[8:15:04 PM] PastorLindstedt is on the call
[8:15:07 PM] <nwfcomrade> EVER.
[8:15:12 PM] <monamontgomery> Is there sound?
[8:15:18 PM] PastorLindstedt has hung up
[8:15:19 PM] <nwfcomrade> Too much sound, in fact.
[8:15:22 PM] <nwfcomrade> Better now.
[8:15:24 PM] <Guest 7> What the hell is lulz?
[8:15:24 PM] <Hyram> Only the voices in your head, mona
[8:15:34 PM] <Guest 5> Now we have sound
[8:15:51 PM] Guest 3 has left the chat
[8:15:51 PM] <nwfcomrade> LULZ is a perversion of LOLZ which is multiple LOLs.
[8:15:52 PM] <Hyram> Lindstedt, tell your life story
[8:15:54 PM] <caman> hello Pastor Lindstedt
[8:15:54 PM] <Guest 7> ok
[8:15:59 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> did you troll eliars?
[8:16:17 PM] <Guest 7> If JewsGuy can talk every week, so can you Martin
[8:16:19 PM] <Guest 5> NSM attracted 75 patriots to their Pomona rally, if you want to talk about that.
[8:16:19 PM] <Guest 6> Talk about how your Secret Turd was outed by Reo on Nimbusters.
[8:16:55 PM] <Hyram> Did the NSM wear nazi outfits?
[8:17:12 PM] <Guest 7> 75 people is a lot of people. Talk about that Martin
[8:17:14 PM] <Guest 5> No, they wore the black utility uniforms
[8:17:26 PM] <monamontgomery> Here I am.
[8:17:31 PM] <Hyram> What is a black utility uniform?
[8:17:39 PM] <Hyram> Yes!
[8:17:44 PM] <Guest 7> YES! PROPERTY!!!!!!!
[8:17:44 PM] <Guest 5> Black fatigues
[8:17:45 PM] <monamontgomery> Yup. CI men are losers.
[8:17:45 PM] <nwfcomrade> I don't know for sure, but do you mean BDUs?
[8:17:48 PM] <Hyram> Lindstedt nailed it!
[8:18:02 PM] <Guest 5> Yes, NWF, black BDUs
[8:18:03 PM] <Hyram> Take that, Mona!
[8:18:04 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Anyone know how much a 95% condition SKS-D (detatchable AK mags) goes for?
[8:18:43 PM] <Guest 5> A Negro is just a life support system for a penis
[8:18:59 PM] <Hyram> Here's a pic of an NSM member in his outfit:
[8:19:02 PM] <Hyram>
[8:19:21 PM] <nwfcomrade> LOL That's about right.
[8:20:01 PM] TrashCanMan72 has left the chat
[8:20:03 PM] TrashCanMan72 is logged into the chat
[8:20:20 PM] <Guest 7> Women look at men as meal tickets. That's worse than property
[8:20:39 PM] <nwfcomrade> Pastor, I acquired a copy of the "Brief History of the Movement" in .doc format. If you like, I'll send it along to you and you could pick things ..
[8:20:43 PM] <nwfcomrade> ... out of it and discuss them.
[8:20:47 PM] <Hyram> I have no problem taking care of a good woman who deserves it
[8:21:01 PM] <nwfcomrade> Though, it's already the standard item in this crowd, I suspect.
[8:21:03 PM] <Guest 7> Is that the DeGuello report
[8:21:34 PM] <Hyram> Yep
[8:21:51 PM] <Hyram> Pastor L. nails it
[8:23:22 PM] <Guest 7> .
[8:23:37 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Reo can't pass the paper bag test
[8:23:45 PM] <Guest 7> LOL
[8:24:32 PM] <nwfcomrade> It's too bad the internet isn't actually a place. We could hang a paper bag on the door!
[8:24:38 PM] <Guest 7> Many Germans have Slavic blood
[8:24:58 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Pastor, What do you think of mennonites?
[8:25:25 PM] <Hyram> Does she husle blowjobs?
[8:25:55 PM] <Guest 7> The all white society is going to have problems defining white
[8:26:11 PM] <Hyram> It's going to be a small society
[8:26:22 PM] <Guest 6> There won't be any such thing in America.
[8:26:24 PM] <Guest 7> yeah
[8:26:29 PM] <Guest 6> America is going to turn into Brazil.
[8:26:36 PM] <Guest 6> A mass of brown people.
[8:26:38 PM] <Hyram> There can be diasporas
[8:26:51 PM] <Hyram> small societies of whites
[8:27:21 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> <takes a bow>
[8:27:46 PM] <monamontgomery> Blow jobs are Jewish. The Jew invented the blow job.
[8:27:54 PM] <Guest 7> There are still tons of white people in AMerica. We are no where near Brazil
[8:28:03 PM] <Guest 6> Not yet.
[8:28:04 PM] <Hyram> Mona, I can't belieev you couldn't keep a man
[8:28:10 PM] <monamontgomery> Women need t snuff out inferior sperm to give the good sperm a place to develop. That's why we need abortion.
[8:28:10 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> what happend to your show william b?
[8:28:11 PM] <Guest 7> LOL
[8:28:12 PM] <Guest 6> The point is that's the direction we're heading.
[8:28:22 PM] <Guest 6> That's what our future looks like.
[8:28:23 PM] <Hyram> Kep telling jewrself that, Mona
[8:28:32 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> all of these idiots are hypocrites
[8:28:42 PM] <monamontgomery> If a low life makes a girl pregnant she gets an abortion so she can marry a good man.
[8:28:50 PM] <Guest 7> That future won't happen for a long time. Whites in America don't mix that much
[8:29:19 PM] <monamontgomery> The problem with CI men is that they are low lifes and girls keep aborting their seed.
[8:29:26 PM] <Hyram> Or a low life self centered bitch gets pregnant and doesn't want to grow up, she has an abortion
[8:29:33 PM] <monamontgomery> So they want to make it illegal because that's the only way they will survive.
[8:29:40 PM] <Guest 7> Ignore Mona. She's crazy
[8:29:55 PM] <monamontgomery> Women marry good men, not men who despise them.
[8:30:19 PM] <Hyram> Mona is a good example for young women who want to dedicate their lives to their career to look at
[8:30:44 PM] <monamontgomery> Women live better lives if they work than if they depend on a low life for their support.
[8:30:57 PM] <Hyram> Yeah, you're a fine example of that
[8:30:58 PM] <Guest 7> Women marry assholes. That's my experience. that's why arranged marriages were thr norm
[8:31:22 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Mona is ISIS of Nim Busters
[8:31:36 PM] <Guest 7> Mona needs to be muzzled. She's begging for that. it's a cry for help
[8:31:39 PM] <Hyram> Mona is the crazy cat lady of "The Simpsons"
[8:31:46 PM] <Guest 7> LOL
[8:31:57 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Pastor, What do you think of mennonites?
[8:32:31 PM] <Hyram> "I was once a successful lawyer" - The crazy cat lady
[8:32:40 PM] <Guest 7> Are repubs really voting for a nigger? That seems rigged
[8:32:51 PM] <Hyram> repubs love niggers
[8:32:58 PM] <Hyram> and kikes
[8:33:06 PM] <Guest 7> Not in my experience
[8:33:22 PM] <Hyram> Looks that way to me
[8:33:40 PM] <Guest 7> Most repubs don't even pretend to like whites
[8:33:40 PM] <Guest 7> around me
[8:33:56 PM] <nwfcomrade> It's a hard call to make. Though, we need to remember that countries who go from white leadership to non-white leadership never go back.
[8:33:57 PM] <Hyram> they don't pretend to like whites?
[8:34:01 PM] <Guest 7> I meant blacks
[8:34:04 PM] <Guest 7> LOL
[8:34:22 PM] <Hyram> ell, looks like their leaders are nigger lovers
[8:34:27 PM] <Guest 7> Repubs hate whites too. They are all whiggers
[8:34:31 PM] <nwfcomrade> Eventually, this might be the case. Perhaps 7 is an accidental prophet...
[8:34:35 PM] <Guest 6> Mennonites have the right idea, but all of that inbreeding causes genetic defects.
[8:34:47 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> True
[8:35:05 PM] <monamontgomery> Women want to marry men like Jesus: handsome and charming as an English lord.
[8:35:07 PM] <Guest 7> Both parties are left wing PC assholes. But repubs usually kept their racism secret
[8:36:23 PM] <Guest 6> I suppose you could find yourself a good woman if you become a mennonite.
[8:36:29 PM] <Guest 6> Inject some fresh DNA into the tribe.
[8:37:01 PM] <Guest 7> In the future, whites will have to be bred in a laboratory
[8:37:34 PM] <monamontgomery> The elite will continue to breed blondes but you will never meet any of these people.
[8:37:42 PM] <Guest 7> Where's Frankenwhigger and Mass?
[8:38:14 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Whigger is drunk
[8:38:20 PM] <monamontgomery> There will always be love and romance in the upper class. Brow beating and thugery in the lower class.
[8:38:21 PM] <Guest 7> Property taxes are going UP when house prices have crashed 50%...LOL
[8:38:23 PM] <Hyram> Hanging out with russ
[8:38:40 PM] <Guest 6> The upper class has time for romance.
[8:38:53 PM] <Hyram> Aren't you upper class, Mona?
[8:38:54 PM] <monamontgomery> It takes intelligence to appreciate romance.
[8:38:57 PM] <Guest 7> No break for the middle class
[8:39:27 PM] <Hyram> Yes, all lower class people are unintelligent
[8:39:48 PM] <Guest 6> Working class people are just more practical.
[8:39:58 PM] <Hyram> I was being sarcastic
[8:40:30 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Mona is a Jewess
[8:40:37 PM] <Hyram> pretty much
[8:40:55 PM] <Guest 7> Mona sounds like a kike
[8:41:37 PM] <monamontgomery> <<< Blue blooded White elite.
[8:41:42 PM] <Hyram> A whiggeresss, yes
[8:41:54 PM] <Guest 7> She's a whiggeress at the least
[8:41:56 PM] <Hyram> And an elitist snob as well
[8:42:02 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Pastor, What do you think of mennonites?
[8:42:11 PM] <monamontgomery> <<< Blue blooded White elitest snob.
[8:42:18 PM] <Hyram> Since you're upper class, Mona, why no love and romance for you?
[8:42:31 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Pastor, What do you think of mennonites?
[8:42:45 PM] <monamontgomery> What have I ever said to indicate that I do not have love and romance in my life?
[8:42:48 PM] <Hyram> You obviously are thew only type who can appreciate romance
[8:42:53 PM] <Guest 7> Mona likes to cause trouble
[8:42:56 PM] <Hyram> LOL!
[8:43:14 PM] <Hyram> The majority of your comments indicate that you hate men
[8:43:24 PM] <monamontgomery> I like to tromp on men who oppress women.
[8:43:34 PM] <Hyram> Because no man will have you
[8:43:44 PM] <Hyram> And you murdered your child
[8:43:47 PM] <Guest 7> Mona has no respect for men
[8:43:48 PM] <Guest 6> Marty, why don't you just install Ubuntu on your laptops?
[8:43:53 PM] <Guest 6> Windows bites a dick.
[8:44:02 PM] <monamontgomery> I have no respect for uneducated, oppressive men.
[8:44:10 PM] <Guest 7> All men
[8:44:11 PM] <Hyram> who cares?
[8:44:16 PM] <monamontgomery> There is no reason to respect the unrespectable.
[8:44:29 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> We use mechanized means of farming.
[8:44:31 PM] <monamontgomery> I love men like Jesus: charming and intelligent as an English lord.
[8:44:41 PM] <Guest 7> Mona engages in sophistry
[8:44:44 PM] <Guest 6> We use beanerized methods of farming.
[8:44:47 PM] <Hyram> How do you know Jesus was like that?
[8:45:05 PM] <nwfcomrade> I want an answer to this question. I get the impression he wasn't very charming.
[8:45:09 PM] <Hyram> English lords treated their women so great?
[8:45:16 PM] <Guest 7> LOL
[8:45:21 PM] <monamontgomery> I have read the gospels. Jesus was clearly a blonde genius who spoke several languages and reasoned with wit and charm.
[8:45:35 PM] <Hyram> If you say so, Mona
[8:45:36 PM] <Guest 6> Mona's entertaining.
[8:45:48 PM] <Guest 7> Mona hates little blond boys, don't let her fool you
[8:46:05 PM] <nwfcomrade> Still lulzy.
[8:46:08 PM] <Hyram> Mona is the stereotypical lonely old spinster
[8:46:53 PM] <Hyram> Mona:
[8:47:04 PM] <Guest 5> Pastor, what do you think about Alex Linder asking people to use real names to register on VNN Forum?
[8:47:23 PM] <Guest 7> He already talked about that
[8:47:37 PM] <Guest 5> O.K., I must have missed it.
[8:48:02 PM] <Guest 6> Anyone still posting to VNN deserves what they get.
[8:48:08 PM] <Hyram> The Guido Weasel wants you name and address
[8:48:15 PM] <Guest 7> Linderwicz...LOL
[8:48:38 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Von still posts on VNN
[8:48:49 PM] <Guest 6> Von is a nut.
[8:48:58 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> and a sissy
[8:48:59 PM] <Guest 6> He belongs there.
[8:49:18 PM] <Guest 6> Linder needs a new asshole.
[8:49:25 PM] <Guest 6> His current asshole is defective.
[8:49:31 PM] Guest 10 is logged into the chat
[8:49:39 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> who bill white
[8:50:42 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Does anyone think writing Hal Turner is a good idea?
[8:50:48 PM] <Hyram> Defective asshole disease seems to be running rampant
[8:50:52 PM] <monamontgomery> I love Hal Turner.
[8:50:59 PM] <Hyram> figures
[8:51:14 PM] <Guest 5> No, writing Hal Turner is a BAD idea. He shopped Bill White
[8:51:27 PM] <monamontgomery> Hal Turner is a true genius and had the highest classification as an FBI agent.
[8:51:28 PM] <Guest 6> Yeah, it's ravaging the non-white nationalist community.
[8:51:32 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> I like Hal too. I am ambivalent about writing him.
[8:51:59 PM] <monamontgomery> I feel kind of guilty about not supporting him more so I'm afraid to call him. I got scared when he got arrested.
[8:52:04 PM] <Hyram> Hal Turner is one of those charming Jesus like upper class people
[8:52:31 PM] <Guest 7> Hal Turner is really white...LOL
[8:52:38 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Don't ham it up
[8:53:02 PM] <Hyram> A Hal Turner/Mona Montgomery romance is inevitable
[8:53:04 PM] <Guest 6> Hal Turner suffers from Napoleon Complex.
[8:53:14 PM] <monamontgomery> Tell me when to call.
[8:53:17 PM] <Guest 7> We need more Blonde Aryan God like creatures like Hal Turner
[8:53:21 PM] <Guest 6> Small stature, big mouth.
[8:54:12 PM] <Guest 7> MONA DON'T CALL
[8:54:13 PM] <monamontgomery> Hal Turner isn't small. He's six feet tall and has great muscles.
[8:54:30 PM] <Guest 7> He's blond and Aryan
[8:54:43 PM] <Hyram> did you feel his muscles/
[8:54:45 PM] <Hyram> ?
[8:54:48 PM] <monamontgomery> Hal has brown hair like Hitler.
[8:54:55 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> I wrote to Matt Hale. I never got a response.
[8:54:56 PM] <monamontgomery> I don't have to feel a man's muscles to know what his muscle structure looks like.
[8:54:59 PM] <Guest 7> Why do all WN leaders have brown skin?
[8:55:08 PM] <Hyram> Did you see him shirtless?
[8:55:38 PM] <Guest 7> Mona is a good example of how confused wimmins are
[8:55:57 PM] <Guest 6> Hal's not 6 feet tall.
[8:56:04 PM] <Guest 7> Hitler was a Jew bum
[8:56:16 PM] <Guest 6> Five and a half on a good day.
[8:56:31 PM] <Hyram> Hal Turner kind of looks like the "King Of Queens" guy
[8:56:33 PM] <Guest 6> Check out his mugshot.
[8:56:40 PM] <Guest 5> Elam - the prison staff probably never gave Matt Hale your letter, which is why you may not have received a response.
[8:57:00 PM] <monamontgomery> I've met Hal in person. He's a lot taller than he looks in his photograph.
[8:57:08 PM] <Hyram>
[8:57:15 PM] <Hyram> He's rather swarthy
[8:57:23 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> I still like Matt.
[8:57:35 PM] <monamontgomery> He is not a bit swarthy. His complexion is peaches and cream with great color in his cheeks.
[8:57:36 PM] <Guest 7> Is Mona one of those women that ZOG passes around?
[8:57:43 PM] <monamontgomery> Hal Turner is very sparkly.
[8:57:48 PM] <Guest 7> A honeypot?
[8:58:07 PM] <Hyram> A ZOGBOT
[8:58:10 PM] <Guest 7> She probably has split personalities
[8:58:14 PM] <monamontgomery> I have lots of boyfriends but I only have sex when I'm married.
[8:58:26 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> I guess super max has no privileges.
[8:58:32 PM] <Guest 7> Shut up you lying bag
[8:58:35 PM] <Hyram>
[8:58:37 PM] <monamontgomery> I'm not lying.
[8:58:47 PM] <Guest 7> That's what all LIARS say
[8:58:54 PM] <monamontgomery> I know the secret to popularity. Have fun and don't be a cheap whore.
[8:58:55 PM] <Hyram> He also kind ok looks like that jew Ed Asnner
[8:58:59 PM] <Guest 6> Visser always says that.
[8:59:07 PM] <Guest 7> Too late for that Mona
[8:59:09 PM] <Guest 5> Elam - in Supermax, they can basically do what they want with you.
[8:59:11 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> John Belushi
[8:59:12 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> too many whiggers right now to call in.
[8:59:13 PM] <Guest 6> He has to remind people that he's not lying while he's in the act of lying.
[8:59:29 PM] <Guest 7> Whiggers?
[8:59:38 PM] <Hyram> Who is a whigger?
[8:59:54 PM] <Guest 7> Ask realWilliam
[9:00:06 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Yeh 5, I tryed.
[9:00:08 PM] <Hyram> I'm asking
[9:00:09 PM] <monamontgomery> If you say I'm lying and I'm not, I'm going to correct you.
[9:00:24 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> the moaner can call in
[9:00:41 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Matt's sentence is way too harsh.
[9:00:47 PM] <monamontgomery> I'll call in as soon as Martin tells me to.
[9:00:56 PM] <monamontgomery> Matt hale was set up. Edgar Steele is guilty.
[9:00:59 PM] <Guest 7> Martin doesn't know how to have a conversation. Everything's a monologue. His critics are right about that
[9:01:05 PM] <monamontgomery> Matt Hale was innocent.
[9:01:07 PM] <Guest 5> They're making an example of Edgar Steele, too.
[9:01:18 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> well, go ahead and ask Mona to call in Martin.
[9:01:19 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> I agree
[9:01:23 PM] <Guest 7> Why would anyone call in?
[9:01:38 PM] <monamontgomery> Edgar Steels is guilty and he's throwing the mantle of sainthood over himself because he knows his followers are too dumb to look at the evidence.
[9:01:41 PM] <Hyram> All the more reason not to be out spoken with your views
[9:01:59 PM] <Guest 6> Does Edgar really have followers?
[9:02:08 PM] <Hyram> But Edgar Steele is a high class, charming attorney...
[9:02:13 PM] <monamontgomery> All these morons who are touting his innocence are his followers.
[9:02:17 PM] <Hyram> he couldn't possibly be guilty
[9:02:23 PM] <Guest 5> Mona - then explain why Judge Winmill refused to allow two internationally-renowned audio experts to testify?
[9:02:26 PM] <Guest 7> Why don't you call in RealWIlliam?
[9:02:26 PM] <monamontgomery> Edgar Steele is a ginger. Not handsome and not charming.
[9:02:27 PM] <Hyram> He's as charming as Jesus
[9:02:37 PM] <Guest 6> haha
[9:02:52 PM] <Guest 7> Mona is a moron
[9:02:55 PM] <Guest 5> The fact is, Judge Winmill was nothing more than a Stepin Fetchit for Traci Whelan
[9:02:57 PM] <nwfcomrade> One minor point, 5, the judge backtracked on that but only after finding out one of the witnesses couldn't get back to the U.S. in time.
[9:03:17 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> ISIS, what happened to your blog?
[9:03:32 PM] <Guest 5> You're right, NWF, which effectively denied that person the right to testify
[9:03:37 PM] <monamontgomery> The judge was going to let the expert testify by video but when the Prosecution objected, he couldn't disobey the law that requires a subpena.
[9:03:52 PM] <monamontgomery> Steele's lawyers never supenaed the expert.
[9:03:58 PM] <monamontgomery> Winmill is a great judge.
[9:04:18 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> my mojo would melt your brain 7
[9:04:18 PM] <Guest 7> WN will never go anywhere. Too many freaks. Mainstream parties will have to get more racist. Too many Monas in the movement
[9:04:45 PM] <monamontgomery> The only salvation for the White race is to talk the truth.
[9:04:45 PM] <Guest 7> Get ur Mojo on RealWilliam!!!!!!!!!
[9:04:51 PM] <TheRealWilliamB>
[9:04:57 PM] <Guest 6> White nationalism will just morph into white survivalism.
[9:05:02 PM] <Hyram> Nah, the system needs to collapse totally
[9:05:07 PM] <Guest 7> You know how to cut martin off
[9:05:15 PM] <Hyram> Their's no hope in any party
[9:05:21 PM] <Guest 7> 6, that makes sense
[9:05:24 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> watching a movie
[9:05:29 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> sry
[9:05:34 PM] <monamontgomery> The world will be saved when abortion becomes available worldwide.
[9:05:37 PM] <Guest 6> The costumed clowns will continue spinning their wheels, but smarter whites will figure out ways to extract themselves from the system.
[9:05:49 PM] <Guest 6> They might not even be racist.
[9:05:55 PM] <Guest 6> Doesn't matter.
[9:05:58 PM] <monamontgomery> Martin was great on the Ely James shoe last night. He makes cute remarks.
[9:06:01 PM] Frankenwhigger is logged into the chat
[9:06:22 PM] <monamontgomery> Finck is 10 times as charming as Eli James.
[9:06:24 PM] <Guest 7> 6, there's a lot of truth to what you say. That would unite whites more than WN ideas, which most whites don't understand
[9:06:27 PM] <monamontgomery> Eli James is a snooze.
[9:06:34 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Some very enlighting info on Eliar James on John 844 site.
[9:06:39 PM] <Hyram> Abortion is available, the muds aren't using it enough
[9:06:43 PM] <monamontgomery> I listen to Eli James but give the choice, I will always listen to Finck.
[9:06:44 PM] <Frankenwhigger> 3 MORE YEARS!!!
[9:06:47 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Genetically engineered viruses have a great promise for helping the cause.
[9:06:59 PM] <Hyram> Finck is jewr jew of choice
[9:07:06 PM] <Guest 7> Franken WHigger is in the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[9:07:20 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Well, also listen to Metzger now don't you?
[9:07:25 PM] <monamontgomery> I don't think a Jew could be as fast and smart as Finck.
[9:07:29 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Cause you did today.
[9:07:31 PM] <monamontgomery> I love Metzger.
[9:07:35 PM] <Hyram> Jews are plenty smart
[9:07:47 PM] <Guest 6> Metzger is one of the only white nationalists who talks class.
[9:07:50 PM] <monamontgomery> YOu can't be smart if you aren't honest.
[9:07:52 PM] <Guest 5> Metzger's got great cartoons!
[9:07:58 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> on the fourth position talkshoe
[9:08:00 PM] <monamontgomery> Jews are not honest. Their phony Holohoax religeon kaeps them down.
[9:08:05 PM] <nwfcomrade> What about a blonde charming jew?
[9:08:18 PM] <monamontgomery> There is no such thing as a charming blonde Jew.
[9:08:24 PM] <Guest 7> Jews are NOT smart. They are just good with money. When society doesn't run on money, the Jews have no power
[9:08:34 PM] <Hyram> In Mona land, that's true
[9:08:43 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> along with that OBVIOUS FED "papacat"
[9:09:07 PM] <monamontgomery> Compare Marlon Brando to Paul Newman. Brando has the oomph factor. Newman does not.
[9:09:08 PM] <Guest 6> Metzger is also 100% correct about right wing WN intellectuals.
[9:09:10 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Jews aren't so smart, They are Cunning!!
[9:09:16 PM] <Guest 7> Newman was a kike faggot.
[9:09:16 PM] <monamontgomery> Was he a fag?
[9:09:17 PM] <monamontgomery> I didn't know that.
[9:09:19 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> papacat is a FED
[9:09:22 PM] <Hyram> I don't know what the oomph factor is
[9:09:25 PM] <Guest 7> Newman was as queer as a three dollar bill
[9:09:28 PM] <Hyram> Sounds like some jew bullshit
[9:09:29 PM] <monamontgomery> Paul Newman was handsome but he lacked oomph.
[9:09:42 PM] <Guest 5> Occupy Wall Street is sort of a left-wing Tea Party
[9:09:45 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> that is the government listening in...
[9:09:47 PM] <Guest 7> Newman was half Jew and VERY gay
[9:09:52 PM] <Frankenwhigger> papacat is a FED? Proof?
[9:10:00 PM] <monamontgomery> Gay. Lol.
[9:10:03 PM] <Hyram> Newman was a good actor
[9:10:05 PM] <Guest 7> Brando hated kikes
[9:10:14 PM] <Guest 7> Newman was overrated
[9:10:16 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> tracerouted his ip franken.
[9:10:21 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> he's a fed
[9:10:26 PM] <monamontgomery> I love Marlon Brando. Too bad he was so brainwashed into multiculturalism and Asian women.
[9:10:36 PM] <Guest 7> If they didn't kill James Dean, Newman would have no career
[9:10:42 PM] <monamontgomery> Marlon Brando would have been a GREAT racist.
[9:10:46 PM] <Frankenwhigger> WillB, Really?!?!? How did you do that ?
[9:10:48 PM] <Hyram> That's alot of bullshit
[9:10:58 PM] <Hyram> And James Dean was a flaming queer
[9:11:01 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> some other time
[9:11:09 PM] <Guest 7> Brando figured shit out too late
[9:11:18 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> not with jew mamzers listening in...
[9:11:24 PM] <Hyram> Brando kissed jew ass on that old ass jew's talk show
[9:11:28 PM] <monamontgomery> Brando wasted his precious seed on Chinks.
[9:11:29 PM] <Guest 7> Dean was a hustler. He was not as gay as Newman, who was another Tom Cruise
[9:11:35 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Where does his IP Traceroute to?
[9:11:48 PM] <TheRealWilliamB>
[9:11:58 PM] <monamontgomery> Brando's only White son, Christian, went crazy and got fat.
[9:12:01 PM] <Hyram> Dean was a queer who let queers put their cigarettes out on him
[9:12:02 PM] <Guest 7> Dean liked women. Newman was exclusively gay and his wife was a beard, like Tom Cruise
[9:12:05 PM] <Frankenwhigger> WOW!!
[9:12:08 PM] <Guest 6> Don't they know how to use proxies or VPNs?
[9:12:09 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Where did Newsguy's IP trace to?
[9:12:19 PM] <Guest 7> Staten Island
[9:12:23 PM] <Guest 7> LOL
[9:12:34 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> he's on all the shows. not just the CI ones. and it is always the same.
[9:12:58 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> figure it out for yourself.
[9:13:24 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Maybe , he's a CI believer in the Work of ZOG!
[9:13:49 PM] <Guest 7> Who's on the call?
[9:14:01 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Mona won't call in...
[9:14:10 PM] <Guest 7> GOOD
[9:14:13 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Trashcan Man!
[9:14:20 PM] <monamontgomery> I will call in when Martin tells me to.
[9:14:21 PM] <Guest 7> ok
[9:14:37 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> i can only call in after a second guest
[9:14:43 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Anyone read Drake's book?
[9:14:56 PM] <Hyram> good night
[9:14:58 PM] Hyram has left the chat
[9:15:00 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Chris Drake is a Hero!
[9:15:03 PM] <Guest 7> RealWilliam was the best call in guest. The others can't face Martin's wall of nonstop chatter
[9:15:12 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> thank you 7
[9:15:19 PM] <Guest 7> no prob
[9:15:22 PM] <Guest 6> Tonto was a good sidekick, too.
[9:15:26 PM] <Guest 5> I've been reading The Brigade online. Up to page 265, it's pretty spellbinding. Very realistic.
[9:15:31 PM] <Guest 6> Too bad he got his ass reamed by Reo.
[9:15:58 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Yeah WilliamB , call in and talk about the Traceroute and how you did it!
[9:16:15 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> i will, but only after another guest
[9:16:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> OKAY!
[9:17:00 PM] <Guest 7> FW, I don't get it. You used to call into Hal Turner's show but not here?
[9:17:02 PM] <monamontgomery> You can go instead of me, William. I'm kind of tired tonight.
[9:17:12 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Philadelphia looks like Stanleyville Congo
[9:17:25 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> nope. someone else goes next.
[9:17:35 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> I fill the 3rd spot
[9:17:43 PM] <monamontgomery> Frankenwhigger, are you going to call in next?
[9:17:59 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> someone needs to do the 2nd spot
[9:18:01 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Mona, we want to hear from you.
[9:18:10 PM] <monamontgomery> "Cause I'm kind of tired tonight. Old age is catching up with me.
[9:18:11 PM] <Guest 6> Detroit will be a nice wilflife reserve after nature overtakes it.
[9:18:16 PM] <monamontgomery> I'll call in enxt if you want me to.
[9:18:21 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> do it
[9:18:29 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> if only for 15 minutes
[9:18:30 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> If I hear your voice I will know if your ISIS or not.
[9:18:46 PM] <monamontgomery> Okay. As soon as Martin hangs up I'll call him for 15 minutes.
[9:18:55 PM] <Guest 5> ISIS is actually Laura Sennett
[9:19:02 PM] <Guest 6> Martin won't let you hang up.
[9:19:05 PM] <monamontgomery> I"m not ISIS.
[9:19:09 PM] <monamontgomery> I'm Mona.
[9:19:10 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Are you sure?
[9:19:30 PM] <monamontgomery> My handle is twohourbreaks.
[9:19:34 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> do it
[9:19:40 PM] <monamontgomery> Okay.
[9:19:49 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> thanks
[9:20:00 PM] <Guest 6> Netflix has piss poor selection.
[9:20:21 PM] <Guest 7> Film Noir Rules
[9:20:24 PM] <monamontgomery> Netflix is kind of bad. I use it though.
[9:20:31 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> mona call in!
[9:20:42 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> i'm next then
[9:20:45 PM] <monamontgomery> I'm not going to interrupt a conversation.
[9:21:07 PM] <Guest 6> This is more of a monologue.
[9:21:13 PM] <Guest 5> Here's a photo of Isis:
[9:21:21 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Download Movies from Pirate Bay. Many before they are released in America!!
[9:21:26 PM] <Guest 7> plague
[9:21:29 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> What is the connection between ISIS and Buddy Hinton?
[9:21:34 PM] <Frankenwhigger> BRB!!
[9:21:35 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Isis is hawt!
[9:21:57 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Hell, call in Mona
[9:22:11 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Buddy Hinton takes Isis shooting!
[9:22:13 PM] <Guest 6> Pirate Bay is a DMCA magnet if you live in America.
[9:22:17 PM] <Guest 7> We did not go to the moon
[9:22:34 PM] <monamontgomery> We did not go to the moon.
[9:22:38 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Trashcan...ok
[9:22:50 PM] <Guest 7> Yes, I know
[9:23:00 PM] <Guest 5> Here's another picture of Isis (in purple):
[9:23:10 PM] <Guest 7> Mars is even more of a fairytale
[9:23:20 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Why? An old gay berk's county prison guard can't get it up with her.
[9:23:30 PM] <Guest 5> The blonde chick is Rachel -- she use to post on Nimbusters
[9:23:38 PM] <Guest 7> that chick ain't white!!!!!!!!!!!
[9:23:56 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> What happened to BrownsvilleGirl
[9:24:04 PM] <Guest 5> Isis is supposedly half-jewish.
[9:24:08 PM] <Guest 7> The blonde chick looks greasy
[9:24:23 PM] <Guest 7> Too many kikes hanging around
[9:24:45 PM] <Guest 5> BorwnsvilleGirl was before my time. I didn't start hanging out at Nimbusters until 2008.
[9:24:50 PM] TheRealWilliamB has left the chat
[9:25:15 PM] Guest 11 is logged into the chat
[9:25:23 PM] <Guest 5> Covington's Northwest Homeland idea is sounding better and better
[9:25:32 PM] Guest 6 has left the chat
[9:25:59 PM] <Guest 7> It's realistic to kick out all non whites in the NW
[9:26:09 PM] Guest 12 is logged into the chat
[9:26:23 PM] <ElamStoltzfus>
[9:26:43 PM] <Guest 5> The Kalispell PLE is off to a good start. April Gaede has the right idea on building a White community
[9:27:17 PM] <ElamStoltzfus>
[9:27:33 PM] <Guest 7> If women are in charge, it's doomed
[9:27:36 PM] <nwfcomrade> Alright, so I haven't said too much about my migration details so far, but here's the deal: The PacNW is amazing.
[9:27:52 PM] <nwfcomrade> I really like Seattle and if you know how to handle yourself, it's quite good.
[9:27:57 PM] <monamontgomery> I don't see how decent White men can give up Malibu.
[9:28:09 PM] <nwfcomrade> Granted, I save a lot of money since I know how to handle a kitchen, but that's not really hard to learn.
[9:28:42 PM] <nwfcomrade> Let's understand "Decent Whites" don't need heat such that they can grow a potted palm tree in their bedroom.
[9:28:49 PM] <Guest 5> The Northwest Homeland is intended to be a rear area where we can consolidate. It does not mean we permanently give up the rest of the country.
[9:28:50 PM] <nwfcomrade> True.
[9:28:51 PM] <Guest 7> White men in CA are weak. The beaner flood was overwhelming
[9:29:05 PM] <Guest 7> 5, I hope that's the idea
[9:29:21 PM] <monamontgomery> Beaners can be corralled and herded back to Mexico.
[9:29:25 PM] <nwfcomrade> Not really. There are people there, true, but April is so hostile to anyone other than herself call all the shots. And she's not really too bright.
[9:29:28 PM] <Guest 7> true
[9:29:49 PM] <Guest 12> It's not really a matter of strength or weakness. There is simply no stopping the flood.
[9:29:52 PM] <Guest 5> I heard that Karl Gharst and April Gaede are feuding
[9:29:57 PM] <Guest 11> how can they do that Mona? When you are to much of a coward to even call in and discuss it???
[9:30:08 PM] <Guest 7> Yeah, I hope Covington doesn't take that women getting involved too seriously
[9:30:09 PM] <monamontgomery> We should start a trail of tears in Washington and herd the nonWhites right down past the Panama Canal and use Mexico's land for ourselves.
[9:30:12 PM] <nwfcomrade> It is the idea. Anyone who's listened well enough to the NW stuff out so far knows that it's a lifeboat and not a permanent fixture.
[9:30:30 PM] <monamontgomery> The Mexican invasion requires a military response.
[9:30:41 PM] <Guest 11> Mona, you are a troll. You were a troll with Hal Turner, you are a Troll now.
[9:30:42 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> In my experience, White people have very little capacity to stick together.
[9:30:45 PM] <monamontgomery> We have to take over Mexico and drive the nonWhites to Panama.
[9:30:50 PM] <nwfcomrade> Well, that might be true, but April feuds with everyone she talks too, so that probably doesn't mean much.
[9:31:02 PM] <Guest 7> Cut off beaner money and most will go back voluntarily to Mexico. most are not here to fight
[9:31:21 PM] <nwfcomrade> While I'm all for that sort of thing, we don't have the intestinal fortitude to do it and we don't show the potential of developing it.
[9:31:22 PM] Guest 12 has left the chat
[9:31:44 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> nwfcomrade, I agree
[9:32:45 PM] <monamontgomery> Rudyard Kipling says that when the White man wakes up a new age will beginning. It's in a poem called "The Beginnings" and it starts...
[9:32:54 PM] Guest 13 is logged into the chat
[9:32:57 PM] <monamontgomery> it starts "When the Englishman gets mad."
[9:33:29 PM] TheRealWilliamB is on the call
[9:33:34 PM] <Guest 7> When The Saxon Began To Hate
[9:33:40 PM] <monamontgomery> John Todd is that cool wierd guy.
[9:33:44 PM] <nwfcomrade> "Waking up" is a red herring closely tied to the "education" red herring.
[9:33:51 PM] <Guest 7> true
[9:34:02 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I have to check on my Critters, I'll be right back!
[9:34:14 PM] <monamontgomery> That believed in occult powers and visited Rothschilds castle where they had an empty chair waiting for the Messiah.
[9:34:16 PM] Guest 14 is logged into the chat
[9:34:31 PM] <Guest 7> Martin is part of the Imlluminati
[9:34:34 PM] <monamontgomery> John Todd - exposed the Illuminati.
[9:34:35 PM] <nwfcomrade> Did you try to sit in it? :P
[9:34:42 PM] <nwfcomrade> Sorry, low blow, I know.
[9:34:50 PM] <Guest 7> I wouldn't be surprised
[9:35:17 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> WOW, ISIS is like 50 years old.
[9:35:19 PM] Guest 14 has left the chat
[9:35:56 PM] Guest 15 is logged into the chat
[9:36:06 PM] <ElamStoltzfus>
[9:37:07 PM] <Guest 15> John Todd went back to wicca/witchcraft in prison.
[9:37:18 PM] <Guest 5> Jews spitting on Christians in Jerusalem once again:
[9:37:26 PM] <Guest 15> He also became a tranvestite.
[9:37:59 PM] Guest 8 has left the chat
[9:38:14 PM] <monamontgomery> He did not become a transvestite. He dressed up like a woman to escape prison.
[9:38:22 PM] <Guest 11> maybe john todd IS obadiah 1:18!
[9:38:33 PM] <monamontgomery> Mary Todd looks like Jean Harlow.
[9:38:34 PM] <ElamStoltzfus>
[9:38:56 PM] Guest 16 is logged into the chat
[9:39:10 PM] <Guest 11> that was a great post pastor!
[9:39:50 PM] <Guest 7> i hear you
[9:39:59 PM] TheRealWilliamB has hung up
[9:40:03 PM] <Guest 7> he can't hear you
[9:40:04 PM] <monamontgomery> Somebody tell Martin that William is on the phone.
[9:40:13 PM] <Guest 11> he cant hear me
[9:40:15 PM] <monamontgomery> John Todd, not Mike Todd.
[9:40:24 PM] <Guest 11> i hung up
[9:40:29 PM] Guest 17 is logged into the chat
[9:40:43 PM] <Guest 11> that sucks
[9:40:49 PM] <Guest 15> John Todd was the real deal, but he wasn't completely honest.
[9:41:17 PM] <Guest 11> I'm sure Obadiah will be gloating about it tomorrow.
[9:41:57 PM] Guest 11 has left the chat
[9:42:18 PM] <Guest 16> OB isn't that the name of a tampon?
[9:42:22 PM] Guest 18 is logged into the chat
[9:42:38 PM] <Guest 15> Some people think Bill Schnoebelen is John Todd, but he isn't.
[9:42:49 PM] <Guest 15> He just tells a similar story. Bother were high level witches.
[9:43:19 PM] <Guest 16> Gulett says that offer to kick your ass still stands, Marty.
[9:43:21 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Pastor, Please explain John 8:44
[9:45:09 PM] <monamontgomery> Jesus did not like the Jews.
[9:45:16 PM] <Guest 15> Visser's a creepy dude.
[9:45:21 PM] Guest 13 has left the chat
[9:45:30 PM] <Guest 15> Something about him is off.
[9:45:38 PM] <Guest 18> Visser is a liar
[9:46:10 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I'm Back!
[9:46:18 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> NG did not give you enough time to finish.
[9:46:31 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Did I Miss WilliamB?
[9:46:46 PM] <Guest 15> Visser reminds me of the type of character that Steve Buscemi always plays.
[9:46:53 PM] <Guest 15> An incompetent con artist.
[9:47:03 PM] <nwfcomrade> lol
[9:47:07 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Nucky Thompson?
[9:47:09 PM] <Guest 16> Esau turned out like Mad Marty. LOL!
[9:47:40 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Boardwalk Empire is on Tonight!
[9:47:42 PM] Guest 18 has left the chat
[9:47:52 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Download from Pirate Bay!
[9:48:18 PM] <Guest 16> Visser can still preach a pretty decent sermon how many have you and tonto preached marty?
[9:48:45 PM] <Guest 15> Visser doesn't practice what he preaches.
[9:49:30 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Is Swordmamzer in the house?
[9:49:42 PM] Guest 19 is logged into the chat
[9:50:43 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Eli James is a phony
[9:51:09 PM] <Guest 7> 16 is bryan Wright
[9:52:56 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Frankenwhigger, Is Pirate Bay safe to use? It was at one time, But still?
[9:53:05 PM] <Guest 15> No, it's not.
[9:53:16 PM] <Guest 15> Torrents aren't safe if you live in the US.
[9:53:31 PM] <Guest 15> I'm not sure what other countries have laws like the DMCA.
[9:53:38 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Too bad. I like the UFC for free
[9:53:53 PM] Guest 20 is logged into the chat
[9:53:59 PM] <Guest 15> Usenet is safe if you go with a provider that has encrypted servers.
[9:54:12 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> How do I do that?
[9:54:20 PM] <Guest 16> neither does Marty
[9:54:27 PM] <Guest 15> Do a search for Usenet providers and pick one.
[9:55:22 PM] <Guest 15> use a site like to find stuff.
[9:55:27 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> I will. Limewire rocked
[9:55:35 PM] <Guest 16> Bowel Movement: Roxie took a shit and poopy dog ate then licked Mad Marty's face. Now he has poopy dog face.
[9:55:41 PM] ElamStoltzfus has left the chat
[9:56:13 PM] ElamStoltzfus is logged into the chat
[9:56:26 PM] <Guest 16> Marty fucked Greek whores while in the army
[9:56:32 PM] Guest 21 is logged into the chat
[9:56:44 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Usenet here:
[9:57:06 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:57:12 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:57:13 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:57:14 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:57:14 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:57:33 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:57:34 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:57:43 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:57:44 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:57:45 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lin
[9:57:47 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:57:50 PM] <nwfcomrade> Can you play Mona's theme song before she calls in?
[9:57:52 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:57:53 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:57:53 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:58:49 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:58:50 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:58:50 PM] <nwfcomrade>
[9:58:51 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:58:53 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:58:55 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:58:58 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:59:39 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:59:40 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:59:41 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:59:42 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:59:43 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:59:44 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:59:44 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:59:45 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:59:46 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:59:48 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:01:01 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:01:03 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:01:04 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:01:05 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:01:06 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:01:08 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:01:10 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:01:13 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:02:06 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:02:07 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:02:08 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:02:08 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:02:10 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:02:13 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:02:15 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:02:17 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:02:17 PM] <nwfcomrade> wow
[10:02:18 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:03:31 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:03:32 PM] <Guest 21> v
[10:03:33 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:03:36 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:03:38 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:03:41 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:04:16 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:04:17 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerv
[10:04:18 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:04:20 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:04:22 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:04:25 PM] <Guest 21> vPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:04:26 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:04:27 PM] <Guest 21> v
[10:04:28 PM] <Guest 21> vPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:04:29 PM] <Guest 21> v
[10:04:30 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:04:30 PM] <Guest 21> v
[10:04:31 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:04:32 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:04:35 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:07:23 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:07:24 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:07:27 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:07:31 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:07:33 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:07:34 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:07:35 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:07:36 PM] Guest 21 has left the chat
[10:08:47 PM] <Frankenwhigger> My ISP provider justs Forwards the DMCA complaints to me and I ignore them!
[10:08:48 PM] <nwfcomrade> Pastor, can we play Mona's theme song before she calls in?
[10:08:51 PM] <nwfcomrade>
[10:08:54 PM] <nwfcomrade> Please?
[10:08:57 PM] Guest 20 has left the chat
[10:08:58 PM] <nwfcomrade> Dang, I'm too late!
[10:08:59 PM] <Guest 15> If you torrent, you should subscribe to a VPN in Russia.
[10:09:00 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The DMCA and Righthaven have had their asses handed to them in several Lawsuits!
[10:09:01 PM] <Guest 15> They don't honor DMCA complaints.
[10:09:02 PM] Guest 22 is logged into the chat
[10:09:05 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The Last DMCA complaint I received reflected that!
[10:11:36 PM] Guest 23 is logged into the chat
[10:11:39 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Supreme Court ruled last month that downloading music is not a DMCA violation!
[10:11:42 PM] Mass1488 is logged into the chat
[10:12:13 PM] Mass1488 has left the chat
[10:12:15 PM] Guest 24 is logged into the chat
[10:12:18 PM] Guest 19 has left the chat
[10:12:59 PM] Mass1488 is logged into the chat
[10:13:01 PM] <Mass1488> lol blocked guests
[10:13:02 PM] <Frankenwhigger> But, I agree with you #15 that a Usenet is the best method!
[10:13:05 PM] <Mass1488> wtf
[10:13:08 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin unblock #15!!
[10:13:11 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Frankenwhigger, I used mediaget. they are good for everything but movies. Got contacted a while back. Ignored it. No further problems.
[10:13:13 PM] <nwfcomrade> Somebody came in and started chat spamming, that's what the fuck.
[10:13:14 PM] Guest 25 is logged into the chat
[10:13:16 PM] <Mass1488> i guess the secret link is out
[10:13:19 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Elam. Yeah, I used to get threatening DMCA complaints all the Time. Now, the last I received Politely asked me to stop sharing!
[10:15:30 PM] <Frankenwhigger> And I did because they polite about!
[10:15:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> And I did because they were polite about it !
[10:15:36 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Only movies though. Nothing else.
[10:15:39 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I had downloaded the Movie "Super 8".
[10:15:41 PM] Guest 5 has left the chat
[10:15:44 PM] <Frankenwhigger> They politely asked me to stop sharing the Movie and I did.
[10:15:45 PM] Guest 22 has left the chat
[10:15:47 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Never had a problem with porn or UFC
[10:15:49 PM] Guest 26 is logged into the chat
[10:18:02 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I do not have any Television , where I Live. So, I have to download any entertainment!
[10:18:07 PM] <Mass1488> thank you guest 21
[10:18:10 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Sorry to hear
[10:18:11 PM] Guest 24 has left the chat
[10:18:36 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I will be downloading Dexter, Boardwalk Empire, Underbelly and Pan Am tonight!
[10:18:37 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Good thing ufc 138 was live on spike last night
[10:18:39 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Like Crime Dramas.
[10:18:42 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Breaking Bad is the ShitZ!!
[10:18:45 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Can you get Satellite?
[10:18:47 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Nope can't get satellite either!
[10:19:38 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Live in a Valley and can't target the satellite.
[10:19:39 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Dam, Had Sat phone in Iraq and Afgahn
[10:19:43 PM] Guest 7 has left the chat
[10:19:48 PM] <Mass1488> did the talksjew link get out
[10:20:16 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Reo can't pass the Paper bag test.
[10:20:17 PM] <Frankenwhigger> 92% of the World's Population is Jew. The Books of enoch tells us that Satan Mixed with all the People of the earth. So, if Satan fell to earth 73,000
[10:20:20 PM] Guest 9 has left the chat
[10:20:25 PM] <Frankenwhigger> years ago and was race-mixing all that time, it would be safe to say that all the Non-white world is Jew!
[10:20:26 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Pastor, What do you think of Harold Camping?
[10:20:27 PM] Guest 26 has left the chat
[10:21:30 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Stan Mixed the Enosh with the Fallen, Animals and then each other! This why there are people in Asia with Tails and Growing Horns.
[10:21:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Satan!!
[10:21:35 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Satan Mixed the Enosh with the Fallen, Animals and then each other! This why there are people in Asia with Tails and Growing Horns.
[10:21:39 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> LOL
[10:21:42 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Stan is guilty of much, but not everything.
[10:21:44 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
[10:22:33 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> wow
[10:22:34 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
[10:22:35 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Many of the Asiatics were Mixed with Monkeys and Goats!
[10:22:51 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Many of the ancient "gods" were Half Enosh and Half Goat/Bull/Horse.
[10:22:55 PM] Guest 27 is logged into the chat
[10:22:58 PM] <Frankenwhigger> If a Chinaman Lives Long enough and does not have any fresh DNA , they revert back to Apes and Goats! As Evidenced by the Pictures.
[10:23:10 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> In essence, They are now engaging in cannibalism.
[10:23:17 PM] Guest 28 is logged into the chat
[10:23:23 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The Chinese are JEWS!
[10:24:07 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
[10:26:20 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> The chief prince of Meshek
[10:26:33 PM] <Mass1488> Russians are aryan though
[10:28:59 PM] <nwfcomrade> Is my chat dead? I think my chat is dead...
[10:29:17 PM] nwfcomrade has left the chat
[10:29:32 PM] nwfcomrade is logged into the chat
[10:29:48 PM] <Mass1488> who is amalek
[10:30:12 PM] Guest 28 has left the chat
TMT #95 Chat -- 6Nov11
This is [some] of the chat for The Movement Turd Episode #95 - Mamzerology & Mamzer Studies of 6Nov11. The chat was disrupted by a 'spamming' NimBuster or PisserPossum Troll, who forced me to fire up another computer to try to save the chat session and to block all the guests for a half hour. This is what inevitably happens when you have disruptive mamzers get into White areas is disruption and chaos.
The purpose of sneaking back to Talksjew is so that there can be anonymous chat by guests. Tards is what makes the Turd roar. However, tards can be quite disruptive simply because of being schizo mamzers suffering from Peter Dunkin'.
PastorLindstedt is logged into the chat
[7:51:33 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Hail Victory!!!
[7:51:48 PM] Guest 2 is logged into the chat
[7:52:15 PM] Guest 2 has left the chat
[7:53:07 PM] Guest 3 is logged into the chat
[7:54:22 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Hey!
[7:54:38 PM] Guest 4 is logged into the chat
[7:54:38 PM] <Guest 4> when does the show start>
[7:58:28 PM] ElamStoltzfus is logged into the chat
[7:58:51 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Usually starts at least 15 minutes late
[8:00:03 PM] Hyram is logged into the chat
[8:00:24 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Looks like one of the NimBusters have found this show.
[8:00:51 PM] <Hyram> Looks that way
[8:01:11 PM] <Hyram> He didn't get the link from me
[8:02:03 PM] <Hyram> Maybe Jewsguy will show up
[8:02:25 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> No, he is off of house arrest.
[8:03:14 PM] <Hyram> Jewsguy is polishing his menorah
[8:04:37 PM] <Hyram> Is Russ calling in tonite?
[8:04:38 PM] <PastorLindstedt> So ElamStoltz, you a NimBuster? Has the link gotten out?
[8:05:19 PM] <Hyram> I believe Elam is a nigger lover
[8:05:21 PM] Guest 5 is logged into the chat
[8:05:37 PM] Guest 4 has left the chat
[8:05:51 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Indeed
[8:05:57 PM] Guest 6 is logged into the chat
[8:06:08 PM] TheRealWilliamB is logged into the chat
[8:06:44 PM] monamontgomery is logged into the chat
[8:07:02 PM] TrashCanMan72 is logged into the chat
[8:07:07 PM] Guest 7 is logged into the chat
[8:07:33 PM] <Guest 7> No more talks with Mona!
[8:07:33 PM] Guest 8 is logged into the chat
[8:08:05 PM] <Hyram> According to Mona, a fetus isn't actually a child
[8:08:07 PM] caman is logged into the chat
[8:08:28 PM] <monamontgomery> A fetus is a fetus. A child is a child. If you can't see the difference you are incapable of feelnig.
[8:08:32 PM] <monamontgomery> *feeling.
[8:08:46 PM] <Hyram> Well call me incapable
[8:09:09 PM] Guest 9 is logged into the chat
[8:09:09 PM] <monamontgomery> Babies are adorable and fetuses are slimy. Big difference.
[8:09:11 PM] <Guest 5> A fetus is an UNBORN child, but it is still a child
[8:09:12 PM] <Hyram> Babies are slimy when born
[8:09:14 PM] <monamontgomery> Also, if you place the importance of a woman's life as no more important than a two cell zygote you have no respect for women.
[8:09:16 PM] <PastorLindstedt> OK
[8:09:25 PM] <Guest 6> In a civilized society, fetuses would be harvested for stem cells.
[8:09:32 PM] <Hyram> I never said that I has respect for women
[8:09:36 PM] <monamontgomery> Correct, Guest 6.
[8:10:05 PM] <monamontgomery> If you "has" no respect for women you are a despicable man, incapable of normal feelings.
[8:10:08 PM] <Guest 7> Mona's a whack job. Don't encourage her
[8:10:11 PM] <Guest 7> Mona is no woman
[8:10:20 PM] <Hyram> From what I've read, you don't need to harvest fetuses in order to get the stem cells
[8:10:29 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Well, its showtime and I have not a clue as to what to say.
[8:10:41 PM] <monamontgomery> The point is, men hate women and have no right to design their lives.
[8:10:45 PM] <Hyram> Sorry, it was supposed to be have
[8:10:50 PM] <monamontgomery> Women have the same right to pursue happiness than men have.
[8:10:52 PM] <Guest 7> Mona's been Jewed many times over
[8:11:02 PM] <Hyram> 7, you nailed it
[8:11:19 PM] <monamontgomery> White women have always enjoyed higher status than any other women.
[8:11:20 PM] <Guest 5> Sounds like Mona's a feminist, God forbid.
[8:11:21 PM] <Guest 7> Blah blah blah wimmen wimmen wimmen
[8:11:30 PM] <Hyram> The only reason you have "rights" is because of men, Mona
[8:11:34 PM] <monamontgomery> You are like a black or a brown if you make women into squaws.
[8:11:43 PM] <Guest 7> Stay away from man hating freaks like Mona
[8:11:52 PM] <Guest 7> They are no credit to the white race
[8:11:56 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Who's Mona?
[8:11:57 PM] <Hyram> Many non-whites know how to keep their women in line
[8:11:57 PM] <monamontgomery> I do not hate men. I hate STUPID, unfeeling men.
[8:12:01 PM] <Guest 7> I would even call her a whigger
[8:12:15 PM] <monamontgomery> Who cares what a STUPID man thinks of me?
[8:12:17 PM] caman has left the chat
[8:12:17 PM] caman is logged into the chat
[8:12:30 PM] <caman> .
[8:12:46 PM] <Guest 7> See Mona HATES men. She's sexually frustrated.
[8:12:48 PM] <Hyram> whigeress, 7
[8:12:58 PM] <monamontgomery> You fight wars for your freedom. You kill White men on both sides. But a woman's freedom means no more to you than a two-celled zygote of any race.
[8:12:58 PM] <PastorLindstedt> I'm gonna call in.
[8:12:59 PM] <Guest 7> yeah
[8:13:19 PM] <Hyram> I don't care about aborted nigger babies
[8:13:33 PM] <Guest 7> Women don't deserve any freedom. They just whore it up in all senses of that word
[8:13:39 PM] <Hyram> A real woman would sacrifice herself for her child
[8:13:43 PM] <Guest 6> If you're against abortion, then you're for more non-white babies being born.
[8:13:44 PM] <monamontgomery> Women are no more whores than men are.
[8:13:45 PM] <Guest 7> YES!
[8:13:54 PM] nwfcomrade is logged into the chat
[8:14:05 PM] <Hyram> I'm against abortion for whites
[8:14:07 PM] <monamontgomery> Hyram, women DO sacrifice for their children. That's why they must choose which children to have.
[8:14:08 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Is Guest 3 Buddy Hinton?
[8:14:08 PM] <Guest 7> Mona thinks men and women are equal. She's an idiot
[8:14:22 PM] PastorLindstedt is on the call
[8:14:26 PM] <Hyram> 7, you're taking the words right out of my mouth
[8:14:37 PM] <Guest 5> Men and women are equal in value. But they have different roles.
[8:14:41 PM] <monamontgomery> If you don't respect a woman, you can't possibly love her.
[8:14:58 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> men and women are not equals. they are compliments of one another.
[8:15:00 PM] <Hyram> What do you know about love, you cruel bitch?
[8:15:00 PM] <nwfcomrade> Lulziest conversation I've EVER hopped into on this show.
[8:15:01 PM] <Guest 7> Mona is just an ateention seeking woman. ignore her
[8:15:04 PM] PastorLindstedt is on the call
[8:15:07 PM] <nwfcomrade> EVER.
[8:15:12 PM] <monamontgomery> Is there sound?
[8:15:18 PM] PastorLindstedt has hung up
[8:15:19 PM] <nwfcomrade> Too much sound, in fact.
[8:15:22 PM] <nwfcomrade> Better now.
[8:15:24 PM] <Guest 7> What the hell is lulz?
[8:15:24 PM] <Hyram> Only the voices in your head, mona
[8:15:34 PM] <Guest 5> Now we have sound
[8:15:51 PM] Guest 3 has left the chat
[8:15:51 PM] <nwfcomrade> LULZ is a perversion of LOLZ which is multiple LOLs.
[8:15:52 PM] <Hyram> Lindstedt, tell your life story
[8:15:54 PM] <caman> hello Pastor Lindstedt
[8:15:54 PM] <Guest 7> ok
[8:15:59 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> did you troll eliars?
[8:16:17 PM] <Guest 7> If JewsGuy can talk every week, so can you Martin
[8:16:19 PM] <Guest 5> NSM attracted 75 patriots to their Pomona rally, if you want to talk about that.
[8:16:19 PM] <Guest 6> Talk about how your Secret Turd was outed by Reo on Nimbusters.
[8:16:55 PM] <Hyram> Did the NSM wear nazi outfits?
[8:17:12 PM] <Guest 7> 75 people is a lot of people. Talk about that Martin
[8:17:14 PM] <Guest 5> No, they wore the black utility uniforms
[8:17:26 PM] <monamontgomery> Here I am.
[8:17:31 PM] <Hyram> What is a black utility uniform?
[8:17:39 PM] <Hyram> Yes!
[8:17:44 PM] <Guest 7> YES! PROPERTY!!!!!!!
[8:17:44 PM] <Guest 5> Black fatigues
[8:17:45 PM] <monamontgomery> Yup. CI men are losers.
[8:17:45 PM] <nwfcomrade> I don't know for sure, but do you mean BDUs?
[8:17:48 PM] <Hyram> Lindstedt nailed it!
[8:18:02 PM] <Guest 5> Yes, NWF, black BDUs
[8:18:03 PM] <Hyram> Take that, Mona!
[8:18:04 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Anyone know how much a 95% condition SKS-D (detatchable AK mags) goes for?
[8:18:43 PM] <Guest 5> A Negro is just a life support system for a penis
[8:18:59 PM] <Hyram> Here's a pic of an NSM member in his outfit:
[8:19:02 PM] <Hyram>
[8:19:21 PM] <nwfcomrade> LOL That's about right.
[8:20:01 PM] TrashCanMan72 has left the chat
[8:20:03 PM] TrashCanMan72 is logged into the chat
[8:20:20 PM] <Guest 7> Women look at men as meal tickets. That's worse than property
[8:20:39 PM] <nwfcomrade> Pastor, I acquired a copy of the "Brief History of the Movement" in .doc format. If you like, I'll send it along to you and you could pick things ..
[8:20:43 PM] <nwfcomrade> ... out of it and discuss them.
[8:20:47 PM] <Hyram> I have no problem taking care of a good woman who deserves it
[8:21:01 PM] <nwfcomrade> Though, it's already the standard item in this crowd, I suspect.
[8:21:03 PM] <Guest 7> Is that the DeGuello report
[8:21:34 PM] <Hyram> Yep
[8:21:51 PM] <Hyram> Pastor L. nails it
[8:23:22 PM] <Guest 7> .
[8:23:37 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Reo can't pass the paper bag test
[8:23:45 PM] <Guest 7> LOL
[8:24:32 PM] <nwfcomrade> It's too bad the internet isn't actually a place. We could hang a paper bag on the door!
[8:24:38 PM] <Guest 7> Many Germans have Slavic blood
[8:24:58 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Pastor, What do you think of mennonites?
[8:25:25 PM] <Hyram> Does she husle blowjobs?
[8:25:55 PM] <Guest 7> The all white society is going to have problems defining white
[8:26:11 PM] <Hyram> It's going to be a small society
[8:26:22 PM] <Guest 6> There won't be any such thing in America.
[8:26:24 PM] <Guest 7> yeah
[8:26:29 PM] <Guest 6> America is going to turn into Brazil.
[8:26:36 PM] <Guest 6> A mass of brown people.
[8:26:38 PM] <Hyram> There can be diasporas
[8:26:51 PM] <Hyram> small societies of whites
[8:27:21 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> <takes a bow>
[8:27:46 PM] <monamontgomery> Blow jobs are Jewish. The Jew invented the blow job.
[8:27:54 PM] <Guest 7> There are still tons of white people in AMerica. We are no where near Brazil
[8:28:03 PM] <Guest 6> Not yet.
[8:28:04 PM] <Hyram> Mona, I can't belieev you couldn't keep a man
[8:28:10 PM] <monamontgomery> Women need t snuff out inferior sperm to give the good sperm a place to develop. That's why we need abortion.
[8:28:10 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> what happend to your show william b?
[8:28:11 PM] <Guest 7> LOL
[8:28:12 PM] <Guest 6> The point is that's the direction we're heading.
[8:28:22 PM] <Guest 6> That's what our future looks like.
[8:28:23 PM] <Hyram> Kep telling jewrself that, Mona
[8:28:32 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> all of these idiots are hypocrites
[8:28:42 PM] <monamontgomery> If a low life makes a girl pregnant she gets an abortion so she can marry a good man.
[8:28:50 PM] <Guest 7> That future won't happen for a long time. Whites in America don't mix that much
[8:29:19 PM] <monamontgomery> The problem with CI men is that they are low lifes and girls keep aborting their seed.
[8:29:26 PM] <Hyram> Or a low life self centered bitch gets pregnant and doesn't want to grow up, she has an abortion
[8:29:33 PM] <monamontgomery> So they want to make it illegal because that's the only way they will survive.
[8:29:40 PM] <Guest 7> Ignore Mona. She's crazy
[8:29:55 PM] <monamontgomery> Women marry good men, not men who despise them.
[8:30:19 PM] <Hyram> Mona is a good example for young women who want to dedicate their lives to their career to look at
[8:30:44 PM] <monamontgomery> Women live better lives if they work than if they depend on a low life for their support.
[8:30:57 PM] <Hyram> Yeah, you're a fine example of that
[8:30:58 PM] <Guest 7> Women marry assholes. That's my experience. that's why arranged marriages were thr norm
[8:31:22 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Mona is ISIS of Nim Busters
[8:31:36 PM] <Guest 7> Mona needs to be muzzled. She's begging for that. it's a cry for help
[8:31:39 PM] <Hyram> Mona is the crazy cat lady of "The Simpsons"
[8:31:46 PM] <Guest 7> LOL
[8:31:57 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Pastor, What do you think of mennonites?
[8:32:31 PM] <Hyram> "I was once a successful lawyer" - The crazy cat lady
[8:32:40 PM] <Guest 7> Are repubs really voting for a nigger? That seems rigged
[8:32:51 PM] <Hyram> repubs love niggers
[8:32:58 PM] <Hyram> and kikes
[8:33:06 PM] <Guest 7> Not in my experience
[8:33:22 PM] <Hyram> Looks that way to me
[8:33:40 PM] <Guest 7> Most repubs don't even pretend to like whites
[8:33:40 PM] <Guest 7> around me
[8:33:56 PM] <nwfcomrade> It's a hard call to make. Though, we need to remember that countries who go from white leadership to non-white leadership never go back.
[8:33:57 PM] <Hyram> they don't pretend to like whites?
[8:34:01 PM] <Guest 7> I meant blacks
[8:34:04 PM] <Guest 7> LOL
[8:34:22 PM] <Hyram> ell, looks like their leaders are nigger lovers
[8:34:27 PM] <Guest 7> Repubs hate whites too. They are all whiggers
[8:34:31 PM] <nwfcomrade> Eventually, this might be the case. Perhaps 7 is an accidental prophet...
[8:34:35 PM] <Guest 6> Mennonites have the right idea, but all of that inbreeding causes genetic defects.
[8:34:47 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> True
[8:35:05 PM] <monamontgomery> Women want to marry men like Jesus: handsome and charming as an English lord.
[8:35:07 PM] <Guest 7> Both parties are left wing PC assholes. But repubs usually kept their racism secret
[8:36:23 PM] <Guest 6> I suppose you could find yourself a good woman if you become a mennonite.
[8:36:29 PM] <Guest 6> Inject some fresh DNA into the tribe.
[8:37:01 PM] <Guest 7> In the future, whites will have to be bred in a laboratory
[8:37:34 PM] <monamontgomery> The elite will continue to breed blondes but you will never meet any of these people.
[8:37:42 PM] <Guest 7> Where's Frankenwhigger and Mass?
[8:38:14 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Whigger is drunk
[8:38:20 PM] <monamontgomery> There will always be love and romance in the upper class. Brow beating and thugery in the lower class.
[8:38:21 PM] <Guest 7> Property taxes are going UP when house prices have crashed 50%...LOL
[8:38:23 PM] <Hyram> Hanging out with russ
[8:38:40 PM] <Guest 6> The upper class has time for romance.
[8:38:53 PM] <Hyram> Aren't you upper class, Mona?
[8:38:54 PM] <monamontgomery> It takes intelligence to appreciate romance.
[8:38:57 PM] <Guest 7> No break for the middle class
[8:39:27 PM] <Hyram> Yes, all lower class people are unintelligent
[8:39:48 PM] <Guest 6> Working class people are just more practical.
[8:39:58 PM] <Hyram> I was being sarcastic
[8:40:30 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Mona is a Jewess
[8:40:37 PM] <Hyram> pretty much
[8:40:55 PM] <Guest 7> Mona sounds like a kike
[8:41:37 PM] <monamontgomery> <<< Blue blooded White elite.
[8:41:42 PM] <Hyram> A whiggeresss, yes
[8:41:54 PM] <Guest 7> She's a whiggeress at the least
[8:41:56 PM] <Hyram> And an elitist snob as well
[8:42:02 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Pastor, What do you think of mennonites?
[8:42:11 PM] <monamontgomery> <<< Blue blooded White elitest snob.
[8:42:18 PM] <Hyram> Since you're upper class, Mona, why no love and romance for you?
[8:42:31 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Pastor, What do you think of mennonites?
[8:42:45 PM] <monamontgomery> What have I ever said to indicate that I do not have love and romance in my life?
[8:42:48 PM] <Hyram> You obviously are thew only type who can appreciate romance
[8:42:53 PM] <Guest 7> Mona likes to cause trouble
[8:42:56 PM] <Hyram> LOL!
[8:43:14 PM] <Hyram> The majority of your comments indicate that you hate men
[8:43:24 PM] <monamontgomery> I like to tromp on men who oppress women.
[8:43:34 PM] <Hyram> Because no man will have you
[8:43:44 PM] <Hyram> And you murdered your child
[8:43:47 PM] <Guest 7> Mona has no respect for men
[8:43:48 PM] <Guest 6> Marty, why don't you just install Ubuntu on your laptops?
[8:43:53 PM] <Guest 6> Windows bites a dick.
[8:44:02 PM] <monamontgomery> I have no respect for uneducated, oppressive men.
[8:44:10 PM] <Guest 7> All men
[8:44:11 PM] <Hyram> who cares?
[8:44:16 PM] <monamontgomery> There is no reason to respect the unrespectable.
[8:44:29 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> We use mechanized means of farming.
[8:44:31 PM] <monamontgomery> I love men like Jesus: charming and intelligent as an English lord.
[8:44:41 PM] <Guest 7> Mona engages in sophistry
[8:44:44 PM] <Guest 6> We use beanerized methods of farming.
[8:44:47 PM] <Hyram> How do you know Jesus was like that?
[8:45:05 PM] <nwfcomrade> I want an answer to this question. I get the impression he wasn't very charming.
[8:45:09 PM] <Hyram> English lords treated their women so great?
[8:45:16 PM] <Guest 7> LOL
[8:45:21 PM] <monamontgomery> I have read the gospels. Jesus was clearly a blonde genius who spoke several languages and reasoned with wit and charm.
[8:45:35 PM] <Hyram> If you say so, Mona
[8:45:36 PM] <Guest 6> Mona's entertaining.
[8:45:48 PM] <Guest 7> Mona hates little blond boys, don't let her fool you
[8:46:05 PM] <nwfcomrade> Still lulzy.
[8:46:08 PM] <Hyram> Mona is the stereotypical lonely old spinster
[8:46:53 PM] <Hyram> Mona:
[8:47:04 PM] <Guest 5> Pastor, what do you think about Alex Linder asking people to use real names to register on VNN Forum?
[8:47:23 PM] <Guest 7> He already talked about that
[8:47:37 PM] <Guest 5> O.K., I must have missed it.
[8:48:02 PM] <Guest 6> Anyone still posting to VNN deserves what they get.
[8:48:08 PM] <Hyram> The Guido Weasel wants you name and address
[8:48:15 PM] <Guest 7> Linderwicz...LOL
[8:48:38 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Von still posts on VNN
[8:48:49 PM] <Guest 6> Von is a nut.
[8:48:58 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> and a sissy
[8:48:59 PM] <Guest 6> He belongs there.
[8:49:18 PM] <Guest 6> Linder needs a new asshole.
[8:49:25 PM] <Guest 6> His current asshole is defective.
[8:49:31 PM] Guest 10 is logged into the chat
[8:49:39 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> who bill white
[8:50:42 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Does anyone think writing Hal Turner is a good idea?
[8:50:48 PM] <Hyram> Defective asshole disease seems to be running rampant
[8:50:52 PM] <monamontgomery> I love Hal Turner.
[8:50:59 PM] <Hyram> figures
[8:51:14 PM] <Guest 5> No, writing Hal Turner is a BAD idea. He shopped Bill White
[8:51:27 PM] <monamontgomery> Hal Turner is a true genius and had the highest classification as an FBI agent.
[8:51:28 PM] <Guest 6> Yeah, it's ravaging the non-white nationalist community.
[8:51:32 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> I like Hal too. I am ambivalent about writing him.
[8:51:59 PM] <monamontgomery> I feel kind of guilty about not supporting him more so I'm afraid to call him. I got scared when he got arrested.
[8:52:04 PM] <Hyram> Hal Turner is one of those charming Jesus like upper class people
[8:52:31 PM] <Guest 7> Hal Turner is really white...LOL
[8:52:38 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Don't ham it up
[8:53:02 PM] <Hyram> A Hal Turner/Mona Montgomery romance is inevitable
[8:53:04 PM] <Guest 6> Hal Turner suffers from Napoleon Complex.
[8:53:14 PM] <monamontgomery> Tell me when to call.
[8:53:17 PM] <Guest 7> We need more Blonde Aryan God like creatures like Hal Turner
[8:53:21 PM] <Guest 6> Small stature, big mouth.
[8:54:12 PM] <Guest 7> MONA DON'T CALL
[8:54:13 PM] <monamontgomery> Hal Turner isn't small. He's six feet tall and has great muscles.
[8:54:30 PM] <Guest 7> He's blond and Aryan
[8:54:43 PM] <Hyram> did you feel his muscles/
[8:54:45 PM] <Hyram> ?
[8:54:48 PM] <monamontgomery> Hal has brown hair like Hitler.
[8:54:55 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> I wrote to Matt Hale. I never got a response.
[8:54:56 PM] <monamontgomery> I don't have to feel a man's muscles to know what his muscle structure looks like.
[8:54:59 PM] <Guest 7> Why do all WN leaders have brown skin?
[8:55:08 PM] <Hyram> Did you see him shirtless?
[8:55:38 PM] <Guest 7> Mona is a good example of how confused wimmins are
[8:55:57 PM] <Guest 6> Hal's not 6 feet tall.
[8:56:04 PM] <Guest 7> Hitler was a Jew bum
[8:56:16 PM] <Guest 6> Five and a half on a good day.
[8:56:31 PM] <Hyram> Hal Turner kind of looks like the "King Of Queens" guy
[8:56:33 PM] <Guest 6> Check out his mugshot.
[8:56:40 PM] <Guest 5> Elam - the prison staff probably never gave Matt Hale your letter, which is why you may not have received a response.
[8:57:00 PM] <monamontgomery> I've met Hal in person. He's a lot taller than he looks in his photograph.
[8:57:08 PM] <Hyram>
[8:57:15 PM] <Hyram> He's rather swarthy
[8:57:23 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> I still like Matt.
[8:57:35 PM] <monamontgomery> He is not a bit swarthy. His complexion is peaches and cream with great color in his cheeks.
[8:57:36 PM] <Guest 7> Is Mona one of those women that ZOG passes around?
[8:57:43 PM] <monamontgomery> Hal Turner is very sparkly.
[8:57:48 PM] <Guest 7> A honeypot?
[8:58:07 PM] <Hyram> A ZOGBOT
[8:58:10 PM] <Guest 7> She probably has split personalities
[8:58:14 PM] <monamontgomery> I have lots of boyfriends but I only have sex when I'm married.
[8:58:26 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> I guess super max has no privileges.
[8:58:32 PM] <Guest 7> Shut up you lying bag
[8:58:35 PM] <Hyram>
[8:58:37 PM] <monamontgomery> I'm not lying.
[8:58:47 PM] <Guest 7> That's what all LIARS say
[8:58:54 PM] <monamontgomery> I know the secret to popularity. Have fun and don't be a cheap whore.
[8:58:55 PM] <Hyram> He also kind ok looks like that jew Ed Asnner
[8:58:59 PM] <Guest 6> Visser always says that.
[8:59:07 PM] <Guest 7> Too late for that Mona
[8:59:09 PM] <Guest 5> Elam - in Supermax, they can basically do what they want with you.
[8:59:11 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> John Belushi
[8:59:12 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> too many whiggers right now to call in.
[8:59:13 PM] <Guest 6> He has to remind people that he's not lying while he's in the act of lying.
[8:59:29 PM] <Guest 7> Whiggers?
[8:59:38 PM] <Hyram> Who is a whigger?
[8:59:54 PM] <Guest 7> Ask realWilliam
[9:00:06 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Yeh 5, I tryed.
[9:00:08 PM] <Hyram> I'm asking
[9:00:09 PM] <monamontgomery> If you say I'm lying and I'm not, I'm going to correct you.
[9:00:24 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> the moaner can call in
[9:00:41 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Matt's sentence is way too harsh.
[9:00:47 PM] <monamontgomery> I'll call in as soon as Martin tells me to.
[9:00:56 PM] <monamontgomery> Matt hale was set up. Edgar Steele is guilty.
[9:00:59 PM] <Guest 7> Martin doesn't know how to have a conversation. Everything's a monologue. His critics are right about that
[9:01:05 PM] <monamontgomery> Matt Hale was innocent.
[9:01:07 PM] <Guest 5> They're making an example of Edgar Steele, too.
[9:01:18 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> well, go ahead and ask Mona to call in Martin.
[9:01:19 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> I agree
[9:01:23 PM] <Guest 7> Why would anyone call in?
[9:01:38 PM] <monamontgomery> Edgar Steels is guilty and he's throwing the mantle of sainthood over himself because he knows his followers are too dumb to look at the evidence.
[9:01:41 PM] <Hyram> All the more reason not to be out spoken with your views
[9:01:59 PM] <Guest 6> Does Edgar really have followers?
[9:02:08 PM] <Hyram> But Edgar Steele is a high class, charming attorney...
[9:02:13 PM] <monamontgomery> All these morons who are touting his innocence are his followers.
[9:02:17 PM] <Hyram> he couldn't possibly be guilty
[9:02:23 PM] <Guest 5> Mona - then explain why Judge Winmill refused to allow two internationally-renowned audio experts to testify?
[9:02:26 PM] <Guest 7> Why don't you call in RealWIlliam?
[9:02:26 PM] <monamontgomery> Edgar Steele is a ginger. Not handsome and not charming.
[9:02:27 PM] <Hyram> He's as charming as Jesus
[9:02:37 PM] <Guest 6> haha
[9:02:52 PM] <Guest 7> Mona is a moron
[9:02:55 PM] <Guest 5> The fact is, Judge Winmill was nothing more than a Stepin Fetchit for Traci Whelan
[9:02:57 PM] <nwfcomrade> One minor point, 5, the judge backtracked on that but only after finding out one of the witnesses couldn't get back to the U.S. in time.
[9:03:17 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> ISIS, what happened to your blog?
[9:03:32 PM] <Guest 5> You're right, NWF, which effectively denied that person the right to testify
[9:03:37 PM] <monamontgomery> The judge was going to let the expert testify by video but when the Prosecution objected, he couldn't disobey the law that requires a subpena.
[9:03:52 PM] <monamontgomery> Steele's lawyers never supenaed the expert.
[9:03:58 PM] <monamontgomery> Winmill is a great judge.
[9:04:18 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> my mojo would melt your brain 7
[9:04:18 PM] <Guest 7> WN will never go anywhere. Too many freaks. Mainstream parties will have to get more racist. Too many Monas in the movement
[9:04:45 PM] <monamontgomery> The only salvation for the White race is to talk the truth.
[9:04:45 PM] <Guest 7> Get ur Mojo on RealWilliam!!!!!!!!!
[9:04:51 PM] <TheRealWilliamB>
[9:04:57 PM] <Guest 6> White nationalism will just morph into white survivalism.
[9:05:02 PM] <Hyram> Nah, the system needs to collapse totally
[9:05:07 PM] <Guest 7> You know how to cut martin off
[9:05:15 PM] <Hyram> Their's no hope in any party
[9:05:21 PM] <Guest 7> 6, that makes sense
[9:05:24 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> watching a movie
[9:05:29 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> sry
[9:05:34 PM] <monamontgomery> The world will be saved when abortion becomes available worldwide.
[9:05:37 PM] <Guest 6> The costumed clowns will continue spinning their wheels, but smarter whites will figure out ways to extract themselves from the system.
[9:05:49 PM] <Guest 6> They might not even be racist.
[9:05:55 PM] <Guest 6> Doesn't matter.
[9:05:58 PM] <monamontgomery> Martin was great on the Ely James shoe last night. He makes cute remarks.
[9:06:01 PM] Frankenwhigger is logged into the chat
[9:06:22 PM] <monamontgomery> Finck is 10 times as charming as Eli James.
[9:06:24 PM] <Guest 7> 6, there's a lot of truth to what you say. That would unite whites more than WN ideas, which most whites don't understand
[9:06:27 PM] <monamontgomery> Eli James is a snooze.
[9:06:34 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Some very enlighting info on Eliar James on John 844 site.
[9:06:39 PM] <Hyram> Abortion is available, the muds aren't using it enough
[9:06:43 PM] <monamontgomery> I listen to Eli James but give the choice, I will always listen to Finck.
[9:06:44 PM] <Frankenwhigger> 3 MORE YEARS!!!
[9:06:47 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Genetically engineered viruses have a great promise for helping the cause.
[9:06:59 PM] <Hyram> Finck is jewr jew of choice
[9:07:06 PM] <Guest 7> Franken WHigger is in the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[9:07:20 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Well, also listen to Metzger now don't you?
[9:07:25 PM] <monamontgomery> I don't think a Jew could be as fast and smart as Finck.
[9:07:29 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Cause you did today.
[9:07:31 PM] <monamontgomery> I love Metzger.
[9:07:35 PM] <Hyram> Jews are plenty smart
[9:07:47 PM] <Guest 6> Metzger is one of the only white nationalists who talks class.
[9:07:50 PM] <monamontgomery> YOu can't be smart if you aren't honest.
[9:07:52 PM] <Guest 5> Metzger's got great cartoons!
[9:07:58 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> on the fourth position talkshoe
[9:08:00 PM] <monamontgomery> Jews are not honest. Their phony Holohoax religeon kaeps them down.
[9:08:05 PM] <nwfcomrade> What about a blonde charming jew?
[9:08:18 PM] <monamontgomery> There is no such thing as a charming blonde Jew.
[9:08:24 PM] <Guest 7> Jews are NOT smart. They are just good with money. When society doesn't run on money, the Jews have no power
[9:08:34 PM] <Hyram> In Mona land, that's true
[9:08:43 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> along with that OBVIOUS FED "papacat"
[9:09:07 PM] <monamontgomery> Compare Marlon Brando to Paul Newman. Brando has the oomph factor. Newman does not.
[9:09:08 PM] <Guest 6> Metzger is also 100% correct about right wing WN intellectuals.
[9:09:10 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Jews aren't so smart, They are Cunning!!
[9:09:16 PM] <Guest 7> Newman was a kike faggot.
[9:09:16 PM] <monamontgomery> Was he a fag?
[9:09:17 PM] <monamontgomery> I didn't know that.
[9:09:19 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> papacat is a FED
[9:09:22 PM] <Hyram> I don't know what the oomph factor is
[9:09:25 PM] <Guest 7> Newman was as queer as a three dollar bill
[9:09:28 PM] <Hyram> Sounds like some jew bullshit
[9:09:29 PM] <monamontgomery> Paul Newman was handsome but he lacked oomph.
[9:09:42 PM] <Guest 5> Occupy Wall Street is sort of a left-wing Tea Party
[9:09:45 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> that is the government listening in...
[9:09:47 PM] <Guest 7> Newman was half Jew and VERY gay
[9:09:52 PM] <Frankenwhigger> papacat is a FED? Proof?
[9:10:00 PM] <monamontgomery> Gay. Lol.
[9:10:03 PM] <Hyram> Newman was a good actor
[9:10:05 PM] <Guest 7> Brando hated kikes
[9:10:14 PM] <Guest 7> Newman was overrated
[9:10:16 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> tracerouted his ip franken.
[9:10:21 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> he's a fed
[9:10:26 PM] <monamontgomery> I love Marlon Brando. Too bad he was so brainwashed into multiculturalism and Asian women.
[9:10:36 PM] <Guest 7> If they didn't kill James Dean, Newman would have no career
[9:10:42 PM] <monamontgomery> Marlon Brando would have been a GREAT racist.
[9:10:46 PM] <Frankenwhigger> WillB, Really?!?!? How did you do that ?
[9:10:48 PM] <Hyram> That's alot of bullshit
[9:10:58 PM] <Hyram> And James Dean was a flaming queer
[9:11:01 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> some other time
[9:11:09 PM] <Guest 7> Brando figured shit out too late
[9:11:18 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> not with jew mamzers listening in...
[9:11:24 PM] <Hyram> Brando kissed jew ass on that old ass jew's talk show
[9:11:28 PM] <monamontgomery> Brando wasted his precious seed on Chinks.
[9:11:29 PM] <Guest 7> Dean was a hustler. He was not as gay as Newman, who was another Tom Cruise
[9:11:35 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Where does his IP Traceroute to?
[9:11:48 PM] <TheRealWilliamB>
[9:11:58 PM] <monamontgomery> Brando's only White son, Christian, went crazy and got fat.
[9:12:01 PM] <Hyram> Dean was a queer who let queers put their cigarettes out on him
[9:12:02 PM] <Guest 7> Dean liked women. Newman was exclusively gay and his wife was a beard, like Tom Cruise
[9:12:05 PM] <Frankenwhigger> WOW!!
[9:12:08 PM] <Guest 6> Don't they know how to use proxies or VPNs?
[9:12:09 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Where did Newsguy's IP trace to?
[9:12:19 PM] <Guest 7> Staten Island
[9:12:23 PM] <Guest 7> LOL
[9:12:34 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> he's on all the shows. not just the CI ones. and it is always the same.
[9:12:58 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> figure it out for yourself.
[9:13:24 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Maybe , he's a CI believer in the Work of ZOG!
[9:13:49 PM] <Guest 7> Who's on the call?
[9:14:01 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Mona won't call in...
[9:14:10 PM] <Guest 7> GOOD
[9:14:13 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Trashcan Man!
[9:14:20 PM] <monamontgomery> I will call in when Martin tells me to.
[9:14:21 PM] <Guest 7> ok
[9:14:37 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> i can only call in after a second guest
[9:14:43 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Anyone read Drake's book?
[9:14:56 PM] <Hyram> good night
[9:14:58 PM] Hyram has left the chat
[9:15:00 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Chris Drake is a Hero!
[9:15:03 PM] <Guest 7> RealWilliam was the best call in guest. The others can't face Martin's wall of nonstop chatter
[9:15:12 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> thank you 7
[9:15:19 PM] <Guest 7> no prob
[9:15:22 PM] <Guest 6> Tonto was a good sidekick, too.
[9:15:26 PM] <Guest 5> I've been reading The Brigade online. Up to page 265, it's pretty spellbinding. Very realistic.
[9:15:31 PM] <Guest 6> Too bad he got his ass reamed by Reo.
[9:15:58 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Yeah WilliamB , call in and talk about the Traceroute and how you did it!
[9:16:15 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> i will, but only after another guest
[9:16:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> OKAY!
[9:17:00 PM] <Guest 7> FW, I don't get it. You used to call into Hal Turner's show but not here?
[9:17:02 PM] <monamontgomery> You can go instead of me, William. I'm kind of tired tonight.
[9:17:12 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Philadelphia looks like Stanleyville Congo
[9:17:25 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> nope. someone else goes next.
[9:17:35 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> I fill the 3rd spot
[9:17:43 PM] <monamontgomery> Frankenwhigger, are you going to call in next?
[9:17:59 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> someone needs to do the 2nd spot
[9:18:01 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Mona, we want to hear from you.
[9:18:10 PM] <monamontgomery> "Cause I'm kind of tired tonight. Old age is catching up with me.
[9:18:11 PM] <Guest 6> Detroit will be a nice wilflife reserve after nature overtakes it.
[9:18:16 PM] <monamontgomery> I'll call in enxt if you want me to.
[9:18:21 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> do it
[9:18:29 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> if only for 15 minutes
[9:18:30 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> If I hear your voice I will know if your ISIS or not.
[9:18:46 PM] <monamontgomery> Okay. As soon as Martin hangs up I'll call him for 15 minutes.
[9:18:55 PM] <Guest 5> ISIS is actually Laura Sennett
[9:19:02 PM] <Guest 6> Martin won't let you hang up.
[9:19:05 PM] <monamontgomery> I"m not ISIS.
[9:19:09 PM] <monamontgomery> I'm Mona.
[9:19:10 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Are you sure?
[9:19:30 PM] <monamontgomery> My handle is twohourbreaks.
[9:19:34 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> do it
[9:19:40 PM] <monamontgomery> Okay.
[9:19:49 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> thanks
[9:20:00 PM] <Guest 6> Netflix has piss poor selection.
[9:20:21 PM] <Guest 7> Film Noir Rules
[9:20:24 PM] <monamontgomery> Netflix is kind of bad. I use it though.
[9:20:31 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> mona call in!
[9:20:42 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> i'm next then
[9:20:45 PM] <monamontgomery> I'm not going to interrupt a conversation.
[9:21:07 PM] <Guest 6> This is more of a monologue.
[9:21:13 PM] <Guest 5> Here's a photo of Isis:
[9:21:21 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Download Movies from Pirate Bay. Many before they are released in America!!
[9:21:26 PM] <Guest 7> plague
[9:21:29 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> What is the connection between ISIS and Buddy Hinton?
[9:21:34 PM] <Frankenwhigger> BRB!!
[9:21:35 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Isis is hawt!
[9:21:57 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Hell, call in Mona
[9:22:11 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Buddy Hinton takes Isis shooting!
[9:22:13 PM] <Guest 6> Pirate Bay is a DMCA magnet if you live in America.
[9:22:17 PM] <Guest 7> We did not go to the moon
[9:22:34 PM] <monamontgomery> We did not go to the moon.
[9:22:38 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Trashcan...ok
[9:22:50 PM] <Guest 7> Yes, I know
[9:23:00 PM] <Guest 5> Here's another picture of Isis (in purple):
[9:23:10 PM] <Guest 7> Mars is even more of a fairytale
[9:23:20 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Why? An old gay berk's county prison guard can't get it up with her.
[9:23:30 PM] <Guest 5> The blonde chick is Rachel -- she use to post on Nimbusters
[9:23:38 PM] <Guest 7> that chick ain't white!!!!!!!!!!!
[9:23:56 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> What happened to BrownsvilleGirl
[9:24:04 PM] <Guest 5> Isis is supposedly half-jewish.
[9:24:08 PM] <Guest 7> The blonde chick looks greasy
[9:24:23 PM] <Guest 7> Too many kikes hanging around
[9:24:45 PM] <Guest 5> BorwnsvilleGirl was before my time. I didn't start hanging out at Nimbusters until 2008.
[9:24:50 PM] TheRealWilliamB has left the chat
[9:25:15 PM] Guest 11 is logged into the chat
[9:25:23 PM] <Guest 5> Covington's Northwest Homeland idea is sounding better and better
[9:25:32 PM] Guest 6 has left the chat
[9:25:59 PM] <Guest 7> It's realistic to kick out all non whites in the NW
[9:26:09 PM] Guest 12 is logged into the chat
[9:26:23 PM] <ElamStoltzfus>
[9:26:43 PM] <Guest 5> The Kalispell PLE is off to a good start. April Gaede has the right idea on building a White community
[9:27:17 PM] <ElamStoltzfus>
[9:27:33 PM] <Guest 7> If women are in charge, it's doomed
[9:27:36 PM] <nwfcomrade> Alright, so I haven't said too much about my migration details so far, but here's the deal: The PacNW is amazing.
[9:27:52 PM] <nwfcomrade> I really like Seattle and if you know how to handle yourself, it's quite good.
[9:27:57 PM] <monamontgomery> I don't see how decent White men can give up Malibu.
[9:28:09 PM] <nwfcomrade> Granted, I save a lot of money since I know how to handle a kitchen, but that's not really hard to learn.
[9:28:42 PM] <nwfcomrade> Let's understand "Decent Whites" don't need heat such that they can grow a potted palm tree in their bedroom.
[9:28:49 PM] <Guest 5> The Northwest Homeland is intended to be a rear area where we can consolidate. It does not mean we permanently give up the rest of the country.
[9:28:50 PM] <nwfcomrade> True.
[9:28:51 PM] <Guest 7> White men in CA are weak. The beaner flood was overwhelming
[9:29:05 PM] <Guest 7> 5, I hope that's the idea
[9:29:21 PM] <monamontgomery> Beaners can be corralled and herded back to Mexico.
[9:29:25 PM] <nwfcomrade> Not really. There are people there, true, but April is so hostile to anyone other than herself call all the shots. And she's not really too bright.
[9:29:28 PM] <Guest 7> true
[9:29:49 PM] <Guest 12> It's not really a matter of strength or weakness. There is simply no stopping the flood.
[9:29:52 PM] <Guest 5> I heard that Karl Gharst and April Gaede are feuding
[9:29:57 PM] <Guest 11> how can they do that Mona? When you are to much of a coward to even call in and discuss it???
[9:30:08 PM] <Guest 7> Yeah, I hope Covington doesn't take that women getting involved too seriously
[9:30:09 PM] <monamontgomery> We should start a trail of tears in Washington and herd the nonWhites right down past the Panama Canal and use Mexico's land for ourselves.
[9:30:12 PM] <nwfcomrade> It is the idea. Anyone who's listened well enough to the NW stuff out so far knows that it's a lifeboat and not a permanent fixture.
[9:30:30 PM] <monamontgomery> The Mexican invasion requires a military response.
[9:30:41 PM] <Guest 11> Mona, you are a troll. You were a troll with Hal Turner, you are a Troll now.
[9:30:42 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> In my experience, White people have very little capacity to stick together.
[9:30:45 PM] <monamontgomery> We have to take over Mexico and drive the nonWhites to Panama.
[9:30:50 PM] <nwfcomrade> Well, that might be true, but April feuds with everyone she talks too, so that probably doesn't mean much.
[9:31:02 PM] <Guest 7> Cut off beaner money and most will go back voluntarily to Mexico. most are not here to fight
[9:31:21 PM] <nwfcomrade> While I'm all for that sort of thing, we don't have the intestinal fortitude to do it and we don't show the potential of developing it.
[9:31:22 PM] Guest 12 has left the chat
[9:31:44 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> nwfcomrade, I agree
[9:32:45 PM] <monamontgomery> Rudyard Kipling says that when the White man wakes up a new age will beginning. It's in a poem called "The Beginnings" and it starts...
[9:32:54 PM] Guest 13 is logged into the chat
[9:32:57 PM] <monamontgomery> it starts "When the Englishman gets mad."
[9:33:29 PM] TheRealWilliamB is on the call
[9:33:34 PM] <Guest 7> When The Saxon Began To Hate
[9:33:40 PM] <monamontgomery> John Todd is that cool wierd guy.
[9:33:44 PM] <nwfcomrade> "Waking up" is a red herring closely tied to the "education" red herring.
[9:33:51 PM] <Guest 7> true
[9:34:02 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I have to check on my Critters, I'll be right back!
[9:34:14 PM] <monamontgomery> That believed in occult powers and visited Rothschilds castle where they had an empty chair waiting for the Messiah.
[9:34:16 PM] Guest 14 is logged into the chat
[9:34:31 PM] <Guest 7> Martin is part of the Imlluminati
[9:34:34 PM] <monamontgomery> John Todd - exposed the Illuminati.
[9:34:35 PM] <nwfcomrade> Did you try to sit in it? :P
[9:34:42 PM] <nwfcomrade> Sorry, low blow, I know.
[9:34:50 PM] <Guest 7> I wouldn't be surprised
[9:35:17 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> WOW, ISIS is like 50 years old.
[9:35:19 PM] Guest 14 has left the chat
[9:35:56 PM] Guest 15 is logged into the chat
[9:36:06 PM] <ElamStoltzfus>
[9:37:07 PM] <Guest 15> John Todd went back to wicca/witchcraft in prison.
[9:37:18 PM] <Guest 5> Jews spitting on Christians in Jerusalem once again:
[9:37:26 PM] <Guest 15> He also became a tranvestite.
[9:37:59 PM] Guest 8 has left the chat
[9:38:14 PM] <monamontgomery> He did not become a transvestite. He dressed up like a woman to escape prison.
[9:38:22 PM] <Guest 11> maybe john todd IS obadiah 1:18!
[9:38:33 PM] <monamontgomery> Mary Todd looks like Jean Harlow.
[9:38:34 PM] <ElamStoltzfus>
[9:38:56 PM] Guest 16 is logged into the chat
[9:39:10 PM] <Guest 11> that was a great post pastor!
[9:39:50 PM] <Guest 7> i hear you
[9:39:59 PM] TheRealWilliamB has hung up
[9:40:03 PM] <Guest 7> he can't hear you
[9:40:04 PM] <monamontgomery> Somebody tell Martin that William is on the phone.
[9:40:13 PM] <Guest 11> he cant hear me
[9:40:15 PM] <monamontgomery> John Todd, not Mike Todd.
[9:40:24 PM] <Guest 11> i hung up
[9:40:29 PM] Guest 17 is logged into the chat
[9:40:43 PM] <Guest 11> that sucks
[9:40:49 PM] <Guest 15> John Todd was the real deal, but he wasn't completely honest.
[9:41:17 PM] <Guest 11> I'm sure Obadiah will be gloating about it tomorrow.
[9:41:57 PM] Guest 11 has left the chat
[9:42:18 PM] <Guest 16> OB isn't that the name of a tampon?
[9:42:22 PM] Guest 18 is logged into the chat
[9:42:38 PM] <Guest 15> Some people think Bill Schnoebelen is John Todd, but he isn't.
[9:42:49 PM] <Guest 15> He just tells a similar story. Bother were high level witches.
[9:43:19 PM] <Guest 16> Gulett says that offer to kick your ass still stands, Marty.
[9:43:21 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Pastor, Please explain John 8:44
[9:45:09 PM] <monamontgomery> Jesus did not like the Jews.
[9:45:16 PM] <Guest 15> Visser's a creepy dude.
[9:45:21 PM] Guest 13 has left the chat
[9:45:30 PM] <Guest 15> Something about him is off.
[9:45:38 PM] <Guest 18> Visser is a liar
[9:46:10 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I'm Back!
[9:46:18 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> NG did not give you enough time to finish.
[9:46:31 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Did I Miss WilliamB?
[9:46:46 PM] <Guest 15> Visser reminds me of the type of character that Steve Buscemi always plays.
[9:46:53 PM] <Guest 15> An incompetent con artist.
[9:47:03 PM] <nwfcomrade> lol
[9:47:07 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Nucky Thompson?
[9:47:09 PM] <Guest 16> Esau turned out like Mad Marty. LOL!
[9:47:40 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Boardwalk Empire is on Tonight!
[9:47:42 PM] Guest 18 has left the chat
[9:47:52 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Download from Pirate Bay!
[9:48:18 PM] <Guest 16> Visser can still preach a pretty decent sermon how many have you and tonto preached marty?
[9:48:45 PM] <Guest 15> Visser doesn't practice what he preaches.
[9:49:30 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Is Swordmamzer in the house?
[9:49:42 PM] Guest 19 is logged into the chat
[9:50:43 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Eli James is a phony
[9:51:09 PM] <Guest 7> 16 is bryan Wright
[9:52:56 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Frankenwhigger, Is Pirate Bay safe to use? It was at one time, But still?
[9:53:05 PM] <Guest 15> No, it's not.
[9:53:16 PM] <Guest 15> Torrents aren't safe if you live in the US.
[9:53:31 PM] <Guest 15> I'm not sure what other countries have laws like the DMCA.
[9:53:38 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Too bad. I like the UFC for free
[9:53:53 PM] Guest 20 is logged into the chat
[9:53:59 PM] <Guest 15> Usenet is safe if you go with a provider that has encrypted servers.
[9:54:12 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> How do I do that?
[9:54:20 PM] <Guest 16> neither does Marty
[9:54:27 PM] <Guest 15> Do a search for Usenet providers and pick one.
[9:55:22 PM] <Guest 15> use a site like to find stuff.
[9:55:27 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> I will. Limewire rocked
[9:55:35 PM] <Guest 16> Bowel Movement: Roxie took a shit and poopy dog ate then licked Mad Marty's face. Now he has poopy dog face.
[9:55:41 PM] ElamStoltzfus has left the chat
[9:56:13 PM] ElamStoltzfus is logged into the chat
[9:56:26 PM] <Guest 16> Marty fucked Greek whores while in the army
[9:56:32 PM] Guest 21 is logged into the chat
[9:56:44 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Usenet here:
[9:57:06 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:57:12 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:57:13 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:57:14 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:57:14 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:57:33 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:57:34 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:57:43 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:57:44 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:57:45 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lin
[9:57:47 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:57:50 PM] <nwfcomrade> Can you play Mona's theme song before she calls in?
[9:57:52 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:57:53 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:57:53 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:58:49 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:58:50 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:58:50 PM] <nwfcomrade>
[9:58:51 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:58:53 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:58:55 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:58:58 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:59:39 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:59:40 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:59:41 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:59:42 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:59:43 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:59:44 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:59:44 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:59:45 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:59:46 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[9:59:48 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:01:01 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:01:03 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:01:04 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:01:05 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:01:06 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:01:08 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:01:10 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:01:13 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:02:06 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:02:07 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:02:08 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:02:08 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:02:10 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:02:13 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:02:15 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:02:17 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:02:17 PM] <nwfcomrade> wow
[10:02:18 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:03:31 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:03:32 PM] <Guest 21> v
[10:03:33 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:03:36 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:03:38 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:03:41 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:04:16 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:04:17 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerv
[10:04:18 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:04:20 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:04:22 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:04:25 PM] <Guest 21> vPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:04:26 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:04:27 PM] <Guest 21> v
[10:04:28 PM] <Guest 21> vPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:04:29 PM] <Guest 21> v
[10:04:30 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:04:30 PM] <Guest 21> v
[10:04:31 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:04:32 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:04:35 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:07:23 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:07:24 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:07:27 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:07:31 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:07:33 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:07:34 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:07:35 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
[10:07:36 PM] Guest 21 has left the chat
[10:08:47 PM] <Frankenwhigger> My ISP provider justs Forwards the DMCA complaints to me and I ignore them!
[10:08:48 PM] <nwfcomrade> Pastor, can we play Mona's theme song before she calls in?
[10:08:51 PM] <nwfcomrade>
[10:08:54 PM] <nwfcomrade> Please?
[10:08:57 PM] Guest 20 has left the chat
[10:08:58 PM] <nwfcomrade> Dang, I'm too late!
[10:08:59 PM] <Guest 15> If you torrent, you should subscribe to a VPN in Russia.
[10:09:00 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The DMCA and Righthaven have had their asses handed to them in several Lawsuits!
[10:09:01 PM] <Guest 15> They don't honor DMCA complaints.
[10:09:02 PM] Guest 22 is logged into the chat
[10:09:05 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The Last DMCA complaint I received reflected that!
[10:11:36 PM] Guest 23 is logged into the chat
[10:11:39 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Supreme Court ruled last month that downloading music is not a DMCA violation!
[10:11:42 PM] Mass1488 is logged into the chat
[10:12:13 PM] Mass1488 has left the chat
[10:12:15 PM] Guest 24 is logged into the chat
[10:12:18 PM] Guest 19 has left the chat
[10:12:59 PM] Mass1488 is logged into the chat
[10:13:01 PM] <Mass1488> lol blocked guests
[10:13:02 PM] <Frankenwhigger> But, I agree with you #15 that a Usenet is the best method!
[10:13:05 PM] <Mass1488> wtf
[10:13:08 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin unblock #15!!
[10:13:11 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Frankenwhigger, I used mediaget. they are good for everything but movies. Got contacted a while back. Ignored it. No further problems.
[10:13:13 PM] <nwfcomrade> Somebody came in and started chat spamming, that's what the fuck.
[10:13:14 PM] Guest 25 is logged into the chat
[10:13:16 PM] <Mass1488> i guess the secret link is out
[10:13:19 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Elam. Yeah, I used to get threatening DMCA complaints all the Time. Now, the last I received Politely asked me to stop sharing!
[10:15:30 PM] <Frankenwhigger> And I did because they polite about!
[10:15:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> And I did because they were polite about it !
[10:15:36 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Only movies though. Nothing else.
[10:15:39 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I had downloaded the Movie "Super 8".
[10:15:41 PM] Guest 5 has left the chat
[10:15:44 PM] <Frankenwhigger> They politely asked me to stop sharing the Movie and I did.
[10:15:45 PM] Guest 22 has left the chat
[10:15:47 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Never had a problem with porn or UFC
[10:15:49 PM] Guest 26 is logged into the chat
[10:18:02 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I do not have any Television , where I Live. So, I have to download any entertainment!
[10:18:07 PM] <Mass1488> thank you guest 21
[10:18:10 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Sorry to hear
[10:18:11 PM] Guest 24 has left the chat
[10:18:36 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I will be downloading Dexter, Boardwalk Empire, Underbelly and Pan Am tonight!
[10:18:37 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Good thing ufc 138 was live on spike last night
[10:18:39 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Like Crime Dramas.
[10:18:42 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Breaking Bad is the ShitZ!!
[10:18:45 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Can you get Satellite?
[10:18:47 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Nope can't get satellite either!
[10:19:38 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Live in a Valley and can't target the satellite.
[10:19:39 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Dam, Had Sat phone in Iraq and Afgahn
[10:19:43 PM] Guest 7 has left the chat
[10:19:48 PM] <Mass1488> did the talksjew link get out
[10:20:16 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Reo can't pass the Paper bag test.
[10:20:17 PM] <Frankenwhigger> 92% of the World's Population is Jew. The Books of enoch tells us that Satan Mixed with all the People of the earth. So, if Satan fell to earth 73,000
[10:20:20 PM] Guest 9 has left the chat
[10:20:25 PM] <Frankenwhigger> years ago and was race-mixing all that time, it would be safe to say that all the Non-white world is Jew!
[10:20:26 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Pastor, What do you think of Harold Camping?
[10:20:27 PM] Guest 26 has left the chat
[10:21:30 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Stan Mixed the Enosh with the Fallen, Animals and then each other! This why there are people in Asia with Tails and Growing Horns.
[10:21:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Satan!!
[10:21:35 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Satan Mixed the Enosh with the Fallen, Animals and then each other! This why there are people in Asia with Tails and Growing Horns.
[10:21:39 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> LOL
[10:21:42 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Stan is guilty of much, but not everything.
[10:21:44 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
[10:22:33 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> wow
[10:22:34 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
[10:22:35 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Many of the Asiatics were Mixed with Monkeys and Goats!
[10:22:51 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Many of the ancient "gods" were Half Enosh and Half Goat/Bull/Horse.
[10:22:55 PM] Guest 27 is logged into the chat
[10:22:58 PM] <Frankenwhigger> If a Chinaman Lives Long enough and does not have any fresh DNA , they revert back to Apes and Goats! As Evidenced by the Pictures.
[10:23:10 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> In essence, They are now engaging in cannibalism.
[10:23:17 PM] Guest 28 is logged into the chat
[10:23:23 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The Chinese are JEWS!
[10:24:07 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
[10:26:20 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> The chief prince of Meshek
[10:26:33 PM] <Mass1488> Russians are aryan though
[10:28:59 PM] <nwfcomrade> Is my chat dead? I think my chat is dead...
[10:29:17 PM] nwfcomrade has left the chat
[10:29:32 PM] nwfcomrade is logged into the chat
[10:29:48 PM] <Mass1488> who is amalek
[10:30:12 PM] Guest 28 has left the chat