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  • #31
    TMT #95 Chat -- 6Nov11

    TMT #95 Chat -- 6Nov11

    This is [some] of the chat for The Movement Turd Episode #95 - Mamzerology & Mamzer Studies of 6Nov11. The chat was disrupted by a 'spamming' NimBuster or PisserPossum Troll, who forced me to fire up another computer to try to save the chat session and to block all the guests for a half hour. This is what inevitably happens when you have disruptive mamzers get into White areas is disruption and chaos.

    The purpose of sneaking back to Talksjew is so that there can be anonymous chat by guests. Tards is what makes the Turd roar. However, tards can be quite disruptive simply because of being schizo mamzers suffering from Peter Dunkin'.

    PastorLindstedt is logged into the chat
    [7:51:33 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Hail Victory!!!
    [7:51:48 PM] Guest 2 is logged into the chat
    [7:52:15 PM] Guest 2 has left the chat
    [7:53:07 PM] Guest 3 is logged into the chat
    [7:54:22 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Hey!
    [7:54:38 PM] Guest 4 is logged into the chat
    [7:54:38 PM] <Guest 4> when does the show start>
    [7:58:28 PM] ElamStoltzfus is logged into the chat
    [7:58:51 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Usually starts at least 15 minutes late
    [8:00:03 PM] Hyram is logged into the chat
    [8:00:24 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Looks like one of the NimBusters have found this show.
    [8:00:51 PM] <Hyram> Looks that way
    [8:01:11 PM] <Hyram> He didn't get the link from me
    [8:02:03 PM] <Hyram> Maybe Jewsguy will show up
    [8:02:25 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> No, he is off of house arrest.
    [8:03:14 PM] <Hyram> Jewsguy is polishing his menorah
    [8:04:37 PM] <Hyram> Is Russ calling in tonite?
    [8:04:38 PM] <PastorLindstedt> So ElamStoltz, you a NimBuster? Has the link gotten out?
    [8:05:19 PM] <Hyram> I believe Elam is a nigger lover
    [8:05:21 PM] Guest 5 is logged into the chat
    [8:05:37 PM] Guest 4 has left the chat
    [8:05:51 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Indeed
    [8:05:57 PM] Guest 6 is logged into the chat
    [8:06:08 PM] TheRealWilliamB is logged into the chat
    [8:06:44 PM] monamontgomery is logged into the chat
    [8:07:02 PM] TrashCanMan72 is logged into the chat
    [8:07:07 PM] Guest 7 is logged into the chat
    [8:07:33 PM] <Guest 7> No more talks with Mona!
    [8:07:33 PM] Guest 8 is logged into the chat
    [8:08:05 PM] <Hyram> According to Mona, a fetus isn't actually a child
    [8:08:07 PM] caman is logged into the chat
    [8:08:28 PM] <monamontgomery> A fetus is a fetus. A child is a child. If you can't see the difference you are incapable of feelnig.
    [8:08:32 PM] <monamontgomery> *feeling.
    [8:08:46 PM] <Hyram> Well call me incapable
    [8:09:09 PM] Guest 9 is logged into the chat
    [8:09:09 PM] <monamontgomery> Babies are adorable and fetuses are slimy. Big difference.
    [8:09:11 PM] <Guest 5> A fetus is an UNBORN child, but it is still a child
    [8:09:12 PM] <Hyram> Babies are slimy when born
    [8:09:14 PM] <monamontgomery> Also, if you place the importance of a woman's life as no more important than a two cell zygote you have no respect for women.
    [8:09:16 PM] <PastorLindstedt> OK
    [8:09:25 PM] <Guest 6> In a civilized society, fetuses would be harvested for stem cells.
    [8:09:32 PM] <Hyram> I never said that I has respect for women
    [8:09:36 PM] <monamontgomery> Correct, Guest 6.
    [8:10:05 PM] <monamontgomery> If you "has" no respect for women you are a despicable man, incapable of normal feelings.
    [8:10:08 PM] <Guest 7> Mona's a whack job. Don't encourage her
    [8:10:11 PM] <Guest 7> Mona is no woman
    [8:10:20 PM] <Hyram> From what I've read, you don't need to harvest fetuses in order to get the stem cells
    [8:10:29 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Well, its showtime and I have not a clue as to what to say.
    [8:10:41 PM] <monamontgomery> The point is, men hate women and have no right to design their lives.
    [8:10:45 PM] <Hyram> Sorry, it was supposed to be have
    [8:10:50 PM] <monamontgomery> Women have the same right to pursue happiness than men have.
    [8:10:52 PM] <Guest 7> Mona's been Jewed many times over
    [8:11:02 PM] <Hyram> 7, you nailed it
    [8:11:19 PM] <monamontgomery> White women have always enjoyed higher status than any other women.
    [8:11:20 PM] <Guest 5> Sounds like Mona's a feminist, God forbid.
    [8:11:21 PM] <Guest 7> Blah blah blah wimmen wimmen wimmen
    [8:11:30 PM] <Hyram> The only reason you have "rights" is because of men, Mona
    [8:11:34 PM] <monamontgomery> You are like a black or a brown if you make women into squaws.
    [8:11:43 PM] <Guest 7> Stay away from man hating freaks like Mona
    [8:11:52 PM] <Guest 7> They are no credit to the white race
    [8:11:56 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Who's Mona?
    [8:11:57 PM] <Hyram> Many non-whites know how to keep their women in line
    [8:11:57 PM] <monamontgomery> I do not hate men. I hate STUPID, unfeeling men.
    [8:12:01 PM] <Guest 7> I would even call her a whigger
    [8:12:15 PM] <monamontgomery> Who cares what a STUPID man thinks of me?
    [8:12:17 PM] caman has left the chat
    [8:12:17 PM] caman is logged into the chat
    [8:12:30 PM] <caman> .
    [8:12:46 PM] <Guest 7> See Mona HATES men. She's sexually frustrated.
    [8:12:48 PM] <Hyram> whigeress, 7
    [8:12:58 PM] <monamontgomery> You fight wars for your freedom. You kill White men on both sides. But a woman's freedom means no more to you than a two-celled zygote of any race.
    [8:12:58 PM] <PastorLindstedt> I'm gonna call in.
    [8:12:59 PM] <Guest 7> yeah
    [8:13:19 PM] <Hyram> I don't care about aborted nigger babies
    [8:13:33 PM] <Guest 7> Women don't deserve any freedom. They just whore it up in all senses of that word
    [8:13:39 PM] <Hyram> A real woman would sacrifice herself for her child
    [8:13:43 PM] <Guest 6> If you're against abortion, then you're for more non-white babies being born.
    [8:13:44 PM] <monamontgomery> Women are no more whores than men are.
    [8:13:45 PM] <Guest 7> YES!
    [8:13:54 PM] nwfcomrade is logged into the chat
    [8:14:05 PM] <Hyram> I'm against abortion for whites
    [8:14:07 PM] <monamontgomery> Hyram, women DO sacrifice for their children. That's why they must choose which children to have.
    [8:14:08 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Is Guest 3 Buddy Hinton?
    [8:14:08 PM] <Guest 7> Mona thinks men and women are equal. She's an idiot
    [8:14:22 PM] PastorLindstedt is on the call
    [8:14:26 PM] <Hyram> 7, you're taking the words right out of my mouth
    [8:14:37 PM] <Guest 5> Men and women are equal in value. But they have different roles.
    [8:14:41 PM] <monamontgomery> If you don't respect a woman, you can't possibly love her.
    [8:14:58 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> men and women are not equals. they are compliments of one another.
    [8:15:00 PM] <Hyram> What do you know about love, you cruel bitch?
    [8:15:00 PM] <nwfcomrade> Lulziest conversation I've EVER hopped into on this show.
    [8:15:01 PM] <Guest 7> Mona is just an ateention seeking woman. ignore her
    [8:15:04 PM] PastorLindstedt is on the call
    [8:15:07 PM] <nwfcomrade> EVER.
    [8:15:12 PM] <monamontgomery> Is there sound?
    [8:15:18 PM] PastorLindstedt has hung up
    [8:15:19 PM] <nwfcomrade> Too much sound, in fact.
    [8:15:22 PM] <nwfcomrade> Better now.
    [8:15:24 PM] <Guest 7> What the hell is lulz?
    [8:15:24 PM] <Hyram> Only the voices in your head, mona
    [8:15:34 PM] <Guest 5> Now we have sound
    [8:15:51 PM] Guest 3 has left the chat
    [8:15:51 PM] <nwfcomrade> LULZ is a perversion of LOLZ which is multiple LOLs.
    [8:15:52 PM] <Hyram> Lindstedt, tell your life story
    [8:15:54 PM] <caman> hello Pastor Lindstedt
    [8:15:54 PM] <Guest 7> ok
    [8:15:59 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> did you troll eliars?
    [8:16:17 PM] <Guest 7> If JewsGuy can talk every week, so can you Martin
    [8:16:19 PM] <Guest 5> NSM attracted 75 patriots to their Pomona rally, if you want to talk about that.
    [8:16:19 PM] <Guest 6> Talk about how your Secret Turd was outed by Reo on Nimbusters.
    [8:16:55 PM] <Hyram> Did the NSM wear nazi outfits?
    [8:17:12 PM] <Guest 7> 75 people is a lot of people. Talk about that Martin
    [8:17:14 PM] <Guest 5> No, they wore the black utility uniforms
    [8:17:26 PM] <monamontgomery> Here I am.
    [8:17:31 PM] <Hyram> What is a black utility uniform?
    [8:17:39 PM] <Hyram> Yes!
    [8:17:44 PM] <Guest 7> YES! PROPERTY!!!!!!!
    [8:17:44 PM] <Guest 5> Black fatigues
    [8:17:45 PM] <monamontgomery> Yup. CI men are losers.
    [8:17:45 PM] <nwfcomrade> I don't know for sure, but do you mean BDUs?
    [8:17:48 PM] <Hyram> Lindstedt nailed it!
    [8:18:02 PM] <Guest 5> Yes, NWF, black BDUs
    [8:18:03 PM] <Hyram> Take that, Mona!
    [8:18:04 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Anyone know how much a 95% condition SKS-D (detatchable AK mags) goes for?
    [8:18:43 PM] <Guest 5> A Negro is just a life support system for a penis
    [8:18:59 PM] <Hyram> Here's a pic of an NSM member in his outfit:
    [8:19:02 PM] <Hyram>
    [8:19:21 PM] <nwfcomrade> LOL That's about right.
    [8:20:01 PM] TrashCanMan72 has left the chat
    [8:20:03 PM] TrashCanMan72 is logged into the chat
    [8:20:20 PM] <Guest 7> Women look at men as meal tickets. That's worse than property
    [8:20:39 PM] <nwfcomrade> Pastor, I acquired a copy of the "Brief History of the Movement" in .doc format. If you like, I'll send it along to you and you could pick things ..
    [8:20:43 PM] <nwfcomrade> ... out of it and discuss them.
    [8:20:47 PM] <Hyram> I have no problem taking care of a good woman who deserves it
    [8:21:01 PM] <nwfcomrade> Though, it's already the standard item in this crowd, I suspect.
    [8:21:03 PM] <Guest 7> Is that the DeGuello report
    [8:21:34 PM] <Hyram> Yep
    [8:21:51 PM] <Hyram> Pastor L. nails it
    [8:23:22 PM] <Guest 7> .
    [8:23:37 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Reo can't pass the paper bag test
    [8:23:45 PM] <Guest 7> LOL
    [8:24:32 PM] <nwfcomrade> It's too bad the internet isn't actually a place. We could hang a paper bag on the door!
    [8:24:38 PM] <Guest 7> Many Germans have Slavic blood
    [8:24:58 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Pastor, What do you think of mennonites?
    [8:25:25 PM] <Hyram> Does she husle blowjobs?
    [8:25:55 PM] <Guest 7> The all white society is going to have problems defining white
    [8:26:11 PM] <Hyram> It's going to be a small society
    [8:26:22 PM] <Guest 6> There won't be any such thing in America.
    [8:26:24 PM] <Guest 7> yeah
    [8:26:29 PM] <Guest 6> America is going to turn into Brazil.
    [8:26:36 PM] <Guest 6> A mass of brown people.
    [8:26:38 PM] <Hyram> There can be diasporas
    [8:26:51 PM] <Hyram> small societies of whites
    [8:27:21 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> <takes a bow>
    [8:27:46 PM] <monamontgomery> Blow jobs are Jewish. The Jew invented the blow job.
    [8:27:54 PM] <Guest 7> There are still tons of white people in AMerica. We are no where near Brazil
    [8:28:03 PM] <Guest 6> Not yet.
    [8:28:04 PM] <Hyram> Mona, I can't belieev you couldn't keep a man
    [8:28:10 PM] <monamontgomery> Women need t snuff out inferior sperm to give the good sperm a place to develop. That's why we need abortion.
    [8:28:10 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> what happend to your show william b?
    [8:28:11 PM] <Guest 7> LOL
    [8:28:12 PM] <Guest 6> The point is that's the direction we're heading.
    [8:28:22 PM] <Guest 6> That's what our future looks like.
    [8:28:23 PM] <Hyram> Kep telling jewrself that, Mona
    [8:28:32 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> all of these idiots are hypocrites
    [8:28:42 PM] <monamontgomery> If a low life makes a girl pregnant she gets an abortion so she can marry a good man.
    [8:28:50 PM] <Guest 7> That future won't happen for a long time. Whites in America don't mix that much
    [8:29:19 PM] <monamontgomery> The problem with CI men is that they are low lifes and girls keep aborting their seed.
    [8:29:26 PM] <Hyram> Or a low life self centered bitch gets pregnant and doesn't want to grow up, she has an abortion
    [8:29:33 PM] <monamontgomery> So they want to make it illegal because that's the only way they will survive.
    [8:29:40 PM] <Guest 7> Ignore Mona. She's crazy
    [8:29:55 PM] <monamontgomery> Women marry good men, not men who despise them.
    [8:30:19 PM] <Hyram> Mona is a good example for young women who want to dedicate their lives to their career to look at
    [8:30:44 PM] <monamontgomery> Women live better lives if they work than if they depend on a low life for their support.
    [8:30:57 PM] <Hyram> Yeah, you're a fine example of that
    [8:30:58 PM] <Guest 7> Women marry assholes. That's my experience. that's why arranged marriages were thr norm
    [8:31:22 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Mona is ISIS of Nim Busters
    [8:31:36 PM] <Guest 7> Mona needs to be muzzled. She's begging for that. it's a cry for help
    [8:31:39 PM] <Hyram> Mona is the crazy cat lady of "The Simpsons"
    [8:31:46 PM] <Guest 7> LOL
    [8:31:57 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Pastor, What do you think of mennonites?
    [8:32:31 PM] <Hyram> "I was once a successful lawyer" - The crazy cat lady
    [8:32:40 PM] <Guest 7> Are repubs really voting for a nigger? That seems rigged
    [8:32:51 PM] <Hyram> repubs love niggers
    [8:32:58 PM] <Hyram> and kikes
    [8:33:06 PM] <Guest 7> Not in my experience
    [8:33:22 PM] <Hyram> Looks that way to me
    [8:33:40 PM] <Guest 7> Most repubs don't even pretend to like whites
    [8:33:40 PM] <Guest 7> around me
    [8:33:56 PM] <nwfcomrade> It's a hard call to make. Though, we need to remember that countries who go from white leadership to non-white leadership never go back.
    [8:33:57 PM] <Hyram> they don't pretend to like whites?
    [8:34:01 PM] <Guest 7> I meant blacks
    [8:34:04 PM] <Guest 7> LOL
    [8:34:22 PM] <Hyram> ell, looks like their leaders are nigger lovers
    [8:34:27 PM] <Guest 7> Repubs hate whites too. They are all whiggers
    [8:34:31 PM] <nwfcomrade> Eventually, this might be the case. Perhaps 7 is an accidental prophet...
    [8:34:35 PM] <Guest 6> Mennonites have the right idea, but all of that inbreeding causes genetic defects.
    [8:34:47 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> True
    [8:35:05 PM] <monamontgomery> Women want to marry men like Jesus: handsome and charming as an English lord.
    [8:35:07 PM] <Guest 7> Both parties are left wing PC assholes. But repubs usually kept their racism secret
    [8:36:23 PM] <Guest 6> I suppose you could find yourself a good woman if you become a mennonite.
    [8:36:29 PM] <Guest 6> Inject some fresh DNA into the tribe.
    [8:37:01 PM] <Guest 7> In the future, whites will have to be bred in a laboratory
    [8:37:34 PM] <monamontgomery> The elite will continue to breed blondes but you will never meet any of these people.
    [8:37:42 PM] <Guest 7> Where's Frankenwhigger and Mass?
    [8:38:14 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Whigger is drunk
    [8:38:20 PM] <monamontgomery> There will always be love and romance in the upper class. Brow beating and thugery in the lower class.
    [8:38:21 PM] <Guest 7> Property taxes are going UP when house prices have crashed 50%...LOL
    [8:38:23 PM] <Hyram> Hanging out with russ
    [8:38:40 PM] <Guest 6> The upper class has time for romance.
    [8:38:53 PM] <Hyram> Aren't you upper class, Mona?
    [8:38:54 PM] <monamontgomery> It takes intelligence to appreciate romance.
    [8:38:57 PM] <Guest 7> No break for the middle class
    [8:39:27 PM] <Hyram> Yes, all lower class people are unintelligent
    [8:39:48 PM] <Guest 6> Working class people are just more practical.
    [8:39:58 PM] <Hyram> I was being sarcastic
    [8:40:30 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Mona is a Jewess
    [8:40:37 PM] <Hyram> pretty much
    [8:40:55 PM] <Guest 7> Mona sounds like a kike
    [8:41:37 PM] <monamontgomery> <<< Blue blooded White elite.
    [8:41:42 PM] <Hyram> A whiggeresss, yes
    [8:41:54 PM] <Guest 7> She's a whiggeress at the least
    [8:41:56 PM] <Hyram> And an elitist snob as well
    [8:42:02 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Pastor, What do you think of mennonites?
    [8:42:11 PM] <monamontgomery> <<< Blue blooded White elitest snob.
    [8:42:18 PM] <Hyram> Since you're upper class, Mona, why no love and romance for you?
    [8:42:31 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Pastor, What do you think of mennonites?
    [8:42:45 PM] <monamontgomery> What have I ever said to indicate that I do not have love and romance in my life?
    [8:42:48 PM] <Hyram> You obviously are thew only type who can appreciate romance
    [8:42:53 PM] <Guest 7> Mona likes to cause trouble
    [8:42:56 PM] <Hyram> LOL!
    [8:43:14 PM] <Hyram> The majority of your comments indicate that you hate men
    [8:43:24 PM] <monamontgomery> I like to tromp on men who oppress women.
    [8:43:34 PM] <Hyram> Because no man will have you
    [8:43:44 PM] <Hyram> And you murdered your child
    [8:43:47 PM] <Guest 7> Mona has no respect for men
    [8:43:48 PM] <Guest 6> Marty, why don't you just install Ubuntu on your laptops?
    [8:43:53 PM] <Guest 6> Windows bites a dick.
    [8:44:02 PM] <monamontgomery> I have no respect for uneducated, oppressive men.
    [8:44:10 PM] <Guest 7> All men
    [8:44:11 PM] <Hyram> who cares?
    [8:44:16 PM] <monamontgomery> There is no reason to respect the unrespectable.
    [8:44:29 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> We use mechanized means of farming.
    [8:44:31 PM] <monamontgomery> I love men like Jesus: charming and intelligent as an English lord.
    [8:44:41 PM] <Guest 7> Mona engages in sophistry
    [8:44:44 PM] <Guest 6> We use beanerized methods of farming.
    [8:44:47 PM] <Hyram> How do you know Jesus was like that?
    [8:45:05 PM] <nwfcomrade> I want an answer to this question. I get the impression he wasn't very charming.
    [8:45:09 PM] <Hyram> English lords treated their women so great?
    [8:45:16 PM] <Guest 7> LOL
    [8:45:21 PM] <monamontgomery> I have read the gospels. Jesus was clearly a blonde genius who spoke several languages and reasoned with wit and charm.
    [8:45:35 PM] <Hyram> If you say so, Mona
    [8:45:36 PM] <Guest 6> Mona's entertaining.
    [8:45:48 PM] <Guest 7> Mona hates little blond boys, don't let her fool you
    [8:46:05 PM] <nwfcomrade> Still lulzy.
    [8:46:08 PM] <Hyram> Mona is the stereotypical lonely old spinster
    [8:46:53 PM] <Hyram> Mona:
    [8:47:04 PM] <Guest 5> Pastor, what do you think about Alex Linder asking people to use real names to register on VNN Forum?
    [8:47:23 PM] <Guest 7> He already talked about that
    [8:47:37 PM] <Guest 5> O.K., I must have missed it.
    [8:48:02 PM] <Guest 6> Anyone still posting to VNN deserves what they get.
    [8:48:08 PM] <Hyram> The Guido Weasel wants you name and address
    [8:48:15 PM] <Guest 7> Linderwicz...LOL
    [8:48:38 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Von still posts on VNN
    [8:48:49 PM] <Guest 6> Von is a nut.
    [8:48:58 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> and a sissy
    [8:48:59 PM] <Guest 6> He belongs there.
    [8:49:18 PM] <Guest 6> Linder needs a new asshole.
    [8:49:25 PM] <Guest 6> His current asshole is defective.
    [8:49:31 PM] Guest 10 is logged into the chat
    [8:49:39 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> who bill white
    [8:50:42 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Does anyone think writing Hal Turner is a good idea?
    [8:50:48 PM] <Hyram> Defective asshole disease seems to be running rampant
    [8:50:52 PM] <monamontgomery> I love Hal Turner.
    [8:50:59 PM] <Hyram> figures
    [8:51:14 PM] <Guest 5> No, writing Hal Turner is a BAD idea. He shopped Bill White
    [8:51:27 PM] <monamontgomery> Hal Turner is a true genius and had the highest classification as an FBI agent.
    [8:51:28 PM] <Guest 6> Yeah, it's ravaging the non-white nationalist community.
    [8:51:32 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> I like Hal too. I am ambivalent about writing him.
    [8:51:59 PM] <monamontgomery> I feel kind of guilty about not supporting him more so I'm afraid to call him. I got scared when he got arrested.
    [8:52:04 PM] <Hyram> Hal Turner is one of those charming Jesus like upper class people
    [8:52:31 PM] <Guest 7> Hal Turner is really white...LOL
    [8:52:38 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Don't ham it up
    [8:53:02 PM] <Hyram> A Hal Turner/Mona Montgomery romance is inevitable
    [8:53:04 PM] <Guest 6> Hal Turner suffers from Napoleon Complex.
    [8:53:14 PM] <monamontgomery> Tell me when to call.
    [8:53:17 PM] <Guest 7> We need more Blonde Aryan God like creatures like Hal Turner
    [8:53:21 PM] <Guest 6> Small stature, big mouth.
    [8:54:12 PM] <Guest 7> MONA DON'T CALL
    [8:54:13 PM] <monamontgomery> Hal Turner isn't small. He's six feet tall and has great muscles.
    [8:54:30 PM] <Guest 7> He's blond and Aryan
    [8:54:43 PM] <Hyram> did you feel his muscles/
    [8:54:45 PM] <Hyram> ?
    [8:54:48 PM] <monamontgomery> Hal has brown hair like Hitler.
    [8:54:55 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> I wrote to Matt Hale. I never got a response.
    [8:54:56 PM] <monamontgomery> I don't have to feel a man's muscles to know what his muscle structure looks like.
    [8:54:59 PM] <Guest 7> Why do all WN leaders have brown skin?
    [8:55:08 PM] <Hyram> Did you see him shirtless?
    [8:55:38 PM] <Guest 7> Mona is a good example of how confused wimmins are
    [8:55:57 PM] <Guest 6> Hal's not 6 feet tall.
    [8:56:04 PM] <Guest 7> Hitler was a Jew bum
    [8:56:16 PM] <Guest 6> Five and a half on a good day.
    [8:56:31 PM] <Hyram> Hal Turner kind of looks like the "King Of Queens" guy
    [8:56:33 PM] <Guest 6> Check out his mugshot.
    [8:56:40 PM] <Guest 5> Elam - the prison staff probably never gave Matt Hale your letter, which is why you may not have received a response.
    [8:57:00 PM] <monamontgomery> I've met Hal in person. He's a lot taller than he looks in his photograph.
    [8:57:08 PM] <Hyram>
    [8:57:15 PM] <Hyram> He's rather swarthy
    [8:57:23 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> I still like Matt.
    [8:57:35 PM] <monamontgomery> He is not a bit swarthy. His complexion is peaches and cream with great color in his cheeks.
    [8:57:36 PM] <Guest 7> Is Mona one of those women that ZOG passes around?
    [8:57:43 PM] <monamontgomery> Hal Turner is very sparkly.
    [8:57:48 PM] <Guest 7> A honeypot?
    [8:58:07 PM] <Hyram> A ZOGBOT
    [8:58:10 PM] <Guest 7> She probably has split personalities
    [8:58:14 PM] <monamontgomery> I have lots of boyfriends but I only have sex when I'm married.
    [8:58:26 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> I guess super max has no privileges.
    [8:58:32 PM] <Guest 7> Shut up you lying bag
    [8:58:35 PM] <Hyram>
    [8:58:37 PM] <monamontgomery> I'm not lying.
    [8:58:47 PM] <Guest 7> That's what all LIARS say
    [8:58:54 PM] <monamontgomery> I know the secret to popularity. Have fun and don't be a cheap whore.
    [8:58:55 PM] <Hyram> He also kind ok looks like that jew Ed Asnner
    [8:58:59 PM] <Guest 6> Visser always says that.
    [8:59:07 PM] <Guest 7> Too late for that Mona
    [8:59:09 PM] <Guest 5> Elam - in Supermax, they can basically do what they want with you.
    [8:59:11 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> John Belushi
    [8:59:12 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> too many whiggers right now to call in.
    [8:59:13 PM] <Guest 6> He has to remind people that he's not lying while he's in the act of lying.
    [8:59:29 PM] <Guest 7> Whiggers?
    [8:59:38 PM] <Hyram> Who is a whigger?
    [8:59:54 PM] <Guest 7> Ask realWilliam
    [9:00:06 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Yeh 5, I tryed.
    [9:00:08 PM] <Hyram> I'm asking
    [9:00:09 PM] <monamontgomery> If you say I'm lying and I'm not, I'm going to correct you.
    [9:00:24 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> the moaner can call in
    [9:00:41 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Matt's sentence is way too harsh.
    [9:00:47 PM] <monamontgomery> I'll call in as soon as Martin tells me to.
    [9:00:56 PM] <monamontgomery> Matt hale was set up. Edgar Steele is guilty.
    [9:00:59 PM] <Guest 7> Martin doesn't know how to have a conversation. Everything's a monologue. His critics are right about that
    [9:01:05 PM] <monamontgomery> Matt Hale was innocent.
    [9:01:07 PM] <Guest 5> They're making an example of Edgar Steele, too.
    [9:01:18 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> well, go ahead and ask Mona to call in Martin.
    [9:01:19 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> I agree
    [9:01:23 PM] <Guest 7> Why would anyone call in?
    [9:01:38 PM] <monamontgomery> Edgar Steels is guilty and he's throwing the mantle of sainthood over himself because he knows his followers are too dumb to look at the evidence.
    [9:01:41 PM] <Hyram> All the more reason not to be out spoken with your views
    [9:01:59 PM] <Guest 6> Does Edgar really have followers?
    [9:02:08 PM] <Hyram> But Edgar Steele is a high class, charming attorney...
    [9:02:13 PM] <monamontgomery> All these morons who are touting his innocence are his followers.
    [9:02:17 PM] <Hyram> he couldn't possibly be guilty
    [9:02:23 PM] <Guest 5> Mona - then explain why Judge Winmill refused to allow two internationally-renowned audio experts to testify?
    [9:02:26 PM] <Guest 7> Why don't you call in RealWIlliam?
    [9:02:26 PM] <monamontgomery> Edgar Steele is a ginger. Not handsome and not charming.
    [9:02:27 PM] <Hyram> He's as charming as Jesus
    [9:02:37 PM] <Guest 6> haha
    [9:02:52 PM] <Guest 7> Mona is a moron
    [9:02:55 PM] <Guest 5> The fact is, Judge Winmill was nothing more than a Stepin Fetchit for Traci Whelan
    [9:02:57 PM] <nwfcomrade> One minor point, 5, the judge backtracked on that but only after finding out one of the witnesses couldn't get back to the U.S. in time.
    [9:03:17 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> ISIS, what happened to your blog?
    [9:03:32 PM] <Guest 5> You're right, NWF, which effectively denied that person the right to testify
    [9:03:37 PM] <monamontgomery> The judge was going to let the expert testify by video but when the Prosecution objected, he couldn't disobey the law that requires a subpena.
    [9:03:52 PM] <monamontgomery> Steele's lawyers never supenaed the expert.
    [9:03:58 PM] <monamontgomery> Winmill is a great judge.
    [9:04:18 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> my mojo would melt your brain 7
    [9:04:18 PM] <Guest 7> WN will never go anywhere. Too many freaks. Mainstream parties will have to get more racist. Too many Monas in the movement
    [9:04:45 PM] <monamontgomery> The only salvation for the White race is to talk the truth.
    [9:04:45 PM] <Guest 7> Get ur Mojo on RealWilliam!!!!!!!!!
    [9:04:51 PM] <TheRealWilliamB>
    [9:04:57 PM] <Guest 6> White nationalism will just morph into white survivalism.
    [9:05:02 PM] <Hyram> Nah, the system needs to collapse totally
    [9:05:07 PM] <Guest 7> You know how to cut martin off
    [9:05:15 PM] <Hyram> Their's no hope in any party
    [9:05:21 PM] <Guest 7> 6, that makes sense
    [9:05:24 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> watching a movie
    [9:05:29 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> sry
    [9:05:34 PM] <monamontgomery> The world will be saved when abortion becomes available worldwide.
    [9:05:37 PM] <Guest 6> The costumed clowns will continue spinning their wheels, but smarter whites will figure out ways to extract themselves from the system.
    [9:05:49 PM] <Guest 6> They might not even be racist.
    [9:05:55 PM] <Guest 6> Doesn't matter.
    [9:05:58 PM] <monamontgomery> Martin was great on the Ely James shoe last night. He makes cute remarks.
    [9:06:01 PM] Frankenwhigger is logged into the chat
    [9:06:22 PM] <monamontgomery> Finck is 10 times as charming as Eli James.
    [9:06:24 PM] <Guest 7> 6, there's a lot of truth to what you say. That would unite whites more than WN ideas, which most whites don't understand
    [9:06:27 PM] <monamontgomery> Eli James is a snooze.
    [9:06:34 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Some very enlighting info on Eliar James on John 844 site.
    [9:06:39 PM] <Hyram> Abortion is available, the muds aren't using it enough
    [9:06:43 PM] <monamontgomery> I listen to Eli James but give the choice, I will always listen to Finck.
    [9:06:44 PM] <Frankenwhigger> 3 MORE YEARS!!!
    [9:06:47 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Genetically engineered viruses have a great promise for helping the cause.
    [9:06:59 PM] <Hyram> Finck is jewr jew of choice
    [9:07:06 PM] <Guest 7> Franken WHigger is in the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    [9:07:20 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Well, also listen to Metzger now don't you?
    [9:07:25 PM] <monamontgomery> I don't think a Jew could be as fast and smart as Finck.
    [9:07:29 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Cause you did today.
    [9:07:31 PM] <monamontgomery> I love Metzger.
    [9:07:35 PM] <Hyram> Jews are plenty smart
    [9:07:47 PM] <Guest 6> Metzger is one of the only white nationalists who talks class.
    [9:07:50 PM] <monamontgomery> YOu can't be smart if you aren't honest.
    [9:07:52 PM] <Guest 5> Metzger's got great cartoons!
    [9:07:58 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> on the fourth position talkshoe
    [9:08:00 PM] <monamontgomery> Jews are not honest. Their phony Holohoax religeon kaeps them down.
    [9:08:05 PM] <nwfcomrade> What about a blonde charming jew?
    [9:08:18 PM] <monamontgomery> There is no such thing as a charming blonde Jew.
    [9:08:24 PM] <Guest 7> Jews are NOT smart. They are just good with money. When society doesn't run on money, the Jews have no power
    [9:08:34 PM] <Hyram> In Mona land, that's true
    [9:08:43 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> along with that OBVIOUS FED "papacat"
    [9:09:07 PM] <monamontgomery> Compare Marlon Brando to Paul Newman. Brando has the oomph factor. Newman does not.
    [9:09:08 PM] <Guest 6> Metzger is also 100% correct about right wing WN intellectuals.
    [9:09:10 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Jews aren't so smart, They are Cunning!!
    [9:09:16 PM] <Guest 7> Newman was a kike faggot.
    [9:09:16 PM] <monamontgomery> Was he a fag?
    [9:09:17 PM] <monamontgomery> I didn't know that.
    [9:09:19 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> papacat is a FED
    [9:09:22 PM] <Hyram> I don't know what the oomph factor is
    [9:09:25 PM] <Guest 7> Newman was as queer as a three dollar bill
    [9:09:28 PM] <Hyram> Sounds like some jew bullshit
    [9:09:29 PM] <monamontgomery> Paul Newman was handsome but he lacked oomph.
    [9:09:42 PM] <Guest 5> Occupy Wall Street is sort of a left-wing Tea Party
    [9:09:45 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> that is the government listening in...
    [9:09:47 PM] <Guest 7> Newman was half Jew and VERY gay
    [9:09:52 PM] <Frankenwhigger> papacat is a FED? Proof?
    [9:10:00 PM] <monamontgomery> Gay. Lol.
    [9:10:03 PM] <Hyram> Newman was a good actor
    [9:10:05 PM] <Guest 7> Brando hated kikes
    [9:10:14 PM] <Guest 7> Newman was overrated
    [9:10:16 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> tracerouted his ip franken.
    [9:10:21 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> he's a fed
    [9:10:26 PM] <monamontgomery> I love Marlon Brando. Too bad he was so brainwashed into multiculturalism and Asian women.
    [9:10:36 PM] <Guest 7> If they didn't kill James Dean, Newman would have no career
    [9:10:42 PM] <monamontgomery> Marlon Brando would have been a GREAT racist.
    [9:10:46 PM] <Frankenwhigger> WillB, Really?!?!? How did you do that ?
    [9:10:48 PM] <Hyram> That's alot of bullshit
    [9:10:58 PM] <Hyram> And James Dean was a flaming queer
    [9:11:01 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> some other time
    [9:11:09 PM] <Guest 7> Brando figured shit out too late
    [9:11:18 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> not with jew mamzers listening in...
    [9:11:24 PM] <Hyram> Brando kissed jew ass on that old ass jew's talk show
    [9:11:28 PM] <monamontgomery> Brando wasted his precious seed on Chinks.
    [9:11:29 PM] <Guest 7> Dean was a hustler. He was not as gay as Newman, who was another Tom Cruise
    [9:11:35 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Where does his IP Traceroute to?
    [9:11:48 PM] <TheRealWilliamB>
    [9:11:58 PM] <monamontgomery> Brando's only White son, Christian, went crazy and got fat.
    [9:12:01 PM] <Hyram> Dean was a queer who let queers put their cigarettes out on him
    [9:12:02 PM] <Guest 7> Dean liked women. Newman was exclusively gay and his wife was a beard, like Tom Cruise
    [9:12:05 PM] <Frankenwhigger> WOW!!
    [9:12:08 PM] <Guest 6> Don't they know how to use proxies or VPNs?
    [9:12:09 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Where did Newsguy's IP trace to?
    [9:12:19 PM] <Guest 7> Staten Island
    [9:12:23 PM] <Guest 7> LOL
    [9:12:34 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> he's on all the shows. not just the CI ones. and it is always the same.
    [9:12:58 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> figure it out for yourself.
    [9:13:24 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Maybe , he's a CI believer in the Work of ZOG!
    [9:13:49 PM] <Guest 7> Who's on the call?
    [9:14:01 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Mona won't call in...
    [9:14:10 PM] <Guest 7> GOOD
    [9:14:13 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Trashcan Man!
    [9:14:20 PM] <monamontgomery> I will call in when Martin tells me to.
    [9:14:21 PM] <Guest 7> ok
    [9:14:37 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> i can only call in after a second guest
    [9:14:43 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Anyone read Drake's book?
    [9:14:56 PM] <Hyram> good night
    [9:14:58 PM] Hyram has left the chat
    [9:15:00 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Chris Drake is a Hero!
    [9:15:03 PM] <Guest 7> RealWilliam was the best call in guest. The others can't face Martin's wall of nonstop chatter
    [9:15:12 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> thank you 7
    [9:15:19 PM] <Guest 7> no prob
    [9:15:22 PM] <Guest 6> Tonto was a good sidekick, too.
    [9:15:26 PM] <Guest 5> I've been reading The Brigade online. Up to page 265, it's pretty spellbinding. Very realistic.
    [9:15:31 PM] <Guest 6> Too bad he got his ass reamed by Reo.
    [9:15:58 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Yeah WilliamB , call in and talk about the Traceroute and how you did it!
    [9:16:15 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> i will, but only after another guest
    [9:16:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> OKAY!
    [9:17:00 PM] <Guest 7> FW, I don't get it. You used to call into Hal Turner's show but not here?
    [9:17:02 PM] <monamontgomery> You can go instead of me, William. I'm kind of tired tonight.
    [9:17:12 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Philadelphia looks like Stanleyville Congo
    [9:17:25 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> nope. someone else goes next.
    [9:17:35 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> I fill the 3rd spot
    [9:17:43 PM] <monamontgomery> Frankenwhigger, are you going to call in next?
    [9:17:59 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> someone needs to do the 2nd spot
    [9:18:01 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Mona, we want to hear from you.
    [9:18:10 PM] <monamontgomery> "Cause I'm kind of tired tonight. Old age is catching up with me.
    [9:18:11 PM] <Guest 6> Detroit will be a nice wilflife reserve after nature overtakes it.
    [9:18:16 PM] <monamontgomery> I'll call in enxt if you want me to.
    [9:18:21 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> do it
    [9:18:29 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> if only for 15 minutes
    [9:18:30 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> If I hear your voice I will know if your ISIS or not.
    [9:18:46 PM] <monamontgomery> Okay. As soon as Martin hangs up I'll call him for 15 minutes.
    [9:18:55 PM] <Guest 5> ISIS is actually Laura Sennett
    [9:19:02 PM] <Guest 6> Martin won't let you hang up.
    [9:19:05 PM] <monamontgomery> I"m not ISIS.
    [9:19:09 PM] <monamontgomery> I'm Mona.
    [9:19:10 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Are you sure?
    [9:19:30 PM] <monamontgomery> My handle is twohourbreaks.
    [9:19:34 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> do it
    [9:19:40 PM] <monamontgomery> Okay.
    [9:19:49 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> thanks
    [9:20:00 PM] <Guest 6> Netflix has piss poor selection.
    [9:20:21 PM] <Guest 7> Film Noir Rules
    [9:20:24 PM] <monamontgomery> Netflix is kind of bad. I use it though.
    [9:20:31 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> mona call in!
    [9:20:42 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> i'm next then
    [9:20:45 PM] <monamontgomery> I'm not going to interrupt a conversation.
    [9:21:07 PM] <Guest 6> This is more of a monologue.
    [9:21:13 PM] <Guest 5> Here's a photo of Isis:
    [9:21:21 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Download Movies from Pirate Bay. Many before they are released in America!!
    [9:21:26 PM] <Guest 7> plague
    [9:21:29 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> What is the connection between ISIS and Buddy Hinton?
    [9:21:34 PM] <Frankenwhigger> BRB!!
    [9:21:35 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Isis is hawt!
    [9:21:57 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Hell, call in Mona
    [9:22:11 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Buddy Hinton takes Isis shooting!
    [9:22:13 PM] <Guest 6> Pirate Bay is a DMCA magnet if you live in America.
    [9:22:17 PM] <Guest 7> We did not go to the moon
    [9:22:34 PM] <monamontgomery> We did not go to the moon.
    [9:22:38 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Trashcan...ok
    [9:22:50 PM] <Guest 7> Yes, I know
    [9:23:00 PM] <Guest 5> Here's another picture of Isis (in purple):
    [9:23:10 PM] <Guest 7> Mars is even more of a fairytale
    [9:23:20 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Why? An old gay berk's county prison guard can't get it up with her.
    [9:23:30 PM] <Guest 5> The blonde chick is Rachel -- she use to post on Nimbusters
    [9:23:38 PM] <Guest 7> that chick ain't white!!!!!!!!!!!
    [9:23:56 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> What happened to BrownsvilleGirl
    [9:24:04 PM] <Guest 5> Isis is supposedly half-jewish.
    [9:24:08 PM] <Guest 7> The blonde chick looks greasy
    [9:24:23 PM] <Guest 7> Too many kikes hanging around
    [9:24:45 PM] <Guest 5> BorwnsvilleGirl was before my time. I didn't start hanging out at Nimbusters until 2008.
    [9:24:50 PM] TheRealWilliamB has left the chat
    [9:25:15 PM] Guest 11 is logged into the chat
    [9:25:23 PM] <Guest 5> Covington's Northwest Homeland idea is sounding better and better
    [9:25:32 PM] Guest 6 has left the chat
    [9:25:59 PM] <Guest 7> It's realistic to kick out all non whites in the NW
    [9:26:09 PM] Guest 12 is logged into the chat
    [9:26:23 PM] <ElamStoltzfus>
    [9:26:43 PM] <Guest 5> The Kalispell PLE is off to a good start. April Gaede has the right idea on building a White community
    [9:27:17 PM] <ElamStoltzfus>
    [9:27:33 PM] <Guest 7> If women are in charge, it's doomed
    [9:27:36 PM] <nwfcomrade> Alright, so I haven't said too much about my migration details so far, but here's the deal: The PacNW is amazing.
    [9:27:52 PM] <nwfcomrade> I really like Seattle and if you know how to handle yourself, it's quite good.
    [9:27:57 PM] <monamontgomery> I don't see how decent White men can give up Malibu.
    [9:28:09 PM] <nwfcomrade> Granted, I save a lot of money since I know how to handle a kitchen, but that's not really hard to learn.
    [9:28:42 PM] <nwfcomrade> Let's understand "Decent Whites" don't need heat such that they can grow a potted palm tree in their bedroom.
    [9:28:49 PM] <Guest 5> The Northwest Homeland is intended to be a rear area where we can consolidate. It does not mean we permanently give up the rest of the country.
    [9:28:50 PM] <nwfcomrade> True.
    [9:28:51 PM] <Guest 7> White men in CA are weak. The beaner flood was overwhelming
    [9:29:05 PM] <Guest 7> 5, I hope that's the idea
    [9:29:21 PM] <monamontgomery> Beaners can be corralled and herded back to Mexico.
    [9:29:25 PM] <nwfcomrade> Not really. There are people there, true, but April is so hostile to anyone other than herself call all the shots. And she's not really too bright.
    [9:29:28 PM] <Guest 7> true
    [9:29:49 PM] <Guest 12> It's not really a matter of strength or weakness. There is simply no stopping the flood.
    [9:29:52 PM] <Guest 5> I heard that Karl Gharst and April Gaede are feuding
    [9:29:57 PM] <Guest 11> how can they do that Mona? When you are to much of a coward to even call in and discuss it???
    [9:30:08 PM] <Guest 7> Yeah, I hope Covington doesn't take that women getting involved too seriously
    [9:30:09 PM] <monamontgomery> We should start a trail of tears in Washington and herd the nonWhites right down past the Panama Canal and use Mexico's land for ourselves.
    [9:30:12 PM] <nwfcomrade> It is the idea. Anyone who's listened well enough to the NW stuff out so far knows that it's a lifeboat and not a permanent fixture.
    [9:30:30 PM] <monamontgomery> The Mexican invasion requires a military response.
    [9:30:41 PM] <Guest 11> Mona, you are a troll. You were a troll with Hal Turner, you are a Troll now.
    [9:30:42 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> In my experience, White people have very little capacity to stick together.
    [9:30:45 PM] <monamontgomery> We have to take over Mexico and drive the nonWhites to Panama.
    [9:30:50 PM] <nwfcomrade> Well, that might be true, but April feuds with everyone she talks too, so that probably doesn't mean much.
    [9:31:02 PM] <Guest 7> Cut off beaner money and most will go back voluntarily to Mexico. most are not here to fight
    [9:31:21 PM] <nwfcomrade> While I'm all for that sort of thing, we don't have the intestinal fortitude to do it and we don't show the potential of developing it.
    [9:31:22 PM] Guest 12 has left the chat
    [9:31:44 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> nwfcomrade, I agree
    [9:32:45 PM] <monamontgomery> Rudyard Kipling says that when the White man wakes up a new age will beginning. It's in a poem called "The Beginnings" and it starts...
    [9:32:54 PM] Guest 13 is logged into the chat
    [9:32:57 PM] <monamontgomery> it starts "When the Englishman gets mad."
    [9:33:29 PM] TheRealWilliamB is on the call
    [9:33:34 PM] <Guest 7> When The Saxon Began To Hate
    [9:33:40 PM] <monamontgomery> John Todd is that cool wierd guy.
    [9:33:44 PM] <nwfcomrade> "Waking up" is a red herring closely tied to the "education" red herring.
    [9:33:51 PM] <Guest 7> true
    [9:34:02 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I have to check on my Critters, I'll be right back!
    [9:34:14 PM] <monamontgomery> That believed in occult powers and visited Rothschilds castle where they had an empty chair waiting for the Messiah.
    [9:34:16 PM] Guest 14 is logged into the chat
    [9:34:31 PM] <Guest 7> Martin is part of the Imlluminati
    [9:34:34 PM] <monamontgomery> John Todd - exposed the Illuminati.
    [9:34:35 PM] <nwfcomrade> Did you try to sit in it? :P
    [9:34:42 PM] <nwfcomrade> Sorry, low blow, I know.
    [9:34:50 PM] <Guest 7> I wouldn't be surprised
    [9:35:17 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> WOW, ISIS is like 50 years old.
    [9:35:19 PM] Guest 14 has left the chat
    [9:35:56 PM] Guest 15 is logged into the chat
    [9:36:06 PM] <ElamStoltzfus>
    [9:37:07 PM] <Guest 15> John Todd went back to wicca/witchcraft in prison.
    [9:37:18 PM] <Guest 5> Jews spitting on Christians in Jerusalem once again:
    [9:37:26 PM] <Guest 15> He also became a tranvestite.
    [9:37:59 PM] Guest 8 has left the chat
    [9:38:14 PM] <monamontgomery> He did not become a transvestite. He dressed up like a woman to escape prison.
    [9:38:22 PM] <Guest 11> maybe john todd IS obadiah 1:18!
    [9:38:33 PM] <monamontgomery> Mary Todd looks like Jean Harlow.
    [9:38:34 PM] <ElamStoltzfus>
    [9:38:56 PM] Guest 16 is logged into the chat
    [9:39:10 PM] <Guest 11> that was a great post pastor!
    [9:39:50 PM] <Guest 7> i hear you
    [9:39:59 PM] TheRealWilliamB has hung up
    [9:40:03 PM] <Guest 7> he can't hear you
    [9:40:04 PM] <monamontgomery> Somebody tell Martin that William is on the phone.
    [9:40:13 PM] <Guest 11> he cant hear me
    [9:40:15 PM] <monamontgomery> John Todd, not Mike Todd.
    [9:40:24 PM] <Guest 11> i hung up
    [9:40:29 PM] Guest 17 is logged into the chat
    [9:40:43 PM] <Guest 11> that sucks
    [9:40:49 PM] <Guest 15> John Todd was the real deal, but he wasn't completely honest.
    [9:41:17 PM] <Guest 11> I'm sure Obadiah will be gloating about it tomorrow.
    [9:41:57 PM] Guest 11 has left the chat
    [9:42:18 PM] <Guest 16> OB isn't that the name of a tampon?
    [9:42:22 PM] Guest 18 is logged into the chat
    [9:42:38 PM] <Guest 15> Some people think Bill Schnoebelen is John Todd, but he isn't.
    [9:42:49 PM] <Guest 15> He just tells a similar story. Bother were high level witches.
    [9:43:19 PM] <Guest 16> Gulett says that offer to kick your ass still stands, Marty.
    [9:43:21 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Pastor, Please explain John 8:44
    [9:45:09 PM] <monamontgomery> Jesus did not like the Jews.
    [9:45:16 PM] <Guest 15> Visser's a creepy dude.
    [9:45:21 PM] Guest 13 has left the chat
    [9:45:30 PM] <Guest 15> Something about him is off.
    [9:45:38 PM] <Guest 18> Visser is a liar
    [9:46:10 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I'm Back!
    [9:46:18 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> NG did not give you enough time to finish.
    [9:46:31 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Did I Miss WilliamB?
    [9:46:46 PM] <Guest 15> Visser reminds me of the type of character that Steve Buscemi always plays.
    [9:46:53 PM] <Guest 15> An incompetent con artist.
    [9:47:03 PM] <nwfcomrade> lol
    [9:47:07 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Nucky Thompson?
    [9:47:09 PM] <Guest 16> Esau turned out like Mad Marty. LOL!
    [9:47:40 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Boardwalk Empire is on Tonight!
    [9:47:42 PM] Guest 18 has left the chat
    [9:47:52 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Download from Pirate Bay!
    [9:48:18 PM] <Guest 16> Visser can still preach a pretty decent sermon how many have you and tonto preached marty?
    [9:48:45 PM] <Guest 15> Visser doesn't practice what he preaches.
    [9:49:30 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Is Swordmamzer in the house?
    [9:49:42 PM] Guest 19 is logged into the chat
    [9:50:43 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Eli James is a phony
    [9:51:09 PM] <Guest 7> 16 is bryan Wright
    [9:52:56 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Frankenwhigger, Is Pirate Bay safe to use? It was at one time, But still?
    [9:53:05 PM] <Guest 15> No, it's not.
    [9:53:16 PM] <Guest 15> Torrents aren't safe if you live in the US.
    [9:53:31 PM] <Guest 15> I'm not sure what other countries have laws like the DMCA.
    [9:53:38 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Too bad. I like the UFC for free
    [9:53:53 PM] Guest 20 is logged into the chat
    [9:53:59 PM] <Guest 15> Usenet is safe if you go with a provider that has encrypted servers.
    [9:54:12 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> How do I do that?
    [9:54:20 PM] <Guest 16> neither does Marty
    [9:54:27 PM] <Guest 15> Do a search for Usenet providers and pick one.
    [9:55:22 PM] <Guest 15> use a site like to find stuff.
    [9:55:27 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> I will. Limewire rocked
    [9:55:35 PM] <Guest 16> Bowel Movement: Roxie took a shit and poopy dog ate then licked Mad Marty's face. Now he has poopy dog face.
    [9:55:41 PM] ElamStoltzfus has left the chat
    [9:56:13 PM] ElamStoltzfus is logged into the chat
    [9:56:26 PM] <Guest 16> Marty fucked Greek whores while in the army
    [9:56:32 PM] Guest 21 is logged into the chat
    [9:56:44 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Usenet here:
    [9:57:06 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [9:57:12 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [9:57:13 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [9:57:14 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [9:57:14 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [9:57:33 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [9:57:34 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [9:57:43 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [9:57:44 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [9:57:45 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lin
    [9:57:47 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [9:57:50 PM] <nwfcomrade> Can you play Mona's theme song before she calls in?
    [9:57:52 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [9:57:53 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [9:57:53 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [9:58:49 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [9:58:50 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [9:58:50 PM] <nwfcomrade>
    [9:58:51 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [9:58:53 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [9:58:55 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [9:58:58 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [9:59:39 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [9:59:40 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [9:59:41 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [9:59:42 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [9:59:43 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [9:59:44 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [9:59:44 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [9:59:45 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [9:59:46 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [9:59:48 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:01:01 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:01:03 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:01:04 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:01:05 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:01:06 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:01:08 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:01:10 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:01:13 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:02:06 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:02:07 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:02:08 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:02:08 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:02:10 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:02:13 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:02:15 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:02:17 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:02:17 PM] <nwfcomrade> wow
    [10:02:18 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:03:31 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:03:32 PM] <Guest 21> v
    [10:03:33 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:03:36 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:03:38 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:03:41 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:04:16 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:04:17 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerv
    [10:04:18 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:04:20 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:04:22 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:04:25 PM] <Guest 21> vPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:04:26 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:04:27 PM] <Guest 21> v
    [10:04:28 PM] <Guest 21> vPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:04:29 PM] <Guest 21> v
    [10:04:30 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:04:30 PM] <Guest 21> v
    [10:04:31 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:04:32 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:04:35 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:07:23 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:07:24 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:07:27 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:07:31 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:07:33 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:07:34 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:07:35 PM] <Guest 21> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
    [10:07:36 PM] Guest 21 has left the chat
    [10:08:47 PM] <Frankenwhigger> My ISP provider justs Forwards the DMCA complaints to me and I ignore them!
    [10:08:48 PM] <nwfcomrade> Pastor, can we play Mona's theme song before she calls in?
    [10:08:51 PM] <nwfcomrade>
    [10:08:54 PM] <nwfcomrade> Please?
    [10:08:57 PM] Guest 20 has left the chat
    [10:08:58 PM] <nwfcomrade> Dang, I'm too late!
    [10:08:59 PM] <Guest 15> If you torrent, you should subscribe to a VPN in Russia.
    [10:09:00 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The DMCA and Righthaven have had their asses handed to them in several Lawsuits!
    [10:09:01 PM] <Guest 15> They don't honor DMCA complaints.
    [10:09:02 PM] Guest 22 is logged into the chat
    [10:09:05 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The Last DMCA complaint I received reflected that!
    [10:11:36 PM] Guest 23 is logged into the chat
    [10:11:39 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Supreme Court ruled last month that downloading music is not a DMCA violation!
    [10:11:42 PM] Mass1488 is logged into the chat
    [10:12:13 PM] Mass1488 has left the chat
    [10:12:15 PM] Guest 24 is logged into the chat
    [10:12:18 PM] Guest 19 has left the chat
    [10:12:59 PM] Mass1488 is logged into the chat
    [10:13:01 PM] <Mass1488> lol blocked guests
    [10:13:02 PM] <Frankenwhigger> But, I agree with you #15 that a Usenet is the best method!
    [10:13:05 PM] <Mass1488> wtf
    [10:13:08 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin unblock #15!!
    [10:13:11 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Frankenwhigger, I used mediaget. they are good for everything but movies. Got contacted a while back. Ignored it. No further problems.
    [10:13:13 PM] <nwfcomrade> Somebody came in and started chat spamming, that's what the fuck.
    [10:13:14 PM] Guest 25 is logged into the chat
    [10:13:16 PM] <Mass1488> i guess the secret link is out
    [10:13:19 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Elam. Yeah, I used to get threatening DMCA complaints all the Time. Now, the last I received Politely asked me to stop sharing!
    [10:15:30 PM] <Frankenwhigger> And I did because they polite about!
    [10:15:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> And I did because they were polite about it !
    [10:15:36 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Only movies though. Nothing else.
    [10:15:39 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I had downloaded the Movie "Super 8".
    [10:15:41 PM] Guest 5 has left the chat
    [10:15:44 PM] <Frankenwhigger> They politely asked me to stop sharing the Movie and I did.
    [10:15:45 PM] Guest 22 has left the chat
    [10:15:47 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Never had a problem with porn or UFC
    [10:15:49 PM] Guest 26 is logged into the chat
    [10:18:02 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I do not have any Television , where I Live. So, I have to download any entertainment!
    [10:18:07 PM] <Mass1488> thank you guest 21
    [10:18:10 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Sorry to hear
    [10:18:11 PM] Guest 24 has left the chat
    [10:18:36 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I will be downloading Dexter, Boardwalk Empire, Underbelly and Pan Am tonight!
    [10:18:37 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Good thing ufc 138 was live on spike last night
    [10:18:39 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Like Crime Dramas.
    [10:18:42 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Breaking Bad is the ShitZ!!
    [10:18:45 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Can you get Satellite?
    [10:18:47 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Nope can't get satellite either!
    [10:19:38 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Live in a Valley and can't target the satellite.
    [10:19:39 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Dam, Had Sat phone in Iraq and Afgahn
    [10:19:43 PM] Guest 7 has left the chat
    [10:19:48 PM] <Mass1488> did the talksjew link get out
    [10:20:16 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Reo can't pass the Paper bag test.
    [10:20:17 PM] <Frankenwhigger> 92% of the World's Population is Jew. The Books of enoch tells us that Satan Mixed with all the People of the earth. So, if Satan fell to earth 73,000
    [10:20:20 PM] Guest 9 has left the chat
    [10:20:25 PM] <Frankenwhigger> years ago and was race-mixing all that time, it would be safe to say that all the Non-white world is Jew!
    [10:20:26 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Pastor, What do you think of Harold Camping?
    [10:20:27 PM] Guest 26 has left the chat
    [10:21:30 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Stan Mixed the Enosh with the Fallen, Animals and then each other! This why there are people in Asia with Tails and Growing Horns.
    [10:21:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Satan!!
    [10:21:35 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Satan Mixed the Enosh with the Fallen, Animals and then each other! This why there are people in Asia with Tails and Growing Horns.
    [10:21:39 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> LOL
    [10:21:42 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Stan is guilty of much, but not everything.
    [10:21:44 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
    [10:22:33 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> wow
    [10:22:34 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
    [10:22:35 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Many of the Asiatics were Mixed with Monkeys and Goats!
    [10:22:51 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Many of the ancient "gods" were Half Enosh and Half Goat/Bull/Horse.
    [10:22:55 PM] Guest 27 is logged into the chat
    [10:22:58 PM] <Frankenwhigger> If a Chinaman Lives Long enough and does not have any fresh DNA , they revert back to Apes and Goats! As Evidenced by the Pictures.
    [10:23:10 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> In essence, They are now engaging in cannibalism.
    [10:23:17 PM] Guest 28 is logged into the chat
    [10:23:23 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The Chinese are JEWS!
    [10:24:07 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
    [10:26:20 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> The chief prince of Meshek
    [10:26:33 PM] <Mass1488> Russians are aryan though
    [10:28:59 PM] <nwfcomrade> Is my chat dead? I think my chat is dead...
    [10:29:17 PM] nwfcomrade has left the chat
    [10:29:32 PM] nwfcomrade is logged into the chat
    [10:29:48 PM] <Mass1488> who is amalek
    [10:30:12 PM] Guest 28 has left the chat

    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 11-16-2011, 04:32 PM.
    I am The Librarian


    • #32
      TMT #95 Chat -- 6Nov11 Pt2

      TMT #95 Chat -- 6Nov11 Pt2

      This is [some] of the chat for The Movement Turd Episode #95 - Mamzerology & Mamzer Studies of 6Nov11. The chat was disrupted by a 'spamming' NimBuster or PisserPossum Troll, who forced me to fire up another computer to try to save the chat session and to block all the guests for a half hour. This is what inevitably happens when you have disruptive mamzers get into White areas is disruption and chaos.

      The purpose of sneaking back to Talksjew is so that there can be anonymous chat by guests. Tards is what makes the Turd roar. However, tards can be quite disruptive simply because of being schizo mamzers suffering from Peter Dunkin'.

      Initially the Toshiba #2 clock was set two hours late. I changed the clock settings around 11:03 pm.

      Guest 25 is logged into the chat
      [9:58:49 PM] PastorLindstedt is logged into the chat
      [7:58:49 PM] ElamStoltzfus is logged into the chat
      [7:58:49 PM] Guest 5 is logged into the chat
      [7:58:49 PM] monamontgomery is logged into the chat
      [7:58:49 PM] TrashCanMan72 is logged into the chat
      [7:58:49 PM] Guest 7 is logged into the chat
      [7:58:49 PM] caman is logged into the chat
      [7:58:49 PM] Guest 9 is logged into the chat
      [7:58:49 PM] nwfcomrade is logged into the chat
      [7:58:49 PM] PastorLindstedt is on the call
      [7:58:49 PM] Guest 10 is logged into the chat
      [7:58:49 PM] Frankenwhigger is logged into the chat
      [7:58:49 PM] Guest 15 is logged into the chat
      [7:58:49 PM] Guest 16 is logged into the chat
      [7:58:49 PM] Guest 17 is logged into the chat
      [7:58:49 PM] Guest 22 is logged into the chat
      [7:58:49 PM] Guest 23 is logged into the chat
      [7:58:50 PM] Mass1488 is logged into the chat
      [7:58:50 PM] Guest 24 is logged into the chat
      [9:58:53 PM] <Mass1488> i guess the secret link is out
      [9:59:31 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Elam. Yeah, I used to get threatening DMCA complaints all the Time. Now, the last I received Politely asked me to stop sharing!
      [7:59:59 PM] <Frankenwhigger> And I did because they polite about!
      [8:00:19 PM] <Frankenwhigger> And I did because they were polite about it !
      [8:00:26 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Only movies though. Nothing else.
      [8:00:39 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I had downloaded the Movie "Super 8".
      [8:01:13 PM] Guest 5 has left the chat
      [8:01:18 PM] <Frankenwhigger> They politely asked me to stop sharing the Movie and I did.
      [8:01:24 PM] Guest 22 has left the chat
      [8:01:44 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Never had a problem with porn or UFC
      [8:01:55 PM] Guest 26 is logged into the chat
      [8:02:16 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I do not have any Television , where I Live. So, I have to download any entertainment!
      [8:02:20 PM] <Mass1488> thank you guest 21
      [8:02:44 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Sorry to hear
      [8:02:50 PM] Guest 24 has left the chat
      [8:02:54 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I will be downloading Dexter, Boardwalk Empire, Underbelly and Pan Am tonight!
      [8:03:30 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Good thing ufc 138 was live on spike last night
      [8:03:58 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Like Crime Dramas.
      [8:04:14 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Breaking Bad is the ShitZ!!
      [8:04:28 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Can you get Satellite?
      [8:04:46 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Nope can't get satellite either!
      [8:05:10 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Live in a Valley and can't target the satellite.
      [8:05:14 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Dam, Had Sat phone in Iraq and Afgahn
      [8:06:12 PM] Guest 7 has left the chat
      [8:06:41 PM] <Mass1488> did the talksjew link get out
      [8:10:20 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Reo can't pass the Paper bag test.
      [8:12:35 PM] <Frankenwhigger> 92% of the World's Population is Jew. The Books of enoch tells us that Satan Mixed with all the People of the earth. So, if Satan fell to earth 73,000
      [8:12:52 PM] Guest 9 has left the chat
      [8:13:14 PM] <Frankenwhigger> years ago and was race-mixing all that time, it would be safe to say that all the Non-white world is Jew!
      [8:13:14 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Pastor, What do you think of Harold Camping?
      [8:13:15 PM] Guest 26 has left the chat
      [8:14:17 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Stan Mixed the Enosh with the Fallen, Animals and then each other! This why there are people in Asia with Tails and Growing Horns.
      [8:14:31 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Satan!!
      [8:14:39 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Satan Mixed the Enosh with the Fallen, Animals and then each other! This why there are people in Asia with Tails and Growing Horns.
      [8:14:42 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> LOL
      [8:15:17 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Stan is guilty of much, but not everything.
      [8:15:52 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
      [8:16:27 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> wow
      [8:16:34 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
      [8:17:00 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Many of the Asiatics were Mixed with Monkeys and Goats!
      [8:18:19 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Many of the ancient "gods" were Half Enosh and Half Goat/Bull/Horse.
      [8:18:22 PM] Guest 27 is logged into the chat
      [8:19:17 PM] <Frankenwhigger> If a Chinaman Lives Long enough and does not have any fresh DNA , they revert back to Apes and Goats! As Evidenced by the Pictures.
      [8:19:17 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> In essence, They are now engaging in cannibalism.
      [8:19:55 PM] Guest 28 is logged into the chat
      [8:20:11 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The Chinese are JEWS!
      [8:21:29 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
      [8:23:42 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> The chief prince of Meshek
      [8:23:54 PM] <Mass1488> Russians are aryan though
      [8:26:21 PM] <nwfcomrade> Is my chat dead? I think my chat is dead...
      [8:26:39 PM] nwfcomrade has left the chat
      [8:26:54 PM] nwfcomrade is logged into the chat
      [8:27:09 PM] <Mass1488> who is amalek
      [8:27:34 PM] Guest 28 has left the chat
      [8:28:13 PM] Guest 29 is logged into the chat
      [8:28:26 PM] Guest 23 has left the chat
      [8:28:49 PM] Guest 29 has left the chat
      [8:29:18 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Donny the Punk was NOT a amalekite.
      [8:29:20 PM] Guest 30 is logged into the chat
      [8:29:30 PM] <Frankenwhigger> WELCOME BACK!!! #15!!
      [8:29:54 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Pastor, What do you think of Harold Camping?
      [8:30:04 PM] <Mass1488> so hittites are the azkenazi and the sons of esau and the hittites are the sephardim
      [8:31:13 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Pastor, What do you think of Harold Camping?
      [8:31:32 PM] Guest 15 has left the chat
      [8:32:11 PM] Guest 31 is logged into the chat
      [8:32:37 PM] <Guest 27> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:32:39 PM] <Guest 27>

      [8:32:39 PM] <Guest 27>
      [8:32:40 PM] <Guest 27>
      [8:32:43 PM] <Guest 27> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:32:43 PM] <Guest 27> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:32:44 PM] <Guest 27> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:32:44 PM] <Guest 27> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:32:44 PM] <Guest 27> v
      [8:32:44 PM] <Guest 27> v
      [8:32:45 PM] <Guest 27> v
      [8:32:45 PM] <Guest 27> v
      [8:32:45 PM] <Guest 27> vvv
      [8:32:46 PM] <Guest 27> v
      [8:32:46 PM] <Guest 27> v
      [8:32:46 PM] <Guest 27> v
      [8:32:47 PM] <Guest 27> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzerv
      [8:32:48 PM] <Guest 27> vPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:32:48 PM] <Guest 27> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:32:48 PM] <Guest 27> v
      [8:32:49 PM] <Guest 27> v
      [8:32:49 PM] <Guest 27> v
      [8:32:50 PM] <Guest 27> v
      [8:32:50 PM] <Guest 27> v
      [8:32:50 PM] <Guest 27> v
      [8:32:50 PM] <Guest 27> v
      [8:32:50 PM] <Guest 27> vv
      [8:32:51 PM] <Guest 27> v
      [8:32:51 PM] <Guest 27> v
      [8:32:51 PM] <Guest 27> v
      [8:32:52 PM] <Guest 27> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:32:53 PM] <Guest 27> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:32:53 PM] <Guest 27> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:32:54 PM] <Guest 27> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:32:55 PM] <Guest 27> v
      [8:32:56 PM] <Guest 27> v
      [8:32:56 PM] <Guest 27> v
      [8:32:56 PM] <Guest 27> v
      [8:32:57 PM] <Guest 27> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:32:58 PM] <Guest 27> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:32:59 PM] <Guest 27> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:00 PM] <Guest 27> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:02 PM] <Guest 27> v
      [8:33:02 PM] <Guest 27> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:02 PM] <Guest 27> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:03 PM] <Guest 27> v
      [8:33:03 PM] <Guest 27> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:04 PM] <Guest 27> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:05 PM] <Guest 27> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:06 PM] <Guest 27> v
      [8:33:06 PM] <Guest 27> v
      [8:33:08 PM] <Guest 27> v
      [8:33:09 PM] <Guest 27> v
      [8:33:09 PM] <Guest 27> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:12 PM] Guest 27 has left the chat
      [8:33:23 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> UF at work
      [8:33:28 PM] Guest 32 is logged into the chat
      [8:33:32 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:33 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:33 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:33 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:34 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:34 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:35 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:35 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:35 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:36 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:36 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:36 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:37 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:37 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:38 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:39 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:39 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:33:39 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:39 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:40 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:40 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:41 PM] <Guest 32> vPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:41 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:42 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:42 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:33:42 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:33:43 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:44 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:45 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:45 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerv
      [8:33:46 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzerv
      [8:33:46 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:33:47 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:47 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:33:47 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:33:48 PM] <Mass1488> lol
      [8:33:48 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:48 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:48 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:33:49 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:33:49 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:33:49 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:33:50 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:51 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:33:51 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:33:51 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:02 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Fuck UF
      [8:34:07 PM] <Guest 32> nimbussters
      [8:34:09 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:09 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:10 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:10 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:10 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:11 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:11 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:11 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:12 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:12 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:13 PM] <Guest 32> vPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:13 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:14 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:15 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:15 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:15 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:15 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:16 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:16 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:17 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:17 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:18 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:19 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:20 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:21 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:21 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:22 PM] <Guest 32> vvv
      [8:34:23 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:24 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:24 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Fuck UF
      [8:34:25 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:26 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:27 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:27 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:28 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:29 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:29 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:30 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:31 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:32 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:34 PM] <Guest 32> vPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:35 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:36 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:37 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:37 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:38 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:39 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:40 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:41 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:42 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:44 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:45 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:45 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:45 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:46 PM] <Guest 32> vPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:46 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:46 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:47 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:47 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:47 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:48 PM] <Guest 32> vPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:48 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:48 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:49 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:49 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:50 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:51 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:51 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerv
      [8:34:51 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:52 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:52 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:52 PM] <Guest 32> vPastor Lindstedt is a mamzerv
      [8:34:53 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:53 PM] <Guest 32> v
      [8:34:53 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzerPastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:54 PM] <Guest 32> Pastor Lindstedt is a mamzer
      [8:34:59 PM] <Guest 32> NIMBUSTGERS
      [8:35:04 PM] Guest 32 has left the chat
      [8:35:07 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> UF must DIE
      [8:35:51 PM] <Guest 31> I was #15.
      [8:35:52 PM] <Guest 31> Had to rejoin.
      [8:36:07 PM] <Frankenwhigger> GEEEZZ!!
      [8:36:25 PM] <nwfcomrade> Damn spammers.
      [8:38:54 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> FUCK UF
      [8:39:07 PM] Guest 33 is logged into the chat
      [8:43:07 PM] <Mass1488> during the tribulations will there be nuclear weapons used
      [8:43:11 PM] <nwfcomrade> Did she really just ask that?
      [8:43:14 PM] <Mass1488> to achieve atomic victory
      [8:43:23 PM] <Mass1488> cleveland must diiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      [8:44:25 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Red legs. 13 series
      [8:45:38 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Dude, That's old tec
      [8:47:49 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> *th bag. Replaced by RAP. Rocket assisted Projectile. 41 mile max range.
      [8:48:32 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> The 205 MM arty rocked.
      [8:49:05 PM] Mass1488 has left the chat
      [8:51:26 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> A UF CREATion
      [8:51:47 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Fuck UF
      [8:52:12 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> AKA Tokoloshe man
      [8:53:09 PM] Guest 30 has left the chat
      [8:54:29 PM] <nwfcomrade> Do it, Pastor! I hear (from HAC) that lulu can be hard to deal with (for technical reasons) but I'd buy the book if you wrote it.
      [8:55:18 PM] <nwfcomrade> If Visser pulls it off, then it may not be so hard. I was talking with HAC in person yesterday and he was having issues with them.
      [8:55:24 PM] <nwfcomrade> Things like formatting and pagination, etc.
      [8:55:34 PM] caman has left the chat
      [8:55:43 PM] <nwfcomrade> Though, he picked up another version of the white book and was showing it off to us before he sent links out yesterday.
      [8:55:56 PM] <nwfcomrade> Hang on, logging out and back in for chat reasons.
      [8:55:58 PM] nwfcomrade has left the chat
      [8:56:07 PM] nwfcomrade is logged into the chat
      [8:59:07 PM] PastorLindstedt has left the chat
      [9:01:06 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Harold Camping said the end of the world was May 21 2011

      I went and changed the clock settings on Toshiba #2 which were two hours late to reflect the actual time. Toshiba #2 had to be activated in order to check out whether the spammer was still spamming or not while Toshiba #1 was trying to catch up.

      [11:03:47 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> 12.00 est
      [11:06:38 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Chat Screen Keeps "flickering". Is that the Assclown Guest trying to jack the chat?
      [11:07:41 PM] PastorLindstedt is logged into the chat
      [11:09:00 PM] <ElamStoltzfus> Good night all. Work tomorrow.
      [11:09:04 PM] ElamStoltzfus has left the chat
      [11:09:58 PM] Frankenwhigger has left the chat
      [11:11:54 PM] <Guest 31> The admin of Nimbusters offered to host your Movement Turd archive if you're having Reo problems.
      [11:12:10 PM] Poopy Dawg is logged into the chat
      [11:12:13 PM] <Guest 31> This was back when you moved it off the main page.
      [11:13:11 PM] monamontgomery has left the chat
      [11:13:12 PM] monamontgomery is logged into the chat
      [11:17:30 PM] nwfcomrade has left the chat
      [11:19:14 PM] ElamStoltzfus is logged into the chat
      [11:21:09 PM] Guest 34 is logged into the chat
      [11:23:51 PM] ElamStoltzfus has left the chat
      [11:24:19 PM] <Guest 31> Eustace was celibate.
      [11:24:28 PM] <Guest 31> That's what someone who knew him said.
      [11:25:00 PM] nwfcomrade is logged into the chat
      [11:25:26 PM] <nwfcomrade> Why in the heck does Talksjew give me so many problems with chat and no issues with audio?
      [11:26:47 PM] <Guest 34> Hadding stalks white activists who run afoul of him
      [11:27:58 PM] <nwfcomrade> That's an understatement.
      [11:28:24 PM] <Guest 34> There was a Rabang Miller character in The Brigade. Fortunately, she didn't last too long. LOL!
      [11:29:24 PM] <Guest 31> Glen Miller has been damaged goods since the '80s.
      [11:29:41 PM] <Guest 31> Anyone who hasn't listened to guys like Metzger deserve what they get.
      [11:31:55 PM] <nwfcomrade> This "Brief History" document is too much fun. It's just too bad there isn't documentation or I could just tell all the Creatards to go fuck off!
      [11:32:39 PM] <Guest 31> Reo is head smart, but he has no emotional intelligence.
      [11:32:45 PM] <Guest 31> An obvious aspie.
      [11:36:08 PM] <Guest 31> James is dry and boring.
      [11:37:21 PM] <Guest 34> Eli James had one good show where he interviewed Cyndi Steele, but his next show reverted to dry and boring once again.
      [11:38:49 PM] <Guest 31> I don't understand why she would go on his show.
      [11:39:09 PM] <Guest 31> I didn't know that he had any clout.
      [11:39:34 PM] <Guest 34> She wants to get her husband's story out by any means necessary. I can't blame her.
      [11:40:25 PM] <Guest 34> Eli James had enough clout to show up at the NSM's Milwaukee rally and at the subsequent Aryan Nations Congress that was raided by the Feds.
      [11:40:54 PM] <Guest 31> At this point, anyone who has the spare time to show up at a rally becomes a major figure.
      [11:42:35 PM] <Guest 31> Didn't he admit to calling the FBI on Martin?
      [11:48:42 PM] Frankenwhigger is logged into the chat
      [11:51:05 PM] Guest 35 is logged into the chat
      [11:51:50 PM] Guest 36 is logged into the chat
      [11:53:12 PM] <Guest 16> Marty & Moana are on the same wavelength. Moana wants to Mount Marty's 8-inch Roxie approves.
      [11:53:42 PM] Guest 37 is logged into the chat
      [11:55:02 PM] nwfcomrade has left the chat
      [11:55:14 PM] Guest 38 is logged into the chat
      [11:55:36 PM] <Guest 31> Mona likes Fink's unibrowed pet monkey.
      [11:56:11 PM] <Guest 31> Diana Svenghoullie.
      [11:56:17 PM] <Guest 16> Mona wants to Mount marty's monkey,
      [11:56:59 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Spingola?
      [11:59:23 PM] <Guest 38> is it over/
      [11:59:26 PM] <Guest 38> /?
      [11:59:40 PM] <Guest 38> is volume on/
      [11:59:43 PM] <Guest 38> ?
      [11:59:55 PM] <Guest 31> That's my problem with Eli James.
      [11:59:57 PM] Guest 39 is logged into the chat
      [12:00:37 AM] <Guest 31> He bitches about ZOG but he uses them to silence other white men.
      [12:01:48 AM] Guest 35 has left the chat
      [12:02:05 AM] Guest 31 has left the chat
      [12:02:08 AM] <Guest 39> Bryan Reo is the biggest homo in CI
      [12:03:46 AM] Guest 36 has left the chat
      [12:05:11 AM] Guest 37 has left the chat
      [12:05:30 AM] <Guest 39> Fink is a closet fag
      [12:06:22 AM] <Guest 39> Fink and Bryan are but pirates
      [12:07:00 AM] Guest 33 has left the chat
      [12:07:13 AM] <Guest 39> do what i say not what i do
      [12:07:40 AM] <Guest 39> he's a bum
      [12:07:51 AM] <Guest 39> get a freakin job bill fink
      [12:08:14 AM] <Guest 39> support your 6 kids
      [12:09:58 AM] Guest 38 has left the chat
      [12:10:41 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Value Meal Christianity?!?!?!?! Can I Super-Size that?!?!?!
      [12:16:37 AM] nwfcomrade is logged into the chat
      [12:16:58 AM] <nwfcomrade> This show is still LULZY, btw.
      [12:17:06 AM] Poopy Dawg has left the chat
      [12:25:49 AM] monamontgomery has left the chat
      [12:30:03 AM] Guest 34 has left the chat
      [12:40:46 AM] <nwfcomrade> Lulzier and lulzier, said NWF.
      [12:41:22 AM] nwfcomrade has left the chat
      [12:41:35 AM] nwfcomrade is logged into the chat
      [12:42:06 AM] <Frankenwhigger> GEEEZZZZ!
      [12:42:13 AM] <nwfcomrade> If you say so,Mona.
      [12:42:42 AM] <nwfcomrade> Mona, I think every man in this chat suspects your "knowledge."
      [12:43:02 AM] <Frankenwhigger> "Jesus" was not a "Man"!! He was Yahweh incarnate!
      [12:43:45 AM] <nwfcomrade> WOW
      [12:43:48 AM] <nwfcomrade> JUST WOW
      [12:44:05 AM] <nwfcomrade> HOLY HELL this is funny
      [12:44:41 AM] <nwfcomrade> I wasn't aware white people evolved.
      [12:44:45 AM] <Frankenwhigger>
      [12:44:46 AM] <nwfcomrade> Good to know.
      [12:45:35 AM] <nwfcomrade> I don't especially hate muslims.
      [12:45:38 AM] <nwfcomrade> But whatever.
      [12:49:16 AM] <nwfcomrade> our hypothetical "little nigger" doesn't have the biological capacity to choose to be part of a "better order" and always chooses to rebel.
      [12:49:26 AM] <nwfcomrade> See history, specifically "March of the Titans"
      [12:50:00 AM] Guest 10 has left the chat
      [1:02:38 AM] <nwfcomrade> Pastor, I'll have to disagree with you. I don't know where the Satanic seedline came in, but "seeing your father's nakedness" is a Hebrew idiom
      [1:02:51 AM] <nwfcomrade> meaning "to have sex with your father's wife"
      [1:03:16 AM] <Frankenwhigger> You are correct nwf!!
      [1:03:17 AM] <nwfcomrade> The scriptures clearly state Ham had sex with his mother.
      [1:03:39 AM] <nwfcomrade> As to the issue of the Satanic seedline, that's a very good question. I'll have to research that once.
      [1:03:41 AM] <nwfcomrade> *that one
      [1:03:50 AM] <Frankenwhigger> The Book of Enoch Tells us that Noah and His Sons married the Daughters of Enoch!!
      [1:04:07 AM] <nwfcomrade> Pastor, if you follow Swift's material, niggers were made on another planet by Satan.
      [1:04:33 AM] <nwfcomrade> That "stupid shit" is Swift. Granted, he's following his own interpretation of the old Annunaki material, but that's a whole other issue.
      [1:05:03 AM] Guest 17 has left the chat
      [1:05:11 AM] Guest 16 has left the chat
      [1:05:29 AM] <nwfcomrade> Also worth noting: our current "Asiatics" are likely satanic breeding attempts and the original "men" of this planet (i.e. REAL pre-adamites) ...
      [1:05:37 AM] <nwfcomrade> ... likely don't exist anymore.
      [1:05:58 AM] <nwfcomrade> But that's some theory I've only heard brief bits of and I don't know if it's true or not.
      [1:08:29 AM] Guest 40 is logged into the chat
      [1:12:00 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Audio?!?!?!
      [1:12:13 AM] <Frankenwhigger> NO SOUND!!!
      [1:12:26 AM] nwfcomrade has left the chat
      [1:12:36 AM] nwfcomrade is logged into the chat
      [1:12:49 AM] <nwfcomrade> Yeah, no sound.
      [1:12:50 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Goodnight all and Yahweh Bless!!!
      [1:12:57 AM] <nwfcomrade> Later.
      [1:13:05 AM] <nwfcomrade> I need to go to bed anyhow.
      [1:13:08 AM] nwfcomrade has left the chat
      [1:13:17 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Show has been on for what? 4 Hours?!?!?! Time Limit?!?!?!?
      [1:13:24 AM] Frankenwhigger has left the chat
      [1:14:47 AM] Guest 39 has left the chat
      [1:26:20 AM] Guest 40 has left the chat
      [1:26:20 AM] Guest 40 has left the chat
      [1:29:33 AM] <PastorLindstedt> Hail Victory!!!
      [1:33:31 AM] TrashCanMan72 has left the chat
      [1:35:43 AM] TrashCanMan72 is logged into the chat
      [1:43:16 AM] TrashCanMan72 has left the chat
      [1:44:12 AM] TrashCanMan72 is logged into the chat
      [1:45:33 AM] TrashCanMan72 has left the chat

      Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 11-16-2011, 05:51 PM.
      I am The Librarian


      • #33
        TMT -- Episode #95.5 - No matter how delusional, jews, mamzers and ZOGbots playing DSCI know that they are evil -- 10Nov11

        The Movement Turd

        November 10, 2011

        The Word as Heard on the Turd

        TMT -- Episode #95.5 - No matter how delusional, jews, mamzers and ZOGbots playing DSCI know that they are evil -- 10Nov11
        Time: November 10, 2011 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM CST

        TMT -- Episode #95.5 - No matter how delusional, jews, mamzers and ZOGbots playing DSCI know that they are evil -- 10Nov11

        Episode Notes:

        What is hilarious is throughout my trolling of the chat rooms on Talksjew of the sundry 'Wikipedia-Talksjew CI' wandering jews and mamzers playing Christian Identity, in almost each and every case the jews and mamzers who run and support these frauds are able to detect an errant Aryan making fun and ridicule of them. Why? Because they actually know that they are indeed jews and/or mamzers and they know full well that they don't belong and that the genuine article will run them off sho'enuff.

        For example, last night on the jewboy Dan Johns Talksjew show, I was trolling away when Dan Johns said that his computer froze up and that as a result the serial polygamist jewboy wouldn't be able to block/censor/ban the Aryan trolls who were gathered to ridicule Dan Johns and Kommandork McFagg, also known as SonoftheMist and as Steve Elder and as Steve Schultz, Harold Covington's flag maker given that Stevie Tubal-kenite Pictish jewboy is a hardcore unemployable delusional jewboy with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS. So McFagg learns that there is going to be a steady five minutes of trolling unable to be censored by Dan Johns. So what did Kommandork McFagg/McBragg/Steve Elder-Schultz do? Why Steviekike immediately spammed the chatroom so that if Dan Johns' computer was overwhelmed, so too would be that of the trolls. Luckily I have three computers and was able to open up enough browsers to save the overflow:

        Originally posted by McFagg floods Dan Johns Chatroom

        [8:20:28 PM] <Guest 31> Why is my ass-hole bleeding?
        [8:20:33 PM] Guest 31 has left the chat
        [8:20:36 PM] <Commander00McBragg> Pastor Dan, please mute all guests?
        [8:20:46 PM] <Guest 25> even me commander?
        [8:20:49 PM] Guest 32 is logged into the chat
        [8:21:02 PM] <Commander00McBragg> Yes you too 25, get a handle
        [8:21:14 PM] <Guest 25> I told you what happened above
        [8:21:57 PM] <Commander00McBragg> I don;t care, get a handle
        [8:21:58 PM] <Guest 28> YAHWEH= BITCH
        [8:22:17 PM] <Commander00McBragg> No whiners
        [8:22:19 PM] <Guest 28> .
        [8:22:34 PM] <Guest 32> What is hilarious is that McFagg and Dan Johns, being jews, are playing being Aryan Israelites and unable to answer the real questions about being jew
        [8:22:37 PM] <Commander00McBragg> Pastor Dan please mute all guests
        [8:22:39 PM] <Guest 32> [8:50:17 PM] <Legalman2012> I know Commander has it. But his never got severe cause he took care of it while it was in a mild form
        [8:22:40 PM] <erock35> chat with you soon commander thanks you for the good chat today and telling about this show great show.
        [8:22:42 PM] Guest 32 has left the chat

        And just as Commandork McFagg/Steve Elder/Schultz gets more and more frantic about the numerous trolls and begging more and more for censorsheep, Serial Polygamist Jersey jewboy Dan Johns announces that his computer is locked up and it will take at least five minutes to reboot before censorsheep of trolls can commence.

        What Commandork McFagg did next reveals what a clever jewboy, even with Crohns/jew ass-cancer can do when the head hebe reveals that the Aryan trolls are about to strike. . . . .

        . . . . McFagg immediately nukes the Talksjew chatroom by doing some Masada spamming!!!!

        Didn't know that jewboy had it in it.!!!

        McFagg is as goofy and psychotic and delusional a jewboy with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS as ever spawned, but sometimes it has all the cunning of a kike rat. This night McFagg would save Dan Johns's chat room as I had a choice of spamming or trying to save the chat I had on Toshiba #1 and Compaq #1.

        [8:22:44 PM] <Commander00McBragg> `
        [8:22:45 PM] <Commander00McBragg> `
        [8:22:46 PM] <Commander00McBragg> `
        [8:22:46 PM] <Commander00McBragg> `
        [8:22:47 PM] <Commander00McBragg> `

        Cuntinued from Part 1
        : Commandork McFagg cum-cums through for Dan Johns, jewboy Serial Polygamist . . . .

        [8:22:19 PM] <Guest 28> .
        [8:22:34 PM] <Guest 32> What is hilarious is that McFagg and Dan Johns, being jews, are playing being Aryan Israelites and unable to answer the real questions about being jew
        [8:22:37 PM] <Commander00McBragg> Pastor Dan please mute all guests
        [8:22:39 PM] <Guest 32> [8:50:17 PM] <Legalman2012> I know Commander has it. But his never got severe cause he took care of it while it was in a mild form
        [8:22:40 PM] <erock35> chat with you soon commander thanks you for the good chat today and telling about this show great show.
        [8:22:42 PM] Guest 32 has left the chat
        [8:22:44 PM] <Commander00McBragg> `
        [8:22:45 PM] <Commander00McBragg> `
        [8:22:46 PM] <Commander00McBragg> `
        [8:22:46 PM] <Commander00McBragg> `

        [8:23:14 PM] <Commander00McBragg> `
        [8:23:15 PM] Pastor Dan has left the chat

        Serial Polygamist jewboy leaves as Commandork McFagg spams. For kikes with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS them kikelings can be ratlike clever.

        So, troll using Toshiba #2 or use it to save the chat in a different e-mail?

        [8:23:16 PM] <Commander00McBragg> ``
        [8:23:16 PM] <Commander00McBragg> `

        8:26:19 PM] <Commander00McBragg> `
        [8:26:19 PM] <Commander00McBragg> `
        [8:27:00 PM] MattFromMichigan has left the chat
        [8:27:01 PM] <Guest 28> COMMANDOR MCFAGG IS FLOODING CHAT.
        [8:27:02 PM] <Commander00McBragg> `LOL

        McFagg's imprecatory prayer doesn't work worth a Crohn's kike-shit, but a crazed kike like McFagg sure knows how to fuck shit up when it takes the Masada pizzle between itz snout and lips.

        [8:27:03 PM] <Guest 25> stop flooding
        [8:27:03 PM] <Commander00McBragg> `
        [8:27:04 PM] <Commander00McBragg> `

        [8:44:17 PM] <Commander00McBragg> `
        [8:44:17 PM] <Commander00McBragg> `
        [8:44:18 PM] <Pastor Dan> Test froze up again!
        [8:44:19 PM] <Guest 33> I wish you wouldn't spam while I'm trying to troll.
        [8:45:16 PM] IsraelDNA has left the chat
        [8:45:19 PM] Guest 33 has left the chat
        [8:45:21 PM] Guest 34 is logged into the chat
        [8:45:24 PM] <Commander00McBragg> `Pastor Dan please mute all guests
        [8:45:25 PM] <Guest 25> because bragg was flooding the chat
        [8:45:26 PM] <Guest 25> plz dont
        [8:45:27 PM] <erock35> 28 will have his day.
        [8:47:08 PM] <Guest 25> I don't want to be muted
        [8:47:09 PM] <egerkurt> Good night and Yah bless Pastor Dan and Commander
        [8:47:10 PM] <Commander00McBragg> Get a handle 25 and stop being a coward
        [8:47:10 PM] <Guest 25> I told you I have one
        [8:47:11 PM] <Pastor Dan> Good night Kurt.
        [8:47:12 PM] <Guest 25> I lost my password
        [8:47:13 PM] egerkurt has left the chat
        [8:47:15 PM] <Commander00McBragg> Yahweh bless you brother erock35
        [8:47:15 PM] <Commander00McBragg> A new handle is a 30 second task
        [8:47:16 PM] Guest 28 has left the chat
        [8:48:23 PM] <Pastor Dan> erock35, I hope you enjoyed the program.
        [8:48:24 PM] Guest 35 is logged into the chat
        [8:48:27 PM] <Commander00McBragg> TY Pastor Dan
        [8:48:28 PM] <erock35> you to brother thank you for everything
        [8:48:29 PM] <Astragoth> That was fast!
        [8:48:30 PM] SacredNation has left the chat
        [8:48:31 PM] <Pastor Dan> My honor!
        [8:48:32 PM] <Commander00McBragg> I am here for you brother erock35

        [8:49:53 PM] <Guest 25> Pastor Dan were you on the political cesspool?
        [8:49:54 PM] <Astragoth> Thanks for the show pastor dan
        [8:49:55 PM] The recording has ended.
        [8:49:56 PM] <Pastor Dan> No.
        [8:49:57 PM] Guest 35 has left the chat
        [8:49:58 PM] <Commander00McBragg> Pastor Dan, tonite was Yahweh inspired to the max

        No, McFagg, you kike cocksucker, YHWH had nothing to do with it at all.

        But you did use the power of D-g to outsmart us tonight.

        It was hilarious to observe the antics of the chutz-pathetic, though.

        [8:49:59 PM] Guest 36 is logged into the chat
        [8:50:01 PM] <Guest 36> pastor dan, what shows have you been guests on?
        [8:51:18 PM] Guest 37 is logged into the chat
        [8:51:20 PM] <Guest 37> p dan,what shows have u been guest?
        [8:51:22 PM] <Pastor Dan> None lately.
        [8:51:22 PM] <Guest 37> pastor dan, what shows have u been guests in? we would love to listen to them.
        [8:51:23 PM] <Pastor Dan> I am too controversial, ha.
        [8:51:24 PM] <Guest 37> what about past shows?
        [8:51:25 PM] <erock35> thank you for the great show pastor dan great to be part of it.
        [8:51:26 PM] Guest 34 has left the chat
        [8:52:48 PM] <Pastor Dan> We are honored to have you with us.
        [8:52:49 PM] Guest 38 is logged into the chat
        [8:52:51 PM] <Guest 37> have you been guests on past shows?
        [8:52:52 PM] <Pastor Dan> Long time ago.
        [8:52:53 PM] <Guest 25> Pastor Dan, what do you think of the time value theory of money
        [8:52:54 PM] <Guest 37> i will dig them up, dont worry about links.
        [8:52:55 PM] <Pastor Dan> OK
        [8:52:56 PM] <erock35> i am honored to be here thank you
        [8:52:57 PM] <Pastor Dan> I am not that familiar with it.
        [8:52:58 PM] <Guest 37> can you name 1 show you were guest on?
        [8:56:00 PM] <Pastor Dan> Money is a medium of exchange; that is all.
        [8:56:01 PM] <Guest 25> Pastor Dan I think you are one of the smartest men in the world
        [8:56:02 PM] <Commander00McBragg> Pastor Dan, did you get Broadsword?
        [8:56:03 PM] <Pastor Dan> Wow! I am blushing, LOL.
        [8:56:04 PM] <Pastor Dan> No, not as a MP3, did you send it?
        [8:56:05 PM] <Pastor Dan> When?
        [8:56:06 PM] Guest 39 is logged into the chat
        [8:56:08 PM] <Guest 38> I suppose having Bradley Jenkins and Auggie Kreis wanting to whip your kike ass would have something to do with not wanting to show up in public.
        [8:56:09 PM] Guest 39 has left the chat

        [9:08:15 PM] <Commander00McBragg> Yes Dan, the other day as an MP3
        [9:08:16 PM] <Pastor Dan> I will look again.
        [9:08:17 PM] <Commander00McBragg> Sunday
        [9:08:18 PM] <Pastor Dan> You can't even spell their names right, haha.
        [9:08:19 PM] <Guest 25> Commander, I put my email on here a few shows ago and some dude keeps emailing me saying you have gayids or something
        [9:08:20 PM] <Commander00McBragg> I finally found it as an MP3
        [9:08:21 PM] <Commander00McBragg> Well 25 why do you care what a jew says?
        [9:08:22 PM] <Guest 25> it is a lot of them it is annoying
        [9:08:23 PM] <Pastor Dan> Both of them are cowards who hide behind their underlings. I know who they are!

        I thought that I'd lost the middle of the chat on Compaq #1, but I got it saved later when I reloaded it from hibernation.

        The end was from Toshiba #2.


        [8:32:12 PM] <Pastor Dan> Both of them are cowards who hide behind their underlings. I know who they are!

        [8:32:26 PM] <Commander00McBragg> Block them , you will find peace lol
        [8:32:33 PM] <Pastor Dan> They have been outed by other groups already.
        [8:32:33 PM] <erock35> thats what they want 25 to bring you down
        [8:32:36 PM] <Astragoth> By their fruits ye shall know them
        [8:32:38 PM] <Pastor Dan> Feds.

        OK, my point is that when it comes right down to it, jews and mamzers impersonating Christian Identity Aryan Israelites have not only goydar, but a sort of kikelike rat cunning that knows how to do the kikelike thang in order to continue impersonating Aryan Christian Israelites. McFagg has always been a jewboy retard impersonating a whigger, but when it came time to troll the crap out of the chatroom, McFagg did so until such time as Dan Johns was able to log back in and take control of its chatroom away from myself and the NimBuster troll. What that proves is both Dan Johns and McFagg know that they be jews locked in perpetual Genesis 3:15 with the Adamite/Israelites they live amongst and impersonate, usually successfully.

        In the biggest portion of the program, Edgar Steele was sentenced to 50 years in prison on trumped-up charges and neither Edgar nor his wife, Cyndi Steele, the ostensible victim were allowed their lawful allocution to this farce of a case. Sections from the case record will be read aloud, but this doesn't matter. As long as ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final is allowed and able to exist, it will do evil because that is ZOG's nature.


        Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, if you are one of my sheep who hears my voice, you know where I can be found tonight in the Secret Talksjew bat-cave.

        Start Time (EDT): 11/10/11 9:00 PM EDT/8:00 PM CST
        Duration (minutes): 120+

        Download link: Archive Directory Archive Directory Temporary Download Link

        Chat Transcript:

        Hail Victory!!!

        Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
        Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

        Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 12-01-2011, 04:09 AM.

        Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
        Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


        • #34
          TMT #95.5 Chat 10Nov11

          TMT #95.5 Chat 10Nov11 Pt1

          [7:49:12 PM] PastorLindstedt is logged into the chat
          [7:49:12 PM] Siegfried is logged into the chat
          [7:49:13 PM] Guest 3 is logged into the chat
          [7:49:25 PM] <Siegfried> Hail Victory! Hail Martin!!
          [7:49:37 PM] <Guest 3> Hail Jesus Christ.
          [7:49:50 PM] <Siegfried> Same thing
          [7:53:03 PM] Guest 4 is logged into the chat
          [7:53:16 PM] <Guest 3> When does the show start?
          [7:53:20 PM] <Siegfried> 10 min
          [7:54:17 PM] <Siegfried> Have a feeling this will be a 7hrs show
          [7:54:23 PM] <Guest 4> Edgar Steele sentenced to 50 years -- at his age, that's a death sentence.
          [7:54:34 PM] <Siegfried> Steele is done
          [7:54:41 PM] <Guest 3> 7 hour show? LOL
          [7:54:57 PM] <Siegfried> He can appeal, will take 2 years
          [7:55:08 PM] <Siegfried> and, it won't work. He's done.
          [7:55:10 PM] <Guest 4> Moaner Montcummery will probably try to justify it
          [7:55:18 PM] <Siegfried> all the way.
          [7:55:22 PM] <Guest 3> Edgar Steele isn't the first or the last innocent to get sent to prison.
          [7:55:47 PM] <Siegfried> Steele isn't innocent, he's a cocky bastard who overplayed
          [7:55:54 PM] <Guest 3> That being said, you shouldn't cheat on your wife---it sort of opens the door.
          [7:56:05 PM] <Siegfried> but, what is wrong with killing your wife?
          [7:56:10 PM] <Siegfried> if you can get younger pussy?
          [7:56:27 PM] <Guest 3> Killing people is against the law.
          [7:56:28 PM] <Siegfried> A Man has rights
          [7:56:39 PM] <Siegfried> YHWH laws?!
          [7:56:48 PM] <Guest 3> I don't know enough about the case...I really don't care about it.
          [7:57:05 PM] <Siegfried> He thougt he was very smart
          [7:57:10 PM] <Guest 3> I don't know if he is innocent or not.
          [7:57:23 PM] <Guest 4> Larry Fairfax was the one who actually strapped the bomb on Cyndi Steele's car, and he only got 27 months because he sucked FBI dick.
          [7:57:44 PM] <Guest 3> If that is all that is going to be talked about...I will tune out.
          [7:57:45 PM] <Siegfried> That is how the feds work
          [7:57:46 PM] Guest 5 is logged into the chat
          [7:57:55 PM] Guest 6 is logged into the chat
          [7:57:59 PM] <Siegfried> Like the FED plant Vonnie
          [7:58:02 PM] <Guest 6> every turd is sacred
          [7:58:32 PM] monamontgomery is logged into the chat
          [7:58:43 PM] <Guest 3> Feds turn on their plants--Hal Turner proved that.
          [7:58:45 PM] <Siegfried> VONBLUVENS might be behind the Steele verdict
          [7:58:53 PM] <Guest 6> yes!
          [7:58:57 PM] <Siegfried> the nasty bastard is a FED
          [7:58:58 PM] <Guest 3> Turds are not "sacred".
          [7:59:18 PM] <Guest 3> Feds burn them too.
          [7:59:19 PM] <monamontgomery> Vonbluvens is a marshmallow, he has zero political power.
          [7:59:31 PM] <Siegfried> Vonnie is a ZOGbot
          [7:59:39 PM] <Guest 3> Vonbluvens isn't in the movement.
          [7:59:41 PM] <Siegfried> Mona, happy with the 50 years?
          [7:59:54 PM] <Siegfried> Vonnie never left, a rat never does.
          [8:00:15 PM] <monamontgomery> I'm glad that that guilty freak Edgar Steele got convicted, if that's what you mean.
          [8:00:16 PM] <Guest 3> What group is he with? Is the guy doing a radio show?
          [8:00:28 PM] <Siegfried> Well, 50 years
          [8:00:29 PM] <Guest 3> He isn't doing anything.
          [8:00:34 PM] <Siegfried> I mean shoot
          [8:00:37 PM] <Siegfried> he isn't 21
          [8:00:42 PM] <Siegfried> But 66
          [8:00:52 PM] nwfcomrade is logged into the chat
          [8:00:53 PM] <Siegfried> 2/3 of 50
          [8:01:00 PM] <Siegfried> so, he will die in jail.
          [8:01:04 PM] <Guest 4> Well Mona, now we know who's side you're really on. Did you give Traci Whelan a deposition?
          [8:01:28 PM] <Guest 6> rolle din on 4 wheels pulled out in 3
          [8:01:28 PM] <Guest 3> Seems like all so-called WN turn on one another.
          [8:01:33 PM] <Guest 3> No unity.
          [8:01:51 PM] <Siegfried> Fuck unity
          [8:01:55 PM] <Guest 6> Pat BUchanan is getting flack for appearing on political cesspool
          [8:02:02 PM] <Guest 3> I love how Alex Linder is demanding people use their real names on his forum. lol
          [8:02:02 PM] <Siegfried> NO unity with ZOGbots
          [8:02:14 PM] <Guest 6> I have taken off my pants and jackit
          [8:02:16 PM] <Siegfried> Linder is a clown
          [8:02:17 PM] <PastorLindstedt> About to call in.
          [8:02:24 PM] <Siegfried> Hail Martin!
          [8:02:29 PM] <Guest 6> Caller are you ready!
          [8:02:34 PM] <Guest 3> Lots of people take Linder seriously.
          [8:02:35 PM] <Guest 6> Hail TOmato!
          [8:02:38 PM] <Siegfried> Where is Johnny Tonto?
          [8:02:44 PM] <Siegfried> In jail?
          [8:02:45 PM] Mass1488 is logged into the chat
          [8:02:48 PM] Mass1488 has left the chat
          [8:02:58 PM] <Guest 3> I heard he has been called to testify against a poster to his forum.
          [8:03:01 PM] <Guest 6> I will not contribute to any more user generated content on the net
          [8:03:08 PM] <Guest 6> WN or otherwise
          [8:03:11 PM] Mass1488 is logged into the chat
          [8:03:12 PM] PastorLindstedt is on the call
          [8:03:16 PM] <Mass1488> sieg heil
          [8:03:23 PM] <Mass1488> hi dick reltney
          [8:03:27 PM] <Siegfried> Sound!
          [8:03:31 PM] <nwfcomrade> We hear you.
          [8:03:35 PM] <Guest 3> Yup
          [8:03:35 PM] <Mass1488> yes seargeant
          [8:03:37 PM] <Mass1488> SIEG HEIL!
          [8:03:43 PM] <Guest 6> Hello
          [8:04:04 PM] <Mass1488> nimbusters is like 4chan
          [8:04:06 PM] <Guest 6> Siegfried is basically a maggot
          [8:04:30 PM] <Siegfried> I am an Aryan Warlord
          [8:04:35 PM] <Guest 6> lard assyan
          [8:04:45 PM] Guest 7 is logged into the chat
          [8:04:48 PM] <Guest 6> this turd comes in with a splash!
          [8:05:04 PM] <Guest 6> SP-------------AM B--------------OT
          [8:05:06 PM] <Guest 3> Who cares.
          [8:05:22 PM] <Guest 6> BEEPPPPPPPPPPPP
          [8:05:39 PM] PastorLindstedt is on the call
          [8:05:52 PM] PastorLindstedt has hung up
          [8:05:56 PM] <Siegfried> echo
          [8:05:57 PM] <Mass1488> echoooooooooooooooooooo
          [8:05:57 PM] <Siegfried> ...
          [8:05:59 PM] <Guest 6> Paphor Linphefh ith onth tha calph!
          [8:06:23 PM] <Siegfried> Martin, I have my contacts
          [8:06:33 PM] <Guest 6> R.I.P Russ WAlker
          [8:07:22 PM] <Guest 6> Rememberance Day Tomorrow
          [8:08:20 PM] <Guest 5> Dalek
          [8:08:22 PM] <Guest 5> Dalek
          [8:08:38 PM] <Guest 6> ziup zipppp
          [8:09:01 PM] <Guest 6> zippyyyyy
          [8:09:01 PM] Frankenwhigger is logged into the chat
          [8:09:22 PM] <Guest 3> Thought I might here about Jesus Christ, thought this was a Christian program.
          [8:09:23 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Greetings All!! Hello nwf and Mona!!
          [8:09:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hello Lloyd!
          [8:09:45 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hear?
          [8:09:48 PM] <Guest 6> Llyod Bonafide!
          [8:10:00 PM] <Guest 6> yabba dabba pootie!
          [8:10:13 PM] <Guest 5> Dalek Attack Plan engaged....
          [8:10:15 PM] <Frankenwhigger> where's russ?
          [8:10:20 PM] <Guest 3> I am sure the FBI is recording this show.
          [8:10:26 PM] <Guest 6> snip snip...___
          [8:10:29 PM] <Siegfried> mona montCUMCUMCUMery just died
          [8:10:36 PM] <monamontgomery> I cannot call in tonight because I am leaving in 1/2 hour.
          [8:11:05 PM] <Mass1488> Sieg heil bill white
          [8:11:17 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Edgar Steele is a perfect example of ZOG running wild and prosecuting people on Fake and created evidence!
          [8:11:36 PM] <Guest 3> Hail Jesus Christ of Nazareth!
          [8:11:40 PM] <Frankenwhigger> HELLO MASS!!! You're a Great FB Friend!!
          [8:11:44 PM] <Guest 6> Mommy!
          [8:11:46 PM] Guest 8 is logged into the chat
          [8:11:51 PM] <Mass1488> thank you franken y9you to
          [8:11:56 PM] <Mass1488> hail manson
          [8:12:05 PM] <Guest 6> I miph pootie cottontail
          [8:12:27 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Where's Whiggerproblem?!??!?! He usually insults by Now!!!
          [8:12:42 PM] <Frankenwhigger> LOL
          [8:12:43 PM] Guest 8 has left the chat
          [8:13:06 PM] TheIntern is logged into the chat
          [8:13:30 PM] <TheIntern> Is it me, or does Eli James look like a
          [8:13:32 PM] <Guest 3> Talking about and calling others out is counterproductive.
          [8:13:33 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I have been watching Re-Runs of "The Wire"!!
          [8:13:47 PM] <TheIntern> sephardic jew from chicago?
          [8:14:08 PM] <Mass1488> What is government if words have no meaning
          [8:14:16 PM] <Frankenwhigger> ME Too!!
          [8:14:30 PM] <Guest 6> I AM MOBILE
          [8:14:32 PM] <Mass1488> I believe all politians should be able to answer it
          [8:14:37 PM] <Mass1488> and be forced to
          [8:14:38 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Freedom!
          [8:14:42 PM] <Guest 6> are you enjoying your internet chats?
          [8:14:43 PM] <Guest 3> YOU ALL ARE INFILTRATED.
          [8:14:52 PM] <Guest 6> prepare to be doltified
          [8:15:16 PM] <Mass1488> I may go to occupy wall street tommorrow
          [8:15:24 PM] <Mass1488> or saturday
          [8:16:10 PM] <Guest 6> stuck my hand up my ass and pulled out a beet green
          [8:16:15 PM] <Guest 6> wow
          [8:16:30 PM] <Guest 3> I have no idea who he is talking about.
          [8:16:39 PM] <Guest 6> hooot
          [8:16:54 PM] Guest 6 has left the chat
          [8:17:13 PM] <nwfcomrade> Visser, who gave you this link?
          [8:17:16 PM] <nwfcomrade>
          [8:17:24 PM] <Mass1488> jeez cant we all get along
          [8:17:25 PM] <Guest 3> Visser is a good guy.
          [8:17:29 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin Lindstedt is a ROCK STAR!!!
          [8:17:41 PM] <Mass1488> im repping the strasserists all accross the world
          [8:17:48 PM] <Guest 4> Joe Paterno sure got thrown under the bus. I wonder if he would have been fired if he was black?
          [8:17:49 PM] <Mass1488> if you a strasserist put yo hands in the sky
          [8:17:57 PM] <Mass1488> STRASSERIST PRIDE WORLD WIDE
          [8:18:02 PM] <Mass1488> DEATH TO STORMFRONT
          [8:18:17 PM] <Guest 3> 1/3 FORMER movement people
          [8:18:30 PM] <Mass1488> THEY CENSOR STRASSERISTS
          [8:18:39 PM] <Mass1488> They banned the stormfront socialist group
          [8:18:42 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Yeah!! Those Penn State People need a Pope to protect them!!
          [8:18:57 PM] <Guest 3> The nuts NEVER leave the movement and drive the good people away.
          [8:19:28 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I saw the Penn Staters rioting to Protect the Sex Deviant!!!
          [8:20:04 PM] <Mass1488> yea its the 88th anniversary
          [8:20:06 PM] <Mass1488> heil hitler
          [8:20:11 PM] <Guest 3> 1/4 movement people, 1/4 former movement people, 1/4 law enforcement and the last 1/4 trouble makers.
          [8:20:17 PM] <Guest 4> Paterno has now lawyered up.
          [8:20:27 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin, I want to Take This Moment to Wish you a Happy Veterans Day! Thank you for your service!!!
          [8:20:29 PM] <nwfcomrade> Trouble maker isn't here tonight :P
          [8:20:31 PM] <Mass1488> heil hitler before 1934
          [8:20:34 PM] Guest 11 is logged into the chat
          [8:20:41 PM] <Mass1488> heil gregor strasser forever
          [8:20:43 PM] <Guest 5> Mass!
          [8:20:47 PM] Guest 11 has left the chat
          [8:20:51 PM] <Guest 3> Talk about Linder demanding people use their real names.
          [8:21:10 PM] Guest 5 has left the chat
          [8:21:14 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin and I are Veterans and are Going to Texas Roadhouse for our Free Steak Dinner tomorrow!!
          [8:21:34 PM] TheRealWilliamB is logged into the chat
          [8:22:33 PM] Guest 13 is logged into the chat
          [8:22:35 PM] Guest 12 is logged into the chat
          [8:22:45 PM] <Guest 3> You guys heard about the 14 Mayan skulls in Sedona, Arizona?
          [8:23:51 PM] Guest 14 is logged into the chat
          [8:23:53 PM] <Guest 3> Linder is an obvious rat asking for people to use their real names on his forum.
          [8:24:29 PM] Guest 15 is logged into the chat
          [8:24:40 PM] <Guest 15> TimeLORD here
          [8:24:42 PM] <Guest 3> Jesus Christ saves
          [8:24:47 PM] <Guest 12> Rabbi Samuelson judging the movement LOL!
          [8:24:48 PM] <Mass1488> lol
          [8:25:06 PM] <Guest 15> Davros for President 2012!!!
          [8:25:08 PM] <nwfcomrade> And everyone else judging you, 12.
          [8:25:19 PM] <Guest 3> YHWH is not a respecter of persons.
          [8:25:27 PM] <Guest 12> Martin has defined his own prison
          [8:26:06 PM] <Guest 3> 1Cor.15:1-4 Mamzers and Jews CAN be saved.
          [8:26:12 PM] <Siegfried> ZOGbots!
          [8:26:17 PM] <Guest 15> I am a TimeLORD, not a mamzer
          [8:26:34 PM] <Siegfried> Vonnie = MAMZERRAT
          [8:26:38 PM] <Guest 3> Theological question
          [8:26:50 PM] <Guest 12>
          "Toilet paper is tough to shuffle!" - Martin Lindstedt
          [8:27:00 PM] <Guest 15> Talk about Joe Paterno getting fired from Penn State football
          [8:27:02 PM] <Guest 13> It's obvious that this guy from Vermont who called in is nothing but a NewsGuy stooge
          [8:27:22 PM] <Guest 15> Dalek problem
          [8:27:23 PM] <Guest 3> Jesus Christ was to the people of Israel...Who was the Apostle Paul sent to then? Was he not sent to the "nations"? Paul said so.
          [8:27:38 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I saw the Penn Staters rioting to Protect the Sex Deviant!!!
          [8:27:47 PM] <Guest 13> Mamzers
          [8:27:58 PM] <Guest 13> wiggers
          [8:28:05 PM] <Guest 3> Yes, riots to protest the firing of deviants. The world has gone to Hell.
          [8:28:17 PM] <Siegfried> Hail Victory!
          [8:28:18 PM] <Mass1488> guest 3 the gentiles are the galations
          [8:28:24 PM] <Guest 15> I should have sent a Dalek to the court room to see Edgar Steele
          [8:28:31 PM] <Mass1488> and those gentiles are nations of the 10 northern tribes of israel!

          [7:54:41 PM] <Guest 3> 7 hour show? LOL
          [7:54:57 PM] <Siegfried> He can appeal, will take 2 years
          [7:55:08 PM] <Siegfried> and, it won't work. He's done.
          [7:55:10 PM] <Guest 4> Moaner Montcummery will probably try to justify it
          [7:55:18 PM] <Siegfried> all the way.
          [7:55:22 PM] <Guest 3> Edgar Steele isn't the first or the last innocent to get sent to prison.
          [7:55:47 PM] <Siegfried> Steele isn't innocent, he's a cocky bastard who overplayed
          [7:55:54 PM] <Guest 3> That being said, you shouldn't cheat on your wife---it sort of opens the door.
          [7:56:05 PM] <Siegfried> but, what is wrong with killing your wife?
          [7:56:10 PM] <Siegfried> if you can get younger pussy?
          [7:56:27 PM] <Guest 3> Killing people is against the law.
          [7:56:28 PM] <Siegfried> A Man has rights
          [7:56:39 PM] <Siegfried> YHWH laws?!
          [7:56:48 PM] <Guest 3> I don't know enough about the case...I really don't care about it.
          [7:57:05 PM] <Siegfried> He thougt he was very smart
          [7:57:10 PM] <Guest 3> I don't know if he is innocent or not.
          [7:57:23 PM] <Guest 4> Larry Fairfax was the one who actually strapped the bomb on Cyndi Steele's car, and he only got 27 months because he sucked FBI dick.
          [7:57:44 PM] <Guest 3> If that is all that is going to be talked about...I will tune out.
          [7:57:45 PM] <Siegfried> That is how the feds work
          [7:57:46 PM] Guest 5 is logged into the chat
          [7:57:55 PM] Guest 6 is logged into the chat
          [7:57:59 PM] <Siegfried> Like the FED plant Vonnie
          [7:58:02 PM] <Guest 6> every turd is sacred
          [7:58:32 PM] monamontgomery is logged into the chat
          [7:58:43 PM] <Guest 3> Feds turn on their plants--Hal Turner proved that.
          [7:58:45 PM] <Siegfried> VONBLUVENS might be behind the Steele verdict
          [7:58:53 PM] <Guest 6> yes!
          [7:58:57 PM] <Siegfried> the nasty bastard is a FED
          [7:58:58 PM] <Guest 3> Turds are not "sacred".
          [7:59:18 PM] <Guest 3> Feds burn them too.
          [7:59:19 PM] <monamontgomery> Vonbluvens is a marshmallow, he has zero political power.
          [7:59:31 PM] <Siegfried> Vonnie is a ZOGbot
          [7:59:39 PM] <Guest 3> Vonbluvens isn't in the movement.
          [7:59:41 PM] <Siegfried> Mona, happy with the 50 years?
          [7:59:54 PM] <Siegfried> Vonnie never left, a rat never does.
          [8:00:15 PM] <monamontgomery> I'm glad that that guilty freak Edgar Steele got convicted, if that's what you mean.
          [8:00:16 PM] <Guest 3> What group is he with? Is the guy doing a radio show?
          [8:00:28 PM] <Siegfried> Well, 50 years
          [8:00:29 PM] <Guest 3> He isn't doing anything.
          [8:00:34 PM] <Siegfried> I mean shoot
          [8:00:37 PM] <Siegfried> he isn't 21
          [8:00:42 PM] <Siegfried> But 66
          [8:00:52 PM] nwfcomrade is logged into the chat
          [8:00:53 PM] <Siegfried> 2/3 of 50
          [8:01:00 PM] <Siegfried> so, he will die in jail.
          [8:01:04 PM] <Guest 4> Well Mona, now we know who's side you're really on. Did you give Traci Whelan a deposition?
          [8:01:28 PM] <Guest 6> rolle din on 4 wheels pulled out in 3
          [8:01:28 PM] <Guest 3> Seems like all so-called WN turn on one another.
          [8:01:33 PM] <Guest 3> No unity.
          [8:01:51 PM] <Siegfried> Fuck unity
          [8:01:55 PM] <Guest 6> Pat BUchanan is getting flack for appearing on political cesspool
          [8:02:02 PM] <Guest 3> I love how Alex Linder is demanding people use their real names on his forum. lol
          [8:02:02 PM] <Siegfried> NO unity with ZOGbots
          [8:02:14 PM] <Guest 6> I have taken off my pants and jackit
          [8:02:16 PM] <Siegfried> Linder is a clown
          [8:02:17 PM] <PastorLindstedt> About to call in.
          [8:02:24 PM] <Siegfried> Hail Martin!
          [8:02:29 PM] <Guest 6> Caller are you ready!
          [8:02:34 PM] <Guest 3> Lots of people take Linder seriously.
          [8:02:35 PM] <Guest 6> Hail TOmato!
          [8:02:38 PM] <Siegfried> Where is Johnny Tonto?
          [8:02:44 PM] <Siegfried> In jail?
          [8:02:45 PM] Mass1488 is logged into the chat
          [8:02:48 PM] Mass1488 has left the chat
          [8:02:58 PM] <Guest 3> I heard he has been called to testify against a poster to his forum.
          [8:03:01 PM] <Guest 6> I will not contribute to any more user generated content on the net
          [8:03:08 PM] <Guest 6> WN or otherwise
          [8:03:11 PM] Mass1488 is logged into the chat
          [8:03:12 PM] PastorLindstedt is on the call
          [8:03:16 PM] <Mass1488> sieg heil
          [8:03:23 PM] <Mass1488> hi dick reltney
          [8:03:27 PM] <Siegfried> Sound!
          [8:03:31 PM] <nwfcomrade> We hear you.
          [8:03:35 PM] <Guest 3> Yup
          [8:03:35 PM] <Mass1488> yes seargeant
          [8:03:37 PM] <Mass1488> SIEG HEIL!
          [8:03:43 PM] <Guest 6> Hello
          [8:04:04 PM] <Mass1488> nimbusters is like 4chan
          [8:04:06 PM] <Guest 6> Siegfried is basically a maggot
          [8:04:30 PM] <Siegfried> I am an Aryan Warlord
          [8:04:35 PM] <Guest 6> lard assyan
          [8:04:45 PM] Guest 7 is logged into the chat
          [8:04:48 PM] <Guest 6> this turd comes in with a splash!
          [8:05:04 PM] <Guest 6> SP-------------AM B--------------OT
          [8:05:06 PM] <Guest 3> Who cares.
          [8:05:22 PM] <Guest 6> BEEPPPPPPPPPPPP
          [8:05:39 PM] PastorLindstedt is on the call
          [8:05:52 PM] PastorLindstedt has hung up
          [8:05:56 PM] <Siegfried> echo
          [8:05:57 PM] <Mass1488> echoooooooooooooooooooo
          [8:05:57 PM] <Siegfried> ...
          [8:05:59 PM] <Guest 6> Paphor Linphefh ith onth tha calph!
          [8:06:23 PM] <Siegfried> Martin, I have my contacts
          [8:06:33 PM] <Guest 6> R.I.P Russ WAlker
          [8:07:22 PM] <Guest 6> Rememberance Day Tomorrow
          [8:08:20 PM] <Guest 5> Dalek
          [8:08:22 PM] <Guest 5> Dalek
          [8:08:38 PM] <Guest 6> ziup zipppp
          [8:09:01 PM] <Guest 6> zippyyyyy
          [8:09:01 PM] Frankenwhigger is logged into the chat
          [8:09:22 PM] <Guest 3> Thought I might here about Jesus Christ, thought this was a Christian program.
          [8:09:23 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Greetings All!! Hello nwf and Mona!!
          [8:09:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hello Lloyd!
          [8:09:45 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hear?
          [8:09:48 PM] <Guest 6> Llyod Bonafide!
          [8:10:00 PM] <Guest 6> yabba dabba pootie!
          [8:10:13 PM] <Guest 5> Dalek Attack Plan engaged....
          [8:10:15 PM] <Frankenwhigger> where's russ?
          [8:10:20 PM] <Guest 3> I am sure the FBI is recording this show.
          [8:10:26 PM] <Guest 6> snip snip...___
          [8:10:29 PM] <Siegfried> mona montCUMCUMCUMery just died
          [8:10:36 PM] <monamontgomery> I cannot call in tonight because I am leaving in 1/2 hour.
          [8:11:05 PM] <Mass1488> Sieg heil bill white
          [8:11:17 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Edgar Steele is a perfect example of ZOG running wild and prosecuting people on Fake and created evidence!
          [8:11:36 PM] <Guest 3> Hail Jesus Christ of Nazareth!
          [8:11:40 PM] <Frankenwhigger> HELLO MASS!!! You're a Great FB Friend!!
          [8:11:44 PM] <Guest 6> Mommy!
          [8:11:46 PM] Guest 8 is logged into the chat
          [8:11:51 PM] <Mass1488> thank you franken y9you to
          [8:11:56 PM] <Mass1488> hail manson
          [8:12:05 PM] <Guest 6> I miph pootie cottontail
          [8:12:27 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Where's Whiggerproblem?!??!?! He usually insults by Now!!!
          [8:12:42 PM] <Frankenwhigger> LOL
          [8:12:43 PM] Guest 8 has left the chat
          [8:13:06 PM] TheIntern is logged into the chat
          [8:13:30 PM] <TheIntern> Is it me, or does Eli James look like a
          [8:13:32 PM] <Guest 3> Talking about and calling others out is counterproductive.
          [8:13:33 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I have been watching Re-Runs of "The Wire"!!
          [8:13:47 PM] <TheIntern> sephardic jew from chicago?
          [8:14:08 PM] <Mass1488> What is government if words have no meaning
          [8:14:16 PM] <Frankenwhigger> ME Too!!
          [8:14:30 PM] <Guest 6> I AM MOBILE
          [8:14:32 PM] <Mass1488> I believe all politians should be able to answer it
          [8:14:37 PM] <Mass1488> and be forced to
          [8:14:38 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Freedom!
          [8:14:42 PM] <Guest 6> are you enjoying your internet chats?
          [8:14:43 PM] <Guest 3> YOU ALL ARE INFILTRATED.
          [8:14:52 PM] <Guest 6> prepare to be doltified
          [8:15:16 PM] <Mass1488> I may go to occupy wall street tommorrow
          [8:15:24 PM] <Mass1488> or saturday
          [8:16:10 PM] <Guest 6> stuck my hand up my ass and pulled out a beet green
          [8:16:15 PM] <Guest 6> wow
          [8:16:30 PM] <Guest 3> I have no idea who he is talking about.
          [8:16:39 PM] <Guest 6> hooot
          [8:16:54 PM] Guest 6 has left the chat
          [8:17:13 PM] <nwfcomrade> Visser, who gave you this link?
          [8:17:16 PM] <nwfcomrade>
          [8:17:24 PM] <Mass1488> jeez cant we all get along
          [8:17:25 PM] <Guest 3> Visser is a good guy.
          [8:17:29 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin Lindstedt is a ROCK STAR!!!
          [8:17:41 PM] <Mass1488> im repping the strasserists all accross the world
          [8:17:48 PM] <Guest 4> Joe Paterno sure got thrown under the bus. I wonder if he would have been fired if he was black?
          [8:17:49 PM] <Mass1488> if you a strasserist put yo hands in the sky
          [8:17:57 PM] <Mass1488> STRASSERIST PRIDE WORLD WIDE
          [8:18:02 PM] <Mass1488> DEATH TO STORMFRONT
          [8:18:17 PM] <Guest 3> 1/3 FORMER movement people
          [8:18:30 PM] <Mass1488> THEY CENSOR STRASSERISTS
          [8:18:39 PM] <Mass1488> They banned the stormfront socialist group
          [8:18:42 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Yeah!! Those Penn State People need a Pope to protect them!!
          [8:18:57 PM] <Guest 3> The nuts NEVER leave the movement and drive the good people away.
          [8:19:28 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I saw the Penn Staters rioting to Protect the Sex Deviant!!!
          [8:20:04 PM] <Mass1488> yea its the 88th anniversary
          [8:20:06 PM] <Mass1488> heil hitler
          [8:20:11 PM] <Guest 3> 1/4 movement people, 1/4 former movement people, 1/4 law enforcement and the last 1/4 trouble makers.
          [8:20:17 PM] <Guest 4> Paterno has now lawyered up.
          [8:20:27 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin, I want to Take This Moment to Wish you a Happy Veterans Day! Thank you for your service!!!
          [8:20:29 PM] <nwfcomrade> Trouble maker isn't here tonight :P
          [8:20:31 PM] <Mass1488> heil hitler before 1934
          [8:20:34 PM] Guest 11 is logged into the chat
          [8:20:41 PM] <Mass1488> heil gregor strasser forever
          [8:20:43 PM] <Guest 5> Mass!
          [8:20:47 PM] Guest 11 has left the chat
          [8:20:51 PM] <Guest 3> Talk about Linder demanding people use their real names.
          [8:21:10 PM] Guest 5 has left the chat
          [8:21:14 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin and I are Veterans and are Going to Texas Roadhouse for our Free Steak Dinner tomorrow!!
          [8:21:34 PM] TheRealWilliamB is logged into the chat
          [8:22:33 PM] Guest 13 is logged into the chat
          [8:22:35 PM] Guest 12 is logged into the chat
          [8:22:45 PM] <Guest 3> You guys heard about the 14 Mayan skulls in Sedona, Arizona?
          [8:23:51 PM] Guest 14 is logged into the chat
          [8:23:53 PM] <Guest 3> Linder is an obvious rat asking for people to use their real names on his forum.
          [8:24:29 PM] Guest 15 is logged into the chat
          [8:24:40 PM] <Guest 15> TimeLORD here
          [8:24:42 PM] <Guest 3> Jesus Christ saves
          [8:24:47 PM] <Guest 12> Rabbi Samuelson judging the movement LOL!
          [8:24:48 PM] <Mass1488> lol
          [8:25:06 PM] <Guest 15> Davros for President 2012!!!
          [8:25:08 PM] <nwfcomrade> And everyone else judging you, 12.
          [8:25:19 PM] <Guest 3> YHWH is not a respecter of persons.
          [8:25:27 PM] <Guest 12> Martin has defined his own prison
          [8:26:06 PM] <Guest 3> 1Cor.15:1-4 Mamzers and Jews CAN be saved.
          [8:26:12 PM] <Siegfried> ZOGbots!
          [8:26:17 PM] <Guest 15> I am a TimeLORD, not a mamzer
          [8:26:34 PM] <Siegfried> Vonnie = MAMZERRAT
          [8:26:38 PM] <Guest 3> Theological question
          [8:26:50 PM] <Guest 12>
          "Toilet paper is tough to shuffle!" - Martin Lindstedt
          [8:27:00 PM] <Guest 15> Talk about Joe Paterno getting fired from Penn State football
          [8:27:02 PM] <Guest 13> It's obvious that this guy from Vermont who called in is nothing but a NewsGuy stooge
          [8:27:22 PM] <Guest 15> Dalek problem
          [8:27:23 PM] <Guest 3> Jesus Christ was to the people of Israel...Who was the Apostle Paul sent to then? Was he not sent to the "nations"? Paul said so.
          [8:27:38 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I saw the Penn Staters rioting to Protect the Sex Deviant!!!
          [8:27:47 PM] <Guest 13> Mamzers
          [8:27:58 PM] <Guest 13> wiggers
          [8:28:05 PM] <Guest 3> Yes, riots to protest the firing of deviants. The world has gone to Hell.
          [8:28:17 PM] <Siegfried> Hail Victory!
          [8:28:18 PM] <Mass1488> guest 3 the gentiles are the galations
          [8:28:24 PM] <Guest 15> I should have sent a Dalek to the court room to see Edgar Steele
          [8:28:31 PM] <Mass1488> and those gentiles are nations of the 10 northern tribes of israel!
          [8:28:42 PM] <Guest 13> It's obvious that this guy from Vermont who called in is nothing but a NewsGuy stooge
          [8:28:54 PM] <Guest 15> The Dalek would have the judge EXTERMINATED!!!!!
          [8:29:01 PM] <Guest 3> Vonbluvens doesn't care I am sure.
          [8:29:03 PM] <nwfcomrade> White non-israelites.
          [8:29:04 PM] <Guest 13> My legs are fine
          [8:29:08 PM] <nwfcomrade> As far as I can tell.
          [8:29:31 PM] <Guest 15> I can go back in time
          [8:29:48 PM] <Siegfried> We have a RAT
          [8:29:49 PM] <Guest 3> I am sure the NIMbusters are recording it to rip apart on the next Newsguy show.
          [8:29:53 PM] <Siegfried> who?
          [8:30:00 PM] <Guest 13> Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah NewsGuy
          [8:30:04 PM] <Guest 15> there are no secrets safe from the Daleks
          [8:30:28 PM] <Guest 15> can the TimeLORD call in tonite?
          [8:30:30 PM] <Guest 3> Oooooh, I thought only Masons were considered with keeping their meetings in secret. lol
          [8:30:41 PM] <Guest 12> 'Life is a choice, a choice between happiness and sadness, profit and loss, even life and death. Don't give away your choice by blaming others.'
          [8:30:47 PM] <Frankenwhigger> When are th Nimbuster "Tuff-Guys" going to take on Reo?
          [8:30:48 PM] Guest 4 has left the chat
          [8:30:50 PM] <Guest 3> Why do you need secrecy, Lindstedt?
          [8:30:54 PM] <Guest 13> His name is ronnie shwartz, he does not live in Iceland
          [8:31:28 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin needs Secrecy like BReo needs the DCMA!!
          [8:31:34 PM] <Guest 13> It's obvious that this guy from Vermont who called in is nothing but a NewsGuy stooge
          [8:31:37 PM] <Guest 12>
          'The difference between happiness and sadness is not what's around you; it's the way you think about what's around you. And if you think you're a los
          [8:31:50 PM] Guest 16 is logged into the chat
          [8:32:02 PM] monamontgomery has left the chat
          [8:32:32 PM] <Guest 12> And if you think you're a loser, or you think you're a winner... you're right!'"
          [8:32:39 PM] <Guest 13> Pootie guy?
          [8:32:42 PM] <Guest 3> I don't understand talking about people that doesn't even care about him.
          [8:33:03 PM] <Guest 12> Moaner MountCummery wants to mount Marty's 8 inch
          [8:33:15 PM] <nwfcomrade> Congrats, Pastor! O wait...
          [8:33:18 PM] <Guest 15> are you going to have a party?
          [8:33:25 PM] <Guest 13> Paper bag tests for sale at K mart
          [8:33:30 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin, I want to Take This Moment to Wish you a Happy Veterans Day! Thank you for your service!!!
          [8:33:40 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin and I are Veterans and are Going to Texas Roadhouse for our Free Steak Dinner tomorrow!!
          [8:33:47 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> you did
          [8:34:03 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hello WillB!!
          [8:34:31 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> i should be able to call in a little later. we are having dinner now
          [8:34:31 PM] <Guest 13> TimeLloyd call in
          [8:34:38 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Mona Is a Babe!!
          [8:35:20 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin, Let's go to Applebees for Lunch and Texas Roadhouse for Dinner!!!
          [8:35:25 PM] <Guest 16> .
          Lindstedt: why dont you do CURRENT NEWS? your expose of Cop killing patriotards and Chicago Nigger gangs was funny.
          [8:35:29 PM] <Guest 15> I remember that Mona gave a talk at Hal Turner's Kingston NY rally in 2005, where She talked about "The Jews ate Jesus"
          [8:35:38 PM] <Guest 13> Eli James dropped out of high school
          [8:35:39 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Texas Roadhouse has a great Happy Hour!!
          [8:36:01 PM] <Guest 16> .

          Lindstedt: why dont you do CURRENT NEWS? your expose of Cop killing patriotards and Chicago Nigger gangs was funny.
          [8:36:06 PM] <Guest 13>
          [8:36:19 PM] <Guest 12> Marty's a major Klingon the hairy of the anus anus of the lunatic fringe.
          [8:36:38 PM] <Guest 13>
          [8:36:45 PM] <Guest 3> Martin, why do you talk about people you have never met?
          [8:36:46 PM] <Guest 15> Doctor Who will return for season 7 in 2012
          [8:37:18 PM] <Guest 13> Who was the Dr who with the Long scarf?
          [8:37:27 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Hello Franken!
          [8:37:33 PM] <Guest 12> Marty's a parachute packer he packs FrankenNigger's parachute everyday.
          [8:37:35 PM] <Guest 15> Tom Baker 1974-1981
          [8:37:36 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hi Bill!!
          [8:37:45 PM] <Siegfried> mona said she had to leave after 30 min
          [8:37:49 PM] <Guest 3>
          [8:37:50 PM] <Guest 13> He RAWKED
          [8:38:00 PM] <Frankenwhigger> That's True!!! I am an Airborne Ranger!!
          [8:38:10 PM] <Guest 3> It is holy to the esoteric nut jobs, but I suppose you wouldn't know anything about that.
          [8:38:52 PM] <Guest 15> I'll fill thier message board with posts about History of the Daleks
          [8:39:08 PM] <Guest 15> pictures of Daleks
          [8:39:17 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Lloyd, they don't like Star Trek!
          [8:39:21 PM] <Guest 12> Why does Mad Marty look so much like Ira Einhorn?
          [8:39:25 PM] <Guest 3> Will ask again...
          [8:39:26 PM] <Guest 16> .

          [8:39:27 PM] <Guest 16>
          [8:40:22 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> 12=mumpsnuts
          [8:40:25 PM] <Guest 3> Hey, Martin, Jesus Christ was to the people of Israel(I agree_...Who was the Apostle Paul sent to then? Was he not sent to the "nations"?
          [8:40:33 PM] <Guest 13>
          [8:41:13 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Feldhernhalle is a Holy Site!!
          [8:41:34 PM] <PastorLindstedt>
          [8:41:43 PM] <Guest 3> That's when Goering got hooked on morphine...fragment from street hit him in the groin...he escaped to Italy for a time.
          [8:41:57 PM] <Guest 15> is Russ Walker calling in tonite?
          [8:42:04 PM] <Mass1488> wait shall i spam tommorrow
          [8:42:07 PM] <Guest 3> So, if no one but Israel can be saved...why send Paul to the gentiles?
          [8:42:08 PM] <Guest 16> LOONSTEDT. Why dont you do CURRENT NEWS like James WIckstrom and Eli James?
          [8:42:16 PM] <Guest 12> Marty is a doppleganger for Ira Einhorn
          [8:42:20 PM] <Guest 3> The gentiles are NOT part of Israel.
          [8:42:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Horst Wessel died holding our flag High!!
          [8:42:40 PM] <Guest 13> When is the next "On The Domestic Front" with LLoyd Davies??
          [8:42:42 PM] <Guest 16> .

          [8:42:48 PM] <Guest 15> Jefferson County Alabama filed for bankrupcty
          [8:42:56 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Yes they were part of Israel!! Read Maccacbees1
          [8:42:58 PM] <Guest 15> is run by niggers
          [8:43:01 PM] <Mass1488> 88!
          [8:43:03 PM] <Mass1488> SIEG HEIL
          [8:43:22 PM] <Guest 3> Jesus was sent to Israel. Paul to the Gentiles...I have a Bible and know how to read it.
          [8:43:35 PM] <Guest 13> RaHoWa
          [8:43:45 PM] <Guest 3> I know how to rightly divide it.
          [8:44:00 PM] <Guest 16> Guest 15
          whats the nigger percentage of Jefferson County, Alabama?
          [8:44:02 PM] <Guest 12> White Powder! White Powder!
          [8:44:18 PM] <Guest 16> DO CURRENT NEWS MADMAN LOONSTEDT.
          [8:44:31 PM] <Guest 12> Marty's an Ishmaelite
          [8:44:40 PM] <Guest 3> Martin, tell us how someone gets saved. Tell someone how they can know that if they die they will go to heaven.
          [8:44:42 PM] <Guest 13> Amerite
          [8:44:54 PM] <Frankenwhigger> 1Maccabees 12:21, the Spartans and Israelites are brethren and are of the family of Abraham.
          [8:45:00 PM] <Guest 15> Do Daleks have souls?
          [8:45:02 PM] <Guest 13>
          [8:45:16 PM] <Mass1488> whats the CI view of UFOs?
          [8:45:25 PM] <Mass1488> so Basques are Hamites
          [8:45:33 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The Grecco-Roman and Hellenic World were all Israelites and Children of Abraham!
          [8:45:45 PM] Guest 17 is logged into the chat
          [8:45:49 PM] <Guest 12> Marty's a pimple on a Kelt's ass.
          [8:45:55 PM] <Guest 13> Pastor Master of cunts--- Pastor of what?
          [8:46:08 PM] <Guest 3> Who knows.
          [8:46:18 PM] <Guest 3> I opine Marty trolls Nimbusters.
          [8:46:38 PM] <Guest 13> TimeLORD call in, that would RAWKKK
          [8:46:46 PM] <Guest 12> Marty's the remnant on Satan's ass
          [8:46:54 PM] <Frankenwhigger> When Paul said , "There is No difference in Greek or Judahite", he was referring to Maccabees!
          [8:47:12 PM] <Guest 15> in a episode of Doctor Who last year, A New Race of Daleks were created and exterminated the old Daleks, because they were not pure enough, they could
          [8:47:15 PM] <Mass1488> I thought the Romans are Japthites but pure blooded
          [8:47:22 PM] <Guest 3> The Sadducees didn't believe in the resurrection either.
          [8:47:25 PM] <Guest 15> be mamzer daleks
          [8:47:28 PM] Guest 18 is logged into the chat
          [8:47:34 PM] Guest 18 has left the chat
          [8:47:40 PM] <Guest 13> Edgar J. Steele sentenced to 50 years in Federal prison!
          [8:47:41 PM] <Guest 3> That's why they are "sad" you see.
          [8:47:46 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Lloyd, they don't like Star Wars!
          [8:47:48 PM] <Guest 15> lol
          [8:47:55 PM] Guest 19 is logged into the chat
          [8:47:58 PM] Guest 16 has left the chat
          [8:48:31 PM] <nwfcomrade> lol
          [8:48:40 PM] <Guest 13> Let's get on a Higher Plain instead of wallowing in the swamp with the NewsGuy
          [8:48:48 PM] <Guest 12> Marty was a misdeed
          [8:48:52 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> This sermon covers a lot of idiots in the "movement". Including Visser, Eli Kutz and Finck
          [8:48:55 PM] <TheRealWilliamB>
          [8:49:07 PM] <Guest 3> If you believe that Jesus Christ died for you and your sins and He was buried and rose again the third day...If you believe that...
          [8:49:13 PM] TheIntern has left the chat
          [8:49:16 PM] <Guest 3> It doesn't matter what race you are.
          [8:49:35 PM] <Guest 3> You are saved...and sealed.
          [8:49:38 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> As well as the "Curly" of the movement, Mike Delaney and his buddy Kaplan.
          [8:49:45 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Believing has Nothing to do with it!!
          [8:49:57 PM] <Guest 13> What name does the Intern post under?
          [8:50:04 PM] <Guest 15> someone posted on Nimbusters that they were a crayon eater
          [8:50:05 PM] <nwfcomrade> I used to think that. Then I listened to DSCI reason!
          [8:50:14 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Even Satan knows scripture and believed that Christ Rose!
          [8:50:19 PM] <Guest 3>
          Grace Gospel~1 Cor 15:1-4
          Eternal Security~Eph 1:11-13 Eph 4:30
          Right Division~2 Tim 2:15
          [8:50:30 PM] Guest 17 has left the chat
          [8:50:40 PM] <Guest 15> But Mona said the jews ate Jesus, lol
          [8:50:43 PM] <Guest 3> If you believe in Jesus Christ you are saved...doesn't matter what anyone says.
          [8:50:49 PM] <Guest 15> true 3
          [8:51:05 PM] <nwfcomrade> Unless you're of a race that doesn't have a spirit! Christ was not sent to the beasts of the field.
          [8:51:14 PM] <Guest 3> I almost bought into the two seedline nonsense...but it is nonsense.
          [8:51:18 PM] <Frankenwhigger> All those Scriptures were directed and written to only Israelites and Not to the "World"! The world cannot receive the spirit and so says Yahweh!
          [8:51:22 PM] <Guest 15> are Daleks beasts of the field
          [8:51:26 PM] <nwfcomrade> Dispensationalism is all fine and good IMO, but Israel and the Gentiles are whites.
          [8:51:34 PM] <Guest 13> K-9 and Company was good too
          [8:51:45 PM] <Guest 15> true, 13
          [8:51:47 PM] <Guest 3> Then explain the dispensation of the Apostle Paul, then Frankenwhigger.
          [8:52:12 PM] <nwfcomrade> Dispensation of Paul: Non-Israelite whites are offered grace instead of Law. Easy.
          [8:52:18 PM] <Guest 15> too bad Elisbeth Sladen passed away earlier this year
          [8:52:24 PM] <Guest 3> Exactly, bubba.
          [8:52:29 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Why should I? Your mind is made up!
          [8:52:32 PM] <nwfcomrade> Don't bring Dispensational theology into a racial issue.
          [8:52:58 PM] <nwfcomrade> Opperative word: WHITES. That weren't of Israel (who were also white).
          [8:53:02 PM] <Guest 3> All races can be saved in the dispensation of grace.
          [8:53:21 PM] <Guest 13> I rubbed a few out to Sarah Jane. Very sad she is gone
          [8:53:33 PM] <nwfcomrade> Gentiles can be saved. Be sure who that is before you claim all races are involved.
          [8:53:39 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Non-Whites are Blessed by Keeping all the Laws, but the promises, covenants,blessings and word belongs to Israel!
          [8:54:20 PM] <Frankenwhigger> By Keeping the dietary laws, social laws, civil laws and economic laws of Yahweh ANY race can be "Blessed"!
          [8:54:38 PM] <Guest 19> ROXY IS A JEW.
          [8:54:54 PM] <Guest 15> NewsGuy is not a jew..
          [8:54:59 PM] <Guest 12> Roxie is an Anglo-Mestizo
          [8:55:21 PM] <Siegfried> Roxie is an aryan babe
          [8:55:23 PM] <Guest 13> NewsGuy converted
          [8:55:26 PM] <Guest 19> .
          [8:55:32 PM] <Guest 12> Roxie's got Mongoloid eyes
          [8:55:34 PM] <Frankenwhigger> But, aliens cannot be brought into the Nation/assembly of Israel! They cannot "Be saved" because that reduces Christianity into a Religion of
          [8:55:35 PM] <Frankenwhigger> works.
          [8:55:38 PM] Guest 20 is logged into the chat
          [8:55:51 PM] <Guest 19> .
          DO C
          [8:55:56 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Yahweh does the Choosing!
          [8:55:58 PM] <Guest 15> does that go Daleks?, Cybermen? too? Franken?
          [8:56:00 PM] <Siegfried> shut up idiot, steele is next
          [8:56:36 PM] <Guest 12> Marty likes to blabber
          [8:56:40 PM] <Guest 15> when a human is converted to become a Cyberman, does he still have his soul?
          [8:56:46 PM] <Guest 13> David-Lloyd of Torchwood sounds like Lloyd Davies
          [8:56:53 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Yahweh does not like Star Trek! Star Trek promotes beastiality and miscegenation!
          [8:57:20 PM] <Guest 19> .
          [8:57:34 PM] <Frankenwhigger> With all their "Star Trek" technology, why can't they fix those people's complexions?
          [8:57:40 PM] <Guest 12> I thought you said stevie boy Elder was a Tubal-Kenite Pictish Mamzer.
          [8:58:17 PM] <Guest 15> 13, do you think Daleks have souls?
          [8:58:31 PM] <Guest 12> MumpsNut doesn't have the stones to take on Banjo Billy
          [8:58:59 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Daleks have "Mirrored CPUs" and Redundant Back-ups!!
          [8:59:07 PM] <Guest 13> I had a poster of Tegan Jovanka on my wall I used as a spunk target
          [8:59:16 PM] Mass1488 has left the chat
          [9:00:04 PM] <Guest 13>
          [9:00:11 PM] <Guest 12> Lindstedt is a nasty child molester a pussy too, even Lardass could kick his fucking ass
          [9:00:22 PM] <Guest 15> i'm talking about the mutant Dalek creature inside the poly-carbide casing, DOES IT HAVE A SOUL?
          [9:00:46 PM] <Frankenwhigger> GGEEEZZZZ, We have to wait 9 Months for Breaking Bad!!
          [9:00:49 PM] <Guest 15> TimeLORD says --- NewsGuy is NOT a JEW
          [9:00:58 PM] <Guest 13> Not at all? is it an act?
          [9:01:34 PM] <Guest 12> Pastor Master of cunts is Martin Lindstedt.
          [9:01:41 PM] <Guest 13>
          [9:01:48 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Anyone with a Name like "Goodman" is a Jew!
          [9:01:53 PM] <Guest 15> Do Daleks have Souls?
          [9:01:56 PM] <Guest 19> .
          peter goodman hates antisemites. he called lucifer poster at nimbuster "bigot" "ful of hate"
          [9:02:04 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Daleks have "Mirrored CPUs" and Redundant Back-ups!!
          [9:02:13 PM] <Frankenwhigger> They don't need "souls"!
          [9:02:19 PM] <Guest 13> Resurrection of the Daleks sadest dr who show
          [9:02:32 PM] <Guest 15> yeah
          [9:02:40 PM] <Guest 12> All Marty's shows start out with talking about other CI people...
          [9:02:52 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Dr. what?
          [9:02:55 PM] <Guest 19> .
          [9:03:07 PM] <Guest 15> 13, do you like Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor?
          [9:03:21 PM] <Guest 13> Is it wrong to play Farmville?
          [9:03:35 PM] <Guest 3> Martin trolls Nimbusters.
          [9:03:38 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Tomorrow, I am going to Town to do shopping and get my free Steak Dinner for Veteran's Day!
          [9:03:47 PM] <Guest 12> Marty posted the link to his show on Nimbusters
          [9:03:52 PM] <Guest 13> Never seen the later Dr. Who's
          [9:03:58 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I need a Case of Beer and a Bottle of Jameson's!
          [9:04:20 PM] <Guest 3> How else would the NIMshits find out about it unless Marty or someone in his little "secret" circle didn't post it there?
          [9:04:48 PM] <Guest 12> Lindstedt talks shit about all other CI, the guy is a nut in a subset of nuts.
          [9:05:00 PM] <Frankenwhigger> We thought it was You!!! Whiggerproblem!!
          [9:05:07 PM] <Guest 19> guest 13, farmville game is anti-white conspiracy according to some crazy white nationalist who claims brown and black eggs are worth more points than
          [9:05:11 PM] <Guest 19> white eggs
          [9:05:15 PM] Mass1488 is logged into the chat
          [9:05:20 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Troll Subguns!!
          [9:05:27 PM] <Guest 12> Marty plays Mafia Wars
          [9:05:29 PM] <Guest 3> Fucking insanity.
          [9:05:30 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I am a BCR!
          [9:05:35 PM] <Mass1488> I troll 4chan!
          [9:05:41 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I was a Friend of Steve Bohannon!
          [9:05:48 PM] <Guest 13> 11 chan RAWKKKS
          [9:05:54 PM] <Guest 12> Marty don't have control of his own bowel movements
          [9:06:03 PM] <Guest 15> We like to be called NimOnians
          [9:06:26 PM] <Guest 15> i coined the term back in 2004
          [9:06:48 PM] <Guest 12> Marty is a NIMnut.
          [9:07:09 PM] <Guest 13> Is ISIS gone forever?
          [9:07:20 PM] <Guest 12> But you'd fuck her huh! Marty?
          [9:07:25 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I am a Vollmer Board Veteran!
          [9:07:27 PM] <Guest 3> I am putting Martin Lindstedt and his adherents on my prayer list.
          [9:07:29 PM] <Guest 15> i want to put my TimeLORD seed inside April
          [9:07:45 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Buddy Hinton is a Friend of Mine, too!
          [9:07:50 PM] <Guest 12> Marty fucked the shit outta ISIS
          [9:08:17 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Jason Hinkle and a Legal-Type Guy are A-Holes!!
          [9:08:21 PM] <Guest 3> I pray that everyone that is here tonight comes to the knowledge of the truth and turns to Jesus Christ.
          [9:08:23 PM] <Guest 12> Visser is Marty's dick sucking buddy.
          [9:09:01 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hogleg Jack is a Jew!
          [9:09:02 PM] <Guest 12> Marty is a showman
          [9:09:12 PM] <Guest 13> Pastor Eli James got trolled bad last show
          [9:09:15 PM] <nwfcomrade> My aren't we self-righteous!
          [9:09:18 PM] <Guest 12> Marty where is Johnny?
          [9:09:28 PM] <Siegfried> Johnny is in jail
          [9:09:34 PM] <Guest 15> Marty is good entertainment
          [9:09:36 PM] <Guest 3>
          [9:09:53 PM] <Guest 13> Nimonians destroyed Pastor Eli James last show
          [9:10:00 PM] <Guest 12> Are you sure Siegfried?
          [9:10:05 PM] <Siegfried> Yes
          [9:10:18 PM] <Guest 12> Proof?
          [9:10:29 PM] <Siegfried> My word is proof
          [9:10:46 PM] <Guest 12> Marty is Johnny in jail?
          [9:11:06 PM] <Guest 13> Eli James looks like a jew
          [9:11:29 PM] <Guest 12> Marty looks like the jew Ira Einhorn.
          [9:11:32 PM] <Guest 13>
          [9:12:19 PM] <Guest 15> who is PastorLindstedt?
          [9:12:20 PM] <Mass1488> my aunt sends me holohoax books on birthdays and christmas
          [9:12:25 PM] <Guest 3> It isn't the's the spirit. If you have a rotten spirit not cleansed and covered by Jesus Christ, I don't care what you are.
          [9:12:30 PM] <Guest 3> not going to heaven.
          [9:12:36 PM] <Siegfried> 3 = Vonnie
          [9:12:48 PM] <nwfcomrade> By (g)race are ye saved!
          [9:12:54 PM] <Guest 15> 15 Lloyd Davies
          [9:13:02 PM] <Guest 13> Bruce Gorman is the authority
          [9:13:10 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Is she Jewish?
          [9:13:14 PM] <Siegfried> PastorLindstedt = Martin
          [9:13:20 PM] <Guest 15> is Davies is a jewish name?
          [9:13:25 PM] <Guest 13> Bruce Gorman is the authority
          [9:13:36 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Bruce Gorman111 is the authority
          [9:13:38 PM] <Guest 3> Grace Gospel~1 Cor 15:1-4
          [9:13:48 PM] <Guest 15> roger wiseman says i'm jeweish
          [9:13:53 PM] <Siegfried> 3 = VONBLUVENS
          [9:13:58 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Bruce Gorman...what a joke.
          [9:13:59 PM] <Siegfried> call in vonnie
          [9:14:11 PM] <Guest 13> Michael Blevins to you
          [9:14:15 PM] <Guest 12> Marty don't believe in salvation.
          [9:14:16 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Again, that scripture is written to the Corinthians and Not the "World"!
          [9:14:23 PM] <TheRealWilliamB> Gorman, is Delaney's "Bear"
          [9:14:25 PM] <Guest 3> Salvation is a free gift without any work whatsoever. (Eph. 2:8-9)
          [9:14:34 PM] <Guest 12> Davies is a Welas name.
          [9:14:39 PM] <Guest 13> Bruce Gorman is the authority
          [9:14:46 PM] <nwfcomrade> Offered only to those with a spirit.
          [9:14:50 PM] <Guest 13> What is a SHE NEE?
          [9:14:56 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Bruce Gorman111 is the authority
          [9:15:01 PM] <nwfcomrade> A jew
          [9:15:50 PM] <Frankenwhigger> What happens after we find out "who he is"?!?!?!?!
          [9:15:56 PM] <Guest 3> Forgiveness is available to all who believe that Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again and that God forgave us for Christ's sake.
          [9:15:58 PM] <Guest 13> Chris Drake
          [9:16:03 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Do we have a Parade?
          [9:16:08 PM] <Guest 15> i'm gonna send a Dalek to have him exterminated
          [9:16:12 PM] <Frankenwhigger> or a TMT Moment?
          [9:16:19 PM] <nwfcomrade> All who have the capacity to believe, yes.
          [9:16:25 PM] <Guest 12> Marty needs to lose the Menopause belly
          [9:16:40 PM] <Guest 13> The Right Perspective Peter Goodman 2005.
          [9:16:46 PM] <Guest 12> He damned sure gonna censor Marty
          [9:16:59 PM] <Mass1488> so whom do we spam tommorrow
          [9:17:02 PM] <Guest 3> NWF, all people have the potential to believe.
          [9:17:07 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Again, that scripture was written ot Israelites and White men and NOT the "World" CONTEXT CONTEXT!!
          [9:17:14 PM] <Guest 12> Marty's such a dickhead
          [9:17:25 PM] <nwfcomrade> All "people" yes. But you want to include the beasts of the field and Satan's children. What's with that, 3?
          [9:17:31 PM] <Guest 13> Eli had 43 listeners
          [9:17:38 PM] <Guest 15> Nimbusters is a place where you can release your "Inner Tard"
          [9:17:57 PM] <Guest 3> Sorry, I don't buy into the two seedline doctrine.
          [9:18:01 PM] <Guest 13> Got trolled bad

          Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 11-24-2011, 01:12 PM.
          I am The Librarian


          • #35
            TMT #95.5 Chat 10Nov11

            TMT #95.5 Chat 10Nov11 Pt1


            9:14:34 PM] <Guest 12> Marty's such a dickhead
            [9:14:45 PM] <nwfcomrade> All "people" yes. But you want to include the beasts of the field and Satan's children. What's with that, 3?
            [9:14:51 PM] <Guest 13> Eli had 43 listeners
            [9:14:53 PM] <Guest 15> Nimbusters is a place where you can release your "Inner Tard"
            [9:15:17 PM] <Guest 3> Sorry, I don't buy into the two seedline doctrine.
            [9:15:19 PM] <Guest 13> Got trolled bad
            [9:15:35 PM] <Guest 12> Marty & Roxie need to go on the Atkins diet
            [9:15:39 PM] <Guest 3> I considered it for a few years--just wasn't convinced.
            [9:15:40 PM] <nwfcomrade> You don't have to believe dual seedline to believe Israel was white.
            [9:15:42 PM] <Guest 13> I'll be there
            [9:15:44 PM] <nwfcomrade> One thing at a time.
            [9:16:01 PM] <Guest 12> Marty do you give Roxie an enema before bedtime?
            [9:16:21 PM] <Guest 3> Plenty of so-called Aryans that are DEAF to Christ's voice.
            [9:16:24 PM] <Guest 15> i need to have a talkshoe show
            [9:16:27 PM] <Mass1488> im here
            [9:16:28 PM] <Frankenwhigger> If Paul and the Apostles were addressing the "World" where are the Gospel to the Hottentotts, Epistles to the Bantu, Pushtuns and Hutuus???
            [9:16:29 PM] <Mass1488> sieg heil
            [9:16:39 PM] <nwfcomrade> I believe it.
            [9:16:40 PM] <Mass1488> what is government if words have no meaning
            [9:16:45 PM] TheRealWilliamB has left the chat
            [9:16:47 PM] <Guest 15> but then all the hams would spam the chat
            [9:16:48 PM] <Mass1488> its power i think
            [9:16:50 PM] <Guest 12> And we thought she got off on Marty's 8 inch.
            [9:16:56 PM] <Mass1488> Jared Loughner is awesome!
            [9:17:02 PM] Guest 21 is logged into the chat
            [9:17:08 PM] <Mass1488> Pastor Lindstedt what do you think of Jared Loughner
            [9:17:24 PM] <Guest 15> lol
            [9:17:39 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Plenty of so-called Aryans that are DEAF to Christ's voice. That's Yahweh's will, too!! Who is deceived, but my servant Israel?
            [9:17:43 PM] <Guest 15> someone recording these "outakes"
            [9:17:47 PM] <Guest 15> lol
            [9:17:48 PM] <Guest 3> I did consider it...for four years I researched it, like I said I know people that aren't white and ARE in fact saved.
            [9:18:07 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Your research is wrong!
            [9:18:14 PM] <Guest 12> Marty has one helluva a mindfuck
            [9:18:15 PM] <Guest 13>
            [9:18:16 PM] <Guest 15> these are funny
            [9:18:18 PM] <Guest 3> Outtakes will be aired on NG's show next week...of that you can be sure.
            [9:18:20 PM] <nwfcomrade> I know a few "nice" niggers too, but I don't pretend they're God's offspring.
            [9:18:41 PM] <Guest 19> I STARTED RECORDING ONLY 27 MINUTES AGO. I only have parts of the show.
            [9:18:56 PM] <Guest 13> Pastor Visser Covenant People's Ministry is led by Pastor Visser and is the web presence of Covenant People's Church.
            [9:19:09 PM] <Frankenwhigger> They are No "Good Niggers" or Jews!! If so, show me the Ones that you want your daughters to marry!
            [9:19:18 PM] <Guest 3> I have known non-whites that had the fruit of the spirit. Sadly, I know even more whites that don't...will probably be sent strong delusion...
            [9:19:32 PM] <Guest 3> to follow the evil one that will soon be revealed to the world.
            [9:19:37 PM] <Guest 13> SwordBrethren's Come Out Of Her
            [9:20:01 PM] <nwfcomrade> If the fruit of the spirit is crack, rape, theft, and shiftlessness, then I guess you're right. oh wait...
            [9:20:07 PM] <Guest 13> I dedicate these programs to Yahweh God, in whom we place our trust, knowing He will lead us to safety in these trying times.
            [9:20:23 PM] <Frankenwhigger> They are No "Good Niggers" or Jews!! If so, show me the Ones that you want your daughters to marry!
            [9:20:34 PM] <Guest 3> You are painting with a huge brush...
            [9:20:49 PM] <Guest 3> The ones I knew didn't do those things.
            [9:20:57 PM] <Guest 3> They HAD THE SPIRIT.
            [9:20:58 PM] <Guest 13> awakenedwoman is hot
            [9:21:00 PM] <nwfcomrade> So answer his question! Which niggers, jews, etc. would you let your daughter marry?
            [9:21:01 PM] <Guest 15> marty, your weather man on joplin TV station has had krons's disease
            [9:21:30 PM] <nwfcomrade> Also bear in mind proper science shows those non-whites with a little "nice" to them have white ancestry.
            [9:21:35 PM] <Guest 3> I didn't say I wasn't a racist...I just don't believe that only whites have the potential to be saved by grace.
            [9:21:39 PM] <nwfcomrade> They're not actually nice.
            [9:22:01 PM] <Mass1488> Well Arabs are nice!
            [9:22:05 PM] <Mass1488> they wanna off jewboys!
            [9:22:08 PM] <nwfcomrade> Adam = white. Eve = white. They were told not to mix their race. End of story.
            [9:22:26 PM] <Guest 3> difference between "nice" and being saved and showing fruits of it.
            [9:22:27 PM] <Guest 13> The Communist Uprising aka Occupy Wall Street Exposed
            [9:22:28 PM] <nwfcomrade> No, they're anti-jew. Big difference.
            [9:22:39 PM] <Mass1488> And remember God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve
            [9:22:51 PM] <Frankenwhigger> There Are NO NIGGERS in "Heaven"!! If it were true, it wouldn't be "Heaven"!!
            [9:23:17 PM] <Guest 3> Will pray for ya'll...I have to go. Good night.
            [9:23:18 PM] <Mass1488> Well thats what I meant Arabs hate Jews and as long as they stay south turkey and west of Morraco and east of Persia they are fine in my book
            [9:23:28 PM] <Guest 15> Marty, talk about Joe Paterno of Penn st
            [9:23:30 PM] Guest 3 has left the chat
            [9:23:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Fuck you!
            [9:23:47 PM] <Mass1488> I believe in an Arab Neo Nazi Alliance
            [9:23:54 PM] <nwfcomrade> Good. Go back to your Judeo religion and tell them how awful we are.
            [9:24:04 PM] <nwfcomrade> Nope.
            [9:24:19 PM] <Guest 13> LOW BROW, RIGHTWING, CRAP TALK RADIO......
            [9:24:25 PM] <Guest 15> Alex Jones is a scumbag too
            [9:24:42 PM] Guest 22 is logged into the chat
            [9:24:44 PM] <Mass1488> wait nwfcomrade was the at directed towards me
            [9:25:00 PM] <nwfcomrade> Yes, it was. Well, I take it back.
            [9:25:12 PM] <Guest 12> Da man be keeping whites like Lindstedt down.
            [9:25:15 PM] <nwfcomrade> There's no such thing as a Neo-Nazi, so I don't really care who they ally with.
            [9:25:16 PM] <Mass1488> the Judeo comment
            [9:25:17 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I am Using TS Pro and the links have to be cut and pasted!!
            [9:25:24 PM] <nwfcomrade> No, that was for 3.
            [9:25:52 PM] <Frankenwhigger> That's the one thing I don't like about TS pro! The Links are not executable!
            [9:26:09 PM] <Mass1488> ah guest 3 is fucked up
            [9:26:12 PM] <nwfcomrade> Yeah, it's not so hot. I like it better than the web client, though.
            [9:26:20 PM] <Frankenwhigger> My "Fuck You" was for #3 too!
            [9:26:35 PM] <Mass1488> Will we use nukes in the tribulation
            [9:26:36 PM] <Guest 12> Lindstedt isn't a Christian. Christian Identity IS NOT Christianity.
            [9:26:41 PM] <Mass1488> I really hate the city of Cleveland
            [9:26:43 PM] <Mass1488> Ohio
            [9:26:45 PM] <Guest 13> Eli James is non stop action
            [9:26:49 PM] <Mass1488> and Mentor Ohio
            [9:26:57 PM] <Mass1488> I also hate the city of Oakland
            [9:27:02 PM] <Mass1488> and San fags crisco
            [9:27:04 PM] <nwfcomrade> What i don't get about people like 3 is how they claim to be racist but not to think that niggers or anything else non-white are spiritual men.
            [9:27:08 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Christianity is a Race and Not a religion!
            [9:27:30 PM] <Mass1488> I think niggers need to be jumped with a steam roller
            [9:27:43 PM] <Guest 21> Eliar james, playing games....
            [9:27:58 PM] <Mass1488> but thats just my opinion and im open minded
            [9:28:09 PM] <nwfcomrade> How so? I was a good little zionist whigger christian for years and guys like Swift / Comparet proved it to me! I was wrong as DSCI is right!
            [9:28:17 PM] <Guest 13> Moon is 100% Full explains much
            [9:28:19 PM] <Guest 22> People have a right to believe what they want.
            [9:29:07 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Politics and Religion are tools of the JEW to controll people and nations.
            [9:29:24 PM] <Guest 13> better show
            [9:29:25 PM] <Guest 12> Marty is a CockStar
            [9:29:27 PM] <Guest 22> You an atheist Frankenwhigger?
            [9:29:42 PM] <Mass1488> Frankenwhigger how is government freedom if words have no meaning, wouldnt government if words have no meaning be power
            [9:29:49 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The Jews made "Christianity" into a religion to destroy the White Race!
            [9:30:06 PM] <Guest 21> Visser is a filthy mamzer
            [9:30:09 PM] <Guest 12> FrankenNigger is Marty's altar boy
            [9:30:10 PM] <Guest 22> Why would an atheist be interested in Marty's show?
            [9:30:32 PM] <Guest 21> And Mumpsnuts is a degenerate fat niglet molester.
            [9:30:43 PM] <Guest 12> Visser is an Anglo-Mestizo
            [9:30:57 PM] <Mass1488> whats the CI view of Andrew Jackson
            [9:30:59 PM] <Guest 13>
            [9:31:08 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The romish church is a Jew/Baal Church and "Judeo-Christianity"/Protestantism is a Jew Thing too!
            [9:31:43 PM] <Guest 13> Dan Gayman
            [9:31:44 PM] <Guest 12> Roxie says Mumpsnut only has one testicle she noticed cuz he couldn't get his Nut while fucking her.
            [9:31:46 PM] <Guest 13> Dan Gayman
            [9:31:49 PM] <Mass1488> but he was a free mason but he also fought the rothchilds
            [9:31:51 PM] <Guest 22> I don't get how an atheist would be interested in listening to Marty...guess it's his position on non-whites.
            [9:31:52 PM] <Guest 13> Dan Gayman
            [9:31:55 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Christianity is a Race and Not a Religion.
            [9:32:11 PM] <Guest 22> So, you don't believe in God, then.
            [9:32:12 PM] <nwfcomrade> ANNOUNCEMENT: My body fat percentage is down almost 10% and I've lost 40 pounds from my peak weight.
            [9:32:17 PM] <Guest 13> Church of Israel Dan Gayman
            [9:32:32 PM] <nwfcomrade> 22, troll better, please.
            [9:32:39 PM] <Mass1488> He was agains the non backed by gold and silver currency
            [9:32:45 PM] <nwfcomrade> At least try to annoy us.
            [9:32:49 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Yahshuah Yahweh Taught "The Way" which was the way to build the Kingdom of Heaven, here on earth.
            [9:32:54 PM] <Mass1488> We need a currency backed by gold according to Jared Lee Loughner
            [9:33:00 PM] <Guest 13> Gordon Winrod Our Savior's Church
            [9:33:03 PM] <Guest 13> Gordon Winrod
            [9:33:08 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Yahshuah never taught "salvation"!
            [9:33:18 PM] <Guest 12> Roxie is a Job's Daughter
            [9:33:20 PM] <Guest 22> I get the feeling you don't believe in anything other than this existence.
            [9:33:23 PM] <Mass1488> The Currency of the US is illigitmate
            [9:33:40 PM] <Guest 13> Charles Juba is a punk
            [9:33:42 PM] <Mass1488> shit in 2002 i was playing Yu Gi Oh i didnt even know who the fuhrer was then
            [9:34:11 PM] <Guest 22> Frankenwhigger, you don't believe in life after death, but you believe in 2 seedline?
            [9:34:25 PM] <Guest 22> You believe in God at all, Frankenwhigger?
            [9:34:39 PM] <Guest 13> James Bruggeman
            [9:34:43 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Believe in Life before Birth!!
            [9:34:47 PM] <Guest 13> James Bruggeman the real deal
            [9:34:48 PM] <Mass1488> guest 22 you dont go to heaven or hell you just get ressurrected on judgement day
            [9:34:52 PM] <Mass1488> and judged
            [9:35:07 PM] <Frankenwhigger> There is No "Death" for a Child of Yahweh!
            [9:35:09 PM] <Mass1488> whats the CI take on funerals
            [9:35:17 PM] <nwfcomrade> They happen.
            [9:35:18 PM] <Guest 22> So you believe in soul sleep like the Jehovah's witnesses? Weird.
            [9:35:26 PM] <Guest 12> What's she pushing a turd?
            [9:35:28 PM] <Mass1488> and marriage ceremonies
            [9:35:34 PM] <nwfcomrade> Those also happen.
            [9:35:46 PM] Guest 23 is logged into the chat
            [9:35:49 PM] <Guest 13> Willie Ray Lampley did bad things
            [9:35:50 PM] <Mass1488> how does CI go about staging one of them
            [9:35:58 PM] <Guest 13> Willie Ray Lampley did bad things
            [9:36:01 PM] <Guest 22> CI believes in soul sleep?
            [9:36:03 PM] <nwfcomrade> Pretty much the same as anyone else.
            [9:36:10 PM] <nwfcomrade> Never heard that.
            [9:36:35 PM] <Guest 22> What a convoluted set of beliefs some of you guys have.
            [9:36:36 PM] <Frankenwhigger> #22 Ass-U-Mes things!!
            [9:37:00 PM] <Guest 12> you gonna let poopy dog eat it then lick your face and tell us about it like last time?
            [9:37:06 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Poopy DAWG!!!
            [9:37:11 PM] <Mass1488> because when I die I want to be mummified and buried in the sacred grove or in ancient ruins
            [9:37:21 PM] <Guest 13> Seems like no one is ever better off for being involved with this stuff
            [9:37:47 PM] <Guest 12> Let poopy dog have that turd Marty
            [9:37:49 PM] <Frankenwhigger> How about I bury you in the abandoned mine on my property?
            [9:37:55 PM] <Guest 22> Where will your spirit be? Do you know where your spirit will be when your shell of a body is deposited in your sacred "grove"?
            [9:37:57 PM] <Guest 13> Vonbluvens has a point
            [9:38:09 PM] <Mass1488> My spirit will come out of my body
            [9:38:14 PM] <Mass1488> and starting woopin niggas asses
            [9:39:05 PM] Guest 22 has left the chat
            [9:39:09 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Only That which came from Heaven can return to Heaven!
            [9:39:20 PM] <Mass1488> I've been on road trip near baltimore and guess what i saw. A cemetary near a roadside stop with fastfood restraunts and niggers
            [9:39:27 PM] <Frankenwhigger> So says Yahshuah Yahweh!
            [9:39:29 PM] <Mass1488> who would would wanna be buried near there
            [9:39:54 PM] <Guest 12> Does that mean that Marty will return to the toilet
            [9:40:00 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Jewws are into Numerology and Kabballah!
            [9:40:16 PM] <Mass1488> frankenwhigger what do you think about jared lee loughner
            [9:40:29 PM] <Guest 12> Tomorrow's poopy dog's birthday.
            [9:40:53 PM] <Frankenwhigger> jared Loughner is portrayed by an actor!
            [9:41:06 PM] <Mass1488> then who is the real jared loughner
            [9:41:09 PM] <Guest 12> Pigfried's giving #12 a Hummer
            [9:41:18 PM] <Guest 13> Christian Identity's racist and apocalyptic qualities helped lead to several well-known incidents of domestic terrorism during the past quarter centur
            [9:41:21 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I sent you the websites!!
            [9:41:27 PM] <Mass1488> Jared Loughner is awesome!
            [9:41:36 PM] <Mass1488> he dares to ask what is government if words have no meaning
            [9:41:57 PM] <Frankenwhigger> That's all part of the "act"!
            [9:41:58 PM] <Guest 13> Perhaps the most chilling manifestation of Identity terrorism can be found in the concept of the Phineas Priesthood.- ADL
            [9:42:02 PM] <Mass1488> and that will the cry of revolutionaries in the future and he opposes the federal reserve and promotes currency backed by gold
            [9:42:24 PM] <PastorLindstedt>
            [9:43:34 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hey Mass here is the website with all the "Fun" YouTubes about Loughner and Gifford fraud!!
            [9:43:36 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
            [9:43:37 PM] <Guest 13> Sheldon Emry and Dave Barley started this thing
            [9:43:39 PM] <Guest 15> daleks = beasts of the field. no soul but they function as robotic butlers in heaven.
            [9:43:44 PM] <Mass1488> I watched his youtube videso
            [9:43:48 PM] <Mass1488> they are awesome
            [9:44:02 PM] <Mass1488> i felt like ive learned more things from him than the American public school system
            [9:44:07 PM] <Guest 12> Poopy Dog is a Phineas Priest
            [9:44:21 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The Whole "Cathy Gifford" thing is a staged event!
            [9:44:30 PM] <Guest 19> .
            DO CURRENT NEWS
            DO CURRENT NEWS
            [9:44:43 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Mona had to leave and could stay on-line! She had a date!
            [9:44:45 PM] <Guest 12> WilliamB pussied out LOL!
            [9:44:48 PM] <Guest 13> "One-seed" Identity adherents do not believe that Jews are physically descended from Satan
            [9:44:57 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Mona had to leave and could not stay on-line! She had a date!
            [9:45:19 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
            [9:45:34 PM] <nwfcomrade> She wanted to mourn her one true love Edgar Steele's sentance.
            [9:45:37 PM] <nwfcomrade>
            [9:45:49 PM] <Guest 13> Klan leaders such as Thomas Robb and Louis Beam adopted the faith, as did some racist skinheads, such as the Hammerskins.
            [9:46:03 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Well Aware is the "Prothink" for Thinking People!!! Right Mikey?!?!?!?
            [9:46:06 PM] <Mass1488> is there a CI group in boston
            [9:46:13 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
            [9:47:01 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin, I would hate to be the Object of your crazoid affections!!
            [9:47:08 PM] <Guest 13> Buford Furrow, a former Aryan Nations security guard, went on a shooting spree at a Jewish Community Center in Los Angeles,
            [9:47:16 PM] <Mass1488> whats the CI view of Finno-Ugric people
            [9:47:20 PM] <Mass1488> Hungarians and Finns
            [9:47:33 PM] <Guest 21> Mike Delaney is the 3 stooges "Curly" of CI
            [9:48:01 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Well Aware is the "Prothink" for Thinking People!!! Right Mikey?!?!?!?
            [9:48:03 PM] <Guest 13> Richard Kelly Hoskins book Vigilantes of Christendom.
            [9:49:04 PM] <Guest 21> As pastor John Britton once said, "Mike Delaney is a worthless Hybernigger. That's all the fuck Delaney is!"
            [9:49:06 PM] <Mass1488> is Vigilantes of Christendom any good
            [9:49:08 PM] <Frankenwhigger> How come all these Crazoid, that go on shooting sprees, are such lousy shots?!?!?! If I were to go off, there would be a lot of Dead people!!
            [9:49:30 PM] <Mass1488> Jared Loughner was aiming for the Judge
            [9:49:38 PM] <Mass1488> more so than gabrielle Giffords
            [9:49:48 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Furrow, von Brunn, Loughner et al.... Poor shots!!
            [9:50:01 PM] <Mass1488> Well Cho was pretty good shot
            [9:50:05 PM] <Guest 13> UF lives in the "Elohim City" compound in eastern Oklahoma.
            [9:50:10 PM] <Mass1488> he went for high schore in the college league
            [9:50:18 PM] <Frankenwhigger> von Brunn show up with a .22!!!! WTF!!!
            [9:50:36 PM] <Mass1488> yea Cho was good because he ran and gun and wasted no time ranting
            [9:50:41 PM] <Mass1488> he is pro call of duty player
            [9:50:53 PM] <Guest 21> pigfried!!!!! LOL!
            [9:51:27 PM] Guest 23 has left the chat
            [9:51:33 PM] <Guest 13>
            [9:52:22 PM] <Mass1488> o fuck those people
            [9:52:54 PM] <Mass1488> no cho was the pro COD player not von bruhn
            [9:53:01 PM] <Mass1488> von bruhn= newb
            [9:53:07 PM] <Guest 13> good site
            [9:54:13 PM] <Guest 15> he is dead
            [9:54:35 PM] <Frankenwhigger> von Brunn should have showed up to the shooting with a M-1 Garand!!
            [9:54:57 PM] <Guest 13> the Hood Off Rick Perry: Was His Family In The Ku Klux Klan?
            [9:55:02 PM] <Frankenwhigger> and instead shows up with a .22?!?!?!
            [9:55:06 PM] Guest 20 has left the chat
            [9:55:30 PM] <Frankenwhigger> If you going on a "Killing Spree" do you care about "Gun Laws"?!?!?!
            [9:55:41 PM] <Frankenwhigger> GGGEEEEEEZZZZ!!!
            [9:55:55 PM] <Guest 15> lol
            [9:56:01 PM] <nwfcomrade> Even if you don't go on a killing spree, do you care about gun laws???? :P
            [9:56:06 PM] <Guest 13>
            [9:56:08 PM] PastorLindstedt has left the chat
            [9:56:22 PM] <Guest 12> Marty has built his own virtual reality prison cell he's a prisoner of his own mind.
            [9:57:17 PM] PastorLindstedt is logged into the chat
            [9:57:22 PM] <Frankenwhigger> He could have bought a semi auto and converted it to full auto like Phillips and Massaraneau!!
            [9:57:24 PM] <Guest 13> Olde White Power Chopping Block
            [9:57:27 PM] <Guest 12> Marty is a pussy he lacks the testicular fortitude of Von Brunn.
            [9:57:37 PM] <Mass1488> the Columbine killers were good shots
            [9:57:47 PM] <Mass1488> they were the highest co-op high score
            [9:58:01 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Massaraneau and Phillips should be Mass' Heros!!
            [9:58:07 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
            [9:58:21 PM] <Guest 13> Col,Sanders in the news
            [9:58:47 PM] <Frankenwhigger> They only wounded a few people, but they sure did scare the Hell out of People!!
            [9:59:02 PM] <Guest 13> KFC
            [9:59:12 PM] <Frankenwhigger> North Hollywood shootout RAWKS!!!!!
            [9:59:30 PM] <PastorLindstedt>
            [9:59:36 PM] <Mass1488> yummm KFC
            [9:59:39 PM] <Guest 13> Philips went out the right way
            [9:59:46 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Who cares about Linderville?
            [10:00:14 PM] <Guest 12> He has MumpsNuts testicle in the back of his throat ObaGenderBender does
            [10:00:21 PM] <Guest 12> Yummy! Yummy! Yummy! Marty has Bryan's Cum in his Tummy.
            [10:00:27 PM] <Guest 13> TimeLORD call in
            [10:01:55 PM] <Guest 13> The real ZOG
            [10:02:10 PM] <PastorLindstedt>
            [10:02:55 PM] <Guest 13> Edgar J. Steele, 65, is an anti-Semitic lawyer
            [10:03:04 PM] <PastorLindstedt>
            [10:03:28 PM] <Guest 13>
            [10:04:07 PM] <Guest 13> Alex Linder / Vanguard News Network (VNN)
            [10:04:59 PM] <Guest 13>
            [10:05:26 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Need to check on My Critters!! BRB!!!
            [10:06:19 PM] <Frankenwhigger> ZOG will whoever they want, whenever they want!! , If they don't have evidence, they'll manufacture it!
            [10:06:34 PM] <Frankenwhigger> ZOG will prosecute whoever they want, whenever they want!! , If they don't have evidence, they'll manufacture it!
            [10:08:07 PM] <Mass1488> so is CI fine with Torture
            [10:08:12 PM] <Mass1488> Im down with torture
            [10:08:37 PM] <Guest 12> will Marty survive?
            [10:08:47 PM] <Guest 13> Like Donny the Punk
            [10:10:04 PM] <Guest 12> Marty the Tribulator
            [10:10:06 PM] <Guest 13> Of his wife, Steele said, "I fell in love with her at first sight."

            He added, "My heart jumps up now every time I catch sight of her."
            [10:10:10 PM] <Mass1488> so most people are going to die cause of natural causes
            [10:10:25 PM] <Guest 13> Tokoloshe man is Paul Demsky
            [10:11:00 PM] <Mass1488> I dont think im really prepared for the trib how do ought to do so
            [10:12:10 PM] <Guest 13> Donny the Punk went through a Great Tribulation
            [10:12:37 PM] <Guest 12> Marty is the cleansing cockroach of CI. They could drop a nuclear bomb on his hovel and he'd find a way out.
            [10:13:23 PM] <Guest 13> The sad case of Donny the Punk - a man who wanted to be raped
            [10:13:43 PM] <Guest 12>
            [10:16:01 PM] <Mass1488> these people are scavengers as well
            [10:16:27 PM] <Guest 12> Marvin Heemeyer influenced the thinking of his city council critters
            [10:17:13 PM] <Guest 13> Donny the Punkwent to Cherry Grove on Fire Island, where he "was thrilled to meet another gay Columbia student Stan Lawson
            [10:18:40 PM] <Guest 13> The Only Thing Lloyd Will Tos is your Hero's salad ~Your Great Hero, Steve
            [10:19:31 PM] <nwfcomrade> I'm going to head to bed pretty quickly here. I've been in the gym very early all week and I want to keep it up.
            [10:19:34 PM] <nwfcomrade> Later.
            [10:19:36 PM] nwfcomrade has left the chat
            [10:20:09 PM] <Mass1488> During the tribulation what will their still be a Japan after
            [10:20:18 PM] <Mass1488> and North Korea and South Korea
            [10:20:51 PM] <Mass1488> and other shit skins that live in their own nests
            [10:21:53 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Love these "Fireside Chats" with Martin! What did I Miss?
            [10:22:12 PM] <Mass1488> were talking about the whole shaboozie going down
            [10:22:48 PM] Guest 15 has left the chat
            [10:25:05 PM] Guest 13 has left the chat
            [10:28:53 PM] Guest 24 is logged into the chat
            [10:29:53 PM] <Guest 24> Well, well, well, the secret turd ain't so secwet tonight
            [10:31:09 PM] <Guest 24> secret broadcast. Nothing Marty says is worthy of secrecy
            [10:32:16 PM] <Guest 24> The ZOG is out to get you, Marty, because you pose such a great threat to their power
            [10:33:08 PM] Mass1488 has left the chat
            [10:33:41 PM] <Guest 24> I think Roxy would be the first mamzer rounded up
            [10:34:06 PM] <Guest 24> CI pastor who is married to a mongolian womna has ZERO credibility
            [10:34:47 PM] <Guest 24> Lindstedt only wishes his wife was as Aryan as Visser's wife
            [10:34:58 PM] <Guest 12> Marty is married to Visser's Anglo-Mestizo kin. LOL!
            [10:34:59 PM] <Guest 21> mamzers are on a rampage...
            [10:35:15 PM] <Guest 21> mamzers like Reo.
            [10:35:28 PM] <Guest 24> Roxy is a mamzer. What more needs to be said
            [10:35:42 PM] <Guest 12> Visser's wife is an Anglo-Mestizo looks like the Anglo-mestizo Carrie Underwood.
            [10:36:06 PM] <Guest 21> no, reo is a fucking mamzer. as is the niglet enfused Visser and Mumpnuts!
            [10:36:20 PM] <Guest 24> She sure doesn't look mestzo to me. Looks about as Aryan as they come. And you know it too
            [10:36:35 PM] <Guest 12> Marty has a ratchet jaw the mother fuckin' thing is a God Damned pepetual motion machine
            [10:37:09 PM] Guest 21 has left the chat
            [10:37:19 PM] <Guest 12> Visser's wife with her bleach blonde hairdoo isn't Aryan.
            [10:37:34 PM] <Guest 24> Marty looks white. Marty is wihe, but Roxy is a mongrel, and any man who lays down with a mamzer at night is a TRAITOR
            [10:37:49 PM] <Guest 12> Yeah go ahead and read the chat Marty you fat Mongoloid fuck
            [10:38:47 PM] <Guest 24> Marty is White. Oh yes. Marty is 1005. And him laying down every night with a mamzer/Roxy makes him a race traitor.
            [10:38:52 PM] <Guest 12> Marty is the cleansing cockroach of CI. They could drop a nuclear bomb on his hovel and he'd find a way out.
            [10:39:03 PM] <Guest 24> and what do we do with race traitors? WE put them to DEATH!
            [10:39:22 PM] <Guest 12> Marty's on a roll now
            [10:39:53 PM] <Guest 12> G24 is a fuckin' Mamzer STFU G24
            [10:40:22 PM] <Guest 24> 12, you can't deny that Marty looks White. Marty is White. A White race traitor that fucks a mongrel mongolian whore every night
            [10:40:24 PM] <Guest 12> G24 is a Pisser Possum
            [10:41:20 PM] <Guest 12> Bridgit the Idgit fucks & sucks the Cherokee Chief nightly
            [10:41:23 PM] <Guest 24> Marty says all the right things. He's talks like a SOLID White man, but he's still married tom a mongolian woman
            [10:41:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Love these "Fireside Chats" with Martin!
            [10:42:19 PM] <Guest 24> I guess we should just except Marty as one of our own just because he speaks ill of the joo
            [10:42:47 PM] <Guest 24> Reo would never tolerate that shit
            [10:43:22 PM] <Guest 24> In Reo's world, any man married to a mongrel would be EXTERMINATED
            [10:43:51 PM] <Guest 24> I'd rather live in Reo's world than Marty's world
            [10:43:54 PM] <Frankenwhigger> In Reo's World?!?!?!?!? LOL!!!!
            [10:44:17 PM] <Guest 24> FACT: Roxy is a mongrel.
            [10:44:33 PM] <Guest 24> You have zero credibility
            [10:44:47 PM] <Guest 24> Will say this Marty, you are White
            [10:44:50 PM] Guest 25 is logged into the chat
            [10:44:57 PM] <Guest 24> You are White, Marty
            [10:45:02 PM] <Guest 24> Your wife ain't
            [10:45:13 PM] <Guest 24> You are a race traitor
            [10:45:50 PM] <Guest 25> Brian Reo = Mamzer
            [10:46:13 PM] <Guest 24> I wish yoiu were a mamzer, marty, at least then you wouldn't be a race traitor
            [10:46:22 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Throw another log on the fire!!
            [10:46:50 PM] <Guest 24> Cheers, Frankewhigger
            [10:47:00 PM] <Guest 24> Cheers, friend!
            [10:47:10 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin, you need a coal stove! Coal Stove gets so hot, you have to open the windows in the winter!!
            [10:47:27 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Mine GLOWS!!
            [10:48:27 PM] <Guest 24> Keep talking to him, Frankenwhigger. Let him know that he still exists
            [10:49:45 PM] <Guest 24> I'd like you , Marty, as long as your wife wasn't a mongolian whore
            [10:49:50 PM] <Guest 25> What is the difference between single seedline christian identity and dual seedline?
            [10:50:13 PM] <Guest 24> I have ZERO respect for any man who is married to a non-white woman
            [10:50:48 PM] <Guest 24> I am anonymous
            [10:51:00 PM] <Guest 24> OIs your wife NOT a mongrel?
            [10:51:05 PM] <Guest 25> What is the difference between single seedline christian identity and dual seedline?
            [10:51:08 PM] <Guest 24> My eyes tell me she is
            [10:51:20 PM] <Guest 24> Roxy looks like a gook
            [10:51:30 PM] <Guest 24> jey black hair, slanted eyes
            [10:51:37 PM] <Guest 24> Your girl is gook
            [10:51:47 PM] <Guest 24> which give you ZERO credibility
            [10:51:50 PM] <Guest 12> Marty's a Mamzer. Marty's a Mamzer. Marty's a Mamzer. Marty's a Mamzer. Marty's a Mamzer. Marty's a Mamzer. Marty's a Mamzer. Marty's a Mamzer.
            [10:52:00 PM] <Guest 25> What is the difference between single seedline christian identity and dual seedline?
            [10:52:04 PM] <Guest 24> You are White
            [10:52:28 PM] <Guest 24> Martin, you look 100% White
            [10:52:41 PM] <Guest 24> You ain't no mamzer
            [10:52:46 PM] <Guest 12> MumpsNut is Single Seedline
            [10:52:58 PM] <Guest 12> To prove it he has one testicle
            [10:53:04 PM] <Guest 25> Munpsnut?
            [10:53:20 PM] Guest 26 is logged into the chat
            [10:54:31 PM] <Guest 25> Was Wesly Swift Single seedline?
            [10:55:15 PM] <Guest 24> Which race of Europeans look the most Aryan? Northern Europeans do
            [10:55:29 PM] <Guest 26> Records PC audio from almost any source, including streamed audio from programs like Windows Media Player. It can also record conventional audio from
            [10:55:32 PM] <Guest 26> CD, a microphone, and other input lines on a sound card. Recordings can be saved to the hard drive in various (compressed and uncompressed) formats.CD
            [10:55:39 PM] <Guest 24> Go told us already who the MASTER RACE is
            [10:56:32 PM] <Guest 26> TOTAL RECORDER 7.1
            [10:56:35 PM] <Guest 24> Lidstedt, you look like you could actually be Northern European. You are a TRUE White man
            [10:57:06 PM] <Guest 12> Marty is Suomi
            [10:57:27 PM] <Guest 26> lindstedt, where can i contact you?
            [10:57:30 PM] Guest 27 is logged into the chat
            [10:57:39 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Reo is Turk-Mongol!
            [10:57:47 PM] Guest 28 is logged into the chat
            [10:57:53 PM] <Guest 25> Was Wesly Swift Single seedline?
            [10:57:55 PM] <Guest 27> You ever met him?
            [10:58:06 PM] <Guest 26>
            [10:59:02 PM] <Guest 27> You familiar with Dr. Arnold Murray?
            [10:59:21 PM] <Guest 26>
            [10:59:26 PM] <Guest 28> Lindstedts wants you tyo contact him because he's a FED
            [10:59:40 PM] <Guest 12> PastHer Fuzz Lindstedt
            [10:59:47 PM] <Guest 28> FACT: Reo is Whiter than Roxy
            [10:59:59 PM] <Guest 28> LMFAO!!!
            [11:00:05 PM] <Guest 25> What do you think of Charles Juba
            [11:00:14 PM] <Guest 26> lindstedt, I know a way you can record without MP3 player or any MIC. There softwares that can record any sound a computer makes without needing mic.
            [11:00:17 PM] <Guest 27> Ever Met Vonbluvens or Tom Metzger?
            [11:00:26 PM] <Guest 28> Juba looks Whitge to me
            [11:00:43 PM] <Guest 28> Juba is White, just like YOU, Marty
            [11:00:46 PM] <Guest 12> Marty got Past klunt's fuzz
            [11:01:01 PM] <Guest 27> You ever heard of Dr. Arnold Murray. A lot of his stuff sounds dual seedline.
            [11:01:20 PM] <Guest 28> You are 100% White, marty, it's only Roxy that is a mongrel
            [11:01:46 PM] <Guest 28> true
            [11:01:56 PM] <Guest 27> BS talking about a man's wife.
            [11:02:20 PM] <Guest 28> Nobody exposed the jew better than Hal Turner
            [11:02:30 PM] Guest 19 has left the chat
            [11:02:41 PM] <Guest 28> Hal dedicated his entire life to exposing the KIKE!
            [11:02:49 PM] <Guest 27> Dual seedline but he allows blacks in his church.
            [11:02:57 PM] <Guest 27> Yes, he calls Jews Kennites
            [11:03:13 PM] <Guest 27> He's pretty smart though.
            [11:03:35 PM] <Guest 26> Lindstedt, I know a way you can record using computer without MIC (mp3 player uses mic). You can use it to record Eliar, Dan Johns, Fink.
            [11:04:02 PM] <Guest 27> He uses the term "mamzer" but he doesn't say they are going to Hell.
            [11:04:21 PM] <Guest 28> In a perfect world, Roxy would be White
            [11:04:59 PM] <Guest 28> I love what Marty says, but the man speaking the words is a man married to a mamzer
            [11:05:18 PM] <Guest 27> He's hard core when it comes to God's word.
            [11:05:26 PM] <Guest 28> But his wifew
            [11:05:35 PM] <Guest 28> how can you deal with that
            [11:05:41 PM] <Guest 28> seriously
            [11:05:48 PM] <Guest 28> he's married to a good whore
            [11:06:01 PM] <Guest 28> good=gook
            [11:06:20 PM] <Guest 27> Shut up, 28.
            [11:06:46 PM] <Guest 26> Martin. Can you talk about THE NEWS instead of PEOPLE WHO DONT MATTER LIKE FINCK, ELI, PETE PETERS.
            [11:07:03 PM] <Guest 28> yeah, 27, lets forget that Marty is married to a mongol
            [11:07:09 PM] Guest 24 has left the chat
            [11:07:30 PM] <Guest 27> I considered dual seedline listening to him. Murray put forth interesting concepts.
            [11:08:12 PM] <Guest 27> 8th day creation. Murray talked about the "overthrow" of the planet before man came...weird stuff.
            [11:09:01 PM] <Guest 27> No such thing as justice in this nation. Come on.
            [11:09:11 PM] <Guest 27> For many reasons.
            [11:09:23 PM] <Guest 26> LINDSTED, have you used BITORRENT before? Specifically Utorrent?
            [11:09:27 PM] <Guest 27> Time to legalize the Constitution.
            [11:10:19 PM] <Guest 27> Lindstedt, can you give us a timeframe of when you think America is going to implode?
            [11:10:39 PM] <Guest 25> Legalize freedom baby
            [11:11:15 PM] <Guest 27> 2 yrs, 5 yrs or 10 much time do decent people in America got?
            [11:11:56 PM] <Guest 27> They hang Edgar Steele around the necks of other WN defendants.
            [11:11:59 PM] <Guest 26> 2 yrs if Jew-repean Union collapses.
            [11:12:11 PM] <Guest 27> Maybe not even that long, 26.
            [11:12:39 PM] <Guest 28> Marty says GREAT shit!
            [11:12:44 PM] <Guest 26> Healthcare is no different WELFARE for nigger and muds.
            [11:13:00 PM] <Guest 27> Marty, what is going to happen in America in the next two years?
            [11:13:09 PM] <Guest 26> PAY IT FOR THE JEW, NIGGER, SPIC
            [11:13:33 PM] <Guest 28> I want to be Marty's FRIEND, but I can't get past the FACT that his gurl/roxy is a mongrel
            [11:13:46 PM] <Guest 28> Marty came slo close to TRUTH
            [11:13:59 PM] <Guest 28> so close to TRUTH
            [11:14:35 PM] <Guest 27> Do you believe FEMA camps exist? Heard of REX84?
            [11:14:39 PM] <Guest 28> We're listening to this guy saying all the right things, but yet his wife isa gook
            [11:14:43 PM] <Guest 28> is a gook
            [11:14:59 PM] <Guest 27> Being overweight doesn't make her a non-white, you fucking asshole.
            [11:15:03 PM] <Guest 28> his wife is a mongolian
            [11:15:18 PM] <Guest 27> No she isn't.
            [11:15:21 PM] <Guest 28> Her eyes are gook
            [11:15:27 PM] <Guest 26> Martin, Bryan "nigger" Reo needs healthcare.
            [11:15:50 PM] <Guest 28> There's no getting around that shi, Roxy, is mongrel/mamzer
            [11:15:56 PM] <Guest 27> 28=REO
            [11:16:01 PM] <Guest 26> Martin, are you recording the show?
            [11:16:09 PM] <Guest 28> lol<< not reo
            [11:16:46 PM] <Guest 28> Reo is all about "BREEDING UP"
            [11:17:09 PM] <Guest 27> Martin, when is the nation going to collapse? What do you think is going to happen?
            [11:17:22 PM] <Guest 28> Reo = breeding up
            [11:17:30 PM] <Guest 28> Marty = breeding down
            [11:17:53 PM] <Guest 27> Marty, are you praying for civil war?
            [11:17:57 PM] <Guest 28> Breed with a mongrel, you're only breeding down
            [11:18:02 PM] <Guest 26> Martin, when is the great tribulation going to happen? Will it start with economic collapse? When will that be?
            [11:18:52 PM] <Guest 27> Marty, you realize that many whites are going to be wiped out during the tribulation?
            [11:20:06 PM] <Guest 27> Marty's solution is to kill according to him.
            [11:20:24 PM] <Guest 27> You advocating killing people without trial?
            [11:20:45 PM] <Guest 27> That's fucking moronic.
            [11:21:23 PM] <Guest 28> Judge them buy the color of thier skin,27. If they are brown, then fucking kill them.
            [11:21:52 PM] <Guest 26> Martin, thats cruel. Thats why Nigger and Mud countries are hell holes. Thats why Jews and Arabs hate eachother.
            [11:21:57 PM] <Guest 28> brown needs to die. very simple
            [11:22:14 PM] <Guest 27> You realize you will reap the whirlwind doing that to others?
            [11:22:44 PM] <Frankenwhigger> We will reap the "Whirlwind", regardless!
            [11:22:54 PM] <Guest 27> All I hear you morons say is kill, kill, kill and destroy destroy destroy.
            [11:22:57 PM] <Frankenwhigger> They hate Us , regardless!
            [11:23:12 PM] <Guest 26> Martin, my brothers children are half-black. Do you want to kill his children?
            [11:23:39 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Yes, Kill the Niggers!
            [11:23:57 PM] <Frankenwhigger> They aren't "Half-Black", they are Niggers!
            [11:24:02 PM] <Guest 27> Difference between self defense and murder.
            [11:24:39 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Killing the Aliens and Niggers is self defence!
            [11:25:09 PM] <Guest 26> Martin, MLK JR said judge by the content of character, not by skin. DO you agree?
            [11:25:56 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Nope, Fuck that Nigger!!
            [11:26:12 PM] <Guest 27> Marty, you want to appoint yourself as a Mdme Lafarge and start killing indiscriminately?
            [11:26:34 PM] <Guest 27> That, sir, is moronic.
            [11:26:46 PM] <Guest 26> Martin, who do you support for 2012 election? I hope Obama crushes the treasonous Republicans.
            [11:27:22 PM] <Frankenwhigger> They are No "Good Niggers" or Jews!! If so, show me the Ones that you want your daughters to marry!
            [11:27:36 PM] <Guest 27> No, this fucking moron is talking about killing people he considers "traitor".
            [11:27:57 PM] <Guest 26> Martin, Are you trying to get arrested? WTF is wrong with you threatening people.
            [11:28:17 PM] <Frankenwhigger> There Are NO NIGGERS in "Heaven"!! If it were true, it wouldn't be "Heaven"!!
            [11:28:28 PM] <Guest 26> ZOG Mercernaries.
            [11:28:50 PM] <Guest 27> He wants to play the part of French revolutionary Mdme Lafarge and start killing indiscriminately?
            [11:28:55 PM] Guest 25 has left the chat
            [11:30:00 PM] <Guest 26> Do you support Herman Cain for president?
            [11:30:07 PM] <Frankenwhigger> If you want "News" check out the Drudge Report!
            [11:30:56 PM] <Guest 26> I HOPE THEY DO. I would love to see Israel nuked.
            [11:31:02 PM] <Guest 27> You should be thanking Jimmy Carter, Marty. If it wasn't for him passing de-institutionalization legislation you would be in a state hospital.
            [11:31:08 PM] <Guest 26> ZOG is too far to be nuked.
            [11:31:35 PM] Guest 12 has left the chat
            [11:31:59 PM] <Guest 27> You idiots sit around here drooling over your nihilistic dreams of mass murder of anything and anyone you don't like.
            [11:32:03 PM] <Guest 26> Was it Pastor "fat" Bill coming over to fight you?
            [11:32:15 PM] Guest 14 has left the chat
            [11:32:24 PM] <Frankenwhigger> That was done under Reagan's term. The "Left" tried to accuse the Reagan Admin. of illegally imprisoning people!
            [11:32:33 PM] <Guest 27> Started under Carter Franken
            [11:32:52 PM] <Guest 26> So you felt the QUake in Granby?
            [11:32:56 PM] <Guest 27> If we lived in the 70s Marty would be in a state institution for sure.
            [11:33:04 PM] <Frankenwhigger> And the ACLU forced the Guvmint to release the mentally disturbed people and create the "Homeless" problem.
            [11:33:15 PM] <Guest 27> It sure did.
            [11:33:23 PM] <Guest 26> COVER PENN STATE SCANDAL.
            [11:33:50 PM] <Frankenwhigger> That Penn State Coach looks like Anthony Reo!!
            [11:34:02 PM] <Guest 27> Really no difference between guys like marty and the nihilist at OWS.
            [11:34:50 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Anthony Reo
            [11:35:29 PM] <Guest 27> His wife has health issues I am way is she going to survive "da tribulation"...actually, lots of innocent people are going to die.
            [11:35:50 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
            [11:36:00 PM] <Guest 27> And this moron sits around praying for this tribulation not realizing what it will do to the family he loves.
            [11:36:13 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
            [11:36:22 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Compare the Two!!
            [11:36:42 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Two Turks!!
            [11:36:56 PM] <Guest 27> You don't know anything about me.
            [11:37:00 PM] <Guest 27> LOL
            [11:37:06 PM] <Frankenwhigger> These "Turks" all try to say they are "Italian"!
            [11:37:26 PM] <Guest 26> What happened to Reo? He hasnt done a show a while.
            [11:37:58 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Reo has been exposed as the "Turk" that he is!!! XuQa Baby!!
            [11:38:07 PM] <Guest 27> HE has a point, WHY AM I HERE? You know, I really am stupid for arguing with nihilist morons praying for death.
            [11:38:29 PM] <Guest 26> Martin, I think 27 is THE IRANIAN NIGGER, JOE BLOW
            [11:38:47 PM] <Guest 27> I use to be in the movement...whiter than most of you here.
            [11:39:15 PM] <Guest 27> Not that it matters.
            [11:39:34 PM] <Guest 26> MARTIN, being aware of Great Tribulation doesnt HELP YOU SURVIVE GREAT TRIBULATION.
            [11:39:46 PM] <Guest 27> I USE to be in the movement but left because of TARDS like Lindstedt.
            [11:40:26 PM] <Guest 26> Martin, WHY DO YOU LOVE TALKING ABOUT INDIVIDUALS? Its fucking boring.
            [11:40:49 PM] <Guest 27> I am aware of it, and I am aware that I most likely will not survive it, many of us are not going to. I just think it is stupid wishing for it.
            [11:41:11 PM] <Guest 26> Martin, you need to figure out better ways to entertain us like covering Current News, History, Politics.
            [11:41:49 PM] <Guest 27> Maybe he will go back to praying for the GREAT TRIBULATION to happen again.
            [11:42:01 PM] <Guest 26> I agree 27. I hate Jews, I hate Multiculturalism. I want both things to end quickly. But I wont wish for Economic collapse.
            [11:42:46 PM] <Guest 27> You have lots of people like Marty praying and wishing for it...not realizing the misery it will bring on the people we love and care for.
            [11:43:53 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The end of the Age is marked by worldwide economic collapse!! I say bring it on!!
            [11:44:00 PM] <Guest 27> I don't support the regime, but I am not praying for collapse.
            [11:44:04 PM] <Guest 26> Martin, you should do 1-2 hour shows like James Wickstrom, Eli James. 3+ hours are too long, boring.
            [11:44:10 PM] <Guest 27> Franken, you are a fucking idiot.
            [11:44:19 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Their collapse is our beginning!
            [11:44:40 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Babylon Must fall for the Kingdom to come!
            [11:44:51 PM] <Guest 27> You just want to satisfy some sick satanic like blood lust you have...that's why you are praying for it.
            [11:45:03 PM] <Guest 26> I hope Frankenwhigger is ARMED to the teeth for Economic collapse.
            [11:45:15 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Keeping the Jew Banking system alive is death to the white race!
            [11:45:44 PM] <Guest 27> The NWO isn't an exclusive Jewish problem.
            [11:45:48 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I am not appointed to wrath!
            [11:45:57 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The Collapse is not for me!
            [11:46:01 PM] <Guest 26> Jew banking system is keeping Multiculturalism alive. No money= No multicutluralism.
            [11:46:24 PM] <Guest 27> Simplistic thinking.
            [11:47:23 PM] <Guest 26> Jewish part of NWO is behind multiculturalism.
            [11:47:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I don't need Money or a Jew economy to survive and prosper!
            [11:47:36 PM] <Guest 27> The minute you guys go to employ violence you will be wiped out. Resorting to violence is idiotic.
            [11:47:53 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Violence is Good!
            [11:48:02 PM] <Frankenwhigger> The Battle belongs to Yahweh!
            [11:48:10 PM] <Guest 27> The powers-that-be are hoping for violence so they can bring the iron boot down on your collective necks.
            [11:48:28 PM] <Guest 27> GO ahead, play into their hands, morons.
            [11:48:53 PM] <Frankenwhigger> They are bringing their "Iron Boots" regardless!! Pay Attention!
            [11:49:26 PM] <Guest 27> Well, I have a hope beyond this world...sounds like you don't...I am not afraid to die.
            [11:49:43 PM] <Frankenwhigger> You are the one playing into their hands , by supporting the system!
            [11:49:52 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Then please die!
            [11:49:58 PM] <Guest 28> Them more I talk in the roo. THe more I talk to TRASH
            [11:50:11 PM] <Guest 27> You are making assumptions. You are blinded by the prince of the air.
            [11:51:03 PM] <Guest 27> Franken, you don't believe in life after this one, do you?
            [11:52:54 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Is their Life Before Birth?
            [11:53:33 PM] <Guest 27> Doctrines of demons anyone?
            [11:54:03 PM] <Guest 27> Well, I will leave you guys to your dreams of world conquest, while your souls perish.
            [11:54:24 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Thank you!
            [11:55:44 PM] <Guest 27> Peace and Love to you all. May you come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Will be praying for you all.
            [11:56:16 PM] <Frankenwhigger> How Self Righteous of You!! Now go Fuck Yourself!
            [11:56:36 PM] <Frankenwhigger> His name is Not "Jesus Christ"!!
            [11:56:45 PM] <Frankenwhigger> A-Hole!
            [11:57:05 PM] <Guest 26> 27, White Race has less than a century before Jew wins with multiculuturalism.
            [11:57:12 PM] <Guest 27> You don't know it, but I am praying for you and Marty right now.
            [11:57:45 PM] <Guest 26> 27, are you even Christian Identity? Or traditional christian?
            [11:57:52 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Fuck You and Your "Prayers"!!
            [11:58:16 PM] <Guest 27> I am a believer in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
            [11:58:34 PM] <Guest 26> Are you Christian Identity? Do you know what Christian IDentity is?
            [11:59:07 PM] <Guest 27> Franken, Marty has been placed on a permanent prayer list and I am praying that you and everyone here is saved by Jesus Christ.
            [11:59:23 PM] <Guest 26> Christian Identists believe jews are literal children of satan. good jews dont exist as jew dna is of the devil.
            [11:59:37 PM] <Guest 27> Yes, I know what Christian Identity is...very familiar with it.
            [11:59:57 PM] <Guest 26> MARTY= before you leave, Did you record program?
            [12:00:14 AM] <Guest 26> I have a more efficient way to record than MP3 player.
            [12:00:57 AM] <Guest 27> I haven't called you anything.
            [12:01:10 AM] <Guest 27> Praying for you, bubba.
            [12:01:31 AM] <Guest 26> Marty, I have been recording this program. I have a more efficent way to record without MP3 player or computer mic. Contact me.
            [12:02:46 AM] <Guest 27> I am praying for Martin Lindstedt and everyone on this forum now...will continue to do so.
            [12:03:13 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Steele's trial was just ZOG going wild and Doing what they want. They just wanted to silence a critic and make an example!
            [12:04:18 AM] Guest 29 is logged into the chat
            [12:04:28 AM] <Guest 27> May the Holy Spirit convict you of sin and you come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
            [12:04:53 AM] <Guest 29> 27, are u CI? Or traditioanl christian?
            [12:04:57 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Shut Up #27!! Because it is apparent that you don't know scripture! Good Trolling!
            [12:05:24 AM] <Guest 29> Lindstedt, Do you want to know how I am recoridng your show WITHOUT a microphone.
            [12:05:35 AM] <Guest 27> There is about 30 people praying for YOU right now, Frankenwhigger.
            [12:06:12 AM] <Guest 29> 27, are you Christian Identity? I know you said you were White Nationalist.
            [12:06:41 AM] <Frankenwhigger> So What!!! 30 whiggers Praying is nothing and vanity!
            [12:06:54 AM] <Guest 27> Jesus has the power to save any one of you guys.
            [12:07:02 AM] <Frankenwhigger> So tell those 30 to go fuck themselves !
            [12:07:06 AM] <Guest 29> Marty, contact me for better way to record than using mp3 player or mic.
            [12:07:08 AM] <Guest 27> That's what I am praying for.
            [12:08:41 AM] <Guest 29> Marty, how many times do I have to repeat myself. I know an efficent, good way to record the show without mp3 player or mic.
            [12:09:45 AM] <Guest 29> Marty, please contact me for a good way to record audios.
            [12:10:00 AM] <Frankenwhigger> Later Martin!!
            [12:10:04 AM] <Guest 29> DONT LEAVE
            [12:10:10 AM] <Guest 29> I WANT TO HELP yoU RECORD EASIER>
            [12:10:15 AM] <Guest 27> Turn to Jesus Christ, it isn't too late.
            [12:10:19 AM] Frankenwhigger has left the chat
            [12:10:34 AM] <Guest 29> Dont leave Martin, I have been recording your program.
            [12:11:29 AM] <Guest 29> You dont need mp3 player. Your computer can record using a software. I have been recoridng FINCK at TEAMSPEAK.
            [12:11:47 AM] <Guest 27> Laugh all you want, Marty...I am praying for ya, bud.
            [12:12:07 AM] Guest 30 is logged into the chat
            [12:12:23 AM] <Guest 30> 27 sounds like Judeo-Christian.
            [12:12:48 AM] Guest 26 has left the chat
            [12:12:57 AM] <Guest 30> Martin, you can use your computers SOUND CARD to record shows. You dont need mic, or mp3 player to record.
            [12:13:29 AM] <Guest 30> Just give it a try. MArty you wont be disappointed.
            [12:13:40 AM] <Guest 30> have you used bitorrent before?
            [12:13:53 AM] <Guest 30> I use the program to record Ficnks Teamspeak.
            [12:13:57 AM] Frankenwhigger is logged into the chat
            [12:14:05 AM] <Guest 27>
            [12:14:37 AM] Frankenwhigger has left the chat
            [12:14:58 AM] <PastorLindstedt> Send an email to:
            [12:15:14 AM] <Guest 30> Heres a demo of the software im talking about Lidnstedt
            [12:16:03 AM] <Guest 30> Have u ever used bitorrent. I have link to software. I can upload Fincks teamspeak if you want.
            [12:16:15 AM] Siegfried has left the chat
            [12:16:30 AM] <Guest 27> Marty, we have you on our permanent prayer list.
            [12:16:44 AM] <Guest 30> Wait one minute, I will go record FINCK right now an dupload it online to see software in demonstration.
            [12:17:17 AM] <Guest 27> MARTIN, we have you on our permanent prayer list.
            [12:18:21 AM] <Guest 27>
            [12:18:36 AM] <Guest 30> SING IT AGAIN. IM RECORDING. I WILL PUT FILE UP IN A MINUTE.
            [12:19:41 AM] <Guest 27> I didn't call you a Mamzer.
            [12:19:58 AM] <Guest 27> No, was defending her.
            [12:20:03 AM] Guest 28 has left the chat
            [12:20:15 AM] <Guest 27> 28 said that.
            [12:20:36 AM] <Guest 27> I didn't say anything negative about her, Martin.
            [12:21:05 AM] Guest 31 is logged into the chat
            [12:21:24 AM] <Guest 27> I didn't say anything pro or con about whiggers mamzers or anything else.
            [12:21:39 AM] <Guest 31> Fuck all Jews and Illuminati!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            [12:21:49 AM] <Guest 27> God knows how to take care of evil.
            [12:22:08 AM] <Guest 27> YHWH knows how to take care of evil.
            [12:22:12 AM] Guest 29 has left the chat
            [12:22:54 AM] <Guest 27> I am under grace...not under the kingdom program.
            [12:23:28 AM] <Guest 31> Give me Secret Knowledge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
            [12:23:46 AM] <Guest 30> LINDSTEDT LISTEN TO THIS DEMO OF THE RECORDING. ITS 30 SECONDS OF YOU. 5 minutes Ago.
            [12:24:16 AM] <Guest 31> What's New in the Bowel Movement?
            [12:24:36 AM] <Guest 27> You are full of hate...even towards your own 2 seedline brethren...just an I said, will be praying for you.
            [12:25:36 AM] <Guest 31> It's easy to hate people today since there are so many bad people
            [12:26:03 AM] <Guest 27> Even people that identify with dual seedline he is lashing out at.
            [12:26:10 AM] <Guest 31> like who?
            [12:26:17 AM] <Guest 27> He is a tortured soul.
            [12:26:34 AM] <Guest 31> Fincklesheenie and Eliar Jew James?
            [12:27:31 AM] <Guest 27> You are ate up with it even towards your own people.
            [12:28:23 AM] <Guest 27> No, not lecturing. Goodnight.
            [12:28:28 AM] <Guest 30> WHAT DO YOU THINK OF IT? YOU LIKE IT? HERES THE LINK AGAIN.
            [12:28:45 AM] <Guest 27> If you are interested in being saved go here:
            [12:28:50 AM] <Guest 27>
            [12:28:56 AM] Guest 27 has left the chat
            [12:30:15 AM] <Guest 30> ITS A SMALL FILE. IT WONT KILL YOUR COMPUTER. ITS LESS THAN 1 MB.
            [12:33:19 AM] <PastorLindstedt>
            [12:33:34 AM] <Guest 30> I PUT IT AT 128 KB. I COULD HAVE EASILY SAVED AT LESS KB.
            [12:33:59 AM] <Guest 30> I CAN RE-RECORD AGAIN WITH 16 or 32 KB.
            [12:34:15 AM] <Guest 31> rerecord it
            [12:34:23 AM] <Guest 31> at 16
            [12:36:39 AM] <Guest 31> Where's FW and Mona????????????????
            [12:36:46 AM] PastorLindstedt has hung up
            [12:37:00 AM] Guest 31 has left the chat
            [12:39:24 AM] <Guest 30> LINDSTEDT DID YOU LEAVE?
            [12:39:44 AM] <Guest 30> HERES 16KB SAMPLE CHECK IT OUT PLEASE.
            [12:42:24 AM] The Call has ended.
            [12:42:29 AM] <Guest 30> IS LINDSTEDT STILL ON?
            [1:07:34 AM] Guest 30 has left the chat
            [1:07:45 AM] <PastorLindstedt> Send an e-mail to if you wish to discuss further saving and storing files.
            [1:07:57 AM] <PastorLindstedt> Hail Victory!!!

            Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 11-24-2011, 03:24 PM.
            I am The Librarian


            • #36
              TMT -- Episode #96 -Concerning the Treatment of Movement Prisoners of War -- 13Nov11

              The Movement Turd

              November 13, 2011

              The Word as Heard on the Turd

              TMT -- Episode #96 -Concerning the Treatment of Movement Prisoners of War -- 13Nov11
              Time: November 13, 2011 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM CST


              TMT -- Episode #96 -Concerning the Treatment of Movement Prisoners of War -- 13Nov11

              Episode Notes:


              Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, if you are one of my sheep who hears my voice, you know where I can be found tonight in the Secret Talksjew bat-cave.


              Start Time (EDT): 11/13/11 9:00 PM EDT/8:00 PM CST
              Duration (minutes): 120+

              Download link:
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     Archive Directory

              Chat Transcript:

              Hail Victory!!!

              Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
              Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

              Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
              Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


              • #37
                TMT -- Episode #96.5 -Itz All About Me -- 17Nov11

                The Movement Turd

                November 17, 2011

                The Word as Heard on the Turd

                TMT -- Episode #96.5 -Itz All About Me -- 17Nov11
                Time: November 17, 2011 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM CST


                TMT -- Episode #96.5 -Itz All About Me -- 17Nov11

                Episode Notes: Within our wonderful bowel Movement we have so many worthless whiggers, anglo-mestizo mamzers and outright jews that due to infiltration and long pretense have reached positions of 'leadership' within our bowel Movement. Now the jews like Eli James/jewseph Kutz-November, Dan Johns, and Bill Finck[el-sheenie] have an over-riding sense of being alien jews within a racial religion of Dual-Seedline Christian Identity and wanting to change DSCI to something kikeish to where if necessary they can overcome their own selfishness. Eli James is thus the most disciplined of these jews, Rabbi Finckelsheenie the least. This is why I view Eli James as the most dangerous of the jews within Christian Identity due to long infiltration and self discipline as opposed to Rabbi Finckelsheenie, who is merely a sociopathetic vicious kike or Dan Johns, Serial wannabe Polygamist jew carrier of Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS, who is merely pathetic. jews and mamzers following these kikes are pretty much far gone, in their playing at 'Wikipedia-Talksjew CI,' especially Kommandork McFagg/Steve Elder-Schultz.

                Insofar as anglo-mestizo mamzer criminals go, Jeromy Visser is merely a petty criminal addicted to meth and niggerweed whose hi-yaller wife is a whore that has had some Lutheran seminary training. While I'll take credit for kicking jewromy Da Pisser-Possum out of the bowel Movement, the fact is that it was Visser who last year, in order to get out of a stalking charge, that admitted that it is a 'Cherokee' red-nigger mamzer playing DSCI. Usually several times per year Visser disappears somewhere hiding out from the law. Since Visser disables his forum and web pages in order to hide, Visser's mamzer following is with Visser because there is no place other to join. Just as Visser is about to 'return' Visser implodes. Which is to be expected, given that once Visser was revealed to be a mamzer, all that was left were other pathetic mamzers wanting to do a spot of CI-play.

                Morris Gulett's 'Aryan Nations' is altogether a ZOG false front set up by the $PLC/ADL/FBI, etc. MoGulett was kicked out of Aryan Nations by Ray Redfearin at the insistence of Pastor Butler because having a drunken crackhead and petty thief benefited no one. MoGulett went to prison for getting all drunk and stupid plotting to rob banks in Alabama for Bolivian nose-candy. MoGulett took a young anglo-mestizo with him to prison. Now MoGulett is a snitch as part of his 'plea bargain' with ZOG/Babylon. So MoGulett has gotten another anglo-mestizo mamzer, Anglo-Mestizo Truitt to be his main pastor. Anglo-Mestizo Truitt, another of these 'Aryan Brotherhood' burnt-cork eyed mamzers that cum up through the Texas prison system is certainly active in carrying over to the CreaTards, another bunch of mamzers pretending to be white. However, the reason MoGulett doesn't use his 'Legion of the Saints' moniker is because of long memories by the genuine Aryan Christian Israelites who have been taken in . . . once.

                Yes, above-ground Christian Identity is simply wall-to-wall mamzers and jews. That said, what of it? What do these mamzers and jews really accomplish?


                What this show tonight is about is whiggers and whigger solipsism. About whiggers worsesheeping theysselfs.

                I'm talking about $permFront, WhiggerNewsNow, and especially that stupid delusional cunt April Gaede, who is all happy that the $outhern Professional Liars Center is paying attention to this idiotic skank without an iota of self-awareness or racial loyalty and making of her a 'leader'. The fact is that someone 'anonymous' posted the pure truth concerning her 15 seconds of fame on the $PLC [sic] Intelligence Report.

                Originally posted by Anonymous

                The enemy controlled jew media always promotes the worst, most useless people as 'representatives' of White Nationalism in their propaganda. Why is that? There must be a very good reason behind that manner of thinking. Com'on, think of all the decent women in the struggle, doing constuctive and intelligent work vs that well known, big mouthed, publicity hound, who had her fat ass sluttiness as her best known attribute to anyone who's been around a while. Even her daughters have had enough of her exploiting them for her personal glory. Disgusting.
                I think that Axis Sally in Covington's podcast of this week is discussing April Gaede. The delusional skank, along with Hadding the Loveless Mattoid Meercat/Scott David Spiedel got one of my sockpuppets banned from $permFront a month or so ago. So much for the 14 Words. Anyone having to have anything to do with this professional twat gets tired of her quick enough, starting with her own family. New Song: "Look at Me, I'm April Gaede!!!"

                So tonight's show will be the discussion of whiggers and whigger solipsism.


                Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, if you are one of my sheep who hears my voice, you know where I can be found tonight in the Secret Talksjew bat-cave.


                Start Time (EDT): 11/17/11 9:00 PM EDT/8:00 PM CST
                Duration (minutes): 120+

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                Chat Transcript:

                Hail Victory!!!

                Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 11-22-2011, 06:20 AM.

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                Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                • #38
                  TMT #96.5 Chat 17Nov11

                  TMT #96.5 Chat 17Nov11


                  PastorLindstedt is logged into the chat
                  [7:46:10 PM] Siegfried is logged into the chat
                  [7:46:10 PM] Guest 3 is logged into the chat
                  [7:46:10 PM] Guest 4 is logged into the chat
                  [7:46:12 PM] <Siegfried> Hail Victory! Hail Martin!
                  [7:46:33 PM] <PastorLindstedt> hail victory
                  [7:47:22 PM] <Guest 4> SPLC and Media Matters launching a full-court press against April Gaede and the Kalispell PLE
                  [7:50:44 PM] PastorLindstedt is on the call
                  [7:51:01 PM] <Siegfried> sound!
                  [7:51:56 PM] Guest 5 is logged into the chat
                  [7:52:28 PM] PastorLindstedt is on the call
                  [7:52:40 PM] PastorLindstedt has hung up
                  [7:53:26 PM] Guest 6 is logged into the chat
                  [7:54:44 PM] Troublemaker is logged into the chat
                  [7:55:07 PM] <Siegfried> Cherokee russ arrived
                  [7:55:28 PM] monamontgomery is logged into the chat
                  [7:55:44 PM] <Siegfried> mona mont CUMery, hello
                  [7:55:54 PM] <Siegfried> John is an old buddy of mine
                  [7:56:12 PM] <monamontgomery> That's GOMER, Mona Mont GOMER y.
                  [7:56:29 PM] <monamontgomery> Gomer is the son of Azkanaz, the son of Noah.
                  [7:56:46 PM] <Siegfried> Russ said it was CUMery
                  [7:57:17 PM] <monamontgomery> Yup. The Montgomery is the oldest castle in Europe.
                  [7:58:16 PM] Guest 7 is logged into the chat
                  [7:59:16 PM] Guest 8 is logged into the chat
                  [7:59:47 PM] Hyram is logged into the chat
                  [8:02:45 PM] Frankenwhigger is logged into the chat
                  [8:02:52 PM] Guest 9 is logged into the chat
                  [8:02:53 PM] Guest 10 is logged into the chat
                  [8:03:44 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Wow!!! A Full House tonight!!
                  [8:05:44 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Mass is on the Way!!
                  [8:05:58 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Mona is Babe!!
                  [8:06:12 PM] <Guest 4> George Washington's vision and prophecy for America:
                  [8:06:35 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hello Steve!!
                  [8:08:26 PM] Hyram has left the chat
                  [8:08:26 PM] Hyram is logged into the chat
                  [8:08:49 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Mona are you going to be a guest tonight?
                  [8:09:02 PM] <Hyram> I heard the chinks were running out of water
                  [8:11:48 PM] Mass1488 is logged into the chat
                  [8:11:53 PM] Mass1488 has left the chat
                  [8:12:03 PM] Mass1488 is logged into the chat
                  [8:12:09 PM] <Mass1488> sieg heil
                  [8:12:11 PM] <Mass1488> seig heil
                  [8:12:17 PM] <Mass1488> hail the chair force
                  [8:13:21 PM] <Mass1488> I saw the movie
                  [8:13:23 PM] <Mass1488> i cant read
                  [8:13:30 PM] <Mass1488> the public never taught me how
                  [8:13:47 PM] Guest 11 is logged into the chat
                  [8:13:57 PM] <Guest 9> The Rapture is an addendum to DCSI philosophy
                  [8:14:14 PM] <Mass1488> the movie was gay
                  [8:14:27 PM] <Mass1488> it was the biggest scam in america
                  [8:14:40 PM] <Hyram> Those Kirk Cameron religious vids are pretty good
                  [8:14:40 PM] <Mass1488> 200 million lol the chinese army is 3 million
                  [8:14:41 PM] <Mass1488> lol
                  [8:14:47 PM] <Guest 9> an addendum
                  [8:14:49 PM] <Mass1488> 197 million more to recruit!
                  [8:15:01 PM] <Guest 9> not strict doctrine
                  [8:19:43 PM] <Guest 9> i agree with Russ on that assessment
                  [8:20:08 PM] <Mass1488> actaully it was a good thing japan was armed so they got attack ZOG, plus the japanese helped reduce the chinese population
                  [8:20:27 PM] <Siegfried> israelli passports are blue or black
                  [8:20:33 PM] <Mass1488> I wish they pearl harbored the federal reserve
                  [8:20:54 PM] <Siegfried> prussian blue
                  [8:20:55 PM] <Guest 9> What is really horrible is that Australia is being infested with Somalians
                  [8:21:44 PM] <Mass1488> pastor lindstedt what do you think of jared loughner
                  [8:23:33 PM] <Siegfried> tasmenia
                  [8:23:36 PM] <Siegfried> island
                  [8:23:41 PM] <Siegfried> he stayed in the east
                  [8:24:39 PM] <Siegfried> and taipans
                  [8:24:54 PM] <Siegfried> australia has a ton of deadly snakes
                  [8:25:20 PM] <Siegfried> and they drink VictoriaB and fosters
                  [8:25:45 PM] <Guest 4> Somalians wreck every place they go. They've buggered up the Twin Cities
                  [8:25:59 PM] <Siegfried> and wombats are more typical australian then cango's
                  [8:26:32 PM] <Siegfried>
                  [8:26:34 PM] <Guest 9> somali niggers are being imported en masse to australia
                  [8:27:18 PM] <Guest 4> Feminism corrupted women.
                  [8:27:30 PM] <Siegfried> middle east as well, lebanese all over aussie land
                  [8:27:38 PM] <Guest 9> feminism is jewish
                  [8:28:34 PM] <Hyram> lebanese were doing a lot of raping in australia a few years ago
                  [8:28:48 PM] <Mass1488> omg
                  [8:28:55 PM] <Mass1488> that reminds
                  [8:29:10 PM] <Mass1488> me im gonna be homeless because of college
                  [8:29:11 PM] <Mass1488> its a scam
                  [8:30:15 PM] <monamontgomery> Jesus liked women.
                  [8:30:25 PM] <Hyram> Shut up
                  [8:30:49 PM] <monamontgomery> Women liked Jesus.
                  [8:30:49 PM] <Mass1488> monamontgomery that is true he was not
                  [8:30:54 PM] <Mass1488> like my 2nd hero manson
                  [8:31:08 PM] <Hyram> Jesus Manson
                  [8:31:41 PM] <monamontgomery> Paul didn't like women. Paul had a psychological problem that made it impossible to have an orgasm except by torturing people.
                  [8:31:51 PM] <Hyram> cool
                  [8:32:00 PM] <Mass1488> wow that sounds fun
                  [8:32:01 PM] <Mass1488> jk
                  [8:32:06 PM] <Hyram> I have that too
                  [8:32:09 PM] <Siegfried> Paul was into BDSM
                  [8:32:17 PM] <monamontgomery> Paul did not have a sex drive.
                  [8:32:22 PM] <monamontgomery> Paul tortured people.
                  [8:32:23 PM] <Hyram> The voices in her head told her
                  [8:32:32 PM] <monamontgomery> Therefore Paul got sexual gratification from torturing people.
                  [8:32:32 PM] <Siegfried> Mona is into BDSM
                  [8:32:32 PM] <Guest 4> Ridiculous, Mona. Paul didn't like women to get uppity and forget their proper station in life.
                  [8:32:38 PM] <Siegfried> admit it mona
                  [8:33:07 PM] <monamontgomery> Seigfried, I like sex in the missionary position.
                  [8:33:23 PM] <Hyram> who the hell would pork you?
                  [8:33:51 PM] <monamontgomery> White women have always had a very high life style including education.
                  [8:33:56 PM] <Siegfried> the anvil position
                  [8:34:12 PM] <monamontgomery> It is very primitive to kick women around.
                  [8:34:19 PM] <Hyram> Wrong again, mona
                  [8:34:32 PM] <Guest 4> Unfortunately, the more educated women become, the more arrogant and uppity they become.
                  [8:34:34 PM] <monamontgomery> Look at the statues in ancient Greece and Rome. Those women were very liberated.
                  [8:34:35 PM] <Mass1488> pastor what do yiou think of jared loughner
                  [8:34:45 PM] <Hyram> women weren't very educated in the south during the civil war era
                  [8:34:52 PM] <monamontgomery> Low class men do not like educated women. High class men like educated women..
                  [8:35:06 PM] <Hyram> is that what the men you pay say to you?
                  [8:35:20 PM] <Siegfried> mona likes the whip
                  [8:35:23 PM] <Siegfried> she's a sub
                  [8:35:34 PM] <Hyram> Mona likes her vibrator
                  [8:35:39 PM] <monamontgomery> Men with money and education like to talk to intelligent women. It is sexy.
                  [8:36:01 PM] <Troublemaker> have mona callin and lets hear her position
                  [8:36:05 PM] <Hyram> She has a high powered dildo she has named "Jesus"
                  [8:36:06 PM] <Siegfried> talk? talk is for pussies
                  [8:36:09 PM] <Siegfried> real Men fuck
                  [8:36:23 PM] <Siegfried> Russ is eyeballing mona
                  [8:36:27 PM] <Siegfried> dirty old man
                  [8:36:37 PM] <Hyram> She already siad she likes the missionary position
                  [8:36:42 PM] <monamontgomery> Talk is for men who have verbal skills.
                  [8:36:49 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Mona is a Babe!!
                  [8:37:00 PM] <Siegfried> You can listen to talk while being fucked
                  [8:37:00 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Mona is a Good Lady!
                  [8:37:02 PM] <Hyram> Cunnilingus is for men who have oral skills
                  [8:37:09 PM] <Troublemaker> mona -- call in
                  [8:37:10 PM] <monamontgomery> The Jews invented the blow job because their men are weak and their women are not beautiful enough to raise a man's passion.
                  [8:37:10 PM] <Siegfried> Russ likes dirty talk
                  [8:37:29 PM] <Hyram> Thank the jews for that invention!
                  [8:37:33 PM] <Guest 9> Christianity in any form is jew-think.
                  [8:37:56 PM] <Mass1488> pastorl indstedt whats your view of student lones
                  [8:38:03 PM] <Hyram> Mona couldn't stop running her mouth long enough to give a blow job
                  [8:38:25 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Christianity is Race and Not a Religion. Jewdeo-Christianity and Catholicism are religions.
                  [8:38:42 PM] <Mass1488> Jared Loughner was a hero!
                  [8:38:42 PM] <Siegfried> mona was know as deep troath mona
                  [8:38:52 PM] <Troublemaker> LBJ started he great society and started student loans. the colleges responded by raising their tuitions exponentially
                  [8:38:54 PM] <Guest 9> they might even buy that franken!
                  [8:39:14 PM] <Mass1488> he invented What is government if words have nom meaning'
                  [8:39:15 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Students need to learn to spell "Loans" before applying!
                  [8:39:15 PM] <Guest 9> Mona!!!
                  [8:39:30 PM] <Mass1488> im probably gonna have to join the zogbots for 4 years to get college
                  [8:39:38 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hello Mona!!! You are a BABE!!!
                  [8:39:48 PM] <Hyram> Send us a postcard mass
                  [8:40:03 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Air Force or Navy would be good for you!!
                  [8:40:04 PM] <PastorLindstedt>
                  [8:40:06 PM] <Guest 9> You going to go ahead and get you one of them a there ZOGbot degrees Mass?
                  [8:40:07 PM] <Hyram> Have fun getting your balls blown off
                  [8:40:38 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Apply for a MOS that would be profitable and useful!
                  [8:41:22 PM] <Guest 9> Russ Walker. He got him a Phd in Chemical Engineering and a JD in Law.
                  [8:41:22 PM] <Mass1488> yea im probably gonna do Chair force or gavy
                  [8:41:32 PM] <Mass1488> i get to use guns!
                  [8:41:53 PM] Troublemaker has left the chat
                  [8:42:32 PM] <Guest 9> Troublemaker gots him all sorts of degrees.
                  [8:42:53 PM] <Hyram> He's got a degree from nigger college too
                  [8:43:14 PM] <Mass1488> im probably going to major in something thats technical
                  [8:43:22 PM] <Guest 9> Hadding dun be broke. An the chihuahua done died. LOL!
                  [8:43:30 PM] <Mass1488> im following harold covingtons advice to be able to fix rich ppl's toys
                  [8:43:34 PM] <Hyram> Poopy Dog died?
                  [8:43:48 PM] <Frankenwhigger>
                  [8:44:38 PM] <Mass1488> is there a CI group in Boston
                  [8:44:43 PM] Guest 10 has left the chat
                  [8:44:46 PM] <Mass1488> or am i doomed to sorrounded by fucking creatards
                  [8:45:05 PM] <Hyram> I thought you were ina skinhead gang
                  [8:45:21 PM] <Siegfried>
                  Originally Posted by Don Black
                  I'd like to move ahead with this, upgrading to vB4 with the mobile suite and a really well-designed and maintained ne
                  [8:45:37 PM] <Siegfried> maintained news portal and article front page, along with vBTube (which I also bought a while back), for video hosting.

                  I also want to restart our pr
                  [8:45:37 PM] <Mass1488> nah Hyram i dont wanna get buttfucked
                  [8:45:39 PM] Guest 12 is logged into the chat
                  [8:45:48 PM] <Hyram> Why not?
                  [8:45:49 PM] <Mass1488> by the baldies
                  [8:45:49 PM] <Siegfried> our printed magazine, which can be an extension of our front page.
                  [8:45:54 PM] <Mass1488> fresh outta prison
                  [8:46:10 PM] <Hyram> That may happen to you in the military
                  [8:46:13 PM] <Guest 9> Karl Gharst is an idiot
                  [8:46:19 PM] <Mass1488> lol
                  [8:46:28 PM] <Siegfried> Cobb is an idiot as well
                  [8:46:32 PM] <Guest 9> complete nutjob
                  [8:46:32 PM] <Hyram> That's how they haze you
                  [8:46:40 PM] <Siegfried> I mean, shoot, he's nutty as hell
                  [8:46:49 PM] <Hyram> Cobb is an entertaining fellow
                  [8:46:59 PM] <Siegfried> april likes to suck cock
                  [8:47:08 PM] <Guest 9> Cobb at least entertains. Some of his podblanc rants were EPIC
                  [8:47:12 PM] <Hyram> yes
                  [8:47:13 PM] <Guest 9> back in 2009
                  [8:47:14 PM] <Siegfried> and only charges 10 bucks, ask WW
                  [8:47:44 PM] Guest 13 is logged into the chat
                  [8:48:01 PM] <Guest 9> ignoring the creatard garbage...Cobb had some great rants 2 years ago.
                  [8:48:08 PM] <Guest 13> CI is Talmudic Jew Nonsense
                  [8:48:20 PM] <Hyram> He was good on Goyfire also
                  [8:48:26 PM] <Siegfried> Cobb is disconnected from reality
                  [8:48:28 PM] <Guest 9> now Cobb is trying to find swedish surrogates!
                  [8:48:40 PM] <Siegfried> and Podblanc? nutty gibberish rants
                  [8:48:52 PM] <Guest 9> dead now
                  [8:48:57 PM] <Hyram> Who wouldn't want to disconnect from reality?
                  [8:49:07 PM] <Siegfried> Fools
                  [8:49:08 PM] <Guest 4> Constipation Party! LOL!
                  [8:49:16 PM] <Guest 9> there you go Hyram
                  [8:49:32 PM] <Guest 13> Who's the annoying bitch talking?
                  [8:49:33 PM] <Hyram> Ther I go, indeed
                  [8:49:41 PM] <Guest 9>
                  [8:49:56 PM] <Siegfried> Mona CUMery
                  [8:50:07 PM] <Guest 13> MONA SUCKS
                  [8:50:27 PM] <Guest 13> This show is lame...Bye
                  [8:50:28 PM] Guest 13 has left the chat
                  [8:50:36 PM] <Hyram> Mona won't suck. It's jewish.
                  [8:50:46 PM] <Guest 4> You have to draw Mona a picture
                  [8:50:51 PM] <Guest 9> Mona has been trolling multiple sites the last few weeks
                  [8:51:06 PM] AndreasWilhelmDonner is logged into the chat
                  [8:51:11 PM] <Hyram> That's because she has multiple personalities
                  [8:51:11 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Craig Cobb and I are good FB Friends!! He's looking Good!! He got a Haircut and has a New Suit!
                  [8:51:14 PM] <Guest 9> As a Turdnerite, I would not trust anything she says.
                  [8:51:37 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> Ditto.
                  [8:52:02 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> This is Northwest, btw. Or should I log in as NWF and say that?
                  [8:52:03 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> BRB.
                  [8:52:03 PM] AndreasWilhelmDonner has left the chat
                  [8:52:05 PM] <Guest 9> But hey, it's all comedy anyways.
                  [8:53:08 PM] nwfcomrade is logged into the chat
                  [8:53:09 PM] <Guest 9> They need to embrace their whiggerdom pastor!
                  [8:53:30 PM] <nwfcomrade> I'm Andy Donner. BRB.
                  [8:53:31 PM] <Hyram> Hello, nwf
                  [8:53:35 PM] nwfcomrade has left the chat
                  [8:54:03 PM] <Guest 9> Pioneer Whigger Europe
                  [8:54:15 PM] AndreasWilhelmDonner is logged into the chat
                  [8:54:22 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> There, it's official.
                  [8:54:25 PM] <Hyram> She and covington are fighting over the last donut
                  [8:54:28 PM] <Guest 9> And the Northwest Fantasy Front
                  [8:54:37 PM] Guest 14 is logged into the chat
                  [8:54:47 PM] Guest 3 has left the chat
                  [8:55:07 PM] <Guest 9> what a joke
                  [8:55:09 PM] <Hyram> Hey Donner, where's Blitzen?
                  [8:55:24 PM] <Guest 9> hehe
                  [8:55:24 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> WRONG. Donder and Blixen are the names.
                  [8:55:31 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner>
                  [8:55:34 PM] <Hyram> D'OH!
                  [8:55:38 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hello Andy Donner!!! we are Great FB Friends!!
                  [8:55:41 PM] <Guest 9>
                  [8:55:42 PM] <Siegfried> donner is a whigger
                  [8:56:00 PM] <Hyram> Have you located McFagg yet?
                  [8:56:05 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> No.
                  [8:56:12 PM] <Hyram> damn
                  [8:56:20 PM] <Frankenwhigger> 4Chan is Back Up!
                  [8:56:23 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> Nice to see you, too.
                  [8:56:25 PM] <Guest 9> saw that
                  [8:56:32 PM] <Guest 9> cool
                  [8:56:36 PM] <Frankenwhigger> 100%
                  [8:58:32 PM] <Hyram> LOL!
                  [8:58:51 PM] <Hyram> Mona and april scissorfight
                  [8:59:34 PM] <Hyram> Brilliant logic
                  [8:59:47 PM] <Guest 9> did he call Jamie Kelso a mamzer?
                  [8:59:51 PM] <Guest 14> This sounds like a perpetual Movement Turd rerun.
                  [9:00:04 PM] <Guest 9> I thought I heard that
                  [9:00:07 PM] <Hyram> Thsi bitch is such a man hating lunatic
                  [9:00:16 PM] <Guest 9> hehe
                  [9:01:01 PM] <Guest 9> this shit would make Howard Sterns ratings go through the roof.
                  [9:01:15 PM] <Hyram> Mona needs the squaw traetment
                  [9:01:30 PM] <Hyram> Lindstedt, if mona could be a lawyer, why not you?
                  [9:01:45 PM] <Hyram> Fuck, I might go to law school
                  [9:01:46 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I'll volunteer!
                  [9:02:07 PM] <Hyram> You want mona to be your squaw , Frank?
                  [9:02:42 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Sure!
                  [9:02:46 PM] <Hyram> That women's lib shit is retarded
                  [9:03:16 PM] <Hyram> WOMEN ARE MADE TO SERVE
                  [9:04:14 PM] <Hyram> Mona, did you keep your aborted fetus in a jar?
                  [9:04:43 PM] <Hyram> This loon had an abortion at one point in her life, and it's been eating at her ever since
                  [9:04:58 PM] <Frankenwhigger> If you don't want your healthy Baby, then sell it!!
                  [9:05:03 PM] <Hyram> It's so obvious that it's driven her insane
                  [9:05:36 PM] <Frankenwhigger> It would be better to sell a Healthy White Baby, then killing it!
                  [9:06:01 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> This is the generally-observed pattern, yes.
                  [9:06:38 PM] <Guest 12> The woman's right is to keep their legs shut. The only place for sex is in the wedding bed.
                  [9:06:54 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> This is the recommended behavior, yes.
                  [9:08:42 PM] <Hyram> Spanking her probably made her like you, as women typically like abuse
                  [9:09:33 PM] <Hyram> Send her my way
                  [9:10:15 PM] <Guest 12> The so called white man needs to keep his pants zipped or if not controlled, better to cut your junk off before leaving this world.
                  [9:10:40 PM] <Hyram> What the fuck are you babbling about?
                  [9:11:29 PM] <Hyram> Why don't you cut your junk off, if you have any?
                  [9:12:00 PM] <Guest 9> 12 is Obadoorker!!!!!
                  [9:15:08 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> That is not the recommended behavior, no.
                  [9:15:20 PM] <Hyram> Mona actually said something that makes sense
                  [9:15:44 PM] <Guest 9> Obadorker has many sock puppets. Even a few on VNNF
                  [9:15:59 PM] <Siegfried> martin has family is dysfunctional
                  [9:16:09 PM] <Hyram> I have stocking puppets
                  [9:16:15 PM] <Siegfried> eugenics please!
                  [9:16:30 PM] <Siegfried> sluts are ok
                  [9:16:39 PM] <Siegfried> if you need a fuck
                  [9:16:48 PM] <Siegfried> fuck them, dump them
                  [9:16:54 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> Siegfried has English is dysfunctional.
                  [9:17:09 PM] <Siegfried> Donner, shut up whigger
                  [9:17:10 PM] <Hyram> Pastor L's family has a Jerry Springer vibe to them
                  [9:17:24 PM] <Hyram> LOL!
                  [9:17:31 PM] <Siegfried> Typical southern family
                  [9:17:33 PM] <Guest 9> pagan niggers?
                  [9:17:45 PM] <Siegfried> they all fuck eachother, family first!
                  [9:17:58 PM] <Hyram> That's a stereotype
                  [9:18:26 PM] <Hyram> although I'm sure there's some truth to it
                  [9:19:08 PM] <Guest 9> "Once upon a time in the west" right Mona?
                  [9:19:36 PM] Guest 8 has left the chat
                  [9:19:48 PM] <Siegfried> Rixie getting wet? imagine that
                  [9:19:57 PM] <Siegfried> Could not resist
                  [9:20:15 PM] Guest 7 has left the chat
                  [9:20:34 PM] <Guest 9> High Yellow Bryan Reo should have been aborted.
                  [9:20:39 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Robot Secks!!!
                  [9:20:44 PM] <Hyram> Typical whiggeress, doesn't want to do her womanly chores
                  [9:21:00 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Raise your family in a Test tube!
                  [9:21:10 PM] <Hyram> Mona doesn't want children, she kills them
                  [9:21:17 PM] <Guest 9> Well then there you go! Case in point? Bryan Reo!
                  [9:21:37 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> OBVIOUSLY SO
                  [9:21:39 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> lol
                  [9:21:41 PM] <Hyram> reo is a mamzer, he doesn't count
                  [9:22:06 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> But kill the kid otherwise lol
                  [9:22:20 PM] <Hyram> No one would want to be with you mona, so don't worry about it
                  [9:22:45 PM] <Guest 9> Reo is worse than all of that. He's an asshole that thinks he has the right to censor the internet.
                  [9:23:04 PM] <Hyram> Sadly, mona is the future of women if they're continued to be allowed to run loose
                  [9:23:39 PM] <Guest 9> And this soft fuck Newsguy sucked up to him on his show like a fucking coward.
                  [9:23:40 PM] <Siegfried> Hardy is in jail
                  [9:23:43 PM] <Guest 9> twice
                  [9:23:57 PM] <Hyram> jewsguy is a puss
                  [9:24:04 PM] <Guest 9> total cunt
                  [9:24:30 PM] <Siegfried> Vonbluvens is our leader
                  [9:24:34 PM] <Siegfried> Vonnie has No Fear
                  [9:24:35 PM] <Guest 9> i don't listen to him anymore. Newsguy is a fucking idiot.
                  [9:24:41 PM] <Guest 9> and a coward
                  [9:24:55 PM] <Siegfried> Los Zetas!
                  [9:25:20 PM] <Hyram> I do
                  [9:25:56 PM] <Guest 9> Reo tried to bring down NB and this fuck Newsguy was sucking up to that little faggot. Explain that?
                  [9:26:29 PM] <Hyram> spoken like a true whigger
                  [9:26:34 PM] <Guest 9> Anyone with a brain see something wrong with that?
                  [9:26:45 PM] <Siegfried> Reo = power
                  [9:27:22 PM] <Guest 9> we got to take a stand seig.
                  [9:27:41 PM] <Hyram> Mona loves ZOG
                  [9:27:47 PM] <Siegfried> on a fucking chat and/or webboard?
                  [9:27:59 PM] <Guest 9> everywhere
                  [9:28:05 PM] <Siegfried> Mona has a ton if vids up on YT
                  [9:28:11 PM] <Siegfried> sexy stuff
                  [9:28:28 PM] <Hyram> I'd say frightening
                  [9:28:35 PM] <Guest 5> What search words?
                  [9:28:37 PM] <Guest 9> mona is a closet zionist
                  [9:28:52 PM] <Guest 9> a crypto-zionist
                  [9:28:56 PM] <Hyram> Sounds to me that she's pretty out in the open about it
                  [9:29:00 PM] <Guest 5> Thanks
                  [9:29:04 PM] <Siegfried> she's a lawyer
                  [9:29:24 PM] <Guest 9> ideology comes in many flavors
                  [9:29:55 PM] <Guest 9> the fact that she spoke and was aligned with Hal Turner says it all.
                  [9:30:06 PM] <Hyram> good point
                  [9:30:20 PM] <Guest 12> She loves the Noahide Butt Fecies Eating JEW commandments just throw out the 10 Commandments
                  [9:30:28 PM] <Guest 9> it's just a repeat of the same old shit.
                  [9:30:42 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Where's Reo?!??!!? Does he still do his Sword show?
                  [9:30:56 PM] <Hyram> i before e , except after c
                  [9:31:06 PM] <Siegfried> And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the LORD, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them.
                  [9:31:13 PM] <Hyram> he does a sword swallowing show
                  [9:31:21 PM] <Guest 12> That is why we have FAG MARRIAGE.
                  [9:31:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I would Like to see that!!
                  [9:31:33 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> We have a kenyan leading this country. WTF is the difference?
                  [9:31:39 PM] <Hyram> Sand niggers know how to treat a woman
                  [9:32:00 PM] <Guest 9> Queers can help "the movement"! Look at Greg Johnson!
                  [9:32:08 PM] <Guest 9>
                  [9:32:12 PM] Guest 12 has left the chat
                  [9:32:51 PM] <Guest 9> I want to know what the hell happened to Johnny Tonto.
                  [9:32:52 PM] Guest 15 is logged into the chat
                  [9:32:59 PM] <Frankenwhigger> When I hear the word "Democracy" , I reach for my Pistol!
                  [9:33:19 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> No kidding.
                  [9:33:52 PM] <Guest 9> Will Johnny Tonto ever return?
                  [9:33:54 PM] <Hyram> What if the people around you are niggers? Would you collaborate with them?
                  [9:34:15 PM] <Frankenwhigger> There are no MILF photos on 4Chan!!
                  [9:35:31 PM] <Guest 9> Robots?!?
                  [9:36:02 PM] <Guest 9> Ladies and Gentlemen. Hal Turner radio is back!!!
                  [9:36:29 PM] <Guest 9> I hope to hell one of you are recording this.
                  [9:37:05 PM] <Hyram> It's being recorded
                  [9:37:13 PM] Mass1488 has left the chat
                  [9:37:15 PM] <Guest 9> thanks man
                  [9:37:18 PM] <Hyram> yeah
                  [9:37:24 PM] <Guest 9>
                  [9:38:24 PM] <Guest 9> hardy lloyd!
                  [9:38:39 PM] <Hyram> lol
                  [9:39:15 PM] <Guest 9> a complete nutcase. they patterned the fruitcake in "12 monkeys", played by brad pitt after Hardy.
                  [9:39:32 PM] <Guest 14> Tonto got his ass kicked by Reo.
                  [9:39:36 PM] <Guest 14> He'll never be back.
                  [9:40:30 PM] <Guest 9> Hardy Lloyd is a rich kid nutjob from Pittsburgh
                  [9:40:46 PM] <Guest 9> And yes, he was jewish
                  [9:41:01 PM] <Guest 9> He is in a mental asylum now
                  [9:41:21 PM] <Hyram> Obeying the authorities is what got us in this shithole in the first place
                  [9:41:26 PM] <Guest 9> But that is because he is a nutcase, not because he was jewish
                  [9:41:59 PM] <Hyram> Good Night
                  [9:42:01 PM] Hyram has left the chat
                  [9:42:41 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Let us begin with an important observation: Fucking is a family value!!!
                  [9:43:48 PM] Guest 16 is logged into the chat
                  [9:43:55 PM] <Guest 9> Yeah man, we all know what happened to "the congregation" in Beneath the Planet of the Apes.
                  [9:44:05 PM] <Guest 16> Marty's a fatass Illuminati cunt
                  [9:44:06 PM] <Guest 9> They got gunned down by niggers.
                  [9:44:45 PM] <Guest 9> General Urko - "That's your god eh"?
                  [9:45:28 PM] <Guest 9> Sorry, it was "General Ursus".
                  [9:46:59 PM] Guest 17 is logged into the chat
                  [9:47:49 PM] <Guest 17> This is a snooze fest
                  [9:48:00 PM] Guest 6 has left the chat
                  [9:48:56 PM] <Guest 14> Did Russ break up with Marty?
                  [9:49:00 PM] <Guest 17> Marty loves Mona. Better tell Roxy
                  [9:49:33 PM] <Guest 17> Even Russ got tired of Marty's voice
                  [9:50:21 PM] Guest 18 is logged into the chat
                  [9:50:39 PM] Guest 5 has left the chat
                  [9:51:26 PM] <Guest 17> Marty ruined his show by letting Mona on, just like Covington lost a lot of support by letting that broad on his show
                  [9:52:22 PM] <Siegfried> hac has nobody on his show
                  [9:52:29 PM] <Siegfried> it is hac using voice software
                  [9:53:04 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> audio?
                  [9:53:09 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> Or is it just me?
                  [9:53:17 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Video?
                  [9:53:19 PM] <Siegfried> just you
                  [9:53:32 PM] <Guest 17> No HAC always has that broad on a segment of his show. I know it's all recorded but sometimes they're on together
                  [9:53:40 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I hear Martin and Mona, but I can't see them!!
                  [9:53:48 PM] <Siegfried> 17, you idiot, that is hac
                  [9:54:09 PM] <Siegfried> there is no sally
                  [9:54:16 PM] <Guest 17> BS
                  [9:54:25 PM] <Guest 17> You're a nut
                  [9:54:47 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> Point of fact, there are quite a few of us up here. Why not come around and actually disprove that claim?
                  [9:55:13 PM] <Guest 17> Disprove what claim?
                  [9:55:24 PM] <Siegfried> there is no nw immigration
                  [9:55:33 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> That HAC doesn't have anyone on his show.
                  [9:55:36 PM] Guest 16 has left the chat
                  [9:55:51 PM] <Siegfried> hac is nutty, nobody is going to follow that fat bastard
                  [9:55:57 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> Quite a bit of it, actually. It's just a little too risky to have many mentions of who and where.
                  [9:56:07 PM] <Guest 17> HAC has guests. Seigfried is nuts
                  [9:56:15 PM] <Siegfried> Oh yeah, lone wolves all over
                  [9:56:26 PM] <Siegfried> Like Metzger, HAC has nobody
                  [9:56:35 PM] <Siegfried> internet fantasy
                  [9:56:42 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> Well,I wouldn't call meetings of 20+ lone wolves all over, but alright.
                  [9:56:57 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> I used to think that was the case.
                  [9:56:58 PM] <Guest 9> No HAC is a fucking nobody. Don't even compare him to Metzger.
                  [9:57:10 PM] <Guest 17> HAC is going to obsolete when whites get their act together. It's already happening
                  [9:57:11 PM] <Guest 9> HAC is a fraud
                  [9:57:30 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> Who has he defrauded?
                  [9:57:59 PM] <Siegfried> hac is lone nut
                  [9:58:04 PM] <Guest 9> Lindstedt is smoking thai bud if he thinks he is going anywhere with a fraud like covington.
                  [9:58:08 PM] <Guest 17> HAC is not a fraud, but he's a little out of step with things
                  [9:58:08 PM] <Siegfried> he feeds them revolutionary fantasies and they love it
                  [9:58:12 PM] <Guest 9> wrong. he's a fraud.
                  [9:58:41 PM] <Guest 17> HAC is smart to tell people to be prepared. Haters will hate
                  [9:58:59 PM] <Siegfried> hac is so fat he can barely walk
                  [9:59:06 PM] <Guest 17> Sounds like these two are jealous of what little HAC has built up^
                  [9:59:07 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> Also false.
                  [9:59:11 PM] <Siegfried> he hasn't worked in over 20 years
                  [9:59:19 PM] <Guest 17> He wrote books idiot
                  [9:59:22 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> Even more false.
                  [9:59:41 PM] <Siegfried> hac is wacko
                  [9:59:55 PM] <Guest 17> Siegfried you're a wacko. It's clear
                  [10:00:04 PM] <Siegfried> he wrote some good stuff, but, he is wacko
                  [10:00:15 PM] <Siegfried> paranoid as well
                  [10:00:29 PM] <Guest 17> What have you done loser?
                  [10:00:35 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> About what?
                  [10:00:52 PM] <Siegfried> he first wife claimed he was gay
                  [10:01:04 PM] <Guest 17> LOL
                  [10:01:14 PM] <Siegfried> he can't keep a relation
                  [10:01:15 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> And now we're getting a copy-paste of VNNF.
                  [10:01:17 PM] <Siegfried> has several kids who want nothing to do with him
                  [10:01:22 PM] <Guest 17> I wouldn't take Siegfried seriously
                  [10:01:32 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> If I wanted a copy-paste of VNNF, I'd read VNNF.
                  [10:01:36 PM] <Siegfried> hac is clownnesk
                  [10:01:51 PM] <Siegfried> and his crazy obsession with character, repeating the same old stuff
                  [10:01:59 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> Oh I don't. He's clearly a VNNF tard.
                  [10:02:11 PM] <Siegfried> Linder is a clown
                  [10:02:16 PM] <Guest 17> Dude, don't feed the trolls
                  [10:02:18 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> And you're not repeating old stuff?
                  [10:02:20 PM] <Siegfried> and VNN is just another tardboard
                  [10:02:24 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> I know, but I'm bored.
                  [10:02:30 PM] <Guest 17> OK
                  [10:02:35 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> I really ought to stop this and eat dinner.
                  [10:02:42 PM] <Guest 17> That makes sense. Marty is boring, no doubt
                  [10:02:50 PM] <Siegfried> There are only two people out there to follow
                  [10:03:01 PM] <Siegfried> Martin and me
                  [10:03:05 PM] <Siegfried> the rest sucks
                  [10:03:16 PM] <Guest 17> Yawn
                  [10:03:34 PM] <Guest 17> BORING BORING BORING BORING
                  [10:03:38 PM] <Frankenwhigger> You guys RAWK!!
                  [10:03:40 PM] <Siegfried> 17 is a ZOGbot
                  [10:03:40 PM] <Guest 9> this has been a montcoonery marathon franken!!!
                  [10:03:54 PM] <Guest 17> You shouldn't talk to Mona, assclown
                  [10:04:02 PM] <Siegfried> 17 = Vonnie = mamzerrat!
                  [10:04:16 PM] <Guest 17> Siegfried = kike
                  [10:04:28 PM] <Siegfried> I am chosen
                  [10:04:35 PM] Guest 14 has left the chat
                  [10:04:41 PM] <Siegfried> and what the fuck are you?
                  [10:04:44 PM] <Guest 17> Chosen to be destroyed with the Kikes
                  [10:04:50 PM] <Guest 4> The reason losers bitch about Covington is because they're jealous of him; they can't come up with a better idea.
                  [10:04:52 PM] <Guest 9> leave sieg be man
                  [10:05:05 PM] <Guest 17> Siegfried suck ass
                  [10:05:21 PM] <Guest 15> Sieg is CHOSEN POOP!!!
                  [10:05:37 PM] <Guest 17> He wasn't even invited to the secret Turd
                  [10:05:39 PM] <Siegfried> I am Jesus Fucking Christ
                  [10:05:43 PM] <Guest 17> See, he's a Jew
                  [10:05:48 PM] <Guest 4> Hey #9, if Sieg's gonna play, he's gotta pay! No freebies!
                  [10:05:55 PM] <Siegfried> 17 = Jew
                  [10:06:07 PM] <Guest 17> Mona's voice ruins everything
                  [10:06:09 PM] <Siegfried> 15 = Jew
                  [10:06:09 PM] <Siegfried> 4 = Jew
                  [10:06:12 PM] <Guest 17> I called you Jew first kike man
                  [10:06:27 PM] <Guest 4> Siegfried = retard
                  [10:06:34 PM] <Guest 17> YES
                  [10:06:45 PM] <Guest 17> Siegfried is a major moron
                  [10:06:57 PM] <Siegfried> I am chosen
                  [10:07:07 PM] Guest 19 is logged into the chat
                  [10:07:16 PM] <Siegfried> ZOGbots!
                  [10:07:17 PM] <Guest 4> Siegfried makes up all this B.S. about Vonbluvens, who simply wants to be left alone.
                  [10:07:23 PM] <Guest 18> i would like to know what is mona's stance on circumcision
                  [10:07:36 PM] <Guest 17> Siegfried spreads a lot of misinformation
                  [10:07:50 PM] <Siegfried> Vonnie seeks redemption by attacking the Los Zetas Cartel
                  [10:07:52 PM] <Guest 19> Von doesn't want to be left alone.
                  [10:07:56 PM] <Guest 17> We need to shut Mona up. Marty is losing listeners
                  [10:08:06 PM] <Guest 19> He thrives on attention.
                  [10:08:09 PM] <Siegfried> Mona isn't talking clown
                  [10:08:23 PM] <Siegfried> Martin is preaching the word of God
                  [10:08:28 PM] <Guest 17> Siegfried was born gay
                  [10:08:35 PM] <Siegfried> and you hate God
                  [10:08:44 PM] <Guest 18> PING MONA: what part does circumcision play in your world view?
                  [10:08:49 PM] <Guest 17> Siegfried sounds retarded
                  [10:09:41 PM] <Guest 17> Marty, you lost nwfcomrade and Mass1488
                  [10:09:44 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> None. She loves castration, though.
                  [10:09:53 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> I'm NWF.
                  [10:09:54 PM] <Guest 9> IEB radio?
                  [10:10:04 PM] <Siegfried> mass1488 is retarded
                  [10:10:10 PM] <Guest 17> OK, Mr Donner
                  [10:10:15 PM] <Siegfried> and NWF a pussy
                  [10:10:44 PM] <Guest 17> NW, what do you think of this Siegfried clown?
                  [10:10:54 PM] <Guest 9> Insane Encarserated Boradcasting network?
                  [10:10:57 PM] <Frankenwhigger> And Sieggie is a Nimbuster!!
                  [10:10:58 PM] <Guest 17> Sieggie is a JEW
                  [10:11:00 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> Clearly one of the VNNF goat dancers.
                  [10:11:05 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> That's about it.
                  [10:11:15 PM] <Guest 17> goat dancers, nice
                  [10:11:25 PM] <Siegfried>
                  [10:11:33 PM] <Guest 15> Sheep go to heaven Goats go to HELL>
                  [10:11:41 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I have to leave for a few and Check my Critters. There have been a Tokoloshe sighting and I need to be aware!
                  [10:11:44 PM] <Guest 9> nothing wrong with goat dancing
                  [10:12:03 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Goats are great Dancers!!
                  [10:12:06 PM] <Guest 9> of course the delaney-kaplan crew would disagree
                  [10:12:17 PM] <Frankenwhigger> And they can sing too!!
                  [10:12:19 PM] <Siegfried>
                  [10:12:21 PM] <Siegfried> music...
                  [10:12:37 PM] <Guest 18> --------> MONA! Please address the issue of circumcision TIA <-----------
                  [10:12:40 PM] <Siegfried> Don't be afraid...
                  [10:12:51 PM] <Guest 17> MORE MONA, I haven't fallen asleep yet
                  [10:12:53 PM] <Siegfried> you are not alone
                  [10:12:54 PM] <Siegfried> I am here...
                  [10:12:56 PM] <Guest 9> thx Sieg!
                  [10:14:01 PM] <Guest 9> i like
                  [10:14:05 PM] <Guest 17> 1984 will come true, since there are so many idiots around
                  [10:14:43 PM] <Guest 17> Marty just put in a good word for maggots
                  [10:14:51 PM] <Guest 9> my feeble input:
                  [10:14:56 PM] <Guest 17> No thanks
                  [10:15:57 PM] <Guest 17> Mona would be great to have around
                  [10:16:06 PM] <Guest 17> NAG NAG NAG
                  [10:16:40 PM] <Guest 9> another good one sieg:
                  [10:16:52 PM] <Guest 17> Baby Boomers will be left in the wilderness too
                  [10:18:14 PM] <Guest 15> She be Moaning Mona... A Space Cadet.
                  [10:18:20 PM] <Guest 17> Mona would've been a female Edward G. Robinson
                  [10:19:00 PM] <Guest 17> She's a comedy act
                  [10:19:20 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> Pastor, Mona is the reason the Egyptians threw themselves into the sea.
                  [10:19:25 PM] Guest 20 is logged into the chat
                  [10:19:43 PM] <Guest 15> She would turn into a Pillar Of Salt LIKE LOT's wife.
                  [10:19:47 PM] Guest 19 has left the chat
                  [10:20:05 PM] <Siegfried> I think Martin is falling in love with mona
                  [10:20:21 PM] <Siegfried> Having Roxie, can you blame the poor bastard?
                  [10:20:41 PM] <Guest 17> No joke
                  [10:21:02 PM] <Siegfried> Roxie is not DSCI
                  [10:21:11 PM] <Siegfried> she can't even read
                  [10:21:32 PM] <Siegfried> and a Warlord well, he has a right to pussy
                  [10:22:35 PM] <Guest 15> Roxie being a top woman like Lilth,Marty will be a pancake Marty.
                  [10:25:05 PM] Guest 17 has left the chat
                  [10:26:58 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Siegfried is "The Sheriff"!
                  [10:27:40 PM] <Frankenwhigger> and Pastor Master of cunts
                  [10:28:18 PM] <Guest 9>
                  [10:28:39 PM] <Guest 9> he does his job well!
                  [10:29:10 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Love Hal Turner!!
                  [10:29:20 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hal and I are Friends!!
                  [10:29:29 PM] <Guest 9> lol
                  [10:29:33 PM] <Guest 9> right man
                  [10:29:48 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hal had Great Tunes!
                  [10:30:31 PM] <Guest 9> you know the payday bar is one of the best candy bars ever fucking concieved
                  [10:31:00 PM] <Guest 9> oure genius
                  [10:31:07 PM] <Guest 9> pure genius
                  [10:31:42 PM] <Guest 9> Franken's Chemical Engineering girlfriend wants to fuck...
                  [10:32:00 PM] <Guest 9> She is chinese
                  [10:32:28 PM] <Guest 9> Well get to it man!
                  [10:32:56 PM] <Guest 9>
                  [10:33:18 PM] <Guest 9> play that while you are fucking. It'll put hair on your chest boy!!!
                  [10:34:11 PM] <Guest 9> mm-hmm
                  [10:34:27 PM] Guest 9 has left the chat
                  [10:34:32 PM] Guest 4 has left the chat
                  [10:34:44 PM] <Frankenwhigger> That's too GHEY!!
                  [10:35:43 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Nattering Neighnobs of Negativism!!
                  [10:35:56 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Spiro Agnew!
                  [10:37:34 PM] <Frankenwhigger> GEEEZZZ I Need some Heroin!!
                  [10:38:38 PM] Frankenwhigger has left the chat
                  [10:39:28 PM] Guest 15 has left the chat
                  [10:43:28 PM] AndreasWilhelmDonner has left the chat
                  [10:53:09 PM] <Siegfried> Russ is a ZOGbot!
                  [10:53:36 PM] PastorLindstedt has hung up
                  [10:53:44 PM] <Siegfried> I am here, nothing else matters.
                  [10:54:06 PM] <Siegfried> hung up
                  [10:54:12 PM] <Siegfried> show is over?
                  [10:54:25 PM] <Siegfried> Thought it had just started!
                  [10:54:31 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Not yet
                  [10:54:37 PM] <Siegfried> Oh ok
                  [10:55:29 PM] <Siegfried> Mona
                  [10:55:42 PM] <Siegfried> Would you consider a relation with Martin?
                  [10:55:57 PM] AndreasWilhelmDonner is logged into the chat
                  [10:56:11 PM] <Siegfried> A warlord does like a groepie around
                  [10:56:35 PM] <Siegfried> You know, good vibrations
                  [10:58:33 PM] monamontgomery has left the chat
                  [10:59:16 PM] Guest 21 is logged into the chat
                  [10:59:28 PM] The Call has ended.
                  [10:59:35 PM] Guest 21 has left the chat
                  [10:59:50 PM] <Siegfried> hmmm
                  [11:00:03 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Looks like the show is over.
                  [11:00:14 PM] <Siegfried> How cum?
                  [11:00:17 PM] <Siegfried> You fucked up martin?
                  [11:00:40 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Sure did.
                  [11:01:04 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Moaner is like Russifer, didn't learn much, if anything.
                  [11:01:22 PM] <Siegfried> Mona is a groupie
                  [11:01:43 PM] <Siegfried> I'm surprised you don't have more women around
                  [11:01:53 PM] <Siegfried> women are attracted to alpha males
                  [11:02:14 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Can't get back on, either.
                  [11:02:25 PM] <Siegfried> Sure you can
                  [11:02:37 PM] <Siegfried> Start a new show and directly start it
                  [11:02:42 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Moaner is attracted to alpha pecker but still prefers meercats.
                  [11:03:19 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Well, I've gotten three hours of stuff now.
                  [11:03:24 PM] <Siegfried> Newsguy did that once
                  [11:04:14 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Not after three hours, Mewskike didn't.
                  [11:04:33 PM] <AndreasWilhelmDonner> If we're done, then I need to sleep. Take care, guys.
                  [11:04:36 PM] AndreasWilhelmDonner has left the chat
                  [11:04:47 PM] <PastorLindstedt> By the way, are you Paster Master of Cunts?
                  [11:04:55 PM] <Siegfried> I am everything
                  [11:05:20 PM] <Siegfried> I use that nick, but other as well it seems
                  [11:05:35 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Nite, Andreas?
                  [11:05:37 PM] <PastorLindstedt> OKaaaaaay.
                  [11:06:50 PM] Guest 18 has left the chat
                  [11:09:20 PM] Guest 20 has left the chat
                  [11:43:42 PM] Guest 11 has left the chat
                  [11:44:25 PM] Siegfried has left the chat

                  I am The Librarian


                  • #39
                    TMT -- Episode #97 - -- 20Nov11[/B]

                    The Movement Turd

                    November 12, 2011

                    The Word as Heard on the Turd

                    TMT -- Episode #97 - -- 20Nov11
                    Time: November 20, 2011 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM CST


                    TMT -- Episode #97 - -- 20Nov11

                    Episode Notes:


                    Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, if you are one of my sheep who hears my voice, you know where I can be found tonight in the Secret Talksjew bat-cave.


                    Start Time (EDT): 11/20/11 9:00 PM EDT/8:00 PM CST
                    Duration (minutes): 120+

                    Download link:
           Archive Directory
           Archive Directory

                    Chat Transcript:

                    Hail Victory!!!

                    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                    Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                    Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                    • #40
                      Show was cut a bit short tonight (11/20). What happened?
                      Seems like it was cut off about half way through.
                      Never take seriously anonymous tards that sport jewess avatars.


                      • #41
                        TMT -- Episode #97.5 - A Movement Turd Thanksgiving -- 24Nov11

                        The Movement Turd

                        November 24, 2011

                        The Word as Heard on the Turd

                        TMT -- Episode #97.5 - A Movement Turd Thanksgiving -- 24Nov11
                        Time: November 24, 2011 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM CST


                        TMT -- Episode #97 - A Movement Turd Thanksgiving -- 24Nov11

                        Episode Notes:

                        Contrary to what most of the ZOGling whiggers, mamzers and sundry bowel Movement ass-clowns may 'think' here in the Hovel of Granby, I am sort of pleased at how the initial beginnings of the Great Tribulation is working out. During the past year or so I've outed plenty of jews like Eli James and Bill Finck and Dan Johns, and their mamzer and whigger support element. What cannot be denied is Michael Collins' insistence that it is the traitors within that must be rooted out and exposed, and then you see what is the response of the whiggers that you know what side those of your supposed comrades really and truly are on. The Movement Turd has been the predominate Internut radio show/podcast in pointing out who's who and who's jew, and thus people should be grateful for being given cheap lessons that otherwise would mean losing their lives or years of their freedumb.

                        This week I was ridiculing the bowel Movement house-skank April Gaede with a parody song about how pretty much everyone don't want her pussy no more. Also Voice of ReTards was revealed further as a ZOG false front by their refusal to admit that this idiotic skank Carolyn Yeager was in heat with Rabbi Finckelsheenie, so much so that they had to be caught in a lie and practicing censorship in order to hide the fact that Finck is nothing more than a murderous Jersey City jewboy who as a cowardly pig murdered a prisoner and thus got ordained to infiltrate Christian Identity as a 'get out of prison free' deal.

                        None of these piss-pul any more even bother to explain their criminality. Well, unlike Harold Covington, I don't see any taboo to explaining how idiotic and cowardly our wonderfool bowel Movement is, and exposing the turds and tards within.

                        So feeling healthy, albeit with a bum hip and even fewer teeth than last year, let's have a wonderful Thanksgiving, enjoying another year without a single day spent in jail or a nuthouse.

                        Aftermath: Russ Walker was on and we discussed the geopolitical situation. As someone who used to be fire-direction and control in a tactical nuclear missile unit, I am convinced that Iran has nuclear weapons, stolen from the numerous Russian nuke artillery shells from the Soviet jewnion collapse of the 1990s. These small nukes probably were not kept track of very well and if the Iranians were smart, they were looking forward and buying them cheap from crooked Russian generals. Now they are supposedly scraping fuel rods for breeder reactor plutonium, although that is not necessary. Russia is annoyed at Bushy II breaking the agreements made in the 1990s that NATO wouldn't spread to the former Warsaw Pact satellite nations.

                        I call it quits early tonight to go to Walmart to join the rush for Chink made $2.88 waffle irons and small appliances and perhaps buy a large-screen TV.


                        Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, if you are one of my sheep who hears my voice, you know where I can be found tonight in the Secret Talksjew bat-cave.


                        Start Time (EDT): 11/24/11 9:00 PM EDT/8:00 PM CST
                        Duration (minutes): 120+

                        Download link:
               Archive Directory
               Archive Directory

               *Listen or Download Program Link

                        Chat Transcript:

                        Hail Victory!!!

                        Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                        Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                        Last edited by Librarian; 12-23-2011, 05:40 PM.

                        Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                        Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                        • #42
                          TMT #97.5 Chat 24Nov11

                          TMT #97.5 Chat 24Nov11


                          This is the chat for TMT #97.5 of Thanksgiving which was cut short due to my desire to catch the sales and Roxie wanting to buy housewares at Walmart. None of this purchasing was strictly necessary, however I live cheaply by buying that which I don't need just yet so that when I do need it I have it.

                          Guest 4 is logged into the chat
                          [7:51:32 PM] Guest 2 is logged into the chat
                          [7:51:32 PM] Guest 3 is logged into the chat
                          [7:51:32 PM] caman is logged into the chat
                          [7:51:44 PM] <Guest 4> OK.
                          [7:51:53 PM] <Guest 2> FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!
                          [7:52:32 PM] Guest 5 is logged into the chat
                          [7:54:16 PM] <Guest 2> where's Martin?????
                          [7:54:17 PM] <Guest 4> Waiting for Dik-Dik to log in.
                          [7:57:50 PM] PastorLindstedt is logged into the chat
                          [7:57:50 PM] <Guest 4> Can't seem to log in as Dik-Dik.
                          [7:58:11 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Cable-modem burp as Dik-Dik.
                          [7:58:51 PM] <Guest 5> let this be a TMT above them all. there is much to discuss.
                          [7:59:09 PM] <Guest 2> Computer Probs on Thanksgiving? I thought the Feds and Jews took the day off
                          [8:00:57 PM] Frankenwhigger is logged into the chat
                          [8:01:02 PM] <PastorLindstedt> What do you wwant to discuss 5?
                          [8:01:25 PM] <Guest 5> a lot stirring in DSCI
                          [8:01:27 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Let's Talk "Turkey"!
                          [8:02:36 PM] <Guest 5> The Finckelsheenie cut off on the bitch yeagers show for one.
                          [8:03:26 PM] <Guest 2> Stirring in DSCI? Hard to believe.
                          [8:03:39 PM] <Guest 5> mona is dining with her nigger neighbors in her apartment complex. so she won't be making it tonight.
                          [8:04:23 PM] <PastorLindstedt> Moaner is busy being thankfool.
                          [8:04:43 PM] <Guest 5>
                          [8:05:24 PM] <caman> where is the HMFIC ?
                          [8:05:36 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I am Thankful for Moan!
                          [8:05:54 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I am Thankful for Mona!
                          [8:06:33 PM] Hyram is logged into the chat
                          [8:06:54 PM] <Frankenwhigger> It is SHOWTIME!!
                          [8:07:41 PM] PastorLindstedt is on the call
                          [8:07:43 PM] <Guest 2> Mona dining with niggers, LOL. Wouldn't doubt it
                          [8:07:59 PM] <caman> showtime showtime showtime !
                          [8:08:08 PM] <Frankenwhigger> It is SHOWTIME!!
                          [8:08:17 PM] <Guest 3> We have sound
                          [8:08:34 PM] <Guest 2> Action!!!!!!!!!
                          [8:08:53 PM] PastorLindstedt is on the call
                          [8:08:54 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Calling for Russ?!?!?!?
                          [8:09:02 PM] <Hyram> Mona's dining on nigger cock
                          [8:09:05 PM] PastorLindstedt has hung up
                          [8:09:27 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Mona is a Nice Lady!
                          [8:09:51 PM] <Frankenwhigger> How Many other Ladies call in?
                          [8:09:58 PM] <Guest 2> FW, we know what you think, we don't care
                          [8:10:06 PM] <Frankenwhigger> You BETTER Care!!
                          [8:10:28 PM] <caman> yea !
                          [8:10:33 PM] <Guest 2> OOOOOOooohhh, I'm getting scared
                          [8:10:44 PM] <Hyram> How long is not long for you, Pastor Lindstedt?
                          [8:10:54 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Yeah!! BUY More Computers!!
                          [8:10:54 PM] <Guest 2> Don't Jew me, please
                          [8:11:01 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Create a Network!
                          [8:11:05 PM] <Guest 3> Less than 6 hours, probably. LOL!
                          [8:11:12 PM] <Guest 2> LOL
                          [8:11:21 PM] <Hyram> That's what I was thinking
                          [8:11:34 PM] <Guest 2> not a minute shorther than 5
                          [8:11:47 PM] <Guest 2> shorter
                          [8:13:33 PM] <caman> your so frugal Martin
                          [8:13:56 PM] <Guest 5> niggers are lining up right now in the dark!
                          [8:14:23 PM] <Guest 5> take your lawn chair!
                          [8:14:25 PM] <Hyram> Good for I ran
                          [8:15:06 PM] <Hyram> Niggers and beaners = future Tlksjew CI members
                          [8:15:38 PM] <Guest 5> of course not. it is criminal behavior.
                          [8:15:51 PM] <Hyram> That forum sucks dick
                          [8:16:09 PM] <Frankenwhigger> WOW, I have Guests!! I'll BRB!!!
                          [8:16:13 PM] Frankenwhigger has left the chat
                          [8:17:47 PM] <Guest 5> maui patricia is a mamzer
                          [8:17:57 PM] <Hyram> Mona is really Maui Patricia?
                          [8:18:00 PM] Guest 6 is logged into the chat
                          [8:18:12 PM] <Guest 5> no. not the same person.
                          [8:18:18 PM] <Hyram> I didn't think so
                          [8:18:37 PM] <Hyram> Post a pic of her
                          [8:18:39 PM] <Guest 5> well, then you are fucked up in the head.
                          [8:18:56 PM] Guest 7 is logged into the chat
                          [8:19:10 PM] <Guest 5> do your own work boy
                          [8:19:26 PM] <Hyram> I would if I had a pic of her
                          [8:19:35 PM] <Guest 5> do your own work
                          [8:19:35 PM] <Hyram> I don't know what she looks like
                          [8:19:46 PM] <Hyram> Do it for me, nigger
                          [8:21:25 PM] Guest 8 is logged into the chat
                          [8:22:42 PM] <Hyram> Exactly
                          [8:23:38 PM] <Guest 7> did roxy make her famous 'mumpsnuts upchuck' spaghetti dinner for thanksgiving?
                          [8:24:21 PM] <Guest 5> mums nuts?!?!
                          [8:24:30 PM] <caman> sounds good
                          [8:24:30 PM] <Guest 5> mumps nuts...
                          [8:24:42 PM] <Guest 3> Photo of Moaner Montcummery: http://www.thechristianidentityforum...x/hey-mona.jpg
                          [8:24:44 PM] Guest 9 is logged into the chat
                          [8:24:50 PM] <Guest 9> Troll and Spam,Troll and Spam,Troll and Spam,Troll and Spam
                          [8:25:03 PM] <Hyram> if I look at pix of Mona, I'll have nighmares
                          [8:25:09 PM] <Guest 5> mumpsnuts is FAR MORE spineless than traitor miller.
                          [8:25:48 PM] <Guest 9> Troll and Spam,Troll and Spam,Troll and Spam,Troll and Spam
                          [8:26:35 PM] Siegfried is logged into the chat
                          [8:26:50 PM] <Siegfried> Hail Victory! Hail Martin!
                          [8:27:00 PM] <Guest 9> Troll and Spam,Troll and Spam,Troll and Spam,Troll and Spam
                          [8:27:14 PM] Guest 10 is logged into the chat
                          [8:27:54 PM] Guest 7 has left the chat
                          [8:28:00 PM] Guest 11 is logged into the chat
                          [8:28:43 PM] <Guest 5> a LOT of Phariseeism....
                          [8:28:47 PM] <Guest 9> Hey Stan, FUCK YOU!!!!!! Troll and Spam,Troll and Spam,Troll and Spam,Troll and Spam Hey Stan, FUCK YOU!!!!!
                          [8:28:53 PM] Guest 12 is logged into the chat
                          [8:29:08 PM] <Siegfried> ZOGbots!
                          [8:30:10 PM] Frankenwhigger is logged into the chat
                          [8:30:13 PM] <Guest 9> Hey Stan, FUCK YOU!!!!!!
                          [8:30:37 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I am Back!!
                          [8:30:39 PM] Guest 13 is logged into the chat
                          [8:30:59 PM] Guest 14 is logged into the chat
                          [8:31:00 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [8:31:09 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Had Neighnors stop by with Hard Cider, Pie and Beer!!!
                          [8:31:43 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Need a Beer!! and Whiskey!! BRB!!
                          [8:31:43 PM] <Guest 3> Hard cider? Now I understand why you let them in.
                          [8:32:09 PM] <Guest 9> Peter(less) GoodMamzer never has this many listeners
                          [8:32:45 PM] <Guest 6> Zog will have to fall of his own rot. He is 2 strong to be killed. All you can do now is bleed it.
                          [8:33:21 PM] <Guest 9> I think he has nefarious motives
                          [8:33:53 PM] <Guest 9> I don't think that is his real name
                          [8:34:07 PM] <Hyram> Why the fuck does jewsgut say he's in Iceland?
                          [8:34:34 PM] <Guest 3> It's part of his online character, Hyram.
                          [8:34:39 PM] <Guest 2> He doesn't want to get caught
                          [8:34:40 PM] <Guest 5> you are in news guys sights...
                          [8:34:47 PM] <Hyram> That's a fucked up character
                          [8:34:50 PM] <Guest 11> because everyone thinks 'white' when they think of iceland.
                          [8:34:57 PM] <Guest 3> NewsGuy's role-playing
                          [8:34:59 PM] <Guest 6> Stan knows the truth, he has log files,
                          [8:35:12 PM] <Hyram> I have to say, though, that jewsguy doesn't censor
                          [8:35:34 PM] <Guest 9> ADMIN already admitted to nikki nichols that "Stan Lawson" is not my real name
                          [8:36:15 PM] <Guest 9> jewsguy doesn't censor? He does where he has power
                          [8:37:00 PM] <Guest 3> Iceland stood up to the bankers -- and prevailed!
                          [8:37:13 PM] <Guest 9> LQQKKK at what he did with the TRP web site
                          [8:37:39 PM] <Guest 3> Yeah, he makes you register to post a comment now.
                          [8:38:03 PM] Guest 10 has left the chat
                          [8:38:10 PM] <Guest 9> Because Jay "JEW" Diamond yelled at him
                          [8:38:31 PM] <Guest 13> test
                          [8:39:10 PM] Guest 12 has left the chat
                          [8:40:39 PM] <Guest 9> NewsRat is a filthy cock sucker
                          [8:40:46 PM] Guest 13 has left the chat
                          [8:41:07 PM] Guest 14 has left the chat
                          [8:41:52 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I have to check the Critters!! My schedule is all screwed up today!
                          [8:42:02 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I'll BRB!!
                          [8:43:18 PM] <Guest 9> TRUE
                          [8:43:19 PM] <Guest 5> "the killing fields, a promise you can live by" - I want to be your publicist
                          [8:44:01 PM] <Guest 5> and Ad-agent.
                          [8:44:56 PM] Guest 15 is logged into the chat
                          [8:45:05 PM] <Guest 5> captivity thanksgivings suck?
                          [8:45:07 PM] <Guest 9> GoodMamzer was not the original NewsGuy
                          [8:45:34 PM] <Hyram> Who was the original?
                          [8:45:55 PM] <Guest 9> NewsGuy 2000
                          [8:46:21 PM] <Hyram> ok
                          [8:46:49 PM] <Guest 3> Goodman goes by NewsGuy 2005 on Talkshoe
                          [8:47:57 PM] <Guest 9> He wants a following, Like howwie sterns camp followers
                          [8:48:14 PM] <Guest 5> where the hell are you going to sleep?
                          [8:48:25 PM] Guest 15 has left the chat
                          [8:48:38 PM] <Hyram> Are you going to sleep at Wal Mart?
                          [8:48:56 PM] Guest 16 is logged into the chat
                          [8:49:00 PM] <Guest 5> in the walmart parking lot?
                          [8:49:05 PM] <Guest 9> NewsFuck needs to be Exposed
                          [8:49:10 PM] Guest 16 has left the chat
                          [8:49:25 PM] Guest 17 is logged into the chat
                          [8:49:26 PM] Guest 18 is logged into the chat
                          [8:49:34 PM] <Guest 5> but you need to get in line. how are you going to do that?
                          [8:49:40 PM] <Guest 11> newsguy only exposes himself to underage yids
                          [8:49:52 PM] <Hyram> ^^^^Funny
                          [8:49:56 PM] <Guest 17> Lindstedt. Where are the callers to your show.
                          [8:50:10 PM] <Guest 17> Its boring without callers.
                          [8:50:11 PM] <Hyram> How cold is it out in Granby?
                          [8:50:25 PM] <Guest 5> its got to be really cold hyram
                          [8:50:46 PM] <Guest 17> Is it cold enough to molest your grandkids?
                          [8:50:51 PM] <Hyram> That's too cold to be waiting outside in a line at Wal Mart
                          [8:50:52 PM] <Guest 5> jesus. and you are going to get in line at walmart now?
                          [8:51:08 PM] <Guest 5> you are going to freeze your ass off
                          [8:51:11 PM] <Guest 17> Marty, you molest kids at walmart lines.
                          [8:51:31 PM] <Guest 17> Go to Walmart and Molest Kids.
                          [8:51:34 PM] <Guest 5> chill 17
                          [8:51:40 PM] <Guest 17> Marty Chomo
                          [8:51:50 PM] <Guest 11> Joe Blow?
                          [8:51:56 PM] <Guest 9> NewsJEW's secondary name when he would TROLL his own site (TRP)7281546309-If anyone knows what those numbers
                          [8:52:06 PM] <Guest 9> Mean let us know
                          [8:52:13 PM] <Guest 17> Jew Blow is an Iranian Kike
                          [8:52:15 PM] <Hyram> I'd just buy my shit on-line before I froze my ass off at Wal Mart
                          [8:52:32 PM] <Guest 17> Marty is a Child Molester
                          [8:52:46 PM] <Guest 11> Best way to save money is not to buy plastic shit you don't need at Wal-Mart.
                          [8:52:56 PM] <Hyram> good point
                          [8:53:00 PM] <Guest 9> 17 is NewsFUCK
                          [8:53:04 PM] <Guest 17> Best Way to save money is NOT TO MOLEST KIDS
                          [8:53:07 PM] <Siegfried> Stay away from WalMart, all shit
                          [8:53:20 PM] <Guest 9> 7281546309
                          [8:53:22 PM] Guest 6 has left the chat
                          [8:53:24 PM] <Guest 17> Why dont you just mute me Marty Chomo
                          [8:53:31 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I just got Home @ six and I have been trying to play "catch-up"!! The critters don't like their routines distrurbed!!
                          [8:53:31 PM] <Guest 9> 7281546309
                          [8:53:36 PM] Guest 11 has left the chat
                          [8:53:47 PM] <Guest 17> Frankenwhigger is a BITCH
                          [8:53:50 PM] <Guest 9> 7281546309 = NewsFUCK
                          [8:53:57 PM] <Guest 17> Marty Chomo is a Child Molester
                          [8:54:02 PM] <Guest 9> 17 is JEWSGUY
                          [8:54:15 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Like April Gaede! We are Great FB Friends!!
                          [8:54:17 PM] <Guest 5> 17 has gone rabid
                          [8:54:28 PM] <Guest 9> Hey NewsLiar, FUCK YOU
                          [8:54:33 PM] <Guest 3> April Gaede is the First Lady of white nationalism
                          [8:54:34 PM] <Guest 17> ELI JAMES>>>>>>>MARTY CHILD MOLESTER
                          [8:54:46 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Maybe, I should go and find Mass1488!!
                          [8:54:47 PM] <Guest 17> WILLIAM FINCK>>>>>>>>>>MARTY CHILD MOLESTER
                          [8:54:53 PM] <Guest 2> JewsGuy SUCKS
                          [8:54:59 PM] <Guest 17> BRYAN REO>>>>>>>MARTY CHILD MOLESTER
                          [8:55:08 PM] <Guest 17> NEWSGUY>>>>>>>>>>MARTY CHILD MOLESTER
                          [8:55:10 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Cold Beer is Great!
                          [8:55:21 PM] <Guest 9> REO can't pass the paper bag test
                          [8:55:38 PM] <Guest 17> Carolyn Yeager is SUCKING FINCKS DICK. SHE GIVES GOOD HEAD.
                          [8:55:43 PM] <Guest 5> Pastor, you are completely "legit" for the movement mi amigo.
                          [8:55:45 PM] <Guest 3> Eli James, William Finck, and Bryan Reo -- the unholy trinity of DSCI.
                          [8:56:07 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I have been enjoying Jim Beam's "Red Stag"!! It taste like German style "Kirsch"!!
                          [8:56:11 PM] monamontgomery is logged into the chat
                          [8:56:26 PM] <Siegfried> Mona mont CUM CUM CUM ery
                          [8:56:38 PM] <Siegfried> She's seeking strong aryan dicks
                          [8:57:01 PM] <Guest 17> LIAR. GLENN MILLER IS A HERO.
                          [8:57:01 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [8:57:25 PM] <monamontgomery> I love good looking White men!
                          [8:57:29 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [8:57:31 PM] <Siegfried> Big fat cocks like Giles and Martin
                          [8:57:36 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [8:57:41 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [8:57:47 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [8:58:10 PM] <Siegfried> Vonnie, stop spamming, ya worthless bastard
                          [8:58:22 PM] <Guest 9> A TimeLORD always wins. Lloyd Davies, Supreme TimeLORD
                          [8:58:57 PM] <Frankenwhigger> My friend Moory has promised me a Bottle of Macallans 25 year Old Reserve Single malt for Christmas!!
                          [8:59:18 PM] <Guest 5> getting on with it
                          [8:59:32 PM] <Guest 5> .
                          [8:59:33 PM] <Guest 5> .
                          [8:59:43 PM] <Guest 5> franken, now
                          [8:59:54 PM] <Guest 5> you ain't a real man
                          [8:59:56 PM] <Guest 5> you ain't a real man
                          [9:00:04 PM] <Guest 5> .
                          [9:00:06 PM] <Guest 5> .
                          [9:00:07 PM] <Guest 5> .
                          [9:00:12 PM] <Guest 2> Wow, alcohol, you're my hero FW. I'm so impressed
                          [9:00:14 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [9:00:17 PM] <Guest 5> until you done digested
                          [9:00:23 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [9:00:25 PM] <Guest 5> avgas
                          [9:00:29 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [9:00:34 PM] <Guest 5> high octane
                          [9:00:37 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [9:00:48 PM] <Guest 2> Moory sounds Jew. Like Maury...
                          [9:01:15 PM] <Guest 9> A TimeLORD always wins in the End Lloyd Davies, Supreme TimeLORD
                          [9:01:37 PM] <Guest 2> I thought 9 was Stan
                          [9:01:45 PM] <Guest 5> went and fucked up my poety 9 and 2. You fucking faggots.
                          [9:02:12 PM] <Frankenwhigger> That's the Problem #2!!
                          [9:02:21 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [9:02:27 PM] <Guest 5> mice thing about a real radio show, there is A FUCKING QUEUE
                          [9:02:32 PM] <Frankenwhigger> You were thinking again!
                          [9:02:39 PM] <Guest 5> nice
                          [9:02:47 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [9:02:50 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Martin, How was your Thanksgiving!
                          [9:02:55 PM] <Guest 17> DID THIS MOLESTER JUST THREATEN ME?
                          [9:02:56 PM] <Frankenwhigger> ?
                          [9:03:12 PM] <Guest 5> my god. mona is in the show!!!!!!!!!!
                          [9:03:25 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [9:03:27 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Amber Bock and Red Stag makes a Fine Adult Beverage!!
                          [9:03:32 PM] Guest 19 is logged into the chat
                          [9:03:35 PM] <Guest 17> ROXY IS AN UGLY BITCH. DO NOT THREATEN ME YOU CHILD MOLESTER.
                          [9:03:38 PM] <Guest 5> i heard about this yeager shit.
                          [9:03:42 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Mona is a Babe!!
                          [9:03:43 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [9:03:43 PM] <Guest 5> what was that all about?
                          [9:03:48 PM] <Guest 19> TimeLORD here...
                          [9:03:57 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [9:04:00 PM] <Guest 19>
                          [9:04:00 PM] <Guest 2> 17 is a gay Jew
                          [9:04:01 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hello Lloyd!!
                          [9:04:06 PM] <Guest 17> TIMELORD= WHY DONT CREATE SHOW ON TALKSHOE YOU COWARD.
                          [9:04:09 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Where's Mass?
                          [9:04:19 PM] <Guest 19> Vote for Nimonian of the Year
                          [9:04:24 PM] <monamontgomery> Carolyn Yeager reprimanded Lindstedt? Sounds like her.
                          [9:04:25 PM] <Guest 19> fuck you 17
                          [9:04:32 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [9:04:36 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [9:04:43 PM] <Guest 5> m1488 doesn't exist in just one time zone my friend.
                          [9:04:47 PM] <Guest 19> i have a Blogtalk show already
                          [9:04:49 PM] <Guest 17> THEN CREATE TALSHOE SHOW YOU FUCKING COWARD. BLOGTALK SUCKS.
                          [9:04:51 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [9:04:57 PM] <monamontgomery> Women are out of their depth in vigorous debate.
                          [9:04:58 PM] <Guest 17> FUCK BLOGTALK. TALKSHOE IS BETTER.
                          [9:05:00 PM] <Guest 5> welcome to the really real
                          [9:05:05 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [9:05:20 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [9:05:24 PM] <Guest 19> if i do, 17 you and your trahsy ilk would trash the chat and wont come and debate me'
                          [9:05:31 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [9:05:33 PM] <Guest 19> fuck you 9
                          [9:05:37 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [9:05:52 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [9:06:00 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Mass1488 is Busy Celebrating Thanksgivings with the Family!!
                          [9:06:08 PM] <Guest 17> COWARD! YOU CAN MUTE ALL GUESTS.
                          [9:06:23 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Happy T-Giving to Mona!!
                          [9:06:24 PM] <Guest 9> You are nothing but a puppet of Peter(less) GoodMamzer
                          [9:06:26 PM] <Guest 5> now, how do we completely destroy william finck?
                          [9:06:54 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Bill Finck does do Good Work and Research!
                          [9:06:55 PM] <Guest 9> 19-- You are nothing but a puppet of Peter(less) GoodMamzer
                          [9:07:12 PM] <monamontgomery> Thank you, Frankenwhigger. Happy Thanksgiving to you and to everyone else in the chat room.
                          [9:07:12 PM] <Guest 5> Finck MUST be destroyed =-> EDICT
                          [9:07:18 PM] <monamontgomery> I love Finck.
                          [9:07:30 PM] <Guest 9> Mamzer Priest are you out there?
                          [9:07:42 PM] <Guest 5> ~ Edict Electronicus ~
                          [9:07:47 PM] <Guest 5> sign
                          [9:07:50 PM] <Guest 9>!!!
                          [9:08:03 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I do not like Finck, as a person or "Friend", but his work is well researched and "Foot-noted"!!
                          [9:08:26 PM] <Guest 19> 9 - I am going to pray for your death tonite
                          [9:08:33 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Finck does the Best work in the contemporary DSCI!
                          [9:08:34 PM] <Guest 17> LINDSTEDT IS A CHILD MOLESTER. GLENN MILLER IS MILITARY HERO.
                          [9:08:47 PM] <Guest 9> Pray PORKY
                          [9:09:10 PM] <Guest 19> goto hell Roger Wiseman, I DEFY You!!!!
                          [9:09:11 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Finck and Emahiser are the Only one's doing any work in this arena worthy of Mentioning!
                          [9:09:13 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [9:09:49 PM] <Guest 5> CORRECTION: ~ EDICT ELECTRONUCIS #0001 ~
                          [9:09:57 PM] <Guest 9> DANCE LARDASS DANCE
                          [9:09:57 PM] <Guest 5> FINCK MUST BE REMOVED
                          [9:09:58 PM] <Guest 17> VR IS RUN BY MISCHO NOVESCALL AND DETREICH.
                          [9:10:12 PM] <Guest 9> The Pig Roast of LARDASS LLOYD DAVIES
                          [9:10:26 PM] <Guest 17> *VOR IS RUN BY MISHCHO NOVESCALL AND DETREICH.
                          [9:10:28 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Carolyn Yeager does good work on Revision!
                          [9:10:29 PM] <Guest 5> Hereforeknown as "EE.00001"
                          [9:10:55 PM] <Guest 9> The Pig Roast of LARDASS LLOYD DAVIES
                          [9:11:07 PM] <monamontgomery> Carolyn Yeager didn't have anything to do with getting you censored, did she, Martin?
                          [9:11:23 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Carolyn Teager is "New" to the DSCI Idea!
                          [9:11:28 PM] <Guest 5> some of the hexagonal directives are actionable items
                          [9:11:33 PM] <Guest 9> The Pig Roast of LARDASS LLOYD DAVIES
                          [9:11:37 PM] <Guest 17> CHILD MOLESTATION IS WORSE THAN CENSORSHIP.
                          [9:11:37 PM] <Guest 5> sorry, change
                          [9:11:40 PM] <monamontgomery> VOR are weak boys who wouldn't let Suzie Purtee have a show because Susan supports a woman's right to choose whether or not to have a baby.
                          [9:11:43 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Carolyn Yeager is "New" to the DSCI Idea!
                          [9:11:58 PM] <Guest 5> no changes
                          [9:12:02 PM] <Guest 9> The Pig Roast of LARDASS LLOYD DAVIES
                          [9:12:06 PM] <Guest 5> 16 directives
                          [9:12:15 PM] <Guest 17> RABBI MARTIAN LINDSTENCH IS A JEW PEDOPHILE
                          [9:12:20 PM] <Guest 5> 10 commandments is dissolved
                          [9:12:38 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I don't think Finck is a "Jew"!
                          [9:12:50 PM] <Guest 19> only Dalek Law is the anwswer
                          [9:13:05 PM] <Guest 9> The Roastmaster always wins!!!!
                          [9:13:13 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Lloyd, Daleks are Star Wars Make Believe!
                          [9:13:19 PM] <Guest 9> The Roastmaster always wins!!!!
                          [9:13:29 PM] <Guest 17> THE STATE OF MISSOURI IS FULL OF NIGGERS. MARTY LOVES NIGGERS.
                          [9:13:29 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Lloyd, Daleks are Star Wars Make Believe!
                          [9:13:34 PM] <Guest 9> The Roastmaster always wins!!!!
                          [9:13:49 PM] <Guest 17> HEY MARTY. YOU LOVE NIGGERS IN ST LOUIS AND KANSAS CITY.
                          [9:13:51 PM] <Guest 19> Martin, will you please pray for the Death of Roger Wiseman
                          [9:14:00 PM] <Guest 9> The Roastmaster always wins!!!!
                          [9:14:03 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Ohio is Negro Capital of America!
                          [9:14:10 PM] <Guest 9> The Roastmaster always wins!!!!
                          [9:14:18 PM] <Guest 19> ban 9
                          [9:14:34 PM] <Guest 17> MISSOURI HAS 2 NIGGER FUXATED CITIES -- ST LOUIS AND KANSAS CITY
                          [9:14:54 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Roger Wiseman has Great Hair! He should Run for Presicent of ZOG!
                          [9:15:06 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Roger Wiseman has Great Hair! He should Run for President of ZOG!
                          [9:15:13 PM] <Guest 9> Remember your handywork PORKY
                          [9:15:15 PM] <Guest 19> Roger is as evil as Fink
                          [9:15:31 PM] <Guest 9> I CAN'T FORGET
                          [9:15:36 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Need More Beer and Jim Beam Red Stag!! BRB!!!
                          [9:16:10 PM] <Siegfried>
                          [9:16:15 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I wish I could buy Mona a drink!!
                          [9:17:01 PM] <Guest 9> Remember your handy work PORKY
                          [9:17:11 PM] <monamontgomery> Frankenwhigger, I am toasting you with my diet cola.
                          [9:17:37 PM] <Guest 5> was the collard greens good mona?
                          [9:17:41 PM] <Guest 9> Remember your handywork PORKY, I CAN'T FORGET
                          [9:18:13 PM] <Guest 9> Hey PORKY, Have Disco Stan ban me now
                          [9:18:21 PM] <monamontgomery> Any White person who mutliates his primary racial characteristics is a traitor.
                          [9:18:34 PM] <monamontgomery> White people should not shave their heads as hair is a primary racial characterisitc.
                          [9:18:49 PM] <Guest 5> the moaner loves dem a der collad grains....
                          [9:18:54 PM] <monamontgomery> White people should not have tattoos because tattoos mutilate the peaches and cream complexion of White people.
                          [9:19:10 PM] <Guest 3> Agreed, Mona. Tattoos also constitute self-mutilation.
                          [9:19:11 PM] Guest 18 has left the chat
                          [9:19:12 PM] <monamontgomery> White people should not wear piercings in the manner of savages.
                          [9:19:13 PM] <Frankenwhigger> you're welcome , Mona!1
                          [9:19:16 PM] Guest 20 is logged into the chat
                          [9:19:36 PM] <Guest 9> DANCE LARDASS DANCE
                          [9:20:01 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Agree mona! No Tattoos!! The Body is the Temple of Yahweh !! No Grafitti on the Temple!
                          [9:20:03 PM] <Guest 19> Roger Wiseman is a Jew, Mona
                          [9:20:12 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [9:20:26 PM] <Guest 3> Tattoos are incompatible with white nationalism.
                          [9:20:27 PM] <Guest 19> he has a homosexual desire for me
                          [9:20:28 PM] <Frankenwhigger> White Men are the "Logos" of Yahweh and tattoos destroy the Image of Yahweh!
                          [9:20:57 PM] <Guest 9> Dakek costumes make good mobile glory holes
                          [9:21:04 PM] <Frankenwhigger> We are Made in the Image of God! Tattoos destroy that Image!
                          [9:21:05 PM] <Guest 5> any show that mona is spying on, you can be well fucking assured that the FBI is listening in...
                          [9:21:52 PM] Guest 22 is logged into the chat
                          [9:21:58 PM] <Guest 5> a more ostentatious "papacat"
                          [9:22:01 PM] <Guest 9> Don't ya think NewsFUCK is a mole? He is the web master of Hal's old show.
                          [9:22:18 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Is papacat a Fed?
                          [9:22:24 PM] caman has left the chat
                          [9:22:28 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Where's the Proof?
                          [9:22:36 PM] Guest 22 has left the chat
                          [9:22:50 PM] <Guest 5> where indeed
                          [9:22:55 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Someone said his IP was a "Guvmint" IP!
                          [9:22:56 PM] <Guest 17> I CANT HEAR AUDIO. LET ME REFRESH MY WEBPAGE.
                          [9:22:59 PM] caman is logged into the chat
                          [9:23:27 PM] <Frankenwhigger> But, that is what they said!
                          [9:24:06 PM] <Guest 5> rook to rooks l-3 franken. check mate.
                          [9:24:26 PM] Guest 23 is logged into the chat
                          [9:25:49 PM] <Guest 9> NewsGuy is a image thief
                          [9:25:51 PM] <monamontgomery> Guest 17, log out and come back in again.
                          [9:26:15 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Then he won't be #17 anymore!!
                          [9:26:33 PM] <Guest 9> He would be NewsJEW
                          [9:27:33 PM] Guest 23 has left the chat
                          [9:27:55 PM] <Guest 5> the whole thing is a fucking snake oil show
                          [9:28:33 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Snake Oil is Good Stuff!! I Use Snake Oil to Waterproof my Boots!
                          [9:28:41 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [9:29:17 PM] <Guest 5> you got you an amazon product number for that brother franken?
                          [9:29:24 PM] <Guest 5>
                          [9:29:38 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Have to tell you all!! Two Fingers of Jim Beam Red Stag with Two Fingers of Branch Water is "Da Bomb"!!
                          [9:29:55 PM] <Frankenwhigger> It is a Great and Refreshing Adult Beverage!
                          [9:29:59 PM] <Guest 9> Lloyd Davies, N0VFP can't get a real woman to love
                          [9:30:06 PM] <Guest 5> google it brother... find in you that there a power!
                          [9:30:21 PM] <monamontgomery> Happy Thanksgiving, Martin!
                          [9:30:26 PM] <monamontgomery> Thank you for the nice show.
                          [9:30:31 PM] <Siegfried> walmart? too busy today
                          [9:30:32 PM] <Guest 19> Goto Hello Roger
                          [9:30:34 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Good Luck on the Shopping Trip!!
                          [9:30:35 PM] <Hyram> Watch out for the spics Lindstedt
                          [9:30:36 PM] <Guest 19> Hello
                          [9:30:43 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [9:30:44 PM] <Guest 5> he's a gonna freeze his testicles off
                          [9:30:46 PM] <Siegfried> never go shopping when all the rest is there!
                          [9:30:47 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [9:30:50 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hail Victory and Happy Thanksgiving!!
                          [9:30:56 PM] Guest 20 has left the chat
                          [9:30:59 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [9:31:08 PM] <monamontgomery> When are you getting back?
                          [9:31:10 PM] <Siegfried> back when?
                          [9:31:11 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [9:31:15 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [9:31:16 PM] PastorLindstedt has hung up
                          [9:31:20 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [9:31:24 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Hail Victory and Happy Thanksgiving!!
                          [9:31:27 PM] Guest 19 has left the chat
                          [9:31:29 PM] <Guest 5> Hey right. You are going to FREEZE!
                          [9:31:32 PM] monamontgomery has left the chat
                          [9:31:45 PM] <Guest 9>
                          [9:31:49 PM] Hyram has left the chat
                          [9:31:51 PM] caman has left the chat
                          [9:31:53 PM] Guest 5 has left the chat
                          [9:31:55 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Goodnight Mona!! I Raise My Glass to you and say , "Happy Thanksgiving"!!
                          [9:32:01 PM] Guest 8 has left the chat
                          [9:32:03 PM] <PastorLindstedt> I don't know.
                          [9:32:24 PM] <Guest 9> FRANKEN, do you like Makersmark?
                          [9:32:38 PM] Guest 3 has left the chat
                          [9:32:40 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Goodnight Everyone!! I Raise My Glass to you All and say , "Happy Thanksgiving"!!
                          [9:32:54 PM] <Frankenwhigger> MakersMark is Good Bourbon!!
                          [9:33:02 PM] <Siegfried>
                          [9:33:11 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Like All Good Booze!!
                          [9:33:20 PM] <Guest 9> Good Man
                          [9:33:23 PM] Guest 9 has left the chat
                          [9:34:07 PM] <Frankenwhigger> There is Nothing better than hanging out in the Barn with friends and sipping fine Whiskey and enjoying intelligent conversation!
                          [9:34:45 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I Like sipping Fine Whiskey while having a fire in the Trash Can!!
                          [9:35:10 PM] <Frankenwhigger> Goodnight Everyone!! I Raise My Glass to you All and say , "Happy Thanksgiving"!!
                          [9:35:34 PM] <Frankenwhigger> I have Breaking Bad re-runs to watch!!
                          [9:35:36 PM] Frankenwhigger has left the chat
                          [9:35:58 PM] Guest 2 has left the chat
                          [9:36:40 PM] The Call has ended.
                          [9:44:15 PM] Guest 17 has left the chat

                          Last edited by Librarian; 12-23-2011, 05:10 PM.
                          I am The Librarian


                          • #43
                            The Movement Turd

                            November 27, 2011

                            The Word as Heard on the Turd

                            TMT -- Episode #98 - The wars of the CI jews -- 27Nov11
                            Time: November 27, 2011 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM CST


                            TMT -- Episode #98 - The wars of the CI jews -- 27Nov11

                            Episode Notes:

                            During the past week or so, the sundry 'Wikipedia-Talksjew CI' jews and mamzers have been busy . . . . being typpycull 'Wikipedia-Talksjew CI' jews and mamzers. On Monday, I called into Carolyn Yeager's Voice of ReTards show wherein this fraudulent old hide was ovulating to Rabbi Finckelsheenie and told the Holohoax Revisionist skank about the Jersey City jewboy's past criminal history as a murderous pig. Of course that meant immediate cut-off and cover-up by the jews at Voice of Retards.

                            And then Rabbi Finckelsheenie got on the drunken crackhead and snitch MoGulett's case, demanding that MoGulett denounce a jewboy playing Christian Identity pastor. After a few hours of nastiness, Rabbi Finckelsheenie made MoGulett denounce a lying murderous jewboy, but it wasn't Eliar James/jewseph Kutz-November that got denounced as Eliar is one hell of a Passover matzo-ball cooker, but rather Rabbi Finckelsheenie. Rabbi Finckelsheenie went on a tear and got every fellow baal-priest friend that Eliar has made in 25 years infiltration against Rabbi Finckelsheenie. Itz a wonder CI survived not having Rabbi Finckelsheenie around before it got out of prison three years ago. Not to mention doing without Ol Niggerlips Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren and Capt'n Senility Clifton Emahiser.

                            And in breaking news, David Duck has been temporarily detained by Deutch piglice. It is deemed a political dissent false arrest by some, a photo op by most.

                            In the podcast, Russ Walker shows up for a half hour or so. A recent history of the aboveground DSCI Church and the failure of the selection of criminals, especially MoGulett is discussed. Morris Gulett was kicked out of the Aryan Nations by Ray Redfearin at the insistence of Pastor Richard Butler.Jeromy Visser is another criminal, who with the aid of its bitch was plotting to steal. The Kingdom Identity Ministries AIT Course is used as a means by which mamzer and jew baal-priests pay $100 in order to pretend to understand DSCI doctrine when all along not having the Law of YHWH written on theyz' hearts because they be jews and mamzers cannot understand Christian Identity or Christian Israel. All about the recent history of Morris Gulett as a sanctimonious retard and petty criminal.

                            Also explained is how I called into that lying Revisionist bitch Carolyn Yeager on Voice of ReTards, and that lying snatch didn't want to be reminded of Rabbi Finckelsheenie's numerous crimes against both truth and lawful behavior. That sanctimonious bitch cut me off and the Voice of ReTard staff, peobably lead by Mikey Kikey Jukes-Kallikak Connor-Cohen censored away any admission of dishonesty.

                            Pretty much throughout the entire show Jeromy Visser (as 'Seedliner' sock-puppet) and Obie-Gender-Bender were on the chat, acting freely as ass-clowns without censorship common to the jew baal-priests like Finckelsheenie and Eliar. Of course being mamzer ass-clowns being a tard on the Turd is not altogether a bad thang as Tards make the Turd Roar!!!

                            In the last segment, the point is made that Dual-Seedline Christian Identity doesn't have the idiotic notions common to baal-priests. Nobody except a spiritual being like Satan has an immortal soul. Since even Aryan Israelites do not have 'immortal souls' then beasts of the field, mamzers, and most certainly jews do not have any 'immortal soul' either. Since only pure-blooded Israelites can be granted grace by virtue of our race, and chosen by Jesus Christ and YHWH our Father, these jews and mamzers like Bill Finck, Eli James, etc., are merely blowing hot air when such yap about that which is our Birthright alone, the ability to be called, to be chosen and to choose to live our own racial religion and to be saved from death by putting on the garments of Eternal Life. To us and insofar as can be determined, us alone, can there be Salvation. The flip side of the coin is that there is no ever-burning Hell and damnation for mortal beings, especially those without souls, as this is a Cainite/Nimrodian Babylonian concept, from Cain to Nimrod through Babylon the Second and through to the New Babylon of Rome and to the Babylonian mother of whores' daughters, the Protestant Churches. Only the Aryan Christian has a soul. Only the Israelite has the Law of YHWH written on his heart. Only the Christian Israelite has a Covenant with YHWH, an understanding of YHWH's Law. And thus only YHWH's Servant Nation can enjoy the benefits of Eternal Life as the rest of the animals have neither souls, nor grace nor Law, nor Birthright. However, as they are only animals, neither do they suffer eternal torment or damnation, but rather die as do all animals. Such is the Dual-Seedline Christian Identity Orthodox doctrine.

                            But Eli James, Dan Johns, Bill Finck, being marrano jews trying to change DSCI doctrine, are trying to change this doctrine to one of universal Roman Catholicism. This show, the Movement Turd, is designed to fight these lying jews.


                            Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, if you are one of my sheep who hears my voice, you know where I can be found tonight in the Secret Talksjew bat-cave.


                            Start Time (EDT): 11/27/11 9:00 PM EDT/8:00 PM CST
                            Duration (minutes): 120+

                            Download link:
                   Archive Directory
                   Archive Directory

                   Temporary Download Link

                            Chat Transcript:

                            Hail Victory!!!

                            Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                            Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                            Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 12-04-2011, 09:57 AM.

                            Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                            Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                            • #44
                              Me and Da Pisser went to NimBusters and sniffed out Pope Marty's Talksjew Turd!!!

                              Me and Da Pisser went to NimBusters and sniffed out Pope Marty's Talksjew Turd!!!


                              You can't keep a goofy man down. Marty's back -- not that he ever went away -- with a brand new (kinda) podcast. This season, turds are out and male genitalia are in. All of which leaves this little black kike pissers-poofter-possum with male genitalia eaten by a dingo while stored in a jar of pickle jewce whining out in the cold in the Outback without even a sheep to sodomize. What a bright shining light for the Gospel is our Pope of CI! I was foaming at the mouth, me and Pass-tard Pisser/Seed-Swallower, last night!!!


                              I'm going to the Ashkenazi Defecation League and Talksjew and pulling a Rabbi Eliar James/jewseph Kutz-November and Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren and demanding that Talksjew pull the plug on Pope Marty Dik-Dik.

                              Itz the wandering mamzer/jewfag of 'WikiPedia/Talksjew CI' thang to do!!!


                              PassTard Pisser picked a peck of pickled poofter possums.
                              A peck of pickled poofter possums PassTard Pisser picked.

                              Two & a Half Mamzers Forum!!!

                              Winner of the 'Scarlet H' For Hypocrisy!!!



                              • #45
                                Be nice Pope Marty or I'll eat another peck of pisser-poofter-possum shit!

                                Be nice Pope Marty or I'll eat another peck of pisser-poofter-possum shit!


                                A quote from Marty:

                                By the way, Visser and Obie and LiarBill seems obsessed with me and my family. Nothing much I can do about it though.
                                Yes there is, Marty. Time to make some hollow threats from a criminal mamzer baal-priest, an 85-IQ mumps-nutted alleged niglet-niece molesting ZOGbot fuktard, and an trans-gendered jew mamzer pisser-poofter-possum. You can stop running your big fat mouth, telling lies galore about Christian Identists, and stop disrupting CI podcasts with your one-man tribute to Al Goldstein in their chat rooms. Or else I'll suck off another 666 truck drivers in the Sydney truck stop parking lots. Then we'll leave you and your ZOG nut farmers alone. Talksjew said, when I snitched about jewr Talksjew show after Rabbi Eliar and St. Mamzer/Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren got you kicked off, is that they wouldn't just be kicking you off if there was any more bitching. So, I think I'll threaten you even though I can do nothing but hide my snout.


                                PassTard Pisser picked a peck of pickled poofter possums.
                                A peck of pickled poofter possums PassTard Pisser picked.

                                Two & a Half Mamzers Forum!!!

                                Winner of the 'Scarlet H' For Hypocrisy!!!


