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The New Movement Turd

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  • #16
    TMT -- Episode #90 - 2Oct11

    The Movement Turd

    October 2, 2011

    The Word as Heard on the Turd

    TMT -- Episode #90 -
    Time: October 2, 2011 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM CST

    TMT -- Episode #90

    Episode Notes:

    0:00 Super Fickin'

    0:32 Intro.

    Whigger Problem

    Section 1-5.

    Florian Geyer



    Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, if you are one of my sheep who hears my voice, you know where I can be found tonight in the secret Talksjew bat-cave.

    Start Time (EDT): 10/02/11 9:00 PM EDT/8:00 PM CST
    Duration (minutes): 120+

    Download link: Temporary File

    Chat Transcript:

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

    Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
    Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


    • #17

      We really lit those baal-priest mamzers up on last thursday (TMT #88.5), a week and a half ago.

      We saved nothing, even for the vultures huh?

      1) Sorry, job issues prevented me from attending tonight.
      2) Re-listen to the "wonger slander show".
      The wonger never processed to be called a "wodanist". That is a full blown lie. Just like when he said blubber lipped reo was someone named "rodriguez". Visser is a liar.
      Last edited by Librarian; 10-03-2011, 09:35 AM. Reason: Add Link to TMT #88.5
      Never take seriously anonymous tards that sport jewess avatars.


      • #18
        We do our best to purify the Congregation to prevent it from going altogether coongregation.

        We do our best to purify the Congregation to prevent it from going altogether coongregation.

        Originally posted by WilliamB View Post

        We really lit those baal-priest mamzers up on last thursday (TMT #88.5), a week and a half ago.

        We saved nothing, even for the vultures huh?

        1) Sorry, job issues prevented me from attending tonight.
        2) Re-listen to the "wonger slander show".
        The wonger never processed to be called a "wodanist". That is a full blown lie. Just like when he said blubber lipped reo was someone named "rodriguez". Visser is a liar.
        What needs to be understood about the jew and mamzer incursion into the above-ground Dual-Seedline Christian Identity Church is that this incursion, like the Mexican invasion, has the approval at the highest, intermediate and lowest levels of ZOG/Babylon the Third and the Final. Satan has always wanted to destroy the Adamic/Aryan/Israelite race since the days of Adam seven thousand years ago, and so have his children, the jews through Cain. Cain became Sargon I of Sumeria/Akkad and established the very first Empire,and that Empire was devoted to bringing in the Adamites and miscegenating them away with non-Adamite blood.

        Likewise, with the mamzer and jew invasion of the Remnant today. You have jews like Eli James working over 25 years to jewdize DSCI. For those who do not like the sephardic version, the Ashkenaziac version is provided by the murderous Jersey City jewboy Rabbi Finckelsheenie. And for the so-called Lutheran/Protestant hi-yaller mamzers, there is 'Pastor' Jeromy Visser.

        So today amongst the Remnant there is a sort of 'Wikipedia-Talksjew CI' in which 'wandering mamzers' migrate from jew and mamzer baal-priest to another telling them that they are Israelite/Aryan. It really doesn't matter that everyone else sees a jew or a mamzer shitskin pretending to be Christian Identity because to these mamzers wanting so much to be DSCI, to be white, their fellow mamzers and jews who tell them that they are the [s]Elect are feeding into their delusional hunger. In short, they are really nothing but like self-loathing niggers with GAIDS who want desperately to rape da White Wimmins so that they can be cured of being what they are -- non-white vessels of wrath.

        Jeromy Visser and the rest of the mamzers and jews blame me for revealing what they are. Forgotten in that Visser itself, in order to get out of a stalking charge this time last year, deleted all his forums and on-line ministry. What Visser couldn't delete, Visser changed, and what Visser couldn't change, Visser admitted to, i.e., that Visser was a sort of 'Cherokee' red-nigger who was mainly white, but not nearly white enough to be Aryan Nations or a domestic terrorist. Yet at the same time Visser was tricking itself into trying to look like the old composite sketches of the Uni-Bomber, while at the same time claiming that I said that Visser was a mad bomber.

        The jews and mamzers of pretend Christian Identity will, when called upon dangling theyz' tails and showing theyz' snouts, will invariably pull the tell-tale evidence, like Visser deleting his forums or MoGulett deleting his jewtube video showing that his faction of the Aryan Nations has more than a few niggers as well as a jew in the woodpile. The jews and regime criminals running the Internut will of course aid in that deception. What else to expect? This is why my web pages and forums and blogs and Talksjew show was pulled, while jews like Eli James and Finckelsheenie and Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren speaking the supposed same message of 'White Supremacy' and 'Christian Identity' never had anything to worry about invoking censorship.

        Jeromy Visser will cuntinue to plague the above-ground Christian Identity church, attracting mamzers wanting to pretend to be white, because they want to believe they are something other than what they are. They are mere shit pretending to be brains or hands or muscle or something nobler than what they is. Yet no matter how much they pretend, they will be what they is. As for Visser, it will get itz pisser-possum tail in the crack and run off and play dead, regardless of what I do or say. Visser's mother-in-law, acting according to her catlick papist prejudices, has done far more to purify the pathetic above-ground Church of Visser every so often at least several times a year, than you or I have done.

        But we do our best to purify the Congregation to prevent it from going altogether coongregation.

        Hail Victory!!!

        Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
        Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

        Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
        Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


        • #19
          TMT -- Episode #90.5 - Gut-Sick Kiken-Weasels With jew Ass-Cancer - 6Oct11

          The Movement Turd

          October 6, 2011

          The Word as Heard on the Turd

          TMT -- Episode #90.5 - Gut-Sick Kiken-Weasels With jew Ass-Cancer - 6Oct11
          Time: October 6, 2011 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM CST

          TMT -- Episode #90.5 - Gut-Sick Kiken-Weasels With jew Ass-Cancer - 6Oct11

          Episode Notes:

          While listening in on & trolling the jew-mamzer UnSuckcessfool Serial Polygmist Dan Johns' Talksjew program yesterday night, I was privy to the following co[o]nversation:

          [8:45:26 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> ahh
          [8:45:51 PM] <Legalman2012> Unfortunetly, the one girl i really like. She's skinny, German, and has the same disease as me (she just got diagnosed) i don't thik she's into me
          [8:46:04 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> it shows a anime thing

          [8:47:41 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> but you dont have videos
          [8:47:44 PM] <Legalman2012> not yet
          [8:47:47 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> so what disease do you have?
          [8:47:50 PM] <Guest 4> So you are diseased in some way?

          [8:48:10 PM] <Legalman2012> I'm trying to make music or find 'no-word" music to add to the commercials
          [8:48:24 PM] <Legalman2012> Crohns disease
          [8:48:33 PM] <Legalman2012> basicly, a severe allergy
          [8:48:48 PM] <Legalman2012> to wheat, corn, diary, and processed foods
          [8:48:56 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> that sucks
          [8:49:14 PM] <Legalman2012> oh my gosh....
          [8:49:18 PM] <Legalman2012> I see what you mean Drag
          [8:49:22 PM] <Legalman2012> LOL
          [8:49:30 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> lol
          [8:49:36 PM] <Guest 4> Alex Linder got Crones.
          [8:49:38 PM] <Legalman2012> i had no idea i was on "this" account when i commented that video. I thought i was on my "personal" account
          [8:49:48 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> who is alex linder?
          [8:50:13 PM] <Guest 4> So you really Dan Johns' kid?
          [8:50:17 PM] <Legalman2012> I know Commander has it. But his never got severe cause he took care of it while it was in a mild form
          [8:50:38 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> eh?
          [8:50:43 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> who is alex linder?
          [8:50:45 PM] <Legalman2012> Commandermcbragg
          [8:51:02 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> then why do people call him steve?
          [8:51:05 PM] <Guest 4> A-hole that runs VNNF.
          [8:51:08 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> he told me he was steve
          [8:51:21 PM] <Legalman2012> Cause thats his name
          [8:51:30 PM] <Legalman2012> on FB he goes by steve
          [8:51:35 PM] <Legalman2012> facebook*
          [8:51:40 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> oh
          [8:51:43 PM] <Legalman2012> VNNF?
          [8:52:05 PM] <Guest 4> Yeah, a forum for retards.

          [8:52:11 PM] <Legalman2012> oh
          [8:52:32 PM] <Legalman2012> Well, he did give me some good advise about managing my crohns and getting back to a stable bowel
          [8:52:43 PM] <Guest 4> So you Dan Johns kid?
          [8:52:46 PM] <Legalman2012> ran it by my Naturalpathic doctor
          [8:52:52 PM] <Legalman2012> why?
          [8:53:02 PM] <Legalman2012> why do you think i am?*
          [8:53:18 PM] <Guest 4> People say that you are.
          [8:53:21 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> In my family runs a blood disorder only found in N European population
          [8:53:30 PM] <Legalman2012> ouch, what kind of disorder?
          [8:53:35 PM] <Legalman2012> people?
          [8:54:01 PM] <Guest 4> There is speculation.
          [8:54:09 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> factor 5 laiden disease
          [8:54:26 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> *leiden
          [8:54:29 PM] <Legalman2012> I see
          [8:54:50 PM] <Legalman2012> when you word it like that, it sounds like its serious to find our who his kids are?
          [8:55:11 PM] <Legalman2012> is Lindstendt trying to track down Pastor Dans family or something?
          [8:55:17 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> hmm
          [8:55:33 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> I thought you were pastor dans son as well
          [8:55:36 PM] <Legalman2012> i never heard of that Drag
          [8:56:12 PM] <Legalman2012> Who is guest 72?
          [8:58:16 PM] <Legalman2012> did my screen freeze....
          [8:58:19 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> don;t know
          [8:58:22 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> no you are good
          [8:58:27 PM] <Legalman2012> ah okay
          [8:58:30 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> I am just cooking and chatting at the same time

          So what to take out of this admission? Answer: LegalMamzer2012, who is rumored to be Dan Johns' little kikeling has a jew-specific immune disease that affects its very asshole, i.e. Crohn's Disease. Even more to the point, LegalMamzer2012 Johns makes the case that Commandork McBragg/McFagg/Steve Elder also has Crohn's and gives [g]aid[s] to its younger fellow kikes. McFagg/Steve Elder can't help but understand that since it is a jew with this jew ass-cancer/ass-AIDS specific to jews, especially Ashkenazi jews, and gives help to its fellow jews, and has to hide its identity and face, that regardless of how delusional it is, it is a jew pretending to be an Aryan Israelite in a racial religion that says that as a jew it is the literal spawn of Satan. Thus McBragg/McFagg/Steve Elder has been lying to Covington and everyone else about its true racial identity, while at the same time acting whenever possible to bring in more jews and mamzers like Bryan Reo while fighting with myself and the other racial Christian Israelites.

          Likewise with Alex Linder. Linder looks sorta Aryan, but its behavior and mannerism are altogether jew. Especially the jew hatred of Christianity, but most tellingly, the absolute hatred of Christian Identity. I used to mark it down to Linder's being paid as a ZOG false front by TraitorGlenn Miller out of the petty cash drawer of the Department of ZOGland Insecurity. But as time has passed, the more and more typpycully kikeish Linder appears, with the expectation of censorship due, not only for itself on its own tard corral, but elsewhere. But as pointed out in this Movement Turd, "jewr kikeish Ass-hole Will Tell on jew!!!"

          You see, one of the characteristics of male jew drones is that since they are of the bloodline of Satan, every so often the Esther-kikesses must gain Aryan input every three to four [de]generations lest the demon-blood break down in the male kikeling and their bodies break down. These male jew drones are thus suffering from this breakdown, especially during the past century, as more and more jew degenerative diseases are discovered. Non jews that get jew diseases have jew marker genes which suffer from jew diseases.

          So this eppysode of The Movement Turd covers the jews and their jew specific diseases and how these jews try to lie about them and their kike mortality.


          Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, if you are one of my sheep who hears my voice, you know where I can be found tonight in the secret Talksjew bat-cave.

          Start Time (EDT): 10/06/11 9:00 PM EDT/8:00 PM CST
          Duration (minutes): 120+

          Download link:
 Archive Index

 Temporary File

          Chat Transcript:

          Hail Victory!!!

          Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
          Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

          Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 10-13-2011, 05:39 AM. Reason: Add Links, download

          Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
          Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


          • #20
            TMT -- Episode #91 - For the shew of their countenance -- and bungholes -- doth witness against them -- 9Oct11

            The Movement Turd

            October 9, 2011

            The Word as Heard on the Turd

            TMT -- Episode #91 - For the shew of their countenance -- and bungholes -- doth witness against them -- 9Oct11
            Time: October 9, 2011 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM CST


            TMT -- Episode #91 - For the shew of their countenance -- and bungholes -- doth witness against them -- 9Oct11

            Episode Notes:

            Originally posted by Isaiah 3:9

            9 The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves.
            Well, nowadays it isn't only plain as the kike snout on theyz' faces that tells us that Alex Linder, Steve Elder/Commandork McFagg, LegalMamzer2012 Johns, et. al, are jews, but the fact that they all have the jew immune disease which strikes at theyz' kike assholes: Crohn's Disease.

            Crohn's Disease afflicts Ashkenazi jews. Even the blondest blue-eyed whigger which has a hidden jew in the woodpile can get Crohns:

            Crohn’s Disease: An interview with Ron Bahar, MD


            Dr. Lavin: What is Crohn’s Disease?

            Ron Bahar: Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disorder which can involve the entirety of the gut, from lips to anus. In addition, other organs, including skin in the form of erythema nodusom (red nodules), joints in the form of arthritis, and kidney disease in the form of stones, are commonly concurrently affected.

            . . .
            Dr. L.: Discuss the incidence, prevalence, genetics, and immunology of Crohn’s disease:

            R.B.: The incidence (the number of new cases in the population) is approximately 5 per 100,000 in the United States. The prevalence (the total number of patients in the population) has been estimated at between 26 and nearly 200 per 100,000 in this population. The incidence of Crohn’s disease amongst Ashkenazi Jews is 2-8 times that of the general population, and also affects Sephardic Jews more than the general population, but not as frequently as the Ashkenazi families. The relative risk of Crohn’s in siblings of an individual with the disease is 17 to 35 times that of this same group. It is slightly more common in males than in females.
            Crohn's Disease is referred to as a 'Jewish Genetic Disease' over at:

            Science Daily from 2008 admitted that "What is believed to be the largest study of its kind for the genetic roots of inflammatory bowel diseases has suggested new links to Crohn's Disease as well as further evidence that some people of Jewish descent are more likely to develop it."


            Looking at the links it seem it is obvious that Crohns Disease is a genetic disease, like Tay Sachs, which, since it is from twice to eight times as common amongst jews, that those within the bowel Movement who realize that they have Crohns Disease and also knowing that they are at least part jew, have been hiding it from us Aryans that they infest.


            [8:45:26 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> ahh
            [8:45:51 PM] <Legalman2012> Unfortunetly, the one girl i really like. She's skinny, German, and has the same disease as me (she just got diagnosed) i don't thik she's into me
            [8:46:04 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> it shows a anime thing

            [8:47:41 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> but you dont have videos
            [8:47:44 PM] <Legalman2012> not yet
            [8:47:47 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> so what disease do you have?
            [8:47:50 PM] <Guest 4> So you are diseased in some way?

            [8:48:10 PM] <Legalman2012> I'm trying to make music or find 'no-word" music to add to the commercials
            [8:48:24 PM] <Legalman2012> Crohns disease
            [8:48:33 PM] <Legalman2012> basicly, a severe allergy
            [8:48:48 PM] <Legalman2012> to wheat, corn, diary, and processed foods
            [8:48:56 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> that sucks
            [8:49:14 PM] <Legalman2012> oh my gosh....
            [8:49:18 PM] <Legalman2012> I see what you mean Drag
            [8:49:22 PM] <Legalman2012> LOL
            [8:49:30 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> lol
            [8:49:36 PM] <Guest 4> Alex Linder got Crones.
            [8:49:38 PM] <Legalman2012> i had no idea i was on "this" account when i commented that video. I thought i was on my "personal" account
            [8:49:48 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> who is alex linder?
            [8:50:13 PM] <Guest 4> So you really Dan Johns' kid?
            [8:50:17 PM] <Legalman2012> I know Commander has it. But his never got severe cause he took care of it while it was in a mild form
            [8:50:38 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> eh?
            [8:50:43 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> who is alex linder?
            [8:50:45 PM] <Legalman2012> Commandermcbragg
            [8:51:02 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> then why do people call him steve?
            [8:51:05 PM] <Guest 4> A-hole that runs VNNF.
            [8:51:08 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> he told me he was steve
            [8:51:21 PM] <Legalman2012> Cause thats his name
            [8:51:30 PM] <Legalman2012> on FB he goes by steve
            [8:51:35 PM] <Legalman2012> facebook*
            [8:51:40 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> oh
            [8:51:43 PM] <Legalman2012> VNNF?
            [8:52:05 PM] <Guest 4> Yeah, a forum for retards.

            [8:52:11 PM] <Legalman2012> oh
            [8:52:32 PM] <Legalman2012> Well, he did give me some good advise about managing my crohns and getting back to a stable bowel
            [8:52:43 PM] <Guest 4> So you Dan Johns kid?
            [8:52:46 PM] <Legalman2012> ran it by my Naturalpathic doctor
            [8:52:52 PM] <Legalman2012> why?
            [8:53:02 PM] <Legalman2012> why do you think i am?*
            [8:53:18 PM] <Guest 4> People say that you are.
            [8:53:21 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> In my family runs a blood disorder only found in N European population
            [8:53:30 PM] <Legalman2012> ouch, what kind of disorder?
            [8:53:35 PM] <Legalman2012> people?
            [8:54:01 PM] <Guest 4> There is speculation.
            [8:54:09 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> factor 5 laiden disease
            [8:54:26 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> *leiden
            [8:54:29 PM] <Legalman2012> I see
            [8:54:50 PM] <Legalman2012> when you word it like that, it sounds like its serious to find our who his kids are?
            [8:55:11 PM] <Legalman2012> is Lindstendt trying to track down Pastor Dans family or something?
            [8:55:17 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> hmm
            [8:55:33 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> I thought you were pastor dans son as well
            [8:55:36 PM] <Legalman2012> i never heard of that Drag
            [8:56:12 PM] <Legalman2012> Who is guest 72?
            [8:58:16 PM] <Legalman2012> did my screen freeze....
            [8:58:19 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> don;t know
            [8:58:22 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> no you are good
            [8:58:27 PM] <Legalman2012> ah okay
            [8:58:30 PM] <Dragoslav_Miric> I am just cooking and chatting at the same time

            So this Tubal-kenite Pictish jew mamzer Steve Elder/Commandork McBragg-McFagg has Crohns and helps its fellow diseased little jewboys like LegalMamzer 2012, while at the same time hiding its kike snout. Can you say three jewboys?

            After-Action Report: Russ Walker called in as a guest and discussed what Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS as a jew genetic immunity disease, jew breeding and jew genetics, Eli James, Finckelsheenie, and Steve Elder/Kommandork McFagg as jews, Noah's Days and Times, mamzers, hybrids, etx.


            Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, if you are one of my sheep who hears my voice, you know where I can be found tonight in the secret Talksjew bat-cave.


            Start Time (EDT): 10/09/11 9:00 PM EDT/8:00 PM CST
            Duration (minutes): 3 hrs, 33 minutes.+

            Download link:
   Archive Directory
   Archive Directory

   32kps Re-Engineered Show on Talksjew
   Temporary File

            Chat Transcript:

            Hail Victory!!!

            Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
            Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

            Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 04-30-2012, 10:54 PM.

            Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
            Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


            • #21

              I'll try to call in. But I'm working graveyard shift again that night. No promises.
              Never take seriously anonymous tards that sport jewess avatars.


              • #22
                TMT -- Episode #91.5 - Don't you have to be a jew in order to get Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS? -- 13Oct11

                The Movement Turd

                October 13, 2011

                The Word as Heard on the Turd

                TMT -- Episode #91.5 - Don't you have to be a jew in order to get Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS? -- 13Oct11
                Time: October 13, 2011 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM CST


                TMT -- Episode #91.5 - Don't you have to be a jew in order to get Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS? -- 13Oct11

                Episode Notes:

                In this eppysode of The Movement Turd, Pastor Lindstedt along with Russ Walker discusses how Crohns Disease is a disease which is a jew immunological disease which affects a jew's guts. Having Crohns is a sure sign that you have a kike or two or 666 in the woodpile. Hence Alex Linder, Commandork McBragg/McFagg/Steve Elder and LegalMamzer2012 Johns are genetic jews with jew ass-cancer or jew ass-GAIDS no matter how much they pretend to find their ancestors and present-day open jews detestable. The reason they act like jews and have a jew genetic disease is because they are jews. They are Ashkenazi 'marrano' jews trying to change both Christian Identity and White Nationalism.

                So what to do? Alex Linder is thus revealed -- itz bunghole, of not countenance -- as well as behavior doth testify against it. Linderwitz' forum, VNNF/TGMNNF/TGFRTCNNF, is a hive of anti-Christian kike villany in which at least a third of the participants, according to John DeNugent/Nutjob, are jew trolls. The rest are ZOGling whigger and mamzer ass-clowns. Yet what goes on in that data-mining ZOG false-front operating out of the Department of ZOGlind InSecurity's petty cash drawer with TraitorGlenn Miller acting as paymaster is beyond the control of myself. All I can do is to reveal the facts, and if the listeners refuse to take heed and get hurt through their willful refusal to act upon this knowledge, then it is because they wanted to get hurt because they are on the wrong side.

                But I have acted for the longest time as a sort of above-ground Dual-Seedline Christian Identity Inquisition. This DSCI Inquisition has the task of unearthing and revealing and running out the various jew spawn of Satan like Eli James, Rabbi Finckelsheenie, and Dan Johns; the numerous mamzers like Jeromy Visser and Anglo-Mestizo Truitt; and the rest of the ZOGling regime-criminal snitches and baal-priests like MoGulett, Klunt Downey and her Meercat Markkk Clowney, LiarBill 'MumpsNuts' DeClue(less) and others. Anyone tolerating these jews, mamzers, and ZOGbots within the Congregation of the House of Israel have something genetically and morally wrong with them, so much so that they are not of the Body of Christ, and must be dig out and formally marked and expelled as the biological and/or adoptive spawn of Satan.

                This is a task for The Movement Turd.


                Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, if you are one of my sheep who hears my voice, you know where I can be found tonight in the secret Talksjew bat-cave.


                Start Time (EDT): 10/13/11 9:00 PM EDT/8:00 PM CST
                Duration (minutes): 120+

                Download link:
       Archive Index

       Temporary Download File

                Chat Transcript:

                Hail Victory!!!

                Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 10-17-2011, 10:21 AM.

                Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                • #23
                  TMT -- Episode #92 - Collapsed Crap Led by jew Criminals -- 17Oct11

                  The Movement Turd

                  October 17, 2011

                  The Word as Heard on the Turd

                  TMT -- Episode #92 - Collapsed Crap Led by jew Criminals -- 17Oct11
                  Time: October 17, 2011 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM CST


                  TMT -- Episode #92 - Collapsed Crap Led by jew Criminals -- 17Oct11

                  Episode Notes:

                  In this episode, myself and Russ Walker discuss how there can be 'no jewnity' within either ZOG and certainly not within the bowel Movement. Crohn's Disease/jew ass-GAIDS, whether it be in Kommandork McFagg/McBragg/Steve Elder, LegalMamzer2012 Johns, or Alex Linder, is a sure sign of having a kike in the genetic woodpile. All Crohn's is is a rebellion by a kike colon against a particularly nasty kike asshole.

                  Discussed was Occupy jew Wall Street and how the ZOGlings, particularly the young ones, have no future and thus no obligation to support ZOG/Babylon, but rather to rebel against the current kike reality. Pastor Lindstedt discusses how the ZOG imperial Army of Occupation has changed, particularly from using tube artillery to vastly more expensive missile and rocket systems, and thus the price of the military-industrial complex has skyrocketed. And then this stupid selfish drama-queen April Gaede and the $permFront and Whiggerjewsnow fuktards contribute to the factionalized chaos which is endemic within the bowel Movement.

                  In the last segment, I read from Romans Chapter 9, about how YHWH hated Esau/Edom/jews and loves Jacob/Israel/Aryans. YHWH created both the vessels of wrath and destruction and the vessels of mercy and salvation. A jew, like Commandork McFagg/Steve Elder with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS, that knows that it has this jew genetic disease, hence is a jew, is not fooling YHWH, even if pretending to be a Christian Israelite under the Chicago sephardic jew Eli James. Nor is LegalMamzer2012 Johns, spawn of the Jersey jew and Serial Polygamist Dan Johns, also openly with Crohns, but with the murderous sociopath Ashkenazi Jersey City jewboy Rabbi Finckelsheenie fooling YHWH -- or anyone else. Rather as the jew spawn of Satan they must realize that they are the irredeemably damned, and face their predetermined fate as jew tares infesting Christian Israel with what fortitude they have as the made vessels of iniquity and destruction.


                  Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, if you are one of my sheep who hears my voice, you know where I can be found tonight in the secret Talksjew bat-cave.


                  Start Time (EDT): 10/16/11 9:00 PM EDT/8:00 PM CST
                  Duration (minutes): 120+

                  Download link:
         Archive Directory

         Temporary Download Link

                  Chat Transcript:

                  Hail Victory!!!

                  Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                  Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                  Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 10-22-2011, 02:18 PM.

                  Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                  Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                  • #24
                    TMT -- Episode #92.5 - You need to get monogamy down pat before you try serial polygamy -- 20Oct11

                    The Movement Turd

                    October 20, 2011

                    The Word as Heard on the Turd

                    TMT -- Episode #92.5 - You need to get monogamy down pat before you try serial polygamy -- 20Oct11
                    Time: October 17, 2011 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM CST


                    TMT -- Episode #92.5 - You need to get monogamy down pat before you try serial polygamy -- 20Oct11

                    Episode Notes:

                    In this episode, myself and Russ Walker discuss about how this federal judge dismissed my remaining Aryan Nations v. Obongo lawsuit and how I need to file a Rule 59(e) Motion for this new judge to alter or amend or 'eat' his Order in order to have a shot for an appeal to the 8th US Circus Kort of Appeals.

                    Russ Walker was muted Wednesday night, on Oct. 19, 2011, for asking the Serial Polygamist Dan Johns, a jew carrier of Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS to itz kike spawn LegalMamzer2012 Johns, that if Dan Johns cannot get monogamy right, then why does Dan Johns think that it will get serial polygamy down correct? Also Kommandork McFagg/Steve Elder/Steve Schwartz(?) thinks it is a genius at polygamy even though it is a Tubal-kenite Pictish jew mamzer with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS with mumps-nuts which is sterile, along with itz squaw. So how do I know how to 'troll' these "'Wikipedia-Talksjew' CI" wandering mamzer web sites? Answer? Learn by doing!

                    These jew mamzers Dan Johns and Commandork McFagg as jews with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS are no different that niggers in wanting more and more whigger pussy in order to spawn more kikelets while being unable to even support theyselfs and their current spawn. But then again, there really isn't much difference between jews and niggers in that they both want to live off the White man.

                    Portions of RD Bradshaw's postings over at Pisser's Pussy Parlor are read, plus my response.

                    Someone asks a question about how should the under-ground Christian Identity believer organize for their self defense? Should they join a 'militia'? Answer? By all means make common cause with others of your family and friends to form a common self-defense force for others as well. But the limit should be your local community, and not to think that you can change things at the Federal ZOG and StateZOG or even CountyZOG level.

                    Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, if you are one of my sheep who hears my voice, you know where I can be found tonight in the secret Talksjew bat-cave.


                    Start Time (EDT): 10/20/11 9:00 PM EDT/8:00 PM CST
                    Duration (minutes): 120+

                    Download link:
           Archive Directory

           Temporary Download Link

                    Chat Transcript:

                    Hail Victory!!!

                    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 10-31-2011, 06:06 PM.

                    Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                    Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                    • #25
                      TMT -- Episode #93 - I've Been 'Free' Three Years -- 23Oct11

                      The Movement Turd

                      October 23, 2011

                      The Word as Heard on the Turd

                      TMT -- Episode #93 - I've Been 'Free' Three Years -- 23Oct11
                      Time: October 23, 2011 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM CST


                      Episode #93 - I've Been 'Free' Three Years -- 23Oct11

                      Episode Notes:

                      On October 23, 2008, at 1:40 p.m., I was released on an affordable $10,000 bond for the bogus child molestation charges brought about by the Newton County ZOG. This came after being illegally sent to the Fulton State NutHouse and doped up and tortured there for 30 months because I refused to allow any lawyer, especially a pub[l]ic pretender, to [mis]represent me. I am alive and free today because YHWH and my hatred kept me alive to where I'm the herald of the onrushing Great Tribulation.

                      This bowel Movement of ours -- and especially the above-ground Dual-Seedline Christian Identity Church -- is full of nothing but jews, mamzers, and criminal regimeist agents provocateur ZOGbots of all sorts. All of them praying and hoping that ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final won't come to an end, and like the ZOGlings of Revelation Chapter 18 mourning a world which is gone with the [whirl]wind: Babylon is fallen, is fallen. For Matthew 24:21-22 says that the entire world shall be doomed with nothing remaining of structure save a few million Whites (and no whiggers) still alive, and that save for the Elect, no flesh shall be saved. The World as we know it is about to end in the fires of a racial civil war, in "Armed Meggedo", in an Apocalypse such as never was and never will be ever again.

                      Unlike everyone in our bowel Movement, I neither mourn Babylon, nor evade the duties in telling the Truth, as Jesus Christ chooses to reveal it to His sheep. Rather, I bring the fight to ZOG/Babylon, and let ZOG/Babylon flinch, and to proceed full speed ahead to its destiny -- absolute destruction in the ash-heap of History. Mene, Mene, Sheck-el Upharsin.


                      Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, if you are one of my sheep who hears my voice, you know where I can be found tonight in the secret Talksjew bat-cave.


                      Start Time (EDT): 10/23/11 9:00 PM EDT/8:00 PM CST
                      Duration (minutes): 120+

                      Download link:
             Archive Directory

             Temporary Download Link

                      Chat Transcript:

                      Hail Victory!!!

                      Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                      Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                      Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 11-07-2011, 03:07 AM.

                      Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                      Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                      • #26
                        TMT -- Episode #93.5 - Rule59(e) Motion -- 27Oct11

                        The Movement Turd

                        October 27, 2011

                        The Word as Heard on the Turd

                        TMT -- Episode #93.5 - Rule59(e) Motion -- 27Oct11
                        Time: October 27, 2011 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM CST


                        Episode Notes:

                        Russ Walker and I discuss censorship by the jewboys Dan Johns, Eliar James and Finckelsheenie and Bryan Reo in the second section of tonight's TMT. But because Joe Pa, Mona Montgomery and a few others are invited to the show, a number of other people show up on the chat. Tonight we have Mona Montgomery call in and explain why Rabbi Finckelsheenie, even though it made an admission of being a murderous Jersey City jewboy pig is innocent of whatever and Edgar Steele, Da Whigger-Whimperer, is guilty of something. Then a quick call by William B about what a lying mamzer Jeromy Visser is, with not only a bunch of other mamzer brothers, but a faggot brother as well.

                        Then, upon request, an impromptu sermon on John Chapter 10 is made. Jesus Christ said that His Sheep hear His Voice. Why? Because if you are his sheep, it is no great task to be obedient and attentive to your Savior.


                        Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, if you are one of my sheep who hears my voice, you know where I can be found tonight in the secret Talksjew bat-cave.


                        Start Time (EDT): 10/27/11 9:00 PM EDT/8:00 PM CST
                        Duration (minutes): 120+

                        Download link:
               Archive Directory
               Archive Link

               Temporary Download Link

                        Chat Transcript:

                        Hail Victory!!!

                        Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                        Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                        Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 11-09-2011, 06:55 AM.

                        Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                        Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                        • #27
                          Quote of the Year from Marty! Makes muh mangina wettt!!!

                          Quote of the Year from Marty! Makes muh mangina wettt!!!


                          The following quote from Marty in the current edition of The Turd had me rolling in the aisles after I wet my tampons stuck up my transgendered mangina.

                          Originally posted by Pope Marty
                          This ministry is comprised of me. That's it.
                          As far as great witticisms go, that ranks up there with the time Marty told me off for saying that his pal from the nuthouse whacked his father in the head 23 times with a claw hammer, insisting that it was only 13. Gotta give Pope Marty credit for honesty. Being a jew mamzer faggot trans-sexshul honesty isn't my strong suit, and neither it it the case for us mamzers and jews and perverts and doofuses here on Pissers-Pussy-Parlor nor here on Two and a Half Mamzers.

                          You are the Movement's comic genius, Marty. No doubt about it. But for all of jewr honesty, you can't suck the lug nuts off an articulated lorry like this transgendered pooftah here Down (Low) Under can.



                          PassTard Pisser picked a peck of pickled poofter possums.
                          A peck of pickled poofter possums PassTard Pisser picked.

                          Two & a Half Mamzers Forum!!!

                          Winner of the 'Scarlet H' For Hypocrisy!!!



                          • #28
                            TMT -- Episode #94 - A Halloween Tail of Eliar James and Sored-Mamzers -- 30Oct11

                            The Movement Turd

                            October 30, 2011

                            The Word as Heard on the Turd

                            TMT -- Episode #94 - A Halloween Tail of Eliar James and Sored-Mamzers -- 30Oct11
                            Time: October 30, 2011 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM CST


                            TMT -- Episode #94 - A Halloween Tail of Eliar James and Sored-Mamzers -- 30Oct11

                            Episode Notes:

                            It was on October 29, 2010, when due to Rabbi Bill Finck's arrogant criminal stupidity that I thought to look on Finckelsheenie's FaceBook 'Friends' list and found the shitskin mamzer faggot from Mentor, Ohio. Itz name was Bryan Reo and it called itzself 'SwordBrethren'. This Bryan Reo had already quite a history as an Anti-Racial-Activist associated with Lawyer Dickie Barrett, the FBI faggot agent provocateur from jew Jersey that moved to Mississippi to pretend to be a 'Nationalist' causing trouble down there for other bowel Movement retards like Jim Giles. Bryan Reo had been exposed as a 'Mexican Faggot' by Billy Roper and others and had been driven out of the bowel Movement until it found a new lease on ARA-pimping by pretending to be Dual-Seedline Christian Identity by association with the Chicago sephardic jew Eli James/jewseph Kutz-November and Rabbi Finckelsheenie, an Ashkenazi Jersey City jewboy.

                            When I figured this out after much searching, there was much rejoicing amongst the quasi-aboveground DSCI believers. You see, Bryan Reo was a threatening violent little shitskin who acted just like a nigger or beaner gang-banger with support from the jews, which was exactly what Bryan Reo was. Bryan Reo was brought into the Congregation by jews in order to niggerfy and mamzerize Dual-Seedline Christian Identity (DSCI) and turn it into a hollow shell and laughingstock by making it overtly run by jews and attended by niggers, beaners, and mamzer muds and to drive out the genuine Aryan Israelites.

                            So when this all was noted, within a day the Chicago sephardic jew Eli James and its skillit-lickin' Babtist Hobbyist baal-priest tard Greggie Howard was supposedly, like jews are wont to do, 'excommunicating' myself from DSCI. Never mind that as jews and whigger baal-priests that they have neither the temporal or religious power to do so, any more than do any other baal-priests. In turn, I scheduled TMT #42 to simply point out that jews and mamzers and whigger baal-priests had no part in the DSCI Body of Christ.

                            Eli James came on, and like a caught jew, claimed that I was violating YHWH's Law to kick out shitskin mamzer faggots like Bryan Reo and infiltraiting jews like Eli James. Why, I was supposed to wait for a DNA test to show what my lying eyes could plainly see: Bryan Reo is a blubber-lipped, slant-eyed, shitskinned, unibrowed nigger-gook-beaner mamzer faggot and Eli James was some sort of mamzer jew playing at Christian Identity along with this lying Jersey City murderous jew pig Finckelsheenie. There was much kvetching and whining as Eli James was doing some slander of itz own about how I was a 'convicted child molester' and ADL/SPLC plant. The mamzer tards were all clustered in a fury of being named and outed. It was one hell of a Talksjew program.


                            Eli James and Bryan Reo later took down a number of my web pages and was calling the FBI and Secret Service on myself and Pastor John Britton. It turned out that they, along with Bryan Wright and Mike Delaney, were cyberstalking both of us. Later, Bryan Reo, in conjunction with 'Cousin Ray the Lawyer' Mariani and working off of forgeries created by Bryan Reo, Obie-gender-bender and LiarBill 'MumpsNuts' DeClue(less) were insinuating theysselfs into Pastor Britton's federal civil lawsuit concerning a helicopter crash caused by Rolls Royce and another company machining too much material from a turbine gas nozzle. This caused the [in]voluntary removal of Pastor Britton from the Internut.

                            And in February of this year, the jew Eli James and the shitskin mamzer faggot Bryan Reo got The Movement Turd removed from Talksjew. So like the early Christian Church, now any messages must go underground for fear of the very jews that these jews and mamzers rail against.

                            So what gives? Answer: The above-ground Dual-Seedline Christian Identity Church is now largely a pretense of what I call "Wikipedia-Talksjew CI" jews and mamzers reading off of Wikipedia on a Talksjew Internut podcast to a flock of mamzers and jews and delusional whiggers pretending that they are the True Found Sheep of the House of Israel. The genuine flock must make do with reading their old Pastors Wesley Swift and Bertrand Comparet material as opposed to having to put up with jews like Eli James, Rabbi Finckelsheenie, Dan Johns and mamzers like Jeromy Visser and Anglo-Mestizo Truitt.

                            Which is the way it is supposed to be. None of us of the True Church want to or think we can get to Heaven in the scruffy company of jews, mamzers and whiggers, now do we?


                            Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, if you are one of my sheep who hears my voice, you know where I can be found tonight in the Secret Talksjew bat-cave.


                            Start Time (EDT): 10/30/11 9:00 PM EDT/8:00 PM CST
                            Duration (minutes): 120+

                            Download link:
                   Archive Directory

                   Temporary Download Link

                            Chat Transcript:

                            Hail Victory!!!

                            Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                            Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                            Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 10-30-2011, 04:25 PM.

                            Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                            Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                            • #29
                              TMT -- Episode #94.5 - Don't try playing CONstipational militia-general at home -- 3Nov11

                              The Movement Turd

                              October 30, 2011

                              The Word as Heard on the Turd

                              TMT -- Episode #94.5 - Don't try playing CONstipational militia-general at home -- 3Nov11
                              Time: November 3, 2011 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM CST


                              MT -- Episode #94.5 - Don't try playing CONstipational militia-general at home -- 3Nov11

                              Episode Notes:

                              The FBI is no longer just going after idiot ragheads and niggers and supposedly inducing them to plant car bombs, which, unlike most real raghead car bombs which are the leading cause of casualties amongst ZOG jewps, never seem to explode while in the ZOGland. The excuse used is that thanks to the ZOG political piglice, they provide the raghead nitwits with inert bombs as well as very real cash to induce ragheads to plot against ZOG -- under ZOGbot piglice s[t]uporvision, of course.

                              Well, during the last few daze, it seems that senile redneck coots from Georgia have joined in the plotting against ZOG. Why, they were known to ZOG because they think of theysselfs as CONstipational militia-mattoids, even though the original CONstipation did away with the original People's Militia and put it under the new ZOG/Babylonian regime as envisioned by the Founding Felons. And where did these doofus senile fuktards get their idiot notions? Why supposedly from the fat Kommie-Khazar militia general Red Mike Vander[kike]boegh's ghostwritten drivel "Absolved."

                              Now long since forgotten is the fact that the original militias of 1994 were largely less than a dozen white men all of long friendship or related with Klan/Christian Identity cadre organized in small self-protection units. Then the suburban whigger outfits kicked in and they wanted to be 'politically correct' and shit, so they brought in niggers and jews and ZOGbots like Red Mike Vanderboegh, and claimed to be 'CONstitutional Militias' even though the CONstitution did away with such private armies under Article 1, Section 8 of the CONstipation. There is no such thang as a CONstipational Militia. These militias were overcome by a select militia under federal pay and law, especially after Civil War One.

                              Now were any of the original militias of 1994 ever broke into by ZOG snitches and piglice? No. Why? Because nobody new could join them. Thus no infiltration. What these original militias of 1994 and these original militias of today are is private self-protection associations in which the protection envisioned is against ZOG/Babylon and the feral whiggers, muds and piglice when the Great Tribulation kicks in.

                              Now the training fround of The Ten Thousand Warlords will come from these self-protection private militias. Since they will not be out to carry forward any political agenda other than self-preservation, as time goes on they will realize that there is no going back, and since you cannot reprogram typpycull whiggers and since niggers, beaners and jews are worse than zombies, then the political agenda shall tilt to simple extermination of the local militia's racial, religious and class enemies and the enslavement of the productive to be made into serfs trusted to both produce and obey. Thus the local 'self-protection militia' will be the garden from which the local hitler, pol pot, stalin, washington warlord will be brought into local power as ZOG/Babylon collapses in the Great Tribulation.

                              But what to do for now? First of all avoid at all costs your local Red Mike Vanderboegh or Jt Ready as these are ZOGbots out to detect and destroy the local White Nationalist activist.

                              What do they provide besides lies and hypocrisy? Answer: Nothing. Survival, and the power that comes from being alive and putting your enemies to death is its own reward enough.

                              Call in Guests: Russ Walker, Moaner Montgomery, California Attorney at Law.


                              Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, if you are one of my sheep who hears my voice, you know where I can be found tonight in the Secret Talksjew bat-cave.


                              Start Time (EDT): 10/30/11 9:00 PM EDT/8:00 PM CST
                              Duration (minutes): 120+

                              Download link:
                     Archive Directory
                     Archive Directory

                     Temporary Download File

                              Chat Transcript:

                              Hail Victory!!!

                              Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                              Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                              Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 11-15-2011, 12:32 AM.

                              Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                              Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                              • #30
                                TMT -- Episode #95 - Mamzerology &amp; Mamzer Studies -- 6Nov11

                                The Movement Turd

                                November 6, 2011

                                The Word as Heard on the Turd

                                TMT -- Episode #95 - Mamzerology & Mamzer Studies -- 6Nov11
                                Time: November 6, 2011 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM CST


                                TMT -- Episode #95 - Mamzerology & Mamzer Studies -- 6Nov11

                                Episode Notes: This episode of The Movement Turd had TrashCanMan72 and Moaner Montgomery call it for 40 minutes and and hour and a half respectively discussing the matters of the day. I discuss the nature of mamzers such as the delusional Commandork McFagg/Steve Elder-Schultz and Jeromy Visser with TrashCanMan72 and with Da Moaner I discuss how India under the "Caste=Varna=Color" System the Aryans who migrated into India 4,000-3500 years ago ended up breeding with the Dravidian niggers even though there was a 'Caste=Varna=Color' Law against it. How can be be otherwise when Dick is hard and Pussy is Wettt? The end result is shit-colored. And this is what happened pretty much everywhere the White race has inevitably conquered the darkies, be it in India, or AmeriKwa or Africa. White Conquest without native extermination means Peter Dunkin' and Peter Dunkin' is the cause for both mamzers and schizophrenia.

                                Speaking of mamzer incursions, one of the NimBuster or Pisser-Possum tards got the Talksjew show link and proceeded to 'spam' (i.e. post a nonsense message then hit the keyboard enter key so as to overwhelm the computer tracking the show). As a result Toshiba #2 had to be activated in order to save the chat and all the guests blocked so as to end the spamming. mamzers ruin things for Good White Men merely by their presence, much less their antics. When the chat was caught up on Toshiba #1 and saved, the spammer then took advantage of the unblocking of guests to proceed to spam yet again, making it necessary to reblock the guests, then shut down Toshiba #1 in order to log on and selectively block guests.

                                mamzers are an abomination because most of them are simply pure evil and schizoid. Hence it was for good reason that they were specifically warned against in YHWH's Law in Deut 23:2 as unable to enter the Congregation of the House of YHWH. Examples of vicious mamzers would include Bryan Reo, Bryan Wright, Jeromy Visser, Anglo-Mestizo Truitt, Lenio C. Barcelos, Kentucky Chomo-Melungeon, etc. They simply cannot help but be vicious and evil because they are misbegotten abominations.

                                ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final is falling apart because of the on-cum-cumming mamzerization of ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final. Just as in Noah's Day, this miscegenation and confusion means that violence shall fill the earth, but this time YHWH intends to use fire and civil warfare and famine and pestilence to finish this problem, just as YHWH used water to finish off ZOG/Babylon the First in Noah's Day.


                                Well, neither pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, if you are one of my sheep who hears my voice, you know where I can be found tonight in the Secret Talksjew bat-cave.


                                Start Time (EDT): 11/06/11 9:00 PM EDT/8:00 PM CST
                                Duration (minutes): 120+

                                Download link:
                       Archive Directory
                       Archive Directory
                       Temporary Download Link

                                Chat Transcript:

                                Hail Victory!!!

                                Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                                Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                                Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 11-17-2011, 01:02 AM.

                                Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                                Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum

