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  • TMT -- Episode #134 -- Let's Play WN/CI (While jewboy/mamzer) -- 5Aug 12

    The Movement Turd

    August 5, 2012
    The Word as Heard on the Turd

    TMT -- Episode #134 -- Let's Play WN/CI (While jewboy/mamzer) -- 5Aug 12
    Time: 5 August, 2012 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST

    TMT -- Episode #134 -- Let's Play WN/CI (While jewboy/mamzer) -- 5Aug 12

    Since Wednesday afternoon, jew-lie 25th 2012, when the Chicago sephardic marrano jew Eli James/jewseph Kutz-November sent out an e-mail to his supporters bitching about how the bigger jews of the Ashkenazi Defecation League were writing to his Internet Service Provider to take down his pathetic web page that hasn't been updated for years, everyone within Whigger Nutsionalism and the Wandering Mamzers of WikiPedia/Talksjew CI have been pissing and moaning about Ashkenazi Defecation League censorsheep. This from jewboy mamzers who theysselfs worked with and encouraged Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren to go on a rampage of taking down nine of my web pages, blogs, forums and even others such as NimBusters or Upstanding Citizens. The most brazen and sociopathic murderous jewboy pig, namely MildSwill Finckelsheenie, even pretends that it was myself who is working for the ADL while doing a Talksjew program with Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren. Like my friend and fellow genuine DSCI pastor, Pastor John Britton said, in urging me to quit doing my Internut radio show around the time Talksjew took it down at the instigation of Eliar James/jewseph Kutz-November and Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren and possibly MildSwill Finckelsheenie, "Why bother? The above-ground supposed DSCI Church is nothing but wall-to-wall jewboys and mamzers." My response: "Do we leave the lost sheep of the House of Israel who are looking to be found to the tender mercies of jewkals?" And by that I mean the genuine Aryan/Israelite remnant and not what I call the 'Wandering Mamzers of WikiPedia/Talksjew CI."

    There are a lot of them around. Last weekend on the Eliar James' Talksjew show, in the chat I found out that 'RebekahM' was an admitted mudshark because she asked what happens according to CI to her 'half-Cherokee' daughter. Then 'Isaiah14' claimed that "Cherokees are Israelites." Imputed was that Isaiah14 was a 'Cherokee Israelite' before making an overt admission to that effect. Then "Dutchoma" said that his 'Choctaw son-in-law was an Israelite' and that Dutchoma's grand-spawn was "100% Israelite". Of course the jewnibrowed Mamzer from Mentor, Ol' NiggerLips Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren was claimed to be White Aryan Israelite all along. Eli James even supposedly 'ex-communicated' me for slandering the lil shitskin faggot on Halloween morning and called in to bitch on Halloween Nite on October 31, 2010. Everyone who is jewboy or mamzer baal-priest pretends that it is acceptable to violate Deuteronomy 23:2's injunction against bringing these unclean abominations into the Congregation of the House of Israel, yet calls me a maniac for wanting to eliminate all such genetic uncleanliness not only within the Church, but throughout the entire ZOGland and using the Great Tribulation to do so.

    Now am I to mourn that the genuine jews of the ADL have put to slight expense these hidden jews and mamzers pretending to be WN/CI? Why? I had to wander from ISP to ISP in search for a genuine 'free-speech' ISP which would do the bare minimum in obeying the Digital Mamzer Concealment Act, er, DMCA provisions until I could find The ADL/$PLC/FBI/BATF/ZOG didn't take down my web pages, forums, and blogs. Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren and Eli James and Bill Finck and Mike Delaney/ProStink did. So theys' bitching and kvetching as jewboys and mamzers and ZOGbots that no some RLjs -- Real Live jews -- have got around to theysselfs, possibly to fool misbegotten mamzers and mongrels and whiggers that they are being 'poisecuted' when possibly the real intent is to funnel even more ZOGbux to these lying jewboys so that they can pretend to be real DSCI teachers while jewboy/mongrel?

    Saturday night Rabbi MildSwill Finckelsheenie is yelping about the ADL censorsheep while making sure that itz own Talksjew chatroom is locked up tighter than Alex Linder's colostomy bag and then bitching about some jewday-o skillit licker named Ted Pike.

    Anchorage Activist writes on White Reference 5 August 2012:

    On June 18th, 2012, Rev. Ted Pike, who operates the Truthtellers ministry, published a critique of Christian Identity entitled "Is 'Christian Identity' True". Citing Galatians 3:28, Rev. Pike criticizes CI's exaltation of the importance of race in God’s agenda of redemption as conflicting with the whole message of the New Testament that Christ came to end God’s preference for one race over another. Rev. Pike also claims that Identity’s emphasis on the physical runs counter to Christ’s statement and the emphasis of the New Testament that “the kingdom of heaven is within you”, asserting that God’s main objective in the church age is spiritual. He suggests that Christ did not come to establish a dominant kingdom based on race, but rather holiness and spiritual transcendence in the hearts of all who trust Him. And finally, Rev. Pike claims that by "dehumanizing" non-Whites as mud people, Identity typecasts itself as bigoted, racist heresy not unlike its arch enemy, Talmudic Judaism, making it an irresistible target for anti-White hate groups such as the Anti-Defamation League. Nevertheless, Pike does acknowledge the support that Identity groups have given him as he continues to marshal opposition to the Zionist takeover of America.

    Now the genuine Dual-Seedline Christian Identity response to some jewday-o skillit-lickin' baal-priest ass-clown is most properly as follows:
    Who exactly gives a shit as to what this jewday-o skillit-lickin' baal-priest ass-clown calling itzself a 'Reverend' named Ted Pike 'thinks' that we as Christian Identity needs to do? Our religion is indeed racist, White Supremacy, anti-jew spawn of Satan, apocalyptic and violent in the extreme against the current [d]rulers of ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final. So what?

    To be honest, I didn't know much about Ted Pike and didn't care anything much about Ted Pike. He doesn't claim to be Christian Identity or a White Nationalist so insofar as I'm concerned he can have whatever idiotic opinion that he pleases.

    But this means that MildSwill Finck-el-sheenie, the joisey shitty jewboy pig who murdered a Puerto Rican prisoner while shackled and is telegonically a jewniversalist papist-preterist ZOGbot wants to pretend to be a G[r]eek skrewler and a Christian Identity teacher, and is using this opportunity to pretend to be fighting someone who is irrelevant to the 99.99 percent of the underground Christian Identity church worshipping in small family congregations rife with heresies. Finckelsheenie is like a sort of Madonna, attention-whoring while pretending that itz papist-preterist bull[shit] has any meaning. It don't.

    Let's understand something: These ZOG false-fronts of jewboys and mamzers pretending to be CI pastors are not needed. A few months ago I was looking for some old Bertrand Comparet material to republish and found out that Finckelsheenie had taken it, removed it from being read and copied in the original HTML from the defunct Church of True Israel, replaced it with the Sicilian guido papist-preterist Captn Senility Clifton Emahiser's pdf abridgements claiming that Bertrand Comparet was all wrong and full of shit about the 6th Day Beasts of the Field Creation Comparetian DSCI Orthodoxy and that something not YHWH made the niggers and gooks. I ended up having to go to the Library of Congress Wayback Machine to retrieve the original Comparet sermons.

    We don't need these misbegotten abominations as 'fellow Aryan Israelites' and we don't need criminal sociopathic jewboys who used to be piglice as 'teachers.' The Dual-Seedline Christian Identity Church, both above-ground and underground got along just fine for close to 60 years under Pastors Swift and Comparet and for 2000 years under Christ that we simply don't need some big-nosed Fin[c]k telling us what is what. That also means other sundry jews like Eli James/jewseph Kutz-November, Dan Johns, the melungeon criminal Jeromy Visser, or transgendered Aussie poofter-possums or LiarBill's with but one mumps-infected testicle.

    Nor do we need a swarm of mamzers and jewboys and faggots that they bring it.

    This jewday-o skillit-lickin' fuktard Ted Pike needs to hear this Movement Turd.

    After-Action Report: Russ Walker calls in the second segment and then LoganHunter88 for the third and fourth segments. LiarBill 'MumpsNut DeClue(less) my former ordained baal-priest was in the chatroom trying to coonvince everyone that it ate spaghetti cooked in my own urine which it thought was coonsecrated Mountain Dew.


    Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.

    Start Time (EDT): 08/05/12 9:30 PM EDT/8:30 PM CST
    Duration (minutes): 3 Hours, 6 Minutes +.

    Download link: Archive Directory Archive Directory

    Temporary Download Link Re-Engineered 32kps Talksjew Download 16kps @

    Chat Transcript:

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 08-28-2012, 07:11 PM.

    Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
    Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


    • TMT -- Episode #134.5 -- Whenever One of Our Own Does What Whigger Nutsionalist 'Leaders' say Needs to be Done, We Piss Down Our Legs -- 9 August 12

      The Movement Turd

      August 9, 2012
      The Word as Heard on the Turd

      TMT -- Episode #134.5 -- Whenever One of Our Own Does What Whigger Nutsionalist 'Leaders' say Needs to be Done, We Piss Down Our Legs -- 9 August 12
      Time: August 9, 2012 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST

      TMT -- Episode #134.5 -- Whenever One of Our Own Does What Whigger Nutsionalist 'Leaders' say Needs to be Done, We Piss Down Our Legs -- 9 August 12

      Having been in the bowel Movement since after Waco in 1993 I have seen time after time someone who is made desperate and snaps or simply has had it with the local piglice or regime criminals and goes out in a blaze of glory and sometimes bloodshed. I've also seen the 'Great Bowel-Movement Leaders' of the time, be it in the militias in the Nineties or today's 'White Nationalists' immediately piss down theyz' legs and run for the tall grass immediately denouncing those who yesterday they were inciting towards violence. Don Black of $permFront was having his moderaturds 'hold back' posts until they could be vetted by ass-clowns. In some cases in the past, not only posts but entire threads, have disappeared.

      And how about VolksFront/JukesFront, a collection of anglo-mestizos playing gangland white supremacists who denounced Michael Page for killing some 'innocent cockroaches' incursioning into the ZOGland. In fact, these delusional anglo-mestizo addlepated whiggers and mucho mamzers seems to forgotten how the West was won: Through the genocide of the prairie-niggers through any means necessary, including smallpox blankets as well as Hotchkiss guns. Here is a sample of theyz' pussazoid doofussness:
      We'd like to remind anyone feeling frustration and aggravation with the state of our country that attacks on women, children and 'civilian' targets make you no better and no different than the ANC, Al Qaeda, or any other pack of terrorist cowards. You have a right to be pissed off with being disenfranchised and dispossessed in your own country, but resorting to tactics of cowardice and evil are not a solution to build something better. There are various political options out there that operate completely within the law that can bring positive changes to the situations we are all facing. In fact 'Lonewolf" type attacks on innocents hurt whatever cause(s) you may believe in. No revolution will succeed without the support of the people. These type of twisted acts turn the people against you, and therefore could be considered counter-revolutionary and counter-productive.

      You are not a soldier when you attack women, children and the defenseless. You are a murdering criminal. You are not a revolutionary and will not be remembered as one.

      Funny, George Washington sent an extermination campaign against the Iroquis to destroy their ability to exterminate the colonial settlements in upstate New York. And we know what Sherman did to the South in order to bring them to surrender. Have we forgotten what our jew-Empire of ZOG did against the Germans in Dresden and other places and against the Japanese at Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

      Even more to the point what ZOG is doing to White People now?

      Perhaps it is because my family was destroyed, my grandchildren bought and sold. myself tortured, five teeth knocked out, doped up in a psychiatric hospital, and the subject of a railroading meant to convict me of child molestation on bogus charges and murder me in prison that I have no problem with the extermination of regime criminals of all ages, sexes, and conditions along with their families and anyone who supports them.

      The only way that YHWH's Christian Nation shall survive is through a Great Tribulation burning away everyone and everything except around 10 million ex-whiggers ruled over by Ten Thousand Warlords under a DSCI theocratic dictatorship. Thus we should support our warriors, even though they be undisciplined and scattered.

      After-Action Report: Russ Walker called in for ten minutes when the Talksjew episode was lost. Then the Episode was re-scheduled for 15 minutes later and resumed. Logan Hunter called in for two segments lasting for an hour and a half.


      Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.

      Start Time (EDT): 08/09/12 9:15 PM EDT/8:15 PM CST
      Duration (minutes): 3 Hours, 40 minutes +.

      Download link: Archive Directory Archive Directory

      Temporary Download Link Re-Engineered 32kps Talksjew Download 16kps @

      Chat Transcript:

      Hail Victory!!!

      Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
      Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

      Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 08-28-2012, 07:38 PM.

      Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
      Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


      • TMT -- Episode #135 -- A Whigger Nutsionalist Road Map -- 12Aug 12

        The Movement Turd

        August 12, 2012
        The Word as Heard on the Turd

        TMT -- Episode #135 -- A Whigger Nutsionalist Road Map -- 12Aug 12
        Time: August 12, 2012 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST

        TMT -- Episode #135 -- A Whigger Nutsionalist Road Map -- 12Aug 12

        The biggest draw of The Movement Turd is in trying to make sense of it without an overt score card, jewniforms or knowing offhand who is on what side. As a bowel-Movement activist of 19 years experience I know who is on what side -- and the [d]rule of thumb is that every little petty war-tard is on itz own side -- and thus can make sense of wandering bowel-Movement fuktards in transition.

        For example Greg Johnson decided to say in effect, that whigger nutsionalists need to 'step over' the Holohoax and not bother to argue with fuktards over it. This made Ol' Finckelsheenieite Pickle-Cunt Carolyn Yeager and Hadding the Loveless Mattoid Meercat pub[l]ically menstruate with frustration and they got the gut-sick guido kikenweasel with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS, er, Ulcerative Colitis/Aryan ass-GAIDS to threaten to censor Greggie Johnson on itz Greater Free Range Tard Corral and virtual Colostomy Bag known as VNNF. Greggie lost some funding and is all butt-hurt over that. Meanwhile Hunter Wallace is watching the ass-clownery and commenting on it from a safe distance while Harold Covington is being mobbed by Piercetard mattoid and mamzer meercats over on phorafags/feebs.

        The Sikh Shooter coontroversy is dying out because even ZOG doesn't want desperate whiggers to know that there is always a bloody way out. And Eliar James/jewseph Kutz-November was betrayed by a whigger calling him a jew after nearly thirty years and Rabbi MildSwill Finckelsheenie and Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren are back going ass-to-mouth on the Finckelsheenie Talksjew show claiming that they don't need Talksjew. The Ashkenazi Defecation League gave them a new server other than to put marrano papist-preterism and mamzerology necessary for the care and feeding of the Wandering Mamzers of WikiPedia/Talksjew Christian Identity.

        We need a bowel Movement road map to keep all this shit straight. How to do so? Simple:

        There are the ZOGbots in the bowel Movement. jewr monkeys, lemures, David Ducks, criminal fuktards like MoGulett, LiarBill 'MumpsNut' DeClue(less), Wickstroms, and jewboys pretending to be CI like Eli James, MildSwill Finckelsheenie, SoredMamzer, Obie-gender-bender, Dan Johns, Jeromy Visser and Bryan Wright, all of the CreaTards and Piercetards like Alex Linder, TraitorGlenn Miller, WhiggerSwill Welass, Hadding the Meercat/Baby-KAS, etc. And then a whole swarm of lesser fuktards on $permFront, VNNF, phorafags/feebs, etc.

        And then there are the book and trinket sellers like Greg Johnson and Rocky Sudaya, and Paul Mullet, and Jeff Schoep who want to make a sheck-el or two offn it.

        Then there are the 'Man with a Plan' like Harold Covington and Hunter Wallace and Joe Adams, each with a notion of how to tear off a hunka-hunka rotting ZOG.

        And then there are racist maniacs like myself who wants to see the world as it is now coonstituted end in fire and sword and bloodshed because we see the status quo as inherently Satannic evil and see the patterns therein.

        And these molecules of White Nationalism and Christian Identity and those who follow these people are in constant Brownian Motion, reforming and breaking away without any coherent plan. There are some fixed points -- pillars actually -- around which the bowel-Movement particles coalesce. These two pillars are ZOG/Babylon and Anti-ZOG/Babylon.

        After-Action Report: Russ Walker called in as the first guest in the second segment after the monologue. LoganHunter called in during the third to fifth segments.


        Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.

        Start Time (EDT): 08/12/12 9:30 PM EDT/8:30 PM CST
        Duration (minutes): 3 Hours, 37 minutes +.

        Download link: Archive Directory Archive Directory

        Temporary Download Link Re-Engineered 32kps Talksjew Download 16kps @

        Chat Transcript:

        Hail Victory!!!

        Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
        Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

        Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 08-25-2012, 04:15 AM.

        Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
        Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


        • TMT -- Episode #135.5 -- A Question Over Holohoax Revisionism -- 16Aug 12

          The Movement Turd

          August 16, 2012
          The Word as Heard on the Turd

          TMT -- Episode #135.5 -- A Question Over Holohoax Revisionism -- 16Aug 12
          Time: August 16, 2012 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST

          TMT -- Episode #135.5 -- A Question Over Holohoax Revisionism -- 16Aug 12

          Three weeks ago, Doctor Greg Johnson published on Dr. Kevin McDonald's The Occidental Observer an article, "Dealing with the Holocaust" in which Johnson argued that Holohoax Revisionism isn't going to accomplish much or anything and suggesting that it is more of a whigger problem that jews get to impose their lies, especially about Holohoax whoppers which whiggers eat. All of which is correct. What is the problem is with whiggers, not the jews merely taking advantage of these sick and dying herd-animal's terminal weakness before an inevitable collapse.

          But this means that the 'professional ZOGbot twats' are not going to go into that dark deep destinied night of irrelevance without many a kvetch, a chutzpa-kike kackle, and an oy vey, at least six million worth. Ol' Finckelsheenieite Pickle-Cunt Carolyn Yeager, Hadding the Loveless Mattoid Meercat/Baby-KAS were all pissy, pissier than jewsual, and they pissed and shat all over the post thread, then went over to DaWhiggerNutwerk and pissed in theyz' own Post-Toasties bow[e]l some more. Then the gut-sick guido-kikenweasel with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS trying to convince the colostomy-bag likkin' meercats over on itz Greater Free Range Tard Corral/VNNF/TGMNNF that it has Ulcerative Colitis/Aryan ass-GAIDS weighed in. The bowel-Movement 'Intellectuals' who are all edjewmacated and shit shouldn't flee from churning out whigger and anglo-mestizo Pure-Urinea Meercat Fuktard Chow, and serve this basic waycist slop cold in stainless steal troughs for witless fuktards to swill. They shouldn't be looking for a pack of 'New Right Faggots to move to Sans Fagscrisco and eat brie brown cheeze and sip white [s]wine. No, they ought to know that their future lies in appealing to the low-rent ZOGbots and addlepated surviving anglo-mestizo Piercetards and shinheads.

          Of course Greg Johnson and Kmac and Mark Weber and Voice of ReTards which claim to be the "White Nationalist Establishment" such as itz, declined to churn out Fuktarded Meercat Chow, not even if they still have to squat and defecate every so often. Theyz above such carryings-on.

          So Carolyn and Hadding and Linderwitz carried on theyselfs in their own tard corral while KMac and Greggie and Voice of ReTards put up theyz tard-fences to keep out rabid zombie-meercats. Linder called Greggie a faggot another 666 times and this time Linder didn't even snitch out anyone like Kommandork Bitch-tits Bill White at a Roanoake Sedition Trial or deliver up a Joe Snuffy. Outstanding!!!

          What is seen is a fracturing along the fracture lines. The Bowel-Movement 'Intellectuals' never were comfortable with the-m-asses of increasingly desperate whigger and anglo-mestizo fuktards who make up the putative foot-soldiers of the bowel Movement. So when they see the vulgar vulgarian sans-jewlotts like Linder, Ol' Finckelsheenieite Pickle-Cunt Yeager, WhiggerSwill Welass, Hadding the Mattoid Meercat acting according to theyz own low type, why these 'New Right Faggots' all tighten theyz sphincters at the thought of rough rape and run for the Sans Fagscrisco hills.

          Which is where they belong. "White Nationalism" is a concept which means pretty much anything to anyone who don't like how shit is going within the Mighty Evil Empire of ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final. So if Greg Johnson and Kevin McDonald and Voice of ReTards wants to further retreat into irrelevance and go all lamestream where they have few others than theysselfs -- what of it? Heard of 'Truthers' and 'Birthers?' Well the "White Nationalist pseudo-intellectual wannabe Establishment' should be called the 'Lamers'. Likewise with the collection of Piercetards, CreaTards, Wandering Mamzers of WikiPedia/Talksjew CI, CreaTards, and sundry cum-cum as jew're pseudo-yapper scum against them 'Lamers.' I'll call them the 'Gamers.' And the 'Big-Tent' of White Nationalism/Whigger Nutsionalism is really a Big Top in which there are 666 separate rings with clowns and lie-ons and ring-leaders each coontributing theyz each several caca-phony of imbecility.

          Which is why you need to listen to The Movement Turd to make sense of all this stupid shit. A bowel Movement road map to keep all this shit straight. How to do so? Simple:

          There are the ZOGbots in the bowel Movement. jewr monkeys, lemures, David Ducks, criminal fuktards like MoGulett, LiarBill 'MumpsNut' DeClue(less), Wickstroms, and jewboys pretending to be CI like Eli James, MildSwill Finckelsheenie, SoredMamzer, Obie-gender-bender, Dan Johns, Jeromy Visser and Bryan Wright, all of the CreaTards and Piercetards like Alex Linder, TraitorGlenn Miller, WhiggerSwill Welass, Hadding the Meercat/Baby-KAS, etc. And then a whole swarm of lesser fuktards on $permFront, VNNF, phorafags/feebs, etc.

          And then there are the book and trinket sellers like Greg Johnson and Rocky Sudaya, and Paul Mullet, and Jeff Schoep who want to make a sheck-el or two off'n it.

          Then there are the 'Man with a Plan' like Harold Covington and Hunter Wallace and Joe Adams, each with a notion of how to tear off a hunka-hunka rotting ZOG.

          And then there are racist maniacs like myself who wants to see the world as it is now coonstituted end in fire and sword and bloodshed because we see the status quo as inherently Satannic evil and see the patterns therein.

          Tune in, turn on and listen in at a sort of Gene Scott exposition of what is going on right now in the Movement.

          After-Action Report: LoganHunter88 called in and was a guest.

          Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.

          Start Time (EDT): 08/16/12 9:30 PM EDT/8:30 PM CST
          Duration (minutes): 3 Hours 2 minutes +.

          Download link:
 Archive Directory
 Archive Directory

          Temporary Download Link

 Re-Engineered 32kps Talksjew Download
 16kps @

          Chat Transcript:

          Hail Victory!!!

          Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
          Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

          Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 08-28-2012, 04:45 AM.

          Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
          Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


          • TMT -- Episode #136 -- The Racially Treasonous Imbecilic Chickenshit Legacy of that Mattoid DocTard William Pierce, Part 1 -- 20Aug 12

            The Movement Turd

            August 19, 2012
            The Word as Heard on the Turd

            TMT -- Episode #136 -- The Racially Treasonous Imbecilic Chickenshit Legacy of that Mattoid DocTard William Pierce, Part 1 -- 19Aug 12
            Time: August 19, 2012 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST


            TMT -- Episode #136 -- The Racially Treasonous Imbecilic Chickenshit Legacy of that Mattoid DocTard William Pierce, Part 1 -- 20Aug 12

            I'm not feeling too good, the Internut service needs fixing and the cable guy is supposed to be over here tomorrow, and there is nothing on the front burner so Sunday's show is rescheduled for Monday night. . . .

            Or so I said. Nothing but the same old stupid idiotic shit going on in the bowel Movement in which jewboys and mamzers and a few remaining ZOGling whigger ass-clowns pretend to be real great racial warriors, etc. etc. etc.

            This morning the Chicago Sepahardic jewboy Eliar James/jewseph Kutz-November was on itz first show on the Repub[l]ic Broadcasting and the fuktard let itz chatroom open on Talksjew. So I was fighting with LiarBill 'MumpsNut' DeClue(less) this 85 IQ (on a good day), 250-lbs of d-gshit in a 150-lb sack, alleged niglet-niece molesting delusional nitwit that I had fucked up and ordained back in Oct. 2009 without checking out itz criminal record as a petty criminal and ZOGbot on Missouri Case Net. Since then MumpsNut -- the perverted delusional imbecile has only one testicle and it is rendered sterile by mumps -- has been stalking me along with the other pisser-possums of the melungeon baal-priest Jeromy Visser. Along with MumpsNut was this delusional mudshark that squeezed out a 'half-Cherokee' split-tail mamzeress named Rebeckah M-is-4-Mudshark, and Elijew666 and other sundry anglo-mestizos playing pure 'red-nigger' Israelite as well. I proceeded to insult MumpsNut and the rest of the Wandering Mamzers of Talksjew/WikiPedia CI as well until my Internut coonection gave out.

            Anyway, these delusional mamzers and jewboys are all that is in the above-ground Christian Identity 'coongregation' and aside from wanting to skin out the lot of them when detected, which is a large reason why I stay online and fight with such, nothing new was going on. I was tired from fixing up some shelving and doing some other chores and I was going to refrain and reschedule until tomorrow this show and I did so.

            But then I seen wherein Ol' Finckelsheenieite Pickle-Cunt Carolyn Yeager is going to have a show with the delusional ZOGbot meercats Hadding Scott/David Scott Spiedel and WhiggerSwill Welass about what this chickenshit intellectual and receiver of Order ZOGbux Doctor William Pierce, seller of trinkets and gew-gaws left this bowel Movement of ours and I decided to do a show to rip the treasonous old fuktard who didn't do anything for our bowel Movement other than bring in a whorde of mamzer and whigger ass-clowns who inevitably becum-cum ZOGbots.

            So I'll rip the old rip a new ass-clown tonight and possibly tomorrow and maybe even some more later this week.


            Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


            Start Time (EDT): 08/20/12 9:30 PM EDT/8:30 PM CST
            Duration (minutes): 2 Hours +.

            Download link:
   Archive Directory
   Archive Directory

            Temporary Download Link

   Original 32kps Talksjew Download
            16kps @

            Chat Transcript:

            Hail Victory!!!

            Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
            Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

            Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 10-16-2012, 06:22 PM.

            Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
            Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


            • TMT -- Episode #136.5 -- [D]Ruling Establishments -- 23Aug 12

              The Movement Turd

              August 23, 2012
              The Word as Heard on the Turd

              TMT -- Episode #136.5 -- [D]Ruling Establishments -- 23Aug 12
              Time: August 23, 2012 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST


              TMT -- Episode #136.5 -- [D]Ruling Establishments -- 23Aug 12[

              Throughout the ZOGland and the bowel Movement, the [d]ruling elites are losing both legitimacy, i.e. the right to [d]rule and the ability to do so in an age of degeneracy and retraction because the popjewlation is getting more degenerate, idiotic and impoverished. What these [d]ruling elites invariably try to do is to expand their power over the rotting body polytrick with the end result is that there is simply more overt rebellion on the part of their former subjects.

              For example, on Monday, Ol' Finckelsheenieite Pickle-Cunt Carolyn Yaeger had some defective surviving PierceTard meercats, Hadding/Baby-KAS and WhiggerSwill Welass Williams/Buffet-Ho Swill yapping about the mythical glories of the Elohim Shitty of the CreaTards under Fearless Leader William Pierce. A lot of pissing and moaning over how the CreaTarded Camel-Lot is no more. Pierce and the 400,000 Order ZOGbux are long gone. Discussed is how skinheads make a lot more defective and unruly class of meercat as opposed to edjewmacated nutzis and ZOGbots like Hadding and WhiggerSwill. WhiggerSwill was discussing how he took his red-nigger beaver to these 'House of Haets' situated past walking distance in the woods or on The Mountain-top and how after getting theyz' asses beat by drunken anglo-mestizo Buffet-Ho Swill, the second that they could crawl to the korthouse they all would make out a restraining order and application for divorce from WhiggerSwill, oy vey. WhiggerSwill becum-cum a skilled litigator in such matters. WhiggerSwill told about his love for TraitorGlenn Miller, his haet 4 Tubby. Tubby, Tubby, and most of all Christianity. Dead jew on a stick is not nearly as manly as love for dead jew on a skinhead dick. Anyway, some tard listening in bitched about WhiggerSwill's haet of Churchianity, got censored for it by OFsPC (Old Finckelsheenieite Pickle-Cunt) Yeager, whined like a pussy about it, and was told that OFsPC had the 'Screetcher's Dildo' and to shut the fuck up.

              Now the end result of this is that like Rabbi MildSwill Finck-el-sheenie moving socially downwards since it murdered a prisoner in the Jersey Shitty jail, Dan Johns the melungeon jewboy carrying Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS & unsuckcessfool serial polygamist, and other fuktards within the bowel Movement, this unthinking tyranny over a declining base of fuktards who will grow tired of being treated like a wad of used toilet paper means that they shall retain less and less meercat followers and less and less actual power. Pretty soon OFsPC Carolyn Yeager will be longing for the daze when she was screetching to a bigger herd of meercat over on Voice of ReTards.

              Likewise with Congressman Todd Akin, the Republican nominee for US Senate against incumbent Claire McCaskill. Akin yapped the hardcore anti-abortionist 'science' of 'legitimate rape', i.e. that there are lying cunts aplenty who will make false accusations after the skank decides that she didn't like the poke the next morning on a Sunday afternoon. Akin actually believed what he was saying. He had run for re-[s]election three times as a Missouri assemblyman and six times as a Congress-critter in the St. Louis suburbs where they know how to not integrate with niggers. But there was now a national jewsmedia listening in and they made pore Todd look like a Fifth-Century Attila-Tard on abortion and rape. Right on cue, the Republicunt Establishment in Moronsouri and across the ZOGland, from Shittens Romney on clown were demanding that Akin resign his nomination won in the primary less than two weeks before, a struggle against the Republicunt Establishment's favored meercat, and do it NOW!!!

              Akin had the choice of simply tucking tail and resigning in 'disgrace' for saying what is the Republican Platform of 'no exceptions' for abortion as this lying shithead VP Paul Ryan claims, of ending his political career forever, or telling the Republicunt Establishment cocksuckers to go pound sand up theyz' assets. Akin chose to simply soldier on in Missouri and let these whining lying cocksuckers who have been in power too long that they 'think' that they get to choose who gets to run live with their treason to their base.

              Let's understand something: The Republican Party is both the Stupid Party and the Evil Party. They pretend to be for the White Middle-Class, while sucking off the jew banksters, shipping jobs overseas, and bringing in beaners and niggers and gooks to destroy the racial composition of the ZOGland. They are out to destroy us all. And while engaged in this treason, they get all upset that many of us are on to them. As is Todd Akin. Akin simply can't tell the truth. It is not 'liberals' who are out to get him. It is so-called fat-hog at the trough 'Khanned-servantive Republicunts' who are hanging him out to dry.

              All across the ZOGland and in the bowel Movement, criminal infiltrating 'elites' are out to destroy their own herd animals, claiming to be their friends. So what to do?

              Don't be a herd animal. Be a Warlord.


              Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


              Start Time (EDT): 08/23/12 9:30 PM EDT/8:30 PM CST
              Duration (minutes): 4 Hours +.

              Download link:
     Archive Directory
     Archive Directory

              Temporary Download Link

     Re-Engineered 32kps Talksjew Download
              16kps @

              Chat Transcript:

              Hail Victory!!!

              Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
              Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

              Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 10-16-2012, 06:29 PM.

              Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
              Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


              • TMT -- Episode #137 -- Legitimate Rape -- 26Aug 12

                The Movement Turd

                August 26, 2012
                The Word as Heard on the Turd

                TMT -- Episode #137 -- Legitimate Rape -- 26Aug 12
                Time: August 26, 2012 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST


                TMT -- Episode #137 -- Legitimate Rape -- 26Aug 12

                Last week around this time, the Missouri Republican nominee for US Senate, Todd Akin, was babbling the pro-life position of no exceptions for the life of the unborn, even if it is a 'legitimate rape', i.e. an actual rape by say, niggers and beaners against slutty whigger skanks who now don't want to squeeze out a niglet of sorts. (As in 'who would?') Now unlike Todd Akin, a real nice guy who I actually met, I think that abortion should be made mandatory for niggers, jews, mamzers and non-white vermin and on a case-by-case decision by a Neo-Aristocracy of the Ten Thousand Warlords under a Dual-Seedline Christian Identity theocratic military dictatorship of the former ZOGling lumpen whiggertariate, all ten million or less of them when ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final goes belly up. Furthermore some of these abortions need to be carried out postpartum, sometimes thirty, forty, fifty years after the adoptive whigger or biological jew mamzer Spawn of Satan has been whelped. Balls to the wall and free-fire, boys!!!

                So there was much whining about the 'unfortunate' joining of 'legitimate' and 'rape.' Surely there is no such thang as a 'legitimate rape' is there?

                First of all, don't call me Shirley. That's Obie-gender-bender-pissers-poofter-possum's alleged name. Secondly, given that the current mighty Evil Empire of ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final's immanent and inevitable collapse then "anything goes" in the apocalyptic struggle which lies ahead. Just as these biological and adoptive spawn of Satan used [d]rule of [f]law and pretend morality to destroy any White opposition in their path to power, so too must the Awakened Saxon use each and ever weapon of civil war to exterminate the mud masses and bring the surviving whiggers to servitude and to heel to where there is no longer any cancer cells surviving in the reduced body politic. Rape, torture, the extermination of traitors regardless of age or sex, letting the course of the Great Tribulation take its course, now THAT is the only thing which will save the Aryan Race/YHWH's Servant Nation.

                Unlike other bowel-Movement 'leaders' this portion of it led by me and what I call The Ten Thousand Warlords is NOT about building anything. Anything which is built will be stolen or taken or destroyed by ZOG/Babylon. The only solution is a Final Solution of extermination for either the spawn of Satan or the Sons of YHWH. Nothing else will do. And let's understand the inevitability of this matter: This criminal regime is devoted to destroying the lives and families of anyone which opposes White genocide. And therefore it is a stupid a-morality to show mercy on anyone who has worked for or supported ZOG/Babylon, be they piglice, judges, lawyers, doctors, businessmen, or simply ordinary whiggers trying to 'get along.' Regime criminals and criminal-regimeist supporters need to be dug out and exterminated with extreme prejudice. Anyone who is a whigger with even quasi-valuable genetic material who has been neutral or mildly collaborating with ZOG/Babylon, if allowed to live, must be enslaved for the support of future Warlord Regimes. Concentrated ruthlessness must be the first prerequisite for any Warlord.

                Call me a 14-Words Extremist: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children." In doing so, these ends always justify the means. So this is where there is indeed such a thing as "legitimate rape," "legitimate torture," "legitimate genocide" against the enemies, both marauding external and the treasonous internal enemies of the White Race.

                Now there will be jews and mamzers and ZOGbots who will act horrified that they shall be detected, finished off and sent screaming to death everlasting. They are mere sub-animal misbegotten abominations needing to be harvested like tares and burnt before the wheat. On Saturday night, this melungeon criiminal baal-priest Jeromy Visser, Da Pisser-Possum, and this anonymous mamzerkike faggot gender-bendering pisser-poofter-possum calling itzself Obadiah 1:18 had a special Talksjew show where we screamed over each other for over three hours with an interlude by 'George Takei/Mr Sulu'. jewromy Visser lied like usual about how it is not a melungeon mamzer petty criminal ZOGbot and insisted on calling me a child molester. Obie-gender-bender couldn't wrap itz transgendered mamzerkike snout around the fact that while it took great care to remain in hiding, not even letting an elderly white woman living on the opposite shore of Australia to know itz name, the fact that Obie acts like nothing other than a lying jew means that Obie in indeed what it appears to be: a dirty lying jew faggot with gender-identity issues and possibly surgery already. Obie-gender-bender did nothing but lie and screetch, insisting that its wants had anything to do with the world of above-ground "Wandering Mamzers of WikiPedia/Talksjew Christian Identity." It don't. Obie-gender-bender recently betrayed LiarBill 'MumpsNut' DeClue(less) by banning MumpsNut from its increasingly irrelevant Two and a Half Mamzers forum, now down a mamzer and a half. In any case, jewromy Visser, Da Pisser-Possum decided to leave the podcast up. I also did create an mp3 version in case they deleted the podcast in which you can hear me yelling to these mamzer abominations.

                Those who are like myself, with no intentions of showing any forgiveness to the enemies of YHWH and YHWH's Servant Nation know that there can be no half-measures in taking advantage of the collapse in order to save our People by destroying our People's enemies. We will in fact enjoy doing what needs to be done.

                After-Action Report: Russ Walker calls in for the Second Segment. LoganHunter is a guest and calls in for the Fourth and Fifth Segment. Then in Section Five Yakub Israel of Winnipeg Canuckistan shows up and tells us how Gangsta Bolshevist principles keeps pussy in line. Then a look at Biblical 'legitimate rape' for captive pussy as detailed in Deuteronomy Chapter 21.


                Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


                Start Time (EDT): 08/26/12 9:30 PM EDT/8:30 PM CST
                Duration (minutes): 4 Hours, 10 Minutes +.

                Download link:
       Archive Directory
       Archive Directory

                Temporary Download Link

       Re-Engineered 32kps Talksjew Download
       16kps @

                Chat Transcript:

                Hail Victory!!!

                Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 10-16-2012, 06:34 PM.

                Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                • TMT -- Episode #137.5 -- Dead on Arrival Voice of ReTards/DoA-VoR -- 30Aug 12

                  The Movement Turd

                  August 30, 2012
                  The Word as Heard on the Turd

                  TMT -- Episode #137.5 -- Dead on Arrival Voice of ReTards/DoA-VoR -- 30Aug 12
                  Time: August 30, 2012 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST


                  TMT -- Episode #137.5 -- Dead on Arrival Voice of ReTards/DoA-VoR -- 30Aug 12

                  I was going to simply yak on about how the Republicunt Party/Grand Old Prostitutes were engaged in the sort of imperial overstretch to which all mighty Evil Empires go through just before like a red giant star or bloated nigger they expand far beyond the capacity of their environment or body's ability to support them and then they implode or go dark or simply die in a collapse, their expansion being their last gasp at relevance. It seems that Mittens and his jewboy lawyers have decided to seize all power and to disenfranchise their own state political parties from any dissent by changing the rules through the use of corrupt elites and [d]rulers to favor their corporate interests. I have seen the same thing happen amongst the LibberToon Party and especially the National Reform Party at its National Coonvention in 2001 in which the Buckwheatite Brigands finished off the Reform Party by disenfranchising the Missouri and California delegations which actually had been elected according to actual state rules by a bunch of rent-a-mob Buchananites. Then the main jew behind this, a kike named Dan Charles, formed his own 'American First' Party, which is a shell, as is the Reform Party USA.

                  There won't be any rioting in the streets of Tampa at the Republicunt Coonvention like there was in Chicago 1968 at the Demonocrat Coonvention where there was much piglice rioting. Them fat whiggroid Republicunts are much too fat and whiggrish chickenshit to riot like niggers and jews do routinely. Rather, what they will do is to go home, pass resolutions at the State Party level declaring how butthurt they is and stay home and not vote for Mittens or do vote for the CONstipation Party candidate Virgil Goode. The Establishment Republicunts will give the stage to niggers like Congolisa Rice and some other beaners while the born-again skillit-lickers will bleat on command. But when the Coonvention party is over and it is time to go home to the States, the rank and file might very well tell the Republicunt Establishment that while they cuntrol the National Party appaRATus, they have to win the vote in the states, and now there is no need to work hard for those who fucked them over in Tampa. The Party is over, Shittens. You wire-pulled and sucked a lot of kike cock, but you are shit out of luck and out on jewr ass, and you can take the dive -- Shittens Palooka -- to Obongie without any support from us in the Fartland.

                  Let's understand that all across the ZOGland there is a 'Legitimacy crisis." This crisis will only be 'solved' by dissolution into thousands of competing petty ethno-states ruled by Ten Thousand Warlords over maybe ten million ex-whiggers who had to kill the worthless and witless and amoral of their own family in order to survive. There is nothing left to build upon. There is no 'safe place' run by a national leader of any stature. Nothing but chaos, anarchy and death in which nothing shall survive except those willing to survive and lucky enough to find a talented warlord to rule over them who has their overall best interests at heart.

                  Now this has been fought over as bowel-Movement ober-shiess-kopfen-feeben-fatten-farten-fuktard-fuerhers trying to find high-quality fuktards to join their little circle-jerk organizations have set up shop on the Internut. And one of them was Voice of Reason which was anything but reasonable to anyone disagreeing with them
                  So just today 'Mental-Ward' Kendall as a sockpuppet posted the following over on the gut-sick kiken-guido-weasel with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS' Greater Free Range Tard Corral:

                  Originally posted by Ward Kendall

                  Voice of Reason Radio Implodes - Spewing Gay Radio Hosts All Over the Internet - Greg Johnson Blames Carolyn Yeager

                  The Voice of Reason Radio Network, once the home of such WN luminaries as Dr. Tom Sunic, Paul Fromm, Stan Hess, and many others, has shattered in a blinding explosion of accusations, anger, and acrimony. VOR had - in its heyday - interviewed many of the brightest stars in the WN firmament, from Jared Taylor, Kevin MacDonald, Ward Kendall, Germar Rudolf, Ram Z. Paul, David Duke, and many more. Now, it's blown to pieces, slinging shards of flesh-ripping accusations and shrapnel of hate in all directions. Greg Johnson, WN bon vivant and all around man-about-town, has pointed his manicured finger at Carolyn Yeager, scion of The White Network, a rising Internet radio empire that seeks to become the #1 epicenter for WN news, gossip, and philosophical debate.

                  Who can say where all this will lead?

                  Even as this story goes to press, new facts are fast developing...

                  Robert Stark, whose effeminate voice
                  was a distinguishing hallmark of VOR

                  Caroylyn Yeager - CEO of The White Network
                  and a major WN commentator/radio personality

                  Dr. Greg Johnson - WN Publishing
                  Magnate & International Man of Mystery

                  Where it lead was to getting banned from the TraitorGlennMillerNewsNutwerk Forum by the pissed off marrano jewboy Alex Linder, whom even Banjo Billy figured out was a kike:

                  Originally posted by gut-sick kiken-guido-weasel with Crohns-jew-ass-GAIDS

                  "Brent McKaskell" is out of here. He is the known nut "Mental" Ward something, I forget his last name. OTPTT is tarded for his tiresome retardation in nearly every thread he posts in.

                  Watch what you say in here. You can speculate, but any direct assertions of serious bad character had better be backed up or labeled as speculation.

                  1. defamation; calumny: rumors full of slander.

                  2. a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report: a slander against his good name.

                  3. Law . defamation by oral utterance rather than by writing, pictures, etc.

                  The way to rememer is slander = spoken, libel = published. But it's fine to use 'slander' as I did.

                  Little jewboy is mad. Which goes to show that here in the bowel Movement it doesn't matter what truths or lies you tell but altogether what side you are on.

                  If you can't be on YHWH's Side, then best be on no side other than your own. For there is nothing or no-one else to save you other than you.

                  After-Action Report: LoganHunter88, Russ Walker and Yakub Israel from Soviet Canuckistan called in.


                  Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


                  Start Time (EDT): 08/30/12 9:30 PM EDT/8:30 PM CST
                  Duration (minutes): 3 Hours, 59 Minutes +.

                  Download link:
         Archive Directory
         Archive Directory

                  Temporary Download Link

         Re-Engineered 32kps Talksjew Download
         16kps @

                  Chat Transcript:

                  Hail Victory!!!

                  Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                  Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                  Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 10-16-2012, 06:47 PM.

                  Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                  Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                  • TMT -- Episode #138 -- The Bowel Movement jewboy v faggot Internut Radio Civil War -- 2Sept 12

                    The Movement Turd

                    September 2, 2012
                    The Word as Heard on the Turd

                    TMT -- Episode #138 -- The Bowel Movement jewboy v faggot Internut Radio Civil War -- 2Sept 12
                    Time: September 2, 2012 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST


                    TMT -- Episode #138 -- The Bowel Movement jewboy v faggot Internut Radio Civil War -- 2Sept 12

                    Sometime around the first week of August, Mikey-Kikey Jukes-Kallikak Conner/Cohen stopped posting new shows to Voice of Reason/ReTards. Tellingly, it wasn't until the end of August that the supposed half-jew Robert Stark was announced on Greg Johnson's Counter-Currents as 'moving over' from the defunct Voice of ReTards to Counter-Currents and then the word was out: Voice of ReTards was no more.

                    Almost immediately there was a new Bowel Movement jewboy v. faggot Internut-Radio Civil War. On one side was the kikenhag Ol' Finckelsheenieite Pickle-Cunt Carolyn Yeager, noted enabler of jews like Rabbi MildSwill Finck-el-sheenie and censor of dissent, along with the Alex Linder, another jewboy on itz last colostomy bag with but a few kike and whigger and mamzer faithfool meercats left. On the other side was the 'New Right' faggots and intellectuals, led by Dr. Greg Johnson, who without any Order ZOGbux, wants to sell, like Dr. Pierce did when without Order ZOGbux, books and trinkets and intellectual rubber-goods for the weekend. To show that Bowel-Movement polytricks makes strange bedfellows, Greggie also has the Covingtonistas and the Deep-Woods DSCI like myself on Greggie's side, or more accurately, against the Movement jewboys and mamzers on the Finckelsheenieite-Linder side.

                    Now Carolyn Yeager claims to be anti-jew even though Rabbi MildSwill Finckelsheenie is a known jewboy pig who has taken down web pages of mine with the collusion of Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren, Ol' Niggerlips, the jewnibrowed Mamzer from Mentor. Also known is that the partner of this nasty lying snatch is one Tanstaafl, who has claimed to be part non-white and with a jew wife. A few podcasts back, Tanstaafl admitted that no real White Nationalist should have anything to do with it.

                    One Hour, 51 minutes into the show and going on for four minutes more on the 27 August Heretics Hour ^^^

                    Don't kid yourself. The jewboys want to control the web pages, the Internet radio shows, and discussion and debate for theyselfs and will use a ZOG false-flag attack to advance not-quite hidden jews to do so. Whereas the 'New Right' faggots want . . . to sell intellectual rubber-goods for the weekend to whigger fuktards.

                    The New Right faggots are harmless. The jewboyz&grrrrrrrlz not so.

                    After-Action Report: LoganHunter called in, as I discussed the history of bowel-Movement Internut Radio.


                    Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


                    Start Time (EDT): 09/02/12 9:30 PM EDT/8:30 PM CST
                    Duration (minutes): 3 Hours, 49 Minutes +.

                    Download link:
           Archive Directory
           Archive Directory

                    Temporary Download Link

           Re-Engineered 32kps Talksjew Download
           16kps @

                    Chat Transcript:

                    Hail Victory!!!

                    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 09-05-2012, 05:01 AM.

                    Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                    Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                    • TMT -- Episode #138.5 -- The New Right Faggots Whup Da Skank & Tans Nutwerk -- 6 Sept 12

                      The Movement Turd

                      September 6, 2012
                      The Word as Heard on the Turd

                      TMT -- Episode #138.5 -- The New Right Faggots Whup Da Skank & Tans Nutwerk -- 6 Sept 12
                      Time: September 6, 2012 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST


                      TMT -- Episode #138.5 -- The New Right Faggots Whup Da Skank & Tans Nutwerk -- 6 Sept 12

                      On Sunday TMT covered how sometime around the first week of August, Mikey-Kikey Jukes-Kallikak Conner/Cohen stopped posting new shows to Voice of Reason/ReTards. Tellingly, it wasn't until the end of August that the supposed half-jew Robert Stark was announced on Greg Johnson's Counter-Currents as 'moving over' from the defunct Voice of ReTards to Counter-Currents and then the word was out: Voice of ReTards was no more.

                      Sunday The Movement Turd covered how there immediately was a new Bowel Movement jewboy v. faggot Internut-Radio Civil War. On one side was the kikenhag Ol' Finckelsheenieite Pickle-Cunt Carolyn Yeager, noted enabler of jews like Rabbi MildSwill Finck-el-sheenie and censor of dissent, along with the Alex Linder, another jewboy on itz last colostomy bag with but a few kike and whigger and mamzer faithfool meercats left. On the other side was the 'New Right' faggots and intellectuals, led by Dr. Greg Johnson, who without any Order ZOGbux, wants to sell, like Dr. Pierce did when without Order ZOGbux, books and trinkets and intellectual rubber-goods for the weekend. To show that Bowel-Movement polytricks makes strange bedfellows, Greggie also has the Covingtonistas and the Deep-Woods DSCI like myself on Greggie's side, or more accurately, against the Movement jewboys and mamzers on the Finckelsheenieite-Linder side.

                      Now Carolyn Yeager claims to be anti-jew even though Rabbi MildSwill Finckelsheenie is a known jewboy pig who has taken down web pages of mine with the collusion of Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren, Ol' Niggerlips, the jewnibrowed Mamzer from Mentor. Also known is that the partner of this nasty lying snatch is one Tanstaafl, who has claimed to be part non-white and with a jew wife. A few podcasts back, Tanstaafl admitted that no real White Nationalist should have anything to do with it.

                      One Hour, 51 minutes into the show and going on for four minutes more on the 27 August Heretics Hour ^^^

                      Part Two: Most of the fighting took place on three main threads:

                      Carolyn Yeager's Apologia:

                      In the above you see Ol Finckelsheenieite Pickle-Cunt first interview the notorious Jersey City jew pig who murdered a prisoner in the jail, spent 12.5 years in prison and now is impersonating a Christian Identity scholar and Internet host Bill Finck. Finck essentially is pissing and moaning about how the ADL took down his sundry pseudo-CI web pages down on and how he isn't slandering anyone and how he is going to 'do something' against the ADL and However, that is a hollow threat because back in November-December 2010, Eli James, Finckelsheenie and Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren all took down a number of my web pages, forums, and blogs on,, and later on iweb Canada based upon the kike claim that I had violated the Digital Millennium Copyright Act/Digital Mamzer Cooncealment Act (DMCA) and upon their own claims of libel, slander and defamation of character. They even got this lying fat lawyer, Paul Fromm, to agree that their sundry cumplaints jewstified my pages being censored and pulled off-line . . . in Canada. All of which means that none of these evil jews or mamzers or whigger skanks have any respect for White Freedumb of Speech.

                      So now that these ZOGbot criminals have been unmasked for their hypocrisy as well as geneology of being jews and mamzers any litigation against the Ashkenazi Defecation League will fall flat when all that needs to be done is to show that they censored others. This ADL action is rather nothing more than the jews of the ADL taking action against their infiltrating jews and mamzers playing Christian Identity so that mixed-race imbeciles wanting to pretend to be part of "The Wandering Mamzers of WikiPedia/Talksjew Christian Identity" can pretend to persecution by ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final.

                      In this thread you see Carolyn Yeager losing what little mind and patience she has and finally deciding to censor comments because one of what she calls a "Covingtonista" asks some pointed questions of the PierceTard meercats Hadding and WhiggerSwill Welass Williams. Freedom of Speech was NEVER part of the 'Skank & Tans' Nutwerk. This goes to show that this "The White Network" was never anything other than a lying kikeophile skank going ass-to-mouth with mamzers and jewboys to censor debate and dissent and present known ZOGbots as racial paytriots. Rather, Da Whigger Nutwerk should becum-cum known as Da Skank & Tans, because all there is now is one nasty screetching kike-hag skank along with a Sicilian guido mamzer married to a kikess with serpent-seed spawn running a podcast with a heavily censored comments section on a web page run by Rabbi MildSwill Finck-el-sheenie, the jewrsey shitty spic-killer. As this becomes more known, Da Skank & Tans will becum-cum increasingly irrelevant.

                      The Gut-Sick Guido-kikenweasel with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS Alex Linder discusses VoR implosion:

                      When Voice of ReTards was formed six years or so ago, Alex Linder's jew bunghole was already in immunological rebellion against the secret jew ass-hole that is Alex Linder/Lender. To further this, Voice of ReTards was founded by a Mishko and Dietrich, who took financial slop out of the kikeswine's trough. The thread was started by a Ward Kendall sock-puppet. Ward Kendall was banned quick enough by Linder, who at least made an excuse for doing so. Dietrich, as the more hated of the VoR founders, came on to make his point that VoR in the beginning was not like today's VoR. Linder banned Dietrich for 'disloyalty' to itzself because unlike TraitorGlenn Miller funneling ZOGbux into the VNNF Colostomy Bag, Voice of ReTards took away attention and ZOGbux from Linder's mismanagement. The other Voice of ReTards founder, Mischko, who despises TraitorGlenn Miller and who never censored my comments on Voice of ReTards, pointed out Linder's inability to manage anything, but wasn't banned. Rather Linder had to make an admission that everything said about Linder was true. Of course Linder ignores the debate as to since Tanstaafl is a mamzer married to a jew with jewspawn and how Ol' Finckelsheenieite Pickle-Cunt is going ass-to-mouth with Mild Swill Finckelsheenie, but rather gives Da Skank & Tans Nutwerk a pass because Finckelsheenie is not genuine CI, but rather a fellow jewboy playing at WikiPedia/Talksjew CI.

                      So what do we see about these jew false-front ZOGbot organizations? They routinely censor their Aryan enemies and advance their hidden jew and mamzer allies. Can any White man expect that these crouching jewboys and hidden mamzers playing White Nationalist/Christian Identity while not being any such thing to act in any way different?

                      Greg Johnson's 'New Right' Intellectuals and Faggots on Counter-Currents thread:

                      Greg Johnson and his allies who know and understand Carolyn Yeager have some sort of debate over how much of Voice of ReTards archives to glom onto. Voice of ReTards gets an original Founder to pay for the server hosting and the archives from late June are brought up as well as some audio files from July. However, Greggie decides to simply pick up a few hosts from Voice of ReTards, like Robert Stark, then Tom Sunic and others. Johnson decides to simply leave Da Skank and Tans in their own ghetto and not mention them any more. Of the lot, Greg Johnson was by far the most classy and Aryan. No censorship, just moving forward with who Johnson is most comfortable with.

                      Conclusion: There is nothing much to podcasting mp3 audio files and actually having a chatroom working for input. The Movement Turd does it all the time. Anyone can have and do a podcast. The question is how much confidence do you have in what you say that you can tolerate dissent, even ridicule and trolling by others, who are jewboys and mamzers and ZOGbots in disguise?

                      The Movement Turd is not scared of jewboys and mamzers. To a lesser extent, neither was Greg Johnson. Johnson simply snapped up the hosts from Voice of ReTards that he wanted and left the rest wither on the vine. Whereass, Linder and Da Skank & Tans Nutwerk had no options other than censorsheep to theyz' whigger and mamzer and jewboy tards.

                      After-Action Report: LoganHunter called in the second segment. Talked about was Carolyn Yeager and such. The last segments concerned Craig 'Corn' Cobb's North Dakota settlement area for White Nationalists.


                      Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


                      Start Time (EDT): 09/06/12 9:30 PM EDT/8:30 PM CST
                      Duration (minutes): 4 Hours 14 minutes +.

                      Download link:
             Archive Directory
             Archive Directory

                      Temporary Download Link

             Re-Engineered 32kps Talksjew Download
             16kps @

                      Chat Transcript:

                      Hail Victory!!!

                      Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                      Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                      Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 09-16-2012, 07:38 AM.

                      Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                      Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                      • TMT -- Episode #139 -- There are Meercat Fuktard ZOGbots I Remember -- 9Sept 12

                        The Movement Turd

                        September 9, 2012
                        The Word as Heard on the Turd

                        TMT -- Episode #139 -- There are Meercat Fuktard ZOGbots I Remember -- 9Sept 12
                        Time: September 9, 2012 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST


                        TMT -- Episode #139 -- There are Meercat Fuktard ZOGbots I Remember -- 9Sept 12

                        Well, since the 9/11 anusvershitty is cummin' around again, time to recollect the sundry meercats, fuktards and ZOGbots who have suckceeded in running amok the past couple of months like such like to do.

                        Sometime around the first week of August, Mikey-Kikey Jukes-Kallikak Conner/Cohen stopped posting new shows to Voice of Reason/ReTards. Tellingly, it wasn't until the end of August that the supposed half-jew Robert Stark was announced on Greg Johnson's Counter-Currents as 'moving over' from the defunct Voice of ReTards to Counter-Currents and then the word was out: Voice of ReTards was no more.

                        Almost immediately there was a new Bowel Movement jewboy v. faggot Internut-Radio Civil War. On one side was the kikenhag Ol' Finckelsheenieite Pickle-Cunt Carolyn Yeager, noted enabler of jews like Rabbi MildSwill Finck-el-sheenie and censor of dissent, along with the Alex Linder, another jewboy on itz last colostomy bag with but a few kike and whigger and mamzer faithfool meercats left. On the other side was the 'New Right' faggots and intellectuals, led by Dr. Greg Johnson, who without any Order ZOGbux, wants to sell, like Dr. Pierce did when without Order ZOGbux, books and trinkets and intellectual rubber-goods for the weekend. To show that Bowel-Movement polytricks makes strange bedfellows, Greggie also has the Covingtonistas and the Deep-Woods DSCI like myself on Greggie's side, or more accurately, against the Movement jewboys and mamzers on the Finckelsheenieite-Linder side.

                        Now Carolyn Yeager claims to be anti-jew even though Rabbi MildSwill Finckelsheenie is a known jewboy pig who has taken down web pages of mine with the collusion of Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren, Ol' Niggerlips, the jewnibrowed Mamzer from Mentor. Also known is that the partner of this nasty lying snatch is one Tanstaafl, who has claimed to be part non-white and with a jew wife. A few podcasts back, Tanstaafl admitted that no real White Nationalist should have anything to do with it.

                        The end result was that Dietrich Mullis paid the web hosting for Voice of ReTards and it is back as VoR Lite. Greggie Johnson picked up some of the past hosts who wanted to do some relevant podcasting. Ol' Finckelsheenieite Pickle-Cunt Carolyn Yeager found herself increasingly isolated on Da Whigger Nutwerk/Da Skank & Tans Nutwerk.

                        Axis Sally blogged that she was indeed Corrinna Burt.

                        ZOGling whigger ZOGbot fuktards will be ZOGling whigger ZOGbot fuktards.


                        After-Action Report: LoganHunter was a call-in guest for the second and third segments. I discuss my truck-driving daze, being sexualy assaulted/grabbed by a Jersey Shitty Truck Plaza niggress lot-lizard, Axis Sally, the lack of White women in WN/CI. In the later segments, one of Harold Covington's supporters gets onto me for why I and other CI believers back in 2003-2004 didn't like Harold Covington's first novel in the Northwest Republic series The Hill of the Ravens. I end up explaining that in the first novel Covington didn't know Christian Identity very well and said in effect that CI Resistance soldiers would get Second- and Third-Class Citizenships in the Northwest Republic while Covington's [Net]Nazis would get First-Class Citizenships. There was also the matter of how we didn't really like each other to begin with, and that coalitional civil warfare is an iffy thing and while there is universal hatred against ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final, that this doesn't translate into a love and tolerance for other whiggers you still don't really like. There will always be friction, and the result will be Confederation and Federalism in the real sense, not as ZOG/Babylon has perverted it into a multi-racial, multi-culti Imperial shithole as now. This friction got particularly so bad that Covington kicked me off of his TruthCommission yahoogroups and I formed a yahoogroups in Oct. 2003 called "The Covington Commission." So no, back in 2003 neither Covington nor myself were very nice to each other.

                        Meanwhile, Obie-gender-bender the Pissers-Poofter-Possum is snarling in the chatroom about my alleged hypocrisy in my censoring itz trying to post derogatory reviews on my Talksjew page after it kept on re-saving the same old shit in order to put it at the top while at the same time my reviews are censored at jewromy Visser's Talksjew page.

                        Talksjew no longer allows five or six hour programs and so it automatically shut the show down. Ten minutes or so will be added at the end to answer the Covington complaint about why us CI are not fond of The Hill of the Ravens. But when it all comes down to it, what difference does it make now, that both parties have decided to move on in some sort of loose coalition, not so much together, but rather against ZOG/Babylon? Is that not the purpose of the Northwest Front, to engage in such coalitional civil war against ZOG/Babylon and then, like the original American colonies after 1781 decided, until the CONstipation was produced by the Founding Felons, a mix of lawyers and masonic crooks, to go their own way loosely together under the Articles of Confederation?

                        Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


                        Start Time (EDT): 09/09/12 9:30 PM EDT/8:30 PM CST
                        Duration (minutes): 3 Hours, 49 Minutes +.

                        Download link:
               Archive Directory
               Archive Directory

                        Temporary Download Link

               Re-Engineered 32kps Talksjew Download
               16kps @

                        Chat Transcript:

                        Hail Victory!!!

                        Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                        Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                        Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 09-25-2012, 07:33 AM.

                        Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                        Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                        • Christian Identity vs Hill of the Ravens, Round # 37,089

                          Christian Identity vs Hill of the Ravens, Round # 37,089


                          Pastor Lindstedt,

                          I've marked this email as low-priority for Harold's sake since he's effectively off-the-grid at the moment and ought to focus his efforts elsewhere else even if he's inclined to remark at some point.

                          I've attached a copy of "Hill of the Ravens" and I would like to see specific examples from the text of the book (other than the definitions section) of anti-CI bias and opinion. I've freely admitted Harold's definition section on Christian Identity is horseshit (which I thought even before I knew what CI was) and I've told him as much to his face. In the same vein, I defend it only on the basis of CI's unwillingness to actually correct people intelligently and to send them away with nothing more than a tongue-lashing. Admittedly, it could have tainted the whole text since the definition is 1) wrong and 2) a blatant insult, but that's not exactly what I'm here about right now.

                          I've repeatedly said someone having an issue with the books doesn't bug me because they're not my books. What i don't understand are the claims of some who insist the text of the book either states or implies CI is second-rate in the NAR (which, outside of the dead-wrong definition of CI, I cannot find the text, which I have read more than once). In light of the lack of evidence, I must interpret such claims as merely gripes that CI isn't in charge of the NAR or that the book doesn't give each and every CI reader a literary hand-job (excuse the vulgarity). The most specific claim I've been given from you when prompted always falls along the lines of "It seems like..." or "My feelings are..." but such complaints can't hold up without specific quotations from the book. Annoyance with the book is one thing, but making claims about the Northwest Imperative's objectives or intent towards an entire portion of the white community shouldn't happen. "I don't like the book" is strictly your opinion whereas "HotR implies Christians can't get Alpha-class citizenship" is a very different claim and I would like to see substantiation.

                          Care to take me up on that?


                          As an aside, I've had a little trouble with some comrades when they ask about the subject. I have a simple process for discussing it, but people's eyes usually glaze over when I attempt it. It's as hard as making a new racist understand the holocaust didn't happen. I can pull out a World Almanac and show how the Jewish world population increased during the war and therefore the Holocaust is a myth. I can pull out history books and show how the white groups which migrated into Europe during the centuries before Christ were partly from Israel and this means Israel was racially white, but that doesn't mean someone wants to hear it. We can pull out historical documents which show various white groups had more or less the same pagan religion even if the people who live in those areas aren't white anymore. Therefore, their racial religion was a white religion even if the person I'm talking to doesn't accept their religion. Based on the Israelites being white and having a racial religion, the Bible is a white racial book even if the person I'm talking to doesn't accept Israelism / Christianity (and in spite of the fact the Israel area is now non-white). It's all the same damn problem, so I sympathize with CI types who are being marginalized or Pagans who are getting shit from Christians (especially since, from a racial standpoint, let alone a historical standpoint) it's actually the same religion (and the Pagans from all over the Homeland who have stopped long enough to discuss it with me have made some great friends even when they've been hostile to CI prior to meeting me).

                          cc: pdf file, Hill of the Ravens (2003)

                          Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 09-25-2012, 02:12 AM.
                          I am The Librarian


                          • Marty Censors Comments on His TalkShoe Page!

                            Marty Censors Comments on His TalkShoe Page!


                            Award-winning hypocrite Sister Martina, who as you know harps on and on about the insidious evils of censorship and his "God-given" right to free speech, has deleted comments I and seedliner made on the TalkShoe page for his podcast Da Dik-Dik Show. My comment is at the top of the comments section and was originally more than 100 words long. Now it's zero words long. He left some of what seedliner wrote but removed words he deemed offensive.

                            And Marty has the nerve to call me a hypocrite.



                            PassTard Pisser picked a peck of pickled poofter possums.
                            A peck of pickled poofter possums PassTard Pisser picked.

                            Two & a Half Mamzers Forum!!!

                            Winner of the 'Scarlet H' For Hypocrisy!!!



                            • In coalitional civil warfare some old sleeping dogs are best left lie.

                              In coalitional civil warfare some old sleeping dogs are best left lie.


                              You might check out Page 52 in which President Morgan says that most CI citizens are Bravo and Charlie class citizens and National Socialists are Alpha citizens suitable for a Security Issue jury.

                              But if the Christians think we’re covering something like this up
                              they’ll nail my hide to a barn door next election. [B]Nor can we
                              exclude Bravos and Charlies from the jury, as would be the case
                              with a security court. Most Christian Identity citizens are of
                              those degrees and it ain’t politically expedient to keep it to
                              Alphas only. Alphas are mostly National Socialists[
                              /B] and thus
                              considered to be pagans by Christian fundamentalists. I’m
                              already getting pelted during question time by the CI faction in
                              Parliament, not to mention the Opposition, who are gearing up
                              for a real field day with it.

                              This is the basis for the understanding at the time of 2003 for the annoyance that us CI people were second and class citizens while the Nazis with whom Covington associated with first were to be alphas.And why and where I had the major complaint at the time of Covington claiming that after CI does most of the fighting and killing that Nazis were to have a superior class citizenship to us CI believers.

                              There were a number of other things that Covington said and wrote which did and still do set my teeth on edge. But you can't have coalitional warfare if you are pissed off at your allies. Couple that with Covington's other sayings on the yahoogroups and his followers at the time then yes, there was overt hostility on both sides at the time.

                              So add in the fact that you were sorta penning me in over a book that I hadn't read for years with Obie-gender-bender listening in trying to insinuate itzself into this matter and the fact that I have a number of CI believers giving me grief over being allied of sorts with Covington, who they despise and you end up making me have to be careful of what I say and caught in the middle. I catch it on all sides for being in that position.

                              Now since March 2009 I've been allied with Harold Covington and my best friend Pastor John Britton is mildly positive to Covington as well. My problem isn't now so much with Covington's nazi supporters but rather the fake-CI jewboys and sundry like Steve Elder/Kommandork McFagg and Obie-gender-bender. I really don't see any need to re-visit a book, the first in the series, that I and other CI people really didn't like all that much when #2, #3, and #4 are much better, Covington has gotten smarter in not bringing in anything which is objectionable or jarring, and so far in Book #5 isn't making any mistakes in future predictions that are of any concern to myself or can be made by others in the real CI community. Hill of the Ravens simply jarred and annoyed pretty much everyone in DSCI at the time based upon what it really said that Covington didn't know was objectionable at the time and which got blown out of proportion by both myself and Covington's followers, maybe even Covington at the time.

                              When you are living with someone and wanting it to work out, some things you simply let die down if you are smart because there is not going to be any perfect agreement over it. There is not going to be a perfect fit between CI and Covington's view of the world. A number of CI people keep reminding me of this and I ask them to leave the matter alone. It is like a second or third marriage which you really want to work out so you don't go looking for conflict. Nine years after it was first published, I can say that Covington and myself are not the same people we were back then, and so I don't go looking for offense where none was intended back then and certainly not now.

                              I hope this clears the matter up. You are at liberty to discuss this with Harold Covington as I have with Pastor Britton.

                              Hail Victory!!!

                              Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                              Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                              Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 09-25-2012, 02:34 AM.

                              Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                              Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                              • TMT -- Episode #139.5 -- Voice of ReTards Imploded, Now Everyone Has Their Own Radio Nutwerk -- 13Sept 12

                                The Movement Turd

                                September 9, 2012
                                The Word as Heard on the Turd

                                TMT -- Episode #139.5 -- Voice of ReTards Imploded, Now Everyone Has Their Own Radio Nutwerk -- 13Sept 12
                                Time: September 9, 2012 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST


                                TMT -- Episode #139.5 -- Voice of ReTards Imploded, Now Everyone Has Their Own Radio Nutwerk -- 13Sept 12

                                Well, the 9/11 anusvershitty was a bust and now the ragheads are revolting against their jewly-imposed ZOG regimes, even going so far as to drag out some Foggy Bottom silk suit in Libya and skrag his worthless whigger ass. When Colonel Khaddaffy Duck [d]ruled you never seen any such shit going down. Them ragheads simply weren't gratefool for being bombed and murdered in putting up a new ZOG regime and so they showed theyz' extreme displeasure.

                                Here's looking forward to the onrushing daze when piglice, jewdges, lawyers, banksters, and burrocrats, etc. and theyz' spawn are enjoying the mood of the community, kicking from a stout limb of a tree & riding the wood chippers.

                                Kommandork Bitch-Tits Bill White got only an additional ten months prison time for his daring 'escape' to Canned-Coon Mexico and should be out again this cummin' April. Bitch-tits Bill is such a clever, clever lad. And after he told ZOG that he was in Tehran telling the Ayatollahs how to stick it to ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final. Here's wishing Bitch-Tits well, even though a lying fuktard because in actuality Bitch-Tits was supposedly protected by the First Amendment of the Bill of Goods of the CONstipation, which isn't worth the toilet paper it was written upon.

                                Sometime around the first week of August, Mikey-Kikey Jukes-Kallikak Conner/Cohen stopped posting new shows to Voice of Reason/ReTards. Tellingly, it wasn't until the end of August that the supposed half-jew Robert Stark was announced on Greg Johnson's Counter-Currents as 'moving over' from the defunct Voice of ReTards to the new Counter-Currents Radio. Dietrich Mullis announced that Voice of ReTards is becum-cummin Radio Free Whitelandia, the VoR Archives are to remain up, and that Mullus says that they are in effect 'public domain' insofar as Voice of ReTards is cooncerned.

                                In the current Bowel Movement jewboy v. faggot Internut-Radio Civil War, the kikenhag Ol' Finckelsheenieite Pickle-Cunt Carolyn Yeager, noted enabler of jews like Rabbi MildSwill Finck-el-sheenie and censor of dissent, along with the Alex Linder, another jewboy on itz last colostomy bag with but a few kike and whigger and mamzer faithfool meercats left. On the other side was the 'New Right' faggots and intellectuals, led by Dr. Greg Johnson, who without any Order ZOGbux, wants to sell, like Dr. Pierce did when without Order ZOGbux, books and trinkets and intellectual rubber-goods for the weekend. Dietrich Mullus by announcing that the old VoR shows are archived and insofar as VoR is concerned are public domain but that the old web-casters would have to find their own new broadcaster means that Carolyn Yeager's 'Skank & Tans Nutwerk' would effectively be left to theyz' own devices and that Greg Johnson's new "Counter-Currents Radio" would be podcasting most of the hosts now seeking to continue with their own shows.
                                Counter-Currents Podcasts

                                7. CC Radio will start with the following shows:

                                Tom Sunić, “The Sunić Journal”
                                Robert Stark, “The Stark Truth”
                                Paul Fromm, “The Fighting Side of Me”
                                Keith Preston, “Attack the System”
                                Richard Spencer, “Vanguard”
                                Mike Polignano and Greg Johnson, “New Right Radio”
                                Matt Parrott, Name TBA
                                “Books Against Time”: a book and author show co-hosted by Greg Johnson and John Morgan of Arktos Media

                                8. We would very much like to host Mark Weber’s and M. Raphael Johnson’s shows as well, and we will continue to pay them court. . . .

                                So in other words, pretty much all of the hosts formerly of Voice of Retards are going with Counter-Currents Radio and if Mark Weber or M. Raphael Johnson wants to join in as well then they can do so.

                                NOT invited is Ol' Finckelsheenieite Pickle-Cunt Carolyn Yeager or the Guido-kike mamzer Tanstaafl married to a kikess or MildSwill Finckelsheenie or Hadding the Loveless Mattoid Meercat or WhiggerSwill Welass Williams. In fact, the Skank & Tans Nutwerk is no longer getting anyone to show up and when they do show up, like Dietrich and Mishka Novosel, they can barely control their disdain for the screetching old yenta. At the same time, Voice of ReTards actually went back to its core founders who will keep the old archives open -- although you should download now what you liked, if anything -- from the current archives. Mikey-Kikey Jukes-Kallikak Conner/Cohen was always a censoring control-freak ZOGbot piece of shit, and Radio Free Whitelandia will be an improvement.

                                Talksjew offers pretty much the best environment for Internut Radio. It allows a chatroom for guests, archives of show recordings which can be supplimented by a flat web page or a forum. Those who prefer to podcast their own shows and have their own audience can do so and like Harold Covington and Jaime Kelso and Derek Black they do so. The audio quality might be not the best, but using a mp3 recorder and Wavepad the audio quality can increase and be improved. In any case, every bowel-Movement ober-shiessen-kopfen-feeben-fatten-fartin-fuktard-fuerher can have his/her/itz own podcast and can be as big or little of a fuktard as he/she/it wants to be.

                                Axis Sally blogged that she was indeed Corrinna Burt last week. She is increasingly annoyed to be off of Harold Covington's Radio Free Northwest and perhaps should do her own Talksjew show.
                                I thought everyone was aware it was not my decision to leave RFN? I can give you the full story via e-mail, but short version: HAC decided I was too high-maintenance to be worth having around, due to my wanting more creative control over my work - such as, only writing my own pieces, a say in which pieces can be rerun, etc. But, obviously, there's more. . .

                                So, everything went to itz appointed rounds this week. Tune in for the latest inevitable bowel-Movement shitstorm next week.

                                After-Action Report:


                                Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


                                Start Time (EDT): 09/13/12 9:30 PM EDT/8:30 PM CST
                                Duration (minutes): 3 Hours, 49 Minutes +.

                                Download link:
                       Archive Directory
                       Archive Directory

                                Temporary Download Link

                                Re-Engineered 32kps Talksjew Download
                                16kps @

                                Chat Transcript:

                                Hail Victory!!!

                                Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                                Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                                Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 09-13-2012, 07:42 PM.

                                Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                                Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum

