TMT -- Episode #134 -- Let's Play WN/CI (While jewboy/mamzer) -- 5Aug 12
TMT -- Episode #134 -- Let's Play WN/CI (While jewboy/mamzer) -- 5Aug 12
Time: 5 August, 2012 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST
TMT -- Episode #134 -- Let's Play WN/CI (While jewboy/mamzer) -- 5Aug 12
Since Wednesday afternoon, jew-lie 25th 2012, when the Chicago sephardic marrano jew Eli James/jewseph Kutz-November sent out an e-mail to his supporters bitching about how the bigger jews of the Ashkenazi Defecation League were writing to his Internet Service Provider to take down his pathetic web page that hasn't been updated for years, everyone within Whigger Nutsionalism and the Wandering Mamzers of WikiPedia/Talksjew CI have been pissing and moaning about Ashkenazi Defecation League censorsheep. This from jewboy mamzers who theysselfs worked with and encouraged Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren to go on a rampage of taking down nine of my web pages, blogs, forums and even others such as NimBusters or Upstanding Citizens. The most brazen and sociopathic murderous jewboy pig, namely MildSwill Finckelsheenie, even pretends that it was myself who is working for the ADL while doing a Talksjew program with Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren. Like my friend and fellow genuine DSCI pastor, Pastor John Britton said, in urging me to quit doing my Internut radio show around the time Talksjew took it down at the instigation of Eliar James/jewseph Kutz-November and Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren and possibly MildSwill Finckelsheenie, "Why bother? The above-ground supposed DSCI Church is nothing but wall-to-wall jewboys and mamzers." My response: "Do we leave the lost sheep of the House of Israel who are looking to be found to the tender mercies of jewkals?" And by that I mean the genuine Aryan/Israelite remnant and not what I call the 'Wandering Mamzers of WikiPedia/Talksjew CI."
There are a lot of them around. Last weekend on the Eliar James' Talksjew show, in the chat I found out that 'RebekahM' was an admitted mudshark because she asked what happens according to CI to her 'half-Cherokee' daughter. Then 'Isaiah14' claimed that "Cherokees are Israelites." Imputed was that Isaiah14 was a 'Cherokee Israelite' before making an overt admission to that effect. Then "Dutchoma" said that his 'Choctaw son-in-law was an Israelite' and that Dutchoma's grand-spawn was "100% Israelite". Of course the jewnibrowed Mamzer from Mentor, Ol' NiggerLips Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren was claimed to be White Aryan Israelite all along. Eli James even supposedly 'ex-communicated' me for slandering the lil shitskin faggot on Halloween morning and called in to bitch on Halloween Nite on October 31, 2010. Everyone who is jewboy or mamzer baal-priest pretends that it is acceptable to violate Deuteronomy 23:2's injunction against bringing these unclean abominations into the Congregation of the House of Israel, yet calls me a maniac for wanting to eliminate all such genetic uncleanliness not only within the Church, but throughout the entire ZOGland and using the Great Tribulation to do so.
Now am I to mourn that the genuine jews of the ADL have put to slight expense these hidden jews and mamzers pretending to be WN/CI? Why? I had to wander from ISP to ISP in search for a genuine 'free-speech' ISP which would do the bare minimum in obeying the Digital Mamzer Concealment Act, er, DMCA provisions until I could find The ADL/$PLC/FBI/BATF/ZOG didn't take down my web pages, forums, and blogs. Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren and Eli James and Bill Finck and Mike Delaney/ProStink did. So theys' bitching and kvetching as jewboys and mamzers and ZOGbots that no some RLjs -- Real Live jews -- have got around to theysselfs, possibly to fool misbegotten mamzers and mongrels and whiggers that they are being 'poisecuted' when possibly the real intent is to funnel even more ZOGbux to these lying jewboys so that they can pretend to be real DSCI teachers while jewboy/mongrel?
Saturday night Rabbi MildSwill Finckelsheenie is yelping about the ADL censorsheep while making sure that itz own Talksjew chatroom is locked up tighter than Alex Linder's colostomy bag and then bitching about some jewday-o skillit licker named Ted Pike.
Anchorage Activist writes on White Reference 5 August 2012:
Now the genuine Dual-Seedline Christian Identity response to some jewday-o skillit-lickin' baal-priest ass-clown is most properly as follows:
To be honest, I didn't know much about Ted Pike and didn't care anything much about Ted Pike. He doesn't claim to be Christian Identity or a White Nationalist so insofar as I'm concerned he can have whatever idiotic opinion that he pleases.
But this means that MildSwill Finck-el-sheenie, the joisey shitty jewboy pig who murdered a Puerto Rican prisoner while shackled and is telegonically a jewniversalist papist-preterist ZOGbot wants to pretend to be a G[r]eek skrewler and a Christian Identity teacher, and is using this opportunity to pretend to be fighting someone who is irrelevant to the 99.99 percent of the underground Christian Identity church worshipping in small family congregations rife with heresies. Finckelsheenie is like a sort of Madonna, attention-whoring while pretending that itz papist-preterist bull[shit] has any meaning. It don't.
Let's understand something: These ZOG false-fronts of jewboys and mamzers pretending to be CI pastors are not needed. A few months ago I was looking for some old Bertrand Comparet material to republish and found out that Finckelsheenie had taken it, removed it from being read and copied in the original HTML from the defunct Church of True Israel, replaced it with the Sicilian guido papist-preterist Captn Senility Clifton Emahiser's pdf abridgements claiming that Bertrand Comparet was all wrong and full of shit about the 6th Day Beasts of the Field Creation Comparetian DSCI Orthodoxy and that something not YHWH made the niggers and gooks. I ended up having to go to the Library of Congress Wayback Machine to retrieve the original Comparet sermons.
We don't need these misbegotten abominations as 'fellow Aryan Israelites' and we don't need criminal sociopathic jewboys who used to be piglice as 'teachers.' The Dual-Seedline Christian Identity Church, both above-ground and underground got along just fine for close to 60 years under Pastors Swift and Comparet and for 2000 years under Christ that we simply don't need some big-nosed Fin[c]k telling us what is what. That also means other sundry jews like Eli James/jewseph Kutz-November, Dan Johns, the melungeon criminal Jeromy Visser, or transgendered Aussie poofter-possums or LiarBill's with but one mumps-infected testicle.
Nor do we need a swarm of mamzers and jewboys and faggots that they bring it.
This jewday-o skillit-lickin' fuktard Ted Pike needs to hear this Movement Turd.
After-Action Report: Russ Walker calls in the second segment and then LoganHunter88 for the third and fourth segments. LiarBill 'MumpsNut DeClue(less) my former ordained baal-priest was in the chatroom trying to coonvince everyone that it ate spaghetti cooked in my own urine which it thought was coonsecrated Mountain Dew.
Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.
Start Time (EDT): 08/05/12 9:30 PM EDT/8:30 PM CST
Duration (minutes): 3 Hours, 6 Minutes +.
Download link: Archive Directory Archive Directory
Temporary Download Link Re-Engineered 32kps Talksjew Download 16kps @
Chat Transcript:
Hail Victory!!!
Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
The Movement Turd

August 5, 2012
The Word as Heard on the Turd

August 5, 2012
The Word as Heard on the Turd
TMT -- Episode #134 -- Let's Play WN/CI (While jewboy/mamzer) -- 5Aug 12
Time: 5 August, 2012 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST
TMT -- Episode #134 -- Let's Play WN/CI (While jewboy/mamzer) -- 5Aug 12
Since Wednesday afternoon, jew-lie 25th 2012, when the Chicago sephardic marrano jew Eli James/jewseph Kutz-November sent out an e-mail to his supporters bitching about how the bigger jews of the Ashkenazi Defecation League were writing to his Internet Service Provider to take down his pathetic web page that hasn't been updated for years, everyone within Whigger Nutsionalism and the Wandering Mamzers of WikiPedia/Talksjew CI have been pissing and moaning about Ashkenazi Defecation League censorsheep. This from jewboy mamzers who theysselfs worked with and encouraged Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren to go on a rampage of taking down nine of my web pages, blogs, forums and even others such as NimBusters or Upstanding Citizens. The most brazen and sociopathic murderous jewboy pig, namely MildSwill Finckelsheenie, even pretends that it was myself who is working for the ADL while doing a Talksjew program with Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren. Like my friend and fellow genuine DSCI pastor, Pastor John Britton said, in urging me to quit doing my Internut radio show around the time Talksjew took it down at the instigation of Eliar James/jewseph Kutz-November and Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren and possibly MildSwill Finckelsheenie, "Why bother? The above-ground supposed DSCI Church is nothing but wall-to-wall jewboys and mamzers." My response: "Do we leave the lost sheep of the House of Israel who are looking to be found to the tender mercies of jewkals?" And by that I mean the genuine Aryan/Israelite remnant and not what I call the 'Wandering Mamzers of WikiPedia/Talksjew CI."
There are a lot of them around. Last weekend on the Eliar James' Talksjew show, in the chat I found out that 'RebekahM' was an admitted mudshark because she asked what happens according to CI to her 'half-Cherokee' daughter. Then 'Isaiah14' claimed that "Cherokees are Israelites." Imputed was that Isaiah14 was a 'Cherokee Israelite' before making an overt admission to that effect. Then "Dutchoma" said that his 'Choctaw son-in-law was an Israelite' and that Dutchoma's grand-spawn was "100% Israelite". Of course the jewnibrowed Mamzer from Mentor, Ol' NiggerLips Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren was claimed to be White Aryan Israelite all along. Eli James even supposedly 'ex-communicated' me for slandering the lil shitskin faggot on Halloween morning and called in to bitch on Halloween Nite on October 31, 2010. Everyone who is jewboy or mamzer baal-priest pretends that it is acceptable to violate Deuteronomy 23:2's injunction against bringing these unclean abominations into the Congregation of the House of Israel, yet calls me a maniac for wanting to eliminate all such genetic uncleanliness not only within the Church, but throughout the entire ZOGland and using the Great Tribulation to do so.
Now am I to mourn that the genuine jews of the ADL have put to slight expense these hidden jews and mamzers pretending to be WN/CI? Why? I had to wander from ISP to ISP in search for a genuine 'free-speech' ISP which would do the bare minimum in obeying the Digital Mamzer Concealment Act, er, DMCA provisions until I could find The ADL/$PLC/FBI/BATF/ZOG didn't take down my web pages, forums, and blogs. Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren and Eli James and Bill Finck and Mike Delaney/ProStink did. So theys' bitching and kvetching as jewboys and mamzers and ZOGbots that no some RLjs -- Real Live jews -- have got around to theysselfs, possibly to fool misbegotten mamzers and mongrels and whiggers that they are being 'poisecuted' when possibly the real intent is to funnel even more ZOGbux to these lying jewboys so that they can pretend to be real DSCI teachers while jewboy/mongrel?
Saturday night Rabbi MildSwill Finckelsheenie is yelping about the ADL censorsheep while making sure that itz own Talksjew chatroom is locked up tighter than Alex Linder's colostomy bag and then bitching about some jewday-o skillit licker named Ted Pike.
Anchorage Activist writes on White Reference 5 August 2012:
On June 18th, 2012, Rev. Ted Pike, who operates the Truthtellers ministry, published a critique of Christian Identity entitled "Is 'Christian Identity' True". Citing Galatians 3:28, Rev. Pike criticizes CI's exaltation of the importance of race in God’s agenda of redemption as conflicting with the whole message of the New Testament that Christ came to end God’s preference for one race over another. Rev. Pike also claims that Identity’s emphasis on the physical runs counter to Christ’s statement and the emphasis of the New Testament that “the kingdom of heaven is within you”, asserting that God’s main objective in the church age is spiritual. He suggests that Christ did not come to establish a dominant kingdom based on race, but rather holiness and spiritual transcendence in the hearts of all who trust Him. And finally, Rev. Pike claims that by "dehumanizing" non-Whites as mud people, Identity typecasts itself as bigoted, racist heresy not unlike its arch enemy, Talmudic Judaism, making it an irresistible target for anti-White hate groups such as the Anti-Defamation League. Nevertheless, Pike does acknowledge the support that Identity groups have given him as he continues to marshal opposition to the Zionist takeover of America.
.Now the genuine Dual-Seedline Christian Identity response to some jewday-o skillit-lickin' baal-priest ass-clown is most properly as follows:
Who exactly gives a shit as to what this jewday-o skillit-lickin' baal-priest ass-clown calling itzself a 'Reverend' named Ted Pike 'thinks' that we as Christian Identity needs to do? Our religion is indeed racist, White Supremacy, anti-jew spawn of Satan, apocalyptic and violent in the extreme against the current [d]rulers of ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final. So what?
To be honest, I didn't know much about Ted Pike and didn't care anything much about Ted Pike. He doesn't claim to be Christian Identity or a White Nationalist so insofar as I'm concerned he can have whatever idiotic opinion that he pleases.
But this means that MildSwill Finck-el-sheenie, the joisey shitty jewboy pig who murdered a Puerto Rican prisoner while shackled and is telegonically a jewniversalist papist-preterist ZOGbot wants to pretend to be a G[r]eek skrewler and a Christian Identity teacher, and is using this opportunity to pretend to be fighting someone who is irrelevant to the 99.99 percent of the underground Christian Identity church worshipping in small family congregations rife with heresies. Finckelsheenie is like a sort of Madonna, attention-whoring while pretending that itz papist-preterist bull[shit] has any meaning. It don't.
Let's understand something: These ZOG false-fronts of jewboys and mamzers pretending to be CI pastors are not needed. A few months ago I was looking for some old Bertrand Comparet material to republish and found out that Finckelsheenie had taken it, removed it from being read and copied in the original HTML from the defunct Church of True Israel, replaced it with the Sicilian guido papist-preterist Captn Senility Clifton Emahiser's pdf abridgements claiming that Bertrand Comparet was all wrong and full of shit about the 6th Day Beasts of the Field Creation Comparetian DSCI Orthodoxy and that something not YHWH made the niggers and gooks. I ended up having to go to the Library of Congress Wayback Machine to retrieve the original Comparet sermons.
We don't need these misbegotten abominations as 'fellow Aryan Israelites' and we don't need criminal sociopathic jewboys who used to be piglice as 'teachers.' The Dual-Seedline Christian Identity Church, both above-ground and underground got along just fine for close to 60 years under Pastors Swift and Comparet and for 2000 years under Christ that we simply don't need some big-nosed Fin[c]k telling us what is what. That also means other sundry jews like Eli James/jewseph Kutz-November, Dan Johns, the melungeon criminal Jeromy Visser, or transgendered Aussie poofter-possums or LiarBill's with but one mumps-infected testicle.
Nor do we need a swarm of mamzers and jewboys and faggots that they bring it.
This jewday-o skillit-lickin' fuktard Ted Pike needs to hear this Movement Turd.
After-Action Report: Russ Walker calls in the second segment and then LoganHunter88 for the third and fourth segments. LiarBill 'MumpsNut DeClue(less) my former ordained baal-priest was in the chatroom trying to coonvince everyone that it ate spaghetti cooked in my own urine which it thought was coonsecrated Mountain Dew.

Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.
Start Time (EDT): 08/05/12 9:30 PM EDT/8:30 PM CST
Duration (minutes): 3 Hours, 6 Minutes +.
Download link: Archive Directory Archive Directory
Temporary Download Link Re-Engineered 32kps Talksjew Download 16kps @
Chat Transcript:
Hail Victory!!!
Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri