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The New Movement Turd

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  • Joe Pennsylvania: Comments on having Mr Sulu call into TMT 127.5

    Joe Pennsylvania: Comments on having Mr Sulu call into TMT 127.5

    Hi Martin,


    It reminded me of the Bible verse from HABAKUK 1:5 for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.

    'Who would have thought MR SULU would visit the MOVEMENT TURD lol

    Just wanted to say you did a good job in your interview with George Takeai.
    Adreas and the others are full of shit, claiming that was an impersonator. That WAS George Takaei !

    I had to listen to the show on Archives and as soon as i heard his voice I said to myself, IS THAT GEORGE TAKEAI on Martin's show???

    You should send Jim Giles, Fink , Johns and Eli a copy of the interview and rub it in that they never had a bigger celebrity on their shows LOL

    It was kind of ironic too that after explaining in your email about Whiggers in the WN movement bringing non whites to their meetings that you get George Takeai to show up on your show. LOL Yahweh does have HUMOR!! LOL

    Anyway..just some feedback. Have a great weekend

    Joe Pennsylvania


    Yesterday on The NimBusters, these tards claimed to have impersonated George Takei on the past show. This, when George Takei called in most of them had moved elsewhere.

    I told this NimTard that if he had indeed impersonated George Takei, to simply log off and to log on as "TakeiG" and do it again. Easy, no?

    This NimTard refused to do so. But then again, almost all NimTards are liars and mamzers.

    I think it is indeed likely, albeit not certain, that it was the real George Takei who called in given not only the voice, but the quick matching of what is known about George Takei, and also that this person wasn't a NimTard not understanding anything about Buddhists. This person is likely George Takei, but not certainly George Takei.

    Even Andy admitted that it was quite an impressive hoax. Takei seemed interested in setting the record straight about Hal Turner. And, unlike a NimTard, this George Takei was unfailingly polite and unflappable. NimTards are no such thing, being little jews and mamzers playing games in Mommy's basement.

    Now what me and George Takei -- real or hoax -- have in common is pretty much nothing. What does an Aryan DSCI pastor have in common with a homosexual-rights Buddhist Japanese? Practically nothing. I did get "Mr Sulu" to admit that California is ungovernable and on the verge of collapse, in large part because of IDIC -- Infinite Die-ver-shitty & Infinite Coonbinations. It won't work in the Star Trek 'future' any more than in the real future.

    Thanks for the comment, Joe. I'll put it on my forum.

    By the way, you were not in last night when Steve Elder/Kommandork McFagg/SonofaBelial got all huffy when after claiming to be a "Pict" that Eliar James/jewseph Kutz-November pointed out that "Picts" were "Tubal-Kenites Avoidance Delugian" (my words) and "Amorite dwarfs imported by Cain/Sargon" in Eliar's words as written by some British Israelite scholar. Steve Elder pitched a fit, said Eliar was full of shit, and left in a Grand Fury. Or, since McFagg is an "Amorite dwarf" maybe a Yugo from Eliar's Talksjew chat. Finckelsheenie is more likely to pay attention to this split between Kommandork McFagg and Rabbi Eliar on Eliar's Talksjew show as opposed as to whether George Takei was on my TMT show.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 06-24-2012, 07:17 PM.

    Itz Fun Being A Witless Meercat!!!


    • TMT -- Episode #128 - Extractive Kakistocracies & Marauding ZOGlings -- 24 June 12

      The Movement Turd

      June 24, 2012
      The Word as Heard on the Turd

      TMT -- Episode #128 - Extractive Kakistocracies & Marauding ZOGlings -- 24 June 12
      Time: June 24, 2012 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST

      TMT -- Episode #128 - Extractive Kakistocracies & Marauding ZOGlings -- 24 June 12

      Right now I'm reading on my Kindle this book called: "Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty." Thanks to buying a Kindle I no longer have to even go to the Neosho/Newton County Library but rather can borrow a book for two weeks and read it in bed before sleep, thus getting to let my subconscious mind ponder it. From what I gather, these authors are like Niall Fergusen, Charles Mann and Jared Diamond (sucking each other off as well), and don't make the simple understanding that Lothrup Stoddard made that Civilization is a function of Race, and how much jew and mamzer and treasonous whiggers infest not only the [d]ruling echilons, but also the popjewlation. No the problem is economic and political, Extractive elites steal everything that they can and the underbred popjewlation lets them, and the result is fuktardation as the entire yentaprise becums turd-whirrrlded.

      As good of a reason as any. I simply read the book, have it grind the grist for my mill, then in place of "extractive elites" I put in [d]ruling jewboys and whigger race-traitors and in place of "degenerate a-pathetic popjewlation" I put ZOGling whigger & mamzer ass-clowns. See how easy it is to find a Movement Turd/Tard in almost everything?

      I'll also discuss how Steve Elder/Kommandork McFagg was running amok claiming to be a "Proud Pict" on Rabbi Eliar James/jewseph Kutz-November's Talksjew show last night. Eventually Rabbi Eliar pointed out to McFagg that DSCI teaching said that "Picts" were pre-Noah's Deluge Tubal-kenites who never experienced the Flood, or "dwarven Amorites" that Cain/Sargon sent to capture the tin supply for Bronze Age tools and weapons by sending them to the Tin Islands, i.e. Brittannia. So Steve Elder being called in effect part jew got Elder/ Kommandork McFagg/ SonoftheMist all pissed off and so it went home to his beaner squaw and took it and itz few marbles and itz colostomy bag (given that Elder got Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS) with it. And there was much rejoicing, especially on the part of Guest #6, who then got to troll once McFagg was gone.

      Last night, on the Newskike/Peterless Goodmamzer/Radio F[r]ee NIM-Busters show there was much lying by jewromy Visser, the melungeon Pisser-Possum criminal and ZOGbot, along with Obie-gender-bender-pissers-poofter-possum and a few other NimTard faggots. I eventually called in and there was much fighting between myself and all of the mamzerkikes, including Peterless Goodmamzer. Essentially the only thang these perverted misbegotten losers have to say is to accuse me of pedophilia without coonsequence. This Brooklyn or Queens kike pretending to be an Aryan living in Iceland threatened to mute and ban me if I didn't answer the question with Da Pisser-Possum getting to yammer and yap and kvetch and lie at the same time, but even a stupid kikeazoid figured out that turning itz pretend bowel-Movement Talksjew program into a mamzerkike cesspool like Da MamzerBarrell would be a loser. I insisted upon, and got, muting of Jeromy Visser while I explained the present above-ground Christian Identity Church: Nothing but wall-to-wall jewboys and mamzers like jewromy. Newskike invited me onto itz show next week and I accepted. I also invited jewromy Visser and all of itz pisser-possums to cum-cum on to tonight's Movement Turd. Da Pisser-Possum declined. Itz taking Bridget Da Idjit to work at the local truck stop, preferably the Atlanta Pilot.

      Pretty much the entire bowel Movement is infested with mamzerkikeitis. What to do, what to do?

      Well, I advise the Sigourney Weaver/Cossack and jewboys option. You let the mamzerkike infestation cum-cum about, let it take the decaying movement organism over, refugee out what little worthwhile non-hue-mamzer material remains, then:


      Itz the only way to make sure.


      Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.

      Start Time (EDT): 06/24/12 9:30 PM EDT/8:30 PM CST
      Duration (minutes): 120+.

      Download link: Archive Directory Archive Directory

      Temporary Download Link Re-engineered 32kps Talksjew Download 16kps @

      Chat Transcript:

      Hail Victory!!!

      Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
      Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

      Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 07-04-2012, 08:14 PM.

      Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
      Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


      • TMT -- Episode #128.5 - Black Thursday, Dred Scott II leads to Civil War II -- 28 June 12

        The Movement Turd

        June 28, 2012
        The Word as Heard on the Turd

        TMT -- Episode #128.5 - Black Thursday, Dred Scott II leads to Civil War II -- 28 June 12
        Time: June 28, 2012 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST

        TMT -- Episode #128.5 - Black Thursday, Dred Scott II leads to Civil War II -- 28 June 12

        I left this space open, knowing that what just got decided -- that ZOG/Babylon has decided that it has the unlimited power to tax the remaining whigger middle class to pay for niggers and beaners to get medical care and to make sure that corporations get bailed out -- Dred Scott II that the whigger/White Man has no rights that ZOG/Babylon and ZOGlings need respect -- will mean Civil War II, or what I and the DSCI Saints call the Great Tribulation.

        Let's see. ZOG/Babylon can't pay out in taxes for most of itz spending now, what with entitlements. This latest 'tax' is NOT an entitlement but rather a mandate upon those who still have some freedom of action to do as ZOG demands under penalty of [f]law. It will suck up what little economic activity remains and destroy it in order to feed worthless eaters. Even more to the point, even if these taxes can be paid, will they be paid. Someone who no longer even bothers to file income tax forms because they think that the 16th Amendment is Un-CONstipational and a violation of the Bill of Goods isn't likely to pay any fines simply because some black-robed baal-priest on the jewnited $nakes jewpreme kort said that they had to under the unlimited commerce & fuk-u clawses of the jew-Ass Oy Vey CONstipation as defined by the aforementioned clowns. After all, for over 200 years the CONstipation wasn't defined as simply giving over what little ZOGbux you have because some kongress-kritter said so because he/she-it has to bail out some banksters so that he/she-it can get re-[s]elected. Like the Pollack said when the jew doctor put some Vaseline on itz clipped pecker and proceeded to mount Mrs. Pollack: "Even though you put some medicine on jewr tool, I still think jew're fucking muh pussy." Well Mein ZOGlings, today, on Black Thursday, we've been well and truly fucked without even a judas-kiss first, so what the hell we gonna do about it?

        So now that it has been [d]ruled that the White Man has no rights that ZOG/Babylon need respect, what to do, what to do? Should we go running after the clowns of the bowel Movement to save us from ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final?

        What I suggest rather is the Three Part Program of The Ten Thousand Warlords:
        1. Get close to YHWH and beg YHWH to save His deserving child.

        2. Ruthlessly cull your family and friends and figure out who you want to carry over and arm for the Great Tribulation ahead.

        3. Keep your head down and let Nature take itz Course as the Great Tribulation wipes out over 90% of the whiggers and all of the jew muds and cruds, and then, when the storm has passed, rise up and mop up the remainder of the vermin who made Civil War II necessary.

        Let's understand something: ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final is doomed. It will fall. You can do nothing other than try to save yourself and some of the better elements of your family. Even then, chances are you shall fail as it is not YHWH's Will that you live. But much of what happens is up to YOU. Choose wisely amongst what limited options remain to you.


        Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.

        Start Time (EDT): 06/28/12 9:30 PM EDT/8:30 PM CST
        Duration (minutes): 120+.

        Download link: Archive Directory Archive Directory

        Temporary Download Link Re-engineered 32kps Talksjew Download 16kps @

        Chat Transcript:

        Hail Victory!!!

        Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
        Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

        Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 07-13-2012, 05:46 AM.

        Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
        Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


        • TMT -- Episode #128.9 - Us NIM-Faggots really outsmarted Pope Marty -- 30 June 12

          The Movement Turd

          June 30, 2012
          The Word as Heard on the Turd

          TMT -- Episode #128.9 - Us NIM-Faggots really outsmarted Pope Marty -- 30 June 12
          Time: June 28, 2012 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST

          TMT -- Episode #128.9 - Us NIM-Faggots really outsmarted Pope Marty -- 30 June 12

          Throughout time us spawn of D-g jews have liked to pretend that the rat-like cunning we possess as being born evil makes us superior than the Adamic Aryan man that is both our favorite prey and will end up exterminating us all according to YHWH's will. You have to understand that us jews are sorta like orcs acting against superior beings created by YHWH and we both need them to live and need to destroy them so that we too will die like parasites do when they kill their hosts.

          Now we got some talented NIM-Busters amongst us, and Kennewick_Mamzer does the best George Takei impression ever. Not only the voice, but the ability to act like a wiley Oriental yental-man. Since there isn't any real overlap between an Aryan DSCI pastor and a homosexual activist Japanese actor and activist, Pope Marty simply took it as it cummed. After all, what's a little fun between jewboys and DSCI tards?

          So we invited Jeromy Visser, Da Melungeon Pisser-Possum and Obie-genderbender-pissers-poofter-possum and the 'Reverend Boa Cocksucker and all the NimBuster fuktards to have fun at Pope Marty's expense. Piggfraud/Pastor Master of Cunts, i.e. a composit of Mikey-Kikey Delaney and Brian Wright, pretended to be the George Takei impersonator, but since he is a talentess retard that didn't work. When Pope Marty seen the TakeiG login, he figured out that he had been spoofed and admitted as much.

          Anyway after 'Mr. Sulu' had extended his stay by 20 minutes past any real amusement level -- us kikes really ain't funny, just nasty -- Peterless Goodmamzer/Newskike engaged in nigger and jew fun by letting jewromy Visser and the two mentally impared NimTards Reverend Boa Cocksucker and TheIntern call Pope Marty a child molester. Peterless Goodmamzer put these melungeon and jewboy faggots on "mamzer honor" to not butt in while Pope Marty was speaking, but that of course didn't work out. Pope Marty insisted upon these lying mamzers being muted while he answered any questions. Having an honest interview is never on Peterless Goodmamzer's agenda, and because of Pope Marty's intransigence that Pope Marty was sent to the NutHouse not because Pope Marty was insane, but because Marty is an asshole who won't roll over for the railroading. Bingo.

          jewromy Visser, the melungeon baal-priest pretending to be a CI minister while known to be a mamzer, was pissing and moaning about how cum Aryan white devils want to exterminate us jewboys, mamzers and faggots and all of our spawn. When jewromy Visser, a petty criminal ZOGbot challenged Pope Marty asking him where it says in the Bible that it is permissible to exterminate jews and mamzers and whiggers until nothing is left butt righteous people, Pope Marty asked where in the Bible it was disallowed. jewromy Visser didn't have an answer. Pope Marty pointed out that YHWH destroyed and ordered destroyed entire piss-puls and Nations of D-g before, and whiggers too, like Ahab and Jezebel. When Da Pisser-Possum jewromy said that Jezebel was a Canaanite, Pope Marty said that jewromy and all of the pisser-possums were not only part jew melungeons, but niggers and faggots and trannies too. This was too much for the Mr. Sulu Nimtard and it run off headed to Sans Fagscrisco, perhaps for a threesome with Obie-gender-bender-pissers-poofter-possum. Pastor Lindstedt cums across as a maniac because he doesn't back off from claiming that only the Great Tribulation can save the Whigger Rayce and only if the extermination gets rid of all of the cancer of whiggers and mamzers and jews and faggots. Oh my, as fake Sulu would say.

          Peterless Goodmamzer then ended the show with letting all itz fellow jewboys and mamzers and faggots get in one last slurp while muting Pope Marty. This show will be declared another NimTard faggot and pisser-possum victory.

          Don't pay attention to above. On the Peterless Goodmamzer/Radio F[r]ee NimTard Show, nothing butt mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Peterless Goodmamzer/Radio F[r]ee NimBusters Show because we always cum-cum around to mamzer & jew licking of our mamzerkike bungholes. Cum-cum cum-cum for as long as it lasts. Cum-cum-cum-cum. Sounds sorta like Bridget Da Hi-Yaller Idjit Visser working tricks as a lot lizard at the [Tw]Hott-lanta Pilot Truck Stop where there is no fence or security like at the Petro or the TA wanting to get onto the next nigger truck driver.

          Start Time (EDT): 06/30/12 9:30 PM EDT/8:30 PM CST
          Duration (minutes): 120+.

          Download link:
 Archive Directory
 Archive Directory

          Temporary Download Link

 Original 32kps Talksjew Download

          16kps @

          Chat Transcript:

          In D-g's Name

          Peterless Goodmamzer, Da Newskike Show

          The Peterless Goodmamzer-Newskike Radio F[r]ee NimTard Show


          • George Takei is NOT Christian Identity! And neither is that melungeon Jeromy Visser!!!

            George Takei is NOT Christian Identity!
            And neither is that melungeon Jeromy Visser!!!

            by Pastor Master of Runts/jewromy Visser Da Melungeon Mamzer Pisser-Possum Baal-Priest


            Rabbi Samuelson -- something made up by my fellow mamzer Victor Switzer until Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren ran this red-nigger off for the second time by finding out itz ancestry.coon and blackmailing it into giving up itz red-nigger manpussy -- pulled an elaborate stunt on June 21st, 2012 by having a voice impersonator pretend to be George Takei on his low-listener "Movement Turd" broadcast. Actually Pope Marty's show is listened to by about twenty-some times as many listeners, a fact I had to admit this past week when only Pope Marty and I were listening to Cornholing Piss-Pul Mamzeries (Bridget Da Hi-Yaller Idjit was working pulling tricks at the [Tw]At-lanta Pilot truck stop) and then I blocked him so that the listenership was down to one. Everyone by now knows I'm a melungeon baal-priest. And far from Pope Marty pulling an elaborate stunt, rather it was a NimBuster who did so. But then again, itz not as if us tri-racial melungeon hybrids of jew, nigger and beaner have any cumpulsion to tell the truth. If this was an attempt to gain new listeners or just show its true colors is not certain to anythang other than other jew and mamzer pisser-possums, but it IS certain that just as sure as Bridget Da Hi-Yeller Idjit gives discounts to niggers who can go where no pisser-possum has gone before -- or since -- that the Christian Identity melungeon baal-priest hating Rabbi brown-nosed this known Japanese homosexual activist and (jewish) Howard Stern supporter by showering him with such positive comments as "I really love Star Trek" and "You're a major celebrity, I just can't believe it." Actually, Pope Marty made criticisms of the yentaprise franchise but I'm too much of a lying melungeon baal-priest to ever tell the truth.

            To hear the allegedly shameful groveling for yourself, click here.

            So just who is George Takei and why would Martin Lindstedt praise him? Why won't George Takei spread a little ZOGbux Bridget Da Hi-Yaller Idjit's way? She does anal all the time!!!

            From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia run by us jew mamzers; "George Hosato Takei (April 20, 1937) is a Japanese American actor and author, best known for his role as Hikaru Sulu, helmsman of the USS Enterprise in the television series Star Trek. He also portrayed the character in 6 Star Trek feature films and in an episode of Star Trek: Voyager. He is a proponent of gay rights and active in state and local politics as well as continuing his acting career. He has won several awards and accolades in his work on human rights and Japanese - American relations, including his work with the Japanese American National Museum."

            From George's website; "George is a regular guest on The Howard Stern Show on Sirius XM Radio. George was the announcer and on-air personality during Stern's debut week in January 2006. George has made in-studio appearances on the show in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012. In addition to his role in the original Star Trek series, television appearances include Celebrity Apprentice and The Ellen DeGeneres Show." D-g, it made both me and Bridget's real and artificial manginas wettt thinking about it!!!

            While it's rather obvious that the genuine George did NOT call into "The Dik-Dik Show" it's certainly now kosher to refer to Rabbi Samuelson as "Sci-Fi Lindstedt." In case none of you remember, me and Sci-Fi and Hal Turner had a devlishly pisser-possum ZOGbot idea to kick Pope Marty out of his own Church because he wouldn't let me and Brian Wright/Lyin' Wonger, my fellow melungeon wannabe baal-priest and prison bitch get to steal MoGullet's Church of the Sons of YHWH trust fund. I'd go ass-to-mouth with Sci-Fi Faber, but I threatened to turn him into ZOG back when I was doing meth in the summer of 2009.


            jew'll never catch me sucking other Pisser-Possum cock . . . . .

            . . . . . . 'Cause I ALWAYS swallow!!!


            • TMT -- Episode #129 - Black Thursday Aftermath & Counter-Attack -- 1 jew-lie 12

              The Movement Turd

              jew-lie 1, 2012
              The Word as Heard on the Turd

              TMT -- Episode #129 - Black Thursday Aftermath & Counter-Attack -- 1 jew-lie 12
              Time: jew-lie 1, 2012 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST


              TMT -- Episode #129 - Black Thursday Aftermath & Counter-Attack -- 1 jew-lie 12

              So Black Thursday cum & cum & cum & wiped off & went like an Esther-kikess with crabs & herpes & venereal warts & chlymidia & left ZOGling whiggers rode hard & put up wet & the question remains as we lay like typpycull ZOGling whgigger ass-clowns on the mattress dripping with sweat and spunk and already absently itching and about to break out in a rash: What's next?

              Well, if you ask a Republicunt parasite the answer is clear: [S]Elect Republicunt stupid and evil ass-clowns for the Senate and House and [s]elect Mittens Palooka-Romney to kick out the First Nigger out on itz black ass and all will be well with the New Turd Whirrrrld Repub[l]ick of ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final.

              Of course, since this black-robed jewttle$nake jewdge jewn Roberts [d]ruled that since Obongo-care individual mandate to enrich the insurance cumpanies before slaughter to pay for nigger&beaner-care out of whigger pockets is supposedly a "tax" then the Republicunt-cuntrolled House can refuse to lay or collect the "tax" and there you have it. Itz a tax imposed by skull-dug-fukery in the dead of night by the 2010 CONgress and it doesn't have to be collected by Republicunts at all. Therefore, we don't need to [s]elect a Republicunt CONgress or First Whigger. All that is needed is for the Republicunt House of Representatives to simply cut off the entitlements already not paid for and shut down ZOG like threatened to do last August. As an experienced former whore-monger let me tell you whiggaz: You show the whore that you have the ZOGbux before getting the trick but you don't leave the money on the nightstand until after you get jewrs. Then if you're not satisfied and you think you can beat the pimp's or cathouse bouncer's ass then you don't put out either. Likewise with Republicunt politicians. Gimme sum lovin' first before you get jewrs.

              Likewise in the bowel Movement we already have the power to accomplish what we can by doing nothing. We can refuse to listen to lies and nonsense and we can refuse to sent in our ZOGbux today. Bowel Movement 'leadersheep' will hear and kvetch.

              After-Action Report: Ranting and raving about Obongo-care and the chickenshit Republicunts and bowel-Movement fuktards. New parody song debuts: What Do You Get When You Fuck With jews?


              Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


              Start Time (EDT): 07/01/12 9:30 PM EDT/8:30 PM CST
              Duration (minutes): 120+.

              Download link:
     Archive Directory
     Archive Directory

              Temporary Download Link

     Re-Engineered 32kps Talksjew Download
     16kps @

              Chat Transcript:

              Hail Victory!!!

              Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
              Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

              Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 07-12-2012, 03:46 AM.

              Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
              Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


              • TMT -- Episode #129.5 - Farce of jew-lie Aftermath -- 5 jew-lie 12

                The Movement Turd

                jew-lie 5, 2012
                The Word as Heard on the Turd

                TMT -- Episode #129.5 - Farce of jew-lie Aftermath -- 5 jew-lie 12
                Time: jew-lie 1, 2012 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST


                TMT -- Episode #129.5 - Farce of jew-lie Aftermath -- 5 jew-lie 12

                There is sumthang about the Farce of jew-lie which stirs ZOGling whigger herd-animal hearts even when they have just been rapped across theyz' ZOGling whigger herd-animal snouts while lined up at the trough and given the news that the next white-meat on call for the slaughter is whigger. Whigger -- the other white meat, to be coonsumed by jews in the Final PurimFest and aided by niggers who love that Bar-Be-jew long pork as well. The non-white [d]rules and the whigger drools, which is what YHWH said would happen just before Jesus Christ's Second Coming.

                So we look back on events the past week or so and give a comment upon what's cumming up.

                After-Action Report: Both Kennewick Mamzer of the NimTards and Chris Drake called in. Kennewick Mamzer admitted calling in an hoaxing The Movement Turd, but admittedly sounds normally like George Takei. Kennewick Mamzer then went on to spoof a number of Talksjew shows, some of whom likewise bit. Jeromy Visser and Obie-gender-bender-pissers-poofter-possum wish to falsely claim that politeness was the same as advocacy of Jap faggots which is par for mamzerkike faggots. Chris Drake called about a number of things and we discussed his series Cruel New World.


                Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


                Start Time (EDT): 07/05/12 9:30 PM EDT/8:30 PM CST
                Duration (minutes): 120+.

                Download link:
       Archive Directory
       Archive Directory

                Temporary Download Link

       Original 32kps Talksjew Download
       16kps @

                Chat Transcript:

                Hail Victory!!!

                Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 07-15-2012, 01:10 PM.

                Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                • TMT -- Episode #130 - Never look a Gift Great Tribulation in the Mouth -- 8 jew-lie 12

                  The Movement Turd

                  jew-lie 8, 2012
                  The Word as Heard on the Turd

                  TMT -- Episode #130 - Never look a Gift Great Tribulation in the Mouth -- 8 jew-lie 12
                  Time: jew-lie 8, 2012 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST


                  TMT -- Episode #130 - Never look a Gift Great Tribulation in the Mouth -- 8 jew-lie 12

                  We live in a decaying world in which regime criminals do whatever they please without consequence simply because they have the power to do so, given that the popjewlation allows them to do so. So therefore the only hope for YHWH's Servant Nation lies not in a Revolution doing away with the [d]ruling jew and whigger regime criminals, but as in Noah's Day, in the extermination through civil war to be known as the Great Tribulation in the very near future. As Jesus Christ noted:

                  Originally posted by Matthew 24:21-22

                  21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

                  22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
                  So we see here that #1 That the White Race -- YHWH's Elect, is in no danger of going extinct and #2, that this Great Tribulation shall serve as a means by which YHWH cleanses the Earth of the misbegotten and evil and treasonous -- all of them root, trunk, branch and tender twig.

                  So each and every time in this The Movement Turd, the listeners have been informed time and again that there is no point to anyone forming an organization to go fight with ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final. Rather, listeners have been urged to think for themselves, to get close to YHWH and to provide for your friends and family you trust to bring over to the other side. Soon we will be to the end of Human History, but not before it is proven for once and for all that whigger and non-white governments are unable to function and survive.

                  Now Dual-Seedline Christian Identity says that certain "hue-men" are not even human. That they are abominations or the literal spawn of Satan who are "born evil" and doomed to die and to take as many whiggers as possible with them. These creatures are doomed and dangerous, especially when they pretend to be one of us in White Nationalism or Christian Identity, like the melungeon mamzer baal-priest criminal Jeromy Visser or Obadiah 1:18. They pretend that they have any say in how the genuine DSCI pastors and congregations organize their private churches. They sanctimoniously claim that YHWH's Elect shouldn't exterminate Satan's Spawn, especially the baby devils and baby traitors.

                  Which is lying nonsense. The Great Tribulation shall destroy everyone and everything except the Elect, and of that Elect, shall survive to see Christ's Second Coming shall be only a Remnant.


                  Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


                  Start Time (EDT): 07/08/12 9:30 PM EDT/8:30 PM CST
                  Duration (minutes): 3 Hours, 29 Minutes +.

                  Download link:
         Archive Directory
         Archive Directory

                  Temporary Download Link

         Re-Engineered 32kps Talksjew Download
         16kps @

                  Chat Transcript:

                  Hail Victory!!!

                  Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                  Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                  Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 07-13-2012, 06:17 AM.

                  Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                  Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                  • TMT -- Episode #130.5 - Wages of Evil -- 12 jew-lie 12

                    The Movement Turd

                    jew-lie 12, 2012
                    The Word as Heard on the Turd

                    TMT -- Episode #130.5 - Wages of Evil -- 12 jew-lie 12
                    Time: jew-lie 8, 2012 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST


                    TMT -- Episode #130.5 - -- 12 jew-lie 12

                    All across the ZOGling whigger & mamzer ass-clown fruited & nutted plain we hear the screams and moans of the critters as they start to realize that the wages of evil are bad shit cummin' down like a lavender rain of commie jew faggots dressed in Nutzi jewniform with GAIDS spunking down upon the ZOGling lumpen whiggertariate. There is indeed payment for evil and yes, Vagina, when it cums it ain't pretty.

                    For example, the gut-sick guido kiken-juden-weasel with formerly Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS now has ulcerative colitis, i.e. Aryan ass-GAIDS, or so it says. Can't admit that the reason it got a jew genetic immune deficiency disease arising from a jew asshole getting tired of being attached to a jew asshole, lawdys no! Aryan ass-GAIDS is the way to go because you might be able to pretend to being Aryan, like Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren and Jeromy Visser tried like steers to accomplish for purposes of deception. Whilst in deception, Rabbi LinderMiller is pretending to the Soviet Canuckistanis that VNNF/TGMNNF/GFRTCNNF is some sort of 'free speech 4 whiggers' even though that has been a dead letter since the Christmas Coup of 2004. Linder pretends in itz edgy way that there be sedition in them thar hills amongst the auntie-hillbillies in Kirksville, wherein the Missouri state jewnivershitty system gradjewmacates social workers and hue-mamzer pub[l]ic-service burrocrats, but while Linder's lips & snout say "Sieg Heil", Linder's bleeding bunghole sez, "Nein, nein, nein. Ick ben ein Guido-kiken-Weasel wif' juden Ass-GAIDS!" For justice doth cum even though the pretensions doth be tried to be maintained.

                    Likewise with the sundry pretensions within the Christian Identity portion of the bowel Movement. Anchorage Activist has within the past week first talked about the Christian Identity meeting in Guin Alabama, which in turn was picked up by Jim Goad. Then "Obadiah 1:18" aka Obie-gender-bender-pissers-poofter-possum was caught criticising Rocky Sudhaya of the American Nazi Party even though it was no concern of Obie's whatsoever in order to get closer to Harold Covington. Obie got itz transgendered mamzer-kike snout rapped. Then AA found out from NimBusters, that Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren/SoredMamzer had disabled itz Talksjew "Hitler Worsesheep" Channel with Rabbi MildSwill Finckelsheenie, and packed up itz mamzer ass from Mentor and was departed to private parts unknown (possibly giving high-colonics to the Danny DeVito of WikiPedia-Talksjew CI in Shreveport via Pine Bluff, ala the Southron Sodomy Solution). In any case, it was less of a victory for free speech and more a matter of the Mamzer from Mentor Auntie-Waycist Support System collapsing.

                    The same ol' same ol' lies are collapsing. Nobody believes the same ol stupid judenshiess that they used to swallow hole-sale from ZOG. No, nobody believes Stupid ZOG Shit. Something dreadfool this way cums, and it is payback. The Saints rejoice, the sinners moan with fear. The wages of Evil are death wholesale.

                    Us genuine Dual-Seedline Christian Identity types call it "The Great Tribulation." And we greet it with joy.

                    The Work Waits; I'm Alive at Last & Filled With Joy
                    Doggerel by FIPS

                    There's a hole in the world like a great black pit
                    And it's filled with people who are filled with shit
                    And the vermin of the world inhabit it.
                    But not for long...

                    They all deserve to die.
                    Tell you why, Mrs. Lovett, tell you why.
                    Because in all of the whole human race
                    Mrs. Lovett, there are two kinds of men and only two
                    There's the one staying put in his proper place
                    And the one with his foot in the other one's face
                    Look at me, Mrs Lovett, look at you.

                    No, we all deserve to die
                    Tell you why, Mrs. Lovett, tell you why.
                    Because the lives of the wicked should be made brief
                    For the rest of us death will be a relief
                    We all deserve to die.

                    Alright! You sir, you sir, how about a shave?
                    Come and visit your good friend Sweeney.
                    You sir, too sir? Welcome to the grave.

                    Not one man, no, nor ten men.
                    Nor a hundred can assuage me.
                    I will have you!

                    But the work waits!
                    I'm alive at last!
                    And I'm full of joy!

                    After-Action Report: Yakub Israel of the Real phorafags/feebs and from Manitoba Soviet Canuckistan calls in and we discuss forums and maybe cummin' back to StumbleInn. A few Canuckistan songs by Stan Rogers are played. A Bible Study concerning II Samuel Chapter 21 and how Israel under King David suffered a famine because King Saul killed some Gibeonites/Amorites because of the hatred brought about by the Israelite-Benjamite Civil War under Phineas. The Piss-Pul end up having to pay for the misconduct of theyz' [d]rulers.


                    Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


                    Start Time (EDT): 07/12/12 9:30 PM EDT/8:30 PM CST
                    Duration (minutes): 120+.

                    Download link:
           Archive Directory
           Archive Directory

                    Temporary Download Link

           Original 32kps Talksjew Download
           16kps @

                    Chat Transcript:

                    Hail Victory!!!

                    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 07-18-2012, 09:59 PM.

                    Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                    Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                    • TMT -- Episode #131 -- Going With The Flow of History -- 15 jew-lie 12

                      The Movement Turd

                      jew-lie 15, 2012
                      The Word as Heard on the Turd

                      TMT -- Episode #131 -- Going With The Flow of History -- 15 jew-lie 12
                      Time: jew-lie 15, 2012 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST


                      TMT -- Episode #131 -- Going With The Flow of History -- 15 jew-lie 12

                      I have pointed out numerous times on this show that the situation that the White Race/YHWH's Servant Nation faces is hopeless but not serious. Nothing can be done because until the current Order of ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final is swept away, nothing can be done. As has happened before the only thing to be done was to create, with YHWH's direction and assistance as in Noah's Day, your own personal salvation and to let the present decaying world be swept away. You need to understand that nothing can be saved outside your own personal control, that it is not up to save the entire decaying and idiotic whigger world, but rather your own personal little world of family and friends, and not even most of them.

                      I monitor the bowel Movement. There is beginning to get a sort of understanding that not all of ZOG/Babylon can be saved nor should be saved. There is a bottomless appetite for "Zombie Apocalypse" 'entertainment because so many are facing a 'Whigger Apocacacrapse' in which whiggers face extermination and colluding in their own personal destruction from mindless [w]hordes of ZOGling critters with nothing left mentally other than a hunger for maiming, killing and eating other whiggers.

                      I'm listening to Mikey-Kikey Delaney and the gut-sick guido-kiken-weasel with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS running a VNNF/TGMNNF/GFRTCNNF bitching to the Soviet Canuckistans about the evils of censorsheep when such practices same. Obie-gender-bender-pissers-poofter-possum got itzself a microphone and was with Da Melungeon Pisser-Possum screetching about itz favorite topic, i.e. Marty, Marty, Marty and how genuine DSCI Tribulation policy must be changed in order to not let 'innocent' ZOGling whiggers, mamzers and jews suffer unduly for the Wrath of YHWH. Such is life in the open-air coast to coast NutHouse.

                      What needs to be understood is that the bowel Movement is unable to change the flow of History. Regardless of what is done or not done, collapse of this Mighty Evil Empire into the ass-heap of History is inevitable. Therefore the only thing to do is to hunker down and save yourself.


                      Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


                      Start Time (EDT): 07/15/12 9:30 PM EDT/8:30 PM CST
                      Duration (minutes): 3 Hours, 29 Minutes +.

                      Download link:
             Archive Directory
             Archive Directory

                      Temporary Download Link

             Re-Engineered 32kps Talksjew Download
             16kps @

                      Chat Transcript:

                      Hail Victory!!!

                      Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                      Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                      Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 07-22-2012, 12:39 PM.

                      Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                      Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                      • TMT -- Episode #131.5 -- Can you afford to live if you are unwilling to do so at the expense of your oppressors? -- 19 jew-lie 12

                        The Movement Turd

                        jew-lie 19, 2012
                        The Word as Heard on the Turd

                        TMT -- Episode #131.5 -- Can you afford to live if you are unwilling to do so at the expense of your oppressors? -- 19 jew-lie 12
                        Time: jew-lie 19, 2012 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST


                        TMT -- Episode #131.5 -- Can you afford to live if you are unwilling to do so at the expense of your oppressors? -- 19 jew-lie 12

                        Here in Missery, the primary [s]election is on Tuesday, August 7th and all the polytickians, especially the Repulsivecunts are giving out their political ads about what lying scumbags theys' fellow Repulsivecunts are for Sheriff or Lt. Governor or especially jew-ass Oy Vey Senate. There is a pretense that these wannabe regime criminals are in any way superior to other pieces of shit who are in no way different, like Mittens Romney pretending that Obongocare or gun control is bad when forced upon other ZOGlings but good when forced upon mASS-of-jew-shits ZOGling ass-clowns when Shittens is gubbernatard. Whigga puh-leeeze!

                        Let's understand something. ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final is about to cum a cropper. The-m-asses are going to die like maggots when shit hits the fan. They are the grass and the Great Tribulation is the lawn-mower. Don't YOU be caught flatfooted when what happens happens.

                        I have pointed out numerous times on this show that the situation that the White Race/YHWH's Servant Nation faces is hopeless but not serious. Nothing can be done because until the current Order of ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final is swept away, nothing can be done. As has happened before the only thing to be done was to create, with YHWH's direction and assistance as in Noah's Day, your own personal salvation and to let the present decaying world be swept away. You need to understand that nothing can be saved outside your own personal control, that it is not up to save the entire decaying and idiotic whigger world, but rather your own personal little world of family and friends, and not even most of them.

                        I monitor the bowel Movement. There is beginning to get a sort of understanding that not all of ZOG/Babylon can be saved nor should be saved. There is a bottomless appetite for "Zombie Apocalypse" 'entertainment because so many are facing a 'Whigger Apocacacrapse' in which whiggers face extermination and colluding in their own personal destruction from mindless [w]hordes of ZOGling critters with nothing left mentally other than a hunger for maiming, killing and eating other whiggers.

                        What needs to be understood is that the bowel Movement is unable to change the flow of History. Regardless of what is done or not done, collapse of this Mighty Evil Empire into the ass-heap of History is inevitable. Therefore the only thing to do is to hunker down and save yourself. But what to do when you have survived but so too have evildoers? Are you going to do nothing and let those who who made this mess survive and prosper and let them live to do this all over again?

                        YHWH will forbid.

                        After-Action Report: I was discussing my renter's problems with the Newton County Sheriff's Department and Ken Copeland's piglice knocking holes in my doors simply because like dogs licking their nuts, they could. Also discussed was the hot weather and the drought and selling the herds. Pisser-possums show up in the chat. Because Talksjew shut down the show early that night, over two weeks later, on August 3, 2012 I recorded a three-minute ending and closed the show.


                        Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


                        Start Time (EDT): 07/19/12 9:30 PM EDT/8:30 PM CST
                        Duration (minutes): 1 Hour, 17 Minutes +.

                        Download link:
               Archive Directory
               Archive Directory

                        Temporary Download Link

               Re-Engineered 32kps Talksjew Download
               16kps @

                        Chat Transcript:

                        Hail Victory!!!

                        Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                        Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                        Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 08-03-2012, 05:51 PM.

                        Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                        Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                        • TMT -- Episode #132 -- No Cunt-tree 4 ZOGling Whigger & Mamzer Ass-Clowns -- 22 jew-lie 12

                          The Movement Turd

                          jew-lie 22, 2012
                          The Word as Heard on the Turd

                          TMT -- Episode #132 -- No Cunt-tree 4 ZOGling Whigger & Mamzer Ass-Clowns -- 22 jew-lie 12
                          Time: jew-lie 22, 2012 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST


                          TMT -- Episode #132 -- No Cunt-tree 4 ZOGling Whigger & Mamzer Ass-Clowns -- 22 jew-lie 12

                          When I heard that some clever little mamzer had gotten some guns and went to town to kill a dozen or so ZOGlings and shoot several scores more, then I did what I usually do when it seems that random social destruction strikes: I laughed.

                          Having been imprisoned, drugged, tortured and having my family destroyed by the local, state and federal ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final, I just enjoy it when what goes around cums around onto ZOGling whigger and mamzer ass-clowns. As I look at it, they deserve exactly whatever they get, as there are no innocents, only sides. Satan's children really need to die, as do everyone who sides with ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final.

                          That means that since there is no longer -- actually never was -- any such thing as [d]rule of [f]law in ZOG's criminal regime, so then the only consideration in dealing with regime criminals and herd animal enablers are considerations of power. As I look at it, there is no such thing as 'innocent' regime criminals or piglice or lawyers or jewdges or politicians and thus thier extermination is doing YHWH's Work, since their regime is designed to destroy YHWH's Servant Nation. Nor does this consideration stop at the shepherds of Satan, but also extends to their diseased herd animals. As I look at it, one diseased misbegotten animal destroyed the lives of other diseased misbegotten animals and thus things are as they should be. cf Luke 13:1-9. So if YHWH don't give a shit about diseased animals running to and fro, then why should I? There were none of YHWH's Sheep attending a Bat-mamzer movie with other ZOGlings in some niggertown in Colorado that early morning. Rather, our kind avoids being around those who are of, and those who enable the biological and adoptive spawn of Satan.

                          Now there are certain jews and mamzers infesting the bowel Movement, particularly pretending to be Christian Identity, who simply have no idea of how to hide theyz' kike tails and snouts. And thus their kvetching and moaning and oy veying should be ignored.

                          There was some shifting as well as shitting in the bowel Movement this week. The gut-sick kikenguido-weasel with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS, er, Ulcertaive Colitis/Aryan ass-GAIDS was interviewed by the former Ol' Finckelsheenieite Pickle-Twat Carolyn Yaeger. Linder announced a de facto purge of the Christians, especially Christian Identity on itz Greater Free-Range Tard Corral, i.e. VNNF. Linder was going openly ass to mouth with TraitorGlenn Miller and wanting to be porked by the Turkish mamzers of Golden Dawn. It is unknown whether the little weasel looking for itz main chance again mistook "Golden Dawn" with "Golden Showers" but itz always time to try throwing anything into the breech to plug Linder's bleeding bunghole.

                          Axis Sally went to seek the big time in the bowel Movement and left Covington's Radio Free Northwest, obviously unaware that there is no 'big time' in the bowel Movement and if there was, then it was with Covington's NorthWest Front. Oh well.

                          And tomorrow will be a decade since Fearless Leader William Pierce croaked off of pancreatic cancer and shut down the CreaTard Elohim Shitty in West Virginia, leaving Hadding the Loveless Mattoid Meercat, Kevin Alfred Strom and WhiggerSwill Welass and a swarm of anglo-mestizo mamzers bereft. Contrary to Covington claiming that Pierce took the Order ZOGbux out of the ZOGland settling down with a well-used pUkranian honey formerly working out of Tel Aviv, it seems that Pierce wasn't resurrectimucated after three daze, regardless of mattoid meercat ZOGbot blogging.

                          Oh well, we know ZOGling whigger and mamzer tards when we see them. So did the Aurora shooter. This is no cunt-tree for ZOGling whigger and mamzer ass-clowns. Stupidity now has itz own reward. ZOG can't protect jewrself. Those of you pure whigger persuasion, best bleat aloud mightily to be saved from the Crapture to Cum.

                          After-Action Report: Russ Walker makes an appearance in the second segment done the Monday after the show was recorded live. Also Kennewick_Man, higher functioning NimTard calls in impersonating a Bill Lumbergh of Office Space impersonating a Talksjew Oafishul and demanding a TPS Report. I played along and in return, Mr. Sulu provided an Intro for The Movement Turd warning off 'Mischevious Pisser-Possums". Following is the debut of "This is NOT the Hal Turner Show."


                          Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


                          Start Time (EDT): 07/22/12 9:30 PM EDT/8:30 PM CST
                          Duration (minutes): 4 Hours, 20 Minutes +.

                          Download link:
                 Archive Directory
                 Archive Directory

                          Temporary Download Link

                 Re-Engineered 32kps Talksjew Download
                 16kps @

                          Chat Transcript:

                          Hail Victory!!!

                          Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                          Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                          Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 08-28-2012, 06:05 PM.

                          Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                          Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                          • TMT -- Episode #132.5 -- Itz a ZOG eat ZOG-dog world -- 26 jew-lie 12

                            The Movement Turd

                            jew-lie 26, 2012
                            The Word as Heard on the Turd

                            TMT -- Episode #132.5 -- Itz a ZOG eat ZOG-dog world -- 26 jew-lie 12
                            Time: jew-lie 26, 2012 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST


                            TMT -- Episode #132.5 -- Itz a ZOG eat ZOG-dog world -- 26 jew-lie 12

                            Well, today I drove over to the korthouse to see the County Clerk as Chief [S]Election Oafishul run through the sample ballots on the voting machines to tabulate that they work. Afterwards I went and made an appointment to chew on their asses about how the Newton County Sheriff's Office destroyed my family and some of its piglice tortured me and broke out four of my teeth. I will ask for $100,000 in damages and that Copeland be censured and that this taser-torturing pig named Richard Leavens be fired.

                            While leaving the korthouse I seen this evil judge Kevin Lee Selby and it asked me how I was doing as if it was my beast friend in the world instead of an evil anglo-mestizo jungle-judge that deliberately destroyed my family and sent me illegally to the NutHouse to be doped up and illegally imprisoned indefinitely. I, mindful that there was a pig or two nearby said that I was doing better now than in a jail cell or a NutHouse crib. Selby run off before I could take itz picture with my cell phone.

                            Anyway, the biggest tempest is that the Ashkenazi Defecation League is taking down the web pages of jewboys and baal-priests like Eliar James/jewseph Kutz-November and threatening to do so with Rabbi MildSwill Finckelsheenie and Kluntz Meercat Markkk Klowney. And I can't help but gloat about how these jewboys and mamzers and baal-priest hypocrites who have censored others -- especially myself -- are now finding out that itz a ZOG-eat-dog whirrrlllld.

                            So what to do? Panic? Or rather keep on keeping on?

                            After-Action Report: Call-in Guest was Yakub Israel of Gangsta Bolshevik Radio and Kane's Real Phora. Discussed was what was known about the Ashkenazi Defecation League takedown of Rabbi Eliar James/jewseph Kutz-November, no stranger to censorsheep itzself as he in coonjunction with Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren and probably MildSwill Finckelsheenie took down a number of my web pages, forums and blogs, along with the first incarnation of The Movement Turd. What goes around cums around, but we can't be sure it this is simply a false-flag operation to justify taking down other, genuine, WN/CI web pages.


                            Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


                            Start Time (EDT): 07/26/12 9:30 PM EDT/8:30 PM CST
                            Duration (minutes): 3 Hours, 4 Minutes +.

                            Download link:
                   Archive Directory
                   Archive Directory

                            Temporary Download Link

                   Re-Engineered 32kps Talksjew Download
                   16kps @

                            Chat Transcript:

                            Hail Victory!!!

                            Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                            Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                            Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 08-28-2012, 06:53 PM.

                            Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                            Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                            • TMT -- Episode #133 -- ZOGlings do not respect 'Free Speech' -- 29 jew-lie 12

                              The Movement Turd

                              jew-lie 29, 2012
                              The Word as Heard on the Turd

                              TMT -- Episode #133 -- ZOGlings do not respect 'Free Speech' -- 29 jew-lie 12
                              Time: jew-lie 29, 2012 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST


                              TMT -- Episode #133 -- ZOGlings do not respect 'Free Speech' -- 29 jew-lie 12

                              On Wednesday afternoon the Chicago sephardic marrano jew Eli James/jewseph Kutz-November sent out an e-mail to his supporters bitching about how the bigger jews of the Ashkenazi Defecation League were writing to his Internet Service Provider for its pathetic web page that hasn't been updated for years. One of my numerous spies notified me about this and I sat back to watch events unfold. Wednesday night, on the wannabe polygamous jew that carries Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS to itz spawn, Dan Johns, had a quick request to finish off itz Talksjew show and to immediately call the jewnibrowed, shitskinned, slant-eyed Mamzer from Mentor, Ol' Niggerlips itzself, Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren. Another jewboy with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS, Steve Elder/Kommandork McFagg wondered if his 'little buttie' SoredMamzer was still with Rabbi MildSwill Finckelsheenie, the murderous piglice jewrsey shitty jewboy. Well, the answer is 'yes.' Rabbi Finckelsheenie is still deeply going ass-to-mouth with itz little shitskin mamzer faggot factotum SwordBrethren/SoredMamzer, and actually did a Talksjew program with it this Sunday, 29 jew-lie 2012.

                              So what to think about this matter? Anchorage Activist 'thinks' it is a great tragedy for these censoring jewboys and mamzers to in turn have their web pages and forums and blogs taken down. Anchorage Activist 'thinks' that it is d-g-awfool for a Chicago sephardic jew mamzer like Eli James to get itz pathetic web page taken down. Doesn't he know or care that Eli James and Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren were overheard on Nov. 26, 2010 plotting to take down NimBusters and to call the Chicago FBI on them? Or that on Jan 7, 2011 that Eli James and MildSwill Finckelsheenie were gloating about how 'Eli James and Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren took down all of Lindstedt's web pages? Apparently not because Anchorage Activist was being nice to LiarBill 'MumpsNut' DeClue(less), my former (by three daze) ordained delusional 85 IQ (on a good day), 250-lbs of d-gshit in a 150-lb sack, alleged niglet-niece molesting (actually it is none too clear as to which one of LiarBill's nieces he sexually assaults), mumps-nutted (actually LiarBill only has one mumpsnut and is a Deuteronomy 23:1 excluded eunuch) petty criminal and ZOGbot snitch. Anchorage Activist doesn't seem to know that LiarBill/MumpsNut acted as a Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren Terms of Service snitch over on Da MamzerBarrell back when it was the QueerBarrell and StumbleInn. LiarBill, along with Da Pisser-Possum jewromy Visser was banned for TOS snitching. However, Obie-gender-bendering-pissers-poofter-possum's Two and a Half Mamzers forum was actually the place wherein the two mamzers Obie-gender-bender and SwordBrethren along with half-a-mamzer whigger like LiarBill/MumpsNut could TOS/DMCA snitch and interfere with Pastor John Britton's federal civil lawsuit involving a helicopter crash that Rolls Royce didn't want to make good on at the time. Two and a Half Mamzers Forum has never been about anything other than jews and mamzers and faggots getting to pretend to be Dual-Seedline Christian Identity and going against the real Remnant DSCI aboveground Church that isn't the wall-to-wall jewboys and 'Wandering Mamzers of WikiPedia/Talksjew CI."

                              Anyway, LiarBill/MumpsNut was busily trying to claim that when it cum down to my house 300 miles one-way to get ordained and that I fed it some spaghetti that the reason it puked it up wasn't because of TraitorGlenn Miller fear but rather because I cooked it in my own urine. An idiotic lie, but LiarBill/MumpsNut is both delusional and retarded. While Roxie has said that my piss jugs are used only for fertilizing my garden and asparagus patch across the street, I've decided to agree with LiarBill/MumpsNut and admit that LiarBill did eat urine spaghetti and in fact thought that I was a weird holey man like Gandhi and so it gulped down 6.66 of my piss-jugs and took some home with it thinking that it tasted like Mountain Dew. Anyway, why not? But now that Obie-gender-bender is yanking the LiarBill/MumpsNut tenuous chain of Reality trying to make LiarBill/MumpsNut from a TOS snitch for SwordBrethren into a born-again defender of Internut liberty, well who am I to stand in itz way. Especially since the weather is so very hot and the piss-jugs across the street are a-piling up?

                              Now have either Eliar James/jewseph Kutz-November or Rabbi Finckelsheenie gotten any religion of free-speech now that the bigger jewboys of the ADL have struck? Are you shitting me? Eliar James blocked 'jewromy_Visser' gloating about it on Criscodegeneros and the Voice of Satannic D-g talksjew podcasts. Rabbi MildSwill Finckelsheenie and Cryin' Lyin' Brian/SoredMamzer don't even allow that much ridicule although I did sneak in Friday night and leave some Movement turds in the chatroom until Matt TwOtt ZOGbott, holder of the 42BB tittays, blocked that shit. When jewboys are attacked by bigger jewboys taking away their Internut presence the default position of these Spawn of D-g is automatically clench down on uppity goyim gloating like the Gut-Sick Guido-Kiken Weasel with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS, er, Ulcerative Colitis/Aryan ass-GAIDS over on VNNF/TGMNNF/GFRTCNNF. Itz simply not in the kike psyche to let the Whiggers get to say anythang any more than it is jew nature to let the goyim get a shekel to live on.

                              Finckelsheenie getting the boot on is no great loss for either Whigger Nutsionalism or 'Wandering Mamzers of WikiPedia/Talksjew Christian Identity.' Every single ZOGbot fuktard that Finckelsheenie hosts is a censoring whigger or mamzer or jew anyway, be it Ol' Finckelsheenieite Pickle-Cunt Carolyn Yeager or the Sapphiracy of Klunt and Meercat Markkk Klowney. Finckelsheenie never preached anything other than marrano jew papist preterism, mistranslated the New Testament into a jew testymint, pretended to be a G[r]eek Skrewler, and got Capt'n Senility Clifton Emahiser the guido wonder to butcher and abridge Bertrand Comparet. Scattering this Temple of D-g across the fruited and nutted ZOG-plain and making these mamzerkikes into a pack of mangy Internut refugees is a good thang.

                              So, yes, when jew eats jew, itz more fun than a barrel of mamzers.

                              After-Action Report: Kennewick Man from Nim-Busters showed up as a guest and didn't take over the show while I was kicked off for 3-4 minutes. Discussed extensively was the censorship of the jewboy baal-priests Eli James and Bill Finck and Mike Delaney by overt jewboys from the ADL.


                              Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


                              Start Time (EDT): 07/29/12 9:30 PM EDT/8:30 PM CST
                              Duration (minutes): 2 Hours, 27 minutes +

                              Download link:
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                     Re-Engineered 32kps Talksjew Download
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                              Chat Transcript:

                              Hail Victory!!!

                              Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                              Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                              Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 08-12-2012, 02:43 PM.

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                              Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                              • TMT -- Episode #133.5 -- Whining baal-priests and jewboys oy vey on -- 2 August 12

                                The Movement Turd

                                August 2, 2012
                                The Word as Heard on the Turd

                                TMT -- Episode #133.5 -- Whining baal-priests and jewboys oy vey on -- 2 August 12
                                Time: August 2, 2012 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST


                                TMT -- Episode #133.5 -- Whining baal-priests and jewboys oy vey on -- 2 August 12

                                Tuesday I drove over to the korthouse to see the County Commission about paying recompense for their Occupation Army of local-ZOG, the Newton County Sheriff's Department for destroying my family and how some of its piglice tortured me and broke out four of my teeth. I asked for $100,000 in damages and that Copeland be censured and that this taser-torturing pig named Richard Leavens be fired. Of course the collection of the Evil, the Bad and the Stupid punted and essentially fobbed me off. They will not do anything except tell Ken Copeland my demands and what I said about him, which is exactly what happened at the Newton County Republicunt Wymmins Watermelon Feed later that night. Ken the Bagman was all pissy and wanted to walk right over me with a collection of his piglice there. These regime criminals won't want to pay up for the evil they do until they have no choice in the matter.

                                Now some baal-priest jewboy mamzers and pisser-possums, some poofteroid, will whine and bitch and kvetch when I explain how it is idiotic to expect the adoptive and biological spawn of Satan doing the deeds of theyz father, cf. John 8:44, to simply quit doing as D-g has bade them. Nope, the only Hope of YHWH's Servant Nation is the Great Tribulation doing the heavy lifting of exterminating over 90% of the whiggers and almost all of the non-whites, mamzers and jews, letting YHWH judge the rest.

                                So I went to this Newton County Republicunt Wymmins Watermelon Feed and talked to the statewide candidates and figured out how far gone they were. Some of them were at least polite, like hogs wanting to be slopped when you carry both pail and stick. They were on theyz' be[a]st behavior unlike when they have ZOGbux for theyz campaign ads. I did talk to some of them as an open enemy and maniac. Politicians are interested in piss-pul like fleas are interested in d-gs. But the clown party will end soon on the primary [s]election on August 7th, and the ass-licking and dick-sucking of we, Da Piss-Pul, will be over and itz back to buzness as jewsual.

                                Meanwhile, in the bowel Movement the latest shitstorm is dying down, like when Babylon the Second was scattered. The Ashkenazi Defecation League is took down the web pages of jewboys and baal-priests like Eliar James/jewseph Kutz-November, who unused to being on the receiving end of ostensible jew censorsheep hasn't gotten its web page back yet. Meanwhile, like in Babylon when disrupted by YHWH's coonfounding theyz tongues, Rabbi MildSwill Finckelsheenie and Kluntz Meercat Markkk Klowney had to move off to other Internut pastures. Like myself, most of the $permFrontians can't help but gloat about how these jewboys and mamzers and baal-priest hypocrites who have censored others are now finding out that itz a ZOG-eat-dog whirrrlllld.

                                In further news, witless Aryan Nations mooch August Kreis let in another ZOG false front get to bring in a pack of criminal mamzers play "DSCI motorcycle gang" with the end result that the FBI collected a new mass of fuktards to arrest for some stupid shit. MoGulett is supposedly planning to put his Nigger of Islam Auxiliaries on wheels and do the exact same thing. Paul Mullet, who knows nothing about CI, paradoxically is doing the best job of running a pack of criminals as an Aryan Nations faction. LiarBill 'MumpsNut' DeClue(less), when that nitwit ZOGbot isn't trying to convince us all that it likes to eat and drink my urine, thinking it is coonsecrated Mountain Dew, agrees. Far better to ride a niglet-niece as opposed to a hog.

                                Meanwhile, the Pierceite CreaTards and Cosmotologists are arguing about the Legacy of the Decade-Dead Fearless Leader Doctor William Pierce. Some of them realize that Fearless Leader did as good a job with the Order ZOGbux as could be expected and ran a well-run tard corral before every other ober-shiessenkopfen-feeben-fatten-fartin-fuktard-fuerher tried to run itz own little tard corral without ZOGbux -- and failed. What none of them wish to admit is that Pierce simply was a working businessman and ZOGbot that ran a CreaTardivity Elohim City for skinhead yoots who got working capital from $400,000 of Order loot. Yes, Pierce was a cut above the Kevin Alfred Stroms, Hadding the Loveless Mattoid Meercat/Baby-KASses, WhiggerSwill Welases, Erich Gliebes, and Alex Linders in both intelligence and willpower, but without the 400,000 in Order ZOGbux, Pierce would have just been another one of the petty mail-order fuktards that nobody ever heard about, around half a Covington's worth.

                                So, nothing much new this week. Just the settlement from last week's shitstorm.

                                After-Action Report: LoganHunter88 calls in and after having trouble with an older woman is going to go back to broadcasting his Internut Talksjew Program, LoganHunter88's Conspiracy Theory Emporium starting on Friday August 3, 2012. LoganHunter had quite of things to say after being gone for over three months, some spent in the wilds of New Jersey.


                                Well, neither mamzer and jew and ZOGbot pisser-possums, Eliars, or finckelsheenies can be invited to The Secret Turd because of mamzer & jew persecution by Talksjew. However, since they seem to have found the no-longer Secret Talksjew bat-cave and like kikeling-ferengi have invaded here is the new link for as long as it lasts.


                                Start Time (EDT): 08/02/12 9:30 PM EDT/8:30 PM CST
                                Duration (minutes): 3 Hours, 6 Minutes +.

                                Download link:
                       Archive Directory
                       Archive Directory

                                Temporary Download Link

                       Re-Engineered 32kps Talksjew Download
                       16kps @

                                Chat Transcript:

                                Hail Victory!!!

                                Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                                Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                                Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 08-28-2012, 07:10 PM.

                                Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                                Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum

