Joe Pennsylvania: Comments on having Mr Sulu call into TMT 127.5
Joe Pennsylvania: Comments on having Mr Sulu call into TMT 127.5
Hi Martin,
It reminded me of the Bible verse from HABAKUK 1:5 for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.
'Who would have thought MR SULU would visit the MOVEMENT TURD lol
Just wanted to say you did a good job in your interview with George Takeai.
Adreas and the others are full of shit, claiming that was an impersonator. That WAS George Takaei !
I had to listen to the show on Archives and as soon as i heard his voice I said to myself, IS THAT GEORGE TAKEAI on Martin's show???
You should send Jim Giles, Fink , Johns and Eli a copy of the interview and rub it in that they never had a bigger celebrity on their shows LOL
It was kind of ironic too that after explaining in your email about Whiggers in the WN movement bringing non whites to their meetings that you get George Takeai to show up on your show. LOL Yahweh does have HUMOR!! LOL
Anyway..just some feedback. Have a great weekend
Joe Pennsylvania
Yesterday on The NimBusters, these tards claimed to have impersonated George Takei on the past show. This, when George Takei called in most of them had moved elsewhere.
I told this NimTard that if he had indeed impersonated George Takei, to simply log off and to log on as "TakeiG" and do it again. Easy, no?
This NimTard refused to do so. But then again, almost all NimTards are liars and mamzers.
I think it is indeed likely, albeit not certain, that it was the real George Takei who called in given not only the voice, but the quick matching of what is known about George Takei, and also that this person wasn't a NimTard not understanding anything about Buddhists. This person is likely George Takei, but not certainly George Takei.
Even Andy admitted that it was quite an impressive hoax. Takei seemed interested in setting the record straight about Hal Turner. And, unlike a NimTard, this George Takei was unfailingly polite and unflappable. NimTards are no such thing, being little jews and mamzers playing games in Mommy's basement.
Now what me and George Takei -- real or hoax -- have in common is pretty much nothing. What does an Aryan DSCI pastor have in common with a homosexual-rights Buddhist Japanese? Practically nothing. I did get "Mr Sulu" to admit that California is ungovernable and on the verge of collapse, in large part because of IDIC -- Infinite Die-ver-shitty & Infinite Coonbinations. It won't work in the Star Trek 'future' any more than in the real future.
Thanks for the comment, Joe. I'll put it on my forum.
By the way, you were not in last night when Steve Elder/Kommandork McFagg/SonofaBelial got all huffy when after claiming to be a "Pict" that Eliar James/jewseph Kutz-November pointed out that "Picts" were "Tubal-Kenites Avoidance Delugian" (my words) and "Amorite dwarfs imported by Cain/Sargon" in Eliar's words as written by some British Israelite scholar. Steve Elder pitched a fit, said Eliar was full of shit, and left in a Grand Fury. Or, since McFagg is an "Amorite dwarf" maybe a Yugo from Eliar's Talksjew chat. Finckelsheenie is more likely to pay attention to this split between Kommandork McFagg and Rabbi Eliar on Eliar's Talksjew show as opposed as to whether George Takei was on my TMT show.
Hail Victory!!!
Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
Joe Pennsylvania: Comments on having Mr Sulu call into TMT 127.5
Hi Martin,
It reminded me of the Bible verse from HABAKUK 1:5 for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.
'Who would have thought MR SULU would visit the MOVEMENT TURD lol
Just wanted to say you did a good job in your interview with George Takeai.
Adreas and the others are full of shit, claiming that was an impersonator. That WAS George Takaei !
I had to listen to the show on Archives and as soon as i heard his voice I said to myself, IS THAT GEORGE TAKEAI on Martin's show???
You should send Jim Giles, Fink , Johns and Eli a copy of the interview and rub it in that they never had a bigger celebrity on their shows LOL
It was kind of ironic too that after explaining in your email about Whiggers in the WN movement bringing non whites to their meetings that you get George Takeai to show up on your show. LOL Yahweh does have HUMOR!! LOL
Anyway..just some feedback. Have a great weekend
Joe Pennsylvania
Yesterday on The NimBusters, these tards claimed to have impersonated George Takei on the past show. This, when George Takei called in most of them had moved elsewhere.
I told this NimTard that if he had indeed impersonated George Takei, to simply log off and to log on as "TakeiG" and do it again. Easy, no?
This NimTard refused to do so. But then again, almost all NimTards are liars and mamzers.
I think it is indeed likely, albeit not certain, that it was the real George Takei who called in given not only the voice, but the quick matching of what is known about George Takei, and also that this person wasn't a NimTard not understanding anything about Buddhists. This person is likely George Takei, but not certainly George Takei.
Even Andy admitted that it was quite an impressive hoax. Takei seemed interested in setting the record straight about Hal Turner. And, unlike a NimTard, this George Takei was unfailingly polite and unflappable. NimTards are no such thing, being little jews and mamzers playing games in Mommy's basement.
Now what me and George Takei -- real or hoax -- have in common is pretty much nothing. What does an Aryan DSCI pastor have in common with a homosexual-rights Buddhist Japanese? Practically nothing. I did get "Mr Sulu" to admit that California is ungovernable and on the verge of collapse, in large part because of IDIC -- Infinite Die-ver-shitty & Infinite Coonbinations. It won't work in the Star Trek 'future' any more than in the real future.
Thanks for the comment, Joe. I'll put it on my forum.
By the way, you were not in last night when Steve Elder/Kommandork McFagg/SonofaBelial got all huffy when after claiming to be a "Pict" that Eliar James/jewseph Kutz-November pointed out that "Picts" were "Tubal-Kenites Avoidance Delugian" (my words) and "Amorite dwarfs imported by Cain/Sargon" in Eliar's words as written by some British Israelite scholar. Steve Elder pitched a fit, said Eliar was full of shit, and left in a Grand Fury. Or, since McFagg is an "Amorite dwarf" maybe a Yugo from Eliar's Talksjew chat. Finckelsheenie is more likely to pay attention to this split between Kommandork McFagg and Rabbi Eliar on Eliar's Talksjew show as opposed as to whether George Takei was on my TMT show.
Hail Victory!!!
Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri