The New Movement Turd
When Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren took down my web page in Quebec on iweb, I almost immediately bought a new web hosting page upon which to place my v-bulletin forum. This time with the understanding that this secret forum would remain just that -- a secret known only to myself wherein I would post my own observations and that of sundry sockpuppet accounts that I made up until such time as I got an injunction against Bryan Reo taking down my web pages, forums and blogs.
Pretty much every day, myself as "PastorLindstedt" and "Librarian" would make placeholder posts in order to time-stamp entries which later we could flesh out. Some days would be pretty busy and I'd have a number of entries, some days would have nothing but I'd make an entry anyway in order to insert what I missed later.
In the case of The Movement Turd, on a chat session just before I was to be kicked off of Talksjew by Bryan Reo and Eli James, some character named INTJlogic introduced himself and said that he would be willing to give me a place to store my archived Movement Turds. They could be stored on Hostgator, which had no Terms of Service against Bryan Reo cumplaints of racism, etc., and would demand to see a kort order if Bryan Reo or Eli James or LiarBill DeCluele(less) whined about defamation and slander. I looked at the Hostgator TOS/AUP and when INTJ said that he would pay for the first month's use and I'd take over the account by reimbursing him, I agreed. I never did trust INTJ and thought that he might be a ZOGbot wanting to make sure about what was said on The Movement Turd, but the NSA (National Security Agency) knows all, spies on all, anyway.
So the agreement with INTJ fell apart because INTJ, like most ZOGlings, can't keep an agreement that they make but seek always to change it to suit theysselfs. And so the mirror site has been taken down.
So now that I got back upm can I reveal all these hidden archives? The answer is no. The secret forum shall remain secret and be upgraded every day, just as the is upgraded and posted to every day. Foe every new post on this forum, a post is made to the secret forum. This way when there is a hiccup, like happened the other day, there is a backup.
So I have been going over the archives, changing the hyperlinks some before revealing the old posts. Every day more and more is revealed. But for programs like The Movement Turd, I'll be first revealing the new shows in the "Today's Fresh Fish" sub-forum first.
Now what is going to have to be done is to archive the entire "The Movement Turd" program series on the Library of Congress site. But in the meantime The Movement Turd will have the new shows placed in the following place for a week or so:
Where people are encouraged to download them for their own use and to then send them out to others everywhere.
Since my server space is limited, these shows won't be up there forever, but rather placed on a rotating basis and then with a link to the Library of Congress Archive page.
The entire White Nationalist Movement in general and the above-ground Christian Identity Church in particular has always had thieves, criminals and ZOGboits infesting it, but the past few years the Movement and CI now is nothing but ZOGbot mamzers like Bryan Reo and Commandork McFagg/Steve Elder and jews like Mike the Kike Delaney, Eli[ar] James/jewseph November-Kutz, and Rabbi Bill Finck-el-sheenie. They whine about the jews taking over while these jews take over.
The Movement Turd is the gossip and Movement news as to what is happening in the bowel Movement by a genuine activist of long experience. Nobody covers it better and under constant ZOGbot attack.
So tune in, turn on and what the heck, stay tuned for this installment of "The Movement Turd."
Hail Victory!!!
Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
When Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren took down my web page in Quebec on iweb, I almost immediately bought a new web hosting page upon which to place my v-bulletin forum. This time with the understanding that this secret forum would remain just that -- a secret known only to myself wherein I would post my own observations and that of sundry sockpuppet accounts that I made up until such time as I got an injunction against Bryan Reo taking down my web pages, forums and blogs.
Pretty much every day, myself as "PastorLindstedt" and "Librarian" would make placeholder posts in order to time-stamp entries which later we could flesh out. Some days would be pretty busy and I'd have a number of entries, some days would have nothing but I'd make an entry anyway in order to insert what I missed later.
In the case of The Movement Turd, on a chat session just before I was to be kicked off of Talksjew by Bryan Reo and Eli James, some character named INTJlogic introduced himself and said that he would be willing to give me a place to store my archived Movement Turds. They could be stored on Hostgator, which had no Terms of Service against Bryan Reo cumplaints of racism, etc., and would demand to see a kort order if Bryan Reo or Eli James or LiarBill DeCluele(less) whined about defamation and slander. I looked at the Hostgator TOS/AUP and when INTJ said that he would pay for the first month's use and I'd take over the account by reimbursing him, I agreed. I never did trust INTJ and thought that he might be a ZOGbot wanting to make sure about what was said on The Movement Turd, but the NSA (National Security Agency) knows all, spies on all, anyway.
So the agreement with INTJ fell apart because INTJ, like most ZOGlings, can't keep an agreement that they make but seek always to change it to suit theysselfs. And so the mirror site has been taken down.
So now that I got back upm can I reveal all these hidden archives? The answer is no. The secret forum shall remain secret and be upgraded every day, just as the is upgraded and posted to every day. Foe every new post on this forum, a post is made to the secret forum. This way when there is a hiccup, like happened the other day, there is a backup.
So I have been going over the archives, changing the hyperlinks some before revealing the old posts. Every day more and more is revealed. But for programs like The Movement Turd, I'll be first revealing the new shows in the "Today's Fresh Fish" sub-forum first.
Now what is going to have to be done is to archive the entire "The Movement Turd" program series on the Library of Congress site. But in the meantime The Movement Turd will have the new shows placed in the following place for a week or so:
Where people are encouraged to download them for their own use and to then send them out to others everywhere.
Since my server space is limited, these shows won't be up there forever, but rather placed on a rotating basis and then with a link to the Library of Congress Archive page.
The entire White Nationalist Movement in general and the above-ground Christian Identity Church in particular has always had thieves, criminals and ZOGboits infesting it, but the past few years the Movement and CI now is nothing but ZOGbot mamzers like Bryan Reo and Commandork McFagg/Steve Elder and jews like Mike the Kike Delaney, Eli[ar] James/jewseph November-Kutz, and Rabbi Bill Finck-el-sheenie. They whine about the jews taking over while these jews take over.
The Movement Turd is the gossip and Movement news as to what is happening in the bowel Movement by a genuine activist of long experience. Nobody covers it better and under constant ZOGbot attack.
So tune in, turn on and what the heck, stay tuned for this installment of "The Movement Turd."
Hail Victory!!!
Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri