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Linder Gets Mad At His Low- and No-Quality Whigger Tards

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  • Linder Gets Mad At His Low- and No-Quality Whigger Tards

    Linder Gets Mad At His Low- and No-Quality Whigger Tards

    Recent Thread on the LinderMiller Whorehouse 'Tard Corral':

    Originally posted by Wild Bill 'Kitty' Hyde

    Open Letter to Alex Linder

    You know I have always treated you with respect and courtesy Alex. I also have always appreciated this forum and tried to contribute accordingly as I could.

    So, I was certainly shocked this evening to find you suddenly removing my entire on topic post and posting in response:

    Originally posted by Lindowitz On The Rag
    can't spell, SHUT THE FUCK UP, IDIOT !
    Just what exactly was so misspelled Alex that you had to overreach so and come across as hysterical, vulgar and profane and scream demeaning pejoratives at a poster who's been in good standing on this forum since 2005?

    I do proof read my postings and I personally don't recall any misspellings, and if their were any they were certainly miniscule or a type-o.

    Obviously from your reply - you're taking issue with my making certain key-words bold so as to emphasize a point.

    I know I have seen plenty of misspellings by you on this board Alex, but I don't recall anyone having an anxiety attack over it and treating you like shit by comparison!

    I must say I think this whole thing is pretty petty and your outrageous reaction makes you appear quite the bully and asshole.

    We all know you have your moods and notorious moments Alex, but I hope this is not typical. Perhaps you reacted under stress and got out of hand with your personal attack and abusive reaction to me.- I myself have had much stress of late and even had to visit the hospital recently. I hope therefore we can rectify matters and leave this all behind. I hardly think the so-called "White Racialist movement" needs more self-induced division and bad blood. Whatever the case, I'll know from your reply who is the true Alex Linder.
    Originally posted by Alexis LinderMiller, gut-sick guido with jew ass-cancer

    First, your "Wild" makes me puke every time I see it.

    Little hint:

    Everyone on the internet is a fag, and should not pretend otherwise.

    2) I specifically said right before your post not to misspell the NAME of the fucking guy.

    Really, if you don't care enough to spell the guy's name right, why are you posting?

    Are you trying to come up with something that will be quoted to make the cause look stupid? That's my assumption.

    Yeah, I probably was overreacting but I'm sick of the clowns. You're just here for entertainment. Maybe that's a truth I need to face. Not one in fifty of you would put ANYHING on the line to change things. You won't follow anybody. You won't comply with simple requests. You don't won't or simply mentally can't pay attention to details. Man, who among you would I trust to fight jews with? Maybe a dozen at absolute most.

    You guys think this stuff is all a joke. Either that, or you don't believe we really can win, so what the fuck, might as well amuse yourself.

    I know what jews are like. I know how they think. They are cautious and frugal and observant. I can't beat them with a bunch of fucking clowns with kitty avatars and "Wild Bill" monikers. If I'm going to pay for this forum, then it's going in a serious direction. I really truly don't want people named "Wild Bill" around. Either get serious or go ride your Harley.

    Our cause is absolutely hamstrung between brains with no balls and balls with no brains.


    Who among you has that?

    Who among you can rise to the challenge of getting things right? Of actually using the forum for something more than stupid gossip and blowing off steam? Do you really get that much amusement out of laughing at niggers? I don't. One thing I particularly hate is running in cycles, and that's why we're going to revamp, and make standards even stricter.

    So, sorry Bill, you probably don't deserve it, but then again maybe you do.
    Well, my little gut-sick guido weasel with jew ass-cancer, you have gone up against one of the central realities of the White Nationalist [bowel] Movement: The low quality of whigger fuktards.

    Now you know, as well as I do, that the real purpose of the Internet is to both communicate and to propagandize just as the real purpose of sex is reproduction, but the wankers just want to have some fun.

    So, given that you made a choice to accept ZOG's shilling under the guidance of TraitorGlenn Miller and thus alienated jewrself forever from the Resistance, and over the past few years got rid or banned everyone who was able to stand up to you, now you are left with whining 'tards that you play d-g with. Yes, the 'Wild Bill' moniker along with the kitty avatard sure denotes an ass-clown whigger who doesn't understand what a real ass-clown it is and thus acts as a jape for jews and criminal regimeists. But you helped create jewr zoo and now that you have created a haven for wounded degenerate animals you wish to euthanize a few? That's not very fair. Wild Bill Kitty Hyde is wounded that you turned mean on its little tard ass.

    So, LinderMiller, you gut sick little guido with jew ass-cancer, if you want to clean up jewr zoo, then I suggest that like Hercules you flush out TraitorGlenn Miller. Five years of accepting ZOGbux and what do you got: A ZOG false-front operation and a couple hundred sick whigger tard clowns. Is it really fun being the sheriff of an insane ass-clown posse of whigger tards? Trying to sail into the wind between the demands of TraitorGlenn's handlers and what is expected of an Internut hate forum by net nutzis?

    Well, enjoy jewr life -- what is left of it, LinderMiller.

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 06-13-2009, 11:12 PM. Reason: Add Links

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  • #2
    LuckyLucyLinderstein and his pink spelling patrol are really going overboard today. Here is a new kid who sticks his head in to see what's going on at VNNF and they shit all over him for his spelling and punctuation even accusing him of being a troll, and they do all of this with their own poor English skills. They are truly pathetic cunts over there. Way to go all you millergirls!


    • #3
      LuckyLucyLinderstein has Wild Bill Kitty Avaturd On His Side Though!

      LuckyLucyLinderstein has Wild Bill Kitty Avaturd On His Side Though!

      Originally posted by whgrthumper View Post
      LuckyLucyLinderstein and his pink spelling patrol are really going overboard today. Here is a new kid who sticks his head in to see what's going on at VNNF and they shit all over him for his spelling and punctuation even accusing him of being a troll, and they do all of this with their own poor English skills. They are truly pathetic cunts over there. Way to go all you millergirls!
      What amuses me the most is that VNNF never was meant to be about quality people or posters. Rather it is to be the place where every little whigger nutsionalist can post his whiggroid 'MuhDikkk!!!' foolishness.

      So then Wild Bill 'Kitty-Avaturd' posts some typical whigger bullshit and Alexis LinderMiller goes off on him, deletes his thread, and puts Wild Bill Goofhead in the 'Lesser Free Range Tard Corral' subforum of the Greater Free Range Tard Corral NNF (GFRTCNNF).

      You see, Linder is such a goofy whigger shithead with an inflated head that now that this James Von Brunn situation had brought scrutiny upon his shitty forum Linder is all pissed that the low- or no-quality whigger shitheads make it look like niggers -- 'white nutsionalist' niggers -- infest Troll Central. So Linder blows up at one of his idiot whigger posters with a ridiculous 'kitty' avaturd. The kitty looks just like a fat, self-centered vain stupid whigger kitty, all self indulgent, and that is what made the pore little gut-sick guido weasel with jew ass-cancer go off on him. Linder is probably not at well happy as to the way his life has gone, and thinking about an 88 year old man who will be far more loved and respected in the White Nationalist community than he ever will be is what probably set Linder off.

      Plus the post appealed to my sense of the ridiculous. Why, doanchaknow . . . .

      Originally posted by Alexis LinderMiller, gut sick guido-weasel with jew ass-cancer
      I can't beat them [the j00z] with a bunch of fucking clowns with kitty avatars and "Wild Bill" monikers.
      . . . . the impending race war for the survival of the White Race depends upon this pore little gut-sick guido weasel with jew ass-cancer living off of a known federal informant paying for this false-front organization out of the petty cash drawer of the Department of ZOGland Insecurity!

      Some things and situations are just hilarious!

      Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
      Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
      Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 06-13-2009, 11:16 PM. Reason: Add Links

      Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
      Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


      • #4
        Et tu, Brutus -- OR -- Five Tards In The Hopper And Counting!!!

        Et tu, Brutus?

        -- OR --

        Five Tards In The Hopper & Counting!!!

        Originally posted by Spy#333 in Troll Central

        Linderwitz is now kicking ass and taking names in his irrelevant forum once again. I guess it's very easy for him to slap down even one of his most senior posters, who's also a former mod and a longtime supporter of both TGM and Linderwitz, since Brutus, like all of the other VNNF lifers, is completely disinclined to tell Ally-boy where to go.

        Personally, I don't understand why Linderman reacted this way to Brutus' post (which seemed perfectly reasonable to me, as did a now deleted post from R. Upchuck who was banned earlier this evening) at #99:

        Originally posted by LinderMiller Post #97

        Already three commenters have been Tarded out of this thread.

        If you don't spell this guy's name right, it will happen to you.

        Serious comments only. No peanut-brained speculation about setups.


        Post #99

        Originally posted by brutus
        On the other hand, of course I can fully understand why this was done. If I were diagnosed with a terminal disease or if I were elderly and on my last legs, I might very well attempt to go out in grand fashion as did our Brother.
        And furthermore, I will not find fault with our Brother for not taking out any jews. He tried. And that's good enough for me. I honor him for his efforts.

        Our heroic Brother tried to do the work that should have been the duty of our younger, more qualified men. That was where "we" went wrong.
        You sound like an anti, Brutus. Are you?

        The real story:

        Decorated WWII veteran wakes to the truth: he and the so-called greatest generation were tricked by the jews into destroying the West. To make amends, he goes out in a symbolic blaze of glory, his dagger flung directly into the heart of the beast.

        Von Brunn sacrificed his life to show his people that the Holocaust is a Big Lie: a deliberately concocted atrocity myth being used by jews and their running dogs at Fox News and CNN to browbeat whites into submission to the Jewish Tyranny known as the New World Order.

        Brutus grovels at post #113 so that Linderwitz can piss on him some more at #116:

        Originally posted by Brutus at #113

        Originally posted by LinderMiller at #99
        You sound like an anti, Brutus. Are you?

        The real story:

        Decorated WWII veteran wakes to the truth: he and the so-called greatest generation were tricked by the jews into destroying the West. To make amends, he goes out in a symbolic blaze of glory, his dagger flung directly into the heart of the beast.

        Von Brunn sacrificed his life to show his people that the Holocaust is a Big Lie: a deliberately concocted atrocity myth being used by jews and their running dogs at Fox News and CNN to browbeat whites into submission to the Jewish Tyranny known as the New World Order.
        I admire Von Brunn very much for what he did, I thought I made that clear.

        That post showed my frustration with things in general. I probably shouldn't have said anything that might have been misinturpreted or tainted what Von Brunn did in Washington. You're right, we control the propaganda here.
        Originally posted by LinderMiller at #116

        Originally posted by brutus at #113
        I admire

        That post showed my frustration
        You're a smart guy. You know the antis are reading this thread, looking for material. Either improve the silence or don't post.

        CNN's peachy little queer Anderson Thooper just had the scraggly-bearded little weirdo Potok, the informant Gletty, and some other dirtbag on there talking the usual lies against WN and what they stand for. The antis don't set our agenda, but where we KNOW how they will act (using our quotes to hurt our cause) we can control what they do.

        Already five retards are in the hopper from their posts on this thread alone.

        Seriously, morons. If I say don't misspell a name and two posts later you do, what possible use are you to ANY cause?
        One thing is clear: any threats, real or implied, Brutus has made in the past concerning what he might do to Christians once White people are again in power is nothing more than him blowing smoke out of his ass while simultaneously getting it kiked by Linderwitz. If he's unable to stand up to Linder at Troll Central, I seriously doubt he'll ever try to do anything to any Christian he meets face to face.

        BTW, ZOG may have taken down von Brunn's website (can't have the sheeple reading it and possibly coming to the realization that his perfect hatred of the kikenvermin might be grounded in logical justification), but you can still view it here:

        YHWH Bless!
        Linder runs VNNF essentially as a dominate rooster runs a chickenhouse or as a homosexual baboon troop or a nigger village. He sucks up to TraitorGlenn Miller because Miller provides the ZOGbux and probably a small salary for Linder to run the Auntie-Christian WhoreHouse.

        $permFront is the place for the quasi-Christians who are kept in their place, the General Motors of waycism/whigger nutsionalism, sucking up the geezergelt and whiggazmites of the feebs to give Don Black and David Duke. VNNF is for the whiggers who are Auntie-Christian, whiggers who are smarter than God and dumber than dirt, who have the affectation that they are above any need for anyone other than theysselfs. They get broken of this affectation quick enough when the nigger piglice slaps on the handcuffs on their wrists and their hands start to swell up and the nerves are damaged from a lack of blood. So then after a bit of sport with the nigger cell [pri]mates they are ready to talk to ZOG piglice about what they allegedly know. That is why you can never trust a whigger who thinks he is whigga-tuff and don't need God, because when it is every whigger for itself, they will cut a deal to make the pain go away.

        Actually, a place like VNNF would exist in a natural state, without a sinecure for Linder, and no need for the once-yearly litterature drive by TraitorGlenn Miller to prove his activism, but it would be smaller and run as a house organ like NSM's "New Saxon" Forum or e-Nationalist or other small forums. After all, we are talking about something that costs $300 for two years hosting and a $180 v-bulletin license that hasn't changed a lot for the past four years. Fade the Bitcher got a lot of chaos and power-tripping out of far less than he spent to drive 900 miles one weekend for some whiggrette kollidge pussy.

        VNNF is a ZOG false front organization and Linder is the chief baboon or HNIC (Head Nigger In Charge). The purpose of letting Linder run things is because Linder is a totally incompetent administrator, leader, and writer. William Pierce chose Linder because Pierce needed to open another propaganda front and so Pierce found a corrupt lying little Gen X presstitute spin guido-weasel kicked out of the khannedservantive Repubs because Linder got caught lying about something and set Linder up to run a web page with a small salary, which Linder eked out by living in Granny's basement. When Pierce died, Billy Roper, the best administrator of the lot picked up what he could and Linder knew that the little faggy Strom had no use for him and neither did the bully boy Gliebe, and so Linder went with Roper. But Roper couldn't pay Linder enough, and so when TraitorGlenn Miller came around waving some ZOGbux, Linder was for sale. Since Roper was putting Pastor Butler on tour and had the David Lane inventory after Lane's prison wife Katya gave up and left Idaho for New Jersey, the TraitorGlenn Miller support had to go. Roper had no choice but to demand that TraitorGlenn be kicked out, and so pulled the server and the v-bulletin license and what happened was the 'Christmas Coup of 2004.' Roper went his way and Linder had a new server and a v-bulletin license paid for by TraitorGlenn Miller. And for the first time Linder simply secretly banned what he considered were the rebels and thus happened the first wave of VNNF 'boat pisspul' to phorafags/feebs.

        So there is thus no 'Free Speech For Whites' on VNNF any more than on StormFront/$permFront. The web page is not kept up and what takes over are one or two major writers in essence creating a highly interactive blog, five or six or however many secondary writers and 'news clipping' posters, and from a score to several hundred whiggroid 'MuhDikkk!!!' posters.

        Covington described the process pretty well:

        Originally posted by Harold Covington

        The latest fad appears to be playing on vBulletin boards, the largest and oldest of which is Stormfront, run by David Duke flunky Don Black. Probably the second largest vBulletin board is Vanguard News Networks, run by two alcoholics, Alex Linder and the Federal informer and miscegenator Frazier Glenn Miller (q.v..) There are about half a dozen smaller imitators such as White Nationalist Info run by the bizarre and dysfunctional 'Francis Playfair,'? but basically they are all the same. The group owner and a small group of his butt buddies whom he appoints as moderators play 'King of the Hill,'? amusing themselves by conducting endless, pointless flame wars with one another over nothing, and banning people who dare to disagree with them or criticize them. The White internet at this point really serves no purpose other than a cautionary tale as to how so-called White Nationalists would behave if ever they really did gain power anywhere.
        This is how Linder operates. He demodded Brutus because Brutus wasn't a big enough ass-licking meercat. So the only moderator Linder has left is some whigger meercat named Varg[ina the LinderMiller Meercat] who will do anything and everything Linder tells him to do.

        So Linder is now a gut-sick little guido-weasel with jew ass-cancer and never with much in the way of morals, courage or leadership ability like a little Caligula getting to ban or 'tard-corral his fuktards who for whatever reason annoy him. Thanks to the Von Brunn incident, Linder now has the perfect excuse: Why ZOGling whiggers are watching and so Linder needs to cull his VNNF herd of substandard fuktards or put them into The Lesser Free Range Tard Corral subforum of The Greater Free Range Tard Corral (TGFRTCNNF) until he can rehabilitate his steers. And these whigger meercats run quick to the whip -- they have no place else to go. And looking at the piss-pul banned, they all seem to have been taken kicking and screaming with none of them simply creating their own place of refuge. Their first place of refuge: phorafags/feebs, where most of them are most at home. StumbleInn is a far more hostile environment for VNNF boat-pisspul because they really don't fit in and the Lindstedt landshark can get mean.

        You see, $permFront and VNNF are the false-fronts from which the ADL/SPLC will mine 'hate nuggets.' SpermFront and VNNF have already provided these quotes, probably provided by the waiting jew sleepers who logged on and waited. You get a spike in interest in these forums then they will have someone already there to create the incidents and words spoken, although whiggers will ALWAYS say something stupid.

        Originally posted by Askenazi Defecation League

        The following is a series of comments taken from white supremacist Web sites in response to the shooting:

        From the neo-Nazi VNN Forum:

        * “James von Brunn fought the Jews on every level. He was dedicated to truth. But like so many white folks that have had enough of the goddamned kikes, he did not do any planning but just went on a rampage. Why he didn't just take out a few rabbis, Jew bankers and ADL members instead of shooting up a building and shooting a guard, makes no sense. There will be more of these kinds of attacks on the kikenvermin. Let's hope some of these guys do some planning next time and do some real damage instead of just blowing off steam like this…God Bless James von Brunn.”

        * “The jews' demonization of White Nationalists is backfiring. They have driven racist Whites underground, leaving many with the lone wolf option only. Guess what, you f---ing kikes? You never know when one of these lone wolf things is going to happen, or where!”

        * “This might be the best news I have read in a while. These filthy jews need to know that they are not safe anywhere…”

        * Neo-Nazi leader and VNN Forum administrator Alex Linder titled a discussion thread “Martyr James Von Brunn: Read Why He Did It.” Linder went on to populate the thread with lengthy excerpts from Von Brunn's 2002 anti-Semitic book, Tob Shebbe Goyim Harog! (To Kill the Best Gentiles!).

        * “Von Brunn is a true hero. He is an exemplar of the warrior spirit within every White person. One needs only slough off the Jewish filth and poison to awaken that spirit. This holy spirit, given to the White man by God Himself, is what allowed us to conquer the known world and bring holy light to the world and prosperity and salvation to every White man.”

        * “Both James Von Brunn and Scott Roeder are heroes. (Roeder took out Tiller the white baby killer.) Wonder what is going to happen next…The instincts for the preservation of the White Race was the motivating factor in both these men.”
        $permFront and New Saxon were quoted as well. Since New Saxon is the NSM forum and it is run under tighter discipline, probably the little jew who wrote his shit has been kicked out.

        But, VNNF is absolutely necessary as an Auntie-Christian, urban and suburban whigger tard false front. It provides grist for the SPLC/ADL/ZOG 'hate crimes' mill and if it is shut down will be shut down only temporarily. Linder isn't going to jail like Hardy Lloyd, Hal Turner, and Martin Lindstedt. Linder will herd his little herd of whigger fuktards, kick out the ones who he wants to like a dog licking itz nuts -- because it can, and life will go on.

        What ZOG fears are the activists that they cannot control. They couldn't control James Von Brunn. They pushed him and cut off his means of living even while they reward The Greatest DeGeneration for killing the Nazis for the jews. But push even the most gentle dog and he will turn 'lone wolf.' The .22 rifle Von Brunn had was a Winchester made from 1908-1928, forty years before they kept paper after the 1968 gun laws. It probably was Von Brunn's to begin with.

        You see, the Dual-Seedline Christian Identity Resistance has a plan: Let ZOG/Babylon destroy itself in a Great Tribulation which ZOG can't control, then exterminate all the whiggers, jews, muds and regime criminals which survive.

        By the way, not only Von Brunn's web page is down, but so is Hardy 'Mongrol' Lloyd's and Hal Turner's blog. The Aryan Nations Revival media site which had Hal Turner hosting the past two months program is down as well. ZOG doubtless deliberately destroyed Von Brunn's web page, doubtless paid for in advance and Hardy Lloyd's as well. Hal Turner's blog is down under a Terms of Service complaint from Google.

        ZOG doesn't want anyone from the Movement defining the Movement. All the jewsmedia want is the SPLC's Mark Potok (Potok!!! is Klingon for "lying kike cocksucker" and is a curse used since the original series.) to tell what the White Nationalist Movement is all about. While the Left is trying to shut down the whiggroid Right and Flush Rimblow and talk radio.

        Now what is necessary is a sort of Christian Nationalist collaboration by which everyone allied in the Movement maintains blogs and forums which can be interchangeable. This is why I post my writings widely, across a number of quasi-allied forums. Even on phorafags/feebs where I am jewlagged and ODES where I am barely tolerated. I have two forums and two blogs and everyone can copy from what I have to write about the bowel Movement.

        Nor are you the only spy I have, Spy #333. I spy myself, but I also pick up on what the petulant of Linder's tards have to say. But your reports are easily elaborated upon. Keep it up.

        My Christian Nationalist forum is growing, slowly. I have to put signing up members on moderated status to keep the Russian jew porn spammers from overwhelming the board, but if you wish to sign on with an alias, then send me an e-mail to that effect to .

        I already got a request by Muzak TalmudVision to find casting for 17-27 year old waycist whiggers for a reality show in which they probably will fuck like waycist mink. Oh well some waycist whiggaz' big break before the jewry Springer Show. Any miscegenaturds will be disfellowshipped and banned!!!

        Hail Victory!!!

        Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
        Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
        Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 06-14-2009, 11:44 PM. Reason: Add Links

        Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
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        • #5
          end time prophecies

          Originally posted by Pastor Limpstedt
          You see, the Dual-Seedline Christian Identity Resistance has a plan: Let ZOG/Babylon destroy itself in a Great Tribulation which ZOG can't control, then exterminate all the whiggers, jews, muds and regime criminals which survive.
          How long will this take ? Should I be worried about my immediate future ?


          • #6
            Alex Linder Is A Lush

            Guys, what you have to realize is that Alex Linder is a an alcoholic, and one of the symptoms of advanced alcoholism is violent and hysterical mood swings. They're kind of a preliminary to the D.T.s. I know because I often had to deal with Glenn Miller in that state.


            • #7
              An excellent avaturd for Anchorage Activist

              An excellent avaturd for Anchorage Activist


              Originally posted by Rabang 'albion' Miller View Post

              How long will this take ? Should I be worried about my immediate future ?
              Rabanger, as a filipina mamzer, you will never have this vast array of whiggerskin but rather sort of look like Imelda Marcos as you wither up like a gookazoid raisin and you have to pay for Y&D&FofC whigger dick to screw you.

              However, that is probably as good of a picture of Anchorage Activist as I'm going to get. I think I'll use this as an avaturd for Anchorage Activist over on my Christian Nationalist forum.

              By the way, I see that you managed to change jewr avaturd and signature. I thought I had set the settings to keep you from it, but you will make of me an excellent v-bulletin forum administrator yet.

              Have fun for now, Rabanger.

              Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
              Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

              Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
              Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


              • #8
                So You Think It Is Drink, Not Disease, Making Linder Goofier?

                So You Think It Is Drink, Not Disease, Making Linder Goofier?


                Originally posted by HAC View Post
                Guys, what you have to realize is that Alex Linder is a an alcoholic, and one of the symptoms of advanced alcoholism is violent and hysterical mood swings. They're kind of a preliminary to the D.T.s. I know because I often had to deal with Glenn Miller in that state.

                So is Linder known to be a drunk? I've heard from Old Resistance people that Linder acts foolish around women and will damn near rape them, which is why he made Kevin Strom's dry hole Elishaba a moderator for a while. Allegedly Linder hasn't had any pussy since pussy had him damn near.

                I've met Linder at Topeka Kansas in May 2004, and Linder is exactly the sort of cowardly liittle power-mad weasel who will always shit on his tards who he has power over, drunk or not.

                But Linder has been acting a bit more erratic than usual the past year or so. VNNF has become a toxic place generating a lot of refugee 'VNNF boar pisspul' over to phorafags/feebs and StumbleInn. Recently Linder pulled a little 'Chairman Mao' routine threatening to finish off his loyal tards in another UnCultured Rabbleooshun. So what you think may be drunkenness I may attribute to disease of the gut Linder is suffering from.

                Do you think the drinking is making Linder's Chron's Disease worse?

                Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

                Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                • #9
                  A Prince of the Whiggers on the Voice of the ReTards

                  A Prince of the Whiggers on the Voice of the ReTards


                  Originally posted by Mishko Novosel

                  Brutus is good people, and you CI folks seem to talk negatively about everyone these days. What do you have to say about myself? But before you do that, let me know what you guys actually do, other than speaking poorly about others?


                  Mark 'Faust' a.k.a. Mishko Novosel on Voice of ReTards/Reason, I'll most certainly answer your questions, but in my order of answering them. Don't be like Constantine von Hoffmeister/COONstipation Von Kikenmamzer/OctfagjewNut 'thinking' that it can order me around, and keep me from applying a red hot poker as opposed to an ant colony from its anus.

                  First of all Brutus is a typical bowel Movement whigger who kisses and thinks it kicks ass depending upon who is on top at the moment. As posts above prove, Brutus can't kiss enough of Linder's ass whenever called upon to do so, and Linder certainly pisses all over him.


                  For example, Brutus didn't have much good things to say about me on Voice of ReTards/Reason back on the comments section

                  Originally posted by brutus


                  brutus on December 5th, 2008 4:03 am


                  Martin Linstetd (Sp?) is fairly well known and you’ve got him pegged for what he is. He used to post on VNN until his arrest for I believe molesting a boy in his family. There are plenty of other people around who could fill you in on the details. Pay him no mind, he’s just an asshole who needs to have his ass kicked.
                  But, when the news got out that the bogus charges had been dismissed, then Brutus sang a different tune on VNNF on Feb. 27, 2009:

                  Originally posted by Brutus


                  Martin may be somewhat eccentric, I don't hold that against him. And on this forum he's even gone after me. Nevertheless I never believed those allegations leveled at him and I'm glad for him the case was dismissed.

                  Too often we see ZOG going after outspoken proWhite folk and one of their most effective weapons is the charge of child abuse. In this jew world that accusation alone by itself carries the weight of guilt. No one will step forth as a character witness lest they be accused of being sympathetic to a child molester, the implication is that they're one as well. This is modern Salem and only when the accused child molester is drown by trial of submersion in water does the mob grant full vindication.
                  So the truth of the matter is that Brutus is simply a typical ZOGling whigger ass-licker. If my grandson had been sufficiently coerced and I had been railroaded on the bogus charges, Brutus -- and probably jewrself -- would be screaming for my blood.

                  So the problem with the bowel Movement is whiggers. They may say that they are nazis and think they are SS, but really they are nothing more than whiggers.

                  Now I have observed that you do trash out TraitorGlenn Miller on VNNF. That is a point in your favor. Additionally, on Voice of ReTards my comments on the Dietrich and Mishko Show of Nov. 29, 2008 are still up:


                  Whereas Peterless Skank demanded my censorsheep and Mikey Jukes-Kallikak Connor enforces it ruthlessly. Mikey Jukes-Kallikak Connor goes on other forums, and on the ones pretending at some White Nationalism gets some of my posts moderated or censored, as happens occassionally here on phorafags/feebs. At StumbleInn, Mikey's hypocrisy got him put on trial and Mikey has essentially decided to boycott his trial there.

                  So, you are the best of a sorry lot over on Voice of ReTards/Reason, which I think is essentially a ZOG false front. You get a point for being a better whigger in not allowing censorship of old posts, and for defending your lower-functioning whigger allies like Brutus. Usually itz every whigger for itzself. And by asking me directly for my comment as opposed to whining or lying like a typical whigger pussazoid, why, I'll allow that you are the Prince of the Whiggers over on Voice of ReTards.

                  The biggest reality of the White Nationalist [bowel] Movement is that there are very few White men and really nothing in it but whiggers. whigger nutsionalists. Or traitors.

                  So before telling you what us Christian Identity people do for the Movement and what are our goals and objectives, let me tell you what jewr whigger nutsional goals and objectives are:

                  Nothing, other than for the individual whigger to aggrandize itself.

                  Now, if as Prince of the Whiggers on Voice of ReTards/Reason, you really got some other goal that you are accomplishing, then by all means tell me so that I can guffaw. I always am amused by whigger self-deception just as I am amused by a kitten's first trying to bury its shittin' for the first time on linoleum. Whiggers are so cute when they's innocently re-tarded.

                  Now I think that Voice of ReTards/Reason is a ZOg false front, like VNNF/TGMNNF/GFRTCNNF. It don't sell wheat grass, colloidal silver or paytridiotic trinkets. It don't pay for itself. And it got a particularly nasty whigger jewdayo-crapture cultist/papist hybernigger on the part of Mikey Jukes-Kallikak Connor to censor away any White free speech. A stupid conceit because such whets my suspicions and makes me want to dig.

                  You see, I've been a player in the Movement for 15 years now, 14 of it on the Internut. I've got to where I can sniff out a jew or piglice or traitor. Mikey Jukes-Kallikak Connor should have been shown the door when Peterless Skank was booted out. You Voice of ReTards ZOGling whigger ass-clowns are reflexive solipsistic a-theists worsheeping jewrself. But Mikey still is there, pissing off pretty much everyone. Mikey also tells everyone that will listen that I am a ZOG agent, typically to take away attention from itself.

                  So I'm willing to allow that you might be the window-whigger there to detract attention from the others, but I think Voice of ReTards is simply the Ford of ZOG false-front whigger nutsionalism, catering to the Y&D&FofC (Young&Dumb&FullofCum) geekazoid whigger nutsionalists. Now probably most of you geekazoid whigger ass-clowns look like Michael Burks, a low-beta class awful-male who can't get any pussy since pussy had him with the rest of you looking like the Mack Barstow avatard of some obese whigger feeb who nobody can find the dick to. $permFront is the GM of ZOG false fronts collecting geezergelt and whiggazmites from the older, fatter, more advanced beta-whiggers who are past theys prime.

                  ZOG ALWAYS tries to saddle the Movement with false-front 'leadership.' They have done so by trying to saddle CI with August Kreis, and Don Gayman before him. Now they are trying to pretend that DSCI/Aryan Nations is led by Jerauld O'Brien, a 27 year old papist hybernigger whigger with a swastica tattooed on its sloping forehead. VNNF is essentially paid for by the Department of ZOGland InSecurity's petty cash drawer through TraitorGlenn Miller. Voice of ReTards essentially does nothing except preach defeatism through some old paytriot whores and whigger-whimperers and lives off of the ZOGbux provided them by ZOG. A truly Resistance operation is run on a shoestring.

                  It makes no sense for you Voice of ReTards to have around Mikey Jukes-Kallikak Connor except as a 'jewdayo-xian' to be the one doing the dirty work.

                  So we get down to what the Dual-Seedline Christian Identity element in general and myself in particular does for the Movement. The fact of the matter is that the CI element provides the numbers for the Movement in that the One-Seedliners (OSLers) have never bowed their knees to Baal and the Dual-Seedliners (DSCI) have provided the most extreme Resistance soldiers and leadership.

                  You see, we are not like all of you stupid whigger nutsionalists hoping that the jews and niggers and muds AND WHIGGERS will simply go away someplace, but rather what is necessary is a Great Tribulation to kill off better than 90% of 150 million whiggers and all of the 140 million jews, niggers, beaners, assorted muds. Which collapse is coming, regardless of whether you solipsistic whiggers worsheeping jewrselfs want to call it a 'Great Tribulation' or simply 'the Collapse' or 'Great Die-off' or whatever.

                  Now this die-off is inevitable. It can't be averted or made to go away. But it can be 'helped along' and modified to a certain small extent.

                  So, much of the time I go out on Genesis 3:15 patrol and observe the Genesis 3:15 sniping I receive from whiggers, mamzers, jews, sundry vermin. Now the thing about whiggers is that there are 150 million of them, and the percentage drops down only by 10% max on these forums from 99.9% whigger to around 95% whigger here on phorafags/feebs and 90% whigger over on StumbleInn. There are not 150 million different type of whigger, but rather only one type of whigger with 150 million copies. Lindstedt's Laws of Whiggerdumb. Pastor 6Killer's corollary is that "The WunnerFool Thang About Whiggers is that Each 'Thinks' Itz the Only One!" So there is no such thang as whigger solidarity but rather always every whigger for itzself.

                  So I wander about on Genesis 3:15 patrol throughout the bowel Movement and take sundry sniping and then decide whether to bring in a spotting round or simply note the fire and move on, or expand the spotting round to a full-fledged Fire For Effect. (I was in the ZOG's Army in artillery, both nuclear missile and One-Five-Five mm tube, and thus think as an artilleryman as opposed to as a grunt.) I really like hearing the squeals and moans of outrage that arise from whigger poseurs taking this fire. It tells me that I have hit what I was aiming at, and even got in some collateral damage on other whigger tards.

                  If you think I'm hard on you whigger 'tards, you ought to see what happens to those who pretend to be Dual-Seedline Christian Identity or One-Seedline New Covenant Cornholers -- but are not. I'm even meaner to grevious dogs who get into the flock and savage idiot sheep than I am to you diseased whigger animals who need to die in any case.

                  Within a few years, a smoldering planet with only a few million Whites on it, and no whiggers, jews and muds. When you think about it, sort of puts my little 'training japes' with live rounds of wit stinging the ZOGling lumpen whiggertariate into perspective, now don't it?

                  So, Prince of ZOGling Whigger Ass-Clowns on Voice of ReTards/Reason, you got off lightly today from myself.

                  The Whigger-Whimperer Edgar Steele and John DeNutless/Nugent are selling you Whigger Nutsionalists out in order to becum the new Bowel-Movement 'leaders.' But with Mikey Jukes-Kallikak Connor un-manning the phones, what are the odds that I'll be able to call in a zinger to the Whigger-Whimperer's next Knuckle(head) Rant? Why Mikey Jukes-Kallikak Connor is another nigger Mortimer Snerdley to Flush Rimblow, saving the Flusher from being flushed like the turd/tard it is.

                  Voice of ReTards/Reason -- ZOG false front. A perestroika honesty cannot save it, but rather will roll it up like putting salt on a slug.

                  Good luck in changing it, Mark.

                  Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                  Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
                  Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 06-24-2009, 09:44 PM. Reason: Add Links

                  Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                  Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                  • #10
                    Mikey-Kikey Jukes-Kallikak Connor is a Sociopathic ZOGling Whigger Ass-Clown Baal-Pri

                    Mikey-Kikey Jukes-Kallikak Connor is a Sociopathic ZOGling Whigger Ass-Clown Baal-Priest


                    Originally posted by Mikey-Kikey Jukes-Kallikak Connor
                    Can I suggest that this thread be moved back to the Lounge, or deleted? It's wasting space on the Top 10 board.

                    Actually, the correct Latin is "Et tu, Brute", jackass.

                    Originally posted by Mikey-Kikey Jukes-Kallikak Connor
                    I made a suggestion that is in accordance with the existing policy of keeping Lindstedt's bullshit confined to less prominent areas of the Phora. The staff agreed with my suggestion and went forward. Go pound sand, asswipe.
                    Originally posted by WFHermans
                    Mike the Kike immediately demanded the removal of the complete thread. That's the kind of quarter kike he is.

                    VOR will regret the day they allowed Mike the Kike control over them. At an opportune moment Mike Cohen (he changed his name to Connor) will delete VOR and turn over its assets to his fellow federal jews.

                    Mishko Novosel is a good White man, but he is too trusting. He was banned from VNN a while ago for criticizing Alex Linder. Mark Faust is Mishko Novosel's brother if I recall correctly, certainly he is a different person.

                    VOR radioshow with Mark Faust and Mishko Novosel
                    Many whiggers are worse than jews in their hatred for free White speech. I've heard this Mikey whigger, but in its hatred of free Whites Mikey acts not only like a jew, but as a jew with a halachic mother. There is nothing aimless about Mikey Jukes-Kallikak Connor's anti-White Genesis 3:15 hatred.

                    That Mikey gets away with being a whiggroid super-kike would surprise me if it weren't for the fact that Voice of ReTards/Reason is an apparent ZOG false front. Mikey knows about how he is working for a ZOG false-front to scare the whiggers into impotent tail-in-teef mad whigger circles and thus hates someone like myself who is on to this ZOG false front. That is why a deranged hybernigger whigger crapture cultist is able to get its continual whines honored and thinks it is safe from those it has censored. Mikey-kikey is thus akin to the jew parasites which collected the kings taxes, uneasily oblivious to the overt hatred of the White peasantry. When the king was overthrown, the king's kike tax collectors were massacred by the enraged peasantry as well.

                    Of course Mikey, with its casual whigger idiot solipsism thinks that it has an absolute moral right to have its latest whine honored. Mikey is what in older times would be called a 'moral imbecile' and today a sociopath. Of course since Mikey is a whigger sociopath for ZOG, Mikey won't be locked up but rather protected, like piglice. Mikey-kikey's enemies are the racial and religious absolutists like myself, who are out to create warlords who also think that their ends justify any and all means. Mikey is a criminal regimeist baal-priest sociopath whereas what I seek to do is to create a Revolutionist warlord sociopath out of the minority of Whites, the one-in-twenty with leadership potential to rule grimly over the whiggers who do survive. These jewdayo-whigger baal-priest ZOGling ass-clowns infesting the bowel Movement are worse than jews in terms of the evil they do.

                    Since there is no way to convince a baal-priest whigger/kikeazoid sociopath like Mikey-Kikey Jukes-Kallikak Connor to respect the rights of Whites, the only thing which can be done with that sort of criminal regimeist is to blind, castrate, and skin it alive and destroy all the male issue as an example and enslave the female issue as the slaves of the new ruling neo-aristocracy. Nothing tells the surviving whigger herd animals that a new day had dawned like the sight of Mikey screaming its last, then watching the crows peck out the Mikey families's eyes atop pikes mounted outside the public draught-house (shitter) entrances. Mikey is exactly the sort of sanctimonious whigger criminal-regimeist feeb who won't ever even consider that it fucked up up until the time it is made to publicly eat its own nuts as a sign of the new regime's displeasure.

                    The only good thing about Mikey is that Mikey proves that there is no compromising with ZOG and that the White man will never be free as long as the White man is outnumbered by whiggers. Exterminate all the whiggers and only then will the White man have a free hand to finish off the jews and muds.

                    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky
                    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
                    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 06-25-2009, 11:14 PM. Reason: Add Links

                    Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                    Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                    • #11
                      Linder Needs jewr Services, Bardamooch.

                      Linder Needs jewr Services, Bardamooch


                      Originally posted by bardamooch
                      I don't understand why people obsess over Linder. If you can't stand him don't go to VNN. Seems pretty simple to me.
                      Absolutely right, Bardamooch.

                      My spies tell me that jewr lard and massturd the gut-sick guido-weasel dying of jew ass-cancer Alexis LinderMiller was herd bellowing for jewr deft whigger piglice tongue to cum over to VNNF/TGMNNF/GFRTCNNF and spell pore Brutus from cleaning his colostomy bag, chop, chop.

                      Head on out, Bardamooch.

                      Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

                      Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                      Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                      • #12
                        In my time at VNN, different posters who know Alex have intimated the same rumors, namely that he's a cokehead, uses VNN donations to play the stock market, and that he jokes about being a jew. That's something I'd personally never joke about... even with close friends, and especially if I looked like this:

                        IMO, he could go either way.

                        But it's total hands-off approach to TraitorGlenn that throws me off. I've seen him embarrass Glenn one time over the Aryan Alternative paper/rag they put out, but other than that... whatever Glenn wants Glenn gets. Not cool with me.


                        Now Licking The Finck-el-Stein's Virtual Colostomy Bag As a Southron-Fried Fuktard!!!


                        • #13
                          As to the quality of posters at VNN, I have to say I've known some excellent White men there, but the majority are retards and lowbrows without an original thought in their heads.

                          With many of these, if you challenge their narrow beliefs by saying "hey, maybe we should do things a little differently, since what we've been doing DOESN'T WORK" you immediately get accused of being a kike or government agent or fag or whatever first comes to mind. Heavens forbid someone have to stop wearing their brownshirt uniform in public and not look like a moron.

                          99% of the posters there are there to get validation for their beliefs... change is too fucking scary for them to contemplate.


                          Now Licking The Finck-el-Stein's Virtual Colostomy Bag As a Southron-Fried Fuktard!!!


                          • #14
                            Why Linder and VNNF Is Largely Irrelevant

                            Why Linder and VNNF Is Largely Irrelevant


                            Originally posted by Victor Switzer


                            In my time at VNN, different posters who know Alex have intimated the same rumors, namely that he's a cokehead, uses VNN donations to play the stock market, and that he jokes about being a jew. That's something I'd personally never joke about... even with close friends, and especially if I looked like this:

                            IMO, he could go either way.

                            But it's total hands-off approach to TraitorGlenn that throws me off. I've seen him embarrass Glenn one time over the Aryan Alternative paper/rag they put out, but other than that... whatever Glenn wants Glenn gets. Not cool with me.
                            I met Alex Linder at Topeka at the Anti-Brown v Board of Edjewcation May 2004 rally sponsored by Billy Roper. I went there primarily to see and meet Pastor Richard Butler before he died and anything other than that was nice.

                            Linder simply came across to me as a lightweight. He made about 14 pages of notes which he looked at for 15 minutes and spent most of his time howling about niggers and jews. Pastor Butler gave a simple speech about how the fault in the fall of Topeka and AmeriKwa was that the White Man was no longer a White Man. I think it was the best speech of the lot. I harangued about losing my grandchildren and about the implications of prion poisoning. Roxie used the old videocamera until the battery gave out to tape the 40 minute Rally, and sometime I'll sell the Windows mpg DVD for ten ZOG-bux so that anyone and everyone can see for themselves what went on.

                            But outside in Dean Robert's back yard, a little Swiss guy for a European film crew filming about White Nationalism in America gave Linder an interview after filming a Butler interview. My camcorder battery gave out and myself and Ben Vinyard were listening. Sometime during the interview, due to the Germanic habit of saying 'ja, ja!' to fill in the gaps, Linder got the impression that the little Swiss guy was a jew, and Linder looked worried. It got straightened up by Ben Vinyard, as I was too amused to let the misunderstanding end.

                            So Linder is scared of jews. At 6'1" with light eyes and light brown hair, he is Nordic. But his air is furtive and the real-life impression makes me think of him as in his pictures as a gut-sick little guido weasel with jew ass cancer.

                            Linder is typical of these Gen X spin doctors. He reminds me of the little whigger played by Michael J. Fox in "Spin City." A whole corps of these little faggy whiggers and mamzers spinning lies to benefit politicians. Linder grew up and was trained in California to be one of these little weasels and he got caught in a lie and turned out like what happens to most of them. These jewrnanalism skrewls turn out these pathetic race-traitor critters all the time, who are used up like disposable love dolls.

                            Dr. William Pierce seen the Linder discard and decided that he could use Linder to run his off-brand for Gen X whiggers web page, called Vanguard News Network -- VNN. And he paid Linder a small salary and Linder lived in his granny's basement in Kirksville.

                            When Pierce died, Kevin Alfred Strom had no use for him. Neither did bully boy Gliebe. And so Linder drifted over to Billy Roper, the smartest of Pierce's successors, and Roper put him to work, using one of his people to set up a server and to buy v-bulletin software. By then the heyday of the VNN web page was gone. Linder needed money and due to my fighting with TraitorGlenn Miller was probably introduced to him by Will Williams (Whiggerswill). TraitorGlenn Miller had plenty of ZOGbux, and could pay more than Billy Roper and so Linder was bought sometime in 2004, between March and September.

                            Billy Roper was taking Butler around on Butler's "About to Die Tour" and he was selling David Lane merchandise and so couldn't afford to have Linder keep TraitorGlenn around. The end result was the Christmas Coup of 2004 in which TraitorGlenn was banned and the TraitorGlenn haters ran wild until Linder got his own server and v-bulletin forum license, selling for $160 back then. TraitorGlenn Miller paid for it, and the end result was that people like myself were banned from VNNF and the first wave of VNNF boat pisspul hit Fade the Butcher's phorafags/feebs. Fade/Fake the Butcher/Bitcher/Flake was a mercurial little rich whigger kid who would pull down his forum every so often. Given the reality that only one in twenty whiggers have any real leadership ability, few whiggers figured out that all setting up a v-bulletin forum cost was around $100 a year for a server storage and $160 for a v-bulletin license. Fake the Flake really didn't do anything that everyone else couldn't have done better.

                            Us DSCI pastors were out of funds so we used phpbb2 forums. I set one of my own up and was helping Pastor Gulett with his when I got arrested in May 2005. I am sure that that if this false imprisonment hadn't taken place I'd have set up my own v-bulletin forum back in 2005, as I have done here in 2009.

                            Many whiggers ask why I 'obsess' on Linder. The answer is that Linder really is doing nothing more than running an ill-managed 'Tard Corral for CreaTards and Net Nutzis on ZOG's nickel. TraitorGlenn Miller was a contemptible marginal figure, a moral and political leper rubbing its sores on feebs, and known to the Old Resistance way back in 2000. My job was to tell the New Resistance about his history and quarantine those infected by enthusiastic exposure to TraitorGlenn and Linder.

                            You see, anyone who supports TraitorGlenn Miller and Alex Linder is someone who is either a jew or mamzer troll or a whigger moral imbecile. So when they post and post and then become nothing more than whigger meercats eating up every dollop of LinderMiller colostomy bag leavings, then what they do is essentially 'out' theysselfs.

                            The thing to be feared is the jew or snake or rat that you don't know exist that betrays you when you are down. TraitorGlenn Miller is really no threat. Actually, he does us a service. VNNF is actually a ghetto for jew trolls and whigger idiots. It acts as an open air-free range bowel-Movement NutHouse -- The Greater Free Range 'Tard Corral -- TGFRTCNNF. So occasionally I whup up on it so that ZOG/Babylon, which fears DSCI message and leadership, will think that VNNF is 'working.' Even more to the point, I think that they know VNNF isn't 'working' but what it works is as a sort of 'Von Brunn' advance warning/detection point for the FBI/ADL/$PLC. ZOG wants to see in advance the next gun-toting, suicide-bomb carrying 'White Supremacist' who will kill not only a sundry jew, nigger and whigger, but who might also take out one of them. The jew Defense Secretary Cohen and his nigger wife were in the Holohoax Museam and while they are worthless jew and nigger drones not worth much to anyone, so too are all regime criminals. And so they realize that all the thieving and scheming won't get them very far if they end up being killed by a whigger maniac who could have been detected in advance by its irrationality beforehand on VNNF.

                            Likker for TraitorGlenn and Alex Linder, $180 v-bulletin license, $300 per year server host fees, a little paycheck for Alex Linder to keep him fed in granny's basement, wading through 100,000 whiggroid 'Muh Dikkk!!!'posts from 100 whigger nutzis vs. possibly finding out the next James Von Brunn -- to ZOG priceless.

                            What I am worried about isn't VNNF, but rather the growing casualty lists which are going to be created by such as Edgar Steele, the Whigger Whimperer, and sundry hidden ZOG false-fronts like Voice of Reason/ReTards which are providing sterilized whigger nutsionalist political/propaganda on behalf of 'moderation' and "No White Revolution until the Jack-Booted Thugs are kicking in my front and back door!" It is the Voice of Whiggers telling whiggers to go ahead and be whiggers, which is killing . . . . whiggers, but whiggers who might have been able to grow into White Nationalism. The surest way to kill a whigger is to tell the whigger that it is perfectly moral and safe to go on being a whigger, don't wake up and save jewr life, when in fact whiggers are going to die by the tens of millions in the time ahead. As well they should. But some of us would save the salvageable.

                            You woke up in time and decided to save your own life. And you look back at the VNNF kook-oon which swaddled you with justifiable revulsion. As well you should.

                            But Alex Linder is no superman, no Svengali. All he is is a second-rater who rose thanks to time and casualties to the top, like rancid creme, like slag. That is what I keep hearing from the 'survivors' who were in bondage, not to Alex Linder, but to their own whigger stupidity. Understand that it wasn't a feeb like Linder who held you in ignorant bondage, but rather yourself, your original programming which you sloughed off.

                            You and YHWH saved your life. Give yourself a pat on the back, but all good due praise to YHWH.

                            Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                            Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                            Originally posted by Victor Switzer


                            As to the quality of posters at VNN, I have to say I've known some excellent White men there, but the majority are retards and lowbrows without an original thought in their heads.

                            With many of these, if you challenge their narrow beliefs by saying "hey, maybe we should do things a little differently, since what we've been doing DOESN'T WORK" you immediately get accused of being a kike or government agent or fag or whatever first comes to mind. Heavens forbid someone have to stop wearing their brownshirt uniform in public and not look like a moron.

                            99% of the posters there are there to get validation for their beliefs... change is too fucking scary for them to contemplate.
                            They are whigger cripples living in their own sanitarium who like it as it is. However, as you said, there are plenty of jew and regimeist trolls there who act as 'flappers' to keep the whigger suckers running.

                            Rather than get into this myself, I am going to have Spy #333 give his own report on the self-outing of one particular jew faggot troll hiding behind an Aryan avaturd:

                            Originally posted by Spy #333

                            Longtime Linderwitz lackey outs itself!!!

                            But not surprisingly, the rank and vile at Linderwitz's Whorehouse doesn't seem to notice. These people's philosophically-historically fact-gorged brains, which by and large are only used to try and display false levels of intellectual depth, aren't accustomed to the rigors of critical thinking, which is why they continue to try and rationalize F.W. Brauneye's kahnments even after post #5 where he says:

                            Originally posted by FW Braunstuff
                            I find anti-Semite such as yourself increasingly disgusting.
                            You people are invariably dregs and low-lifes.

                            Even some of Troll Central's most prolific and senior posters (i.e., "VNNF Lifers") don't seem to understand that third strike/bottom of the ninth inning/eighteenth hole-remarx like the above don't require further anal-ization. Braun-eye is not attempting to adopt an Am-renesque, CoCCesque or any other alternative "strategy", but rather, this most virulently anti-Christian of Troll Central posters has just admitted to everybody what/who he really is, thus, it is finished. End of story.

                            However, what you see in this thread is the same zognitive dissonance which to this day STILL causes some Lindermillerites to hypothesize that lifelong-commie J(ewish) P(unk) Slobjewski "quit" the (bowel) Movement because it was "disgusted" by the movement's lack of progress, though it unequivocally outted itself as a card carrying communist after posting literally hundreds of poorly veiled hints prior to its outting, most of which sailed right over many of the solipsistic heads in that dungheap of a forum.

                            Words mean things, but sometimes a careful, or at the very least, casual reading of those words is required to find that meaning. Book larnin' is fine, but it is no substitute for wisdom. A surfeit of the former with a paucity of the latter is largely to blame for our race being in the near-fatal position we find ourselves in today.
                            In other words, one of Linder's Lifers was really nothing more than a jew troll who hid its revulsion for whigger nutsionalist typicals by shielding it behind a pretense of being a high-brow homosexual who hates all whigger breeders. The jew would have been sent packing a long time ago but because it pretended to be a high-class Aryan faggot it was allowed to camoflage/conceal its Anti-White hatred behind an Auntie Christian guise. jews and mamzers take similar advantage of whigger gullibility by hiding behind a Hitler avatard. Whigger nutsionalists invariably who have broken out of their indoctrination just enough to think, "Hitler GOOOOOOD!" are imprinted to follow like baby ducks or chicks critters with a Hitlerian avatar. Whereas the Resistance hard line have their suspicions immediately aroused and never get over being burned before.

                            Spy #333 understands Troll Central. He brings my attention to matters of importance. Reading the thread revealed that it was even worse than Spy #333 said it was because the whiggers on VNNF are oblivious, or rather conspire with theysselfs to be fooled because they think they have no other place to go.

                            And, being whiggers, they are right. Next stop, VNNF v2.0, phorafags/feebs, haven for VNNF boat pisspul.

                            Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                            Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
                            Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 09-02-2009, 12:07 AM.

                            Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                            Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                            • #15
                              Farah Fawcett had ass cancer --- Linder has Crohn's disease. Get it right !

                              I met Linder at the 2004 IHR Conference in Sacramento. He didn't say much.
                              I have never met Glenn Miller.

                              Knoxville police arrested Alex Linder of Kirksville, Mo., a white supremacist and operator of the Vanguard News Network, after he ignored orders from police and fought with officers, Police Chief Sterling P. Owen IV said.

                              Police said Linder's arrest was the only one directly related to the afternoon event, which organizers had promoted as a "rally against genocide" and as a protest "in honor" of slaying victimes Channon Christian and Christopher

                              Originally posted by Ahknaton
                              Martin Lindstedt has been banned for general crudeness, spamming and his over-the-top calls for violence and mass murder. He cross-posts all his postings to 3 or 4 forums, anyone who misses him knows where to find him.

