An Open Letter to the whigger-Whimperer Edgar Steele
I've despised Peter Shaenk ever since he censored me for bringing up where Alex Linder got his money -- from TraitorGlenn Miller years ago. And I listened to this show, and what it was was simply edjewcated whiggers talking smack about their 'wingnut' followers of those who simply "go too far." Why they are simply far too edjewcated to simply hate niggers for being niggers -- they are not 'racist.' But the end all and be all of what they do is simply to moan their way like gentle-steers all the way down the chute to their personal slaughter house. They are so much better than the nuts that they hope will somehow save them in their hour of need. And having been there and seen that, they are like the suburban whigger militia generals who collaborated with the FBI in the summer of 1999 against the Christian Identity rural racist militias. The end result is that these suburban whigger militia generals pretty much were dead as organizations by the spring after Y2Kaos went bust.
What ZOG fears, what niggers fear, what jews fear isn't the civilized White man, but rather the White man who hates them and ZOGling whigger race traitors with a blind hate, Someone who would torture them and kill them all without a twinge of remorse. I listened with disbelief when both of them were yapping about the 'wingnuts' who hate all non-whites and how they are instinctive racists. Well Edgar, after you've castrated these naive racists by turning them into reading jewr bullshit into edjewcated castrated whiggers, who is going to kill all the niggers and jews so that you can live in a free-range ZOGling whiggerdumb without seeing nary a nigger or jew? Hmmmm?
Do you want to pull a Pat Buchanan on us, who when his brigade members supported him went all the way to San Diego cut a deal with BoobDolt? Or denounced me for racism when I followed a Buchananite platform and was running for US Senate as a Reform Party Candidate. He cut a deal with Bush to choose a looney-toon she-coon to collect the $12.5 million in RP funds and to make his racist White male ex-followers vote for Bush. And now this whore is on the jewTube yapping about death of the West due to Mexican immigrunts. So yet the whore lived the paytriotic life and enjoyed the pleasures of sin foor some seasons.
And now you are congradulating President ONigger in jewr latest post while I am suing ONigger and the State of Missouri for not letting me run for governor while confined to the NutHouse.
You sound like a militia general circa 1999, far more scared of White Extremist nuts killing you for moderation than you are of jews and ZOG. And now you are engaged in a piss-fight with some young bull who changed your words for his own purposes. And you wonder what to do, somewhat plaintively. Let me tell you what to do: The kid is wrong but oh so right! If he could twist Thomas Jefferson to kill jews and niggers and then twist you so as to do the same thing then the only difference is that you are the only one whining about how your vanity has been hurt. You screw over that stupid but racially right kid and betray him to ZOG, then you will have something to worry about because you will be regarded as a traitor. Not feel like producing anything? Then sulk in your tent until not that you are needed, but that you have your own little vengeance to pursue like Patrocles.
I got out a month ago by finally bonding out from 3 1/2 years on trumped up sodomy charges brought about by some pig saying that some therapist said that my retarded six-year-old grandson said I kissed his penis. And first they stole my grandchildren, and then they took my freedom and because I wanted to represent myself they put me in a maximum security NutHouse and doped me up but good. And it took 3 1/2 years of sheer resistance and some guile to where I am out today.
And where was the bowel Movement? The part that was not in prison was the part that wants to go whigger! Including you, Edgar. When you gave me a copy of your book for review I told you that it was a good book to scare thousands of whiggers with and maybe get a few worthwhile people into the Movement with, but it was absolutely useless to the hard-core Resistance. I don't recollect you using my review to sell some more books. By all means do what you do best as the whigger whimperer, but you should stop telling Bill White to not go balls to the wall right now.
I've come to the realization that it is only absolute raw HATE which will save us now. I tell pigs and lawyers and jewdges and regime criminals that I intend to skin them alive and like Felix Dzerzhinsky will torture them into a confession, skin them alive and make them eat their own and their spawn's testicles, rape their females to breed a new master race and use biological warfare against them. Why, just as I was suffering from Psychic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, some made-up mental disease used to jail and dope dissidents, they were suffering from Piglice Testicle Eating Syndrome.
Rule of Law comes not from YHWH. YHWH doesn't care about whether degenerate Israelite whiggers destroy themselves. In fact he has placed a curse on such. Rule of Law comes from everyone, especially those in power understanding that the reason you do not torture is because it will come right back to you.
So Bill White and Hal Turner are actually the real racial patriots. Fools, maybe. Patriots, absolutely. And they don't need cowardly whiggers sitting in the cheap seats cheer-leading for ZOG.
There is a Great Tribulation coming, and unlike the jewdayo-Zionist delusion none will be craptured up to sit it out on Cloud 666. And it shall routinely mean that the vast majority of ZOGling whiggers shall die. And this racial, religious and class civil war shall likely continue until there is only 10-15 million Whites and not a single non-white left. YHWH placed the jew to plague the White Israelite so that Heaven will not be too crowded. And if in that war the dysfunctional CreaTards and One-Seedline CI/Babtist Hobbyist/New Covenant Cornholers die in that civil war, then so much the better!
This bowel Movement is full of whiggers who claim they want to die for their cuntree and but a few White Men who are willing to kill non-whites and whigger race traitors because they have the guts and moral strength to admit that they simply hate niggers and jews. And when I hear you vapor on about us haters you sound just like them cuntree-club whigger supremacists who sold out Byron Beckworth who were racial soldiers who did your killing for you. What good are you paytriots who don't want to get jewr dainty hands wet with blood? Are you not like Alex Linder at Topeka in 2004 who was scared of what he thought was a little jew 2/3 of his size and is only good for yelling 'nigger, nigger, nigger, jew, jew, jew, when protected by 100 piglice?
We don't need frontmen like David Duke or Don Black or any other of the like. We need what you despise.
Let me tell you what I seen at the NutHouse: I saw no White or even whigger so far gone that he didn't consider himself far above any nigger or beaner or gook or jew. And I didn't see a single nigger that didn't think that whitey owed him forever. It didn't matter how much they were doped up, no matter how much dope is applied, biology is everything.
So Ed, do what you do best. Be an Episs-ul to the ZOGling whigger ass-clowns. Tell them that Obongo is going to take their guns and maybe even tell them it is because they are already so willing to give up their nuts. And you herd them whiggers into a lather if you want. Take 'em for all their whigger's mites.
But you don't tell us to stop hating. You don't tell us to show mercy. Back off from that dumb kid Delaney. Why the mean little bastard distilled jewr whigger pablum into 100-proof hate and you are scared of the little bastard and us wingnuts if you please. Like Covington in his white-flight escapist novels, touch him with the side of jewr Tory jackboot. But back off from him. Don't make yourself into a traitor. These people are wolves and wolves don't prod easy.
Shit's coming down, folks. Ed, do what you do, and don't try to turn Resistance wolves into steers. Don't be like them suburban whigger militia generals trying to snitch out the CI element to the FiBbIes in 1999. Snitches get stitches if they're lucky. Don't get caught in the hate stampede. If you do, you might live to regret it. You are a whigger herder, not a Resistance soldier. You don't want to be a Resistance soldier anyway, not if you are scared or too nice to kill niggers for their crime in simply being stray beasts of the field who don't belong in our garden. Your function is not to play by ZOG's rules or enable this. I got out I think because ZOG regime criminals are hoping that I will use my influence to modify this onrushing Great Tribulation. And I'm using my time to make Dual-Seedline Christian Identity into the White Man's Racial HATE Religion. It will destroy ZOG/Babylon the Third and Last like Islam destroyed Zorastrianism and a bunch of other minor religions in its path.
You have your duties and I have mine, Edgar, my whigger-herder brother. Let's carry them out.
Hail Victory!!!
Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
I've despised Peter Shaenk ever since he censored me for bringing up where Alex Linder got his money -- from TraitorGlenn Miller years ago. And I listened to this show, and what it was was simply edjewcated whiggers talking smack about their 'wingnut' followers of those who simply "go too far." Why they are simply far too edjewcated to simply hate niggers for being niggers -- they are not 'racist.' But the end all and be all of what they do is simply to moan their way like gentle-steers all the way down the chute to their personal slaughter house. They are so much better than the nuts that they hope will somehow save them in their hour of need. And having been there and seen that, they are like the suburban whigger militia generals who collaborated with the FBI in the summer of 1999 against the Christian Identity rural racist militias. The end result is that these suburban whigger militia generals pretty much were dead as organizations by the spring after Y2Kaos went bust.
What ZOG fears, what niggers fear, what jews fear isn't the civilized White man, but rather the White man who hates them and ZOGling whigger race traitors with a blind hate, Someone who would torture them and kill them all without a twinge of remorse. I listened with disbelief when both of them were yapping about the 'wingnuts' who hate all non-whites and how they are instinctive racists. Well Edgar, after you've castrated these naive racists by turning them into reading jewr bullshit into edjewcated castrated whiggers, who is going to kill all the niggers and jews so that you can live in a free-range ZOGling whiggerdumb without seeing nary a nigger or jew? Hmmmm?
Do you want to pull a Pat Buchanan on us, who when his brigade members supported him went all the way to San Diego cut a deal with BoobDolt? Or denounced me for racism when I followed a Buchananite platform and was running for US Senate as a Reform Party Candidate. He cut a deal with Bush to choose a looney-toon she-coon to collect the $12.5 million in RP funds and to make his racist White male ex-followers vote for Bush. And now this whore is on the jewTube yapping about death of the West due to Mexican immigrunts. So yet the whore lived the paytriotic life and enjoyed the pleasures of sin foor some seasons.
And now you are congradulating President ONigger in jewr latest post while I am suing ONigger and the State of Missouri for not letting me run for governor while confined to the NutHouse.
You sound like a militia general circa 1999, far more scared of White Extremist nuts killing you for moderation than you are of jews and ZOG. And now you are engaged in a piss-fight with some young bull who changed your words for his own purposes. And you wonder what to do, somewhat plaintively. Let me tell you what to do: The kid is wrong but oh so right! If he could twist Thomas Jefferson to kill jews and niggers and then twist you so as to do the same thing then the only difference is that you are the only one whining about how your vanity has been hurt. You screw over that stupid but racially right kid and betray him to ZOG, then you will have something to worry about because you will be regarded as a traitor. Not feel like producing anything? Then sulk in your tent until not that you are needed, but that you have your own little vengeance to pursue like Patrocles.
I got out a month ago by finally bonding out from 3 1/2 years on trumped up sodomy charges brought about by some pig saying that some therapist said that my retarded six-year-old grandson said I kissed his penis. And first they stole my grandchildren, and then they took my freedom and because I wanted to represent myself they put me in a maximum security NutHouse and doped me up but good. And it took 3 1/2 years of sheer resistance and some guile to where I am out today.
And where was the bowel Movement? The part that was not in prison was the part that wants to go whigger! Including you, Edgar. When you gave me a copy of your book for review I told you that it was a good book to scare thousands of whiggers with and maybe get a few worthwhile people into the Movement with, but it was absolutely useless to the hard-core Resistance. I don't recollect you using my review to sell some more books. By all means do what you do best as the whigger whimperer, but you should stop telling Bill White to not go balls to the wall right now.
I've come to the realization that it is only absolute raw HATE which will save us now. I tell pigs and lawyers and jewdges and regime criminals that I intend to skin them alive and like Felix Dzerzhinsky will torture them into a confession, skin them alive and make them eat their own and their spawn's testicles, rape their females to breed a new master race and use biological warfare against them. Why, just as I was suffering from Psychic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, some made-up mental disease used to jail and dope dissidents, they were suffering from Piglice Testicle Eating Syndrome.
Rule of Law comes not from YHWH. YHWH doesn't care about whether degenerate Israelite whiggers destroy themselves. In fact he has placed a curse on such. Rule of Law comes from everyone, especially those in power understanding that the reason you do not torture is because it will come right back to you.
So Bill White and Hal Turner are actually the real racial patriots. Fools, maybe. Patriots, absolutely. And they don't need cowardly whiggers sitting in the cheap seats cheer-leading for ZOG.
There is a Great Tribulation coming, and unlike the jewdayo-Zionist delusion none will be craptured up to sit it out on Cloud 666. And it shall routinely mean that the vast majority of ZOGling whiggers shall die. And this racial, religious and class civil war shall likely continue until there is only 10-15 million Whites and not a single non-white left. YHWH placed the jew to plague the White Israelite so that Heaven will not be too crowded. And if in that war the dysfunctional CreaTards and One-Seedline CI/Babtist Hobbyist/New Covenant Cornholers die in that civil war, then so much the better!
This bowel Movement is full of whiggers who claim they want to die for their cuntree and but a few White Men who are willing to kill non-whites and whigger race traitors because they have the guts and moral strength to admit that they simply hate niggers and jews. And when I hear you vapor on about us haters you sound just like them cuntree-club whigger supremacists who sold out Byron Beckworth who were racial soldiers who did your killing for you. What good are you paytriots who don't want to get jewr dainty hands wet with blood? Are you not like Alex Linder at Topeka in 2004 who was scared of what he thought was a little jew 2/3 of his size and is only good for yelling 'nigger, nigger, nigger, jew, jew, jew, when protected by 100 piglice?
We don't need frontmen like David Duke or Don Black or any other of the like. We need what you despise.
Let me tell you what I seen at the NutHouse: I saw no White or even whigger so far gone that he didn't consider himself far above any nigger or beaner or gook or jew. And I didn't see a single nigger that didn't think that whitey owed him forever. It didn't matter how much they were doped up, no matter how much dope is applied, biology is everything.
So Ed, do what you do best. Be an Episs-ul to the ZOGling whigger ass-clowns. Tell them that Obongo is going to take their guns and maybe even tell them it is because they are already so willing to give up their nuts. And you herd them whiggers into a lather if you want. Take 'em for all their whigger's mites.
But you don't tell us to stop hating. You don't tell us to show mercy. Back off from that dumb kid Delaney. Why the mean little bastard distilled jewr whigger pablum into 100-proof hate and you are scared of the little bastard and us wingnuts if you please. Like Covington in his white-flight escapist novels, touch him with the side of jewr Tory jackboot. But back off from him. Don't make yourself into a traitor. These people are wolves and wolves don't prod easy.
Shit's coming down, folks. Ed, do what you do, and don't try to turn Resistance wolves into steers. Don't be like them suburban whigger militia generals trying to snitch out the CI element to the FiBbIes in 1999. Snitches get stitches if they're lucky. Don't get caught in the hate stampede. If you do, you might live to regret it. You are a whigger herder, not a Resistance soldier. You don't want to be a Resistance soldier anyway, not if you are scared or too nice to kill niggers for their crime in simply being stray beasts of the field who don't belong in our garden. Your function is not to play by ZOG's rules or enable this. I got out I think because ZOG regime criminals are hoping that I will use my influence to modify this onrushing Great Tribulation. And I'm using my time to make Dual-Seedline Christian Identity into the White Man's Racial HATE Religion. It will destroy ZOG/Babylon the Third and Last like Islam destroyed Zorastrianism and a bunch of other minor religions in its path.
You have your duties and I have mine, Edgar, my whigger-herder brother. Let's carry them out.
Hail Victory!!!
Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri