The [Bowel] Movement & Itz V-Bulletin Forums
I am starting this thread to discuss what has been the forefront of White Nationalism propaganda activity since 2003 or so -- the V-Bulletin Forums.
This thread will be more than a discussion of $permFront, VNNF, the Phora, and even StumbleInn and the other White Nationalist forums, but rather what (little) they accomplish and what they mean. They are the real newspapers of the Movement, having displaced the e-mail trees and jewhoogruppen which used to function as the source of discussion, debate and propaganda dissemination. Thus discussion concerning them belongs, not in the SI Circle of Crust, but rather here in my sub-forum, as I am the one who is bringing the matter up.
The purpose of this article is not to decry the fact that real-life activism has declined -- in the old days there seldom was much in the way of real-life activism and what there was often degenerated into a farce or a dangerous riot as in Greensboro North Carolina which put a lot of White men in danger. The fact of the matter is that these White Nationalist v-Bulletin forums exist and they take up a lot of time of both activists and the ZOG spies and the mass of whiggers out to play games. That they not only exist, but 'thrive' after a fashion, and that more and more have sprang up and act as a sort of Movement 'network' and can be the foundation for Internet radio and TV means that what they are, what they do, who they are is of importance. They exist, and they are prominent on the fruited & nutted ZOG-plain and thus should be analysed, now, as opposed to by doctrinal graduate students after the fact.
These forums promise such power but can be created so cheaply. I myself will set up a White Nationalist (with a strong DSCI flavor) forum sometime at the end of this month. Depending upon whether or not I wish to set up a commercial site for my Church, it will probably be hosted for $4.99 a month and the v-bulletin software will cost $180. Thus almost anyone can set up their own White Nationalist v-bulletin forum for $300 per two years. Take the content provided for free, add a paper newsletter, and one can have a Movement sinecure as $permFront provides Don Black and affiliates and supports David Duke, or Tom Metzger or Harold Covington. Not in luxury, but doing what someone loves to do.
Now in the entire 15 years of my time in the Movement, I've never even been able to pay for the Internet bill out of the proceedings. It is difficult, if not impossible, to make money off the Internet. In most cases, these v-bulletin forums are a labor of love.
Regrettably they usually accomplish nothing but to allow for every little feeb dog to have its day and its say. They start out as 'Free Speech for Whites' -- the lie Alex Linder promised until the crackdown after the Christmas Coup of 2004 -- and end up becoming nothing more than the place for 100-1,000 whiggers posting 10,000 whigger 'MuhDikkk!!!' posts. The amount of informed, intelligent, thoughtful debate is truly limited. I'd say that only one in twenty threads even start out well, and they almost always are hijacked by trolls and ass-clowns. Driving these listserver pigeons can have the effect of drying these forums out. There have been many of these forums which have essentially 'burned out.' Some of them have become nothing but toxic waste dumps generating much wretched-refuse refugees like VNNF boat piss-pul. Others by their tyranny and sanctimoniousness create refugees like $permFront.
So many of these v-bulletin forums were set up in reaction to Movement whigger (not jew or mud) censorship and tyrannical ass-clownery and they become worse than what they did protest against upon their founding. A look at the history of Puritan New England is in order here. Paradoxically, because of their closed-mindedness towards ZOGling whiggerdumb, Christian Identity forums tend to be more tolerant of debate, allowing their 'training jews' or 'training whiggers' to be theysselfs. But there are no CI v-bulletin forums except for $permFront's CI forum run by Klunt Downey, who bans every DSCI man that she can, as she is a fraud. (Note of June 9, 2009: The Theology sections of $permFront have been shut down and Klunt is out on her ass. Also, Pastor Visser has set up a an overtly DSCI v-bulletin forum for his Covenant People's Ministry in the past two months. -MLDL CJCC/AN)
Note of Sep. 28, 2010: Visser's forums have been deleted as this criminal is in hiding. Klunt Downey was let back onto $permFront in order for it to act as a ZOG false front pretending to be Christian Identity. ODES went to blog format. Phorafags/feebs bans genuine White Nationalists as a Belgian sephardic jew data-mining operation out of Brussels.
Original Dissent was set up in reaction to censorship from the Zionist neo-khannedservantive F[r]ee Repub[l]ic. It soon became interested in censorship of its own -- I myself was banned for my profane language -- and so I gave it the nickname it holds today of being the Original Dissent Embalming Society for its love of embalming the ossified ideas of conservative reactionaries who would rather die than to think an original idea. They should call theysselfs 'Reactionary Dissent' and keep the Embalming Society moniker as this is what they sell -- Movement reactionary bourbonism.
White Nationalist Forums was set up in reaction to some of its members being banned by $permFront. They claim to be interested only in discussion of White Nationalism, but have all manner of arbitrary rules to stifle dissent as well. Their forum seems pretty much dead.
Billy Roper's White Revolution used to pretty much run Alex Linder's VNNF until the Christmas Coup of 2004. Last time I looked at it, it seemed pretty much a dead forum without any posts in the past few days.
There are a number of sundry White Nationalist forums, devoted to either saying that swarthy mamzers like Diablo Blanco is White Aryan, or to those who say that they are White and nothing else. I've not seen much, if anything, in them worth reporting or spying upon. Note, 28Sep10: Diablow Niggero's Pan-Aryan/Mamzer Alliance went belly up in early 2010. Not enough shitskins wanting to claim to be whigger.
Phorafags/feebs, when it came out in 2004 and run by Fade the Butcher, used to be the predominate free-speech forum for Whites and so I went onto it after losing out on the Christmas Coup of 2004. A number of my CI friends arrived as well. Since us middle-aged religious Whites didn't like or respect the young kollidge whiggers and ridiculed them for their pretenses, we were subsequently removed to a subforum wherein we were free to post, but no where else. At my suggestion, this subforum was called a 'jewlag.' The jewlag, where any real debate was allowed, often had more interest in it than the rest of the forum. Fade the Butcher, the whigger 'intellectual,' was displaced by balkanoid and spic mamzer 'intellectuals' and as a result, I'm back in the phorafag/feeb jewlag. I go over to phorafags/feebs in order to fight with Movement whiggers, mamzers and jews, which dominate phorafags/feebs. Note 24Nov09: This fighting with the phorafags/feebs/fuktards led to my being banned by Stan the Belgian Fruit-Loop an hour after the Forth of jew-lie. Which goes to show that for all of Fade the Butcher's mercurial ways, the phorafaggots/fuktards who replaced him were second-rate in terms of not understanding White nature.
Lastly, StumbleInn, which is an off-shoot of phorafags/feebs. As a reaction to so-called whigger 'intellectuals' without intellect jacking themselves off and calling their unibrow tanning salon 'high-brow' discussion, they set up their forum as a working-class bar in which all matter of things can be discussed. The end result is probably the most free-wheeling forum of the lot on the Internet. Note: 28Sep10: Censorship and ZOGbot moderation has come to StumbleInn. The Title of White Nationalist Free Speech Forum has now migrated to The Beer Barrel, a breakaway colony of StumbleInn.
What happens whenever there is real 'Free Speech for Whites' is that people (Actually, not 'people' but rather whiggers, mamzers and jews) immediately have a fit as to what is actually said. Old scores are brought up and immediately aired, and the end result is a lot of pissing and moaning. Skewer the Administrator's sacred cattle and like Odysseus whose men killed and ate scared cattle it is back into the boats with a curse and the injunction to keep moving to someplace else.
V-bulletin makes the best forum software. phpbb is free, and they both run atop the same server software, but v-bulletin is lighter and stronger. It's output can be put onto a blog without much, if any, formatting. So because of its strength, these v-bulletin forums have pretty much taken over the jewhoogruppen forums because jewhoo routinely censors away White Nationalist content. Therefore, these v-bulletin forums are run by jealous Movement warlords who understand that they need creative White Nationalist content, but creative people and fellow warlords are none too controllable.
This thread's purpose is to transfer to other White Nationalist forums -- if allowed there -- and to bring about some true debate as to the purpose of these forums. Here at StumbleInn is like Muhammad at Medina -- a place wherein Muhammad could create an Islamicist community and show that it worked before being allowed back to Mecca and then conquering the Arabian subcontinent and then within 50 years from India to Spain.
White Nationalism, as its leading men build it, will be a political movement which takes advantage of a collapsing ZOG and use it to advance themselves as well as their race and People. One cannot and should not divorce ambition and the desire for revenge from our leadership, which shall make itself known by their actions. But before these actions can have any success, the political ground must be tilled and sown with White Nationalist propaganda oriented to both a whigger and a White Nationalist audience. Yes, we need our 'whigger-whimperers' like Edgar Steele, but we also need our White Nationalists like Louis Beam and myself, who appeal, not to the whiggers and those whiggers/mamzers/jews amongst us, but to the truly hard core looking for the word to know when the Revolution is at hand, it is time for open revolt and revolution, time to destroy ZOG by exterminating ZOGlings.
I shall put up a poll, but not here just yet definitely leading, to which all can vote. I am propounding a thesis towards a certain point, so this poll obviously has its thumb on the scale. Yet the purpose of this article is to stimulate thought and debate, and to allow partisans of these forums to in turn make their own points.
Hail Victory!!!
Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
10 March 2009
Originally posted 03-10-2009, 09:30 PM
I am starting this thread to discuss what has been the forefront of White Nationalism propaganda activity since 2003 or so -- the V-Bulletin Forums.
This thread will be more than a discussion of $permFront, VNNF, the Phora, and even StumbleInn and the other White Nationalist forums, but rather what (little) they accomplish and what they mean. They are the real newspapers of the Movement, having displaced the e-mail trees and jewhoogruppen which used to function as the source of discussion, debate and propaganda dissemination. Thus discussion concerning them belongs, not in the SI Circle of Crust, but rather here in my sub-forum, as I am the one who is bringing the matter up.
The purpose of this article is not to decry the fact that real-life activism has declined -- in the old days there seldom was much in the way of real-life activism and what there was often degenerated into a farce or a dangerous riot as in Greensboro North Carolina which put a lot of White men in danger. The fact of the matter is that these White Nationalist v-Bulletin forums exist and they take up a lot of time of both activists and the ZOG spies and the mass of whiggers out to play games. That they not only exist, but 'thrive' after a fashion, and that more and more have sprang up and act as a sort of Movement 'network' and can be the foundation for Internet radio and TV means that what they are, what they do, who they are is of importance. They exist, and they are prominent on the fruited & nutted ZOG-plain and thus should be analysed, now, as opposed to by doctrinal graduate students after the fact.
These forums promise such power but can be created so cheaply. I myself will set up a White Nationalist (with a strong DSCI flavor) forum sometime at the end of this month. Depending upon whether or not I wish to set up a commercial site for my Church, it will probably be hosted for $4.99 a month and the v-bulletin software will cost $180. Thus almost anyone can set up their own White Nationalist v-bulletin forum for $300 per two years. Take the content provided for free, add a paper newsletter, and one can have a Movement sinecure as $permFront provides Don Black and affiliates and supports David Duke, or Tom Metzger or Harold Covington. Not in luxury, but doing what someone loves to do.
Now in the entire 15 years of my time in the Movement, I've never even been able to pay for the Internet bill out of the proceedings. It is difficult, if not impossible, to make money off the Internet. In most cases, these v-bulletin forums are a labor of love.
Regrettably they usually accomplish nothing but to allow for every little feeb dog to have its day and its say. They start out as 'Free Speech for Whites' -- the lie Alex Linder promised until the crackdown after the Christmas Coup of 2004 -- and end up becoming nothing more than the place for 100-1,000 whiggers posting 10,000 whigger 'MuhDikkk!!!' posts. The amount of informed, intelligent, thoughtful debate is truly limited. I'd say that only one in twenty threads even start out well, and they almost always are hijacked by trolls and ass-clowns. Driving these listserver pigeons can have the effect of drying these forums out. There have been many of these forums which have essentially 'burned out.' Some of them have become nothing but toxic waste dumps generating much wretched-refuse refugees like VNNF boat piss-pul. Others by their tyranny and sanctimoniousness create refugees like $permFront.
So many of these v-bulletin forums were set up in reaction to Movement whigger (not jew or mud) censorship and tyrannical ass-clownery and they become worse than what they did protest against upon their founding. A look at the history of Puritan New England is in order here. Paradoxically, because of their closed-mindedness towards ZOGling whiggerdumb, Christian Identity forums tend to be more tolerant of debate, allowing their 'training jews' or 'training whiggers' to be theysselfs. But there are no CI v-bulletin forums except for $permFront's CI forum run by Klunt Downey, who bans every DSCI man that she can, as she is a fraud. (Note of June 9, 2009: The Theology sections of $permFront have been shut down and Klunt is out on her ass. Also, Pastor Visser has set up a an overtly DSCI v-bulletin forum for his Covenant People's Ministry in the past two months. -MLDL CJCC/AN)
Note of Sep. 28, 2010: Visser's forums have been deleted as this criminal is in hiding. Klunt Downey was let back onto $permFront in order for it to act as a ZOG false front pretending to be Christian Identity. ODES went to blog format. Phorafags/feebs bans genuine White Nationalists as a Belgian sephardic jew data-mining operation out of Brussels.
Original Dissent was set up in reaction to censorship from the Zionist neo-khannedservantive F[r]ee Repub[l]ic. It soon became interested in censorship of its own -- I myself was banned for my profane language -- and so I gave it the nickname it holds today of being the Original Dissent Embalming Society for its love of embalming the ossified ideas of conservative reactionaries who would rather die than to think an original idea. They should call theysselfs 'Reactionary Dissent' and keep the Embalming Society moniker as this is what they sell -- Movement reactionary bourbonism.
White Nationalist Forums was set up in reaction to some of its members being banned by $permFront. They claim to be interested only in discussion of White Nationalism, but have all manner of arbitrary rules to stifle dissent as well. Their forum seems pretty much dead.
Billy Roper's White Revolution used to pretty much run Alex Linder's VNNF until the Christmas Coup of 2004. Last time I looked at it, it seemed pretty much a dead forum without any posts in the past few days.
There are a number of sundry White Nationalist forums, devoted to either saying that swarthy mamzers like Diablo Blanco is White Aryan, or to those who say that they are White and nothing else. I've not seen much, if anything, in them worth reporting or spying upon. Note, 28Sep10: Diablow Niggero's Pan-Aryan/Mamzer Alliance went belly up in early 2010. Not enough shitskins wanting to claim to be whigger.
Phorafags/feebs, when it came out in 2004 and run by Fade the Butcher, used to be the predominate free-speech forum for Whites and so I went onto it after losing out on the Christmas Coup of 2004. A number of my CI friends arrived as well. Since us middle-aged religious Whites didn't like or respect the young kollidge whiggers and ridiculed them for their pretenses, we were subsequently removed to a subforum wherein we were free to post, but no where else. At my suggestion, this subforum was called a 'jewlag.' The jewlag, where any real debate was allowed, often had more interest in it than the rest of the forum. Fade the Butcher, the whigger 'intellectual,' was displaced by balkanoid and spic mamzer 'intellectuals' and as a result, I'm back in the phorafag/feeb jewlag. I go over to phorafags/feebs in order to fight with Movement whiggers, mamzers and jews, which dominate phorafags/feebs. Note 24Nov09: This fighting with the phorafags/feebs/fuktards led to my being banned by Stan the Belgian Fruit-Loop an hour after the Forth of jew-lie. Which goes to show that for all of Fade the Butcher's mercurial ways, the phorafaggots/fuktards who replaced him were second-rate in terms of not understanding White nature.
Lastly, StumbleInn, which is an off-shoot of phorafags/feebs. As a reaction to so-called whigger 'intellectuals' without intellect jacking themselves off and calling their unibrow tanning salon 'high-brow' discussion, they set up their forum as a working-class bar in which all matter of things can be discussed. The end result is probably the most free-wheeling forum of the lot on the Internet. Note: 28Sep10: Censorship and ZOGbot moderation has come to StumbleInn. The Title of White Nationalist Free Speech Forum has now migrated to The Beer Barrel, a breakaway colony of StumbleInn.
What happens whenever there is real 'Free Speech for Whites' is that people (Actually, not 'people' but rather whiggers, mamzers and jews) immediately have a fit as to what is actually said. Old scores are brought up and immediately aired, and the end result is a lot of pissing and moaning. Skewer the Administrator's sacred cattle and like Odysseus whose men killed and ate scared cattle it is back into the boats with a curse and the injunction to keep moving to someplace else.
V-bulletin makes the best forum software. phpbb is free, and they both run atop the same server software, but v-bulletin is lighter and stronger. It's output can be put onto a blog without much, if any, formatting. So because of its strength, these v-bulletin forums have pretty much taken over the jewhoogruppen forums because jewhoo routinely censors away White Nationalist content. Therefore, these v-bulletin forums are run by jealous Movement warlords who understand that they need creative White Nationalist content, but creative people and fellow warlords are none too controllable.
This thread's purpose is to transfer to other White Nationalist forums -- if allowed there -- and to bring about some true debate as to the purpose of these forums. Here at StumbleInn is like Muhammad at Medina -- a place wherein Muhammad could create an Islamicist community and show that it worked before being allowed back to Mecca and then conquering the Arabian subcontinent and then within 50 years from India to Spain.
White Nationalism, as its leading men build it, will be a political movement which takes advantage of a collapsing ZOG and use it to advance themselves as well as their race and People. One cannot and should not divorce ambition and the desire for revenge from our leadership, which shall make itself known by their actions. But before these actions can have any success, the political ground must be tilled and sown with White Nationalist propaganda oriented to both a whigger and a White Nationalist audience. Yes, we need our 'whigger-whimperers' like Edgar Steele, but we also need our White Nationalists like Louis Beam and myself, who appeal, not to the whiggers and those whiggers/mamzers/jews amongst us, but to the truly hard core looking for the word to know when the Revolution is at hand, it is time for open revolt and revolution, time to destroy ZOG by exterminating ZOGlings.
I shall put up a poll, but not here just yet definitely leading, to which all can vote. I am propounding a thesis towards a certain point, so this poll obviously has its thumb on the scale. Yet the purpose of this article is to stimulate thought and debate, and to allow partisans of these forums to in turn make their own points.
Hail Victory!!!
Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
10 March 2009
Originally posted 03-10-2009, 09:30 PM