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Resistance Records Ad Censored at Kentucky jewnivershitty Screwdent jewspaper

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  • Resistance Records Ad Censored at Kentucky jewnivershitty Screwdent jewspaper


    Originally posted by Ask-a-nutzi Asswipe

    Censorship At Northern Kentucky University: The Northerner Newspaper Pulls Ad For Resistance Records After Manufactured Outrage
    The Natallnews website tells us that censorship is alive and well in Northern Kentucky University (NKU), located in Newport. The editor of The Northerner, the school's newspaper, groveled before the gods of politically correctness and pulled an ad for Resistance Records.

    WXIX Channel 19 provides the media story with video. For the past two weeks, The Northerner has published the ad in question. The ad contains about two dozens words in black and white that got some diversity-brainwashed NKU students in a tizzy. They complain that Resistance Records, operated by the National Alliance, is an online store for music made by neo-Nazi artists and white supremacist musicians. NKU freshman William Christopher said, ..."this ad isn't offensive, but I know the website would be, and it shouldn't be in a college newsletter" And another freshman, Danielle Spears, chirped on cue, "Especially if they're promoting diversity in our school".

    [Ed. Note: Now just wait a minute, Danielle. If you are so sold on "diversity", wouldn't you want your school to be allowing MULTIPLE points of view? Including those with which you disagree? Furthermore, if you actually visited the National Alliance website, you would know that they promote White separatism, NOT White supremacism.]

    But NKU senior Nicole Petrelli showed a more mature attitude and a greater respect for the First Amendment. "They have the right to free speech. But at the same time, whether or not people agree with it is another story. I don't personally agree with it, but they have the right to purchase a page just like any other group I guess."

    Northerner Editor in Chief Tim Owens said he spent Tuesday November 10th responding to a storm of comments and questions about the advertisement, and characterized it as an honest mistake. This week's issue just hit the stands on Wednesday, and includes an apology and a hole where the ad once was. Read the apology HERE. Owens also said the man who paid a $120 for the first ad still owes the paper for the second one, but The Northerner will not accept his money. The man in question appears to be Robert Ransdell, the Coordinator for the National Alliance's Cincinnati Unit; this unit has been involved in a wide variety of local activism, to include literature distribution, Adopt-A-Highway litter cleanup, and confronting Holocaust "experts". Ransdell has opened up a discussion thread on the Resistance Forum.

    Censorship appears to be a way of life at Northern Kentucky University. According to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) 2009 speech codes report, NKU is a "red-light" university. A “red light” institution has at least one policy that both clearly and substantially restricts freedom of speech. This means it maintains a climate hostile to free speech. You can see the list of universities in Appendix B beginning on page 27 of the report. The "red-light" category is by far the largest, followed by the "yellow-light" category, then the "green-light" category, where free speech is generally permitted.

    FIRE maintains a specific page about NKU HERE. Restrictions on expressive rights are summarized HERE. Note that FIRE has held NKU under scrutiny for several years now.

    Posted by Anchorage Activist at 9:48 PM, Wednesday, November 11, 2009

    Originally posted by The Northerner Editurd-in-Chief

    Apology from the newsroom

    By Tim Owens

    Print Editor-in-Chief
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    Published: Wednesday, November 11, 2009

    Updated: Wednesday, November 11, 2009

    In the last two issues, The Northerner ran an ad for a business called Resistance Records. The ad was cut-and-dry. It listed all of the types of music it sells and listed its URL at the bottom. But after this past weekend, we found the intent behind the ad was not so cut-and-dry.

    Via an inquiry from Channel 12 News, who got the tip from a concerned reader, we found that Resistance Records is a business that promotes white supremacy.

    After investigating the validity of this right after I got the call, I made the decision to immediately halt all business with Resistance Records. While it is not illegal to run ads of this nature, we at The Northerner see it as an ethical issue. We do not wish to be in business with groups or organizations that promote any form of racism, sexism, ageism, or any other form of discrimination. While issues of this nature are dependent on who runs The Northerner each semester, it was my decision that the paper, for this semester, will not advertise with this business or other businesses like it.

    That being said, I don’t want it to seem like I am making excuses. The fact of the matter is we screwed up. We should have researched our client better before getting in to business with them.

    I also want to take this opportunity to personally apologize to our readers for running this ad. We received numerous complaints about the ad, and to those who were offended — I apologize. Please know that we did not intend to offend anyone, and will pay closer attention to the ads we run in the future.

    If you still want to voice your opinion on this matter, feel free to submit a letter to the editor on our Web site, or drop by our office to talk with me about it.

    Thank you for your continuing readership.

    Fox 19's story on the advertisement
    Pastor Lindstedt sez:

    I do read your foolishness, and must admit that sometimes you are like the swine that finds a truffle. So this is what I posted on the comments section of the Kentucky skrewdent jewspaper comments section, Askanutzi Asswipe:

    I am not a big fan of these National Alliance remnant groups because usually they are a bunch of a-theistic solipsistic whiggers who theysselfs censor the Dual-Seedline Christian Identity religious beliefs of those they consider a pack of religious fanatics, which we admittedly are.

    But I approve of your act of cowardly degenerate censorship simply because us religious fanatics don't believe in 'freedom of speech' either, and you did censor one of our rivals in the White Nationalist Movement. In fact, I suspect that the reason that they put the ad in your skrule jewspaper was to get censored/banned and then use the resultant publicity to give them far more coverage than they could get if none of you fools had kicked up a stink about it. In which case they are actually smarter than I usually give the Pierce-ites credit for.

    You see, when you so-called 'students' running a skrule jewspaper help destroy some of the social fabric keeping a diverse, multi-culti mighty Evil Empire together by finishing off the stupid notion that we can ever sit down and discuss our differences in peace and possibly get along together, that helps bring about what we call the Great Tribulation, a racial, religious, and class civil war which will end up destroying all the jews and non-whites and better than 90% of you dumbass whiggers. Charlie Manson would approve of what you fools have helped bring about. He wanted to start a racial civil war. You fools obviously think that you have won one by default, without a sh*t being fired. Time will tell, but I think that you have helped White victory by showing whiggers that they have no choice but to fight. Any whigger surviving this conflict will become White.

    Since you pretentious idiots cannot help but deny allowing White Nationalists to simply buy an ad in a student newspaper in a college mainly paid for by white taxpayers, then of course the entire college should either be shut down and privatized or the idiot editor be expelled for violating the 'rights' of Whites.

    Looking at the comments section, it seems that plenty of whites have figured out the score. And this is mainly why the major jewspapers are losing white subscribers is why should they pay good money to be despised for being white, for paying taxes to public institutions that discriminate against them, that lie to them, that despise them for Breathing While white (BWw)?

    I hear that the Resistance Records people didn't pay for the second ad. Have any of you nitwits figured out that perhaps them clever Nazis notified the ADL (Ashkenazi Defecation League) or $PLC (Southern Professional Liars Center) so that they would find some whining jew or negro to cum running to you fools so that they would save another 120 ZOG-bux and get a whole lot of free publicity for 'forbidden fruit' that they couldn't have received if you gliberal whigger nincumpoops had simply honored your contractual obligations?

    Well, perhaps in the civil war/Great Tribulation coming, the dumber National Alliance remnants will die in the fighting and the smarter of them will pretend to be Christian Identity so that they will have religious Racial Holy-War sanction for exterminating all you multi-culti ZOGlings, be you jew mud or whigger crud. They certainly ran rings around you edjewmacated ZOGling whigger kollidge ass-clowns the past few daze.

    By the way, I'll be posting this on White Nationalist forums, maybe even on those of the Pierce-ites. So censor away, ZOGling whigger and mamzer ass-clowns.

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 11-12-2009, 05:01 AM.

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