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The Hidden Roots Of the Sephardim & Ashkenazim

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  • The Hidden Roots Of the Sephardim & Ashkenazim

    The Hidden Roots Of the Sephardim & Ashkenazim

    We hear a great many claims as to the beginnings of the Jews, who they are or are not. Yet it has been made hard to pinpoint the roots to the terms Ashkenazim and Sephardim, the two chief groups who together make up some 98% of those who call themselves, Jews.

    You will not get much truth from Jewish sources on this unless you know what you are looking for. Basically they stonewall you with two bold and unbacked statements which tend to make the casual researcher say, "aha, that is what the terms mean?". Thus satisfied they look no further. The statements are made by rabbis yet Jewish historians are at last giving details which agree with facts given by European historians a long time ago. The two unbacked statements are, "Sefarad is the Hebrew word for Spain" and "Ashkenazim is the Hebrew word for Germany". Now think about this, if this were to be so, then it stands to reason that all Spaniards could call themselves, the Sephardim, thus giving all Spaniards, Jewish rights to Palestine; assuming Jews have rights to the land. It also means that the Germans can call themselves, the Ashkenazim and lay claim to Palestine if the Ashkenazim have any such rightful claims. Yet for some loopy reason the Jews who claim that the terms mean Spain or Germany feel the terms only befit Jews. The real reason becomes clear with a little delving. It may also reveal the true reason why the Jewish lobby in the USA is so hell-bent on smashing the Iraqi leadership of the day.

    The reason why the Jews do not readily share these terms, Sephardic and Ashkenazim with the not Jewish folks of Spain and Germany is because the terms simply do not really mean Spain and Germany at all! The terms are uniquely fixed to the Jews because they are ethnic pointer terms. The terms pre-date the very being of Spain and Germany and can in no way whatsoever be linked with these lands. It would be like a bunch of Saxons back in the time of William the Plunderer (Conqueror), calling themselves, "the Australians" (well and truly before Australia was discovered) if the same rules were used to give meaning to the words Sephardim and Ashkenazim. The Jewish claim that the words mean Spain and Germany is laughable. When I looked into an Internet site where the "Jewish expert" made the claims that Sephardic means Spain and Ashkenazim means Germany, I clicked onto the email address to ask for any material to back these claims. At the time of this writing I have been waiting now for six months and still no reply.

    Thankfully we can draw on other researchers for clues other than rabbinical tradition. Dr Seth Ward at the centre for Judaic Studies, at the Department of History of the University of Denver, was a little more truthful than many of his ilk. He had the guts to admit that the name Sephardic goes back to Assyrian times. Sadly he misleads use to believe that the name was given to Israelites banished to the place named "Sepharad", from where they were meant to have gained the name. This is based on misreading a few lines in Obadiah. Indeed some Israelites ended up in Sepharad but one must not forget that Sepharad was a place full of Assyrian burgesses (citizens) called ... the Sephardim; and these were not Israelite! Furthermore, the Bible tells us that the Israelites of the Assyrian banishment did not return to their homeland and therefore never went back calling themselves after the swathes (areas) of their banishment. So no Israelites ever called themselves, the Sephardim! Yet there were a folk called by that name, as stated earlier, who were the true dwellers of Sepharad. These were an Assyrian tribe and a great number of them were sent to the emptied former Israelite homeland. The homeland had become Assyrian territory and thus given to the winners to take and to spoil.

    "And the king of Assyria brought men from Babylon and from Hamath and from SEPHARVAIM and placed the in the cities of Samaria INSTEAD of the children of Israel and they took Samaria and dwelt in the cities thereof" 2 kings 17:24

    So although Dr Seth Ward muddles the point made by scripture, he nevertheless, does make the markworthy link to show that the key bit of the name Sephad-aim, can be traced to Assyria and is also and thus, linked to the names; Sephar, Sepharvaim, and Sephardaim of the Holy Writ.

    So we see from 2 Kings that the land was re-befolked (re-populated) with Babylonian and Assyrians from Sepharad. Finding Sepharad is not easy but it can be done. Modern timespell (history) books have been written in a way so as to pretend there was never such a place, yet that was not always so. Older encyclopedias have given details of this swathe (area). Someone has been hard at work to cover all tracks. Somewhat akin to the 'memory hole' in George Orwell's book - '1984'. The task of such writing would rest with scribes or writers.

    Jesus had not a shred of good to say of the scribes of his day. The task of writing, up until modern times, was in the hands of a few; an elite few. Yet the task of officially approving what is deemed "fit" is still in the same hands. The flow of information was/is a closed shop business, only for the "approved ones" to take part in or have the blessing of the establishment. They were a class of their own often of a particular clan, sect or even stock. So when Jesus referred to the scribes, he was talking of a people of a guild, made up of those who were of the same tribal ilk. It would be more true to say, of a hereditary profession. There is good reason to go down this path of thinking because today we find this hard to deal with. Yet hereditary, or ethnic grouping, still plays a large roll when it comes to choosing a job. Getting a job for instance in Kosher-dale (Hollywood) is only open to Jews. Universal Studios made it a point to only give work to Jews.

    Clearly the word and the meaning of Sephard does not mean, Spain. The word means; to write, SCRIBE, to book-keep, to reckon and to cipher. Indeed our very word "cipher" comes from the name of Sephar. The scribes of the Sephar folk were therefore very careful to hide these details. They were non-Israelites who ended up living in a land, that in time, became known as Judea and in turn they claimed Judean burgess-ship (citizenship) on the grounds of being the new dwellers and owners of the land. Broken down into Modern English, these neo-Judeans are called, Jews of Assyrian stock. These are the so-called real Jews. These are the ones who later went to North Africa and then into Spain. They claim to be real Jews (whatever that is meant to mean, I guess they mean that that it makes them Israelites), yet all they are is Assyrians from Sepharad who took now emptied Israelite land and homes as their own and thus doing were able to take on a geographic name.

    So it pays to see where this swathe (area) of Sepharad, the natural home of the Sephardic Jews, was. Amongst the great Assyro-Babylonian explorers such as Layard and Rawlinson, was H. Rassam.

    Wikipedia tells us that in 1880-81AD, Rassam was sent to Babylonia where he found the temple of the sun-god of Sippara at what is now called Abu-Habba and in so doing uncovered the site and setting of the two Sipparas (or Sepharvaim). Abu-Habba lies south-west of Baghdad, midway between the Euphrates and the Tigris, on the south side of a canal which is believed once to have been the main stream of the Euphrates.

    Easton's 1897 Bible wordbook (dictionary) tells us that it was a double town gaining the name Sepharvaim and was taken by Sargon, king of Assyria (2 Kings 17:24; 18:34; 19:13; Isa. 37:13). It meant "the two booktowns". The Sippara or Sephar on the east bank of the Euphrates is now called Abu-Habba and that on the west bank was the Accad, the old capital of Sargon I, where he founded a great library.

    From Iraq Pres, Damascus, 23rd of April, we learn that Iraqi archaeologists have uncovered more finds at Sippara which they claim was the "capital of knowledge and learning in ancient Iraq, with a great number of royal scholars and scribes." The Iraqi scientists have shown these tables to be as old as 3000 BC. This tells us that the Sephardic 'home-turf' predates any Israelite captives of the Assyrian captivities of around 700 BC, making it clear that the term Sephardaim does not mean banished Israelites, but rather it means as is logically so, "those dwellers of the two booktowns".

    But what is more, this twin town predates the rise of the Assyrian ricke (empire). The Assyrians were, on the whole, a folk with whom the Israelites could 'mate' with as long as they were ethnically unmixed and were willing to yield to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This is because a racially pure Assyrian is a descendent of Noah through Shem and Asshur (Genesis 10:22). This makes the descendents of Asshur (Assyrians) Shem-ites (Semites). Asshur's brother Arphaxad become the father of Eber (Genesis 10:24) who in turn fathered the Hebrew nation from which Abraham, Isaac and Jacob arose. The point of interest here is that Asshur and his Shem-etic offspring of Assyrians, were a kin tribe to the Hebrews. Thus whilst still racially unmixed in blood, this allowed them to inter-wed.

    Yet the Sephardaim lived in a swathe of land settled by the Japhethite tribe (also a kin tribe to the Shem-ites), the Ashkenazim. These were a folk still going by that name as a kingdom as late as roughly 595 BC as set down in the book of Jeremiah in chapter 51:27. Shem's offspring through Joktan lived west of Sephar in Genesis 10:30, this was as early as before the tower of Babel. South of them were the sons of Ham. Basically to the north east were those of Japheth. So Sephar was in a Japhethite swathe (area/region). This means that the earliest dwellers of Sephar or Sippara were Japhethites, as were the Ashkenazim.

    This also holds that they, the Sephardic Jews and the Ashkenazim Jews, despite some rivalry share a common Japhethite root. Maybe the Sephardics are simply Ashkenazics who have taken on the name of their town, and trade name, to be their clan name (the trade being sephars or scribes). In much the same way a Berliner is a German but not all Germans are Berliners or a New Yorker is an American but not all Americans are New Yorkers. The trade not only became the name of the twinned towns but also the name given to its dwellers. We see this in the form of 'Smith', a long time ago someone was truly a smith and so it became the clan's name. The swathe (area) was, put simply, a 'proto Ashkenazim/Sephardic Jewish homeland'.

    Thus the true Jewish homeland is not in Palestine at all but in Iraq with its capital about 30 kms from Baghdad. If one takes into mind that the Zionist aim is for a "Greater Israel" which includes the Fertile Crescent then maybe we can get a real understanding of the Jewish obsession with using beguiled Americans to hand sway (rule) of the land over to an Israeli loving puppet leader, who is waiting in the wings to take Iraq. The Ashkenazim and the Sephardim both know that this area around Baghdad was their ancestral stomping and scheming ground. The Assyrians did not take this swathe until 1174 BC. It was later taken by the Babylonians in 612 BC. But more on its relevant timespell (history) later.

    Jesus told us that a leopard cannot change its spots or that one can tell a tree by its fruit. What he is saying is this, that the deeds, hopes and gains of a strain of folk are locked into the genetic make up, or ethnic background or admixture. Likewise, if we are in doubt of a person's strain or admixture, we can work it out by their deeds. Today the Jews hold sway in the media and learning outlets (schools, universities, churches) and folkmotes (governments) and are looked up to as "experts" of politics, religion, banking and news. Basically, they hold the duties of scribes and book keepers. Well, is that not markworthy? For these are traits; and to use Jesus' way of thought, these folk bear the same fruit as they did in his day, thus not changing their spots. But let us see if we can take this further back in time, right back to the "two booktowns" of Sephar. Well even the name of the towns shows us that this is the trade of those folks. Yet we need more. H. Rassam found in his diggings, over 60,000 clay tables, most of which were of business dealings of an ancient banking firm called, Egidi (a friendly bank, I'm sure).

    The Parthians (a kinfolk of the Israelites, note I did not say kinfolk of the Jews) had overrun the swath in 130 BC and built Ctesiphon on the east bank of the Tigres opposite the existing Greek built town, Seleucia. Later during the Sassanian age these towns grew together into to capital of the Sassanids, then renamed, Madam. This town carried on well after the later Arab takeover in the 7th year-hundred (century) AD during which time Baghdad grew as the chief stead (city).

    In the Sassanid time the land was called Surristan, Surri > Syrrian & stan > land, meaning thus, Syrian land. Jews (Ashkenazim/Sephardiam) were never driven out of this bit of the world and indeed they did very well. So much so, that they even had their own kingdom in the area, and it seems, according to the 1911 encyclopedia, that the nearby Jewish state was called Pombedittia set on the east bank of the Euphrates. The writer tells us that its chief towns were Nehardea and Pombeditha which were seats of religious and statehood (national) life. This Jewish state was overthrown in 588AD but Jewish life carried on most notably in the Sassanian town of Perisabora.

    This Jewish state so happens to have been in the same swathe as their ancient Sepharvaim, not far from Baghdad.

    So if we are to believe the churchgoers who claim that the modern Israeli state is the first Jewish selfstanding (independent) state for more than over 2000 years, then THINK AGAIN! Because the Jews already had such a state after the fall of Jerusalem in 70AD in their true tribal homeland, Sepharvaim, renamed some 800 years later as Pombedittia. Yes it was overthrown in 588AD but then only 62 years later another fully selfstanding kingdom sprang up that in time would become a full-fledged Jewish state, Khazaria.

    A Turkish Link

    The first thing we need to understand when we talk about Turks is this; Turks do not originally come from Turkey! What we call Turkey today was once a Keltic homeland, the Turks stormed into the land. Around the time the Holy Roman Ricke (empire) stooge, William the Overrunner, sailed across the English Channel from France, a bloodthirsty hybrid stock, the Turks, were on the warpath. They were plowing their way southwestward from their Mongoloid homeland, way north of Tibet. They were once purely Mongoloid, (Asiatic) but between them and Tibet lived OUR Keltic cousins, the Tokharians. The Kelts lived all the way from Portugal right across Europe, into "Turkey" down to Chaldea (Kelt-ea) the land of Abraham, all the way to the east across Asia right up to what is now the Jade Gate of the Great wall of China. That is some swathe!

    As these Mongoloids thrust their way into white Tokharia they raped and slaughtered as they went. In time they had slaughtered and hybridized the Tokharians into extinction. Those Tokharians who did not fancy being slaughtered or mixed had to flee. Thus arose a hybrid stock of Kelto-Mongoloid blood, the Turks. This admixture saw to a swarthy type yet large numbers would have reddish tinted hair. With some of the wit of the Kelts and the ruthlessness of the Mongoloids, the Turkish stock became a fearsome and seemingly unstoppable tidal wave of slaughterers and settlers. In time they drove out all the whites of the Middle East and across the Bosporus into the Balkans and were at the Gates of Vienna. They took over many once white kingdoms and made them their own. This "mamzer" or mixling folk also thrust their way across the Steppes or Russia founding several Turkish kingdoms.

    In time each of the Turkish kingdoms took on either a form of Christianity or a form of Islam. Most of the "Stans" of the former USSR are Moslem Turks such as Uzbekistan, Kyrgzstan and Turkmenistan. Closer to Southern Europe we have Moslem Turks, the Albanians with whom the Christian Slavs have to deal with. Sadly the so-called Christian West backed the Turkish Albanians who are the offspring of those who ethnically cleansed our kin out of all of Asia and the Middle East (smart move churchgoers!). As for the true Greeks, well they too were all ethnically cleansed all but for a few pockets of fair-haired Greeks tucked away, in say, a hidden berg-thorp (mountain village) here and there. My brother actually knew such a young lady. The bulk are, sad to say, Turks but Christianized (for what that's worth). The Greek and Turkish strife on Cypress is thus not an Ethnic one but one of ownership, which central government will have the right of claim, that of Turkish Churchianity Greece or that of Turkish Islamic Turkey.

    As for the Bulgarians, they are Churchianity Turks.

    But not all Turks opted for either Churchianity or Islam. Some opted for Judaism. From 550 AD onwards, whole swathes of land north of the Black Sea, up to Kiev, feel to the Kelto-Mongoloid Turks. Inter tribal strife raged for a while but once this settled a Turkish kingdom called Khazaria was formed in 650 AD. From its eastern border to its most westerly point it stretched for nearly 2000 kms (+/-1400miles). Its most westerly point enclosed Kiev, its southern rim includes part of the northern shore of the Black Sea, the into the Caucasus and then it wrapped itself around the northern third of the Caspian Sea. All this was also once White-man's land. (When the Russians and the Byzantines much later smashed Khazaria, they were really only reclaiming white land.)

    Khazaria from its beginning of 650 AD was like all the other Turkish states, seeking for a 'folk-binding', state belief-system. The Turks, wherever they went either took over a multi-racial land or by being another race themselves to the folk of the lands they overran, formed thereby so doing, a multi-racial land. A glue-of-thought to cleave them all together would serve as a national stabilizing agent. That is the reason state religions are thrust upon a land.

    Today's belief set-of-rules, the holy calf of common shared happiness is called democracy. Anything else is of course, unthinkable. Thus we now have Humanist democracy, Socialist democracy and Christian Democracy, and with a little nudge here and there by way of American, Jewish and British teamwork, we can end up with Islamic democracy. The trouble with those Arabs is that they want to keep their god in the picture. But a few "horizontal incisions with extreme prejudice"* by way of "forward defense"** will show them that the god of democracy will not be mocked. (Cruise missile the crap out of them*!. Invade**)

    Thus we see that state religion by any other name is, state religion. All leaders understand the worth thereof and the whole thing is as old as nationhood itself. In itself it is not evil at all, in fact it is life giving to a folk, as long as the folk are homogenous, namely of one strain or one stock. Then if it is the right code for the specie, it is a healthy code of wholesomeness. But for a mixed land it breeds unrest. Thus the state religion over a mixed mob needs to hold them together long enough for the most ruthless ethnicity of the bunch to become the only specie in the land. It is a natural path that is not always planned, but water finds its level.

    Thus by 861 AD the then, Khazarian leader, King Bulan chose Judaism, namely, Pharisee-ism or also called, Talmudism, as the state religion. Thus was born yet another Jewish kingdom, empire or ricke (Reich in German).

    Too many learned folks of the establishment have written Khazaria out of the timespell (history) books, yet in other non-Saxon cultures traces of it live on in geographic names. For many in the region, the Caspian Sea was called the Khazar Sea as it is with the Turks of Turkey who call it "Hazar Denizi" or in Arabic, "Bahr-ul Khazar" or in Persian, "Daryaye Khazar".

    The First, Second and Third Reich of The Jews:

    So Pombedittia was their First Reich, Khazaria was a Jewish Second Reich, that makes the Israeli state, a Jewish Third Reich! Now there's a twist I'm sure the Palestinians will give an Arabic "yes nod" to. At this rate it seems there are more Jewish states than what we are told, maybe there were even more again?

    Ah, but then some Jews who like to make out that there has been no other Jewish state until 1948 will say that Judaism was only followed by the leading ranks in old Khazaria. Yet more and more diggings are uncovering finds to prove this to be a small minded and hollow claim. Letters from common Khazar Jews to each other of the 10th year-hundred AD, show words were written with Pharisaic/Hebrew characters mixed with Turkic/Slavic ones, hinting that the conversion to Judaism in Khazaria went far beyond simply the upper ranks.

    We have timespell (historical) writings that tell us that the conversion went from the top to the bottom:

    "At present time we know of no nation in the world where Christians do not live. For in the lands of Gog and Magog who are a Hunnish race and call themselves Gazari, this is one tribe, a very warlike one. Alexander enclosed them and they fled. And all of them profess the Jewish faith. The Bulgars however who are of the same race, are now becoming Christian": written by Christian of Stavelot in Expositio in Matthaeum Evangelistam, +/-864AD

    My goodness, this is all very telling. We learn from this that Gog and Magog ARE NOT the Russians afterall (well that I already knew), also that the Khazars are Gog and Magog instead, also that all of them became Jewish, thus all Jews of this lineage are the ones we need to look for if we want to see where Gog and Magog are today, that these are Huns and thus being against these Jews is not anti-Semitic but anti-Hunnic!

    Well, well, both English speaking and not English speaking Saxons goofed, big time !

    Tricked by their Jewish mates during WW I, the Brits and the B.I.'ers swore that the Germans were Huns yet all along their Jewish mates were the REAL Huns. In the same way that it is rabbinical tradition to say that Ashkenaz means Germany and Sephardic means Spain, (without a shred of truth) the same tradition calls land west of Khazaria West Canaan, that means the rabbis referred to Germany as such even though they double mindedly say that Ashkenaz means Germany! Loopy, loopy, loopy. Be that as it may, not needing to be too creative, all the Sephardic/Ashkenazim brood needed to do, was to stretch the rabbinical Canaan tripe-story to mean "Hun". So with this spin put out, the English speaking, Israelite-Saxons had the green light they wanted to slaughter their flesh and blood German speaking Israelite-Saxons, who were and are first rank Saxons. Oh well, I guess what is done is done even it is KINSLAUGHTER. Well just remember Dresden!

    But how smart were the German speaking Saxons who understood that the Jews were a threat to Saxondom? Not too smart it seems. For they made pacts with Turkey Turks and Japanese Mongoloids. So the Brits and Americans flirted with Jewish Turks whilst the Germans flirted with Islamic Turks and Mongoloids who are one of the ethnic ingredients of the Turkish "soup". It is pointless to say that the Germans could use all the friends they could muster, clearly it did not work. One must recall that our Israelite forefathers sided with the Egyptians to fight a common foe and were wiped. This is because God cares little for numbers of men, instead he seeks righteous in men. When Israelites team up with non-whites, they by that very deed make themselves, unrighteous. It is better that one man be righteous with God than a million armed with weapons of war be unrighteous by trying to seek strength in numbers rather than in God's Laws. The biggest side-outcome of the Germans siding with the "nips", was that they gave a great deal of Saxon technology to Mongoloids who used this to kick the Whites out of Malaysia, Singapore and the Netherlands East Indies (Indonesia). Should this not have happened, then Australia would have had as its northern neighbours, the Dutch and British, rather than the yellow peril on its doorstep. It is true that after the war the Dutch and Brits went back, but the huelings (coloureds) had learned how easy one could kick out the whites, and they were. Of course had the whites driven out all the huelings when they took the lands in the first place and lived by God's law, them of course, nothing would have driven them out. It is Gos who raises up the pagans and strengthens them to drive out ungodly Gook and Kaffir loving whites.

    So how do the Ashkenazim/Sephardic clan (I'll call them A/Sep clan for short) now fit into the Khazarian Turk picture?

    Well, basically they wouldn't had it not been for a string of happenings. Had the A/Sep clan never race mixed, then they would be utterly fair like Saxons, Nordic looking. The same goes for the Arabs and Edomites. We are not to hate an Edomite, but the Israelite race laws are part and parcel of this behest. That is to say, as long as he/she is a pure Edomite, or put more simply, of Adamic strain without any Negroid or Mongoloid admixture. Afterall, "A bastard shall not come into the gathering of the Lord, NOT EVEN until the tenth generation shall he come in" Deut 23:2 "Bastard" does not mean born out of wedlock, it means, of mixed blood. "Not even" means, never and a day. "Gathering or congregation of the Lord" means, the land of his chosen ones or therefore the dominion, land or country belonging to them. Those Edomites who are not bastards are the Edomites we can even wed after the third generation and so be part of the kingdom of Christendom or Saxondom.

    Were there ever any pure Edomites? Must be otherwise the behest would have been pointless. Chances are that any pure Edomites were simply converted to Christianity over time and not even aware that they were Edomites in the same way that most Europeans/Whites do not know that they are Israelites.

    Yet most of the A/Sep clan did mix and they over many ages became not unlike the ones they race mixed with, such as the Kurds, Yemenites and yes even the Iraqis. Those of the A/Sep clan from Sepharvaim, who went to live in the former Israel after the Assyrian take over, over time carried on moving westward. As they did so, they came into contact with other races which the rest of their Ashkenazim kin back in the middle east, did not come in contact with. So although they started out the same, the two groups of one wellspring, mixed in other ways. This is why the two groups are seen as being unalike. But both groups are made up of mamzers and all mamzers love multi-culturalism, as all Jews do, be they Sephardic or Ashkenazim.

    The Sephardics went to Spain whereas the Ashkenazim shifted to middle, eastern and northern Europe.

    Whenever the efforts of the Jewish communities at spreading multi-culturalism, in the host lands, went from "" (in the eyes of spellbound dumb whites) into a melting pot hell, whites would sometimes wake up rather than die out in their blinded stupor. When that happened, the jig was up. (Nibble, nibble little mouse) no longer lured whites and whites demanded payback for the plunder of their birthright, culture, lifestyle and the befouling of their offspring due to race mixing that is so typical of multi-culturalism. Thus the Jews would no longer feel welcome. Often they we told to set up shop elsewhere. The Jews called this, persecution. Even to this day feel they feel thus about being told to butt out of Saxon dealings and stop muddling our race. This is understandable, hybrids see no harm in hybridization as they themselves are the making thereof. Lands which sought the end of multi-culturalism were uncomfortable kingdoms for hybrids.

    So news of the Jewish kingdom of Khazaria reached far and wide to Jews everywhere. Here was a land they could call their own, Jewish law, Jewish customs and a full on Jewish way of life with full rights for hybrids. Both Sephardics and Ashkenazim moved to Khazaria where they mixed a little bit more. Of course not all A/Sep's packed up and went. But when Khazaria began to go down around 1016 AD, the Khazars shifted chiefly into eastern Europe and over time mixed thoroughly with the A/Sep communities they turned to.

    Judaism like most religions is not against race mixing, only religion mixing. Catholics forbade Catholics from wedding Protestants and this went the other way too. Yet a white Catholic could wed a black one and the same goes for the Protestants. Religion teaches that water (doctrine) is thicker than blood, but God's law teaches that blood (race, kin) is thicker than water. Likewise Jews can wed any Jew of any hue as long as the doctrine lines up. Religions are all about getting numbers and then worry about purity later. Because of this and the fact that Judaism is one of the world's smaller religions, fitting wedded partners were sought within as smaller gene pool than those of the larger religions. It would not take long before common traits, features and genetic diseases would give the look and ways of "typical Jewishness". This gives many the wrong thought that the Jews are a race in their own right. In truth they are not a race but a brood, or a breed. They have been thoroughly bred, all the races they have mixed with have been bred through and through.

    Establishment Angst

    The establishment clowns are out there 'ciphering and Scribing' away in fear. The news that the Jews are not Israelites at all, (other than a hand full of dumb whites who have converted to Judaism) is getting out and those whites who read and understand this news are ever growing in numbers. This means that the scribes of Sephar need to fight back with propaganda to plug up the leaks in their hot air balloon. So they are reading the Israelite truth, namely, Saxon/kelts are the TRUE Israelites and that the Jews are interlopers, and as King Jesus put it, Liars, hypocrites a brood of snakes and those who do not know truth because there is no truth in them. It is in their nature to twist and wreck truth, their very life hinges upon milking us through trickery. When the jig is up and Saxon/Kelts who basically pay to keep the world afloat, quit believing in "Jewish fables" (as Titus puts it), then we will no longer let ourselves be fleeced. This will bring down the hidden ricke of the Sephars and their Ashkenaz kin.

    Already there are Sephar sites in the Internet claiming that some Jews are Khazars but that is fine, so they cipher, because they are in actually the lost tribes of Israel and that is why they converted to Judaism! Wow, what a twist! Their reasoning is that the lost tribes were in that area. So what? The Afro-Americans are in areas that once North American Indians lived, that make them the Mohawks? Never mind the fact that the Israelite tribes were driven out of the area, a process long in the making before the Khazars turned up and the last were driven out as the Khazars invaded. They came from the East as Mongoloid half breeds and have nothing to do with the roots of Israel at all. Then the sites add that anti-Semites claim that the Jews are Khazars and thus not the Jews of the Bible. Tripe! We do not say any such thing, why on earth would we even equate anyone with the Jews of the Bible, there is no such thing as the Jews of the Bible. The chosen race of the Bible has never been called 'Jews', they are called Israelites, the two are chalk and cheese. So we never say that the Khazars are not the Jews of the Bible because the is no such thing as the Jews of the Bible. Jews we say as does the Bible are a religious sect who's chief cronies are the Scribes and Pharisees. Israelites have only been Jews if converted to Judaism. The OT Israelites were Christians, Christ is Greek for anointed. All the Israelite priests were anointed who in turn anointed the folk, those they were an anointed folk a Christian folk, their religion was called 'The Way', not Judaism. Judaism was made up of differing sects, one was Pharisaism. Was Jesus a Pharisee, NO WAY! Paul was but he converted, so Judaism is not a race but a sect. It is the sect of a certain brood but Jesus nor any Israelite is born of this brood.

    The twisters go so far as to say that further proof that Khazars are lost Israelites is in the word Khazar itself due to the 'zar' bit. They claim it is from the Hebrew Sar meaning King as in, as they point out, in the words Kaiser or Caesar. Then maybe they ought to be consistent, for if this is all the tangible proof they have, then upon the same line of thinking they would need to admit that the Germans are Israelites as well as the Romans for being the folk and underlings of Hebrews Sars.

    Of course the site uses BCE and CE, both Jewish coined terms so that they do not have to refer to Jesus, and can therefore deny his existence, for both terms deny His role in shaping timespell (history). The Cipherers have scribed Him out of the timespell books. This is denying Jesus, this is unforgivable and makes them anti-Christ. Even the Moslems when writing articles for Westerners use the terms BC and AD, I know, I've read enough of their sites and articles. I don't want Moslems living in Saxon lands as Moslems don't want Saxons in theirs, but I am very happy to let them have their lands in the Arab world as God had oathed unto Ishmael, the father of the Arabs.

    The Scribes are at it today, as always, out to take the birthright from God's inerstness (inheritance), His true Israelite folk, the Saxon/Kelts. They want to sit in Moses' seat and don't like to be toppled and loose all the perks that come with ill-gotten gain. Well I have news for them, they have stolen from us and the day will come under the laws of restitution that God will behest us to do double "unto her as she has done unto you (us)". Roll on that day. No amount of scribe scribbling will help the Sephars cipher their way out of that.

    In Closing:

    It is therefore wrong to say, as many white Christians claim, that the Ashkenazim are the Khazars, as such. This is because the Ashkenazim pre-date them. What is true is the fact that the Khazar Turks were mingled into the Ashkenazim thus making them a Turk like brood. It is wrong to say that the Sephardics are somehow the "true Jews", for all of those who follow Judaism are Jews. If the hint is with the handling of such a daft saying, that being, "true Jew" somehow means, Israelite, then this equation is simply wrong. In truth, the two main Jewish groups share the some roots from Japheth.

    Furthermore, the Sephardics are most likely to be an offshoot of the earliest Ashkenazim. Both these chief Jewish groups pre-dated the rise of Assyria but lived in the Assyrian heartland where they not only did well, they were the ones who bank-rolled the ricke (empire). Seeing that a leopard does not change its spots, it is reasonable to take it that the Assyrian lust for war and plunder may have been fuelled by a growing need to pay off growing debts built up by 'leopard' Sephardic banking-usury, so typical of Sephardic bank dealings. With this wealth flowing into Sepharvain coffers, they became mighty and were often able to be the sole bookkeepers of timespell (history), hence being a scribe was a hereditary living. This also ensured their grip on leaders and the priest craft, thus were likened by Jesus, as the leaven of the ages. They were well placed in Assyrian life, so much so that the Assyrian king who ethnically cleansed most Israelites out of Israel chose to see his most loyal burgess' go into the newly plundered land, a spoiler's perk, see 2 Kings 17:24. This means that the Sephardics and Ashkenazim can be deemed as Assyrian nationals and foes of Israel.

    Sephardics like their Ashkenazim kin, mixed with the Khazars too. The admixture may not have been as thorough as with the Ashkenazim who lived nearer to the Khazars. Nevertheless, the respective members of the sect of Judaism would move to and fro for many reasons with wedded bonds taking shape. Both groups are a brood of mamzers, they are not Israelite and Mongoloid blood flows in the veins of all of them, some simply more than with others. As for the other 2% of Jews, these are converts, or the offspring thereof, all the other races of the world and various other mixlings, hence Negroid, Mexican (Mongoloids) and even some Saxon Jews, just as we see Saxon Buddhists.

    The Germans have wrongly been called Huns and Assyrians when all along it are the Jews of both the Ashkenazim and Sephardic branches who are the offspring of both these warlike races. Writers of old have acknowledged that these folk are the Biblical Gog and Magog, and so this can not be misoverlaid (misapplied) upon the Russians who are chiefly an Israelite folk and kin of the Saxons.

    A great deal has been written about the Esau/Edom link with the Jews and indeed the Jews in their writings tell us that, "Edom is in modern Jewry" as in the Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 Vol. 5, p. 41. This does not mean that we are to love them because of the behest not to hate an Edomite. Simply because Edomite blood is in the Jews does not mean they are pure blood Edomites in the same way sugar can be in a cup of tea, this does not mean a cup of tea is a cup of sugar.

    Any white person who mates with Asians breeds Turks. Turks came into being by Mongoloids mating with overrun Kelts. Whites who thus mate with Japanese or Chinese or Vietnamese or Eskimos or American Indians, are breeding ethnic Turks or if you like, Khazars so you do not need Jews to yield Khazars.

    Lastly as an added note on the Assyrians. Not all Assyrians are the offspring of the A/Sep's but all A/Sep's are from Assyria (albeit mixed with the blood of all races, chiefly the Turkic hybrids). Many other Assyrians were breedable kin for the Israelites as long as they were racially of true Adamic stock. Large numbers of Assyrians however race mixed as their ricke was multi-cultural in the same way Saxon-Israelites do now.

    True white Assyrians were kin. These are of the same racial stock that gave us the racial branches we know as Kelts (linked with Chald-ia and Abraham) and the Saxons who grew out of the Israelites. Thus any true white Assyrians by the time of the Apostles were indeed preached to. It is said that one of the earliest Christian churches belongs to these Assyrians, founded in 33AD by Thomas, Bartholomew and Thaddeus. Although at that time the Assyrian ricke was by that time no more, many ethnic whites of that swathe saw themselves as Assyrians under either Roman, Greek or Parthian sway hinging upon where they lived in that part of the world. The Assyrians today, that is to say, those who today openly call themselves Assyrians (unlike the A/Sep;s who are closet Assyro-Turks), are mixed and are ethnically labeled as being; Semitic, Mediterranean Caucasiods.

    This group today breakdown their timespell (history) into five blocks to date;
    Rise at 2400 BC First Golden Age. (brightness of their ricke)
    612 BC > 33 AD Dark Age. (the loss of their ricke)
    33 AD > 1300 AD Second Golden Age. (the Christian age of their folk blossoming as best it can under a church level)
    1300 AD > 1918 AD Second Dark Age. (overrun by Turks then Arabs and Moguls)
    1918 AD >>>>>The Scattering. (they now live scattered throughout the world but chiefly in the Middle East in and around the swathes of Iraq, Iran and eastern Turkey)

    True Assyrians were like Saxons with their inventive talent, because they were kin. Their inventions included, locks, paved roadways, sexagesimal time keeping, the postal system, first handlers of iron, spy glasses (magnifying glasses), bookhalls (libraries), plumbing, flushable WCs, electric batteries, guitars, aqueducts and the first building-bows (arches).

    The Persians took over their ricke in 612 BC. The Apostle Thomas with Thaddeus and Bartholomew set up the first Assyrian church in Edessa in the east in the once Assyrian land.

    By 600 AD the Assyrian Christians (albeit a churchy mob) had sendlings (missionaries) go to Spain, Syria, Mongolia, Korea, China, Japan and the Philippines. (I guess the only comfort we can take from this is that it was not only European church twits who gave the bread of the children of Israel to the dogs and cast their pearls to the swine) When Marco Polo reached China in the 13th y-h., he found Assyrian priest in Chinese kingly courts. They had reached China as early as the 7 hundreds.

    The first Mongolian system of writing was the Assyrian alphabet.
    Today's Melting-pot extremists are so keen to give us the though that huelings are keepers of knowledge and so keep telling us of the great genius of the Arabs. Yet the Arabs simply took over lands where great genius dwelt. Much of what is said to be of Arab wit came from the Assyrians they overran. They translated the Greek body of knowledge into Assyrian in the 4th, 5th and 6th year-hundreds (centuries) and then later into Arabic. This included Greek religion, science, philosophy, medicine and the works of Plato, Aristotle and Galen. The world's first university was founded in the 4th y-h (C.) as the school of Nisibis and was the seed for the first Islamic university after Arab take over.

    Arab enlightenment was simply the taking over of a white founded land. When the Arabs levied heavier taxes on Christians because they were not following Islam, many Assyrians converted to stave off the penalty tax. When Timurlane the Mongol, swept through in 1300 AD, wiping out most of the cities of the Middle East, the Assyrian church went down.

    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 10-10-2010, 03:01 AM.
    I'm Not Nearly Ass Clever ass I Think I Am.

    I'm Proud 2 B a Britton-Okie from Muskogee!!!.

    Listen to my "Cherokee" mamzer-faggot son call in about how I abandoned my mongrel sons:

    Drunken Tonto Death Threats:

